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Small Talk: "I'll Take Non-Show Chat For $400, Alex."

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7 hours ago, ProudMary said:

This is about one of Jeopardy!'s hosts, but isn't about the show itself, so I'm putting it in Small Talk. Mayim Bialik posted a video to You Tube about unplugging from, quite literally, everything for two weeks. It's not a terrible idea, although she may have taken it to an extreme. (I'd most likely still have watched a movie or a TV show, but I totally agree about a break from the news. I also would still have used GPS.) She doesn't mention Jeopardy! at all. Not talking to her mother for two weeks probably has less to do with unplugging and more to do with their relationship, though! I'm embedding the video (12:05) here for anyone who might have an interest. 


I had to stop about half way through the "vlog." So repetitive. 

The one thing that jumped out at me near the beginning when she was listing all the evidence of being too "connected" was when she mentioned road rage as a symptom of needing to take a break from being connected. 
Just my opinion, but rage is an issue separate from being addicted to one's cell phone and/or online media.
She's been an actor since childhood, so I can imagine she feels like she still needs to perform or else risk the adults thinking she no longer has value.

Back in the pre-cellphone and pre-internet era, taking a break from verbal communication was a thing. Usually for 1-3 days. 

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This is not meant to insult any of our fine members who didn't do as well as hoped during their appearance. I was just flabbergasted that I remembered the set looking like that and, whoo-hooo, ART FLEMING joining in. Look at the consolation prizes Al did NOT win...


ETA: "The link was not embedded because YouTube does not allow embedding of that video."

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2 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I was just flabbergasted that I remembered the set looking like that and, whoo-hooo, ART FLEMING joining in.

And Don Pardo too!

It's been decades since I saw the video and I'd forgotten that Greg Kihn drove the car that they threw Al into at the end. He didn't just give permission to parody his song; he wanted to be in the video too! 🙂

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Carried over from FJ Contest thread:

8 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Which one? 🤣

Rochester! Henrietta, specifically. I’m going to visit my stepdad for a few days. Looking forward to some cooler northern temps. And I always enjoy Rochester. It really is a beautiful city.

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5 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Carried over from FJ Contest thread:

Rochester! Henrietta, specifically. I’m going to visit my stepdad for a few days. Looking forward to some cooler northern temps. And I always enjoy Rochester. It really is a beautiful city.

Good thing you weren't here last week when we hit 90!

And you missed the torrential rains that followed the heat wave too.
It's pleasant now. 🌤️

Message me if you're thinking of taking a short walk on the Charlotte Pier at sunrise or sunset when there are just enough clouds to make it picture perfect.🌅

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Jeopardy! fans might enjoy (or might not, I don’t know what you like!) the Hulu movie Quiz Lady. Aquafina and Sandra Oh are sisters, Will Ferrell is a Trebek-esque quiz show host, there’s a smug 80-something game winner, there’s dog napping, there’s not Alan Cumming… not a bad way to waste a couple of hours on the weekend. 

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14 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

Jeopardy! fans might enjoy (or might not, I don’t know what you like!) the Hulu movie Quiz Lady. Aquafina and Sandra Oh are sisters, Will Ferrell is a Trebek-esque quiz show host, there’s a smug 80-something game winner, there’s dog napping, there’s not Alan Cumming… not a bad way to waste a couple of hours on the weekend. 

Didn't Will Farrell play Alex on SNL? Thanks for the tip - I saw the promo picture, but didn't read the description. Sounds fun.

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9 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

Didn't Will Farrell play Alex on SNL? Thanks for the tip - I saw the promo picture, but didn't read the description. Sounds fun.

He sure did.  The movie is definitely not a one-to-one parody of J! but I thought it was fun.

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4 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

I wondered when they stopped using the green bottles and found this visual timeline:


Does anyone else remember when Coke bottles had the location of the plant where they were made embossed in the bottom?  Must have been 60s or very early 70s.  Winner was the one whose bottle was from farthest away.  Not that you actually won anything but bragging rights, but still...

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56 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

Does anyone else remember when Coke bottles had the location of the plant where they were made embossed in the bottom?  Must have been 60s or very early 70s.  Winner was the one whose bottle was from farthest away.  Not that you actually won anything but bragging rights, but still...

YES, I do remember.  It was always fun to find one made in your own hometown too.  A few years ago, I was preparing a new planting bed in my yard and dug up an old Coke bottle.  It was made in Oklahoma City.  I cleaned up the bottle and now it hangs on my bottle tree.  Great memories.


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On 11/18/2023 at 11:35 AM, Mindthinkr said:

3/5 no * 


I’ll bring chicken salad tea sandwiches. I also have some without onions as 2 of my neighbors (I took them to a block party) are allergic to them. 


Are they actually allergic to onions, or just "allergic"?  ie, don't like raw (?) onions.

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8 hours ago, Ancaster said:

Are they actually allergic to onions, or just "allergic"?  ie, don't like raw (?) onions.

One is actually allergic and can’t even have a sauce if it’s had onions in it. I believe him as he is not into drama or putting others out of their way. The other I think says he’s allergic, but will eat something with onions in it if he can’t see or taste them. The latter and his wife are “allergic” to a lot of foods they just don’t like. For instance she says she’s allergic to red sauce (spaghetti), but loves the vodka sauce. They are very picky and hard to cook for when they come over. They have to “approve” the menu etc. Frankly I’m over trying to please them. 

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34 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

One is actually allergic and can’t even have a sauce if it’s had onions in it. I believe him as he is not into drama or putting others out of their way. The other I think says he’s allergic, but will eat something with onions in it if he can’t see or taste them. The latter and his wife are “allergic” to a lot of foods they just don’t like. For instance she says she’s allergic to red sauce (spaghetti), but loves the vodka sauce. They are very picky and hard to cook for when they come over. They have to “approve” the menu etc. Frankly I’m over trying to please them. 

I would be too, and have also been over similar "allergic" people and "picky children" who have learnt at my table that well-prepared and good quality food, particularly vegetables, can be delicious.

I really shouldn't start my day with a thinly veiled rant.

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I believe I've mentioned that I live where Gordon Lightfoot was born and raised. Our town has been on the map at times in celebration of Gord.

Well, this week we made the national news headlines - apparently we have the worst Christmas tree in Canada! Only in Canada, eh?  Even Jimmy Fallon commented on it. (Sorry, I don't know how to imbed a photo here if it isn't on my phone)

FYI, in case any of you saw the photo of the tree trunk lit up, there was a reason for it. The tree has something wrong with it and the organizers were worried that placing lights on the branches would 'hurt' the tree. I have no idea who made the decision to only light the trunk (I would have selected a different tree; however, they didn't ask me!)... anyhoooo, it's hilarious seeing this huge tree trunk lit up! At least it doesn't have a huge bulbous top (thinking of palm trees) that would make it a phallic symbol. LOL

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Sweet potato pie:  I made one once.  It tasted just like pumpkin pie, probably because of the spices, but it was a lot more work.  Can anyone suggest an authentic sweet potato pie recipe that does not taste like pumpkin pie?  (I like pumpkin pie, but if I do all that extra work I want a pie that tastes like sweet potatoes.)  adTHANKSvance!

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My only experience with sweet potato pie was one Thanksgiving one of our friends put waaay too much booze (bourbon?) in the pie. So it definitely didn't taste like pumpkin pie. Or of anything other than the booze. We still laugh about it today.

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5 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

My only experience with sweet potato pie was one Thanksgiving one of our friends put waaay too much booze (bourbon?) in the pie. So it definitely didn't taste like pumpkin pie. Or of anything other than the booze. We still laugh about it today.

I don't like pumpkin or sweet potatoes, but love bourbon, so that might be the one pumpkin/sweet potato pie I'd actually eat.

Edited by Bastet
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I don't recall a recent question about Henry Kissinger, who died yesterday.  Long ago I had to go to an event at which he would speak. Before the event, I thought about what to say if someone introduced me to him.  I decided not to say, "I enjoyed your performance in Dr. Strangelove."  (I was not introduced to him.)

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So my local ABC channel which shows Jeopardy is down for the foreseeable future because of the ongoing squabble with AT&T so does anyone have a link to this Jeopardy archive I keep reading about so I don't miss any FJs?


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15 hours ago, possibilities said:

I have been away from the forum and somehow missed that news. It is sad, indeed.

I only posted it here in the Contest forum. I thought about posting it in the larger forum, but it felt right to just do it in the forum she started. (at least I think she did, I think it was going on before I joined)

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I don't follow the Contest threads, and only occasionally look in on this one, so I had not heard about Saber's passing. What very sad news! I only had a few direct interactions with her over the years, but she was very welcoming to me when I joined the board, and posts with her name beside them were always interesting and worth reading.

Condolences to her family and friends.

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On 1/2/2024 at 1:37 PM, Clanstarling said:

but it felt right to just do it in the forum she started. (at least I think she did, I think it was going on before I joined)

Yes, Saber started it.

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Continuing my post from the FJ Contest Thread.

I have been a huge fan of Dave Edmunds since the mid-'70s, both as a solo act and as a member of Rockpile, his band with Nick Lowe. In the late '70s, solo albums by both Edmunds and Lowe were actually Rockpile albums because the band was the same for both artists. Dueling record deals made it difficult to market the band as Rockpile until 1980. I'll let Wikipedia tell the full story below as to my dislike for Juice Newton, particularly because Dave felt that he had to stop performing it live. (Luckily, I did get to see him perform it live in 1979 and 1980.) I'm sharing Dave's 1979 original version of "Queen of Hearts" here, so you can hear that Newton, in her version TWO YEARS LATER virtually stole the arrangement. If you're going to do a cover version, that's one thing, but at least make it your own. Don't plagiarize the arrangement. 😠



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1 hour ago, ProudMary said:

I'm sharing Dave's 1979 original version of "Queen of Hearts" here, so you can hear that Newton, in her version TWO YEARS LATER virtually stole the arrangement. If you're going to do a cover version, that's one thing, but at least make it your own. Don't plagiarize the arrangement. 😠

I didn't even know it wasn't her song; hers is the only one I've ever heard, as far as I can recall (to be fair, I was in kindergarten when her version came out). 

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I don't particularly care for the song from either of them (given their similarities); it's fine, but it's my least favorite of her hits (and I like several of her lesser-charting songs more than it, too)*, and I'm not any more into his than I am hers.

*My top five Juice Newton songs:  
- The Sweetest Thing (far and away favorite)
- Angel of the Morning
- I'm Gonna Be Strong
- Break It to Me Gently
- It's a Heartache (but, while I dig it, it's a distant fifth, and I love Bonnie Tyler's much more)

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Full confession: Queen of Hearts is the only song I think of when I hear the name Juice Newton. Don't think I even knew Angel of the Morning was her until it came up in a clue.

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There have been so many covers (with the same arrangement) of songs of an original artist that I can't find it in myself to blame Juice for doing something that is fairly ubiquitous in the music industry. That being said, I far prefer covers that use different arrangements.

One of my favorites (of all things) was the cover of "I Want to Hold Your Hand" used in Glee. It completely changed the emotion of the song. (I'd forgotten the accompanying scenes that enhanced the emotion, but I think it stands w/o seeing them)


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On 1/7/2024 at 11:03 AM, Clanstarling said:

There have been so many covers (with the same arrangement) of songs of an original artist that I can't find it in myself to blame Juice for doing something that is fairly ubiquitous in the music industry.

While I knew of Juice Newton's recording of "Angel of the Morning," the one I'm most familiar with is Merilee Rush's version. Turns out that was also a cover! The first recording was by Evie Sands, which had very limited release and did not chart.

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On 1/9/2024 at 10:59 AM, MrAtoz said:

While I knew of Juice Newton's recording of "Angel of the Morning," the one I'm most familiar with is Merilee Rush's version. Turns out that was also a cover! The first recording was by Evie Sands, which had very limited release and did not chart.

We got to see Merilee Rush in concert with other oldies artists, including Gene Chandler, of Duke of Earl fame. Back in the 1990's!

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I missed all of you so much!

I've suggested this before but didn't carry through, but I'm going to share my main e-mail address here. I hope others might share theirs as well, so if we lose the site like we just did, we can still get in touch if we want or need to.

My e-mail: jmmclure@hotmail.com

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Have y'all read that blue bar at the top, "A Fresh Start..."

Man, I have no idea what they're talking about. Not even the "Commercials" forum deteriorated that badly, and they've got plenty o'negative stuff to say over there, but it's all about the crappy commercials. I'm so happy I've never been caught up in any of the hateful stuff.

Pat yourselves on the back.  I like hanging around nice people. LOL.

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I also don't tend to hang out in "toxic" threads, but some folks I know told me horror stories about what they've witnessed in some of the forums. I don't think it was just about people snarking on shows, but there was apparently some horrible behavior of other sorts. I guess those of us who didn't see it were just lucky.

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