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S05.E12: Courting Another Wife

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Nathan sounded like he has rocks in his mouth when he speaks. The women had the long hair, no makeup, not too smart polygamist compound style to me. Good for Janelle for walking out on the weird 'cycle' speech. The idea that women are irrational when they have PMS is overstated and overrated. And honestly, Christine is probably going through pre-menopause. Or maybe she is allowed to have a thought in her head (crazy as it might be), without it being related to her period.


I feel sad for Day'en. He probably is OK with his asbergers, but I wonder if the cameras bother him. He always looks sad.

  • Love 5

Kody: "Other plyg families look like trainwrecks." SERIOUSLY?


Notice TLC failed to mention the Collier wives are twin sisters. Guess they didn't want to put that ick factor right out there in our faces.


It was almost comical watching Kody and Christine talk circles around each other. The inability of these people to talk plainly and simply is just stunning. Then for both of them to blame it on PMS was something else (Christine: "I'm sorry, it's true"  like the rest of the world has never heard about it). 


The only high point was watching Day-un get back on the horse, his brothers be really decent about it, and his appreciation of their support.

Edited by Galloway Cave
  • Love 13

You can sure tell Day-un isn't blood. He actually can string words together and sounds far more thoughtful and intelligent than the rest of them. I would be pissed if my hubby brought up a fight we had with some family we had just met! Did anyone else think the Mrs' s Colliers looked like they could be Punxatawnys sisters? ?? OITNB.It was uncanny! Lol

Edited to add : I don't blame Janelle for leaving that convo at the table. I find Kodouche gets realllly ridic when he is around another male. Its almost like Mary takes his balls out of her purse and slips them to him. He has definitely had hairplugs or possibly a perm even. His ratchet hair looked curly.

Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 8

I'm surprised one of the women was raised Catholic. Does anyone else know/remember if the other polygamists weren't mormon and/or polygamists before? One of the sister wives said "I was 21 when we met."  If they were twins shouldn't they have both been 21? They certainly looked alike, but I'm not sure they're twin sisters.

Another polygamous family, the Darger family, had their own TLC show and they consisted of identical twin sisters and a cousin of the sisters. They were not shy about the fact the three wives were related and TLC aired many episodes of these people, so I don't think TLC is shy about saying it.  

It's probably the decision of the couples not to say if the wives are related.  


Most of the people on this are really annoying. (imo)

Edited by Temperance
  • Love 1

* Kody's private dressing-down of Christine at the picnic table came off very father-daughter to me.  He sat her down at the table to lecture her in the same way my dad used to when I misbehaved as a preteen.  Kody's excuse that he's just trying to "manage his reactions" to Christine's wildly changing emotions and hormones is such a cop-out.  I certainly don't expect them to talk through their issues in a calm, rational, mature manner, but the childishness on display during this scene was a bit much even for these two.


* The Colliers.  Nathan's wives appeared to be staking their territory by draping themselves all over him.  Other than that, *yawn*.


* For the second time so far this season, Janelle walked away from her goofy-ass family when they inevitably embarrassed her.  I was happy that she distanced herself during the dinner with the Colliers, but I was a bit surprised when no one (no one) even looked up as she left the table.  I continue to hope that she'll keep on walking one day, but she's in neck-deep with these people.  It gets harder to leave every year. 


* Dayton's ATV ride scene felt SO exploitative to me.  I can't imagine standing around with my "husband" to pretend to chat in front of cameras while my autistic son walks off by himself, terrified of hurting himself again.  Robyn's conversation with Dayton in the car felt far too intimate to have been filmed.  


* Completely random observation: Nathan Collier's disgusting hat with loose threads hanging from the brim during the talking head sequences.  For goodness sake, either put on a clean hat, or, even better, consider not wearing a ball cap on national television, ya jackass.

Edited by SuzyLee
  • Love 13

The guy claims it's not about sex but I think he is just being a greedy pig.

They always say it's not about sex (Kody, too), but they never say what it is about. Or they say they heard a "calling." Yea, a calling for sex with different women!

The scene when Janelle walked out at dinner was infuriating for so many reasons, but I'll mention one that disturbed me so much last week as well -- how it proves that their assertion that one of things that makes polygamy so special - how the sister wives support eachother - is total b.s. In last week's episode, Christine was really hurt by an insult, and not only was Kody an asshole to her, but all of the wives just rolled their eyes and ridiculed her. Not a single person supported her. This week, Janelle was so frustrated with Kody and that incredibly insulting and stupid conversation that she had to get up and leave the restaurant. And not a single person went after her! Not her husband, not a sister wife - no one! Kody didn't even bat an eye when she got up from the table - he just rambled on with his self-serving asinine musings. What a sad, lonely existence for these women. Which brings me back to how I started this post - what's polygamy all about? There's certainly no benefit for the wives or kids. It's all about the King and his revolving door of sex.

Edited by LotusFlower
  • Love 16

This show is getting so boring for me, all I was wondering about is why one of Nathan's wives didn't cut those strings hanging off the brim of his cap. Maybe the third wife will be in charge of his wardrobe. 


I will give the Browns credit for raising some pretty terrific kids so they must be doing something right.  I just worry about what will happen to the younger ones when they inevitably lose those houses and have to move back to Lehi.   None of them seem like awful people really.  If they lived in my neighborhood, I'd probably enjoy their company as long as we don't discuss religion.  Maybe they should write another book and go into more details about their past difficulties and how they affect their present relationships.  I want to know what exactly happened between Meri and Janelle.  Is Janelle still so hurt that Meri was bossy in the kitchen in terms of where the dishes go and so on.  It seems so petty.  How can they want to spend eternity together if they can't get past the foolishness.

  • Love 3

I feel sad for Day'en. He probably is OK with his asbergers, but I wonder if the cameras bother him. He always looks sad.


I had a very good friend whose son has Asperger's, and they tend to just contain their emotions.  That doesn't necessarily mean he's sad, he's just mellow.  Aspie's also tend to be more mature than their peers.  I've known my friend's son since he was twelve.  The little neighbor boy came over, but Jonathan didn't want to hang out because the kid was too "shallow".  Yes, he actually thought a little boy was too shallow to spend time with.  Not to generalize too much, but they can also have great opinions of how intelligent they are compared to others.


The only high point was watching Day-un get back on the horse, his brothers be really decent about it, and his appreciation of their support.


I read the comments before watching the episode.  I tend to be a little too literal, so I was waiting for the horses.  And yes, Paedon was very supportive of Dayton.  It was nice to see.


Was anyone else wondering why the Browns thought going ATV riding was a good idea, since Dayton almost died on one less than 2 years ago?  Seemed awfully insensitive to me.


I think it was the Collier's idea, and their ATVs.  I didn't have a problem with it.  Dayton wasn't pressured to ride one, they made sure he wore a helmet (which he apparently didn't do with who I'm assuming was his father), and he had plenty of support.  It had been two years and the kid was still traumatized.  He seemed to think it helped him and I trust his judgment - he's the smartest one there.


* Kody's private dressing-down of Christine at the picnic table came off very father-daughter to me.  He sat her down at the table to lecture her in the same way my dad used to when I misbehaved as a preteen.  Kody's excuse that he's just trying to "manage his reactions" to Christine's wildly changing emotions and hormones is such a cop-out.  I certainly don't expect them to talk through their issues in a calm, rational, mature manner, but the childishness on display during this scene was a bit much even for these two.


I was especially irritated by Kody because he was blaming Christine for his emotions, and later on he specifically stated his wives' emotions were their own responsibilities.  I actually liked that Mr. Collier said if a wife is feeling jealous, then he feels it's because he's not giving her enough.  I think Brady Williams follows this philosophy as well.  Just another example that Kody is not good at polygamy.


I wasn't particularly bothered by the Colliers, but if he thinks he's following the Mormon polygamy "principle", doesn't he realize he needs at least three wives?  The fact that he's delayed finding a third for so long, implies (to me) he's not inspired by the principle. 

  • Love 6

Is Mariah choosing to have less camera time?  I spotted her early in the episode (inside an RV) and I immediately noticed that it looked like she had gained maybe twenty-five pounds.  Then I didn't see her again for a long time, and convinced myself it had been Mykelti, even though I don't think they look alike.  Then I finally saw Mariah standing next to Aspyn as she explained how she fell out of the raft.  That means Mariah said nothing on camera, and had no couch segments.

  • Love 4

I was also pretty bored with tonight's show.  I missed the first 10 minutes, then skipped the last 20 minutes.  Only two things really stood out to me:


Kody saying that they were "just curious if this poly family was doing it right" and "if they're happy".  For crying out loud -- who died and made HIM 'King of the Plygs'??  I don't think that it's really any of his business how they're doing it, or whether or not they're happy!  And, for the record, I thought that the Collier adults were even creepier than the Browns.  Gross.  Thanks a lot, TLC... you've managed to skeeve me straight out of the galaxy this time! 


The wasps.  I would have been G-O-N-E... nothing but a cloud of dust in my wake.  And then Einstein Collier began to swat at them with his stringy hat!!  WTF??  All he did was enrage the tiny demons into action!  Sheesh.


TLC MUST have vetted these people and then put them on the show in an attempt to make Kody and girls look good.  Nice try. 

  • Love 9

Is Mariah choosing to have less camera time? I spotted her early in the episode (inside an RV) and I immediately noticed that it looked like she had gained maybe twenty-five pounds. Then I didn't see her again for a long time, and convinced myself it had been Mykelti, even though I don't think they look alike. Then I finally saw Mariah standing next to Aspyn as she explained how she fell out of the raft. That means Mariah said nothing on camera, and had no couch segments.

I didn't notice her either time, but went back and you're right - that was Mariah with Aspen's first clip about falling out of the raft. (I didn't want to re-watch the early RV stuff to look for her!)

She's come off particularly poorly some seasons (not atypically for a teenage girl having some of her less mature moments recorded, but I certainly wouldn't have wanted it out there if I were her), and she's old enough that maybe she's opted out of any televised focus for now - starting fresh at college, etc. I don't follow any of the kids on social media, but I'd hope/assume it's her choice. She should be signing off on her own involvement at this point, so since she's previously been used by TLC for drama/plot, I'm guessing her minimal presence is her call and not TLC's preference. In which case, good for her. :-)

  • Love 2

I thought this was a bit of a boring episode as well, and it felt repetitive. I rolled my eyes when Janelle said they met the Colliers through a "mutual acquaintance" (aka TLC). 

Well Robyn's certainly singing a different tune these days. I remember back in the day when she intervened to lecture Kody about Meri's feelings when she freaked out at Mariah's graduation, and tried back up Christine and other wives during talking heads, and now she says she is ducking her head. 


The show really used to edit Meri as the emotional, distressed one and nowadays they are making Christine that person. 

  • Love 2

"They always say it's not about sex (Kody, too), but they never say what it is about. Or they say they heard a "calling." Yea, a calling for sex with different women!"  Collier said he apparently had always been plyg even before he knew it (which to me meant he felt a calling), but later said he was dating both women and couldn't choose.  Not quite the same thing.  Sounds like an easy way out for me.  I can't choose either woman, so I'll have both.  Blech.  


So all these Brown women are in their 40s (Robyn 30s) and nobody has heard of PMS before and they assure us that it's a "real thing."?????  Because obviously they've stumbled onto a new concept here.  Alert, ladies.  You're probably all the way up to perimenopause by this point and that ain't no picnic.  If Kody is unable to handle PMS, he will be completely blindsided by perimenopause/menopause.  


Kody, Christine's emotions are not out of control due to Kengate but due to YOUR REFUSAL TO SEE HER POINT OF VIEW.  


OTOH, Kody and family's support of Dayton during his ATV choice was great.   

  • Love 11

They always say it's not about sex (Kody, too), but they never say what it is about. Or they say they heard a "calling." Yea, a calling for sex with different women!


If it's not primarily about sex, it's usually about power, especially with men over women in these patriarchal societies.  In the past, Kodouche has tried to make himself look practially pussy whipped compared to other polyg men, but lately with his interactions with Christine he has not been walking the walk to go with that talk.  His paternalistic attitude with her has shown where the power really lies.

  • Love 8

I can totally believe that Kody would be douchey enough to attribute Christine's outburst to PMS. What I can't believe is that she would go along with it! Gah. I hate, hate, hate that crap. Yes, some women do experience such strong hormonal surges during PMS that they might become more angry or more sensitive, etc. However, you don't ASK a woman "Is it your time of the month?" - as if there is no other legitimate reason for her being upset. I'm so with Janelle on this one, you are reducing a woman to her biology and her biology alone. Again, even Janelle admitted that PMS is a very real thing, but it's not the ONLY thing. And it seems like such a scapegoat way to go - instead of addressing real feelings and real issues. And here's Christine just going along with it! So if she wasn't PMSing, she wouldn't have become upset about the idea of Kody hanging out with Ken? Okay, right. I was on Kody's side last week, but he's such an idiot. And when he talks to Christine there seems to be such anger and bitterness simmering under the surface. Damn. I firmly believe if it weren't for their religious beliefs, those two would be divorced. I'm on nobody's side. They're all a pack of morons. 


Except Janelle. Good on her for getting up and leaving the table when that ridiculous conversation was going on. I guess it must not have been HER time of the month, as she was able to remain so cool and in control.     /sarcasm


The Colliers seem just as obnoxious as the Browns. Polyfam on the license plate? No wonder that dude and Kody got along so well. And I swear those wives are related somehow. 


I just hate Kody's attitude, like he has to go check up on all the plyg families across the nation, to make sure they're doing it right. Who is he??? He states he's seen so many people trying it on and making an absolute "trainwreck" out of it? What, and your family is NOT a trainwreck??? They keep trying to preach all these "benefits" and in theory I understand them, but they are not putting them into practice! Christine praises the lifestyle because you have all this extra help and time to get stuff done. Yet....are any of you really helping each other out? If so, why is Christine's mother moving in, right when her two oldest daughters are moving out? 


The bright spot in the show was Day-un and the 4-wheeler. I actually felt Robyn was pressuring him a bit, in a very passive aggressive way. And I was kind of getting pissed off, because I don't feel riding an ATV is a fear anyone needs to overcome. But whatever. When he ended up doing it he was so proud of himself and I found myself crying on my couch. I have a real soft spot for that kid. And it was so sweet when Paedon was very genuinely congratulating him. Those kids continue to amaze me, with how lovely and grounded they are, in spite of their freak show parents. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 14

Hormones were raging in last night's episode, all right: a whole lot of testosterone-fueled, pee-pee waving filled that hour. Good heavens.

The "blame it on PMS" tee heeing by those two Neanderthals made me want to hurt someone - preferably one of them. Wouldn't even blame it on hormones.

You know, their wives deserve them if they put up with that crap. Maybe we should see it as doing the rest of us a favor: dragging the hopeless dopes out of the market so they'll leave normal women alone.

  • Love 11

Kody's private dressing-down of Christine at the picnic table came off very father-daughter to me.


YES! And when you say you want to talk to someone privately as to not embarrass them, guess what Kody- that's embarrassing.



can totally believe that Kody would be douchey enough to attribute Christine's outburst to PMS. What I can't believe is that she would go along with it! Gah. I hate, hate, hate that crap. Yes, some women do experience such strong hormonal surges during PMS that they might become more angry or more sensitive, etc. However, you don't ASK a woman "Is it your time of the month?" - as if there is no other legitimate reason for her being upset. I'm so with Janelle on this one, you are reducing a woman to her biology and her biology alone.


Yes, Ghoulina, you are right 100%. Christine, for whatever reason can't let Kengate go- if Kody had any sense in his pea brain, he would acknowledge Christine's feelings and hurt and  she'd be over it. All Christine wants is some validation. The picnic table discussion was childish and Kody was worse than Christine. When he gets around other male plygs, his testosterone skyrockets.

Edited by jacksgirl
  • Love 11

We've been told for several seasons that the Brown's left their 'church family', and their actual families to move to Vegas.  We've been told for YEARS that Meri, Christine, and Robyn all grew up in polygamy.  We've been told that Kody's parents came from polygamy and converted their own marriage to polygamy when Kody was a young adult.  We've been told they have roots in Montana, and Wyoming, and that Robyn's ex still lives in that area...why do the Browns' act as if meeting another polygamous family is so unusual for them? 


Why do the Colliers' say that they are all alone, when they obviously live close to either Kody's family or Robyn's ex? Why would the husband  thinks he can thumb his nose at the LDS church, and not get excommunicated?   Why would you continue to go to that church if you didn't believe in one of their core rules?


Why does Christine (who says she never asks personal questions because it is rude) feel like she can ask what their schedule is, how they do things, and so forth?


How does a man stay married to 4 women (3 for 20 years or more) without understanding PMS, and learning how to deal with it?  Why does he feel the need /have the right to dress Christine down as if he is her parent? Why does he not feel that he should be the one to change if they are not happy?  He's the one that is married to other people, therefore as the Collier male says, it's on him if they are jealous or feel ignored. 


As for Dayton, he obviously did feel pressured to get on the ATV.  Why didn't Robyn find something else for several of the older offspring to do instead?  I bet that surgeon was not impressed with his handiwork being risked so soon after surgery. 

Edited by mythoughtis
  • Love 14

I wonder if the PMS thing started with Christine using it as a reason/excuse for her tantrums, and Kody went along with it. Gee, I wonder if he consulted the source that gave him the hormones transmitted while kissing bullshittery?

I think Kody said they've been having problems for 5 years, and they just discovered that PMS is the cause a few months ago, oh these people and their ignorance...keep walking Janelle!

  • Love 4


Kody said they've been having problems for 5 years

That would coincide with when Robyn first appeared on the scene. 


The stringy baseball cap on Nathan bugged the shit out of me too. He wore that thing the entire episode. In some shots the stringys were up on top of the bill. The cap advertised his company. You would think he would wear a brand new cap if he was advertising.


The other thing that bugged was Nathan repeatedly saying it was all on him to convert the two women to polygamy, like he was a bit predatory in the behavior. No mention of letting them spend time with polygamous women or families to see the benefits or letting them study up on the institution (cult), just he had to do it all on his own. Creepy. 

  • Love 4

Did anyone else think the Mrs' s Colliers looked like they could be Punxatawnys sisters? ?? OITNB.It was uncanny! Lol



Hee!  I think you mean Pennsatucky, but this made me chuckle.  I might start calling her that!


This is making me laugh. Punxatawny is Breaking Amish. I can still hear Abe's accent saying "Pawnksy".


But it's making me laugh because My Name Is Earl used to be one of my very favorite shows. Their friend Catalina, was from a Latin-Redneck place outside of the country. When they finally flew there, they called it "Guadalatucky". Purely hysterical.

  • Love 5

PMS is often characterized as the root cause of elevated emotional reactions, exactly the way Kody is doing. In my opinion, the hormonal shift simply thins out a person's tolerance for bullshit. The rest of the month, the hormones provide more of a protective barrier against the asshats of the world...and Christine has hitched her wagon to one of the world's biggest asshats.

  • Love 24

Okay, I didn't watch because I need to save what little self-respect I have left...where the hell did the "courting the fifth wife" come in?


The title was misleading.  It wasn't about the Browns courting a fifth wife, it was about the Colliers courting a third wife.  All those ladies in Las Vegas who are throwing themselves at Kody will have to keep biding their time.

  • Love 3

I was only half watching but I shut off my tv in disgust upon seeing Dayton PRESSURED into getting on the ATV by his own MOM. I'm sure that Kody was behind having this whole storyline on the show after Robyn indicated via Twitter not too long ago (responding to questions regarding his eye) that Dayton did NOT want it aired, and they were respecting his wishes. Of course, ratings trump a 15 year old developmentally disabled boy's wishes as far as this group is concerned.

Kody Brown: Kate Goesslin Redux.

  • Love 3

PMS is often characterized as the root cause of elevated emotional reactions, exactly the way Kody is doing. In my opinion, the hormonal shift simply thins out a person's tolerance for bullshit. The rest of the month, the hormones provide more of a protective barrier against the asshats of the world...and Christine has hitched her wagon to one of the world's biggest asshats.


What's going to be really entertaining is when three out of four hit menopause at once. It's like PMS on steroids and truth serum all at the same time. Kody will be toast.

  • Love 13

Also can't help but notice that this is the third show of this "season" (or 4th since the first "2 hour extravaganza of nothing" was split into two separate eps) and nary a peep about Janelle's weight loss "journey" or sight of #tvtrainer Sean.

Gosh here I am getting my shows all messed up here...lol

It's either PMS or Premenopause- can someone let Kodouche know?

I think they opted for PMS because it's easier to spell than Perimenopause.

  • Love 3

Hey, they just got to PMS on their "word of the day" calendar. They aren't ready to "discover" perimenopause on The Google or anywhere else. No way. The ignorance continues to baffle.


Unfortunately, yeah, perimenopause probably has already "discovered" them. Not that THAT should be allowed to excuse the inexcusable from the asshat, either.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
  • Love 1

Also can't help but notice that this is the third show of this "season" (or 4th since the first "2 hour extravaganza of nothing" was split into two separate eps) and nary a peep about Janelle's weight loss "journey" or sight of #tvtrainer Sean.

I think they opted for PMS because it's easier to spell than Perimenopause.

I meant me getting my shows all mixed up was PMS or perimenopause..LOL

And telling Kodouche will make him refuse to "engage" with me..haha


I too think that when it comes to Kody and Christine, they are both adding to the dysfunction. Kody can't bring himself to acknowledge her feelings, and he just seems to want to check out of dealing with anything that requires thoughtful discussion and maybe humility on his part. He's been having these problems with Christine for 5 years? It looks like if Christine is giving him problems, he can just go spend time with another wife who's easier on him, and his issues with Christine never get resolved. It wouldn't surprise me if that's been his MO all this time. He says he has individual relationships and marriages with each wife, but if he goes to one wife as relief from another, that is definitely an unhealthy way to do plural marriage (assuming there is a healthy way heh). The first time the show covered Christine's issues a lot a couple years ago, with her jealousy and feeling abandoned, Kody acted the same way he is now: dismissive and patronizing. And then we have Christine, who for whatever reason (and it doesn't HAVE to mean PMS Kody you doofus), amps up the drama of whatever she is upset about and acts childish. You can see how that grates on Kody, to the point where he says he is being "rocked to his core".  Train wreck, indeed. 

Edited by purpleflowers
  • Love 11

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