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S01.E09: The Man In The Yellow Suit

Tara Ariano

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Grant Gustin is such a great leading man. He reminds me of Ben McKenzie who plays  Jim Gordon on Gotham. Gustin made my heart hurt for Barry throughout this episode. Barry's heartbreak when Iris told him about moving in with Eddie and that Eddie thought that he "liked" her. I thought he was going to fall apart. Barry's scene with his father was so sad. I was glad that his father pushed him to live his life instead of remaining emotionally isolated. The scene where Barry finally told her that he loved her just crushed me. Oh Iris, please love him back so his heart and my heart will full of happiness. Capped off by the final scene heart to heart with Barry and Joe which was so moving. Great holiday scene at Joe's house.


Fuck, Wells is the Reverse Flash?! I did not see that one coming. How did he beat himself up?


Yay, Firestorm to the rescue! Don't give up on Ronnie yet, Caitlin.


How did Barry's regular clothes did not burn up when he was going fast?


ETA: Kudos to Candace Patton. She had a tough role playing Iris' stunned reaction to Barry's declaration of love and she did a great job. 

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 7

Barry sucks at fighting, as evidenced by how he couldn't even land a single punch against Reverse Flash.


I don't know who's more oblivious - Barry for not realizing everyone (except Iris) knew a long time ago that he was in love with Iris, or Iris for being unaware of this also.  (Unless, playing devil's advocate - she has known, but pretends like she doesn't so she doesn't have to tell Barry she doesn't feel the same way.)  Although, I'm surprised the "I love you" came before the Iris-finds-out-Barry-is-the-Flash realization.  Guess we'll have to wait until January to see how Iris really feels.


Meanwhile, Caitlin is quite codependent, isn't she?  

Argh I knew Wells was bad news!!! No wonder he was more amused by Reverse Flash than fearful, angry or eager to catch him.

Loved the Iris/Barry scenes. Finally he tells her he loves her but then she doesn't respond. I can understand her needing a moment to process. But I'm sure it was hurtful to Barry.

Loved the Joe/Barry scenes. I could watch them bond all day long.

So Cisco said another Flash (specifically red) was at Barry's mom's murder scene. I think Barry/Flash might've come back from the future to try and save his mom but couldn't.

Really liked the addition of Ronnie/Firestorm can't wait to get more follow up on that. Though I did think Caitlin was an idiot for following him, a very strange man, in the parking deck after she first saw him. I understand her thinking or realizing he was her fiancé but that was very stupid and dangerous.

I also liked the minor hint that Team Flash might eventually start going to Iris for info on other meta humans. Caitlin going to Iris for info on Ronnie/Firestorm kind of planted that seed.

Great episode! I think I'd put it right up there with last week's show as the best of the season so far.

Edited to add - I agree with others. Barry needs to learn how to throw a few punches. Maybe he needs to get with Oliver again and train up on how to beat ass instead of just using his speed.

Edited by Enero
  • Love 2

That was a really good episode.

I was convinced that Eddie was a past tense version of Reverse Flash - because RF didn't kill him when he saw him. But then Wells reveals that he was. That's what I was thinking early on - but they faked me out! Aaargh! I mean - it fits - but now I need to see who Wells really is - I don't think Harrison Wells (H.G. Wells) is really his real name... maybe we'll finally see his real name.

But why didn't he try to kill Eddie? He didn't even touch him. Just looked at him.

And how DID he beat himself up? Or was that a future version of him? I'm so confused.

The Westallen feels in this episode nearly killed me... Gah I love Barry and Iris so much. Candace was amazing with that one tear falling... and Grant just killed that whole scene... whew... I didn't realize I was holding my breath until the scene ended.

Firestorm - I literally hollered when he blasted RF and then flew off. HOLLERED.

This was such an exciting episode.

Barry needs to learn how to land a few punches.

  • Love 6

Wow. Such amaze at the twist. Except that Wells was the lead suspect in a field of three (Eddie through time-travel shenanigans; Pa Allen as the longshot), since we've seen him do shady shit. A secret compartment inside a secret room? Par for the course when Wells is concerned.


Good episode, though. January 20 can't come fast enough. I'm only disappointed that Ronnie named himself "Firestorm." Cisco lives for naming metahumans, and I thought he would be crushed. BTW, was he wearing a Big Bang Theory-themed shirt, or did I imagine that?


Speaking of crushed . . . damn, Barry laid it on the line for Iris, didn't he? I mean, everybody knew about Barry's crush except her and Eddie. Watching him blab it out was so painful, I kept hoping for Reverse Flash to show up. Anything to distract from the awful awkwardness of it all. But it was handled well by Grant and Candice. And Iris may be a pain in the butt, but she's no Laurel Lance. Thank goodness for no wooden acting.


ETA: I'm assuming Wells is Reverse Flash, since we heard his voice in the end. Or maybe he's holding the costume for the real RF, and the voice thing was for dramatic effect; hence the getting-beat-up part.

  • Love 2

Well, I was wrong about Wells.


Tonight begins Eddie's love of The Flash.  Iris you're not going to be able to top The Flash for Eddie's love.


The second Flash that was there that night is going to be a time-traveling Barry.  They're going full on Flashpoint, except Barry wasn't able to stop the murder this time.  The only other possibility is Jay Garrick, but I don't know if they'll bring in Jay.

  • Love 1

Ok, so the ending confused me a little bit. It has Wells opening up his secret secret room with the Reverse Flash suit and he puts this device on it and alters his voice, but does that mean that Wells is the Reverse Flash after all and the suit possibly doesn't hold a man and Wells just controls it somehow? Or does he know who the Reverse Flash is and has replicated his suit or whatnot? I'm guessing Wells is the second 'Flash' that was in Barry's house, but now I'm more confused than ever, mostly because we saw Reverse Flash beating up Wells. I guess it was to divert the audience, but they'll need to do some serious explaining there. 


Yet again, they keep dropping subtle hints about Eddie being Reverse Flash (or, more likely, Future Eddie). Of course they showed Eddie and Wells in the same room as Reverse Flash to make it seem impossible, but I guess there is a chance. Part of me thought Papa Allen could have been Reverse Flash. I mean, then he'd be in jail for the right reasons. But...that's a long shot.


Grant Gustin keeps getting better and better. Barry's scenes with Iris and Joe and his dad break my heart. I seriously started rooting for Barry/Iris a little bit. I feel so bad for Barry, but it seems like Iris really didn't have an idea. I know it's not the secret that Barry should tell, but it's at least one secret out of the way.


I liked Ronnie's appearances. I didn't mind Caitlin keeping it from Wells because her heart is in the right place. It's a dumb move, yes, but understandable. Like Joe tried to keep Barry from coming to confront Reverse Flash because he knows the connection, Caitlin has a connection with Ronnie so of course she'll be clouded. I did like her going to Iris for some help, because it shows that Iris is keeping up on other meta humans and it gives Iris more of a purpose (sorry, gotta compare her to Laurel). 

Speaking of crushed . . . damn, Barry laid it on the line for Iris, didn't he? I mean, everybody knew about Barry's crush except her and Eddie. Watching him blab it out was so painful, I kept hoping for Reverse Flash to show up. Anything to distract from the awful awkwardness of it all. But it was handled well by Grant and Candice. And Iris may be a pain in the butt, but she's no Laurel Lance. Thank goodness for no wooden acting.


I kept waiting for Eddie to show up, like he was there all along spending time with Iris and overheard the conversation from another room.


Really, who gives a friend of the gender-you're-interested-in a wedding ring as a Christmas present, if you're not their significant other or parent?

  • Love 1

Grant Gustin is a much better actor than I would have guessed when I saw him on Glee (and I thought he was good then). I'm glad he shared his feelings with Iris. I just want to hug him.

They had to make all the characters sad, didn't they? I was waiting for Joe and Iris to bring up Barry being in a coma for Christmas last year. I liked Eddie more tonight. So is Reverse Flash related to Thawne?

Wells! Is he really the Reverse Flash?! If so, I'm gonna be so mad at myself for thinking maybe he wasn't evil. I almost trusted you! I'm still hoping he's someone else just creepily obsessed with Barry.

  • Love 2

I thought it was a good episode, not great.  Although I am glad Barry told Iris, I think it was handled kind of clumsily.  For me it would have been better if he'd told her when he gave her the ring from her mother.  I think it is realistic that she would not have responded right away and needed time to think of the relationship changing.  Maybe it is just me, but she didn't seem all that excited about moving in with Eddie. That entire relationship is written as if she does what she feels like she should do with him...I just can't wait for them to bring in a love interest for Barry...since he is the lead character then we won't have to see Eddie and Iris scenes and can focus ...if we have to focus on relationships, on Barry's new girlfriend. 


If they are going that route, I would rather have Iris fall in love with Barry first and not the Flash.  I'm not sure WHO the reverse flash is at this point, but if Wells has anything to do with it, it does make sense that Barry cannot beat him. If he is training Barry or watching Barry train, then he knows exactly what to do and how to make sure Barry does not get better.  


I hate Joe telling Eddie about the metahumans.

Barry does get to the point that he's so fast that he can make it seem like he and the Flash are in the same room at the same time to someone and Reverse Flash is supposed to be more advanced than Barry so he might be pulling that trick. Or there's a present Wells and future Wells working together.

ReverseFlash spared Eddie because he's either his father or grandfather and can't die or else Wells won't be born. Not sure if Eddie is in on it anything with Wells. He seemed really surprised. My other spec is that Wells is a darker Wally who has been corrupted for some reason.

Love the classic Firestorm flame up and away move. Caitlin watching him leave was perfect. For that moment she's the angsty Iris/Laurel heroine in her own 'A' plot story watching her heroic man fly away.

There has to be more to Wells than he's RF. Many had speculated that so I'm expecting another bomb to drop. Nice that the Flash ring debuted.

Barry has two amazing dads. Both love him so much and want so much for him. It's really touching to see on television.

  • Love 4

Ok, for the first time I was really impressed by GG in this role! Man, he brought it tonight. Really good episode in general, but I was unimpressed/baffled by Iris's response to his declaration...I don't know what she was going for in that scene at all. I'm afraid that was an acting issue.

The rest was great. I loves the scene of Cisco comforting Caitlin, and everything joe and Eddie. Confirmation about wells and reverse flash business, but I can't decide if I'm happy with that or not.

Oh! One more thing. Barry's dad=Dawson's dad=guy who played the flash in some tv show in the 90s? I guess this was already discussed but i just realized that's where I know him from this episode. That was scene was fantastic too.

Edited by Shanna
  • Love 2

Iris did seem genuinely stunned by Barry's declaration of love. I always thought that subconsciously that she had to suspect that Barry was in love with her, but clearly that is not the case. This is good though as it gives her some drama. She will no doubt reject Barry because she is committed to Eddie, but will gradually fall in love with Barry despite trying not to do so.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 3

I kinda feel that Barry's timing in telling Iris that he is in love with her is kind of a dick move. She is in a relationship, happy and seemingly with a good guy so why drop this on her now. He had all the time in the world and never did so. I hate this trope of people only revealing their true feelings only when the other person is in a seemingly good relationship and happy. It comes across as selfish. Just my opinion.

  • Love 14

I think Barry was tired of lying to her about it - and per his convo with his dad and Joe - he's stuck. Sometimes the only way to get unstuck is to open up and tell the truth because it can set you free.

Is it also selfish? Yes - but Barry had to make a choice. Sometimes you have to choose the slightly more selfish route in order to truly move forward. Barry being stuck where he was wasn't doing him or Iris any favors.

I'm still confused about Reverse Flash and Wells and Eddie.

  • Love 7

The moment that CEO lady said, "You two are soo alike" to Barry…I knew Wells was going to be the Reverse Flash. Way to ruin such a huge reveal with that line. They should have left it out of the episode. 


Anyways, it was a great episode. I like the first half the season so far. 

Edited by TwistedandBored

Excellent episode and the appearance of the Reverse Flash definitely lived up to expectations.  The show had me swerved on Wells.  Hadn't thought about the stuff with Eddie but that's fascinating if that's the case.


Cool with Firestorm!


Grant Gustin continues to do an amazing job as Barry.


I can't help but wonder if John Wesley Shipp gets paid by the tear for The Flash.


Speaking of which, JWS's old co-star from the Flash, Amanda Pays, showed up playing the same character she played on the original show, Christina McGee.  Obviously with a different backstory.

It's also possible that Reverse Flash didn't kill Eddie because he knows that Eddie will keep Barry away from the distraction that is Iris.

  • Love 2

Kind of but I don't think any other time would have been ideal either because I really don't think that Barry thought that she and Eddie would last long enough to move in together or potentially get married.  I also think it's natural to think you have more time to do things.  Barry is kind of a stepford smiler.  As evidenced by the rage he had under the surface a few episodes back and I also think he had every intention of burying his feelings for Iris for good until his confrontation with the Reverse Flash and his consequent talk with his father.


Ultimately if she really loves Eddie and not Barry it shouldn't make a huge difference for her moving forward.  Barry seems more willing to respect her relationship with Eddie and do his best to be happy for her.  I do think that if he ever tells her or if she finds out that he is the flash, that will change a lot for her.


I too love the moments that Barry has with his two dads.  It's not something you see very often on tv nowadays.  I was also a lot more invested in Caitlin and Ronnie's sidestory than I thought it would be.  I loved that he was the one to seek her out and I have no doubt that he will make another appearance.


As for Harrison, I wasn't really surprised that he is the reverse flash.  He had the whole know the future, do anything to shape the past thing from the get go.  I feel like he may be in a time loop to make sure that Barry's mother is killed and the accident happens so that the future he wants stays intact.  I think  Barry is the second flash at the murder but I don't think he was there to save his mother so much as he was to save himself.  Barry wound up safe and far away from the house as if he had flashed there.  Maybe he tried to save his mother and was never able to.

  • Love 1

Still processing;I tend to superhero-up with Flash and SHIELD back-to-back.


Amanda Pays as Tina McGee! She's looking very good and I still love her voice. Tina is gonna be...peeved.


When I saw Mercury Labs, I thought of Max Mercury, a character in Bart Allen's orbit.


I am glad that there is only one secret is left to tell Iris. While I wish that both biggies were dropped, I can see why a bit of space might be needed. I am also glad that Iris is happily moving out of Joe's house. She is deeply loved by the men there, but she is not some shrinking violet.  Actually, there are still two things Iris needs to be told: Barry= Flash and Reverse Flash is out to hurt all three men in her life by hurting her.


Not sold that Eddie is a Flash fan. I think he was more freaked out that in one month he's been menaced by two metahuman speedsters. I think that adjusting to the new paradigm is going to take a few moments.


Please, someone, give Ronnie a day of beauty! I get that he's not just himself, but when he's in Ronnie's body, the stringy hair is really starting to bug. I'm sure there will be plenty of time for grooming, but it's distracting for me currently.


I was glad that Joe opened the house and holidays to the STAR Labs crew.  Damn if Joe didn't make me tear up again! Jessie Martin, you are a wonderful piece of this cast! Thank you for Joe West!


Tom Cavannaugh? Shut up!  You and your Harrison are just groovin' and finding layers and keeping me on the edge of my seat every week! Thank you!


Probably more later! *g*

  • Love 3

This was a great episode. Grant Gustin did such a good job with the scene with his father.  I really got on a visceral level how anguished Barry truly is by his mother's murder. I liked his father's insight about Barry not wanting to pursue Iris because he was so focused on his mother's murder. Barry has serious issues.


Barry's fighting skills are appalling. He needs to stop acting like Scrappy Doo and just let Oliver Queen teach him how to fight. Maybe he should start carrying a gun. Super shoot the Reverse Flash, Barry. Slow his ass down for a second.


At this point, I hope that there is something more going on with Eddie. It seemed weird the way Reverse Flash just gets up in Eddie's face and then doesn't even try to kill him. I loved Eddie's reaction to the wedding ring Barry bought for his girlfriend. He was like, "That's so sweet. You're male friend bought you a ring. That isn't at all weird." I don't think the Eddie we see now can have anything to do with Reverse Flash. He seemed genuinely terrified when they were confronting the Reverse Flash and totally gobsmacked after the encounter.


There has to be something more to the Wells revelation. He was the most likely suspect! They better do something with that to punch it up. Right now it just makes Wells seem batshit crazy. If he has such a problem with Barry, why the hell did he nurse him for 9 months? Why does he keep getting all sinister with anyone he thinks is a threat to Barry. He kind of sucks at being Barry's mortal enemy. 


The resolution to the Flash Fight was a little Ronnie ex machina, but I'll allow it. I thought it was a little funny that he used his fire power to fly. Ok. Why not?  I was kind of hoping that Reverse Flash (who was kind of River Song-like in his vague hints about the future) would turn to Ronnie and kind of be like, "Oh this fucking guy. I'm so sick of him flaming in and saving everyone!" Ronnie seems to be coming around a bit now, so I propose he become reacquainted with soap, water, and scissors. The ever uptight Caitlin isn't going to date some dirty hippie type.


I really want for Barry's mother to have been murdered for an interesting reason. I don't think some be-lycra'd psycho murdering her just to screw with Barry is terribly interesting. What if she had her own secrets that made the Reverse Flash decide she had to die? That would be fun. I want her life and her death to mean something a little more than just: she was in the way so they killed her.

  • Love 3

Trish McGee was from from the 1990's show and played by the same actress, right?

it suddenly occurred to me that Reverse Flash is really Barry's father when I realized he was the only person missing when they captured Reverse Flash, but then they had to do that reveal at the end with Wells! Is he Reverse Flash or is it a robot of some sort? That would explain the red glowing eyes.

Kind of but I don't think any other time would have been ideal either because I really don't think that Barry thought that she and Eddie would last long enough to move in together or potentially get married. I also think it's natural to think you have more time to do things.

I thought it was super weird when iris was all "we've been together a year" and Barry replied " oh yeah , time flies" that nobody mentioned he was in a coma most of that time.
  • Love 5

So this episode of Flash sort of made me like Barry/Iris? lmao I just appreciate Barry coming clean with Iris about how he feels and those feelings are really really deep that I can't really see him with anyone else without feeling that maybe he'd be settling. *sigh* I wish I liked Iris more though


I don't ship anyone on the show yet but I always felt I'd like Barry/Iris more once Iris was clued in to his feelings (and him being the Flash). I'm definitely interested to see where that goes even though I don't see anything happening this season. 

So this episode of Flash sort of made me like Barry/Iris? lmao I just appreciate Barry coming clean with Iris about how he feels and those feelings are really really deep that I can't really see him with anyone else without feeling that maybe he'd be settling. *sigh* I wish I liked Iris more though



I like Iris just fine, and I love that he just out and told her, no muss no fuss. I will, however, be hard pressed if she realizes she has feelings for him/ comes around to admitting it once she finds out he's Flash though. I will forever think that's bullshit (and I'm looking at you too, Laurel "you're important to me" Lance). 

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 6

That over the shoulder look from Iris to Barry was the first time I felt romantic chemistry from them. I alway thought they had chemistry, but with her being so clueless and him being puppy-like around her, it never got past friendly chemistry to me. I'm really glad he told her. Now if he would just tell her he was the The Flash, I would be really happy with how this aspect of the show was going.


That being said, I don't want her and Eddie to suddenly be weird. She loves the guy and I want to see that relationship play out organically. i don't think her finding out about his feelings suddenly made her realize she was in love with him too. I'm okay with them playing out a slow descent for her.


Speaking of romance on the show, Caitlyn really tugged at my heartstrings in the scene with Cisco. Especially, the line about wishing Ronnie had died. 

Edited by 10Eleven12
  • Love 4

Ok, so the ending confused me a little bit. It has Wells opening up his secret secret room with the Reverse Flash suit and he puts this device on it and alters his voice, but does that mean that Wells is the Reverse Flash after all and the suit possibly doesn't hold a man and Wells just controls it somehow? Or does he know who the Reverse Flash is and has replicated his suit or whatnot? I'm guessing Wells is the second 'Flash' that was in Barry's house, but now I'm more confused than ever, mostly because we saw Reverse Flash beating up Wells. I guess it was to divert the audience, but they'll need to do some serious explaining there.


Call me confused.  I mean, we all suspect Wells of being RF but why go to the trouble of trapping himself if all he wanted was the tachyon particle device, why didn't he just take it?  And if it is a future version of himself, then how did Wells get the device? 


When we saw the Flash ring  I was suddenly positive that Wells was Jay Garrick or some future iteration of The Flash but then the suit and the device and the voice and the evil smile.   


Wait and see...or wait for the producers to do their next interview. 

Why don't Ronny's clothes catch fire when he flames on ?

Maybe he secretes some kind of non flammable sweat...that would explain the greasy hair too. 

  • Love 1

Speaking of romance on the show, Caitlyn really tugged at my heartstrings in the scene with Cisco. Especially, the line about wishing Ronnie had died. 


Yeah, I loved that scene. 


I thought this whole ep was so well done. Joe with his, "The world might need The Flash, but I need my Barry Allen." And the scene between Barry and his dad. JUST KILL ME, SHOW. 

  • Love 5

 Glowing red eyes?  Really?  How cheesy. 


 There's more to Wells' story than him just being the Reverse Flash.  I do think he's evil but I don't think he's RF...or at least not the only one.  


 I don't think McGee is a one off appearance.  My guess is once Barry catches onto Wells (he's already slipped in front of Barry a couple of times) McGee and her company will eventually be Barry's scientific support.   

I don't think it's that straight forward as Wells is the Reverse Flash maybe I'm wrong, but certain things don't quite fit.  RF didn't break out of the containment field it expanded to envelop Wells.  so he couldn't just be moving so fast as to appear in two places at once.  RF knows who Wells is, but Wells needed to tell him who Eddie was.


There's certainly more going on here.  I don't know what though.

  • Love 2

It is possible that Wells wanted the tachyon particle device so he could throw off Joe and Barry's suspicions about him. The device must somehow allowed Wells to appear with the Reverse Flash at the same time..  Who would suspect Wells of being involved with the Reverse Flash after he got that severe beating? He pretends to trap the Reverse Flash, but Wells clearly sabotaged the device so he could escape. 

Man, after that ass-kicking, that wheelchair is actually going to be good for Wells.  That was pretty brutal.  Really, the Reverse Flash showed no mercy.  Wells and Barry both got their asses kicked horribly.  I wonder if even Ollie would have been able to stop him. Thank goodness for the last minute save from Firestorm!


Interesting mid-season finale.  After last week's blowout, it felt like they went back to addressing the earlier stuff: the murder of Barry's mom, Ronnie's death, Barry/Iris, Barry/Joe, and Wells being a manipulating bastard.  Kind of quiet, but I actually found it very interesting.


Mixed feelings on Barry revealing to Iris his true feelings.  A dick move, sure, but I'm glad that this at least means we won't be dealing with this crap for the entire season.  It being in the open at least moves the story forward.  Granted, I'm kind of surprised it took her this long to figure it out (the ring was a freaking dead giveaway that he thinks of her more then a friend/sister), but I guess I can buy that she really had the binders on.  Basically, I'm going to wait and see.  As long as Barry doesn't feel he "deserves" Iris to like him back, I'll be fine.  This reminds me a bit of when Jake revealed his true feeling to Amy on Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and thankfully didn't expect her to love him back, but just wanted her to know.  If Barry follows that path, I'll be fine.  If not, well, then I won't be happy.


Ronnie is back and is Firestorm!  Glad this gave Caitlin and Cisco moments together, and how they continue to grow the Team Flash members as characters.  I do wonder where this will go, and if Wells is being sincere about wanting to help, and not just tossing him in meta-jail.


The Barry/Joe relationship...  I can't think of anything else to add, at this point.  It really has become one of my favorite relationships on TV right now.  Grant Gustin and Jesse L. Martin are just so perfect together, and Jesse in particular, can just do so much with so little.  I really, really hope they don't screw this up in any way.


Glad that Henry returned, and John Wesley Shipp continues to make the most of his screen time.  I do hope they find some way to have him interact with McGee/Amanda Payes in the future.  Not to mention, Mark Hamil, when he shows up (so excited!)


So... that ending.  I'm not sure what to think.  It sure is setting things up to make Wells look like he was the Reverse Flash.  But, unless he is so fast, he can kick his own ass, and convince people there was two people in that cell, the Wells we see now wasn't in this suit.  Is he controlling the suit?  Or is there some time travel going on, and it was another Wells?  And, what was the deal with it not killing Eddie?  Maybe Wells just has the suit for now, but it's a Future Eddie or something, who somehow gets it?  Or maybe I'm just way off.


January 20th can't come fast enough.  Congrats to the gang for the work so far, though.  I hope they keep it up, and don't flame out.

  • Love 2

Okay episode.


Awesome thing:


1. Firestorm flying off into the sky. I may have cheered, right before having a vision of Stephen and Robbie Amell at Christmas this year: "Did you SEE my stunt sequences?"  "Yeah, well, my character CAN FLY."  Hopefully there's lots of cookies around.


Good things:


1. Bringing Tina McGee from the old Flash show into this one.  I only wish she could have met up with Henry Allen.


2. The scene between Henry and Barry in the jail. Not that I was sniffling or anything. My allergies are acting up.


3. I love every single scene that involves Joe and Dr. Wells talking to Barry, and this one was no exception.


4. The football stadium thing where the Flashes (the Reverse Flash is also a Flash, right? I am confused) were running round and round. I actually have no idea what that was about but it looked cool.


5. Eddie not making a huge deal over the wedding rings and moving on to the more important subject: the apartment key.  


6. Speaking of Eddie, he's really growing on me, though I was a little taken aback by his immediate willingness to go along with the "let's keep all metahumans secret" thing.


7. Ongoing Caitlin/Iris bonding, as well as the show giving an actual reason for Caitlin to go to Iris.  Minus a few points for forcing Caitlin to lie to Iris.


8. Caitlin/Cisco hug.


9. Cisco realizing that two people were there when Barry's mother was murdered - and having the sense to tell Joe about this.


Questionable things:


1. Sure, Barry, tell the girl that you're in love with her, but don't tell her that someone has threatened her life? What is this?  Priorities, Barry, priorities. I realize that she probably couldn't do much against Reverse Flash, but still.

  • Love 3

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