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S29.E13: Let's Make A Move

Tara Ariano

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Once again, how?  No one respects his game.  The only thing he can rely on is challenges.  And that only worked for Bob in Gabon because the jury were just bitter babies, and for Fabio in Nicaragua because Chase and Sash were so disliked and had fucked over way too many people.


I see almost no one on this jury being all that bitter.


They respect him. They like him. Even Baylor has apparently come around to thinking he is cool.

  • Love 1

Once again, how?  No one respects his game.  The only thing he can rely on is challenges.  And that only worked for Bob in Gabon because the jury were just bitter babies, and for Fabio in Nicaragua because Chase and Sash were so disliked and had fucked over way too many people.


I see almost no one on this jury being all that bitter.


I think the only way it'd work is if the virtually all-male jury voted for a guy, just because. But I don't think he's going to make it to the end.

  • Love 6

As a person.  But his actual strategic game?  Nope.  Not one person has mentioned liking or respecting that.


Survivor is a social game first, juries more often than not vote for the person they like the most.  I am certainly not saying he is the winner especially if Natalie is there but don't discount the likeability factor. He is a big threat to win if he makes the F3.

  • Love 8

Survivor is a social game first, juries more often than not vote for the person they like the most.  I am certainly not saying he is the winner especially if Natalie is there but don't discount the likeability factor. He is a big threat to win if he makes the F3.

Perhaps.  But if he handles the jury terribly (like he handles Tribal Council, in general), he easily loses that vote.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
  • Love 3

I'm not about the finale on a Wednesday, and they didn't mention the reunion. Do not deprive me of the reunion, show.

I don't usually mind the whole B v. V concept but holy fuck, this reward swapping is getting nauseating. I'd probably only get to do it once because they would vote my selfish ass out, but fuck that, if I win I'm taking the reward.

I still can't believe I want Natalie to win so badly. I just did not see that coming.

The previews made it seem like Missy smashed her face on a post but during the actual show that part was more of a bump. Didn't they do a run-through? The seesaw part was so dangerous, Jaclyn took some bad falls.

Edited by mojoween
  • Love 9

YESSS!  So happy to see Jon voted out!  I did like the guy, but I love a blindside, and love when someone thinks they have the game in the bag and is "visualizing the win" and they get unceremoniously booted.  And I love when someone pulls of a big move, and doesn't let the self-imagined bigwigs run away with the game as they do so often.


So, GO NATALIE!  I am rooting for her to win.  She at least is instigating strategy and making moves, and seems to be a good actress as far as making it seem like she was going along with the group when she was planning to oust Jon.  


Missy and Baylor are just big nothings for me.  Completely un-memorable and it feels like they've just drifted.  I've never gotten a handle on their game or their alliances except we all know Missy was close with Jon.  


No one is that compelling for me this season, and there don't seem to be any standout alliances or alliance shifts. Usually there are some people, alliances, events, challenges that are hallmark moments, but it was all kind of blah this time and I doubt I'll remember anything once it's over.  

  • Love 5

So happy for Natalie! I have been on the Twins train since day one when many were going with the herd mentality to be against them based on TAR. She has played an excellent game and now as long as she doesn't go nuts and NOT play her idol she is guaranteed a final 4 position.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 11

I'm not about the finale on a Wednesday, and they didn't mention the reunion. Do not deprive me of the reunion, show.


2 hour finale, followed by reunion show. YAY.

YESSS!  So happy to see Jon voted out!  I did like the guy, but I love a blindside, and love when someone thinks they have the game in the bag and is "visualizing the win" and they get unceremoniously booted.  And I love when someone pulls of a big move, and doesn't let the self-imagined bigwigs run away with the game as they do so often.


So, GO NATALIE!  I am rooting for her to win.  She at least is instigating strategy and making moves, and seems to be a good actress as far as making it seem like she was going along with the group when she was planning to oust Jon.  .  


SO MANY people wimp out on the big move for the sake of loyalty near the end. They forget that it's an individual game and they can't win that way. I get that they're tired and hungry, but man, why do so many let people walk all over them? 

  • Love 7

I love it when a plan comes together. And naturally, I decide to watch Arrow over this. Just another in a series of dumb moves. I guess that I have more in common with Jon then I would've guessed.


Natalie for the win. Avenging her twinnie, surviving John, outlasting the dullest cast . . . I'm proud of her.


ETA: I do feel bad for Missy. Now, having loyalty for Jon over her daughter's word? That's a little messed up.

  • Love 13

So, GO NATALIE!  I am rooting for her to win.  She at least is instigating strategy and making moves, and seems to be a good actress as far as making it seem like she was going along with the group when she was planning to oust Jon.  


Yea I couldn't believe that Jon fell for Natalie's, "Nobody communicated with me on who to vote out between Alec and Keith." I was like Jon couldn't be that damn dense, yet he was, and all I could do was shake my head. He can't be dense from a lack of food, because he's been eating so he's just naturally dense, as Judge Judy says, "Either you're playing dumb or it's not an act". He can't put two and two together with the last TC of Alec being voted out knowing that wasn't the original plan, so he had to know that somebody flipped judging from the reaction he and Missy had last TC. Jon was lost in his own arrogance and it bit him in the ass, last TC he was giving his finale speech on why he should win like an idiot.

Edited by ShadowSixx
  • Love 16

My goodness Jon is hella entitled. He has so many moments of disbelief when something doesn't go exactly his way. He simply stared at the broken vessel during the immunity challenge as if it could not be possible that he would not win. He said a couple of time "but I didn't move". Like he didn't notice the huge gusts of wind that weren't under his control.

Last week several people said Jon should run from Jaclyn due to her princess entitled self. I wouldn't want either of them myself, but Jon clearly needs Jaclyn to negotiate the real world.

  • Love 20

I wonder how many of the parents on this season are embarrassed by their actions. In nearly every case, their son or daughter has behaved or played better. 


I'm on the Natalie bandwagon too. I think her last threat is Baylor and Missy realizing they can't take her to the final 3 and choose Keith instead. If that's the case, I think it's Baylor to win.


Also, I loved the open-mouthed Alec on the jury. The editors have a fun job.

  • Love 15

Yeah, I think I definitely overstated the fact that Keith in the F3 is a lock. Especially if Natalie is there, as mentioned.  Other than that, while he hasn't done anything other than win, I hardly think anyone outside of Natalie would be deserving to win either.  No one has done anything to force the jury to have to go with that person over Keith.  Pretty hard to play the game when you're outnumbered and lack control.


That being said, my fault for saying he'll win for sure if he gets there; but I like his chances for the most part.


Loving Natalie.  Never really had an issue with her, and her recent moves helped her in terms of respect.  She is the first person in Survivor history to return from Exile Island and win the IC, I think.  Terry's run was interrupted with Bruce's exit, IIRC.


Baylor winning probably would happen more if Keith and/or Missy were on the jury. IMO, she ain't winning.  Her plan to get Natalie out would be trumped by Natalie's plan to get Baylor out (unless Baylor wins Final Immunity with Keith gone at 5).

  • Love 4

I think I'll cry if Natalie doesn't win. She's a good player, and she seems like a nice person, so I would like her anyway, but she's in the game with people who are dull and bad at Survivor so she's really standing out.


I laughed when Missy said that she would never betray someone or go behind their backs. Jeremy was her One True Alliance at one point, wasn't he? Before she betrayed him and went behind his back? I do feel bad for her that she got hurt during the challenge. Whenever that happens, I think someone dropped the ball somewhere on designing it; she wasn't the only one who landed hard on that stupid teeter-totter thing.


The editing gave me hope that Jon would finally be voted out, and I was not disappointed. I don't mind all the foreshadowing when it's so delicious to watch his girlfriend tell him "I think Natalie was lying -- it doesn't make sense that she forgot who to vote for" while he's like, "Nah -- I'm not worried about it." They both annoy me a little, but Jaclyn is better at reading people for sure.

  • Love 19

I do NOT get why Missy is so loved by her alliance.   Jon gives up food and a shower to Baylor so she can be with Missy.... she's been right by her side for weeks.  Everyone just bends over backwards so Missy can eat, get reward, whatever it is.  People are babying her, and taking her to the end. Meanwhile, she's choosing Jon over a strategic move than will get either herself or her daughter closer to a million dollars.  She continues to show me just how non-functioning her logic skills are.  I truly feel sorry for Baylor.

  • Love 7

I'm sorry that Jon got voted out, but it's his own fault. Jaclyn had a feeling, and then the two of them just so easily dismissed it. After Missy TH'd about being truthful, I wish we had seen if she talked to Jon and Jaclyn about the vote for Keith.

I did like Natalie but now she strikes me as a bit arrogant. She controls the shots. And really she doesn't come across as any better. The entire reason why she was upset with Jon is because he blindsided his alliance mate Jeremy. Well, now she has done the same to him. And two wrongs don't make a right.

I hated her smirking all throughout the TC and vote reading. She's as bad as Reed.

  • Love 1

So happy for Natalie! I have been on the Twins train since day one when many were going with the herd mentality to be against them based on TAR. She has played an excellent game and now as long as she doesn't go nuts and NOT play her idol she is guaranteed a final 4 position.


I completely agree.  I've been a huge fan of theirs since day one on TAR and I'm glad, if a little righteous, that people seem to have largely changed their opinions.  On the thread for episode one, I felt that the vitriol directed at Nadiya was completely uncalled for, and its one of the reasons I rarely participate in internet discussions anymore.  One statement in isolation was enough to condemn somebody who I had always found to be delightful and entertaining, and even former survivors took to twitter to spout their holier-than-thou judgments (i.e. Fishbach and the absolutely vile Eliza).  I hope Nat has shown the side of the twinnies I always knew was there - they're funny, gorgeous, and above all they are gamers who came to play, unlike the majority of this season's cast.

  • Love 16

That was so satisfying that I'm about to watch it again, and that has never happened with me on this show.  I'm shockingly now enthusiastically rooting for Natalie.  I think she and her twinnie are in a toxic relationship, and the time apart is helping at least one of them.  I loved in the reward challenge that the three women actually beat the team with the two men in the physical portion.


It's a shame that Natalie would probably not been cast if she wasn't a polarizing character from TAR.  They only cast bikini ready females, and the occasional mother figure (40s-50s). 


Stupid Jon - of course he dismissed Jaclyn's concern that Natalie's Alec vote was no accident.  Of course he dismissed Jaclyn's concern that he might be blindsided.  So happy to see him go!  And then he took it like a man and walked away without bitterness.  Good on him.


Baylor has greatly risen in my eyes.  She kept the vote last week a secret from Missy, didn't cave and tattle on Natalie at the reward, and persisted in voting out Jon - even after Missy tried to guilt her out of it.

  • Love 17

I did like Natalie but now she strikes me as a bit arrogant. She controls the shots. And really she doesn't come across as any better. The entire reason why she was upset with Jon is because he blindsided his alliance mate Jeremy. Well, now she has done the same to him. And two wrongs don't make a right.

Bitterness over Jon's boot, @blackwing?  Because I just saw it as her giving him a taste of his own medicine.

  • Love 13

I wish they had showed us more of this 'bratty' Baylor that the players keep talking about.  I still can't see her as bratty.  Immature maybe, but only because she's young.  Other than that, she's been a fairly decentish player.  She's not out there making up the big strategy, but she's definitely made up her own mind about things when presented with something.  She's been doing that from the start.  

  • Love 12

Alec has always had the "don't I look dumb with my mouth open" look for several Tribal Councils. Mostly, because he's not that smart and has never really known what's going on. I read an interview where he said he only saw two seasons just before he played himself. It shows.....a lot! The only worthy winner would be Natalie at this point. At least, she is interesting and has played the game (mostly after the merge) and, is miles ahead of everyone else left in the game. I do have one question. What was Jaclyn bitching (again) about at the reward challenge? Was she mad that Jon won? Mad that Missy won? Whatever she said was under her breath and I didn't get what she said because Jon went all hero and gave his reward to Baylor.

  • Love 3

 I'm shockingly now enthusiastically rooting for Natalie.  I think she and her twinnie are in a toxic relationship, and the time apart is helping at least one of them.


While I doubt they would have made it this far together like Jon/Jaclyn or Missy/Baylor, absolutely nothing about Natalie/Nadiya strikes me as "toxic".  Have you ever met identical twins?  I have.  Their relationship seems totally typical to me.

  • Love 12

Alec has always had the "don't I look dumb with my mouth open" look for several Tribal Councils. Mostly, because he's not that smart and has never really known what's going on. I read an interview where he said he only saw two seasons just before he played himself. It shows.....a lot! The only worthy winner would be Natalie at this point. At least, she is interesting and has played the game (mostly after the merge) and, is miles ahead of everyone else left in the game. I do have one question. What was Jaclyn bitching (again) about at the reward challenge? Was she mad that Jon won? Mad that Missy won? Whatever she said was under her breath and I didn't get what she said because Jon went all hero and gave his reward to Baylor.


Jaclyn was bitching because Jon was happy about winning and she called him annoying because he was happy about possibly getting a massage. IDK why Jaclyn always feels entitled or if she's miserable, Jon has to be miserable too. Outside the game, I feel a little bad for Jon, it looks like he has to constantly cater to her and make her happy. 

  • Love 12

Jaclyn was bitching because Jon was happy about winning and she called him annoying because he was happy about possibly getting a massage. IDK why Jaclyn always feels entitled or if she's miserable, Jon has to be miserable too. Outside the game, I feel a little bad for Jon, it looks like he has to constantly cater to her and make her happy. 

Oh, Jaclyn might be annoying to Jon, for sure, outside of the game.  But I absolutely wouldn't be surprised if Jon can be just as insufferable with his entitlement issues or his sort of pride or boastfulness in his privileged life, and Jaclyn's been on the wrong end of that outside of the game.

  • Love 10

I see the reasons why J&J would be considered entitled jerks, but I thought they took the vote pretty well. No theatrics (at least not in this episode)...just a realization that Natalie was not on their side. What J&J should have done was recruit Keith to vote with them, but they were far too content to trust an alliance of 5 in the final 6 (not a great track record of that paying off). Logic should have told them that the best time to move against them was now, and that they had to pre-empt that strike with one of their own. Oh well. I didn't hate them. There have been way worse contestants. Everyone seems stupid/smug on this show if you look hard enough.


My favourite part fo the episode was Dr. Keith's professional medical assessment of Missy's injury: [Dramatic pause, serious look on his face]..."That's not good."


Thanks Dr. Keith!

  • Love 8

I'm not sure if this is this is the first time I've posted about this season, but it feels like it is, because this season has sucked ass for me until tonight.

I stopped watching Amazing Race several years ago, sadly, so did not have any opinions on the twins. I was perfectly happy for the one to get booted early, mostly because I was sick of talk about the twins. Also, though I have a history of loathing John Rocker, Natalie bugged the crap out of me in their exchange, so I rather disliked her. But that has changed, and now I'm rooting my ass off for her.

What I saw tonight was Natalie pulling off a Sandra, my favorite Survivor ever. Sandra was loyal to Rupert, and it was annoying, but once he was booted, she started playing for herself and was awesome. That's what I'm starting to see in Natalie. Jeremy was her Rupert, now she has no loyalties, and is playing the hell out of this game and I am loving it.

Keith has to go next. I want to be wrong, and I hope that I would be wrong, but an all male at this point jury? With Keith at the end not being a 'mean' girl? He'd win. He has to go.

I'm just not sure who else has to go for a Natalie win. You'd think being up against Missy/Baylor who have no built in votes would be a slam dunk. But Jaclyn is so unlikeable, and promises to be even more unlikeable next week, maybe she's a better bet over the hurt Mom Missy. But honestly I think Natalie would be fine over everyone but Keith. I like the guy, but I like Natalie more. And she actually does stuff. Hopefully he goes next.

  • Love 10

Did Keith finally manage to control his mouth and not ruin a plan at tribal?? 


Jon proved (once again) early on this episode that he is terrible at reading people and terrible at strategy.  Working it so that J&J are back at camp alone together ranks up there with the worst gameplay ever.  Jac is his one sure ally, and he left Baylor and Missy to strategize with Keith, and Nat possibly to find an idol.   Dumb dumb dumb.


I wonder if Jaclyn didn't really push for Jon to play his idol, even though she was clearly suspicious, because she knew if they were flipping, the votes would be split her way too.


I could be projecting, but I got the feeling that Jaclyn was starting to realize that Jon didn't understand the game or wasn't able to read people, and while she wasn't going to vote him out, she wasn't that bothered by him leaving.  He's been good at challenges, but from the start he has shown a total inability to understand either the game or other people (or both), and I think Jaclyn realized it.  Speaking of challenges, Nat was a rock during immunity.  Arms straight out, unlike everyone else, and never moved.  Impressive.  


That 2-2-2 first vote was genius, as was pre-planning the re-vote.  Loved it.  First time I've been impressed by any strategy all season, but I was super-impressed by the foresight in making the plan, and in planning what would happen on the re-vote.  I never would have thought to plan a 3-way tie.   


Alec's gap-jawed stare at tribal was awesome.


I thought he had slipped in to a coma.




Keith has to go next. I want to be wrong, and I hope that I would be wrong, but an all male at this point jury? With Keith at the end not being a 'mean' girl? He'd win. He has to go.


I don't know; I think Jeremy votes for Nat no matter what.  I think Reed & Josh vote together, and they would likely vote Nat over Keith.  Wes will obviously vote for Keith.  Jon is unpredictable, but I suspect he'll do the whole "I have to respect the best gameplay" route, and would vote for Nat.    Alec will probably vote for Drew.  (Speaking of, I died when someone tonight said "Did Alec vote for himself?")  I think Nat has a very good chance to win against Keith.  I think her chances are better with Baylor/ Missy, though.

Edited by Turtle
  • Love 17

Oh man, that was beautiful, it really was. 

Edguardo's boot-out, Cirie's 3-2-1 vote out - and this one. big huge moves.  And Natalie has herself set up, beautifully. She's got a case to bring to the jury, and she's likeable. She can use her HII to get into the finale four (if she wins immunity, she can pass it to Baylor, and they boot out Keith -that would be my move. Jaclyn doesn't have a case to make. What she going to say "well, we were the swing vote, but that was the only move we ever made."

Also, I'd boot out Keith over Jaclyn, because I personally feel she'd just be a horrid Juror. She'd totally Heidi this up and make it all about her (or be very bitter). 

I like Baylor a lot as well, and I do feel sorry for Missy.  But man, this was a fantastic, fantastic power play. I do have to give credit for Jon for being very graceful in defeat, because this was something that was predicted for ages: Jon was so focused on day 39, he didn't see how the game was unfolding in front of him, regardless of the signs - which were there. Natalie's "Oh, I got confused' shouldn't have worked.  and he was all "Oh, okay."  that big grin of "Oh heck yah I imagine what I say to the Jury" was also ehhh. 

  • Love 11

So glad Natalie's plan came to fruition and Jon is gone! I liked how she made clear to Keith that they were going to be acting like they were voting him at TC and not to do anything stupid. She was more diplomatic than I would have been.


I didn't see Natalie as gloating so much as just being relieved that her plan to get Jon out finally worked. I don't think she knew how Missy was going to vote, and I'm sure she was worried Keith was going to lose his mind and start blabbing the plan.


It'll be fun to see Jaclyn rip into them for voting out Jon. Let's see how far that entitlement gets you, Princess.

  • Love 17

Nice people don't steal other people's money.


So who voted for Jon in the second round?  Missy said categorically that she would not vote for him, so it had to be Baylor, but she voted for Jaclyn first time.

It only took 2 of 3 votes to send Jon home, so Missy didn't even have to write his name down.  Though why bother pretending to be loyal at that point, she knew the plan and went along with it.  And Jon knew it.  


"Stealing money"... Wasn't it a team left their money behind somewhere and the twins picked it up and didn't offer it back to them, because they were in a race against them for $1M?  I'm not sure that's stealing.


It was nice to see Baylor pushing Missy into a strategy.  


I was thinking last week that if I was Natalie I might play dumb about the Alec vote!  


I thought for sure Keith was going to tip off Jon again when he launched into talking before Jeff even asked him anything.  

That was so satisfying that I'm about to watch it again, and that has never happened with me on this show.  I'm shockingly now enthusiastically rooting for Natalie.  I think she and her twinnie are in a toxic relationship, and the time apart is helping at least one of them.  I loved in the reward challenge that the three women actually beat the team with the two men in the physical portion.


It's a shame that Natalie would probably not been cast if she wasn't a polarizing character from TAR.  They only cast bikini ready females, and the occasional mother figure (40s-50s). 


Stupid Jon - of course he dismissed Jaclyn's concern that Natalie's Alec vote was no accident.  Of course he dismissed Jaclyn's concern that he might be blindsided.  So happy to see him go!  And then he took it like a man and walked away without bitterness.  Good on him.


Baylor has greatly risen in my eyes.  She kept the vote last week a secret from Missy, didn't cave and tattle on Natalie at the reward, and persisted in voting out Jon - even after Missy tried to guilt her out of it.


YES. It's so refreshing to have someone not bikini ready or momma-type., i.e. more like all the rest of us. 


Baylor's elevated in my eyes a bit, but not enough for me to want her to win. She should've convinced her mom before now to stand on their own 2 feet. 


I'm watching again, too. :D

  • Love 6

Ahhh, that was satisfying! Jaclyn's hissy fit preview was the cherry on the sundae. Yeah, Nat!! I was thrown off when the votes were all over the place, then saw how they boxed everyone else out, so Baylor and Nat could deliver the final blow. They were actually very cute when they saw that play work.


Once again, Jaclyn is a Pissy Princess about not getting a reward - even to her own twu wuv! No Jon, don't offer it to Natalie, who JUST took you and the Princess on your fantasy W(h)ine and her fantasy Parmagiana reward just a couple of days ago.


Natalie will so win if she isn't cut out at final four. She has outwitted for sure, outlasted - duh, and outplayed them all. Strong at challenges, great at the social game, and has volunteered to go to Exile so others wouldn't have to, or to look out for another (Baylor). All while losing her partner and probably the person closest to her before the game barely began. If she makes it to the final 3, the only thing that could stop her is jury bitterness.

  • Love 9

"Stealing money"... Wasn't it a team left their money behind somewhere and the twins picked it up and didn't offer it back to them, because they were in a race against them for $1M?  I'm not sure that's stealing.

It wasn't.  But all of the self-righteous whiners saw it that way at the time.  The ones who lost their money were careless with it, and Natalie & Nadiya just took advantage of their carelessness.  Plain and simple, hands down.

  • Love 17

While I doubt they would have made it this far together like Jon/Jaclyn or Missy/Baylor, absolutely nothing about Natalie/Nadiya strikes me as "toxic".  Have you ever met identical twins?  I have.  Their relationship seems totally typical to me.


Yes I have, there's a pair in my family.  I guarantee you they've been apart more than a couple of days, and do not spend every waking hour bickering, yelling, and swearing at each other. 

  • Love 3


But all of the self-righteous whiners saw it that way at the time.


Hi! Self-righteous whiner here!!  I probably didn't post back then about the show, but I'm allowed to disagree with your thoughts on their behavior on the race without being disparaged.  Just my opinion.



Natalie will so win if she isn't cut out at final four. She has outwitted for sure, outlasted - duh, and outplayed them all. Strong at challenges, great at the social game, and has volunteered to go to Exile so others wouldn't have to, or to look out for another (Baylor).


That's her blessing, and potentially her curse if she doesn't win immunity and the other players see what we are seeing.  Makes next week interesting.

  • Love 13

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