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S29.E11: Kind Of Like Cream Cheese (11) / Still Holdin' On (12)

Tara Ariano
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Missy if you feel you have to nurture the relationship with Jaclyn to keep her on your side, maybe you shouldn't leave her behind with the boys. Jaclyn whined but she wasn't wrong about  Natalie, Missy and Baylor being a tight three. They conformed their finale 3 on the outing so Jaclyn's misgiving wasn't unfounded. However, I still feel she is a spoiled princess. It was evidence by the way she acted with Jon who kissed some major ass to get back into her good graces. I guess I'd be that way if I looked like that. That said, I still like her. Being spoiled is not a deal breaker to me. I think she has other admirable traits and an nice ass. I am a girl BTW :)


Natalie made what could be a fatal mistake. If she wasn't ready to cut the cord with Jon and Jaclyn, she should have stuck with the plan to get Keith out. With this move, she might as well have taken out Jaclyn because whatever goodwill she earned with Jon went down the drain. Over damn ass Alec.


Wish Keith was the one voted out, I hate spitters. But Baylor was starting to get some serious starry eyes over Alec.


Finally, Missy should be the next boot. She is tired, you know.

Why I didn't annoyed with Jaclyn whining about being left out of the luxury outing, Missy and Baylor did the exact same thing. Jaclyn actually worried based on game, they two whined for the sake of whining. 


No, Missy, your daughter did not find an idol, Natalie found an idol and Baylor just tagged along.


This is going to become a problem. Why didn't Natalie correct Baylor when she was telling her mother she found it? There is some confusion there that could blow up the three of them.


Please, I need drama.

  • Love 4



This is going to become a problem. Why didn't Natalie correct Baylor when she was telling her mother she found it? There is some confusion there that could blow up the three of them.


Please, I need drama.


Because Baylor didn't tell her Mom she found it, it was Natalie who said "Baylor and I found an idol".

Edited by LanceM
  • Love 3
But I think Natalie's right that Keith will feel loyal to her.  And Keith isn't exactly the most strategic player, I don't think he'd be thinking ahead to whether he's in the final 3, he would just want to make it through one more tribal.



I do agree that no one has ever gone broke under-estimating Keith's strategic acumen.  


One other observation I have is about the Immunity Idols at Exile Island.  Maybe they're talking about that a lot and we aren't seeing it.  But it seems to me that, at this point, they should realize that sending someone to Exile Island is tantamount to handing them an Immunity Idol.  


If Missy had any strategic sense, when she won the first Reward Challenge she would've sent Natalie to Exile Island to get an Immunity Idol, and left Baylor back at camp (since she wouldn't have to worry about her defecting) and taken Jon and Jaclyn.


Just another example of how the remaining players either aren't playing the game at all, or are over-playing it.

  • Love 10

Just started to like Reed in the episode where he's voted out.  God I looooooooooved him being so assertive against Missy/Baylor.  Though I do kind of like Baylor too.  I just love Reed standing up for himself and his opinion and I used to not like him at all.  That first episode, I went from liking Natalie to not caring if she's gone.  And that second episode.  Kind of starting to like Alec.  He just looked so heartbroken when Jon won Immunity.  I so pitied him.


Jeremy.  Just sittin' over there lookin' so fine.


I wonder if it is yet obvious why I do not like Jacquelyn.  How can she seriously be that stupid?  It's like her brain is running on empty.  How many episodes in a row are we going to count of her complaining that her ass isn't being kissed?  I say it every episode, and every episode I am met by someone saying "That didn't happen".


I have to say that I am at least (KIND OF) now enjoying the season.  And I am KIND OF understanding who is on what side with who.  This is one of those horrifying seasons where all the best personalities (Reed and Jeremy, such slim pickings my God) are all picked off one by one.  If we follow this pattern, Natalie is next to go.  I like Baylor.  She is so outright with her lack of respect for her mother and her fucked up ways with men.  I think it's hilarious.  If it wasn't real.  Unfortunately it is.


First episode, I was getting annoyed with Natalie and ready for her to leave.  Second episode, I just love how open Natalie was about how happy and excited she was about her "maneuvers".  Something about it was so cute.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 2
Seriously, why did we have to go back-to-back with episodes now?


I suspect it had to do with a) another show got canceled and CBS needed to fill the hour, or b) they had built in an extra week in case someone quit, or c) a previously unaccounted for special event or preemption requiring moving up the finale.  Or some combination of all.  I don't think it was originally scheduled to have 2 episodes tonight, so something required a programming change.


I thought Natalie was calmly biding her time, but now she's showing signs of real desperation. Why would she go against the plan for such a simple maneuver?


I figured it was because even though Keith is not a great strategizer, he's at least better to have on your team than Alec, and he's probably more willing to try to make a big move.  Also, Keith seems more likely to win comps, and if he's on her side, that helps her.  So in this situation, when Keith or Alec were her only chances, keeping Keith was the better choice.  Plus, it had the benefit of breaking up the foursome of M&B and J&J. 


I enjoyed J&J's fight, probably because I'm a terrible person.  But it was interesting to see their couple dynamic when they disagreed.  Dysfunctional, but interesting.

I think Natalie might eventually regret not getting rid of Jon last week. He could easily go on an immunity run (has he won the most?), and Jaclyn is probably going to keep voting with him.  Two votes at this point is especially powerful.  If that happens, I doubt they'll take Nat with them to the finals.  Missy & Baylor are also two votes, but I'd be willing to bet that no one is going to vote for either of them to win, unless they end up F2 (I will eat my hat if that happens).  And I don't think either M/B is likely to go on an immunity run.

  • Love 5

How much saliva can one person have? Can you imagine Keith fully hydrated? You'd have to wear a hazmat suit and goggles just to get within two feet of him.


I don't know why they didn't go after Jaclyn, either. However, when your plan hinges on the brain trust of Alec and Keith doing the right thing your game is pretty much screwed anyway. See: Reed's beautiful blue eyes over on the jury. You may as well go with whichever one of the two seems to be in possession of the most gray matter that day. Or heck, just do rock-paper-scissors. If you can get the two of them to understand and follow the rules of it, that is.


Missy is thisclose to either adopting Jon or making him Mr. Missy #4, so Natalie and Baylor should be very wary of her (and I think they are... for the most part.) Although, how wary Baylor really is, I don't know. I think one guilt-trip from Missy and Baylor would spill her guts. I really hope Missy is out next week. That's one less vote J/J can count on at TC next week. Anything that foils their plans is good with me.


I wish Natalie had found the idol without Baylor. We'll see if it's "their" idol when one of their asses is on the line. My guess is Baylor will have to pry it from Natalie's cold, dead hands.


Jon does realize that everyone who is going to be on the jury was at the tribal council and probably witnessed Jaclyn and Natalie telling him to play the idol. Right?

  • Love 9

So I think we all suspected that Alec is a horrible flirt, but now we have confirmation. The flirting between him and Jaclyn was pretty nauseating, in the we have nothing in common/no interest in each other/but we know the other is considered attractive so we should do some forced-faux flirting kind of way.


I think Jaclyn liked the attention and how it kind of reinforced the message to Jon that she is desirable/can get attention from lots of guys and so he should be appreciative of her. I think Jon was okay with it because it's flattering to him in a frat boy sort of way because, again, it means that his girlfriend is desirable.


I wonder what the reactions would have been from the players/viewers if it had been a guy blatantly flirting with another woman in front of his girlfriend.


I have to say that although I think Jaclyn and Alec were flirting with each other, I hate how any conversation between a man and a woman where they're enjoying themselves or laughing is always seen as "omg, they're flirting!" even when that's not the case.

  • Love 1

I don't like it either, a man and a woman can have a normal conversation and I didn't see it as flirting. I just seen two people talking. Don't think it would ever go down as let's meet at a spot on the beach where there are no cameras and have sex. As far as Missy goes, I think she would do the opposite and would have sex with Jon or Jeremy in a heartbeat.


I can see Baylor and Natalie arguing over who actually has the idol and who can play it. We all know Natalie has it in her possession, so Baylor will more than likely be SOL and looks like next week Natalie may have to play it. I really think she made a mistake by telling Missy that she has it, even though next week it might seem that Missy might not be able to play the game anymore but who knows. Missy could still out her to Jon before going into the challenge.


I almost felt bad for Alec cause in both reward challenge and immunity challenge he was eliminated just like that, well that's more his gameplay more than anything and he just doesn't have good balance or concentration. I think the game really was getting too him and it was just his time to go. He just wasn't 100% in it.


Shallow note: Reed does have pretty eyes. I think Wes is somewhat cute too, he should cut some of that hair though, it looks like a helmet on him.

  • Love 1
I'm not sure how, though.  He'd be outnumbered against Natalie, Baylor, Alec, Keith and likely Missy.  I don't think Baylor would flip on Nat, so Jon would have to take every immunity challenge (and/or keep finding idols) to make it to F3.  


Well we're already down to 6, so he only needs to get 3 immunities, and he has one already in his pocket.  Very doable.


Damnit I had a lot more written but I accidentally hit the wrong Reply button.  Boo. My quick prediction: Jon, Keith, and Baylor final 3.  Though I wonder if there might be a Final 2 and that a couple might make it there together!

Jon does realize that everyone who is going to be on the jury was at the tribal council and probably witnessed Jaclyn and Natalie telling him to play the idol. Right?


Jon realizes nothing.  I think he's as dumb as Keith, but keeps stumbling in to being the swing vote(s) and winning immunity.  Otherwise, he'd be a total non-entity.  No so much the smart with this one.

Jaclyn and Alec were flirting, but I doubt it really bothered Jon.  He's way too arrogant to see Alec as a threat.


Shallow note: Reed does have pretty eyes.​



I think Reed has gotten more attractive the longer he's been out there.  Day 1? No.  Day 32? Yes.  

  • LOL 1
  • Love 7

That whole thing at the reward challenge was just ridiculous. Everybody agreeing on who would get the reward makes for a real boring game. And by the way Missy, your kid is a brat.


Jon is an asshole, all he cares about is final tribal, & he never listens to what Jaclyn says when he gets back from exile. I loved when this happened though:

Jon: I’m getting the silent treatment now from Jaclyn


I don’t think I understand Natalie’s reasoning for bringing Jon on reward, why does she think she needs to make Jon any more comfortable than he already is? Also, I would only invite a couple to share a bed with me if I wanted a threesome.

  • Love 6

I was fascinated by the Jon/Jaclyn fight. Jon was 90% the fight initiator (not 100% because Jaclyn could have read his body language better and dialed back the tension), but he did have the heart and willingness to fix the problem once he created it. Jaclyn is an escalator. She wanted to feel upset, extend the argument, reveal to everyone else that she was upset, and try to punish Jon in return by being flirty with Alec. That is not a good conflict response strategy for a relationship partner. She will have to learn how to end fights instead of extending them.


All that said, I enjoyed the conflict because it was a moment of reality from a genre of TV that all too often feels very unlike reality these days.

Edited by Superpole2000
  • Love 8
Jon is an asshole, all he cares about is final tribal, & he never listens to what Jaclyn says when he gets back from exile.



I think it's also that Jon is convinced that he's running the game and the only uncertainty is whom he will tell Jaclyn they have to vote with/against next.  So, as far as he's concerned, there's no need to talk strategy.  He just wanted to make out.


I have to say I'm surprised that Jon and Jaclyn have lasted longer than most "swing votes", which is simply a euphemism for "the bottom of all of the alliances".  I wonder if it has to do with the BvW format making them a two-vote-bloc?

  • Love 4

If I had to find something positive to say about this season, it's that each episode is pregnant with possibilities.   Alas, most are stillborn.


No matter how potentially interesting new twists seem, the action always slides firmly back into the grip of the predictable, i.e., John finding yet another idol, John winning immunity just as it appears we might be rid of him, and so on.   It's the Tony Syndrome.


John repeatedly and pretentiously swishing the wine around in his mouth just about put me over the top.   I don't know how Natalie could refrain from bashing his head in with a boulder while howling, "You! Fucking! Poser! Douche!"


I was embarrassed for the whole male species as John sat there scolding Jaclyn for failing to publicly recognize him as the calculating, ingenius architect of the last Tribal Council.   It was one of the pettiest moments I can recall on Survivor. 

  • Love 13


Jon's an idiot!  He (who will always be "Ugly Chandler" to me) cannot read a room to save his life.

I feel horrible for laughing at this, but lol Ugly Chandler! He reminds me of a less attractive version of Malcolm with short hair.


Also, did Natalie sneak tweezers onto the island? I'm mesmerized by her perfect eyebrows whenever she's on-screen.

  • Love 2

I also forgot to point out how Jon snapped at Jaclyn when she was trying to give him information and he goes. I know that, he didn't know a damn thing and blaming it on Exile when he's been there before and didn't come back being snippy.


I wondered why Keith and Alec voted for Reed on the first TC cause when they returned Keith said they all agreed on who to vote out during that one. I think they seen Reed as a major threat cause he plalyed a social game and he's really competent at challenges. Even though Keith said that he and Reed would work together during the voting. I was so hoping that Missy would be out during 1st TC. My hopes are always dashed.

When Keith answered the first question at the first reward challenge with "Jax" I seriously thought he imagined a player whose actual name was "Jack". So I was disappointed when it just turned out that it was Jaclyn's nickname.


Jon about the idol "it's so beautiful". Which he also said when Jeff unveiled the immunity idol and to Jaclyn after Tribal after the swap. So I guess the one good thing I can say about him is that he appreciates his surroundings?


Baylor was so easily played by Alec. It was somewhat sad, somewhat hilarious to watch. Especially because Alec did such a bad job and was so transparent. Baylor may be a brat, but I get the feeling that she's not mean/hateful, which is something. Basically, she's not like the players on the Raro tribe from Cook Islands, which has pretty much been how I evaluate how awful the players are.

Edited by wudpixie
  • Love 3
But I do think Natalie may have overplayed her hand with the vote tonight.  I think she wanted to make a move for the sake of making a move.


I totally agree.  For the sake of a shaky expectation of support from Keith (who will grab whatever life preserver ANYBODY will throw him in the game at this point), Natalie destabilized her entire alliance.  My DVR cut off the end of the episode so I didn't get to see the vote recap - but (judging from their reactions) it appeared Jon, Jaclyn and Missy were all blindsided by the turn of the vote.  Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if the biggest blowback came from Missy.

  • Love 3
I have to say I'm surprised that Jon and Jaclyn have lasted longer than most "swing votes", which is simply a euphemism for "the bottom of all of the alliances".  I wonder if it has to do with the BvW format making them a two-vote-bloc?


I think that is exactly what it is.  Everyone wanted to use them for their two votes, because they proved to be easily swayed.  But now they're down to 7, and those 2 votes are dangerous.  And Jon's ability to win challenges (and to find idols on exile) might make it really difficult to get rid of them.

I really didn't like, and did not want to like, Jaclyn, but damn if Jon's buffoonery didn't endear her to me a bit.​


I hated the Twinnies on Amazing Race and I was really unhappy about having them on Survivor.  Yet somehow Nat has become my favorite of the remaining survivors.  

  • Love 3

Sorry for being rude, but I didn't read any posts in this thread.  The episode was so boring that I couldn't bear to read anything about it.  I just thought I'd come here and bore you all by telling you how boring this season is.  It's terrible.  They should all just throw the game right now and collectively decide who gets a million dollars.  

  • Love 3

I also didn't think Jaclyn and Alec were flirting with each other.  They were being more overtly friendly than typical, but nothing that crossed the line as far as I could tell.  He also pointedly included Jon in his invitation to hang out and get drinks outside of the game.  I was surprised by his style of "flirting" with Baylor though, because I was expecting him to be equally bad at it as he is at Survivor, but I think he actually hit all the right notes to pique Baylor's interest.  It's obvious to us what he's doing, but he came across relatively sincere when talking about "his feelings" and showing his vulnerability.  


I feel like Reed finally started playing the game after Josh left, which is too bad because I think he might have gotten further if he had started from the very beginning.

  • Love 3

As if the episode weren't frustrating enough, our local affiliate ran annoying scrolls across the bottom of the screen at various intervals, one a protracted, slow-moving text warning that DISH Network customers were on the verge of losing CBS and they should write the FCC or sacrifice their firstborn or whatever to prevent that from happening; the other was an alert that Reverend Al Sharpton was AT THIS MOMENT holding a press conference (imagine that!) to comment on the chokehold case and that everybody should switch to another channel to watch him bloviate.


The ease with which broadcasters intrude upon the screen for these and other alerts, promos for upcoming programs, etc. is really infuriating.

Edited by millennium
  • Love 12

I was fascinated by the Jon/Jaclyn fight. Jon was 90% the fight initiator (not 100% because Jaclyn could have read his body language better and dialed back the tension), but he did have the heart and willingness to fix the problem once he created it. Jaclyn is an escalator. She wanted to feel upset, extend the argument, reveal to everyone else that she was upset, and try to punish Jon in return by being flirty with Alec. That is not a good conflict response strategy for a relationship partner. She will have to learn how to end fights instead of extending them.


All that said, I enjoyed the conflict because it was a moment of reality from a genre of TV that all too often feels very unlike reality these days.


I always struggle with fights like that. The person who near bit your head off for no reason is all better now and ready to snuggle? Tough, because now you made the other person angry and they need time to cool off. Jaclyn was pretty clearly like "dude, just leave me alone for a while" and Jon kept sulking like an 8 year old and getting all up in her personal space like that would make it better.  Ugh, Blood vs. Water is the worst, you'd never see this in regular Survivor as it'd be the death knell for both of them.


Jaclyn can go shit in the ocean. Did she seriously sit there and whine that Missy didn't take her horseback riding when 2s ago she took Natalie's reward, and voted out her partner in return? She had a fair point about the frat pack ignoring that she was an autonomous being, but she is waaaay too into herself. Both of them, really. "We wanted to share the reward with everyone, so it kind of sucked."


Missy is acting like a Mafia Don at the end of its character arc. On the precipice of great power, but overplaying her hand, and about to be done in by a pretty face. I gave her credit for at least being ruthless, but now she's all fluttering her eyelashes at Jon. Does she think anyone would vote for her over Jon? Mother Dragon "just shut your mouth and listen while I rattle a series of untruths and berate you for daring to contradict me," Missy? And Baylor is your daughter, but not a child, for christ sakes. She can stand on her own two feet and defend her mouth without Missy flying off the handle. Reed was classier than me because my response to that's my child would have been to act like a mother and keep her child under control.


Natalie's in a precarious position, hopefully she can make it out alive. I can't believe that my favorite person would be 1/2 of "OMG TWINNNIESSSSSSS!!!11!!!!" I honestly do not understand how she is the same person who spoke at no lower than a screech for the entirety of Amazing Race.

Edited by rozen
  • Love 6

Natalie's in a precarious position, hopefully she can make it out alive. I can't believe that my favorite person would be 1/2 of "OMG TWINNNIESSSSSSS!!!11!!!!" I honestly do not understand how she is the same person who spoke at no lower than a screech for the entirety of Amazing Race.


Natalie appears to have forgotten her previous existence as half a person (she and Nadiya functioning as one).   When they were first separated, Natalie cried that she had never been apart from Nadiya before.   Maybe this experience as an independent, free-thinking person has been good for her in many ways.   I could be wrong, but I can't recall Natalie mentioning her twin since the day Nadiya was voted off.

  • Love 5

Go Natalie.  I want her to win but I think it has become obvious to others that she is not one to take; she is well liked by most if not everyone.  


It was good to keep Keith over Alec but I agree that Jacklyn should have gone this week.  Leaving a couple as a swing vote is dangerous.  I can see Jon walking to the end with his ability to win IIs.


It is known that production change challenges around to favor a castaway they like if they so choose.  Time to favor Natalie, guys, no more balancing things on things.  


Interesting that Baylor saw her mother becoming attached to Jon and likened that to her past relationships with men.  She falls in love quickly and the next scene we see Missy saying Jon is her guy, he has her back.  Oy


I don't think Baylor is a brat.  You could see it in Reeds face that he regretted starting that argument but had to stay with it.  


Split the vote between Jacklyn and Jon next week if you have the chance.  Jon will play his idol. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

Jaclyn is far more annoying then Baylor. She was 100% punishing Jon because he said that he did not want the massive data dump at that time. I get that Jaclyn wanted to let him know why they should flip because she didn't get to go on the reward and she wanted to show off how they were the power couple and flip, again. But the man just spent two days on exile island and wanted to snuggle a bit before hearing you bitch that you didn't go on the reward and that means that Missy/Baylor/Natalie are worse people to work with then Keith/Alec/Reed.


Never mind that everyone knew that Keith/Alec/Reed would put pressure on who ever was left behind and talk about the final three and all that BS. Jaclyn didn't see that. Jon did from Exile but Jaclyn missed it. So after rebuffing her and telling Reed that he was not a good move for them (even with all the winking) Jaclyn decided to give Jon the very mature silent treatment and then got pissed when he didn't want to talk to her later after playing her stupid game.


Missy was stupid to take Natalie on the reward. Jaclyn has been flipping left and right and everyone knows it is Jaclyn who is sensitive. So why would you leave her behind with the three members of the other alliance? Really Missy? And then there was the discussion with Reed. Missy is a helicopter parent, isn't she? She jumps all over Keith for his comments about Baylor's work ethic and then Reed for calling her a brat. Let Baylor fight her own battles and stop flittering about protecting her.


The only person I can see winning this game based on actual game play is Natalie. I think the Jury sees the moves that she has made, and yes keeping Keith is a good move. Keith keeps Jon on edge and allows her a better shot at Jon losing a challenge and booting Jon. Natalie had played a decent social game, Keith, Alec, Wes all were happy to mention her work ethic and call her one of the guys. She has given up a reward, transparent but she still did it to cement an alliance. The end goal was not achieved but she made a good gesture. She didn't turn to the other alliance immediately after they voted out Jeremy but managed to work with the existing alliance while plotting Jon's demise. She was smart in taking Jon and Jaclyn on the reward because it soothes their fayed nerves and calms them down big time. She will be able to handle the backlash for the vote with a simple, I thought I was voting Alec oppsie comment.


Keith, Jaclyn, Jon, Missy, and Baylor will win if Natalie is not there not because of their great game play but because one of them will be the best of the worst options. It is clear that Missy and Baylor are not respected by Josh, Reed, Wes, Keith, and Alec. Jon and Jaclyn have been flipping left and right and Jaclyn's tantrum simply pissed off Reed, Keith, and Alec. Reed flat out told them that this tantrum was screwing people over and he was not happy. That type of behavior does not win you votes at final tribal. Keith and his total lack of a social or strategic game is not respected by Jeremy, Missy, Baylor, Natalie and my guess is Reed and Josh. He is an even worse Ozzie, winning immunity, no social game but can't climb coconut trees.


I want Jon gone next week but it will take some work with the idol. I do think that Natalie's vote for Alec will put Jon more on guard and will make him more willing to play the idol.

  • Love 4

Well the only one out of those left I would want to win is Keith - but I know that is not going to happen.


So, I guess out of the others I would want Natalie - eeek I can't believe I'm saying that.  I had mentioned to someone yesterday that when it was announced that the "Twinnies" were going to be on I was "oh no!!!".  But then as the show was going on I started to like Natalie and her game play.  But, during and after the reward challenge in the first episode last night she reminded me of the Twinnie of AR and I was back to no liking her.  But, I have to give her props for being a strong player at the challenges.


Jon and Jaclyn can go now!  Missy and Baylor can go now!  I don't think I've seen Baylor really do much at all??

Edited by tobysmom
  • Love 1

I'm rooting for a twinnie. I'm rooting for a twinnie.  Had to type it twice to make sure it was real. 

I know.  Bizarro World.  With Reed gone she is the only one left who understands how Survivor is played. She is the lone strategist among the clueless and the immature.  Maybe it was a mistake to show her hand and vote for Alec, but I don't think it will make much difference.  She still has Baylor and Missy firmly in her pocket, along with an idol, and she knows Jon has an idol too.  Keith would probably rather try to get rid of Jon than ally with him, so the winner of the next immunity will be crucial. 


Missy, Missy, Missy.  Don't you know you never take your closest allies on a reward?  

Edited by Haleth
  • Love 1

Can't Natalie just say that she wanted Alec out because she was afraid he'd find a way to influence Jaclyn? At this point she seems to be by far the smartest person left -and that's not saying much- so it shouldn't be difficult to appease her alliance's concerns.



Good point.  That would have been a good way to go.  




Missy, Missy, Missy.  Don't you know you never take your closest allies on a reward?



Another good point.  :>)

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2

The episodes last night were full of examples of entitlement issues that the two couples have.  I really believed Jon's remorse about not building a relationship with his father until I remember that Jon was on Survivor rather than being with his father.  Jon also feels that he, and he alone, deserve any credit for gameplay.  I couldn't believe that he shut down Jaclyn with his 'don't tell anyone that you and Natalie told me to play my idol when it was me and me alone...'Jaclyn continues to believe that she is the single most important person there and not only should everyone realize it, they should continue to give up their rewards for her or at least take her along on theirs.  I so wish that Natalie and Jeremy had not given their rewards to Jon and Jaclyn as that only fed into their entitlement issues.  Missy and Baylor?  I so wish Natalie would have taken the opportunity to break them up when Jon won immunity.  I know there are a lot of comments about just taking Jacolyn out instead, but I think Natalie should have taken Missy out.  I get that Natalie thinks MIssy and Baylor are perfect goats, but Missy is just too annoying for me as a viewer (and all Survivors should consider ME and my enjoyment entitlement issues before anything else...).  I hope that Natalie learned a lesson about taking advantage of the opportunities presented.  She didn't want Jon out last episode, but had she taken advantage of that opportunity, other opportunities may have opened up for her.  Instead, it was 'no, Reed this week, Jon next week."  I have the feeling that the other guys would have turned on Reed eventually-no real loyalty there. l thin she should have gone for it.


I also kind of wonder if Keith is smarter than he lets on.  Or maybe it's just his dumb luck that he is still there.  Nevertheless, he's the only one I'm rooting for at this time.

edited as I didn't realize I double posted (sorry)

Edited by seacliffsal
  • Love 4

Like others who hated screeching twinnies on AR, I am befuddled that I am rooting for Natalie in this game.  She's the only one I like.  Keith is a distant 2nd.  The rest could fall off a cliff.


Natalie, Baylor and Keith need to get rid of Jon or Jaclyn next round.  It's so stupid to keep them together.  And STOP sending Jon to Exile. It looks like Missy may be out next week so Nat & Baylor won't need to worry about hurting Missy's feelings by  sending her weird son/boyfriend out of the game.  They need to go full guns blazing for J or J.


Wes needs a haircut STAT. 

  • Love 2

Keith is just that dumb. He is still there because he is dumb. When Reed and Alec were talking to Keith about the "stick to the plan" comment, Keith said "How did he know that was the plan?" Keith was the one who could not understand the concept of a sub alliance when he was at tribal with Jeremy. Honestly, Keith is just that dumb. Or at least, just that dumb at Survivor, there is a ton that you have to know and understand to be a fire fighter so I don't think Keith is dumb but he really, really sucks at Survivor. He is there because he has won a few challenges and he is not a strategic threat.

  • Love 2

Had they voted Jaclyn off it would be a 3 against 3 situation.  Jon, Alec, Keith vs Baylor, Missy, Natalie.  Not good since Baylor knows her mother could jump ship for Jon.  And I believe she might.  Baylor would join her and Natalie would be out.  I think Natalie saw that possibility.   Next week is the time to do that making Keith the swing vote.  Oy 


I like this season; it started slowly but my interest is perked now.    

  • Love 1

I'm also someone who hated Natalie at the start, and cannot believe I am rooting for her now. I think I understand her thinking in wanting to keep Keith and dump Alec, and not even consider voting for Jaclyn this week. As many of you have pointed out already, Keith is someone who could be useful in keeping Jon from winning immunity. But also, I think Natalie has more confidence in being able to keep Keith loyal to her than she would with Alec. Especially after seeing Baylor softening up to Alec shmoozing her earlier that day! It's true that Baylor ultimately didn't buy what Alec was selling, but given a few more days out there together, and Baylor's possibly being an apple that didn't fall far from the Missy Tree, who knows what headway Alec might have made there. Alec isn't getting any jury votes, but he might have been able to sway Baylor (and Missy) to turn against Natalie and vote her out, after they got rid of J/J.

And I think that not voting out Jaclyn can be explained fairly easily, too. It's part of keeping J/J comfortable until she can get rid of Jon. I'm sure that if Jaclyn had been voted out, Jon would have become angry, and felt betrayed, and started to play much more aggressively — having belatedly realized that he is not in control of the game. Giving him a reason to make more of an effort just seems to guarantee that he'd go on an immunity run, and end up sitting at FTC. I don't think Natalie flipping her vote to Alec is that much of a gameplay faux pas as some of you think. Besides the "oops, I thought I was supposed to vote for Alec" play, she could also confide in Jon and Jaclyn that she feared Alec was going to sway their loyal alliance-mate, Baylor, with his wily charms. Jaclyn would certainly believe that, and Jon is so easily led that I don't see it problematic at all for Natalie to convince him of it, too. And Missy and Baylor wouldn't need any handling with regard to this because they believe (correctly, I think) that they are in an ultimate F3 with Natalie, anyway, so as long as her move didn't jeopardize them, I don't think they care one way or the other. Especially when Natalie explains to them how Keith is more valuable at keeping Jon from winning back-to-back immunities.

I still think Natalie could pull out a win based on this strategy. Except for blood loyalties (i.e. loved ones on the jury), it's likely that any non-bitter jury members would feel compelled to reward her with the win for her gameplay, considering she's the only one left who has any gameplay.


Edited to add: wings707 mentioned something I forgot to post, but agree with: if they'd voted out Jaclyn and Jon aligned with Keith and Alec, it's not good for anyone because it would lead to PROD or fire building. No one wants to go out that way!

Edited by Ms. Poly Theist
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Jon is the George W. Bush of Survivor:  I get to take credit for everything that happens.  Whatever I say is the truth.  I don't need to consider information from the outside world.  I am the decider. 



And on a petty level, his face looks to me like a cartoon version of a handsome man.  I mean, you know, when they want to make the handsome guy look like an arrogant, egotistical jerk.


How touching that your dying father spent the time to teach you how to be such a pretentious ass.

  • Love 7

I think Jaclyn is easier to beat at final tribal then Jon. Jon and Keith get Wes and Alec's votes because they all have penises. Jaclyn is also easier to beat in immunity then Jon. Voting out Jaclyn puts Jon on edge and moves him to working with Keith and Jon has an immunity idol. Also, keeping Jaclyn means Jon has the additional stress of working with Jaclyn which is getting harder for the two of them.  And sending Jon to working with Alec and Keith would be bad. Better to keep Jon happy by keeping Jaclyn in the game and making it easier to blindside him with the idol next round.

  • Love 1

Isn't Natalie the one with the actual physical possession of the idol?  Baylor didn't even look for the idol until Natalie, remembering the clue, started looking and digging.  But, Natalie let her think that they're sharing the thing ... and apparently Missy thinks it's Baylor's idol.  Way to keep them both thinking they're safe with that idol.


What was Jon rambling about last night?  Yes, we understand that you're emotional about your father, that he's facing terminal cancer, that you've been rebuilding that relationship.  If you're so concerned about him, why are you on Survivor?  Couldn't you have stayed home with him and, hopefully, been on a future season?


Jaclyn's face seems to be getting puffier as her body is getting slimmer?  Strange.  IMO, she's spending way too much time in the sun and getting sunburn on top of sunburn.


Preview show Missy wailing ... can't tell if she's the one who's hurt or, maybe, Baylor got hurt.  In either case, looks like one of them is out.  That should shake up the dynamics of the remaining players.  Would love to see Jon & Jaclyn approach Keith about an alliance because it looks like he could end up being the swing vote next week .... mmmmmwaaaahhhhhaaaaaaaa!

Forgot to say:  I laughed with glee at the preview of Missy weeping, and the possibility of a med-evac of her.  


I know, I'm a horrible person.   But it's just so nice to see the arrogant brought low.  I think the editors know that, and that's why I'm hoping for a big catharsis when Jon gets voted out.*  I may need a cigarette after that.


*Not a spoiler, just a fond hope.

Edited by Special K
  • Love 5

Maybe it was a mistake to show her hand and vote for Alec, but I don't think it will make much difference.  She still has Baylor and Missy firmly in her pocket ...


I don't think Natalie has Missy in her pocket at all. Missy is ultimately in Jon's pocket, IMO, and I think Natalie clearly believes that as well. Baylor has surprisingly shown that she is willing to go against her mother, but I think there's still a pretty high possibility that when it came down to it and her mom chose Jon over Natalie, Baylor would go along with it.


But I do agree that I don't think it will really change Natalie's position at all. It was probably a not-completely-necessary move to get Alec out, but it wasn't a super bad play. Keith is probably the only person besides Natalie that has a chance of beating Jon at many ICs and he clearly is tired of Jon's bullshit, so is less likely to decide to align with Jon against Natalie.


I actually mostly enjoyed these two episodes. For me there are people to root against, yet they're not like disgustingly awful people like Russell, and there is someone to really root for and be excited about in Natalie. I like that.


Jon finding the HII and then winning the IC was so disheartening. I was getting all excited about his dumb ass getting blindsided. I am now fairly sure he's gonna make it to the end easily by having yet another HII (he's the new Tony!) and probably winning every IC from now on and then win with the vote of at least every male in the jury. Sigh.


Reed's face was so damn annoying in the jury box. He's such an annoyingly bitter person. Sorry your social game was shit, Reed! I did enjoy his boot immensely. Jeremy looks bitter as hell over on the jury too, but I just find it funny and not annoying.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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How much saliva can one person have? Can you imagine Keith fully hydrated? You'd have to wear a hazmat suit and goggles just to get within two feet of him.


I don't know why they didn't go after Jaclyn, either. However, when your plan hinges on the brain trust of Alec and Keith doing the right thing your game is pretty much screwed anyway. See: Reed's beautiful blue eyes over on the jury. You may as well go with whichever one of the two seems to be in possession of the most gray matter that day. Or heck, just do rock-paper-scissors. If you can get the two of them to understand and follow the rules of it, that is.


Missy is thisclose to either adopting Jon or making him Mr. Missy #4, so Natalie and Baylor should be very wary of her (and I think they are... for the most part.) Although, how wary Baylor really is, I don't know. I think one guilt-trip from Missy and Baylor would spill her guts. I really hope Missy is out next week. That's one less vote J/J can count on at TC next week. Anything that foils their plans is good with me.


I wish Natalie had found the idol without Baylor. We'll see if it's "their" idol when one of their asses is on the line. My guess is Baylor will have to pry it from Natalie's cold, dead hands.


Jon does realize that everyone who is going to be on the jury was at the tribal council and probably witnessed Jaclyn and Natalie telling him to play the idol. Right?


Thanks for the hazemat suits and Mr Missy images there, hah.


And yeah, Jon, you can't play Jedi mind tricks on the whole jury.  "These are not the people who told me to play the idol."  Well actually you probably could with Keith and Alec the latter of which is probably so dumb he doesn't know he shares a first name with Alec Guiness nor who he played in Star Wars.  Plus he probably can't even spell his own name right given his effort on Ki-eth.  (Loved how the editors had fun with his ineptitude regards uh ... well, everything).


I've been rooting for Natalie from day one.  Well Nadiya too on day one but just shows how the luck of the draw gave both Twins such different tracks in the game.  Nadiya ends up with Racist Rocker and Natalie lands with Jeremy.  Glad Natalie has survived and down right flourished so far.  But since no one I rooted for on a day one has ever won Survivor I doubt she can win.  Sorry I jinxed you through time and space, Natalie.


I get why Keith was better to keep though.  He might win a challenge and Natalie seems to have him as her little puppet.  Of course so did Reed and Keith ruined his big move.  Natalie, you got to give Keith crib notes and stuff his mouth with a sock at tribal council if this is going to work for you.


But the previews show everything is suddenly up in the air again so no one can stratigize everything when "stuff happens" physically.  If it isn't a red herring we were shown that is.


Regards why Alec and Keith voted for Reed.  Easy.  Reed was going, period.  No way they could prevent that.  Their vote didn't matter. 


So in that case you don't piss off a member of the larger alliance for nothing by writing his or her name down.  You live to try to worm your way into that alliance the next day.  It will have to crack soon and another swing vote will be needed not named Jon or Jaclyn.  In fact with the Reed vote Jon and Jaclyn are no longer swing votes but one of the mini alliances within the larger alliance.  So get on the winning side of the split as the new swing vote and anything can happen.

Edited by green
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