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S05.E06: Medford, 90210

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I'm having a chuckle over all the interesting comments about LR's daughters and the comments made while in Medford. The editors seem to love throwing these controversial bits out there, especially when the children are involved -- (watch spoiled children of privilege make stupid comments that offend the USA!). Teenagers are insecure and angry little people -- they're just starting to figure out what a rotten world this can be, how hypocritical adults are, and how childhood is gone forever -- with full adulthood still far away. They do and say really dumb, ignorant, obnoxious things all the time. You don't need to be a BH kid, I suspect, to drop in on Medford, or any other American town or city, and start making fun of other people in ways that are insipid and cruel. Who knows what was left on the cutting room floor? I don't watch these shows for any of these kids so I tend to tune out whatever they've got going on -- including their weddings -- and just keep it moving. I would rather spend time in the slammer than have my kid out there in reality tv land. Truly.

That being said, the comments here about their comments are still way more interesting than anything we saw on tv -- and way more interesting than anything the grown-up HWs brought to the episode.

Betweenyouandme -- I get what you're saying and pondered a similar reaction when I was thinking about all this a few days ago, but my thing is that I can do without all talk of sucking anything ever at anytime for any reason. And I'm not really a prude either -- I just think this kind of lame talk is a default setting for these shows and I hate it. The sex act itself is what it is but, in my world, what Brandi asks Lisa in that clip, is something that ONLY two consenting women should say to each other, behind closed doors, in the privacy of their relationship. And to say it in anger makes it even more disgusting -- Brandi is posing the question as in insult. She's a master at this kind of verbal attack -- the question manages to degrade all three of the players at the same time -- Brandi, Lisa, and Ken. If ANY of my girlfriends had the audacity to ask me such a thing, and in that tone, she would definitely get a full piece of my mind. And Sayonara for sure.

It's a generational thing, I guess. I'm old enough to remember all too clearly how much effort went into women securing any kind of sexual freedom, dignity, or equality. When I was growing up, and where I was growing up, the only respectable options were marriage and children or life as a virgin career woman. I hate watching these entitled, ignorant, witless women throwing this kind of smutty banter around like it makes them edgy or radical or liberated. Or funny! I'd be tempted to say they can go suck it but all of that is much too pleasurable and natural an activity to be thrown about like any kind of any insult.

It's even beyond not having any class -- it's basically not having any real wit. Brandi seems to have no real clue as to how to make a life for herself and those children, who, mercifully, we never see. She cobbled together with bits of string and chewing gum. I don't think for a minute that going to bed with her would any kind of a blast. She seems to have zero reverence for sex.

Thank you for your insight. I just think if it were two men, no one would really say much to begin with, if anything. I'll admit to not knowing if I think it's meant as an insult either way to gay or lesbian people. It isn't to me, personally, but I respect someone else who is offended by that. Edited by Betweenyouandme

Thank you for your insight. I just think if it were two men, no one would really say much to begin with, if anything. I'll admit to not knowing if I think it's meant as an insult either way to gay or lesbian people. It isn't to me, personally, but I respect someone else who is offended by that.


My reaction to what Brandy said to Lisa has nothing to do with sexuality - homosexuality or heterosexuality.  It's just rude no matter who says it to whom! 


I'd have the exact same reaction if a man or woman had asked if s/he needed to suck somebody's dick in order to placate them.  Why would you say that to someone you were supposedly trying to make peace with?  It's just rude and insulting - as Brandy INTENDED it to be.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 12

Thank you for your insight. I just think if it were two men, no one would really say much to begin with, if anything. I'll admit to not knowing if I think it's meant as an insult either way to gay or lesbian people. It isn't to me, personally, but I respect someone else who is offended by that.

I feel a lot like copacabana, and I'm of a similar age. I haven't been regularly exposed to people who talk like that since high school.

However, when guys said those things to other guys when they were arguing, I think the meaning was more like "kiss my A.." I don't think it was meant to state the other person is gay, nor as any sort of sexual insult despite the exact words, at least not where I came from. It was like a more forceful way of stating the other person should get lost.


ETA: I asked Mr. Renatae about this, and he said the same thing as I did. No sexual intent.

Edited by renatae

I read the entire thread before I watched the episode. The thread was better.


Yolanda looked mad hot at the barbeque! Yes the outfit was ridiculous, but she looked bangin'. I would have rocked the same thing if I were her and not have regretted it. Some outfits are just fun. I liked this, because it was a departure from Yolanda's usual all- white outfit and I could tell she had fun wearing it. This was about the only time that I have related to Yolanda. That being said, Yolanda acted like an idiot at the party. Confronting Lisa over "the star" was so petty. childish, and transparent. Yolanda couldn't have cared less about Palm Springs and was just arguing in hopes of starting an argument for the cameras. E for effort.


Watching Brandi talk to Ken and follow Lisa around was disturbing. She is weirdly obsessed with them coming to her stupid housewarming party, and it looks like it doesn't stop there. It looks like Brandi continues to follow Lisa around in public and make her uncomfortable. Fabulous! Brandi is making herself look like a drunken lunatic. I was shocked at her complete lack of both awareness and maturity (and my expectations were already low). This is the first time I have ever felt that Brandi was seriously unhinged. After watching this episode, I now understand why Lisa is the "fan favorite". Between Lisa, Yolanda, and Brandi, Lisa is the only one who acted halfway normal at the barbeque.


 Mileage varies, but I thought Lisa R made a bad decision by inviting the cameras with her for her once a year trip back home. I just feel like this moment should have stayed private. I may be too cynical, but I thought that bringing the camera crew along benefited her far more than it benefited her parents. I understand that the HWs are "supposed to" share their lives, but if LR only goes up once a year, was it really necessary to visit her family on camera?  As a viewer I was interested in seeing it, but I felt like a voyeur when her 92 year old father said he felt like he "didn't belong." Heart-breaking stuff. Lisa's mother, father, and sister seemed lovely. Lisa came across as slightly self-absorbed, but that could have just been a bad edit or grief.  Due to the difficult time she's going through I'm trying to reserve judgement on Lisa for now.


Lisa VP's swans are named "Hanky" and "Panky". Watching Hanky(Panky?) wander into the house was like the beginning of a horror movie. Those swans are scary! Though I have to admit, the image of Lisa bottle- feeding the swans as babies is very cute. (Lisa did say this during the episode, right?)


Edited to add: In my opinion demanding/telling someone to perform a sex act on you is insulting no matter who you (or they) are. I have to say that I would be equally offended if a man told me to "suck his dick" vs. a woman telling me to "eat her out". In fact, probably more offended by a man saying it even though I do in fact sleep with men. The intent in the statement is to imply dominance and control on the part of the speaker, IMO.

Edited by Granimal
  • Love 3
I'll admit, at the risk of being chastised, that when I was in my 20s I left NYC, where I had been living for year, to drive to Michigan. We stopped at a restaurant in Ohio, and I remember thinking "WHOA, there are ALOT of fat blond people out here!" only because the ratio of both was so much higher than what I saw in NYC.  I don't think I said it out loud, but if I was riding in a car with my family and I was a teenager, I might have.



I can't castigate Lisa's kids. What they said wasn't pretty or tactful but they're teenagers and this is exactly how many teenagers and plenty of adults act.


Heck, I'm over 50 and overweight myself. A few years ago my husband and I went into a McDonald's on the way to my very remote and isolated tiny hometown. When we got back in our car we both remarked on the fact that every person in there besides my husband and one other man -- and it was a big lunchtime crowd -- was obese. Even the children. I said, "I was one of the smallest women in there!" We were both sort of shocked by it, and no, we didn't censor ourselves from talking about it because it was reality. Even if we'd had kids in the car we'd have said the same things and maybe discussed why so many people in that area would be overweight. 

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Alright to all the monotony so far this season, but there seems to be developing drama in the previews that could get interesting if they ever get around to developing the story.  From what I can gather, someone is told to stay away from someone else's husband.  Not clear whose is under the magnifying glass, but it would certainly be more interesting than the drivel they're showing now.


Get on with it already.....

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To me, there is a big difference between mocking people based only on their appearance, and noting that observed behavior is unattractive or unacceptable. As noted, We've seen very little of LisaR's girls. However 90% of the time, they were making nasty comments.

In the short amount of time, they dissed:

Chub chubs/fast food


Helping their grandparents move

Doing work just to be helpful and not for "cash dollars"


Visiting their grandparents (They objected when Lisa said she wanted them to come with her, and not just about the driving test)

The one redeeming thing was when they actually greeted their grandparents. A big plus, but it doesn't excuse their haughtiness nor their lack of desire to actually help said grandparents.


I have to respectfully disagree, especially to the bold parts. Your list of ways to illustrate how horrible these girls supposedly are all came from the same episode. And that is way way less than 90% of their on screen behavior. Their actual screen time for this episode doesn't even add up to 90% of their onscreen behavior for this particular episode - and this was the most that we have seen them or heard their voices. 


We don't know what is or isn't the one redeeming quality for either of these girls, because we know nothing about them. We don't know any one real thing about either one of them. And I don't want to know anything about them. Even if they don't realize that they are still children, they are; and we know they are. I don't think we can decide what types of kids they are or what type of parents they have based on their small moments on this show. 


I am all for judging parents based on their behaviors as parents. But, I don't think it is fair to judge kids based on their few minutes on an episode of Real Housewives.

  • Love 3
Watching Brandi talk to Ken and follow Lisa around was disturbing. She is weirdly obsessed with them coming to her stupid housewarming party, and it looks like it doesn't stop there. It looks like Brandi continues to follow Lisa around in public and make her uncomfortable. Fabulous! Brandi is making herself look like a drunken lunatic.


I guess Brandi really took Kim's stalking lessons to heart. 

  • Love 4


When we got back in our car we both remarked on the fact that every person in there besides my husband and one other man -- and it was a big lunchtime crowd -- was obese. Even the children. I said, "I was one of the smallest women in there!" We were both sort of shocked by it, and no, we didn't censor ourselves from talking about it because it was reality.


And I'd say there's a big difference between having a discussion about obesity and calling people chub chubs but that might just be me. Again, I don't have a huge issue with what the girls said, they are teens. I think Lisa R could have easily said 'don't refer to people that way' or something like that. My issue tends to be with the lack of mothering on display.



Brandi stillcame across as one dimensional


Are we sure she has one full dimension?

  • Love 4

I have to respectfully disagree, especially to the bold parts. Your list of ways to illustrate how horrible these girls supposedly are all came from the same episode. And that is way way less than 90% of their on screen behavior. Their actual screen time for this episode doesn't even add up to 90% of their onscreen behavior for this particular episode - and this was the most that we have seen them or heard their voices. 


We don't know what is or isn't the one redeeming quality for either of these girls, because we know nothing about them. We don't know any one real thing about either one of them. And I don't want to know anything about them. Even if they don't realize that they are still children, they are; and we know they are. I don't think we can decide what types of kids they are or what type of parents they have based on their small moments on this show. 


I am all for judging parents based on their behaviors as parents. But, I don't think it is fair to judge kids based on their few minutes on an episode of Real Housewives.

You could make the same argument for every single person on a reality show so why discuss or judge any of them? I cannot tell you how many reality "stars" I've seen complain they got a bad edit and people were left with the wrong impression not seeing what the camera did not show. Those girls are old enough and should be savvy enough to realize how they were presenting themselves. And their mother certainly should have, too. But they might just be playing the role of the spoiled, BH brats to get their mom more camera time. Who knows when they live in a world that is so contrived? Awful to do that to kids, imo.
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I was going to snark about Lisa's teenagers being snobby but then they showed the whole thing with Lisa's parents and that hit too close to home for me. I am going through pretty much the exact same thing with my parents and her sisters name is the same as mine. So I ended up blubbering through the rest of the show and missing too much with Kyles party, so I'll have to watch it again later.

I was going to snark about them as well (they're really beautiful girls, I have to say), but when I saw them sincerely react with sadness when their grandfather said he hoped he didn't live another 10 years, I quickly changed my tune. Those girls are the most refreshing young people on this franchise so far. After my little pal Ayden from Atlanta, of course!

  • Love 1

As a chubby woman, I have to admit I have never heard the expression "chub chub." It seems like a milder word for "chubby." I don't consider that to be a huge slur against my people (chubby people).

The day that my BMI crossed over the threshold from "Obese" to "Overweight" I was ecstatic. But I'll probably always be a chub chub so why feel insulted about it?

I think expecting Lisa Rinna to make that a teachable moment would be asking her to do something that she may not care about. It would make the viewer feel better, but if it doesn't come from her it would be phony. "Dear daughter, that's an unkind thing to say." Nope, wouldn't buy it from Lisa R.

  • Love 4

And I'd say there's a big difference between having a discussion about obesity and calling people chub chubs but that might just be me.So, if they said : "Hey, mom, those people seem to suffer from obesity. Do you think it's due to their lack of money et the cheap prices for fast food, which appear to be everywhere ?" it was OK ?

For my part, I come from a place where people are mostly fit and in good shape, the nearest fasf food is ~20minutes walk, so I probably would have the same reaction than Lisa's daughters. It's not a kind of fat shaming (it's not my body, it's not my health -even if it's also my insurance who contributes to pay for the damages due to obesity) but I probably would have been quite shocked too.


Regarding the church part, I probably also would have reacted the same way.


OMG ! I could have been one of Lisa R's daughter :D


And as English is farther than my mother language, I prefer to add that I'm a little bit sarcastic, but I don't want to offense anyone (and in Europe, to be sincere, we quite don't give a f. of calling a cat a cat, if that makes sense, so we have a more open speaking way than in N/A, where, from my perspective, you have to think twice about every word you want to use... "How can I describe this girl I don't remember the name, without using "black" / "fat" / "extra thin" / "blond haired" / "redhead" in order that noone could find any offensive word in it)


EDIT : spelling

Edited by Diane Mars
  • Love 3

I still think it's different to actually say something, clearly in a mean way, on TV, and as the mother, Lisa should have recognized this. Of course we as humans notice people's appearance, but no one has to say disparaging remarks where a variety of people or the targeted person will end up hearing it. It's the same as seeing someone with lots of acne. Okay, noticed. But, who, except a small child- hopefully corrected about saying such things- would exclaim, "ew, look at your face!" There is a time and a place to say things.

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LOL, then you might not want to watch "House Hunters" on HGTV. It seems to be a growing trend among the more wealthy clients, either separate "master bathrooms" or at least a separate room for the toilet, "water closet", in the master bath. Most homes in England and France seem to have the "water closet" set up for the toilet so the sink, shower/tub is in a separate room sometimes adjacent or just next door. 

Hey, I can appreciate this trend-- I would love to have a separate bathroom for every member of my family, as long as I wasn't the one who had to clean them all!  I don't want to belabor this-- my comment wasn't directed to wanting separate bathrooms where you live;  my point was simply that Lisa V acts like the Lady of the Manor when it suits her, and her comments on the hotel room Joyce "supplied"  in PR was one of those occasions.  She was just aghast  at the notion that she had to use the same bathroom as Ken-- not because  it was inconvenient, or too small, but because it was beneath her to share a bathroom with her own husband for a weekend. Didn't hear Kyle and Mauricio complaining about it, or Joyce and her husband. And we can speculate about who got what rooms, but I think it is reasonable to assume that, since they all stayed in the same resort, they had similar accommodations.

I recall all the flak Shannon Beador got when she seemed underwhelmed by the room Vicky offered her in Mexico --don't want to start that discussion again, but you get my point--Lisa V.'s  spoiled attitude here was much worse, IMO.   I've always wondered if the fact that Lisa V and Ken ran off to another hotel after the argument at dinner was as much a ploy to get more luxurious accommodations as anything else. So, yeah, there is this tremendously vulgar side to Lisa V that we saw in the last episode with her animal sex talk--fisting a swan, for heaven's sake--  but then, she seems to see herself as some pretty pretty princess who is entitled to royal treatment at every occasion. 

Edited by BluishGreen
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There are MUCH WORSE kids in the Housewive franchise than Lisa R's.  Think OC.  Think Lynn, Jeana, Tamra, Tammy, Laurie.  And what kind of a monster did Alexa from Miami raise.


If Medford was indeed as redneck as it sounds, I can't blame Lisa R for separating herself from the town. 


Bottom line, her daughters showed nothing but care and respect towards their grandparents. 

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I still think it's different to actually say something, clearly in a mean way, on TV, and as the mother, Lisa should have recognized this. Of course we as humans notice people's appearance, but no one has to say disparaging remarks where a variety of people or the targeted person will end up hearing it. It's the same as seeing someone with lots of acne. Okay, noticed. But, who, except a small child- hopefully corrected about saying such things- would exclaim, "ew, look at your face!" There is a time and a place to say things.

Agreed. And to chalk it up to "teenagers" is factually wrong, imo, and why shouldn't a teenager be called on crappy behavior?  I am around hundreds of teens a day. They are all not assholes! If they were, I would hate my job. ;-)


My hope is that they took a gander at how they come across and be embarrassed and will change their ways. Could happen, particularly from kids whose mother seems to want to be more in the "friend" category than mother category. Maybe they've never had negative feedback associated with bad behavior. Even narcissists can love their grandparents (in their own narcissistic way) so having genuine emotion upon seeing them doesn't mean they're not prone to being little shits. (And I am not saying they are narcissists. I'm merely saying showing someone love doesn't mean you're not an asshole in other ways.)



Bottom line, her daughters showed nothing but care and respect towards their grandparents. 

They weren't so respectful of their churchgoing ways.

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Hey, I can appreciate this trend-- I would love to have a separate bathroom for every member of my family, as long as I wasn't the one who had to clean them all!  I don't want to belabor this-- my comments wasn't directed to wanting separate bathrooms where you live;  my point was simply that Lisa V acts like the Lady of the Manor when it suits her, and her comments on the hotel room Joyce "supplied"  in PR was one of those occasions.  She was just aghast  at the notion that she had to use the same bathroom as Ken-- not because  it was inconvenient, or too small, but because it was beneath her to share a bathroom with her own husband for a weekend. Didn't hear Kyle and Mauricio complaining about it, or Joyce and her husband. And we can speculate about who got what rooms, but I think it is reasonable to assume that, since they all stayed in the same resort, they had similar accommodations.

I recall all the flak Shannon Beador got when she seemed underwhelmed by the room Vicky offered her in Mexico --don't want to start that discussion again, but you get my point--Lisa V.'s  spoiled attitude here was much worse, IMO.   I've always wondered if the fact that Lisa V and Ken ran off to another hotel after the argument at dinner was a ploy to get more luxurious accommodations as anything else. So, yeah, there is this tremendously vulgar side to Lisa V that we saw in the last episode with her animal sex talk--fisting a swan, for heaven's sake--  but then, she seems to see herself as some pretty pretty princess who is entitled to royal treatment at every occasion. 

LOL I think many take what she says as if she were serious and not joking. I don't think she was serious about the bathrooms, the swans, her sexy pets, it is just her sense of humor. When she was talking about the BR situation in PR she did not sound angry, upset, disappointed or even mildly put out about it, she was joking about it. I guess when you, not you specifically,  dislike a HW it does not matter what they say, you will find fault in most things they say or do, the reverse holds true as well. LOL 

  • Love 11

And ? Can't they be, for instance, atheists ? Is it THAT bad ?

It's pretty rude to say their mom going to church when she was young is what made her really weird. Again, if they're atheists or don't like going to church for some other reason, that is fine. It's being on tv and making these statements where clearly larger people and church-going people will hear is what makes it offensive. I mean, I think it was also rude to say to a mother, but I'm not Lisa R., so I can't speak for how she felt or should feel.

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And ? Can't they be, for instance, atheists ? Is it THAT bad ?

I raise my own kids to be respectful of the religious beliefs of other people, even if different from their own, because that is just how you should treat other people. Nobody wants their views mocked. Maybe those are just "flyover country" sensibilities.

And how odd to me that Lisa's relationship with her kids is such that they know so little about her childhood - barely visit her family and did not know church was prominent in her life. I guess she gets stuck at sharing clothes with them and does not realize she could share some family history, too.

I do not watch all the franchise shows but to me they seem to fit right in!

Edited by lilmarysunshine
  • Love 8

Ok, so that what I was meaning in a previous post : there's always someone to consider anything you may have said/written as "offensive"...


No offense here, once again, but it's so... different from my culture that it's sometimes difficult for me to understand HOW you can express your feelings or beliefs without always "offending" someone here or there. I probably won't have a lot of friends if I were living in N/A, lol !

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Communication involves more than just words. I have a son (10) who is quite literal and I could easily imagine him saying "Mom, it seems like there are more people here who are fat. Is it because there are so many fast-food restaurants?" He is nothing if not matter-of-fact!

But I do not think the Rinna girls did it in that way. They were trying to be cute and clever with the chub chubs thing, not sensitive or just inquisitive. The purpose of it all was turn their noses up at the people of Medford. Just like their mother does.

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I was equally put off when the Rinna girls talked about church in such a derogatory way. Saying that Lisa attending as a child explained a lot about her (in a negative way). Interesting. So I'm not just bagging on them for their sheltered remarks about "chub chubs" and Medford being a horrible place that they feel so very sorry that their mom had to grow up in. I know teens are bratty in general but these girls seem pretty awful.


Then again, I would never want to raise kids in L.A./Hollywood. This is exactly how I would expect them to turn out.

What I find funny about all this is that my grandfather was a semi retired pastor in Medford, OR and was a pretty large man, albeit tall, and fairly proportionate but definitely had some chubby heft, although not from fast food -- wasn't a fan of it, my grandmother was a slim petite woman and a very good cook -- so he came by it honestly!! I am not all that offended by Lisa's daughters -- it's all they know, and it's their worldview that is highly influenced by their underweight narcissistic parents (I don't hate them for it, they are actors and I guess it comes with the territory), their friends, and their BH lifestyle -- whaddya expect?

That said, we visited our grandparents who lived about 30 miles south of Medford twice a year every year and drove 500 hundred miles from WA state to get there. I liked the Medford area bc they always took us shopping, but mostly enjoyed going there bc my grandparents had a cattle ranch and horses, tractors, and 4 wheelers. They were hard working and we always had a blast on the ranch helping with branding cattle, feeding the livestock and horseback riding. Oh, and we loved going to church, lol!

  • Love 3

Ok, so that what I was meaning in a previous post : there's always someone to consider anything you may have said/written as "offensive"...


No offense here, once again, but it's so... different from my culture that it's sometimes difficult for me to understand HOW you can express your feelings or beliefs without always "offending" someone here or there. I probably won't have a lot of friends if I were living in N/A, lol !

When I post a differing opinion and I am worried about offending the person I am replying to I make sure I use other expressions like "LOL" or "I am not referring to YOU specifically",  especially if they give personal examples to make their point. The easiest way is to use "IMO - In My Opinion" or something along those lines. When in doubt, you can always send the other poster a pm/private message, to let them know you are not attacking them personally. Intent, joking, sarcasm and even anger do not always translate well in type let alone different cultures. LOL

  • Love 3

What I find funny about all this is that my grandfather was a semi retired pastor in Medford, OR and was a pretty large man, albeit tall, and fairly proportionate but definitely had some chubby heft, although not from fast food -- wasn't a fan of it, my grandmother was a slim petite woman and a very good cook -- so he came by it honestly!! I am not all that offended by Lisa's daughters -- it's all they know, and it's their worldview that is highly influenced by their underweight narcissistic parents (I don't hate them for it, they are actors and I guess it comes with the territory), their friends, and their BH lifestyle -- whaddya expect?

That said, we visited our grandparents who lived about 30 miles south of Medford twice a year every year and drove 500 hundred miles from WA state to get there. I liked the Medford area bc they always took us shopping, but mostly enjoyed going there bc my grandparents had a cattle ranch and horses, tractors, and 4 wheelers. They were hard working and we always had a blast on the ranch helping with branding cattle, feeding the livestock and horseback riding. Oh, and we loved going to church, lol!

For me, what you said makes me sad for the Rinna/Hamlin girls, they missed out in experiencing someplace that has much to offer. That they know so little of their mothers childhood is strange to me, I grew up hearing about both my parents childhoods and my son has heard those same stories, my husbands parents stories and both my/husband's stories.

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I re-watched this morning because I wanted to make sure to catch 1) the battle of the caftans; 2) Yolanda's boots/shorts; and 3) VVP's WTF looks.  Yikes -- I never watched DOOL and even I know Lisa Rinna was the original Billie. Or, if not the absolute original, at least that she came along long before Krista Allen. 


But I also noticed that Lisa R's daughters, while insensitive, didn't appear to me to be unlike many teens I have known as far as saying provocative things just to see what happens. I also got the feeling they were playing to the camera; and had the camera not been there, they might not have been such jerks about fast food, heavyset people or religion.  The "oh, that's why you're so weird" remark about church sounded to me like a standard smart remark with which a kid might tease kid a parent, not a condemnation of organized religion.  But that is my mileage, and others may vary. 

Edited by harrie
  • Love 3

I like Lisa R and think she makes a great addition to BH.
I think she made a mistake by letting this very personal story with her parents be part of her story. Her parents are sweet and real and I wish Lisa had kept this sweet moments just her own. With out the added comment from the outside world.
Her daughter asked" are there chub chubs here?" So we don't know if the saw any overweight people. They were being snobby period.
The idea that it is hard to not be rude or not offend people makes me laugh. It is pretty easy IMO. Just don't say every damn thing you think and use common sense. Of course adults are better at it (some not all). It is the parents job to check snooty child real quick.

Teens and children who are never corrected and told that you can't just anything you want because it might offend someone, end up like Brandi. ;) And I don't think any of us would wish that on Lisa or Harry Hamlin. Hell on any body. A Brandi type daughter is a thing of nightmares. Only worse would be to have her for a mother. Those poor boys. :)

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 7

For me, what you said makes me sad for the Rinna/Hamlin girls, they missed out in experiencing someplace that has much to offer. That they know so little of their mothers childhood is strange to me, I grew up hearing about both my parents childhoods and my son has heard those same stories, my husbands parents stories and both my/husband's stories.


My parents and the one grandparent I knew never shared stories; I wish they had, as I now mess around with genealogy and stuff. It happens. and not only in superficial-seeming LA families. 

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Only worse would be to have her for a mother. Those poor boys. :)

Can you imagine in 10+ years being the girlfriend to one of her sons? Or the girlfriend's parent? Yikes!

I think she will be totally jealous of the attention spent on a girlfriend (just because she is so attention-seeking) and I think she will be extremely permissive when it comes to sex (again, because she loves the attention she gets regarding her feelings about sexuality).

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Oh, well, then you will definitely want to check out SUR if you're ever in LA - it is the tackiest, cheapest, gaudiest restaurant I have been to in a long time. The menus come in faded, stained leopard-skin valour covers. The decor tries to pass itself off as vintage, but it's not even shabby chic - just shabby. Any pretense of Lisa being elegant, sophisticated or uppercrust just flies out the window when you step inside the maze of tacky horrors that is SUR. Oh, and the food sucks.

But SUR stands for sexy unique restaurant. You mean to tell me it's not?? I'm shocked I tell you, shocked! Also Lisa thinks red cabbage is sexy so there's that.

  • Love 1

I hope Lisa's response to Brandi is a very cool "thank you, daahhling, but I have a husband" and then she just walks away dismissively.

I believe the correct spelling is huzzbin. #phaedraparks

ETA: Oops. I had meant to add this to my other post rather than start a new one. I'm sorry.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 2
Teens and children who are never corrected and told that you can't just anything you want because it might offend someone, end up like Brandi.



We've met Brandi's mom, though -- she seems like the definition of normal lady.  Her siblings seem to have turned out well, too, and all seem somewhat gunshy about her behavior (thinking back to the book party).  Sometimes kids are just wild, and it has nothing to do with how you raised them.   


In Brandi's case my guess is she kept it toned down as best she could around her parents, but once she was on her own, she decided the "adult" card was a free pass to be as "adult" as she felt like.  Any time, any place.

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For me, what you said makes me sad for the Rinna/Hamlin girls, they missed out in experiencing someplace that has much to offer. That they know so little of their mothers childhood is strange to me, I grew up hearing about both my parents childhoods and my son has heard those same stories, my husbands parents stories and both my/husband's stories.

I get what you're saying and I agree -- I just think that raising kids in LA/BH with parents whose profession is all about the trappings of Hollywood and stardom lends itself to raising children whose values are askew vs precious relationships and experiences that have nothing to do with what money and success can buy. I would think it must be hard to get that right when raising children in that demographic.

I have an actor friend who made the decision with her husband to move the family from Seattle to Orange County bc she wasn't getting enough work in Vancouver and she was sick of the weather and I feel her 2 out of 3 kids suffered for that decision. Imo, it felt selfish to me...they didn't get to grow up with the nurturing environment of both sets of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins whom they were close with and I don't think they got ahead economically either bc Orange Co is very expensive. High school was very difficult for them and 2 of them suffer emotionally from depression as young adults -- I can't say with certainty that things would have played out differently had they remained in WA, but I believe the children would have benefitted remaining in the loving environment of extended family. JMO.

Edited by msblossom
  • Love 2

I get what you're saying and I agree -- I just think that raising kids in LA/BH with parents whose profession is all about the trappings of Hollywood and stardom lends itself to raising children whose values are askew vs precious relationships and experiences that have nothing to do with what money and success can buy.

I think that plays a role.

Like everything, that lifestyle has a cost. I think I can look at it and think "Oh, yeah, poor thing driving her Benz." But it is so much pressure. Didn't Eileen say something about her quitting the business some years ago because she just wanted away from that pressure? I do not know what it is, for example, to deal with that kind of pressure about my looks. Where every pound you gain is noticed as is every wrinkle. Both of those things are normal things that come with aging! She and Lisa Rinna have to deal with that more than the others, though, since they are actresses. But I sure would hate to live like that and it would be hard to not transfer some of those attitudes and anxieties to your daughters, especially. I would think, though, I would purposefully try to de-emphasize the importance of appearance but, again, I am not part of that world.

  • Love 4

And ? Can't they be, for instance, atheists ? Is it THAT bad ?

Two thoughts:

1) In the first episode of the season, weren't they being driven home by Lisa from Catholic school??

2) I'm not surprised about the church comment (actually, I am--if the answer to #1 is "yes"), considering LA is probably the center of the "denigrate any religion except the one started by a science fiction writer" hate.

  • Love 5

Two thoughts:

1) In the first episode of the season, weren't they being driven home by Lisa from Catholic school??

2) I'm not surprised about the church comment (actually, I am--if the answer to #1 is "yes"), considering LA is probably the center of the "denigrate any religion except the one started by a science fiction writer" hate.

Speaking as an LA resident- Scientology is widely given the side eye and made fun of around here. And I don't see/hear about any religion (other than Scientology) being "denigrated". In fact, much like many major cities there's acceptance of a variety of religions, atheist thinking and agnostic beliefs.

I think the surprise expressed by the daughters had more to do with who (they believe) their mom is more than anything else.

  • Love 11

I've gone back and forth about Lisa R's daughters in this episode, but I've settled on "eh, they're teenagers." My now 25 y/o daughter would tell me that I'm weird with regularity back when she was their age, and it could have been about anything -- "you put butter on your toast? You're so weird." I think it's just what they do. I remember rolling my eyes so far back in my head whenever my father picked myself and my friends up at a dance or a movie or a party. And I had the coolest, most awesome Dad ever. 


Which brings me to my other observation about this episode -- how the heart breaks watching your parents age. My dear ones are gone 1 and 2 years now but lived into their 90s, and very independently until the last year or so of their lives. I kind of relived that time watching this episode and am sorely tempted to give anyone going through that transition a big pass. BUT -- Ms. Lisa R -- my sister traveled 3,000 miles once a month, sometimes for less than 48 hours, to see my parents as they lived their last days. So it can be done : )


Otherwise, I'm loving seeing Eileen on this show. I find her so funny and real (so far). 

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