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S05.E09: Live And Learn

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I enjoyed tonight's episode.  Maybe it's because I can relate to the kids starting college or going back to college.  Of course Eileen's reaction to her stepson going 'back' to college is different.  It's his senior year.  She's used to it. 


I can relate to how Kyle...and Mauricio....felt.  And yes, Kyle did admit she was being ridiculous.  But mothers have the right to be ridiculous at times when it comes to their children.  I felt for her.  Been there, done that.  Funny though, I didn't have the same feelings for Yolanda.  Maybe it was because Yolanda was so focused on Bella's 'perfect' apartment.  Or maybe it was the going back to the DUI.  I absolutely get Yolanda getting upset and questioning her parenting skills but I just couldn't pull the sympathy out as much.  Many posters have questioned why Gigi and Bella aren't roommates.  Maybe they're not 'close' sisters or Bella really wanted to roommate with the friend.  When you're  as rich as Mo seems to be, it's not that much of an issue.  We did learn that daddy is footing the bill for the apartments (I don't believe for a second that Yo is contributing to this).


I thought Mauricio and Kyle trying to figure out how much Alexia needed for food was very funny.  Reality is when you are rich, and they are, you just don't have a basis of comparison.  I don't think Kyle, and I know that Mauricio, don't go grocery shopping.  They haven't a clue.  Just like when you have your first goes away to college and they have to go on a food plan.  The cost is ridiculous and they don't use it most of the time.  My daughter, who is home for college, and I were watching together and we were both laughing at this scene.  Her remark was that she should be so lucky. 


Brandi and friends watching Leanne and Eddie's show?  What a waste of time and what hypocrisy.   She made a career out of talking about her ex and his new wife.


Really Lisa?  You bring up genes when talking about your adopted son?  I don't know.  I hate to say it but maybe Max is the way he is because he feels he is an outsider.  And to say that Pandi's husband is in line (or whatever she said....and I can't remember his name), just wow.  I'm not saying that it was ok for Max not to take responsibility but maybe he has self esteem issues.  That whole scene was very cold and very different from how they interact with Pandi.  I didn't feel love...even though Lisa tried to pontificate about tough love.  And Ken just leaves.


Next week looks likes a doozy. 

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Lisa Vanderpimp..  Once again marginalizes Max while trying to pay herself on the back for adopting him.  For someone so cunning in terms of self gain she lacks a lot of self awareness and common sense.  The one thing I love enjoy about her.  That and how thuggish she and Ken truly are to me.  No matter how much glitzy spackle they slather themselves in they really aren't that many steps from the people on My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding.  i can so see Ken a few years younger in a vest getting into fights at the caravan park while Lisa in fake eyelashes just a smidge longer and clothes that....well look pretty much what she wears now just cheaper fabrics urges him on.


Yeah, I've never liked the way she talks about him.  I realize he's acting like a slacker and he needs a talking to, but is it necessary to do it on camera?  There's no way Lisa would allow Pandora to be portrayed in a negative light.  I'm adopted and my mom would never - and I mean never - have a conversation in which I was the loser with the questionable genetics. 


 Kyle's family, especially, seemed really normal, if rich, in the way they were interacting and trying to deal. But I really don't need to see the same story over and over again. It's not interesting to me enough to have to watch everybody cry.


I can't believe I'm saying this, but I enjoyed it.  I'm an only child and always craved sisters, and I am so jealous of how close Kyle's girls seem.  Farrah has her own life, yet took the time to fly in to see Alexia off - and then to watch Portia run into her arms.  Then Alexia waking up Portia and kissing all over her.  Sophia is fourteen (?) and would have possibly preferred to spend the last days of summer, yet was there seemingly without complaint.  Imagine how the Rinna girls might have complained.  And then to hear no comments about chub chubs or weirdos who attend church, or insults of the locals.  And topped off with a double rainbow.


The University of Arizona is a wonderful school on a beautiful campus in a great little city in the midst of some absolutely stunning scenery.  Hope the young lady makes good use of her time and enjoys the natural beauty of the area and all the University has to offer.  She's a trooper to allow her family to see her off with TV cameras in tow.  I would have died of embarrassment at that age.  


I thought it was great that one of the kids finally realized there are schools in states other than California and New York.  I think it was good that we weren't given any idea of where Alexia will be living.  That gives her a little more privacy.  I wonder if that was her choice.

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When Brandi yelled at her poor dogs to shut the hell up, I wanted to grab those babies and take them far, far away from her.

She has said that the 1 of them is a biter but what about the rest, did she really need to crate them as well? She is not a good dog owner IMO.

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The little white one looked like he wanted out to pee, very badly. He was doing that same little dance my small dog does when he wants to go out. Crating three small dogs together is cruel except when it's time for them to sleep. If they aren't allowed to have the run of the house during the day, they need to go. If one is a biter, you train it not to bite. I've got a cat that sometimes would get too close to the dog's bowl and he'd snap and growl. I broke him of that within two weeks of training. I also trained him to go into his crate at night by saying "It's time to go nite-nite." He knows what that word means.

Brandi is a pet's worst nightmare. Poor things.

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WhIle I wasn't as emotional as Kyle, I could relate. My youngest is the one that went away to school and he's a 6-7 hour drive from us in Oklahoma (Boomer Sooner!). He's such an introvert to begin with and I was so worried about him being by himself. He still is, but really likes it there and did well his first semester. But man, did I get the biggest hug when he came home for thanksgiving!

Next week looks like a doozy. Ugh

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Is ASU that good of a school?  I remember when it was joked about being the school of Meghan McCain and MTV reality show cast members.  

I don't know how good of a school it is but I was surprised when I heard this:   the son of my BFF (unlike Brandi, I only have one) started attending there 2 years ago. Apparently, U of A is where many of the movers and shakers of Dubai send their children.  My friend's son got friendly with some of these kids and this particular group has so far, treated college more like summer camp.  Happy campers with lots of money.  Lots and lots of money.  Scads of money. Alexia's $1800 per month is probably their party budget for the week.  Maybe a day.  The stories I've been told about the excess spending and partying are mind blowing.  He's moving home this summer. Good call in this particular case.  So academically I don't know where it ranks but for my friend's son, U of A has lived up to it's rep as a party school.


I wouldn't mind seeing Kyle's family traveling to Arizona to visit Alexia again.  Beautiful scenery and great resorts and when Kyle's not crying I enjoy watching her family interact.

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The probelm is, I need some interaction between these ladies to balance all of the family stuff. If they had spaced each of these stories out over several episodes, spliced with at least 2 or 3 of them interacting with each other, it would have been much more entertaining (and no, Kim lying on Brandi's bed for five minutes does not count). It just didn't gel for me, everyone was too much in their own little world, which made it seem extremely boring. Luckily it looks like next week makes up for it.


I liked them all in their own world.  Maybe not every week, but this week was enjoyable for me. 


Except for Brandi.  I think I misunderstood her- was she bitching about only getting $1,000 to take care of kids she has custody of half of the time (if not less when she's filming).  But that can't be right.  Is it $1,000 a year?  


I much prefer the Yolanda kind of out-of-touch with reality.  Decorating the entire apartment is both sweet and a little controlling, imho.  I'm amazed she can do all that design work on her own, since it's only her brain of course, given how sick she is.


I wonder if Vanderpump might ever conclude that if her son is different it's because they talk about him as different.  I couldn't believe her different animal comment...on television.  That's the kind of thing that screws people up.


And tonight...I have to admit that I love Kyle this season.  She makes me laugh, I don't think she's fake but she's self-aware.  It's kinda awesome, and I'm curious where she'll go, since she seems to have a lot wrapped up in being Mom.


Lisa Rinna's lip thing as part of her vocal warmups was pretty awesome too.  Like a little wave rippling through.

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My favorite part of the episode was learning Kyle's daughter gets $1800 a month but Brandi only gets $1000. Hahahaha hey maybe Eddie could get a job working for Mauricio?

Suck it Brandi.

Edited by Alilou
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The only time during the entire episode that I made an effort to sit completely upright was to get a good look at what Yolanda did with Bella's apartment, and I was pretty disappointed.  Compared to GiGi's apartment, furniture and décor, it seems Bella got the short stick (although I know it's a very nice place and crazy expensive).  It wasn't very feminine looking, which maybe was at Bella's request, but I was hoping for more of a fresh, interesting look.  And when she was putting up all the little squares that people painted for Bella (at least that brought in some color, and I genuinely do love the idea of those collages), didn't one of them say "POO" in big letters?  Were that in my apartment, I'm afraid that particular square would meet with an accident and have to be replaced by something that doesn't say "POO".

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There's somehIng weird about Yolanda. She always refers to her children as "my love" and her husband as "my king". It's all about how they relate to her.

And Kyle? Grow up. Your job was to raise children to become responsible adults. Quit your bitching.

Edited by Lnmop
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Lucky I'm not a crazy stalker, because it was very easy to figure out the exact block they were filming on for the scenes outside Bella's apartment.  They did the same thing last time, when Gigi moved to NYC--showed very clearly identifiable shots of her building.  I really hope they're using dummy locations and that Bella lives somewhere else.  But if she does live where they were filming, I can only imagine what a two-bedroom like that is going for.  What kind of place would they have bought her if she hadn't blown twice the legal limit???

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When Brandi yelled at her poor dogs to shut the hell up, I wanted to grab those babies and take them far, far away from her.

Sadly her morning tweet was about her dogs being assholes.  They need to be liberated NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I don't know how good of a school it is but I was surprised when I heard this:   the son of my BFF (unlike Brandi, I only have one) started attending there 2 years ago. Apparently, U of A is where many of the movers and shakers of Dubai send their children.  My friend's son got friendly with some of these kids and this particular group has so far, treated college more like summer camp.  Happy campers with lots of money.  Lots and lots of money.  Scads of money. Alexia's $1800 per month is probably their party budget for the week.  Maybe a day.  The stories I've been told about the excess spending and partying are mind blowing.  He's moving home this summer. Good call in this particular case.  So academically I don't know where it ranks but for my friend's son, U of A has lived up to it's rep as a party school.


I wouldn't mind seeing Kyle's family traveling to Arizona to visit Alexia again.  Beautiful scenery and great resorts and when Kyle's not crying I enjoy watching her family interact.

I love the first hand information but sadly the University of Arizona did not even make the top ten.  http://www.fastweb.com/student-life/articles/top-party-schools-of-2014-2015


I am old enough to remember the original # 1 party school-Chico State.  Oh how the mighty have fallen.

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didn't one of them say "POO" in big letters?  Were that in my apartment, I'm afraid that particular square would meet with an accident and have to be replaced by something that doesn't say "POO".


Too funny and thought provoking! My oldest sister has been fondly called 'Pammy Poo' for over 40 years.  Sometimes just 'Poo' for short.  I don't think any of us have ever considered how odd/obnoxious that might sound to an outsider - until just now. LOL. Birthday cards handed to her at a party almost always say 'Poo' on the envelope. Texts or phone calls always start with "Hey, Poo!"  I might have to re-evaluate that. At least the mail I send to her through the U.S. post office is addressed to 'Pamela'. 


Bella Poo?  Nah.  Doesn't have the same nice ring to it.

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You just reminded me that when Eileen was saying goodbye to Vince's son, Duke, that she called him Dukey.  Which of course, sounds exactly like dookie.

Hilarious. And he's probably been called that for so long it doesn't even dawn on him that it's a turd.  I'm calling my sister tomorrow to ask if she's ever thought about what it means to be a 'Poo'. Once after smoking some grass we discussed the oddness of her real name, 'Pam'.  'Pam'. What is it?  What could it mean? Wow man.


But Poo?  Seems normal to us.

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Kim watching the Eddie and LeeAnn show at Brandi's was weird. She seemed really out of place there. What does she have in common at all with Brandi and her friends?


If Bella's apartment was a 2 bedroom, the rent would be upward of $5,000 a month in NYC. Peanuts when Mohammad Hadid is your dad. 

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UO here, but I liked this episode.  Plenty of house/location porn, no wine tossing, and minimal Brandi/Kim.  I did laugh at Kyle & Mauricio trying to figure out how much cash to give their daughter.  When they settled on $1800/mo, I just laughed.  I think that was the cost of my yearly meal plan.


I do think Yo & Mo are the worst real estate investors ever.  My sister is a relator in NYC and she has a nice & safe, 1400 sq ft, 3 bedroom apartment for less than $2500/mo and price now in good Manhattan neighborhoods are cheaper than Brooklyn.  But if she gets an offer, she's 24/7 running for the deal.  For Yo to say she lost out on deals meant she dropped the ball.  (Oh, the Lymes? I guess.)  If Yo needed to do paperwork and someone swooped in with a check, maybe Yo & Mo aren't as "liquid" as they'd like to appear.


I am not looking forward to the sizeways poker night next week. 

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My sister is a relator in NYC and she has a nice & safe, 1400 sq ft, 3 bedroom apartment for less than $2500/mo and price now in good Manhattan neighborhoods are cheaper than Brooklyn.



You're kiddin', right?  Tell your sister, joking about real estate is just not done here.  Joking bout anything else?  Fine.  But real estate?  No, please.  Not sure where your sister is living, but dat ain't the Manhattan I'm living in, in the here & now.  Is this in Manhattan?  Er, maybe In 1960 -- when Audrey Hepburn was munching on a danish in front of Tiffany's at 6 in the morning?


I didn't get a long enough look, but if that's the street Bella's place really is on, it's right nearby Parsons, which is on Fifth & 12th.  I'll take another look to see if I recognize the exact block, but it looked like it could be 12th, between 5th & 6th -- or maybe 10th or 11th.  A friend of mine just sold his small one bedroom in a doorman building around the corner from there (which he's had for 15 years) for a little over 2 mil.


I do think Yo & Mo are the worst real estate investors ever



Not necessarily.  Actually, I don't agree at all.  Buying an apartment in this area is a great investment.  Lots of people wanna buy in this area.  And I don't think dat will EVER change.  And given the example of my friend, who bought his place for 250 thou 15 years ago (and everyone thought he was nuts) and just sold it for over 2 mil, I'd say it was a very good investment indeed.


Also, I'm sure Yo wasn't exaggerating.  Competition to get a place in this area is really fierce.  I'm totally serious.  There's very little usually on the market in this area & when it hits, it always goes very, very quickly.  Yeah, this particular area is extremely sought after.  Bad investment?  Yikes, no.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Kim watching the Eddie and LeeAnn show at Brandi's was weird. She seemed really out of place there. What does she have in common at all with Brandi and her friends?

Er, drinking?! Sorry, that was mean, but I couldn't resist. Plus, I saw the preview for next week...

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So is Kyle's kid going to U of A or ASU?  I'm confused because it seems like they are being used interchangeably in this thread (and are often interchangeable in my head).  It looked to me like it was U of A, which I think is better academically.  I can't remember which is the party school, but I think it is ASU.


I would love to see Yo's manual on sending kids off to college.  I would like to think that having randos your child doesn't know paint tiles to hang on the wall is number one on her checklist, right above making sure to have proper area rug placement.  

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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To listen to her narrate the Eddie and LeAnn show and act like she's watching it for research (aka, to make sure her sons aren't on it when she knows good and damn well that her sons are no longer on RHOBH because Eddie forbade it) was too much to handle.



While I am usually the last person to defend Brandi, I have to say I don't blame her for making sure her boys don't show up on Eddie and LeAnn's reality show since he's the one who refused to let them appear on Brandi's reality show.  It would be very hypocritical if he did let them appear.  In that situation, I would be doing the same thing as Brandi.


Ditto with Yolanda, although I didn't get the sense she was as cut up about it as when Gigi left home. Me thinks Bella isn't as much as the golden child as Miss Gigi.



While Yolanda says that Gigi is more like her, in the looks department anyway, Bella is more like her.  They have the exact same face.  The only difference to me is that Bella has dark hair.

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I would love to see Yo's manual on sending kids off to college.




I could tell it to ya.  First off, it have would $'s all over it.  Ah, well, Yo would say how important it is to completely decorate your college kid's place -- of course, without any input from them on how they want it decorated.  But that's only after you spend at least 2 mil on just the right place for 'em.  Oh, everyone can so relate to Yo, right?

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Hilarious. And he's probably been called that for so long it doesn't even dawn on him that it's a turd. I'm calling my sister tomorrow to ask if she's ever thought about what it means to be a 'Poo'. Once after smoking some grass we discussed the oddness of her real name, 'Pam'. 'Pam'. What is it? What could it mean? Wow man.

But Poo? Seems normal to us.

Heh...she said grass. Groovy.

Every name sounds weird if you smoke the good stuff. Lol. I love the Poo nickname. If I heard somebody being called Poo, I would think Pooh instead of actual poo. Its a cute nickname.

My daughter's name is Amanda and she's always been Panda Poo.

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So is Kyle's kid going to U of A or ASU?  I'm confused because it seems like they are being used interchangeably in this thread (and are often interchangeable in my head).  It looked to me like it was U of A, which I think is better academically.  I can't remember which is the party school, but I think it is ASU.


I thought I heard Tucson mentioned (the campus tour guide, maybe?), so that would be UA? ASU is in Tempe, near Phoenix.

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Zzzzz. Most boring episode ever. Trifecta of moms crying over babies going to college. Wake me next week when it looks like there's some Kim/Kyle/Brandi drama.


I wanted to see what the rest of the "pool treats" at the resort were. Grape kebabs, chilled towels, and ??? 


Yes, I found that more interesting than the college stuff, except for trying to figure out where Bella's apt. is. 

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And tonight...I have to admit that I love Kyle this season.  She makes me laugh, I don't think she's fake but she's self-aware.  It's kinda awesome, and I'm curious where she'll go, since she seems to have a lot wrapped up in being Mom.

I laughed during this exchange:

Alexia: "So, when one of us leaves, you have another baby?"

Kyle: "Yes. I'm pregnant"

At least Kyle is fully aware of her emotional neediness, and can joke about it.

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I'm still in shock over the $1,800 a month college allowance.  I know times have changed (I graduated from college in 1987) but my monthly allowance was exactly zero and in my first job after graduating I took home only $900 a month yet still managed to pay my share of the rent, groceries, utilities, etc.

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Love all this talk about their children being 'independent'.... Bwah ha ha! Independent means relying on yourself, not having everything paid for by your parents. Independence isn't just moving out of your parent's house!

I'm not begrudging people with the financial means to support their kids... My youngest has certainly had a smoother ride through life than my older children as I became wealthier..... But don't pretend they are 'independent'.

Ps: I wondered why Yolanda's daughters weren't able/allowed to decorate their own apartments, but then I saw how disinterested Bella seemed.... yes, everything just lands in your lap dear child. No need to do anything, or be interested....just let it happen. Like magic!

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
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When you have episodes where you have to focus on the kids so much, maybe this franchise is beginning to jump the shark.  Maybe these mommies need to get a life so they won't be so devastated every time a kid leaves home.  Yeah, when my son left it was an adjustment, and took a couple of months to get used to the quiet in the house but I never cried over it. I knew he was just a phone call away and if we started missing him too much, we would go see him. They're so freakin dramatic. 

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I'll just go on record and say that I don't mind the crying college storylines. I know it seems like we've been inundated with them, but it's just the case that a lot of cast members have kids of that age right now. This is a very really glimpse into what they're going through. I have at least 12 years before I'm there, but I remember my mom taking my younger sisters to college and there were lots of tears, on both sides. Of course she was proud of them and happy for them, but we are all really close - so the idea of suddenly not seeing someone every day can be hard. Anyhow, I don't mind at all and would rather have these storylines than ANYTHING featuring the scum sucking bottom dweller Brandi. 


And I find Kyle following the Tucson police on Twitter to be all kinds of hilarious. 


Now, Yo sending HER kid off to college WAS a little annoying, because I felt it was less about that milestone in Bella's life and more of an audition for HGTV. 


So speaking of that bottom dweller - who has a little party to watch their ex and his new wife on TV??? No, you're not bitter at all, Brandi. I love how she insisted she HAD to watch, to make sure the kids weren't on. Um....because no one could have watched for you and let you know? Okay, right. And she complains that all he does is talk about her? Hypocrite much? I just find it odd that earlier she was going on about one day having peace with them and being able to have big holiday dinners with everyone - but she's sitting here calling them assholes. Yea, that's going to work out real well. 


The worst, though, was her trashing Eddie's child support check on national TV. Bemoaning $1,000. What was that amount for? One month? I know CA is pricier than the rest of the country, but that's like 4 times what most people I know get from their exes. Some people get nothing. She should be happy. But no, she's complaining that that's barely enough for one week's worth of groceries. I'm sorry, but what is she feeding those kids? Steaks with truffles and caviar on the side? Was she including her alcohol purchases in the weekly grocery bills? I can't imagine any conceivable way you could justify spending that much on three people's food for one week! Ugh, she's exhausting. 


I got kind of a squicky feeling with Lisa and Max. I think it's fine to try and push a child to some degree; what I didn't like were the Pandora comparisons. You just can't do that to your kids. Pandora is the eldest, and firstborns are typically perfectionists...overachievers...etc. She should just stick with comparing Max to Max, and focusing on his own progress. Some parents might feel that comparing one sibling to another will motivate them, but for someone that already has issues, it might just cause them to give up entirely. I don't know, we only get a glimpse of their life. I'm not saying Lisa is a horrible mom, but she rubbed me the wrong way a tad with Max. 


I continue to love Lisa R. Girl has no shame! She'll just sit there and do her weird mouth exercises in LA traffic, with a camera crew in tow. No fucks to give. Live your life, girl!

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Wow, Brandi's BFF Jennifer looks AWFUL! And didn't she used to spell it "Gennifer" or some weird Hollywood spelling?  Anyway, she needs to stop accompanying Brandi to the cosmetic surgery counter at their local Walmart, because both of these woman have completely distorted their faces.


I don't love the flokati rugs Yo was laying down in Bella's apartment.  Those things are dust magnets.  I used to work in a store that sold those and they got filthy real fast just sitting on shelves. They weren't cheap either.  But I suppose people with Hadid/Foster money treat them as I treat paper towels and just get new ones.


I have an adopted daughter and I would NEVER say out loud, never mind on TV, that I thought her different genes made her less like me in personality or drive or intelligence! My daughter was born in Korea and my husband & I are 2 of the whitest pale Irish Americans I know. We don't even compare genetics when it comes to obvious differences in our appearances.


What network is Eddie & Leanne's show on?  I never heard of it.  Not a fan of either of them but I'd watch it just to see their side of the story.  I love how Brandi started off last night saying she hopes one day they can all sit around the table at Thanksgiving as one happy family.  Then 10 minutes later she's still talking shit about them.


I am liking Lisa R more & more, but that jewelry was hideous.  I have seen similar junk at Burlington Coat Factory or T J Maxx - usually on the clearance racks.  Yeesh.  I'd write a check just to not have to look at it anymore.  My neck and wrists are itchy thinking about putting that on my skin.

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What network is Eddie & Leanne's show on?  I never heard of it.  Not a fan of either of them but I'd watch it just to see their side of the story.


I think it was on VH1; the first (maybe only?) season is over now. I tried watching one episode, but it bored me to tears. 

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Brandi is a pet's worst nightmare. Poor things.

Brandi is every living creature's worst nightmare. And why were they all sitting on her bed to watch tv? I mean, I watch tv in my bed but I don't invite friends and stylists to join me up there. That's what living rooms are for.

Mauricio saying goodbye to his daughter...something may have gotten in my eyes.

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I think it was on VH1; the first (maybe only?) season is over now. I tried watching one episode, but it bored me to tears. 

I watched all of the Eddie/LeAnn episodes. It was a very short season. They are a very boring couple. Most of the focus was on the fact that LeAnn wants a baby and Eddie could care less. One thing the show proved and that is that LeAnn is very controlling. Eddie had a good job offer out of town and LeAnn didn't want him to do it. She would rather he stay home unemployed. Guess who won?  Say what you will about Brandi, I bet there was never a dull moment living with her. Nutcase that she is. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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I'm pretty sure the resort they were staying in was in Tuscon, so it has to be UA.

I heard Kyle say something like "I hope Alexia does well at U of A".  It was somewhat garbled and I thought Kyle said "UVA"  and my first thought was "They're not in Virginia"!!! 

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I don't love Kyle but also don't hate her.


That's how I feel about all of them in this series WITH the exception of Brandi.  They all have things I like and loath about them,though I don't know much yet about the two new girls. Brandi is a nothing to me I don't invest any emotion in her, what I do hate is that she is on my TV so I press the fast forward button. If it a segment solely about Brandy or Kim I usually fast forward. If it involves one of the others I may or may not watch and if I listen it's selective. If it's Brandy doing the yapping I tune her out but I will listen to see what others say.


I'm liking Lisa R. and Eileen. Lisa R. seems fun, plucky, and amiable. Eileen seems to have more inner class and deportment that the rest of these women.

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Brandi is every living creature's worst nightmare. And why were they all sitting on her bed to watch tv? I mean, I watch tv in my bed but I don't invite friends and stylists to join me up there. That's what living rooms are for.

Mauricio saying goodbye to his daughter...something may have gotten in my eyes.

I thought the same thing about Brandi entertaining in her bedroom.

I understand Kyle & Yolanda to a point and yes I've sent a child to college. I guess they didn't have anything else to show, so we had to watch the minute by minute details of Alexia leaving. And what other family is met by a university rep when visiting the school? Ambassador yes, rep no. I'm not sure I believed Kyle when she said Alexia was on the wait list for a dorm so they had to get her an apartment. I don't know about all colleges, but I thought most made room for the freshmen and the upper class are the ones who are denied a room or on a lottery system to get one. And I would think being the daughter of a "celebrity" & coming from a family with $$$, would have put Alexia on the list for getting a dorm.

I agree- next weeks episode looks exciting. I like Kim sitting at the poker table with what looks like a cigar in her hand.

Edited by Barb23
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Oh, jeez, an entire episode of kids leaving for college. I mean really, it's a big deal to those involved, but to a viewing audience, not so much. That said, it was pretty laughable to watch Yo swoop in an decorate what is considered a NYC palace for her 18 year old. And watching Kyle say that she is going to give Alexia $1800 in spending money. It goes to show you how disconnected these 1 percenters are from the rest of the population. Yo is just ridic and Bella is playing her so hard. Kayle, I did think she was not acting when she got upset, but sending her away in a towncar while Kyle sobbed in the room was a bit OTT. I noticed that they did not film at Alexia's apartment and I think that was a security precaution, so they had to do the goodbye at the hotel, where they had permission to film, which was just strange. However, I do think the Umansky's a bit more grounded than Yo. Kyle was concerned, rightly about a freshman living off campus in an apartment would not have as many opportunities to socialize and that she was living in an apartment because she was waitlisted for the dorms, not because Alexia needed a chic pad. I was glad to see that Alexia was rushing. As much as some people bag on  greek life, she will have many more opportunities to make friends than she would otherwise have. BUT, one of the jobs as a parent of a freshman is to help them let go and assimilate into college life and away from home. With Kyle, it's like Alexia needs to help her cope. And Kyle really shouldn't be saying things like come home if you don't like it. Freshmen need to be encouraged to stick it out, not told they can flee whenever it gets too hard. 


And BTW, Kyle, lots of people go to college as adults. It's not too late. I really think that Kyle has self esteem problems and she has mentioned that she regrets not going to college many times. Why not try it? It's not like she has a job or anything. Portia will be just fine. 


Thank goodness for Eileen and her "bye, have a great year". An actual sane reaction to a child going to college. I realize that he is returning for his senior year, but somehow I can't see Eileen as a blubbering mess like Kyle.


Brandi,  snore. It was so bizarre to film a scene of she and her paid gays snarking on Eddie and Leann in her bed, with he TV screen blurred? And bitching about a 1K check? Just goes to show you how out of touch she is. Most single moms with give their left arm for a 1K check every month.   


I was shocked and pretty appalled at LVP making statements about how Maxs' lack of ambition is genetic. Such BS!! He even said it himself, he was indulged. Why have ambition? And Pandy Pandy has no more ambition than Max does. It helps if you marry a guy and he and your parenst create and fund a business for you. What crap. 


Lisa Rinna, forgettable. 


I agree that the best thing about the episode was the preview. Kim goes off the wagon and was that Brandi and Kyle in a smackdown? can't wait. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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I'm still in shock over the $1,800 a month college allowance.  I know times have changed (I graduated from college in 1987) but my monthly allowance was exactly zero and in my first job after graduating I took home only $900 a month yet still managed to pay my share of the rent, groceries, utilities, etc.


LOL I got $100 a month from my parents when I went away to school, and many of my friends thought I was livin LARGE.  And I honestly NEVER spent that full amount every month!  Of course, this was this mid 90s in Pennsylvania, so... yea.  Different place, different times. Ah, different everything I suppose.

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'm not sure I believed Kyle when she said Alexia was on the wait list for a dorm so they had to get her an apartment. I don't know about all colleges, but I thought most made room for the freshmen and the upper class are the ones who are denied a room or on a lottery system to get one.


I believe it. Depending on the situation at the school and when she sent in her housing deposit, if she waited she probably got waitlisted. I work on a college campus and no way would all the freshmen be able to live in dorms on my campus. Few colleges are actually building new dorms on campus, it's too expensive and developers have bought up land around many campuses and built luxury student apartments complete with pools, tennis courts, granite countertops and latte bars. Schools can't compete with those amenities and students (and parents) want them, so after freshman year, most students move off campus anyway.




LOL I got $100 a month from my parents when I went away to school.


My daughter graduated from college 3 years ago. I gave her $200 a month for groceries when she moved off campus. I cannot imagine giving an 18 year old $1800/month

Edited by poeticlicensed
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About David...... (though I think his hair is the biggest form of birth control a rich man can have ; getting fucked by that would cause eggs to crawl back up the tube). 


About Kyle.... I think if she was Amish the churn would be giving her some kind of grief we would hear about.   


Lisa Vanderpimp.... No matter how much glitzy spackle they slather themselves in they really aren't that many steps from the people on My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding.  i can so see Ken a few years younger in a vest getting into fights at the caravan park while Lisa in fake eyelashes just a smidge longer and clothes that....well look pretty much what she wears now just cheaper fabrics urges him on.


Good Morning Heebie,    Please come over and clean my computer screen. There is coffee, toast and jam spewed all over it.


I can see that egg backing it's way up saying "NO, NO, NO!!!"

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I agree that the best thing about the episode was the preview. Kim goes off the wagon and was that Brandi and Kyle in a smackdown? can't wait.

I'll admit I was drinking a tumbler of Grey Goose and grape flavored MiO during the show, but did I hear Brandi say in the preview that it turns her on to catch her man en flagrante delicto, and her being powerless to leave the room until he climaxes??! What kind of games were Eddie and Brandi playing during their marriage?

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