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S07.E08: Tea With A Side Of Squashed Beef

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So much of Kandi's behavior tonight was despicable, from summoning Todd into her Barbie's Playhouse "office" like a damn employee only to stalk out when he wasn't having any of her bs, to the abject pride in her voice as she told MJ and her merry band of Yesses how she told Sharon "in stronger words than that" what to do with her planned smack down of MJ. What kind of grown woman behaves this way? (tm Yolanda, Our Lady of Lemons)

LOL at Porsha "acknowledging" the actual events that occurred ON CAMERA. Bless her heart, Porsha still ain't got the brains God gave a brick.

Ayden's proclamation that Mister President better hurry because "the world is waiting for you!" thawed out my ice cold heart. Then I saw Nene's day-shift hooker getup and it froze back up again, but fast.

Cynthia sure has packed on the pounds since just a few years ago, damn! When they flashed back to the early scene of her strolling through the art bazaar with Nene I nearly did a double take. All that neck! The cheekbones! The eye structure! Unless she was carrying those fibroids in her ass, there is no medical excuse for that. Girlfriend needs to reacquaint herself with some nice mixed greens or she won't have any kind of career to fall back on. She can miss me with all the shade she was throwing at Claudia, too. Claudia doesn't interest me much yet, but she can run rings around the rest of these yahoos looks-wise. Ain't nothing wrong with being able to pull off Chapstick and a ponytail as your "look" Cynthia. Honey, bitter just isn't your color. (For that matter, neither is royal purple.)

HA! At the pack of weenies on Derek J's neck. Too true and lmao!

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This show confounds me. When they showed the name of the restaurant where the howives were having drinks, I looked it up. It's all the way out in Duluth, which is easily 30 miles outside Atlanta. I have heard some of the complaining on this and other franchises that they had to drive a long way to film. Why would they choose to fil so far out of the city when I believe most of the live inside the perimeter. 

See...those scenes to me were so bizarre that all I can think is that Nene was forced by production to organize this get-together, and she chose a place out in Duluth as a kind of protest.  It wasn't glamorous, they had to schlep a crew all the way out there and, apparently, include a shot of the owner.  So they got the scenes they needed to move the story forward, the location was just the cost. 


That or the thought that no place in Atlanta wanted to host these women are the only things that make sense to me.  I sure as hell wouldn't bring them into my establishment...unless there were no other customers there and I got paid a lot to do it.


How did Cynthia and Porsha stop yelling?  I totally missed how that conversation ended.


And we're done with Porsha vs. Kenya now I guess (hope), but...what happened with her charges?  Did they get dropped?


Kandi's family drama- I can't really watch it knowing that Todd's mother passed away.  The idea that this shit was part of her last few months...I can't be entertained by it with that floating around in my head.  And as cute as Phaedra's kids are, I don't really need to see them (how does she expect Apollo to come make memories with them- didn't she go to a hotel, or is she back home? I skipped two episodes).  


I did enjoy Claudia's scenes.  Much as I hate to identify with a character on reality tv, her comments about her experiences growing up biracial resonate with me, and I think that's why I'm liking her so far.  I'm ready for her to have a different topic to discuss, though.

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It's true. I bet the unedited version shows tons more manipulation on MJ's part. And a lot more ugliness, too. And from Kandi - even more passivity and eye-rolling.

That's why it's called "scripted reality TV".  They're getting paid to turn up the drama.  No one is watching RHOA to see MJ, Kandi sitting around baking cookies, lol.   People seem to be obsessed with MJ.  The villain in these types of shows always get more attention.  Whereas the ones without drama are deemed boring and vulnerable to get the boot.

Edited by twilightzone
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Why is Kenya being called a bitch for trying to get Cynthia's attention but NeNe wasn't for trying to get Porsha's? Same thing was happening at that table, it seems. And I'm done with Porsha. Marlo should be in her seat.

Kandi is a fool. I have keys to my dad's house, he has keys to mine. We live on the same property and pay our own bills. We even have joint bank accounts. I insist on "ringing his 3 or 4 bells" to get into his house out of respect. I own his space just as much as he owns mine. It's called respect. And acting like adults with responsibilities. Only my children walk in and out from both homes, freely. Well, the dachshund does too. :)

I'm am over Phaedra. Her and her mother are worse, to me. Do they really both believe their crap that falls from their lips? Or did they both just get trained that well to pretend? Apollo aside, why is Phaedra still on this show? She's just a liar. I used think she lied in a playful way but now? I think she just lies and believes it. Her mother, too. Those boys are cute but I'm afraid this show amps both of those women's delusions to a new level. I don't like watching that. The boys deserve better. It's like the early years of Joyce/Kandi/Riley playing out in front of my eyes. Same results, just different paths to get there.

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That's why it's called "scripted reality TV".  They're getting paid to turn up the drama.  No one is watching RHOA to see MJ, Kandi sitting around baking cookies, lol.   People seem to be obsessed with MJ.  The villain in these types of shows always get more attention.  Whereas the ones without drama are deemed boring and vulnerable to get the boot.

Except they're not deciding to scrap the footage of Joyce being nice to Kandi and Todd and Sharon et al. because it's too boring, but because it doesn't exist.

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NeNe couldn't apologize if her life depended on it. Just nod her head and say "Um hmm" over and over. She initiated the meeting. You'd think the person extending the invitation would be the one most willing to make amends.


What is with NeNe?  She starts this make-up-athon, and then tells Cynthia after they air their grievances and supposedly make up, that she has no intention of having lunch with Cynthia in the next two years???


Kenya and Cynthia seemed to show the most grace, and I was surprised Porsha was still sitting there with a stick up her rear, while NeNe's TH's showed she is still doing nothing but throwing shade. I hope Cynthia stops her recent trend of rudeness, but I also hope she does not go back to bowing down to NeNe and her ego.


Looks like Cynthia's new digs are Joyce's trashed house.

Edited by renatae
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I think Kandi may think she gets a bad edit because Todd came from production and they still have loyalties to him. While that might be true, the show can't use what you don't give them. And Kandi gives the show plenty of foolishness.


Right you are. I think part of Kandi's walking out instead of discussing behavior is that the show is shining a mirror on MJ and Kandi's relationship that Kandi cannot stand to see, so she backs away, because to admit the truth would mean she would have to change her behavior, She's just not ready to grow up, face the music and live like an adult. Too bad, because I really like Kandi and Todd together. I wish she would stop with the denial.

Edited by renatae
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I wonder if Phaedra and her momma think being a divorced mom of two with a convict for a daddy is a better look than being the single mom of one she could have been if she had moved on after originally getting knocked up by Apollo.

All that work to create a gentile appearance with fake due dates and a "clean" husband for naught.

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My Take on this week's episode

Phaedra - I like that she is focusing on the boys and not on the mess that is her dissolving marriage.  I also believe this is a mistake in judgement that she will never make again.  From her TH, she now realizes that you just cannot put lipstick on a pig and say it's fashion.  It may be a blessing that Apollo isn't around thus no fights the kids would have to witness.

Claudia -  liking her and her mom and gram a lot.  They thus far, appear to get along well with each other even with her father out of the picture.  Gram is one fiesty lady!  I had to laugh at Cynthia giving fashion tips to Claudia when she looked a hot butch mess at the salon.  That blond mess just sucks and she thinks that it is great.  Claudia looked just fine the way she was.

Nene - I like that she wanted to just put all of the differences to sleep and at least be cordial with each other.  Inviting both Kenya and Cynthia had to be hard for her as her trust issues are quite low with both of them.  I like that she picked up where Kandi's fear of confrontations dropped the ball.  She was quite honest with Cynthia when telling her that it will take a very long time for them to ever be as close as they were.  What she meant by not having lunch with Cynthia for the next 2 years is that It will take her a very long time to trust Cynthia being that close a friend again.  She wasn't being holier than thou; she was just expressing her very raw feelings on the matter and most importantly, Cynthia understood.


NENE'S TH HAIRDO.... bloody awful!!!  She needs to put that mop back on the handle and back away slowly!!


Cynthia is being torn between what Peter wants and what she really wants.  I believe she is very aware of who she is dealing with in Kenya but bridges have been set afire with her friendship with Nene.  She did admit that she should have come to Nene with her concerns and not let them fester (ie be influenced by her wife, Petra).  I believe when the dust settles and a bit of time has passed, they may be friends again but they will never be as close as they were.


Kenya - has a tendancy to insert herself into other's conversations, uninvited.  I get what Porsha was angry about as well as what Nene and Cynthia observed. Kenya cannot stand the spotlight not being on her at all times so she just can't help herself but interject her unsolicited opinions on others.  Both Nene and Cynthia were annoyed but were mature enough to just ignore Kenya and keep talking to each other.


As for Porsha, she is not as mature as the others.  She has the arrest and possible conviction still over her head and she still sees Kenya as nothing but a bully.  When Kenya got up Porsha was already in fight mode which I must say I am glad Kenya decided to approach her in a much different way than expected.  Nene was very good at keeping Porsha at bay and not letting her fly off the handle when Kenya got up.  She aready knew Porsha was very angry and she knew how to diffuse the situation.  The situation between Porsha and Cynthia would have been more quickly resolved (since their beef was very petty and juvenile at best) and they just needed to hear each other out.  Kenya should not have gotten into that conversation at all.


Kandi .... I just can't with her.... Just CAN'T!!

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I can't take Nene throwing shade at any of the other ladies' appearances when she looks like He-man in her talking heads.  Pot needs to joint Kettle for a make-over.  Did she not look in a mirror?  Does she not have any friends who could pull her to the side and just give her a "girl, we need to talk" moment?  I know her manservant, Greg, is just going to continue to shine her ass.  


Nene can also miss me with her quest to resolve everything when 1) she didn't have the nerve to invite Kenya herself, 2) she didn't tell the people who she did invite who else would be there, and 3) she made no attempts at apologizing for her role in anything.  Then she has the nerve to get upset when Kenya tries to interject to be helpful to both sides.  Bitch please.  


Also, Porsha, shut your dumb ass up.  "I acknowledge I did some things."  Bitch, the whole world acknowledges it because it was filmed and we saw you do it!  That wasn't the dispute or the question; it was whether you were sorry about it, which from your non-answer I guess is no.  Kenya is a better person than me accepting that bullshit, especially after Porsha was cussing at her at the table for something both Kenya and Nene were doing.  

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Nene and Porsha live in Duluth if I'm not mistaken.

They do, and that might be a place one of them goes to for lunch or something, so they either recommended it for filming or perhaps the owner asked if they could be in an episode. Still laughing at the upside down ketchup bottles. The only places I've ever seen that are in small little diners on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere.

Answering a question someone asked about where Phaedra is, she's at home. She came back home after only a night or two being away when Apollo went for sentencing.

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Kandi and Todd are DOOMED. Doomed, I tell ya! It's such a shame, because of all the couples, they were one where I actually, at one point, liked both partners. But Kandi is ruining that shit right and left. If Todd is already so fed up that he wants to do separate holidays, that's a baaaaad sign. Of course, it's a moot point now that Miss Sharon (RIP) is no longer with us. But he clearly he is beyond fed up. Heck, he even said if his mama wasn't around he STILL wouldn't want to do holidays with Mama Joyce. I can't say I blame him. Since he began dating Kandi, her mother has done nothing but harass, disrespect, and meddle in their relationship. And Kandi has done nothing but laugh it off and dismiss her husband's feelings - just like she did when she walked out on their conversation. Don't be surprised when he walks out on YOU, hun!


Oh, and if Kandi is buying her mama a house, she has a right to have a key, IMO. But Kandi is an idiot, who buys homes for assholes who treat her like shit and destroy her property, so....



Now, that meet-up with Nene, Cynthia, Kenya, and Portia - what a joke. On the one hand you have the fake sisters, on the other hand you have the stubborn, non-relenting sisters. Cynthia wasn't as bad as Kenya with the fakery. I do believe she was sincere in wanting to squash things with Nene. But I do think she has a tendency to want to avoid confrontation, so she apologizes, forgives, and moves on - even if there's something she doesn't quite feel is settled. But then what she'll do is talk about that issue behind the other person's back and make a big stink about it, when it's like - you could have just dealt with that earlier!


But Kenya, she was over-the-top insincere with her hugging and making up with Porsha! Girl, who are you fooling? But, eh, you know what? If she can just let it go, I guess it doesn't really matter if she still hates Porsha's guts. These people are co-workers, not legitimate friends (minus Nene and Cynthia). I can't tell you how many times I've pretended to like my co-workers, because there was really no point in trying to settle differences. The difference is, when us normal people talk shit about our co-workers, the whole world doesn't see. LOL


But yea, so then we have Nene and Porsha who were completely unwilling to accept responsibility for anything. I may need to re-watch, but did either of those two actually apologize? I heard Cynthia and Kenya both give something in the way of an apology. But all we got out of Nene was a bunch of head nodding, and then Porsha with her lame - "I acknowledge what happened". Okay, it was on camera, there's really no way you could NOT acknowledge the truth of what happened. But you can't admit any fault? None at all? She can just kick rocks with that attitude. Because while I do not think inciting violence is ever the way to go, I actually felt a bit for Porsha at the reunion. I felt like Kenya was intentionally and constantly provoking her, and it seemed like immediately after Porsha regretted taking it there. But she can't say a thing to Kenya? Not even - "Look, I don't like you and I think your behavior was out of line that night, but I never should have crossed that line and attacked you and I am sorry for that"? She is just so immature and self-absorbed, I can't even deal with her. 


And Nene has to wait a few years to be able to get together with Cynthia? Really? You're THAT hurt? Please. You were the one who called for this gathering, but you didn't seem the slightest bit interested in moving fuh-ward. Obviously you just wanted an exciting scene to keep you relevant. And I really hated what she said in her THs about Cynthia being what Peter made her. That has been quite true recently, but I didn't see any of Peter manipulation coming out last night. Peter wouldn't have even wanted her there in the first place, and she would have been a lot sassier if he was pulling the strings. 


When the meeting ended and Kenya came away looking like the most sensible person in the room, you know something is wrong....

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That's why it's called "scripted reality TV".  They're getting paid to turn up the drama.  No one is watching RHOA to see MJ, Kandi sitting around baking cookies, lol


Actually, I would. If MJ was just a tame form of kooky, without actually hurting anyone, I can imagine some really hilarious cookie-baking scenes. I would much rather watch that than the uncomfortable scenes where she is downgrading (tm Teen Mom Leah) her daughter, her daughter's husband, and her daughter's mother in law....and threatening people with shoes. 


The problem is, I don't really believe any of this shit with MJ is turned up. I think it's pretty damn real, and Kandi is going to sit back and let it wreck her life. 

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When the meeting ended and Kenya came away looking like the most sensible person in the room, you know something is wrong....


Actually, Kenya came away looking like she was puttin on a show.  She was butting in on the others conversations and the whole hug hug crap was more creepy than sincere.  I really believe it was forced by production because it went just way too far last season and they are doing damage control.

Edited by Aging Goth
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Nene - I like that she wanted to just put all of the differences to sleep and at least be cordial with each other.  Inviting both Kenya and Cynthia had to be hard for her as her trust issues are quite low with both of them.  I like that she picked up where Kandi's fear of confrontations dropped the ball.  She was quite honest with Cynthia when telling her that it will take a very long time for them to ever be as close as they were.  What she meant by not having lunch with Cynthia for the next 2 years is that It will take her a very long time to trust Cynthia being that close a friend again.  She wasn't being holier than thou; she was just expressing her very raw feelings on the matter and most importantly, Cynthia understood.


I disagree with this interpretation of the Nene's actions. Nene doesn't have to be best friends with Cynthia anymore, but at the point where she says she's ready to move forward, she doesn't need to find backhanded ways of telling Cynthia that she still doesn't like/trust her. You don't trust her? Fine. Don't call her up, don't pursue lunch with her, and keep things cool and cordial. Cynthia will take the hint. But Nene can't stand not being able to get her digs in (it's related to her inability to apologize), so she coudln't pass up an opportunity to let Cynthia know that she still hasn't forgiven her, and doesn't plan to anytime soon. If Cynthia hadn't let that line of conversation drop, where would things have gone? It seemed to me as if Nene was just waiting for the opportunity to tell Cynthia, once again, why she was angry with her.

In my mind, when you say that something is squashed, it's squashed, and even if you still feel raw over what happened, you cede the right to continually harp on it. Otherwise, what would be the purpose of the sitdown in the first place? Nobody's telling Nene that she has to be friends with Cynthia, but Nene's decision to keep telling Cynthia that she can't be her friend is nasty and rude.

Edited by Portae
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Wow.  I am just over Kandi at this point.  She knows her mom is a bitch so why did she tell her about the lunch she had with Todd's mom in the tone that she did?  There is a right way and a wrong way of relaying information to someone you KNOW is going to take it bad no matter what so why not soften it at least a little bit.  I think Kandi likes her mom acting out.  She must, because she only added fuel to a fire that is already out of control without batting an eye.  I use to really like Kandi but these past two seasons have really soured me on her big time. 


And Nene is full of herself but she got a lot more accomplished with her little sit down than Kandi did in hers.  Nene started out like she really was there to make amends with Cynthia and I don't know if it was the editing or something happened not caught on tape but by the 2nd segment of their meeting Nene had a totally different attitude.  Or maybe the more Cynthia apologized the more Nene felt the power who knows.  And when Nene asked Cynthia to move so Porsha could sit back next to Nene and Cynthia said no Nene did not look amused. All of Cynthia's clowning around from the point on looked like it was totally irritating Nene.


And I have to give props to Kenya for letting it go with Porsha.  I believe she was sincere of being over it all and wanting to move on.  Maybe the hug thing was a little over the top but I think she got her point across.  Porsha could learn a few things from that.

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Nene and Porsha live in Duluth if I'm not mistaken.


Maybe they should change the name of the show to Real Housewives of the Atlanta Area. That would be more accurate. Nene actually made a little dig at the area and Kenya, by saying that Kenya knows where the place is because she buys her bags at the outlets, which  I suppose are close to where they were. Speaking of Nene, what the hell was she wearing? She got up and she had those freaking cut off jorts and heels. And was Kenya wearing a dress or a romper?If it was a dress, it was so short her lady junk was almost showing. If it was a romper, please bitch, you are too old for that look. 


Ayden is freaking adorable. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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So wait...Nene called Cynthia to invite her to lunchanged to tell her she wouldn't be having lunch with her for at least two years??

See this is why I miss Marlo. I can't take it when women arent quick with an comeback and that's what Nene needs. Someone who is sassy enough to call her in her shit right there in her face and not later at a safe distance in a TH. Marlo would have never let that shit slide.

This trick calls you out of your house in the name of a truce, let's you do all of the apologizing, and then she continues to shade your dumb ass. Nene needed to be called on that bullshit right there. Cynthia should have told her to go screw and sipped on another vodka tonic.

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I agree with everything everyone is saying about Kandi except that she is naïve.     I think her real problem is, is that she was raised by Joyce who oozes hate, manipulation, and entitlement for being her mother. You owe me, you owe me more, I worked in a factory because of you so you owe me. If it wasn't for me and it goes on and on.

    Guilt, manipulation and hate do not produce a healthy human being. Kandi as a child only wanted love that she never got and grew up to be ignorant and damaged.

     Oh, they do love, but its not themselves or others, its stuff. They love food and ugly homes.  Meals and homes where denial, anger and ignorance is nurtured and encouraged.

      Kandi is not capable of love.  Her love for Todd was nothing more than one more purchase. Buy him watches, cars.  The flashy expensive stuff might make Todd ignore the total lack of respect and decency she has.   At least for a small amount of time.

       No matter what Todd's original motives were, he possesses real feelings and will walk not wanting anything from Kandi, not after she disrespected his mother.

        Kandi will end up living in her ugly gawdy home alone with a bucket of KFC.

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Except they're not deciding to scrap the footage of Joyce being nice to Kandi and Todd and Sharon et al. because it's too boring, but because it doesn't exist.

Of course it doesn't exist.  It's all scripted.  They're not going to waste time playing nice, when they know that's not what viewers want to see.  All these shows have to have villains.  And if BRAVO thought MJ would bring in better ratings if she played nice, they would write her character that way.

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I have no sympathy for Todd. None. He married a woman who was totally okay with her mother spreading nasty rumors about him being a gold digger and even a cheater. Todd knew what he was marrying into. He knew his new mother-in-law was nasty and manipulative and that his new bride accepted it and expected everyone else to put up with it. I feel bad for Sharon that she has such a weak son.  Todd made the common mistake of thinking that things would be better later. Shit never rolls up hill, only down hill. I hope they stay infertile, for the unborn baby's sake.

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I think Nene's intentions for the lunch were misinterpreted.  She didn't want to have the lunch to go back to the way things were with either Cynthia or Kenya or to be friends with them again.  She wanted to do it - and she said it very clearly - so they could talk to each other civilly when at the same functions or in the same room.  That is why she told Cynthia they wouldn't be having lunch any time soon.  She doesn't want to spend time with Cynthia and to be honest, I don't blame her.  If I'm being completely honest, Cynthia is the one I take issue with on this.  If she's got so many problems with Nene and thinks she's such a terrible friend (Which she has verbalized more than once in her TH's) then why is she so quick to forgive and get back to the way things were?  Seemingly the way things were didn't work for her and apparently they are also the reason she and Peter weren't having sex.  So WTF?

If I'm Nene, I see that as fake and shady and THAT is why Nene told her she wouldn't be having lunch with her any time soon.  Nene's not stupid.  She knows very well that she didn't apologize for shit that happened....yet Cynthia is still kissing her on the cheek and wanting to understand why it is Nene won't have lunch with her any time soon.  That's suspect from where I sit.  Nene doesn't trust her and I wouldn't either.  

You have to be cautious of a person who felt they were so wronged that they spent a good amount of time slamming you in TH's and to mutual friends and then when you're around suddenly they're kissing your ass.  Cynthia likes to portray herself as this trustworthy person who knows how to be a friend.  Uh no.  Sorry, Sweets.  Hardly.  She's the worst kind of friend.  She's the type of person who collects information and then when she feels she's been slighted she runs and tells anyone who'll listen every unflattering thing about you she can come up with.  


I'm not absolving Nene of her transgressions.  She is just as much to blame for what went on with her and Cynthia....the difference is that she's not going to be fake about it.  She and Cynthia were truly friends.  It wasn't just for the cameras, like her relationship with Kenya.  

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Someone (forgot, I'm sorry) mentioned mop in conjunction with Nene's new wig.

 The first thing I thought of when I saw it was......omg !   She looks like Miss Osbourne the Mop.   Its an old children's book.

The ugliest office I have ever seen!

Her house is a continuation, dontcha think?

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My take on Kandi after viewing this episode is if she showed the same displeasure to her mom as she is talking trash about her mother in law or husband, that she shows to Todd for expressing his viewpoint of the crap that goes down, maybe her leach of a mother would dial it down. Kandi sits there and keekees with her family like she is ok with what they are saying. Kandi, try that eye rolling crap you do to your husband when dealing with your moms attitude and name calling for which Joyce (she is no "mama" in my book) did owe mama Sharon an apology. And no, she can't make her do it (well it's too late now) but she could have told her mother she was dead wrong for spreading that lie and say it like you mean it without that dumb smile on your face.

Edited by lasandi
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Actually, Kenya came away looking like she was puttin on a show.  She was butting in on the others conversations and the whole hug hug crap was more creepy than sincere.  I really believe it was forced by production because it went just way too far last season and they are doing damage control.



Oh I agree that Kenya came across as fake. But I feel sometimes it's prudent to be fake. Kenya and Porsha are never going to be friends, but they are on this show together. So maybe Kenya felt it was best to just put this behind them, and really the only way to do that was to act all nice and apologetic - because Porsha sure as hell wasn't going to eat any humble pie and own up to HER part. I know I sure as hell have acted like things were cool with a co-worker before, just to take the tension out of the environment, when really I still thought said person was a POS. If you're not legitimately invested in a friendship with someone, sometimes there is no reason to take the time to actually iron things out.



Is Todd's unhappiness causing his head to grow?



That might make MJ happy. Didn't she think Kandi's head was too big for Todd's?



The ugliest office I have ever seen!



Are those pink chairs inflatable? I'm always afraid that if someone sits down with their keys in their pocket they're going to wind up on their ass. Oh, Mama Jooooooyce.....

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I find Nene's behavior so Rasputia-like, I turn away when she's on. So I missed the outfit. Sorry for insulting you, Rasputia. How you doin?

Joyce's boo, Benny is the same one who she said was spreading the rumor about Todd fooling around with Carmen. And I believe the same one she was conspiring with to set Todd up with the stripper. I do believe many of the situations on this show and others are contrived, but I think Kandi's mama drama is real. She and her mom aren't that good of actresses that all that boo-hooing and floods of tears Kandi has on WWHL and reunions are manufactured.

Kandi has a desperate need to please her mother. That was obvious from the way she gleefully told her mother that she shut Sharon down in her honor. "I'm not fittin ta let nobody say they gon hit my mama!" It was almost like, "see mama?! See what I did for you?" But what Kandi doesn't seem to realize is that Joyce is insatiable. She'll never be fully satisfied or grateful for anything Kandi does or gives her. Even when Joyce is dead and gone, she'll probably haunt Kandi from the grave for a casket upgrade. I understand somewhat. I have a mother and six aunts with Joyce-like tendencies. They believe that badge of single motherhood is payable with a life of indentured servitude from their daughters. Only the term of service ends either with their death or yours.

Edited by charmed1
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I don't know who the hell he is but I cannot take someone they call Roger Bob seriously. Are those his birth names or names they gave him in the witness prote ti on program?

Someone please tell me Kandi did not pay someone to decorate her home and office.

Had to laugh at Claudia saying Cynthia was a supermodel. Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelista, Naomi Watts, Christy Turlington, Beverly Johnson, Cynthia Bailey. Nope can't even type her name next to theirs without laughing.

Again I am not siding wit Apollo but I love how Phaedra tries to act like she had no knowledge or any culpability in his shady doings. If she knew he was involved in criminal activity she should have done something she is a lawyer and married to him. There is no way her head was buried so far in the sand. She can cry innocent and ignorant al she wants I still don't buy it.

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I guess NeNe had to figure out something to present to the producers for a storyline for herself. So she's going to have lunches where people yell at each other. Since she has nothing else interesting going on.


Well, I do find the wig selection this season oddly compelling.


With regards to the keys, I have given my brother and mother so many keys to my house over the years that if you found a miscellaneous house key on the ground somewhere within the I-95 corridor it is probably to my house.

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I only have sympathy for Todd because I hate Joyce so much, but homeboy went in knowing how much the come up was going to cost him. Too bad for him he's realizing that marrying Kandi just truly isn't worth it.


So Nene is Lisa and Porsha is Brandi (before the loss of their "friendship" of course)?

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Actually, Kenya came away looking like she was puttin on a show.  She was butting in on the others conversations and the whole hug hug crap was more creepy than sincere.  I really believe it was forced by production because it went just way too far last season and they are doing damage control.

Frankly, I find nearly everything Kenya does to be insincere and exagerated.
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Of course it doesn't exist.  It's all scripted.  They're not going to waste time playing nice, when they know that's not what viewers want to see.  All these shows have to have villains.  And if BRAVO thought MJ would bring in better ratings if she played nice, they would write her character that way.

I think we're all pretty familiar with the machinations of reality TV. But MJ's ugliness? That's who she is. It's scripted in the sense that they organize a dinner gathering, buy a bucket of chicken, and tell Kandi to discuss her conversation with Sharon. But then MJ's words are all her own.

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Claudia has Kenya lighting up like a Christmas tree, and when Kenya said that she and Claudia need to start dating, I'm not so sure that she didn't really mean each other. A poster made the comment a while back (at TWoP?), and I agree - Kenya's closet is of the glass variety.


dinosaur Aunt Baby "Not the mama" Sinclair

Oh, lawd! GOLD.


Kenya - has a tendancy to insert herself into other's conversations, uninvited. 

Except she was invited. If Nene and Cynthia didn't want Kenya's two cents, then they shouldn't have invited her to the powwow with their palms open.

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I hope Kandi still likes being on this show once the season is over bc a lot of fans have her number and are fed up with the way she's handled things with the dearly departed Sharon and her probable-soon-to-be-ex-husband Todd.

I just had this thought as a possible theory: I wonder if buying her Mama a house worth hundreds of thousands of dollars was a sort of payment for a storyline she provided Kandi with. I hope it was worth it bc she's probably lost her marriage over it. I'm not suggesting that MJ made up the drama -- no way, I think it's 100% legit. I do think she let MJ go off unfiltered bc she knew it would buy her another season -- we all know that Kandi on her own is b-o-r-I-n-g. Just my theory. However, I don't think she anticipated that it would leave Sharon and Todd in her wake.

Edited by msblossom
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I think we're all pretty familiar with the machinations of reality TV. But MJ's ugliness? That's who she is. It's scripted in the sense that they organize a dinner gathering, buy a bucket of chicken, and tell Kandi to discuss her conversation with Sharon. But then MJ's words are all her own.

MJ's words (which have been heighten for TV drama) are her own - to the extent that she knows BRAVO is paying her to play a character.  She knows that if went around talking about how wonderful Kandi's in laws are, she would talk herself out of a job.

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Had to laugh at Claudia saying Cynthia was a supermodel. Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelista, Naomi Watts, Christy Turlington, Beverly Johnson, Cynthia Bailey. Nope can't even type her name next to theirs without laughing.


Ha, Naomi Campbell, but I get where you're going. However, I will say that Cynthia was known in the print modeling world in her heyday. I don't know what's going on with her wardrobe and hair this season, but she needs to get back to her old self. Starting with getting rid of that broom bristle looking blond weave. I thought she looked great with her short, dark, spiky hair in the flashback. She has great bone structure, so she can pull off the pixie cut.


Kandi won't understand the severity of her marital situation until she comes home to Todd packing and playing whatever the man version of "Not Gon' Cry" is.

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Frankly, I find nearly everything Kenya does to be insincere and exagerated.

She was really amped up last night. Grasping so badly for camera time trying to stay relevant. She obviously feels the pressure of not having a story line. What happened to the baby she was so desperately trying to have? That story was dropped like a hot potato.  


Cynthia with all the kisses on Nene's cheek. Girl,stop. I know she was just having fun but ole' Nene wasn't having it. 

and why was everybody So. Damn. Loud. ? It's no wonder they had to go all the way to Duluth to find a restaurant to allow filming.

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