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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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On 5/11/2021 at 8:48 PM, sealit said:

I’m not allergic to seafood, but I got so tired of people telling me to try their fish because it’s not fishy or I’ll love it the way they cook it. 


On 5/12/2021 at 7:32 AM, Ohiopirate02 said:

I have heard it all over the years and people still insist that if I only tried this fish, or this preparation then I will magically be able to like it.  Nope, the fish is still flaky and I gag.  It's the only protein I will not eat.  I will try almost anything else.  I'm really not that picky of an eater and can usually find something to eat wherever I am.  Unless the only option is fish with Pico de Gallo (cilantro is the devil's weed, and I cannot eat raw onions). 

I feel this way about lamb. I am disgusted by it, the smell is so bad to me, that if I end up with someone eating lamb near me, I have to pretend they're eating beef that has gone bad because otherwise I will projectile hurl. It should be against the law to cook or eat lamb. @Ohiopirate02, my version of fish with Pico de Gallo is lamb with goat cheese, & I nearly puked typing that.


EDITED: My husband had a "beef that has gone bad" shish wrap today for lunch. I had to pick it up at the restaurant. Now my car & house are both contaminated. Does anyone know if fire will kill the "beef that has gone bad" germs?

Edited by GaT
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2 hours ago, GaT said:

It should be against the law to cook or eat lamb

You are wrong! And you would know that if you tried my lamb stew 😆

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33 minutes ago, Quof said:

You are wrong! And you would know that if you tried my lamb stew 😆

Just the thought of lamb stew is enough to stop me from eating for days. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

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22 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

My actual peeve - service providers who drop off the face of the earth. I need a few windows replaced. If I do get a call back (which is rare), there isn’t any follow up to that call. If you don’t want my business for whatever reason (too busy, project too small), tell me that upfront so I don’t waste more of my time. Don’t tell me you will call me the next day to arrange measuring my windows, then never return my emails or calls.

I called a tree company to come grind up a tree stump in my yard. He told me he'd call me back with a date. I waited a week and called again, left a message. No return call. Waited another 2 weeks called again and left a message. No call back. I get that you're busy but could you just say "yea, I don't have time?" I finally found a different guy to come do it. 

I'm hearing a lot of construction companies are either A) swamped or B) can't get people to work the jobs or C) a combo of both so I'm trying to be patient but in March I put down my 10% deposit to have my driveway and paver patio dug up and replaced.  I was told they'd get back to me with a start date. I heard nothing in April so I called last week and they said they "think" they can start the excavation on the 18th. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. 

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27 minutes ago, BexKeps said:

I called a tree company to come grind up a tree stump in my yard. He told me he'd call me back with a date. I waited a week and called again, left a message. No return call. Waited another 2 weeks called again and left a message. No call back. I get that you're busy but could you just say "yea, I don't have time?" I finally found a different guy to come do it. 

I'm hearing a lot of construction companies are either A) swamped or B) can't get people to work the jobs or C) a combo of both so I'm trying to be patient but in March I put down my 10% deposit to have my driveway and paver patio dug up and replaced.  I was told they'd get back to me with a start date. I heard nothing in April so I called last week and they said they "think" they can start the excavation on the 18th. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. 

Good luck! Hopefully putting down a deposit gets you on their schedule.

I actually have multiple projects that need to be done (total renovation of the main bath, replacing the front stairs/porch columns) but I’m not even going to try right now. None need to be done immediately, but it’s frustrating that I have the money but can’t find anyone to do the work. 


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3 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

None need to be done immediately, but it’s frustrating that I have the money but can’t find anyone to do the work. 

We've been having the same problems.  What annoys me most isn't that people don't call me back (although that's bad) it's when they do call, give us a quote, we accept the quote and then nothing.  We contact them a few times and still nothing.  I mean at least give us the courtesy of telling us WHY you aren't going to be doing the work for us.  I end up checking the email or text messages thinking we've  somehow insulted someone.  It's so frustrating.

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9 minutes ago, WinnieWinkle said:

We've been having the same problems.  What annoys me most isn't that people don't call me back (although that's bad) it's when they do call, give us a quote, we accept the quote and then nothing.  We contact them a few times and still nothing.  I mean at least give us the courtesy of telling us WHY you aren't going to be doing the work for us.  I end up checking the email or text messages thinking we've  somehow insulted someone.  It's so frustrating.

We have an arborist coming out today to look at some major pruning jobs we have, now you guys have me worried he won't show up.

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20 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

Gas isn't toilet paper. If you store it improperly it's going to explode.

The problem is that these people do think that gas is toilet paper. And it will light a fire under their butt, figuratively and literally.

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I'm on a waiting list with my normal construction guy to re-do my guest bath. I've used him for multiple projects so I know he'll show up, but I've never been on his waiting list for so long. We had a winter storm in February that messed up hundreds of thousands of homes across the state and mine is just one of many. I have subfloor damage from a leaking pipe that gave me an excuse to retile the whole bathroom into something I like. I'm going to have the black and white 1920's style bathroom of my dreams at some point. Whenever that is, lol. 

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5 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

My brand new peeve is mangoes that go from hard to overripe in a tiny time frame. Like one day it's rock hard, the next day it's overripe and needs to be eaten ASAP.

Oh, that's me and avocados. 


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23 hours ago, BookWoman56 said:

What sense does it make to have the same delivery truck go into a subdivision and deliver some stuff, leave and go 10 miles down the highway, and then return hours later to the same subdivision?

Could be as a result of the way the truck was loaded.  If there were heavy/unwieldly packages in between your neighborhood deliveries, driver may have chosen to get those off, rather than have to essentially reload the truck.

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On 5/12/2021 at 2:45 PM, theredhead77 said:

Dude. I'm trying to find a new doctor and am running into this issue. No one answers, I leave a message but one is calling me back.

WOW! I actually got a call back from one of the practices I left a message for. They said because I've already been seeing a rheumatologist I don't need to get a referral from a GP (which is great because I don't have one). Instead of making me contact my old doctors office to send my records they had me sign a release form and faxed it to them. I  have an appointment scheduled in about 2.5 weeks. I hope the doctor *gets me*. I'm pro-science but I am not pro "all the drugs". The dosage I am on now works and allows me to keep up with my social drinking, which my other doctor wasn't a fan of BUT said as long as my liver is fine it's fine. Just don't take my pills with a shot (my old doctor GOT ME!)

2 hours ago, Kawaiiko said:

The problem is that these people do think that gas is toilet paper. And it will light a fire under their butt, figuratively and literally.

I wouldn't care if they used it as TP but I don't want to see gasoline in the sewer lines.

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On 5/12/2021 at 2:51 PM, SuprSuprElevated said:

Majorly pet peeve.  The Jerry Springering of the American culture.

mtv programming meme.jpg

Dude.  MTV barely shows ANYTHING these days other than Ridiculousness. Seriously it's on about 20 hours out of the MTV broadcast day.

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On 5/12/2021 at 1:51 PM, SuprSuprElevated said:

Majorly pet peeve.  The Jerry Springering of the American culture.

mtv programming meme.jpg

Agree but we wouldn't have had him, if Lenny Bruce and George Carlin hadn't been lionized in the 1960's and 1970's,etc.- and Springer was by no means the worst that has been wrought from all this.

Civility is a must for civilization  to survive! Too bad that this seems to have been forgotten or ridiculed thanks to the abovementioned!

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On 5/6/2021 at 1:32 PM, Hangin Out said:

Me too, for about a week now.  Now I have to type in the search bar on top every time.  Do they want us to pay to go on the threads or what?

Solution Everyone .. I couldn’t get on my shows.  Had to use the search bar.  My grandson told me to delete all my shows in my “Favorites”.  Then, put each show on your favorites one by one.  It’s back to normal and is working fine again.  I needed a kid to fix it for me.

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First World problem, I know, but it still peeves me.

First, I was thrilled when I was notified the pool would be open this summer.

But. Despite CDC and doctors all over saying it's safe to be mask-less when outside, the sister property who lets us use the pool, will still require us to wear a mask when on the pool deck.

So now, I'm going to have to get the most light weight mask, because I don't want any mask tan lines on my face! My other choice is that since we don't have to wear them when in the water, I'll just stay there, and sun my face that way.

I know! I know! I said, First World Problems. 

[putting on my flak helmet for any that think I'm being selfish and an idiot]

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Civility is a must for civilization  to survive! Too bad that this seems to have been forgotten or ridiculed thanks to the abovementioned!

I'm not even that proper, but sometimes I feel like a granny among my own generation.

That reminds me. A pet peeve of mine is extremist attitudes. 

Why can't we be liberal but still appreciate civility?

Few examples:

I consider myself sex positive. I don't think people should be shamed for being sexual. I bat for LGBT. I don't think people need to wait for marriage or love to have sex. That's not good enough for some folks though. I still think we should all have standards and be safe and be respectful of our partners. That shouldn't make me part of "purity culture." 

I'm a feminist and think the female body is beautiful. I don't believe in covering head to toe. Just because I don't think women should take their tops off wherever they want doesn't mean I'm against equal rights. There are beaches for different comfort zones, and I think it should stay that way. If your biggest problem is not being able to take your top off in front of everyone, your life is beyond privileged. Feminists have campaigned for so many serious issues. I don't think going topless belongs on the same list as voting, equal pay, reproductive rights, violence against women, etc.  

As a grown woman, I will listen to raunchy music if I like the beat. I'm not trying to ban it or adult entertainment. Sorry, I don't like it when performances at family shows are raunchy, and I don't think it's cute for kids to be singing WAP. I'd be horrified if I had kids and they listened to Cardi B. 

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23 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

My brand new peeve is mangoes that go from hard to overripe in a tiny time frame. Like one day it's rock hard, the next day it's overripe and needs to be eaten ASAP.

Bananas do this too.

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I have been looking for large storage containers for my garage and patio.  Everything I look at is described in terms of liquid capacity - “66 quart” or “128 gallon”.  I am not looking for an aquarium; I want to know if it will fit on my shelf or hold my tall bucket.  Why do I have to go to the website and then dig down to the description to find out the HxWxD measurement?  Just print the damn size in the ad.


Edited by Mittengirl
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4 hours ago, RealHousewife said:


I'm not even that proper, but sometimes I feel like a granny among my own generation.

That reminds me. A pet peeve of mine is extremist attitudes. 

Why can't we be liberal but still appreciate civility?

Few examples:

I consider myself sex positive. I don't think people should be shamed for being sexual. I bat for LGBT. I don't think people need to wait for marriage or love to have sex. That's not good enough for some folks though. I still think we should all have standards and be safe and be respectful of our partners. That shouldn't make me part of "purity culture." 

I'm a feminist and think the female body is beautiful. I don't believe in covering head to toe. Just because I don't think women should take their tops off wherever they want doesn't mean I'm against equal rights. There are beaches for different comfort zones, and I think it should stay that way. If your biggest problem is not being able to take your top off in front of everyone, your life is beyond privileged. Feminists have campaigned for so many serious issues. I don't think going topless belongs on the same list as voting, equal pay, reproductive rights, violence against women, etc.  

As a grown woman, I will listen to raunchy music if I like the beat. I'm not trying to ban it or adult entertainment. Sorry, I don't like it when performances at family shows are raunchy, and I don't think it's cute for kids to be singing WAP. I'd be horrified if I had kids and they listened to Cardi B. 

This!  I mean, if you shame people because they like underwire bras (hey, I have iddybiddies, I want some volume, dammit!) and heels, then you need to take a good look at the world and realize that there are many, many more issues to deal with.  I'd rather spend time investing in women-run businesses, making sure that they get as much funding as men AND are taken seriously (for example).  

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1 minute ago, PRgal said:

This!  I mean, if you shame people because they like underwire bras (hey, I have iddybiddies, I want some volume, dammit!) and heels, then you need to take a good look at the world and realize that there are many, many more issues to deal with.  I'd rather spend time investing in women-run businesses, making sure that they get as much funding as men AND are taken seriously (for example).  


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10 minutes ago, PRgal said:

This!  I mean, if you shame people because they like underwire bras (hey, I have iddybiddies, I want some volume, dammit!) and heels, then you need to take a good look at the world and realize that there are many, many more issues to deal with.  I'd rather spend time investing in women-run businesses, making sure that they get as much funding as men AND are taken seriously (for example).  

Not at all! I’m the most feminine feminist you’d ever meet and totally agree with your post as well. :)

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1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

Not at all! I’m the most feminine feminist you’d ever meet and totally agree with your post as well. :)

Feminism is nothing if not about choices. Be yourself and don't let false expectations weigh down on you.

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I kind of have to lol  at the underwire bra ads.  Had a double mastectomy in 2013 after breast cancer,,,no reconstruction haven't needed or wanted a bra  since.   Life is good...

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On 5/12/2021 at 4:29 PM, BookWoman56 said:

I’ve seen a lot of people complain about FedEx, but UPS (not to be confused with USPS) is somehow always the delivery service I have problems with. In the last year, it’s been: Package just disappeared off the face of the planet while in transit, twice (2 completely different orders). Only box 1 of a 2-box item arrived (the table top without the legs and hardware isn’t going to do me much good). 

Today is doubly irritating. Package A is a couple of heavy boxes of materials for replacing my door molding upstairs. Got the “track your delivery on a live map” notification this morning. Four hours ago the live map showed the delivery truck about two streets over and six blocks away from my house. Since then, the truck has left my neighborhood entirely, gone to a small town down the road, and is only now one street over and a few blocks away. What sense does it make to have the same delivery truck go into a subdivision and deliver some stuff, leave and go 10 miles down the highway, and then return hours later to the same subdivision?


Package A arrived at the local distribution center around 5am and was loaded onto a delivery truck around 6:15am. Package B is a small box; it arrived at the local distribution center around 4am. It did not get loaded onto a delivery truck, and the most recent notification says it won’t be delivered until tomorrow. I just don’t see how this makes sense, that the package that made it to the distribution center later gets delivered today, while the one that got there later is on the delivery truck. 

Obviously the timing on the delivery of these two packages isn’t a real problem, but it does make me question their efficiency. Coupled with the other problems I have encountered with them over the past few years, they will not ever be my first choice for shipping things. I understand others may have had very different experiences. 

Ooh I feel you. Last year at the beginning of the pandemic I was waiting for the replacement for my completely dead cell phone and I really needed it. Overnight service was promised but no time of day.  I tracked that UPS driver all day long tootling around our area and would have happily driven out to meet his truck but no. He showed up at my house last delivery of the day around 6 pm. I am always on the losing end of the route schedulers for appliance delivery too. 

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On 5/13/2021 at 2:21 PM, Kawaiiko said:

The problem is that these people do think that gas is toilet paper. And it will light a fire under their butt, figuratively and literally.

During quarantine I made toilet paper earrings that I sent to family and friends. I live in metro Atlanta and was visiting a girlfriend who was commenting on her earrings and I said “Maybe I need to make a gas can earring - TP in one ear, gas can in the other.

This panic buying of gas was just disturbing and made no sense. It wasn’t going to be a 12 month pandemic, it was a shortage for a week, which impacted a lot of people, but people putting gasoline into plastic bags - WTF?

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6 minutes ago, Stats Queen said:

This panic buying of gas was just disturbing and made no sense. It wasn’t going to be a 12 month pandemic, it was a shortage for a week, which impacted a lot of people, but people putting gasoline into plastic bags - WTF?

I've been avoiding the news a lot lately except for q quick scan of the headlines so I missed hearing about this.  God people can be stupid.  Today's pet peeve: god people can be stupid.

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On 5/12/2021 at 4:40 PM, isalicat said:

My experience mirrors yours exactly. I never, ever ship out anything via UPS because almost every time something comes to me via UPS I get to watch the package wander around the USA whilst tracking it on line. I live in California and one time a package from within California via UPS went first to Pennsylvania and then to Arizona, back to the East Coast before finally making its way back to Cali. Its really unfortunate because when I lived in the mountains our UPS delivery guy was the *best*, wading through snow and mud to deliver packages no matter what - not his fault the overall system seemed to be broke.

Here is my pet peeve for the day: I work at a food pantry three days a week, and on Mondays I team with a young man to take three fairly heavy bags of groceries out to people's cars (since the Covid - before that they could come get stuff and haul it themselves). We pack one bag of non-perishable stuff (cereal, pasta, sauce, tuna...), one bag of fresh fruits and vegies, and one bag with meat/chicken/fish, eggs, butter, cheese and bread and dessert. Due to sanitary regulations we cannot take food back once a client has touched it so if people indicate they don't like this or that, or can't eat this or that we just tell them to pass it on to someone else.

Lately there are more and more people driving up and as we approach the car we get told "I can only eat organic vegetables" and/or "I don't eat fish - could you get me some steak or ground beef instead?" and/or "I need gluten free bread, not the regular kind". Jeez, people - if you are hungry enough to be coming to a food bank for free food, take what you are given, eat what you can, pass along the other stuff and be grateful! One passive aggressive type told me Monday afternoon (because I could not guarantee that the vegies were organic) "Oh, well, I guess I will just have to go without...". Yes, yes, you will.

That is just so messed up. These people are incredibly blessed to have others helping them to put food on the table for their families. Fresh produce used to be the exception. To be given fresh produce from a food pantry is just amazing and wonderful.

Back in 2005 when Katrina hit, I was volunteering for the Salvation Army to help those in need. Over 55,000 people evacuated to Metro Atlanta and for many the fact that they actually had to rely on a hand up was really hard (there were scammers and such). These people were happy that someone helped them in their hour of need.

On 5/14/2021 at 6:58 PM, PRgal said:

This!  I mean, if you shame people because they like underwire bras (hey, I have iddybiddies, I want some volume, dammit!) and heels, then you need to take a good look at the world and realize that there are many, many more issues to deal with.  I'd rather spend time investing in women-run businesses, making sure that they get as much funding as men AND are taken seriously (for example).  

And I am 56 and have the opposite of iddybiddies, so underwire is a must.


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I've discussed at length how much I hate our upstairs neighbors. Tonight, they were jumping/stomping around so much that keepsakes fell off a shelf in our kitchen. They are out of control. The toddler runs (stomps) around squealing until past 1:00am. We've talked to the leasing office time after time. We've left the neighbors notes. We've talked to them. Nothing we do helps. It's 11:00 here and it's going on now--stomping/jumping/squealing. Put the kid to bed, for fuck's sake! I refuse to call the police on them because I'm not going to be that white lady (they are Latino), but what can I do, besides bang on the ceiling with a broom, which quiets them down for approximately 2.7 minutes?

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12 hours ago, bilgistic said:

but what can I do

Put in a request for an upstairs apt.?  Not trying to be flip, but my experience with renting apartments tells me that there is no ideal circumstance.  No matter the price point, there will always be assholes who think they are alone in the world, and any/everything they do is AOK.  We had to build a house to get peace, lol.

Maddening but realistic.

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12 hours ago, bilgistic said:

but what can I do, besides bang on the ceiling with a broom, which quiets them down for approximately 2.7 minutes?

In all honesty the only thing you can probably do is move.  Easier said than done I know!  The last time we shared walls with someone that someone was a heavy smoker.  At first there was no problem but within a year or two the smell started coming into our place.  And it got worse from there.  I have no idea what happened but somehow whatever barrier there was between our two units got breached.  He was a nice guy but there was no way he was going to stop smoking in his own place just because it bothered us.  

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53 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Put in a request for an upstairs apt.?  Not trying to be flip, but my experience with renting apartments tells me that there is no ideal circumstance.  No matter the price point, there will always be assholes who think they are alone in the world, and any/everything they do is AOK.  We had to build a house to get peace, lol.

Maddening but realistic.

We've lived in our house for over forty years. Nice and peaceful until about fifteen years ago when they built some new homes across the street. The one house directly facing us has a balcony off their kitchen. They had three large dogs. The barking wasn't too bad when they were home but whenever they left, they'd lock the dogs out on the balcony where they would bark and howl for hours. The dogs finally got old and died and they didn't replace them. He then purchased a Harley, which he did not ride. He just sat on it in the driveway for half hour to an hour and revved the engine.  Thankfully, they moved away last month

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14 hours ago, bilgistic said:

We've talked to the leasing office time after time. We've left the neighbors notes. We've talked to them. Nothing we do helps.

Probably the best solution here is to just move.   On the bright side you can just leave and let the problem become someone else’s.  No worries about selling to someone who is going to be angry because now they have the upstairs noisy neighbor.

I live in a first floor condo as an owner and have been here for a while.  The unit upstairs has been a rental most of the time I’ve been here.  Most of the tenants upstairs have been okay as far as noise until this one who moved in over 5 years ago.   A few months after she moved in she started doing her laundry late at night which kept me from falling asleep.  It went on enough that I spoke to her about it which did nothing.  Long story short I was able to eventually (on the 2nd try) get the property manager to call the unit owner to get it to stop.  No problems since.  If that didn’t work I was planning to haunt the Homeowners Board until I got my peace and quiet after 10 pm.  If I was renting I would have just left.  Selling would have been more time consuming and aggravating.  

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The neighbors have been here less than a year. This is/was my boyfriend's apartment into which I moved a year ago. He's been here several years. It's otherwise a quiet complex, and we shouldn't have to move (nor can we afford to, hence me having to move way up here) because one family won't observe quiet hours and/or control their kid.

The leasing office just says, "This will impact whether we renew their lease." Yeah, and this will impact my not paying an increase when we renew.

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@bilgistic I don’t know how things work where you are regarding the legal system and noisy neighbors - one of my neighbors was having severe noise issues with their upstairs neighbors to the point that they called the police.  I witnessed one episode on an afternoon walk around my development.  The police talked to the person who called and the upstairs offender.  After that I found out second hand the behavior did not stop as there were multiple calls to property management involved that included notifying them that a police report had already been filed.  I don’t know how long this back and forth went on but eventually property management issued a “cease and desist” letter to the upstairs neighbor.  (It was around the time I emailed property management about my problem that got pretty quick action so I wonder if this other incident greased the wheels for me). As far as I know that letter did the trick but the downstairs neighbor had to keep pestering the management for that to happen.   Everyone should be allowed to peaceably live in their home and get their rest, etc.  Apart from moving pestering the management and/or calling the police are the other options obviously. 

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First-world problem/peeve -- the air handling units in hotel rooms.  I have yet to be able to adjust one so that the temperature is bearable -- it's either too hot or too cold no matter what I do.  The digital ones are marginally less bad, but I still have issues.  And no matter which side of the bed I sleep on, or which bed if there are two, the air always blows in my face.  Always.  I hate having air blowing at my face!  In my current hotel room, I have arranged all the show pillows from both beds into sort of a pillow fort to block the air and keep it from blowing directly at me.

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26 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

First-world problem/peeve -- the air handling units in hotel rooms.  I have yet to be able to adjust one so that the temperature is bearable -- it's either too hot or too cold no matter what I do.  The digital ones are marginally less bad, but I still have issues.  And no matter which side of the bed I sleep on, or which bed if there are two, the air always blows in my face.  Always.  I hate having air blowing at my face!  In my current hotel room, I have arranged all the show pillows from both beds into sort of a pillow fort to block the air and keep it from blowing directly at me.

The last hotel room i stayed in, I ended up stuffing the corners of the laundry bag that was in the closet, into the air vent so it could divert the air down and away from my face. It actually worked pretty well. 

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8 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

The last hotel room i stayed in, I ended up stuffing the corners of the laundry bag that was in the closet, into the air vent so it could divert the air down and away from my face. It actually worked pretty well. 

Good idea!  Maybe I'll try that tonight.  The pillow fort is mostly working, but it does take up half the bed, which is another peeve -- I can't stretch out like I do at home.  It's almost like sleeping in a twin bed.

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5 hours ago, Browncoat said:

Good idea!  Maybe I'll try that tonight.  The pillow fort is mostly working, but it does take up half the bed, which is another peeve -- I can't stretch out like I do at home.  It's almost like sleeping in a twin bed.

We had the A/C cranked in my old office because the men were always hot. Me and the person in the next office taped paper over the vents. That worked for us.

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