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S01.E12: Crazy For You

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I'm sorry, Danielle Panabaker cannot act. I hope the show doesn't try to put her in a relationship with Barry, because I just don't think I could take more screen time watching her and her off-putting little girl affect.

I loved seeing Malese Jow. I ship Iris and Barry, but Linda seems cool and there was a decent spark there. I wouldn't mind getting behind that relationship if it's written well.

I wish the show would figure out what to do with Iris. I like her (when she's not writing about the Flash) and think CP is doing what she can with what she's given, but she's not being given much to work with.

Peekaboo was fun. I agree with the rest of you that putting her in the meta prison seems unnecessarily cruel.

If either of Barry's dads die, I'm gonna riot.

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Why was Cisco more interested in figuring out Ronnie than Caitlin, this is not necessarily wrong but she was just researching stuff for FIRESTORM two weeks ago, and Wells promised to help her and suddenly Cisco is taking the lead, just didn't make much sense for me.

Cisco blames himself that's why.  He thinks it was all his fault, and that if he could find Ronnie and cure him, he'll redeem himself.  It never crosses his mind that it wasn't his fault, Ronnie told him to do it, and his actions saved a whole bunch of people.

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Cisco blames himself that's why.  He thinks it was all his fault, and that if he could find Ronnie and cure him, he'll redeem himself.  It never crosses his mind that it wasn't his fault, Ronnie told him to do it, and his actions saved a whole bunch of people.


ITA. Through that scene, whenever they cut to Wells looking disapproving, I just yelled "Shut.Up!" because, Wells needs to dismount that high horse he's riding on. It was Wells' fault things went badly. It's Wells' fault, period, so he needs to quit trying to Blue Steel Cisco like Mr. Ramone is a naughty toddler and needs to apologize like one.   


I didn't read Iris' face when Barry left with Linda as jealousy. It's way too early for that. I thought it was closer to shocked surprise. It plays into the uncharitable thought of Iris sort of knowing how Barry felt, but not necessarily. It's just been a handful of weeks since his Christmas time love reveal. To see Barry with another woman, in a romantic kind of head space, would shock Iris. Barry hasn't ever really had an interest in anyone besides Felicity and herself, as far as we have been shown. So, welcome to 'Look! My BFF is Dating One of My Co-Workers"ville, Iris. 

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This was one of my least favorite flash episodes. 


DP's acting this episode was just awful. And she comes off more as big sis to barry than love interest. I hope the writers don't go there.


Not enough Joe and Iris.


I did like Malese.


Hated Barry turning into the "nice guy" trope. He deserves a peak because he's been so good. And the no matter what I do, iris won't choose me boo hoo. That didn't sound like Barry at all.

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I think I'm the only one that the meta human prison does not bother. At all. Its not something I'm interested in knowing more about to be honest. No one is wasting away or abused. Obviously everyone's cell is different depending on their abilities.

They can't be held in regular jail cells and I think its unrealistic to think that the city would take the time to build special accommodations for them. I also think we have to remember that the presence of meta humans is not completely public knowledge yet.

Shauna can't be held in a regular jail cell. As contrite as she seemed I have no doubt that she would escape at her earliest convenience.

I liked the episode. All the stuff with Barry's two dads was wonderful.

I'm so glad that Barry is moving on. Really liked Iris being on the other side of the fence for once. I liked that Barry was unapologetic about it as well. I think the real test for iris will be Barry focusing his attention on someone else.

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First off: loved that we got to hear Grant sing on the show! I hope that a longer version of that scene ends up on the DVDs or something.


This week’s metahuman was interesting, and I liked that she was a real match/challenge against Flash’s speed.


Bullet catching; nice!


There was noticeably less screen time for Eddie and Wells. (And even Joe and Iris, I think.) The price to pay for Cisco having his own private storyline? Speaking of Cisco, I might have enjoyed his fight with Rathaway more if 95% of it wasn’t obviously a stuntman.


Liked how we got scenes with Barry and his father - without glass. Awww, his dad knows! Gustin and Shipp really work well off each other.


So what kind of fireproof fabric was Caitlyn’s dress made of? And Barry didn’t “sneak a peek”? I don’t see how he couldn’t, since he undressed and then dressed her. And it would have been longer than a peek for him since he moves so fast. Why would they drop romantic hints about Barry/Caitlyn and then have Barry ask out Linda? Please show, maybe back off all the romance subplots.


I’ve heard about Gorilla Grodd but I never thought the show would go there, and so soon.

Didn’t like:
- How Rathaway AND Peekaboo’s boyfriend both got away.
- So Cisco can just stroll into the CCPD and have access to everything. Okay.
- The Flash kinda being a jerk to that guy he broke out of jail. And HOW did he do that exactly??

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This episode was officially the straw that broke this camels back.


The endless propping of Barry and how great a guy he is. Yeah we get it, he means well, big whoop. Along with Iris being told she's a good reporter repeatedly by Barry. Um no reporting would require her to investigate and report something rather than regurgitating information she's given by The Flash or random citizens. If they want me to buy Iris as a reporter she would have pulled out a notepad and a pen during the standoff with Flash and Captain Cold and Fire guy or at least pulled out her iPhone and taken photos or something.


The fight scenario is getting old and repetitive. Barry gets his ass handed to him by the metahuman of the week, then tries again without a plan and fails, gets told how to defeat him/her and as he's flailing around Wells tells him again the bad guys weakness. Someone inevitably props him 5 minutes before the end of the episode, then there's usually a scene with Wells or Grood doing something weird dodgy.


As for the prison... It's a retrofitted super collider chamber... There is no way that prison makes any sense and the fact that they show the Flash Gang gloating over their prisoners so callously all the time stretches my belief in them as good guys...


If there's a toilet in the prison cell, Gas guy would escape.


Also the way Peekaboo described her breakout... WAKING UP IN STRANGE PLACES. It either means that she was sleep teleporting or she can actually teleport without seeing. She didn't seem like a hardened criminal and her prime motivation for stealing had just abandoned her so it wasn't likely she was going to be committing any more crimes anyway.


I wanted to like this show because Grant Gustin is a talented guy but this show makes it hard for me to root for him when he's just like "I'm going to lock you away forever and your bf ditched you now I'm going to continue talking about my love life seeya". Sadly I can't stomach the stupidity of the fight sequences, the prison set up or Iris being lauded as an awesome reporter or Barry as a great super hero.''


Why was Iris so blase about Barry investigating the meta human of the week. He's a CSI tech, that's not in his job description despite all the lies the show CSI perpetrates. *sigh*

Edited by wayne67
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This show is going to make me cry yet. The relationship Barry has with his two dads is incredible. And tonight, we got a tripple dose of heartstring tugging with Papa/Original Flash. Too bad this means he's probably going to die. :(


Seeing Cisco breaking out the fight skills was awesome, though a bit out of nowhere. Sort of satisfying to see the Pied Piper's superior brain (or perhaps just more conniving) winning in the end, though I really didn't like to see Cisco being hurt.


Of course, we also got more of that stupid, inhumane meta-human prison. And really bad drunk acting. I'll leave it up to others whether it was just bad acting , or good acting of messy drunk.


Also wasn't pleased with Flash's ability to hear a bullet being fired, super speed his hand around behind his head to blindly grab the bullet from behind, and pull it out after it's started to penetrate his skin. I can handle that his hearing and brain signals are processing the world at super speed, but does he have Daredevil's radar "sight" that's operating at super speed as well? Even though Wells did say Barry was increasing his speed, his hand and arm were moving around 1700 miles per hour. Doesn't matter though, since the bullet would have hit him before the sound of it firing reached him since bullets travel roughly twice as fast as the speed of sound.


Still enjoy it more than Arrow and most everything else on network TV though.

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I question the ability of an iPhone to take any photo of the Flash in motion as anything more than a blob of color. To get any photograph of his face that's remotely recognizable as human, you'd need one of those Harold Edgerton ultra-high-speed cameras that take pictures of bullets penetrating apples and the like.

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Along with Iris being told she's a good reporter repeatedly by Barry. Um no reporting would require her to investigate and report something rather than regurgitating information she's given by The Flash or random citizens. If they want me to buy Iris as a reporter she would have pulled out a notepad and a pen during the standoff with Flash and Captain Cold and Fire guy or at least pulled out her iPhone and taken photos or something.


I think it's fine that her friend encourages her and tells her how good she is especially as it's made clear that no one else thinks she's such a great reporter. 

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I think it's fine that her friend encourages her and tells her how good she is especially as it's made clear that no one else thinks she's such a great reporter. 


Except it's the same thing he told her last episode when she was complaining about not being taken seriously by the veteran reporter. Has she even written an actual article yet for Barry to base this opinion on ? I think not.


I'm fine with Barry supporting his friend even if it involves telling her white lies to boost her confidence. I do not accept Barry as the voice of the show continually saying the same thing to Iris in an effort to convince us the audience that Iris has reporting skills. Same reason it aggravates me when everyone tells Barry how great a hero he is when he gets his ass kicked by every metahuman he meets because he never learns anything about strategy after 3 months of dealing with various metahumans, continual training and a supposedly higher than average IQ.

Edited by wayne67
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Ok, let's start with the positives:


As someone  who's always complaining about what they're doing with Iris, I have to say I'm in the minority this week. I actually like that she has a career, I'll remark on that last scene in the relationship thread. But for the most part I felt her character has advanced more in this episode then she has in the majority of the previous episodes despite having less screen time. Also her needing Flash to save her ass is actual consistency since the only reason she's at the paper is due to her flash connections. Eventually, it should expand beyond such things. But for now, it makes sense.


I liked the Caitlin- Cisco scene. They went the opposite way from what I was expecting.  I also liked that she named  her second villain.


Of course Grood was awesome.

I also like that we took a break from the Wells is shady hour.


Peek a boo's powers were cool.




First off, the guy being put in prison longer doesn't make your dad safer. As a matter of fact it exacerbates the problem as the guy now has nothing to lose.  Also, Joe, way to put Barry's dad in danger because you needed that lead. This dude is just careless about anything that doesn't revolve around keeping secrets.


Cisco got his butt kicked by a handcuffed dude who isn't known for being a fighter. How exactly is he a good fighter?  Also, Cisco, please stop weaponizing criminals and/or releasing them into the world. 


You started your love pentagon one episode too early. Let us get to know Linda before you confirm that Caitlin is a viable option.


What stopped Peek a boo from getting out of the car and running?


Finally, this show has a HUGE woman problem. I've talked enough about your regular series actors so I'll talk about the meta-humans.  You've shown us three meta-human females and to some degree their entire existence seems to be based around males. You have plastique who went evil because Wells told her to then back to good because of Barry, Cold's sister apparently seems to want to impress her brother, and  there's Peek a boo. She's only committing crimes because she loves her boyfriend :(.   What are we going to have next? The sexy female who uses her sex appeal to get what she wants? Or maybe the meta-human cook that doesn't season her food properly.


I'll deem it a middle of the road episode.



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Also, what the hell is up with Flash fighting villains with x-men powers? Professor x, Iceman, Colossus, Pyro, now Nightcrawler. I would call Pied Piper Banshee  but that would just be forcing it.

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There is no way that prison makes any sense and the fact that they show the Flash Gang gloating over their prisoners so callously all the time stretches my belief in them as good guys...


It's sickening. I kept waiting for someone to object and point out this girl wasn't even a menace to warrant the necessity of incarceration in their shady facility, but no one even batted an eye. Some good guys they are.


Cold's sister apparently seems to want to impress her brother


Isn't this assumption a bit premature? I expect he'll be the one who's obsessed with her.


Overall I thought it was a weak episode. Something felt off about the writing with some OOC lines and the editing made the episode feel lopsided, wonky like a dream (or fan fiction). And the meta-human's love story was terribly handled, which was a shame because the actress was pretty great and deserved better than this. 

Edited by driedfruit
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Regarding Captain Cold's sister, did we even see her yet and is she even a meta human or another human with gadgetry like Captain Cold and Heat ray guy? As far as I know we've only had 2 metahuman females, Plastique who blew up and Peekaboo who Barry locked up because she was a party girl that fell for a bad guy and let herself be used by him. Which is grating since Barry apparently knows this and doesn't care at all about her extenuating circumstances.

Edited by wayne67
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To be fair, Barry didn't call her ahead of time or make plans. He just showed up and she already had plans to have dinner with possibly her future mother in law. I would have understood if she said, sorry I'm busy just for normal dinner plans (call ahead, don't assume) but there is no way you could expect her to cancel dinner with mom in law. .

I had no problem with iris in that scene but then it was rather jarring when she was all jealous of Barry later in the episode after not caring at all there...so she can have a boyfriend but he can't have a date? That didn't show her in the best light.

I question the ability of an iPhone to take any photo of the Flash in motion as anything more than a blob of color. To get any photograph of his face that's remotely recognizable as human, you'd need one of those Harold Edgerton ultra-high-speed cameras that take pictures of bullets penetrating apples and the like.

Also this. I can't even take non blurry pictures of my nephews with mine unless they stop moving... Edited by Shanna
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I liked this episode - I enjoyed Barry & Caitlin & I was one who was surprised by Grant's singing (until I remembered he was on Glee & of course he'd be able to sing) - he has a wonderful voice - wouldn't mind hearing more of it.


Loved the scenes with his dad & the fact that dad knows he's The Flash - it's sweet moments like this that make me love this show.


Liked Linda Park & am all for Barry moving on from Iris - I like Iris but don't see that much spark between her & Barry.


I don't mind the metahuman prison - it's not like they can keep them in a normal one.

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It's sickening. I kept waiting for someone to object and point out this girl wasn't even a menace to warrant the necessity of incarceration in their shady facility, but no one even batted an eye. Some good guys they are.

If they start putting these supers in a regular prison it will be about five minutes before a guy like Eiling shows up and forces them to do some government work, presumably of the dirty kind.  Flash is a vigilante who happens to have good publicity.  If everybody on the team is OK with Barry running around doing freelance police work then it stands to reason that they genuinely believe their prison is the safest place for the criminals.  Wells, of course, almost certainly has another agenda.


Barry does need to get better with catching the bad guys. The boyfriend was in a long tunnel and Flash did not see him as he ran up to the car.  Take a second and run ahead, you idiot.

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I'm sorry, Danielle Panabaker cannot act. I hope the show doesn't try to put her in a relationship with Barry, because I just don't think I could take more screen time watching her and her off-putting little girl affect.

I loved seeing Malese Jow. I ship Iris and Barry, but Linda seems cool and there was a decent spark there. I wouldn't mind getting behind that relationship if it's written well.

I wish the show would figure out what to do with Iris. I like her (when she's not writing about the Flash) and think CP is doing what she can with what she's given, but she's not being given much to work with.

Peekaboo was fun. I agree with the rest of you that putting her in the meta prison seems unnecessarily cruel.

If either of Barry's dads die, I'm gonna riot.

Yeah her acting has been iffy for me all season but this episode solidified that DP cannot act for me. She's been the weakest link week after week. I don't think she and GG have chemistry to put Catlin and Barry together.

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Shawna performed criminal acts, but was not an evil meta-human. Why is she there?

Okay, "criminal or evil meta-humans." I guess if a regular prison won't hold you, that's what you deserve.

I'm being sarcastic to an extent, obviously. The prison-thing clearly bothers some people, but it just doesn't me. It's a television show about a comic book character. I'm willing to take on faith that there's some fantastical comic-book explanation for how it all works. If they explain it, fine, but if they don't I'm fine with that, too. YMMV

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Barry does need to get better with catching the bad guys. The boyfriend was in a long tunnel and Flash did not see him as he ran up to the car. Take a second and run ahead, you idiot.

He should have paid more attention to Oliver. He's still kind of an arrogant man child at this point.

On dp's acting, even good actors sometimes suck at drunk acting. I think she's much better in her regular scenes. She projected a nice warmth at the end with Barry IMO.

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I reallly liked this episode.   I think Pied Piper is the show's second or would that be third Marquis villain, the first two being Wells and Captain Cold.   Pied Piper practically SEETHES with resentment.    He's got a cruel streak a mile wide and he's probably the smartest character we've met yet, just behind Dr. Wells.   I hope we get to see him making trouble for Team Flash again in the near future.


I like Linda Park.  I'm not a Flash Comic fan in any incarnation so I don't know her comic book roots but she had a nice vibe with Barry and  he seemed to enjoy her company.   She's cool, confident and outgoing but in a much different and more laid back way.  Iris is more "chipper".


I liked Barry and Caitlin haning out and I totally think Caitlin will end up crushing on him.  Not sure about Barry.   I get the impression he liked Caitlin alot and finds her adorable, but I don't know if he could like her like that.   The chemistry potential was there.   She's a BIGGER geek then him and though she's awkward and out of touch, he seemed to really like that aspect of her as well.   They had a romantic-comedy vibe in her bedroom and I liked that the show reminded us of just how lonely Caitlin still is sometimes.


Didn't pay much attention to Iris or what she had going on in her few scenes, but I do prefer when the focus is on the Star Labs crew.

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Also, what the hell is up with Flash fighting villains with x-men powers? Professor x, Iceman, Colossus, Pyro, now Nightcrawler. I would call Pied Piper Banshee  but that would just be forcing it.

Captain Cold came before Iceman, Heat Wave came before Pyro, and Pied Piper came before Banshee.

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Okay, "criminal or evil meta-humans." I guess if a regular prison won't hold you, that's what you deserve.

I'm being sarcastic to an extent, obviously. The prison-thing clearly bothers some people, but it just doesn't me. It's a television show about a comic book character. I'm willing to take on faith that there's some fantastical comic-book explanation for how it all works. If they explain it, fine, but if they don't I'm fine with that, too. YMMV

But it's supposed to be a show about a hero.  At least Oliver Queen is aware that he's a torturer.  Barry doesn't even seem to realize that this is wrong.  Barry also had this "omg, that's torture and it's so horrible" when he teamed up with the Arrow a while back.  This prison compromises Barry's characterization and makes him completely unbelievable and unreliable.  Who is Barry supposed to be?  Is he a vigilante who saves people but also delivers his own form of soft justice, like removing the man who stabbed his father from prison as a form of punishment?  Or is he an evil asshole who gloats while he puts people in a prison that would be defined as torturous by any human rights organization?  


I haven't read the comics so maybe Barry actually is a supervillain.  Maybe that's how this disgusting behavior will be explained in the future.  Unless they start indicating this evil Barry, the prison will continue to bother me because it erases every single bit of characterization they've done on Barry, Cisco, and Snow.  They are just evil mustache twirling villains every time they lock up a new prisoner.  Of course, the prison will also continue bothering me because I'm like the average person in that torture disturbs me.  Torture may not disturb you, YMMV.

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I don't agree with that assessment of the prison. Until they show some evidence that the prisoners are being mistreated or tortured or abused in some way I don't think we can call it inhumane. If anything they all seem very comfortable if bored.

Showing them feeding the prisoners and or letting them out to use the bathroom would take time away from things that actually matter imo. YMMV.

I think we also remember that Barry is human. He knew that that prisoner had hurt his dad and he wanted to hurt him back. Its not super heroic but its completely normal for a son to want to protect his father if its within his power.

Edited by blugirlami21
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I don't agree with that assessment of the prison. Until they show some evidence that the prisoners are being mistreated or tortured or abused in some way I don't think we can call it inhumane. If anything they all seem very comfortable if bored.

Showing them feeding the prisoners and or letting them out to use the bathroom would take time away from things that actually matter imo. YMMV.

I think we also remember that Barry is human. He knew that that prisoner had hurt his dad and he wanted to hurt him back. Its not super heroic but its completely normal for a son to want to protect his father if its within his power.


One of those prisoners was killed, I would consider that mistreatment.  Wells let that guy out and put him against someone with a complete disregard for his life because he doesn't care, and despite some brief protests I don't think the others care about the well being of the prisoners at all.


I actually can't say what the solution is, but having that Peek-a-boo locked up in the same area and in the same type of environment as a person who murdered someone and can physically transform himself makes me uneasy.  It seems like unless you can be useful to the Star Labs team in some manner you have to be locked up. 

Edited by sking24450
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 Of course, the prison will also continue bothering me because I'm like the average person in that torture disturbs me.  Torture may not disturb you, YMMV.


I'm not sure exactly how to respond to this.  It's a television show that isn't explicitly addressing the human rights of the comic book villains in its fictional prison. I don't think that handwaving the details and assuming that because Barry and Co. are the heroes of the show that they're treating their prisoner humanely makes me someone that torture doesn't disturb. 

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It is funny cause on Arrow people are asking for less Laurel and getting more of Laurel. And, here on The Flash people are asking for more Iris and get less Iris scenes. LOL


The episode was weak.

I liked that Cisco knew how to fight. I liked that Barry and his dad had a beautiful scene.

I was confused about how Caitlin as character. The last I remember she was looking into Firestorm and looked like she was not giving up on Ronnie. When did she stop the investigation and come to terms that Ronnie is dead? The whole thing happened soo fast that I am like what? I actually felt bad for Ronnie and was hoping Cisco might find out what really happened to their friend. I am glad he did. 

Edited by TwistedandBored
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Ronnie told her to leave him alone, so she listened. Which I find kind of refreshing. Most of the time on TV everyone ignores each other and does whatever they want, like Cisco (although finding out he was doing it for his own reasons helped). 


To me Caitlin doesn't seem the type to put up a fight in her personal life, maybe she thinks she doesn't deserve too? She's meek and socially awkward. Someone says to leave them alone, so she does. It doesn't mean she doesn't care, just that she doesn't do much to change anything. Which could be an interesting development if they go with her comic story. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Grood was the best part. Oh and the CW doesn't know what to do with a black female character, that's soo unlike them! Even with a clear outline of the character, they still can't do it. Uncanny!

I thought the episode was boring overall. I did like Grant's singing, he has a great voice.

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Of course, the prison will also continue bothering me because I'm like the average person in that torture disturbs me.  Torture may not disturb you, YMMV.



I get this completely. I would hope that they're not torturing the metahumans, but I get why they're keeping them in this prison. Some are highly dangerous, there are those metas who have gone to harm and even kill other people with their powers, so this is their solution. Now, with metas such as Peek-A-Boo, I do think they don't deserve to be in the prison, but I understand the team's hesitation on letting them roam free. I can only hope offscreen, they're feeding them (which I'm sure they are) and letting them not be always stuck in that prison. Maybe Wells has a plan where he lets them stretch their legs for a few minutes at a time or something. I guess it is their own personal prison because most of them have done bad things. 


Wells has his own agenda, let's be real. He probably has them in this prison to unleash them by the finale or something crazy like that. Look how quickly he chose to sacrifice Barry's tormentor from episodes back. The others, though, I'm not sure why they're so willing to go along with it. Maybe they think it's safer for everyone else if they're in a secluded space where they can't get out and hurt more people. All I can do is fill in the blanks and assume that they have bathrooms/food for the metas that are specially designed to fit their needs. 

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I don't agree with that assessment of the prison. Until they show some evidence that the prisoners are being mistreated or tortured or abused in some way I don't think we can call it inhumane. If anything they all seem very comfortable if bored.

Showing them feeding the prisoners and or letting them out to use the bathroom would take time away from things that actually matter imo. YMMV.

I think we also remember that Barry is human. He knew that that prisoner had hurt his dad and he wanted to hurt him back. Its not super heroic but its completely normal for a son to want to protect his father if its within his power.

They show this evidence every time they lock up a prisoner.  Last night was the worst example.  We are told that Shawna is locked up in a small single mirrored room because anything else and she can escape.  Think about that for a moment.  Never living a small mirrored room.  No sun, no seeing other people.  The worst part is that this was the solution rather than a temporary fix until they can figure out something that is even remotely humane.  Of course, there is also a prisoner who has died on their watch, though I won't attribute this to our heroes.  Wells is presented as maybe mustache twirling.  We expect him to have some evil characteristics.  Mistreating prisoners doesn't damage his characterization.  


They don't need to make an entire point of showing the prisoners being fed, bathed, or bedded.  Simply showing a cell with a toilet, sink and bed would suffice.  The set tells just as much of a story as the dialogue does.  The first prisoner could have been told food will be delivered at X time.  These are cheap and unobtrusive ways to give the appearance of humane treatment.  If they wanted to go further, they can pay a few extras to stand in the background with clipboards or batons to give the audience the impression that these are people caring for the prisoners.  The point is, there is no reason to think that addressing these concerns somehow takes time away from the rest of the show.  Having a toilet in the background might cost a few dollars at most.  


I don't disagree about Barry and the prisoner who shanked his dad.  I thought it was human, an asshole move, not exactly evil.  I don't think anyone really objects to what Barry did.  

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I don't think anyone really objects to what Barry did.


I do. What the hell happens if the dude actually keeps running and manages to escape or worse decides to take that punishment out on his dad? It was a very stupid move.


Captain Cold came before Iceman, Heat Wave came before Pyro, and Pied Piper came before Banshee.


I wasn't accusing them of copying the x-men. It was just a bad, bad joke apparently :(

Edited by Oscirus
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I haven't had a problem with the idea of them locking up these prisoners before, just the logistics. I do have some concerns about this week because that girl wasn't a murderer, she was thief. We don't usually lock up thieves for life in solitary. I think she deserves some sort of trial.

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Miscellaneous thoughts:


1. I am also on the "End the Pipeline Now!" train. Even giving our heroes the benefit of every doubt and assuming the prisoners are being fed, bathed, allowed to use the restroom in some humane fashion, there's still the issue of a) it still violates these guys' rights to be held with no due process whatsoever and b) it's a bad idea with a capital B to house them there where exactly 4 people know about it, three of whom do not have much experience or talent in the way of security. Wells is feigning disability so it should be clear that he couldn't be much help if something went awry (at least, our heroes should assume that), Cisco managed to get his high-tech weapons stolen and now has been shown to be capable of being duped into releasing a prisoner, so he's no good. And Caitlin can't cut it either. 


2. Speaking of Cisco, I like his line about PP not being the only one who understands vibrations, given his presumed future. But it's such an idiot plot -- why not bring to the whole Flash Mob that PP claims to have info about Ronnie's fate/whereabouts? Why not have multiple people (or at least the Flash) on standby to make sure that PP can't escape?


3. Speaking of "can't escape," we have yet another example of an apparently ordinary person managing to escape the Flash on foot.


4. While Peekaboo was presented as flirty, and fun, it should be remembered that she participated in a robbery in which her accomplice was armed and shot the Flash (and presumably would have shot other folks too). Under the felony-murder rule, she is an attempted murderer. 


5. As to the various shipping, it seemed to me that Barry wasn't that into Caitlin, but she was very much into him. It seemed to me that Barry arranged for his lunch date with Linda to be at the CC Picture News just to rub it in Iris's face that he is moving on. At least, it seems to me for a lunch date it would be normal to just meet wherever you're going to have lunch as opposed to picking the person up at her work. 


6. Thanks be to Grodd that the teaser with everyone's favorite psychic gorilla seemed scary. I still don't know how they are going to pull him off when we get full views of him.


7. Henry and Barry are pretty good together.

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4. While Peekaboo was presented as flirty, and fun, it should be remembered that she participated in a robbery in which her accomplice was armed and shot the Flash (and presumably would have shot other folks too). Under the felony-murder rule, she is an attempted murderer.


Agreed. "Feeling bad" isn't really reason to let her go. 

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Pure speculation (I haven't seen any spoilers in this area at all): I am starting to wonder if the concerns about stashing people away in the Pipeline (although I'm sure they'll handwave the food and toilet aspect) will actually be raised in-story, by a character who has traditionally been depicted as not only hyper-intelligent, but usually eager to flaunt his inherent superiority (intellectual, physical, moral and otherwise) over people.  That being Grodd, when he breaks them all out.

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5. As to the various shipping, it seemed to me that Barry wasn't that into Caitlin, but she was very much into him.

It seemed to me that Barry arranged for his lunch date with Linda to be at the CC Picture News just to rub it in Iris's face that he is moving on. At least, it seems to me for a lunch date it would be normal to just meet wherever you're going to have lunch as opposed to picking the person up at her work.

I agree with you about Caitlin but whoa, don't agree that picking her up at her office for a date was about iris. It was very polite to go pick her up for a date, meeting someone at the lunch place feels more friends territory.
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I can see why some people thought this was a weak episode, (I didn't personally) because it was mostly set-up.


Besides the catch the 'freak of the week' plot, the only things that really happened were that Barry knows that Henry knows his secret, and Pied Piper escaped. The rest was set-up for future storylines: we met the new love interest; we learned more about what happened to Ronnie/Firestorm; teased Barry/Caitlyn; and introduced Grodd.


We'll see how much pay-off we get in next week's episode.

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I wonder if Caitlin and Cisco were aware that Grodd was being kept in a cage at Star Labs BEFORE the explosion -- because up until this episode, none of the lead characters has even mentioned Grodd, and certainly no one has told Barry.  And we (the home viewer) only now about him from the scene in the pilot episode with his broken cage in the aftermath of the Star Labs explosion.

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That said,  the reveal of Grodd was spectacular!


OTOH, I hate when characters do stupid things to keep the plot moving (I'm looking at YOU, Cicso!) and knew how that was going to turn out, so it wasn't suspenseful at all. BTW, how did Hawthorn produce another sonic weapon from his ear, or for that matter, how did he make it? Also, how did that shadow appear on the wall outside the accelerator?


I, too, am a bit disturbed by the exact nature of their prison b/c every cell appears to be the same small empty chamber. Maybe they'll have a throw-away scene that explains things, but it's just odd.

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I wonder if Caitlin and Cisco were aware that Grodd was being kept in a cage at Star Labs BEFORE the explosion -- because up until this episode, none of the lead characters has even mentioned Grodd, and certainly no one has told Barry.  And we (the home viewer) only now about him from the scene in the pilot episode with his broken cage in the aftermath of the Star Labs explosion.

No one may have mentioned Grodd by name. But in Plastique, we saw that Wells and General Eiling's split had to do with Grodd and animal experimentation.

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As for the Barry/Snow ship, I would like it either way I feel the friendship should come first. Barry/Iris though just bores me. They don't have chemistry and it always seems forced when they are together. Not to mention that once again we have a so called journalist with no actually experience suddenly getting all her scoops handed to her.It's a cop out.


Cisco, color me surprised that he actually had some moves. I didn't expect that. But of course the writers have to inlcude plot induced stupidity to make the story go forward and make poor Cisco look dumb. Those plot bunnies need to scramble away.


I'm with  a lot of others here, that jail cell at the lab is just cruel. Peek a Boo didn't deserve that and I felt could have been let go with a warning not to commit crime again. I think she would have agreed. Only problem is that may have gone and tried to find her boyfriend. Still the metahumans don't deserve this treatment. Only the most dangerous should be locked up there.

Only vaguely remembering a Flash cartoon series the entire thing with Iris meant nothing to me except it looks like Greg Brady lusting after Marcia


I was surprised either of them had moves. Okay lets say Cisco was a high school wrestler and a true renaissance man. Or will they go the bad neighborhood and family route? I agree about the solitary confinement thing. Sure it is not capitol punishment but I don't know how we get around  five people determining the sentence of folks.

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No one may have mentioned Grodd by name. But in Plastique, we saw that Wells and General Eiling's split had to do with Grodd and animal experimentation.


I'm pretty sure that Wells called Grodd by name in that episode... like he was his pet project.  I don't recall having any doubt that Wells was working on increasing Grodd's intelligence.

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