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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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13 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Driving peeve: When you're at a stop and a person with blindingly bright lights pulls up behind you, so you inch up as much as possible to lower the glare, and they inch up as well. Douchebags, if you feel you need those lights to drive at night, then do the rest of us a favor, and keep yourself an appropriate distance behind the driver in front of you when at a stop. Don't get right on someone's ass and blind the shit out of them. Ugh, I hate people.

You can flip your mirror down a bit and the light will shine right back in their eyes. I've done this quite effectively.

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5 hours ago, GoodieGirl said:

@PRgal just reminded me of one of my pet peeves at the gym: I go to the gym to work out, I have gone with a friend or my daughters on several occasions, on none of those occassions did I feel it necessary to carry on a full volume conversation, over top of the sound of the treadmills/elipticals/weight machines, so that everyone within a 5 ft area can hear that my sisters's best friend's neighbor's daughter is quitting school to move to California. Or that they made THE MOST DELICIOUS casserole for the church picnic last Sunday. Or that the doctor said that growth on her inner thigh is infected and will need to be lanced. And it's always women that I experience this with, wth? If you have the breath and the time to have such major discussions, then maybe a gym isn't the best place for you, maybe you should go to a coffee shop or a walking track at the local park. 

I should also add that those aforementioned girls were hitting on an older gentleman next to me.  In front of his wife.  Yep.  I could feel the woman's invisible eyeroll.  

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Arrggghh! Cobwebs! I was sauntering through the living room and I looked up and there they were. They around the crown molding, the picture frames, in the corners, on the ceiling. I swear they weren't there yesterday. Where do they come from? So there I am with my Swiffer(tm) batting at them and I start seeing more  and more of them I hates them, precious! I hates them.

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Here's my pet peeve for the day/week/year: babies and little kids out in the hot sun w/ no hats on. I was sitting in my car in the medical office parking lot and saw a young mom carrying what looked to be a 2-3 month old, fair skinned, blonde baby to one of the bldgs.  The sun is very hot today (while filling up the gas tank earlier, I could really feel it burning the back of my arms and neck).  All I could think of was this little one, with her brand new skin, thin hair on head, exposed to that strong sun. If I'd passed her on the sidewalk I would've told her to get a hat for the baby (I've done that before).  Over the years I've seen moms and/or dads either pushing or jogging behind a stroller. They had their sunglasses and hats on but the babies/toddlers never did. Grrrrr. Don't mind curmudgeonly me but I've had surgery on my face for melanoma (thank God it was stage zero but the surgery was scary & left a scar) so I'm a worrier about kids & sun exposure.  It feels good to vent 😎

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On 5/18/2019 at 5:05 PM, peacheslatour said:

Arrggghh! Cobwebs! I was sauntering through the living room and I looked up and there they were. They around the crown molding, the picture frames, in the corners, on the ceiling. I swear they weren't there yesterday. Where do they come from?

They probably weren't there yesterday.   Spiders build webs pretty fast 


For how intricate spiders webs tend to be, it might surprise you that the average spider can spin a web in about 30 to 60 minutes. Have you ever seen a spider build a web? Most likely you haven’t, as many spiders tend to build their webs at night.



Spiders don’t just build their webs in any old place; they like to choose where they build their webs very carefully. Spiders will tend to build their webs in high traffic areas for their prey.

They're building webs where house flies and other insects fly.   It always annoys me when the presence of spider webs are used to imply that any area is abandoned or disused.  I see spider webs between bushes in my backyard that appear overnight.

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There used to be a garden spider that would spin a web across my front porch steps every night -- gorgeous, intricate webs.  She'd take it down every morning before I needed to leave for work, too.  I don't think I ever had to knock one down myself to get out of my house.  And she spun it late enough that I never had to knock one down to get in the house, either.

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On 5/15/2019 at 4:58 PM, janestclair said:

This is tangentially related to the doctor discussion, but not really.  I have a neurological condition that I was born with. It's not a particular rare condition, but adults with it are red-headed stepchildren, and so therefore I cannot find a doctor who knows what to do with me. Most people (doctors included) assume that individuals with this physical disability also have a mental impairment as well (I don't), so it's been a struggle to get someone to listen to me that my condition is deteriorating as I age.  "But it's non-progressive!" they say.  Fuck you, I know my body, and I cannot move around like I used to.  

Well, I finally found a neurologist that I love, who was immediately on board with giving botox a shot (9 shots, to be precise), and it is really helping.  I can't tell you how happy I have been about this.  I can move again.  I can walk more normally.  I can wiggle my big toe!  Yes, this is a big deal for me. Hah.

The other day I find out my employer is changing our insurance carrier to Aetna effective July 1st.  Fuck me.  Aetna is garbage insurance with high copays that doesn't cover botox unless you meet a whole host of ridiculous criteria, not the least of which is they only approve it for pediatric use.  Seeing as how I'm 40, this is a problem.  

I've tried medication, and am still on one. I've done physical therapy.  Nothing helps as much as the botox that I've been getting. And now I'm fucked.  Cigna paid 100%, and I didn't even have a copay.  Aetna isn't going to pay squat. I want to cry.  Botox is not cheap. 

I work on the insurance side of this and think you’ll be ok.  You can look into a transition of care option.  Admittedly I don’t know Aetna but know as a general rule Botox isn’t near the hoops it once was. If you have problems, feel free to PM me. There are  ways. 

And not to stick up for competition but Aetna doesn’t have high copays. They may be higher than prior but that’s just what your employer elected (bc its all about the benjamins). 

ETA indeed they may have outrageous copays.  But I meant our employers dictate that. There is no “Aetna is good”. “BCBS is bad”.   Personally I have been sole deductible/out of pocket those copay days seem so long ago. 

Edited by KnoxForPres
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I am sure that cable call centers get people all the time who don't know what their actual problem is, but seriously know something before you try to convince someone with a technical problem that they are just stupid.  

I started the call with "I just want to know if I should trade in the box".  Over the course of an hour I had these joyful conversations.

1. Isn't that what I just said?


me: my box wasn't working so I unplugged it and it started working except for live TV pause rewind

tech person (condescendingly): for your box to work properly you need to refresh it every month

me: what is that?

tech person:  you need to remove the power cable for 15 seconds every month

me: isn't that what I just said I did that broke the box

2 What do you think I'm stupid?


tech person: Does your on demand fast forward and rewind work

me: yes except when you disable the fast forward.  but my problem is with live TV

tech person:  when you rewind your on demand.  blah blah

me: wait.  Are you saying that you think I've confused my on demand with live TV

tech person: yes, your box isn't capable of live rewind

me: yes it is

tech person: no it isn't.  You main box is but this box isn't

me: now you are saying I don't know what TV  I've been watching

tech person: your box stopped working because its not capable.

me: so it just figured that out now?  It worked for years and all of the sudden figured out it was doing something it wasn't supposed to do and stopped?

3.  Isn't that what I just said times three


tech person: what does the error code say?

me: haven't I read that too you three times? its says the instant play card has been removed

tech person: did you remove it?

me: no,  I don't even know how to get to it. If I had removed it, don't you think I would have replaced it. 

The issue is of course not fixed.  Trip to the cable office this weekend.

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I won't bore everyone with the details, but a couple of years ago, I was having a computer tech issue at work.  I told my boss "I think the problem is X."  "We'll see what tech guy says."  Fair enough.  Tech guy:  "No, that can't possibly be it."  Asks a series of questions, says he's going to try some stuff, blah blah.  Two days later.  "Problem is X."  AARRGH.  That's what I said two days ago.

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7 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I won't bore everyone with the details, but a couple of years ago, I was having a computer tech issue at work.  I told my boss "I think the problem is X."  "We'll see what tech guy says."  Fair enough.  Tech guy:  "No, that can't possibly be it."  Asks a series of questions, says he's going to try some stuff, blah blah.  Two days later.  "Problem is X."  AARRGH.  That's what I said two days ago.

I'm totally resistant to leaving my computer with IT because I don't have time to be without it.  A 15 minute upgrade that takes 8 hours will do that to a person.  They've been trying to fix something with my computer for six weeks.  I finally gave it to them (for the second time) while I was on vacation for a day and they returned it doing X when they were supposed to do Y.

At this point, I'm just going to leave it with them every time I take a vacation day until they fix it.  Incentive to take vacation.

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I'm back with another healthcare related peeve.

I had a CBC panel that came back abnormal. Doc told me to schedule an appointment with a hematologist to find out what is going. This was on Monday afternoon. I call the hematologist's office and they tell me that they have to get the blood work results from the doctor and then they will call me back to schedule an appointment. Fair enough.  I get a call at 9am on Tuesday stating they are unable to schedule an appointment until they receive my blood work (again).  I was like yeah, I know (and thinking give them a chance to send it over, for crying out loud!).  My doctor calls back Tuesday afternoon to say they sent the results over to the hematologist.  I have not heard back from the hematologist since despite leaving a message on Weds. and today. Sigh.  Now tomorrow I will have to try to find another hematologist in my area (and apparently, there is a shortage).

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It's been some time since I've posted here, but boy, do I have a doozy. And I've made a note to myself to get me a basic how to when it comes to car maintenance beyond oil changes!

First, this happened:

I started my car Wednesday morning and instead of the normal "engine" staring sound, my ears were assaulted with a loud, obnoxious, grinding sound that shook the entire car. It sounded like...when your muffler is missing, mixed in with a motorcycle whose engine is being gunned and the sound of race cars. I immediately turned it off. Then started it again. Same thing. Egads. The car was just FINE the night before when I got home around 10 or so after working a late night.

So I pull out of my complex, and the sound got even louder, if that was possible when I pressed on the gas. I also couldn't go faster than 20 mph. Luckily, the metro station was only a five minute drive. I got some weird looks from people, as if I was deaf. Yes, I know my car sounds loud and clearly there's something wrong, but I don't know what it is. Jerks.

So I get to the office and the first thing I do is get on my computer and use Google to find out what's causing my car to sound this way. Every sight said the same thing: Get thee to a car shop IMMEDIATELY.

So I called my insurance company to arrange for a tow to the shop I get my car serviced. I tell them I need the tow to come at 6:30 in the morning to drop off at the shop. Done.

Tow guy when he starts my car says it sounds like the manifold. But when he raises it to load on the bed of his truck, he told me it looks like someone tried to cut off the catalytic converter, but didn't finish it. Great. Wonderful.

When we get to the shop, he told me the CO2(?) sensors were destroyed.

My mechanic confirmed this later in the day after I'd gone to the office. In addition to that, the Resonator pipes were destroyed. So they have to overhaul my exhaust system.

All of these terms are like a foreign language to me--but I know it's bad. Tow guy had offered to buy the car once repaired. I wonder if he's still interested? I got his name and number. Anyway, I'm so freaked at price mechanic gave me. I'm thinking: How in the HELL am I going to pay for this? And then Mechanic asks me if I called my insurance company? Clearly your car was vandalized, so you should be covered.  This is me after he said that:


So I called my insurance company, and all I have to pay is my deductible. So I spent the next hour arranging for a rental (100% covered) and a call from the adjuster. I leave work early to get my rental. I wanted a full standard car. I got a SUV. A Volkswagon Tiguan. It's one of those that starts without a key. Sooooo many bells and whistles that I can't deal with them all. But the ride is so smooth!

Then I called the cops to file a report. We had similar thefts last summer in my complex, but I was informed they caught the guy(s) who was/were responsible. Guess not. And on a purely shallow note, the cop that came to take the report was beyond sexy. Ahem.

Anyhoo. This just moved up the time frame for me to buy a new car. If Tow Guy is still interested, the money I get from selling the car will be my down payment on the new car. My dad I will leave to do the haggling, because even in 2019, salesmen look down on us as "wimmins."

BUT. I'm feeling like and will be channeling my inner Mary Jo from Designing Women. Specifically the episode where Suzanne got hosed when trying to buy a new van, and Mary Jo had to go to the dealership, look at the contract, I think, and slashed her way down the list. And Sleazy Salesman was all, like "You're GOOD!" in admiration and awe. That will be me. I'm sure @Bastet knows of what I'm speaking.

I don't need any extras, like 'how about a nice stripe to make the car 'pop'?" or about a coupe? No, and No. The only "extras" I will get are the extended warranty (if they don't hose me) and GAAP. Again, since my Dad's going to be here, why not let him handle the haggling?

I had to roll my eyes at the Enterprise Guy trying to convince me to buy one of their cars if Honda doesn't want my business. Like I'm going to buy a car that has more than 20-50 miles on it. I remember when I bought my first car, they tried to sell me a demo that had 500 miles on it. I walked away and refused to buy it. They called back a few hours later and gave me one with only a few miles on it--the ones I used test driving it. So unless Enterprise can do the same (assuming I don't get a good deal from my Honda), that's my line in the sand.

I wanted to save more before buying, but FATE, that BASTARD, had different ideas.

So Come mid-August, I hope to have me a Honda Civic. If a two-door is cheaper, I'll go with that. If they still have new 2018 models, I'll choose one of those. And if they try to give me some bullshit obscene APR? I'll tell them I was HACKED! remember that thing that happened a couple years ago? Then there's Brand Loyalty. I've been a Honda customer for over 20 years and bought my last three cars from them.

Wish me luck. I could use it. Dammit.

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13 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

Trip to the cable office this weekend.

Yeah, just bring in that box and tell them it isn't working and to give you a new one. Give the people at the counter a vague description such as "Stuff that used to work, like some pausing and rewinding stuff, and I'm tire of rebooting it."  They'll just pull a replacement off the shelf and hand it to you.

Heck, I WORK for a cable company and it took a visit from a technician in my own home telling me "This box is really old, you could have brought it in for a replacement a while ago and never had these issues" for me to realize that electronics get old. 

Two other thoughts:

  1. It could actually be a software problem + box problem. Sometimes guide updates get pushed through automatically, and even thought the software vendors and cable company test it all before they roll it out, something goes wrong with specific hardware. If it's a new problem (meaning that the engineers haven't got wind of it yet) the front line tech support is going to be clueless that something went really wrong and they'll try to solve a bad problem with simple solutions.
  2. 13 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

    yes except when you disable the fast forward.

    The cable company has no say whether or not FF is disabled with the On Demand stuff. What is available, when it is available, and whether or not you can FF is entirely under the control of the content owners. The cable company is just the waiter who's job it is to get you your meal efficiently, Disney/Fox/NBC are the chefs who decide what's on the menu and how they're going to prepare it.

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35 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Tow guy when he starts my car says it sounds like the manifold. But when he raises it to load on the bed of his truck, he told me it looks like someone tried to cut off the catalytic converter, but didn't finish it. Great. Wonderful.

When we get to the shop, he told me the CO2(?) sensors were destroyed.

My mechanic confirmed this later in the day after I'd gone to the office. In addition to that, the Resonator pipes were destroyed. So they have to overhaul my exhaust system.

I'm not sure why the tow guy said it was the manifold.  That's part of the intake system on top of your engine, where the fuel and air mixture go into the cylinders.  As it became apparent, looks like someone tried to steal your catalytic converter - there are some rare elements in them that can be worth money.  There are O2 (oxygen) sensors in the exhaust stream, could be one or more depending on the configuration of your exhaust system.  They measure oxygen level in your exhaust, sending a signal to your car's computer so it can adjust the fuel/air mixture going into the intake manifold for optimum engine performance.  Sounds like they screwed up your exhaust system trying to get the cat off, and you will need some new pipes down there.

There are several web sites with car pricing information you can use before going in to buy your new car.  True Car is one I've looked at.  First, poke around the manufacturer's site - many times they will have a "build your car" function, where you can configure a car the way you want with options and such.  When you have a configuration you like, save/print it, then check it against TrueCar and other sites.  That should give you an idea of what the dealer cost is as well as the MSRP for what you want.  You can use that when negotiating prices - the dealer I bought from gave me a price that was in the range that TrueCar suggested, but they are not part of TC, as there is a fee (I think they said $400-500) that the dealer pays to TC which ends up getting passed along to the buyer, and it wasn't worth the hassle to explain that to people.  Remember, if you are buying from dealer inventory (and I don't know if Honda will let you order from the factory to your specifications) you may need to compromise on some of the options you want/don't want on the car.  They usually can get a car from another dealer that's closer to what you want, but you may need to push a bit.

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30 minutes ago, Moose135 said:

there are some rare elements in them that can be worth money. 

Yep. Platinum. Copper.

I don't need or want "extra" stuff that sales people in the past try to convince I need. I remember the CRV I bought right before 9/11, they added a white strip across the body against the red. I'm describing it wrong, but it looked kinda kewl. These days, cars come pretty much "fully loaded." That's all I need.

But thanks for the information; I'll be doing some research.

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Yikes, @GHScorpiosRule! I hope the insurance company comes through for you and gives you a nice amount for a down payment toward a new Honda Civic. As the proud owner of a 15-year-old Civic, I fully endorse your choice.

My credit union has car brokers who will find the car the customer wants and negotiate the price for them (for free, I think). I've never used the service (obviously), but I definitely would because it seems it would take so much stress off of the process.

Edited by bilgistic
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Learn from my mistake -- Many dealerships also have online sales where you can get a discounted/firm price with no negotiating.

I used the credit union option for my latest car but found out it would have been the same price and less hassle with an intermediary if I'd dealt directly with the dealer through their online sales.

Costco and Sam's Club also have auto buying programs.

Anything to avoid the dreaded haggling!

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9 minutes ago, 2727 said:

Many dealerships also have online sales where you can get a discounted/firm price with no negotiating.

That's how I bought my last car. I visited the dealer first, test drove two different models. Went home. Decided I didn't like either one of them. Went online to see what else they had and then picked out another one I wanted to see. After I told my salesperson that I saw the one I wanted to test drive on their internet site, I didn't realize that that the price I had seen on the web was the "internet price." 

And that was definitely a good deal. When I started to mention that I had an employee program through work, she told me that it was a good program, but not going to be lower than the internet price.  

I'm assuming that since Internet shopping puts the dealers in a spot where anybody can quickly search all of the local dealerships for the best deal, that they have no choice but to show their inventory with a best price. 

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@GHScorpiosRule, here's my experience of buying a new car earlier this month: I watched a couple of YT videos about buying new v. used cars and whether to finance or pay cash, looked at both TrueCar, Edmunds, and CarMax. TC and Edmunds give dealer prices and show what's available in your area and what you a good deal would be. I'd been driving the same car for 15 years so sticker shock took some time to wear off. And since my 15+ year old Corolla had developed a second scary noise and the engine light had been on for a year, I'd been looking around and saving for a while so I had a firm budget maximum I wouldn't go over.

I found a couple of options at dealers and used their website form to to email for the internet/firm quote, asking about actual final price including registration, sales tax, and the conveyance fee. Both dealerships called me within seconds, which really annoyed me because if I'd wanted to talk to them, I would've called. Eventually one of them got a clue and emailed me and I set up a test drive. The car I'd been driving was in rough shape and had developed a second scary noise, so unless the car I test drove had been a complete fail, I knew I'd buying it.

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3 minutes ago, ABay said:

@GHScorpiosRule, here's my experience of buying a new car earlier this month: I watched a couple of YT videos about buying new v. used cars and whether to finance or pay cash, looked at both TrueCar, Edmunds, and CarMax. TC and Edmunds give dealer prices and show what's available in your area and what you a good deal would be. I'd been driving the same car for 15 years so sticker shock took some time to wear off. And since my 15+ year old Corolla had developed a second scary noise and the engine light had been on for a year, I'd been looking around and saving for a while so I had a firm budget maximum I wouldn't go over.

I found a couple of options at dealers and used their website form to to email for the internet/firm quote, asking about actual final price including registration, sales tax, and the conveyance fee. Both dealerships called me within seconds, which really annoyed me because if I'd wanted to talk to them, I would've called. Eventually one of them got a clue and emailed me and I set up a test drive. The car I'd been driving was in rough shape and had developed a second scary noise, so unless the car I test drove had been a complete fail, I knew I'd buying it.

Thanks. This current car? I bought used. It's a 2004 Honda CRV and I've had it for 12 and a half years. Due to my financial struggles up until this past year (Coming close to 1 year at my AWESOME JOB!) has prevented me from saving more. I will end up financing it, because No more Used for me. I think I mentioned that two years ago in this thread--that my next car was gonna be a new one. 

My dad LOVES to haggle. So if it comes down to that, I'll let him have at it, because he's so good at it. But I will check out all these sites, too. And the people at the dealership know me by name. I've been a customer for 20 years. So it's not like they're all jerks. And I was very firm with how much I was going to pay when I bought the CRV from them back in 2007.

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18 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And the people at the dealership know me by name. I've been a customer for 20 years. So it's not like they're all jerks. And I was very firm with how much I was going to pay when I bought the CRV from them back in 2007.

Just one thing that may be helpful: if you've been a customer in the service department for 20 years, but haven't bought a car in over 10, it's likely no one you'll be interacting with during the sales process will know you at all. Most dealerships (though not all) sales vs service are totally separate and hardly ever talk to each other. Even when they do talk to each other (such as happened to me recently, car in for service was deemed dead, service guy connected us with sales to replace it) when we got there for our appointment it was A: a totally different sales guy than the one we'd been emailing with and referred to by services and B: he had no idea about all the stuff we'd already discussed and agreed upon with previous guy(s).

The above also happens to be a peeve of mine: dealers constantly hand you off to someone else and then you have to have the same conversation over and over again because they do these hand offs and nobody communicates anything internally.

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On 5/24/2019 at 10:29 AM, GHScorpiosRule said:

My dad I will leave to do the haggling, because even in 2019, salesmen look down on us as "wimmins."

Dude. Don't discount your gender. Car buying as a woman is awesome. I have so much fun doing it (seriously, not sarcastic).  If you have a Costco membership it's super painless.

Same thing if you have a credit union. They both utilize fleet buying services. Your employer may have car buying services too - mine offers the "friends and family" discount for Ford and Chevy


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2 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

Dude. Don't discount your gender. Car buying as a woman is awesome. I have so much fun doing it (seriously, not sarcastic).  If you have a Costco membership it's super painless.

Same thing if you have a credit union. They both utilize fleet buying services. Your employer may have car buying services too - mine offers the "friends and family" discount for Ford and Chevy


Ooh! I do have Costco!

Thanks EVERYONE for your advice and suggestions!

Now due to Pakistan playing power games with their air strikes my parents’ flight to Rome was delayed, so they missed their connection flight to arrive this afternoon. They had to fly through Atlanta then to Dulles IAD, so will be here in 7 hours.

I’ve spent the whole day running errands and grocery shopping so I can make them breakfast and lunch tomorrow. I can’t wait until they get here!

And I HATE my rental. Can’t figure out how to get the washer fluid to work so I can clean the windshield or how to get the stupid trunk to open. The manual is USELESS.

I’m switching it out for a compact on Tuesday. That comes with actually putting a key into the ignition.

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3 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Ooh! I do have Costco!

I bought my first Mazda using the "Mazda friends and family program" and my second one, 10 years later, through Costco. I've posted my experience in other threads but Costco is super painless, the cost is already set, the dealer has to disclose the cost of all the extras (security system, etching, etc...) and you aren't obligated to accept them. The sales person is trained in the Costco program,  so you aren't getting a random person.

And if you have a bad experience at a dealership they take it super seriously.

The only hassle I had (and it will happen regardless of how you purchase) is dealing with the finance dude and the extras they try to sell. 

The one tip I'll add is if the closest participating dealership to you doesn't come up try that dealerships zip code instead of your own. When I entered my old zip code the closest dealership was 90 minutes away. I entered my parents zip code and the dealership that was returned was the one I wanted to go to in the next city over. You can always call their 800 number and they'll help you locate the closest dealership.

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43 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

There are so many dealerships near me it’s not even funny. All within 10 miles of where I live. I just want an interest rate I can live with.

Get pre-approved through your bank or credit union. You are under no obligation to use the financing the dealer offers.

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@GHScorpiosRule, good luck with the car, and have a wonderful time with your parents - when they finally get here!  

I've had good luck buying cars at Hersons Honda and had a great service experience at Sport Honda.  I used Costco to buy my last car (6 years ago) at Honda of Bowie (it was kinda far, but that's where they sent me).  So I know Costco is a great way to go.  Mr ebk used Edmunds to get a price guarantee when he bought his Ford, so there are tons of ways to do it without haggling.  Just know what you want and what you don't.  I'm fortunate that I qualified for the low percentage Honda financing and paid off the car in 3 years.  I'm hoping it's the last car I ever have to buy.  (It's a 2013 Accord and it's fabulous!).   New cars are amazing - enjoy it when you get it!!

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Pet peeve of the day...my computer!

I have been trying to access this site for 10 minutes. Every time I clicked on my bookmark, my computer moved the info yo "downloads" and I was left with a blank screen. 

I finally had to Google the site and click that link.

I don't understand...

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Peeve: people who stop in front of an open space instead of pulling in before letting someone out of their car, while waiting for someone, or checking their phone, or whatever.

This happens at work when people get dropped off and they stop in such a bad spot I'm surprised they haven't been hit. Last week I was trying to get my mail and the car in front of me stopped in front of 4 open spots, one of any I was going to pull in to. I waited a few seconds thinking they were lost before tapping my horn. They moved up 2 inches. I was able to squeeze in to park and get my mail. Park your car!

You're in front of a parking spot. GTF out of the way of the rest of us driving through.

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On 10/23/2016 at 1:53 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

This seems to be a common annoyance--getting gifts that you don't want. 

So how does it make you feel?  I had a family member who used to give me figurines for Christmas when I'm most definitely not the figurine type.  It made me sad, which I'm positive was not the intention.  I hated having the reminders around, so I'd give them to Goodwill ASAP just to get them out of the house, which was an emotional imposition on me.  All because of fucking Christmas, the season of giving.

Would you rather get nothing at all than another snowman?

All these posts about the "gifts"... I feel you

My brother gave me a huge photo of himself and told me I could frame it myself.

My mother gave me diet books and exercise equipment as "gifts".

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As far as gift-giving goes, my family is pretty good at it.  That's mainly because at Christmas we exchange lists.  Sometimes there are specific items such as a certain CD or book, but mainly we leave it vague enough so that we can be surprised, but not so vague as to get bad gifts.  I ask for things such as crazy crew socks, any type of figurine, picture, etc. that has anything to do with books, reading or cats.  I also love most anything on a t-shirt.  We usually get my dad gift cards for the places he shops, since he's hard to shop for.  That makes him happy. 

My pet peeve for today is something I can't control, but I'll vent anyway.  The heat!  It's only late May here and it's already getting into the 90s during the day.  I just came in from mowing the front yard (I still have the little bit of side and back yard to do) and I'm melting. But it has to be done and I just kept telling myself that I'm burning off some major calories and getting my steps in for today. I started to put it off but reminded myself that it's going to just get hotter until it starts to cool down in early October. (I also have some yard trash that needs to be moved from my side driveway to the curb and I couldn't do that until I mowed.)

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Well, I got the back yard mowed, but I'm too tired to take the yard trash out to the curb. I don't think there's trash pick up tomorrow (because of Memorial Day), so I might get it out there by Tuesday.  If not, it can just sit there until the next pick up day.  I'm sure I'll be adding to it during the coming week.  Which reminds me of a peeve:  We used to have trash pick up twice a week, then the city changed companies and it's only once a week.  Yard trash has always been weekly, but sometimes I forget to take the trash out on Sunday evenings (or early Monday) and it has to sit for a week.  It's not too bad during the winter, but it can get stinky during the hot months.

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14 hours ago, ABay said:

Yeah, summer is my biggest pet peeve from May to October. I hate it hate it hate it hate the heat hate the humidity hate the bugs.

Me too, and yet I ended up living in the tropics for 10 years and now central Florida. People here put on jackets and freaking gloves if it gets below 70 degrees. Meanwhile I've never turned on my furnace in 9 years and still wear shorts and sandals throughout the "winter." If it gets in the 40s I might put on a long-sleeved tee.

But I stay in air conditioned spaces. My real peeve is that A/C units only last 15 years or so.

Edited by 2727
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Ugh, head colds and overeating. I've had a cold since Tuesday and my sinuses are a mess. Plus, I really ate way too much today and I'm totally nauseous and bloated, which is my own stupid fault. So I'm lying here miserable, really wanting to throw up but knowing how awful that would be with a cold. Blergh.

Plus, the whole house reeks of chicken and vegetables because I'm making homemade chicken broth in the crockpot. Stupid open concept kitchen. 

Edited by emma675d
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My pet peeve is that it’s the end of May and the high tomorrow in nyc is going to be 68.   I want to be able to wear my cute summer dresses already damnit!    When is it going to feel like summer already?    It’s such a short season and winter takes forever to go away.    I hate the cold.  

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2 hours ago, partofme said:

My pet peeve is that it’s the end of May and the high tomorrow in nyc is going to be 68.   I want to be able to wear my cute summer dresses already damnit!    When is it going to feel like summer already?    It’s such a short season and winter takes forever to go away.    I hate the cold.  

You could move just a bit south -- it's meant to be in the 90s all week here in Virginia.  And of course, we're complaining that it has gotten too hot too early!  🙂

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Add me to the list highly displeased with the weather.  We have sun today, thankfully, but it's only in the mid 60s, and yesterday it rained.  This is Los Angeles!  It's Memorial Day Weekend!  WTF, Mother Nature?!  Bring me some goddamned heat. 

I accept the traffic and high cost of living for a few reasons, but the two big ones are my family and the weather.  Some days, I'd rank the weather first.  So the fact "May Gray" has been so intense I had to actually turn my heater back on to take off the morning chill is ridiculous.

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6 hours ago, partofme said:

My pet peeve is that it’s the end of May and the high tomorrow in nyc is going to be 68.

When I lived back home on Long Island, I never minded 68 degree days at the end of May.  This week in Charlotte, it's is going to be in mid-90s - it was 96 the past two days, and we have another week of it coming.  It's forecast to be 97 on Wednesday, but we'll get a break next weekend, highs around 90. 😓

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Yep, it's in the 90s here. I'm sweating my ass off at work every day because the store front end has the full glass vestibule(?) and the doors are opening every time people come in. I bought a little clip-on rechargeable fan (it was billed as a "stroller fan") that I put at my station and it helps, but it's still hot. I am always hot anyway. I didn't even pull my "winter coat" out of the closet this year.

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I'm not fired up about either holiday, but as I read a bunch of posts around the internet today, I find myself irritated by those who don't know the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day.  "Memorial" seems a pretty big clue, but apparently not.

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Memorial Day doesn't seem to mean anything but "party on your day off to celebrate the 'beginning of summer'" to a lot of people.

I rang up a shitton of beer/wine and meat over the weekend. So much meat. *dry heaves*

Edited by bilgistic
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We had an exceptionally long 5-day Memorial Day weekend this year. How did I celebrate the first Memorial Day in years with absolutely fantastic weather?  I was sick.  For all of it.  I absolutely figures.  I don't know how my immune system always knows when a vacation is coming, but it does.  Starting to feel more human today, and of course it's gray and rainy.  Plus, since I was laid up in bed all weekend feeling like death warmed over, I got nothing accomplished.  I can't start anything now either, because I have a eye doctor appointment in a little bit.  Bah.  

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19 minutes ago, janestclair said:

We had an exceptionally long 5-day Memorial Day weekend this year. How did I celebrate the first Memorial Day in years with absolutely fantastic weather?  I was sick.  For all of it.  I absolutely figures.  I don't know how my immune system always knows when a vacation is coming, but it does.  Starting to feel more human today, and of course it's gray and rainy.  Plus, since I was laid up in bed all weekend feeling like death warmed over, I got nothing accomplished.  I can't start anything now either, because I have a eye doctor appointment in a little bit.  Bah.  

That totally sucks.  I went down to Florida for a week last month and was sick the whole time, so I completely know how you feel.

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1 hour ago, janestclair said:

We had an exceptionally long 5-day Memorial Day weekend this year. How did I celebrate the first Memorial Day in years with absolutely fantastic weather?  I was sick.  For all of it.  I absolutely figures

I can also relate. Went to Austin, TX for a work trip and had horrible stomach issues the whole time. So frustrating to be around all that delicious food and not have an appetite for any of it.

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