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"The View": Week of 12/01/14


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I like Seth McFarland..... I think he is a genius.... but lets get real with him.... the ONLY reason he was able to make an album is because he is rich and was able to pay for it himself..... it was not because of musical talent..... but he will make millions off of it because of his name.... and I suppose since he is working hard??


ok... back to our regularly scheduled posts.

I'm sorry, NeNe, that big ol' rock on your hand does not excuse that awful wig. I did notice that she totally agreed with everything RO said today, and she kept reaching over to touch RO. I felt like she felt that RO was more of a kindred spirit - as opposed to Whoops.


I kept wondering why the fake snow kept leaking from above the stage during the show. - it was for Seth MacFarland's Xmas tune. I can do without the Xmas Swing but I am in awe of his talent.

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have never disliked Rosie P., but I would have wanted to see what the show is like without her there.


The show is so much better without Rosie P.


Why would Whoopi say that Rosie P. is part of the show and isn't going anywhere? It was almost like she was defending her. Sounds like ABC must be getting complaints about Rosie P. 


She is no where close to the "Bitsy annoying" level but she just isn't talk show material at all.

  • Love 5
I'm sorry, NeNe, that big ol' rock on your hand does not excuse that awful wig.



I wonder if it was some old Wigs by Sherri left behind in the dressing room.  I don't follow NeNe, but can't help seeing her face on TV all the time.  This is the WORST her head-topping (can't bear to call that hair) has ever looked.


As far as Seth McFarlane, I cannot believe how talented he is and how much he has accomplished--he has a real work ethic.  He worked as an animator in the 90s (with/for my son) at Hanna Barbera.  

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I think the "American dream" needs to be redefined.  Sad to say but in this day and age having a job which enables you to support your family without having to struggle to the point of despair is what most people are striving for.  But of course everyone is made to feel like a failure if they don't have a fancy car and huge house.  All these reality shows that celebrate excess wealth sickens me.  Millions of Americans work hard every day just to put food on their table and yet here we are watching rich shallow people sit around and complain how hard their lives are.


And shows like the View don't help matters by promoting products that a lot of people cant' afford to buy.  Oprah used to do the same thing.  Show things that cost what most people make in a week.

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I really hate the "If you work hard you can have the American dream" bullshit that Whoopi was spewing.  If she can make it, anyone can, and there's no excuses.  Well life is much more complicated than that, and like Rosie said the economy is completely different now.  I've been unemployed for 2 years and trust me, I'm not a complete idiot and I love to work, it's just hard as fuck to be given an opportunity, especially for those of us who graduated college after 2008.

I've had a similar situation. Graduated with highest honors, and nothing but insecure part-time jobs at restaurants that you can't support yourself on. I believe the American dream is still possible, but more of it has to do with luck than hard work these days. It seems like the only thing that comes out of Whoopi's mouth anymore is misguided cliche nonsense.


I feel bad that they cleansed the panel like I'd hoped and yet here I am complaining about someone anyway, but she's just irritating now. I have a feeling she wouldn't bother me as much if she was a regular co-host rather than the moderator. To begin with, I didn't think it was a good idea for Rosie O to be a moderator just because of the bad press that would probably result, but I think I'd rather have her or Nicolle in that seat than Whoopi at this point. I'm surprised Whoopi wouldn't want someone else to be the moderator considering she doesn't like to have to do anything? Maybe she would feel like it was an insult if she wasn't, since she has "higher status" than the others. Or maybe she really needs the money.


Nene was surprisingly quiet. I liked that there was someone at the table who seemed to take Rosie's side on most topics. As an outsider, to me it looks like Rosie O is trying her best to get along with Whoopi's ego. She seemed like she playing along on the Frozen topic, even though Whoopi was obviously mocking her. I wonder if Whoopi is annoyed because she isn't in Frozen, unlike The Lion King.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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All these reality shows that celebrate excess wealth sickens me.



I agree, SusieQ147.  Even those shows on "home and garden" networks feature young couples trying to find their first homes.  Their MUST HAVES are ridiculous.  They have to completely demolish the old kitchen and get "updated" appliances, cabinets, etc.   No Formica for these young folks...they must have granite!

  • Love 7

The show is so much better without Rosie P.


Why would Whoopi say that Rosie P. is part of the show and isn't going anywhere? It was almost like she was defending her. Sounds like ABC must be getting complaints about Rosie P. 


She is no where close to the "Bitsy annoying" level but she just isn't talk show material at all.


As I posted yesterday, I don't dislike Rosie P, but I have enjoyed these 2 days more than most recent shows.  Coincidence, possibly.  But it does seem like the morale at the table has been better the last 2 days, which makes for better viewing for me.


And it was odd, sad really, that Whoopi (the show) responded to *gossip*, but then Whoopi is also always saying she doesn't care what viewers think.   That's fine, but why must it be addressed.  The Talk doesn't talk *at* the viewers.

  • Love 6

The show is so much better without Rosie P.


Why would Whoopi say that Rosie P. is part of the show and isn't going anywhere? It was almost like she was defending her. Sounds like ABC must be getting complaints about Rosie P. 


She is no where close to the "Bitsy annoying" level but she just isn't talk show material at all.

I think there are rumors going around that they're trying to find a replacemant for her. But there are also rumors that keep saying RO is leaving/going to be fired. (I've seen stuff saying that she's going to be fired again - except she didn't get fired the first time, she quit).

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I've noticed as well that w/o Rosie Perez there that the show has been more tolerable and way less tense.  It's odd b/c I don't have an issue w/Rosie P as I do w/Whoopi, so I don't know what is going on really.  It's like some bizarro type thing for me.  Perhaps it's b/c they aren't tackling tough topics so far like in previous weeks.


I have a feeling that Rosie P will step down when the play starts out b/c it is too demanding working what, 8 shows a week and then trying to have a life w/her husband, and doing a morning talk show...that would be too much for anyone and something would have to go, which it would be the View.

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I graduated from college in the 70s when Richard Nixon was President and there was a freeze on hiring in the govt. and some industries. Recent college graduates struggling or being underemployed is not limited to the current younger generation. Every generation has had their own set of obstacles. Get off my lawn!!


I was a server both full service dinner and cocktail in the 80s and it sucked to take the pay cut for a "career" job when I finally got one.  Huge cut in income and the loss of free untaxed cash.  I as well as most of my co-workers was a college graduate and many of them had masters and some PhDs - the economy was almost as awful as it is now.

Edited by NextIteration
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She [RO] seemed like she playing along on the Frozen topic, even though Whoopi was obviously mocking her. I wonder if Whoopi is annoyed because she isn't in Frozen, unlike The Lion King.

Of course Whoopi is annoyed! She is missing out on the big checks from a high grossing gig!  It's all about the Benjamins for Whoopi.  If she had a part in the film she would be extolling it's virtues night and day.  Also, I think she thinks that dissing a Disney product (the company who pays her) makes her look cool. 

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I agree, SusieQ147.  Even those shows on "home and garden" networks feature young couples trying to find their first homes.  Their MUST HAVES are ridiculous.  They have to completely demolish the old kitchen and get "updated" appliances, cabinets, etc.   No Formica for these young folks...they must have granite!

No kidding!    

What about the "say yes to the dress"  shows, and all the other shows of that nature?  The ones where a bride-to-be and her family look at bridal dresses, and say "our budget is $10,000"    It makes young people think that this is NORMAL, to spend 10 grand on a dress you wear for a day.  

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I have a strong feeling that Whoopi reached out to Mr. Cosby personally, maybe a phone call, a letter or something privately saying/showing her support for him through all this and she didn't think that he would thank her personally and publicly like this.  I'm not sure they will bring this up on the show b/c the blow back from this could be bad for her, and I really don't want to see her arguing w/Rosie O over it.  If it is mentioned it will be a rant w/Whoopi waving her finger into the camera and telling us not to judge her for what she decides to do and say.  I have to say though whatever comes from this it makes me happy b/c I love it when anyone takes a piece out of Whoopi's ego.

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It seems to me that Whoopi is now solely a celebrity, not a real person.  She is totally unrelatable for me, and I'm pretty sure I'm just a couple years younger than she is.


As for NeNe -- I have a story!  Two of my friends, a recently married gay couple (two of the cutest, sunniest, most talented, most musical theater-obsessed people in the history of the world) went on their honeymoon to NYC last week.  They saw at least one Broadway musical each day, sometimes two.  They also went to the taping of The View when Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga were on.  They said it was a whole lotta fun and somehow got to go onstage during a commercial break and sing to someone in the audience who was having a birthday.  They said the hosts were fun and congenial, and they will NEVER get over performing in front of Tony Bennett and Gaga.  They also said they were able to take cell phone photos at every point except during actual taping (I went to the Oprah show taping here, and literally everything was confiscated before you could go in... cell phones, paper, pens, you name it).  About NeNe -- they tweeted her before they saw Cinderella and told her they'd be there, and she retweeted it, which thrilled them.  They waited for her at the stage door and took a couple photos with her and said she couldn't have been kinder.  So while I've never been a NeNe fan, I appreciate her kindness to my friends, so I have to say that her appearance today was one that I was looking forward to.

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LOL NextIteration.  I was just coming on to reference Harry Connick Jr. !


I LOVE Seth McFarlane.  He's incredibly brilliant.  I missed the show right until what was obviously the very end of his interview, dang!  It was obvious from the little I saw that Rosie O loves him too.  And going to commercial, he's coming back to....sing?  He has a Christmas cd out, swing?  Well, bring it on.  I'll wait out the ridiculously long commercial break to see this.  Okay, I love this guy so I will be as kind as I can.  He has the voice of crooners gone by.  But I will say that performers such as Harry Connick Jr. and Michael Buble have nothing to worry about.  I don't know what other songs are on the cd, but the choice of song on The View was Let It Snow??* Everyone and their brother putting out a Christmas cd includes that run-of-the-mill song.  It's pleasant enough, but you'd have to make it spectacular for me to be interested in buying the cd.  It was such a cardboard performance.  Shoot to the hosts, and I saw the look on Rosie O, brief as it was, but I watched for it.  Now she is someone who recognizes and appreciates real talent.  She looked absolutely stunned there for a second, like she was wondering if he was going to break this out into some kind of wonderful joke/prank.  And so was I.  Yikes**.


* I have actually purchased cds in the past based on seeing the artists perform a song from the new cd of theirs which they are promoting.  Besides nighttime talk shows, daytime talk shows are very influential in this regard as well.  It's beneficial for them, so why oh why would he choose that one to perform on The View?  Maybe it is part of a prank after all.  That was bad. 


** I still love Seth McFarlane and I forgive him for this.  Won't be buying the cd, but I forgive him for this. 


I agree, Cosmo, Whoopi is smarting from not being able to cash in big on an easy, low effort gig.


I can't help but wonder if Whoopi is resentful.  There doesn't seem to be much interest lately in what she's selling, as far as movies go.  Maybe her adamant "I don't care what y'all think...don't email me, don't text me 'cause I don't care what y'all think or have to say", has finally reached the ears of those who hire her and sign the pay checks, and they're not stupid.  They know the only reason they themselves get paid is....us. 



Hopefully, this will come back to tear a piece out of her ass (& I don't mean it the way some may be thinking - LOL)!!  She deserves to get blow-back for this & I hope she does, in spades!!



From your lips to ABC's ears, Medicine Crow !  Under the former rule, this may have fallen into the "Make Sparks" category, but now, I hope something that offensive by her is just no longer tolerated.  Whoopi may not know it, or want to know it (she is arrogance personified) but times have changed. 



Oh my, I sure hope Whoopi isn't having any trouble getting out of the city tonight....(s arcasm).



Totally, maggiemae.  Or getting into the city tomorrow morning...she may have to leave a few hours earlier to make it to work on time.  She's so hard done by.  Boo hoo. 



Edited to add:  I just looked up Seth McFarlane's Christmas cd, and with his adorably smiling face inside a tacky looking wreath, and his performance today complete with the cheesy snowy background, I'm all but convinced this is a satirical play on Christmas cds and all who put them out!

Edited by Dreamboat Annie
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I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned. I couldn't believe that none of the four hosts were informed or knowledgeable enough or none of the producers on the show obviously had a clue that they had a whole complete hot topic based on an untrue story. It is NOT Mike Brown's father who is under investigation in Ferguson for possibly inciting the riot, it is Mike's stepfather! His mother's partner. His dad had absolutely nothing to do with the incident.


It's all on tape. After the announcement of no indictment, his mother was asked for her thoughts. She got a few words out but then broke down and started sobbing and wailing 'why? why?' and her body was shaking so badly that she was collapsing to the ground. Her partner was holding her and trying to comfort her and he was obviously extremely distraught too as were other, I'm assuming, friends and relatives who were with her that night. It was then he started yelling about the injustice of it all and yelled 'burn it down, burn this whole fucking place down'. It only lasted a minute or so.


While I'm glad all four of them agreed that Michael Brown's parents deserved compassion and don't need any more aggravation from the Ferguson Police Dept (or St Louis County PD, as the case may be), it's really shameful that his father was cited as the one under investigation. Mike Brown Sr has been very vocal and very involved in trying to keep Ferguson calm and the protests peaceful ever since his son was killed.


As I said earlier, I was shocked that no one on the View knew that they were completely wrong. It wasn't about just Whoopi or anyone else having a contrary opinion, it was that none of them had a clue about what was true or what was false.

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I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned. I couldn't believe that none of the four hosts were informed or knowledgeable enough or none of the producers on the show obviously had a clue that they had a whole complete hot topic based on an untrue story. It is NOT Mike Brown's father who is under investigation in Ferguson for possibly inciting the riot, it is Mike's stepfather! His mother's partner. His dad had absolutely nothing to do with the incident.


Are you sure that's what you heard shok?  I already had heard/seen the story so on the news so I thought I might have just missed the mistake.  But after reading your post I rewatched it on  my West Coast  dvr version and not only does Whoopi introduce the story saying stepfather, I noticed she makes a point to say STEP-father,  in way which makes me think it was fixed for the West Coast airing maybe?  You know what a good job Whoopi does reading the teleprompter - I would not be surprised if she left the STEP part out on the live show and they had to go back and fix it. 


But if you are talking about RO and the others calling Michael Brown's stepfather a parent, then I don't think that's inaccurate.  I'm a stepparent myself and I don't think the pain of losing a child would be any less because of the word step.  When RO said she thought he should be forgiven because she can't imagine what that moment was like for the parents, I never felt like she was referring to anyone but Michael Brown's Mother, Father, Stepfather, (and stepmother if there is one, I don't know)  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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"As I said earlier, I was shocked that no one on the View knew that they were completely wrong. It wasn't about just Whoopi or anyone else having a contrary opinion, it was that none of them had a clue about what was true or what was false."


This is The View -- do you really expect them to get the information right?  Their producers, etc., should be shot & pissed on!!!

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On a lighter note, I kind of enjoyed today's  (Wednesday) show. Even Whoopi's big fat mouth didn't make me hit the FF like usual these days.  RO seemed to be able to say more than usual, and I liked Nicolle's story about her evening - which sounded so normal with the baby and dog etc. that when Whoopi told her, "I am scared of your life right now!"   I thought about what ChicagoCita said about Whoopi being unrelatable to the audience.  And again, when Nicolle said her sleep analyzer thing said she didn't sleep Whoopi looked like Nicolle was speaking another language.  I'm sure Whoopi Goldberg is well rested for some reason, lol.  


And as for NeNe, her wig cracked me up everytime the camera was on her so I didn't mind her at all.  That thing was hilarious.  I wonder who told her it looked good?  Hahaha - I'd like to shake their hand.  it was so Nene to share pictures of her dressing room too.  Like you guys, I noticed how often she seemed to touch RO and agree with her.  It was kind of nice to see someone do that for a change. 


ChicagoCita, thanks for sharing your story about your friends and attending a taping and how cool that they got to see Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga!  I'm not really surprised that Nene was gracious to them either. 

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Listening to Nicolle's nightmare night story, I wondered to myself why it sounded so funny and natural whereas Bitsy's similar stories always sounded like they were invented for her by somebody else. Was it the photographic evidence?


Probably cuz Bitzy's stories usually ended with her little ones saying the most adult, spiritual, intelligent statements ever uttered.  Her story wouldn't end with her kid covered in flour.  Her kid would take the excess flour, bake a cake and give it to a homeless veteran.

  • Love 24

The opening topic was a discussion about the grand jury in NYC not indicting the cop who killed a guy on camera. They kept "scolding" the Grand Jury.... but in my opinion their scolding was misdirected.

It is said that a grand jury will indict a ham sandwich... but obviously not if it was a cop doing the wrong thing..... The criticism needs to be directed toward the prosecutor..... that is where the grand jury gets their direction.... It seems like prosecutors refuse to indict cops.... they are too closely related.... cops are often witnesses for other cases


I think when there is a shooting... of any other wrong doings from police... a special prosecutor from another area needs to work the case....... because cops doing the wrong thing needs to be accountable.

Another point the ladies of The View missed....the chokehold move was banned by the NYPD in 1993.... why is using a banned procedure to kill a man not a crime by a cop??

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After watching Whoopi in the first two segment, I really must say that she is the most inarticulate movie stah I've ever seen try to formulate a sentence.  Once she commands everyone's attention, the "I'm sorry"s, "you knows" & a litany of other "filler words" inserted until she can finally string together enough words to make the point, is beyond unbelievable for someone "of her stature".  OMG!!! 


Also, lately she's not waiting for a tongue-bath from the others, she's doing her own!!  (I figured they would not discuss Bill Cosby.)  She did the "interview" with Hugh Jackman because everyone knows what an easy guest he is!!  Just give him a scintilla of a topic & he's off & running.  Totally agree about Hugh Jackman, but I would go see him play a lamp post!!!


I can't hack Cindi Lauper, but I do like some of her music.  That song she sang at the end was pathetic.

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Her kid would take the excess flour, bake a cake and give it to a homeless veteran.

Tooooooooooo funny, almost choked on my coffee, laughing so hard :) :)


Another point the ladies of The View missed....the chokehold move was banned by the NYPD in 1993.... why is using a banned procedure to kill a man not a crime by a cop??

Nicolle brought this up yesterday.............

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Nancy Grace also brought up the choke hold being banned in '93.  I refuse to believe NG doesn't have an opinion about the Cosby situation. I'm sure that topic is off limits for the time being.


About Rosie P's niece picking up the check: I think it was cute that she let the girl sign the check. I think Whoopi just kind of took it literally and missed the joke.

Edited by Fisher King
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Nancy Grace also brought up the choke hold being banned in '93.  I refuse to believe NG doesn't have an opinion about the Cosby situation. I'm sure that topic is off limits for the time being.



Nancy Grace works for HLN which is owned by Turner Broadcasting System which once (don't know if they still do or not) aired Cosby Show reruns.  Chuck Lorre, the producer of Two and a Half Men and the Big Bang Theory brought up the point that not a lot of people in Hollywood are coming to Cosby's defense.  His feeling was Cosby's reputation was well-known in show business.  So maybe Nancy Grace's bosses have told her keep her feelings to herself to see how all this shakes out. 

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My son once was grossly overweight and what finally got him to lose weight was his inability to breathe properly because the fat was cutting off his air passage in his throat.


Another individual, of normal weight may very well have survived the chokehold...........ducking all the negative comments this will stir up...............

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