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The "HELL YEAH!" Movie Moments

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the dusted characters reappearing as the Calvary was GLORIOUS, but my HY moment was Wasp, Valkyrie, Mantis, Okoye, Shuri, Nebula, Past Gamora, Scarlet Witch, Pepper in the suit (!!!!) and Carol all teaming up together and getting their Avengers circular money shot. Give us a female Avengers spin-off, you cowards.

And Cap catching the hammer, with Thor saying, "I knew it!!"

Edited by Spartan Girl
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22 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:


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the dusted characters reappearing as the Calvary was GLORIOUS, but my HY moment was Wasp, Valkyrie, Mantis, Okoye, Shuri, Nebula, Past Gamora, Scarlet Witch, Pepper in the suit (!!!!) and Carol all teaming up together and getting their Avengers circular money shot. Give us a female Avengers spin-off, you cowards.

And Cap catching the hammer, with Thor saying, "I knew it!!"


Carol getting head butted by Thanos and not budging.  Badass.

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spoiler for Endgame not sure if it is still needed. But as other's had said:


The part where Cap picked up the hammer and Thor going "I knew it". My theatre (and me) all cheered at this point.  Great scene in a movie with a lot of good scenes.  Also the part where all the portals appeared was great too as it showed that they are back.

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Jasmine's "Speechless" song in the live action Aladdin was a pretty HY moment, at least for me. Also

the part towards the end where she's being forced to marry Jafar and she sees Aladdin returning on Carpet, and with a defiant "I do NOT!" she grabs the lamp from Jafar, jumps off the balcony, and lands on Carpet.

.That's the badass princess of Agrabah I know and love!

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27 Dresses Jane revealing Tess's lies at Tess's rehearsal dinner by slideshow while she read a speech Tess wrote her to say with George's "little" brother jumping in afterwards revealing the lie she's made him keep. After watching Tess lie through the entire film to George about everything it was so awesome seeing all her lies outed and by her own sister and Pedro. I love his "about how great Tess is she's helping him start his own cleaning business" line.  I do hate Jane feeling bad afterwards and everyone acting she did the wrong thing. Tess had it coming and kept refusing to tell the truth. 

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29 minutes ago, andromeda331 said:

27 Dresses Jane revealing Tess's lies at Tess's rehearsal dinner by slideshow while she read a speech Tess wrote her to say with George's "little" brother jumping in afterwards revealing the lie she's made him keep. After watching Tess lie through the entire film to George about everything it was so awesome seeing all her lies outed and by her own sister and Pedro. I love his "about how great Tess is she's helping him start his own cleaning business" line.  I do hate Jane feeling bad afterwards and everyone acting she did the wrong thing. Tess had it coming and kept refusing to tell the truth. 

After what she did to their mother’s wedding dress Tess deserved getting called out by Jane for her lies and self centeredness.

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18 hours ago, Luckylyn said:

After what she did to their mother’s wedding dress Tess deserved getting called out by Jane for her lies and self centeredness.

That scene almost took me completely out of the movie lol.  I couldn't believe that she would do such a thing and just expect Jane to be ok with that.  That's something that can never be replaced.

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22 hours ago, Luckylyn said:

After what she did to their mother’s wedding dress Tess deserved getting called out by Jane for her lies and self centeredness.

4 hours ago, blugirlami21 said:

That scene almost took me completely out of the movie lol.  I couldn't believe that she would do such a thing and just expect Jane to be ok with that.  That's something that can never be replaced.

I have to give credit to Jane in that scene for not physically harming Tess. If it was my sister who cut up our mother's wedding dress I'm pretty I would have attacked.  Tess was such a piece of work. Hell even in the hardware store scene later she still doesn't think she's done anything wrong and that Jane's the one that needs to apologize. Too bad Jane didn't go with "Yeah, sorry I let the man you were marrying know you completely lied to about everything, used his little brother Pedro as a cleaning service, and didn't beat your ass for it cutting up Mom's wedding dress."      

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From Tora! Tora! Tora! 

Lieutenant Kaminsky to Captain Earle when he finally arrived at Pearl Harbor after the attack. Kaminsky told him the attack but Earle demanded confirmation before he would do anything. 

Lieutenant Kaminsky: You wanted confirmation, Captain? Take a look! There's your confirmation! 

Earle looks out and sees several ships in flames.

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On 6/11/2019 at 5:31 PM, andromeda331 said:

I do hate Jane feeling bad afterwards and everyone acting she did the wrong thing. Tess had it coming and kept refusing to tell the truth. 

Yep.  Jane's actions were petty, but Tess was definitely in the wrong.  She was lying to her fiance about her real life and got upset when it inevitably blew up in her face.  Unfortunately, the movie doesn't do a good job showing that Tess is as insecure as her sister and she just comes off as the villain.  Tess owed Jane an apology for her own bratty behavior, especially for what she did to their mother's dress.

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One of the best scenes from Bohemian Rhapsody was when Freddie fired his self-appointed manager/lover Paul for almost destroying his career by making him quit Queen, isolating him from the people he loved when he would need them the most and not even telling him about Live Aid, which turned out to be one of the greatest musical moments of all time.

Edited by DollEyes
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22 hours ago, DollEyes said:

One of the best scenes from Bohemian Rhapsody was when Freddie fired his self-appointed manager/lover Paul for almost destroying his career by making him quit Queen, isolating him from the people he loved when he would need them the most and not even telling him about Live Aid, which turned out to be one of the greatest musical moments of all time.

I love that scene too. That sleaze had gotten away with so much for so long but he went too far when he went after Mary, Freddie wasn't having it.

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On July 9, 2019 at 1:01 PM, DollEyes said:

One of the best scenes from Bohemian Rhapsody was when Freddie fired his self-appointed manager/lover Paul for almost destroying his career by making him quit Queen, isolating him from the people he loved when he would need them the most and not even telling him about Live Aid, which turned out to be one of the greatest musical moments of all time.

That was indeed magnificent. 

I also thought Elton's moment of clarity to "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" in Rocketman was great, when he finally has enough of bring at rock bottom, walks out of the concert in his over the top devil costume and straight to rehab, finally cutting ties with his scummy manager/ex boyfriend. The use of the music made it even more perfect.

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43 minutes ago, Zola said:

It's an oldie but still a goody - Terminator 2:Judgement Day, and the final scene where Arnie take his own "life" by lowering himself into a vat of molten steel; and when almost fully submerged raises an arm up above the surface and gives everyone the thumbs up!

Never saw that coming, and never expected him to die at the end either.

Hey, oldies are welcome here! And that's a great moment!!

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4 hours ago, Zola said:

It's an oldie but still a goody - Terminator 2:Judgement Day, and the final scene where Arnie take his own "life" by lowering himself into a vat of molten steel; and when almost fully submerged raises an arm up above the surface and gives everyone the thumbs up!

I don't like the original Terminator, and it's just not my genre in general, but T2 comes together into something I quite like.  I was surprised by that, and stunned to find myself tearing up at it - but that scene did it.

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A few months ago I ended up watching a rather unpleasant film called "The Warriors" (1979) regarding a gang trying to make it home to Coney Island from a big gang meeting in Central Park (I think) while being pursued by rival gangs on the accusation of assassinating some iconic leader of all the NY gangs!

But the ending was supremely satisfying (even for me!), as the innocent gang and the guilty gang meet up on a beach for a big showdown. And then suddenly the biggest and strongest gang of all turns up, gives the innocent gang free passage, and then closes in on the guilty gang to do something very very bad!

I am not really into these kinds of films, but the payback in that one scene certainly pumped me up for a minute or two!

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4 hours ago, suomi said:

"Hey ... Dad? You wanna have a catch?'

"I'd like that."

The thing that always, always bothers me is does anyone actually say "have a catch" in real life?  Maybe it's a regional thing but I've always "played catch" but never "had a catch."  Even when watching MLB and player has been injured and is rehabbing you'll hear the announcers say "he played catch this afternoon."  The phrase "have a catch" takes me out of the moment every time I hear it.

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I hadn't heard the phrase until I saw the movie but figured it was a regional thing.


Does playing catch with Kevin Costner in a movie brand you for life?

For Dwier Brown, his brief but electric appearance as John Kinsella in the final frames of “Field of Dreams” in 1989 has made him a touchstone for people wanting to share stories of their fathers.

They remember the film’s closing exchange, when Costner’s Ray Kinsella calls out across a ballfield at dusk: “Hey, dad - you wanna have a catch?” And Brown’s character turns around and answers simply, “I’d like that.”

“For people who had a difficult relationship with their dad, that scene kind of got tattooed on the back of their retina,” said Brown.

The series of touching encounters inspired him to write a memoir, “If You Build It. A Book about Fathers, Fate and Field of Dreams,” published in 2014 to coincide with the film’s 25th anniversary.

For Brown, even though he has acted in dozens of films, TV shows and stage productions, it keeps coming back to fathers and catch. (He has also learned that, depending on where you grew up in the country, it’s either called “playing catch” or “having a catch.”)

This is cool: there really was a player named Moonlight Graham who made only one appearance in the majors and then went to medical school and spent his life as a doctor in Chisholm MN. (He played ball about 15 years earlier than Shoeless Joe). 

Edited by suomi
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Everyone who is sick of villain apologia, here's this great climax from Scream 3, where Sidney confronts the killer, Roman, her half-brother who was abandoned by her mother:

Roman: You're gonna pay for the life you stole from me, Sid. For the mother, and for the family, and for the stardom, and...GODDAMN IT! EVERYTHING YOU HAVE THAT SHOULD'VE BEEN MINE!

Sidney: God, why don't stop your whining and get on with it! I've heard this shit before!

Roman: STOP!

Sidney: Do you know why you kill people, Roman? Do you?


Sidney: Because YOU choose to! There is no one else to blame!


Sidney: Why don't you take some fucking responsibility?!

Roman FUCK YOU!!!

Sidney: FUCK YOU!

Edited by Spartan Girl
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I love the opening scenes and dialogue to "Blood Simple" always sends a shiver down my spine ...


“The world is full of complainers. But the fact is, nothing comes with a guarantee. I don't care if you're the Pope of Rome, President of the United States, or Man of the Year--something can always go wrong.

You go ahead, complain, tell your problems to your neighbor, ask for help-- and watch him fly.

Now in Russia, they got it mapped out so that everyone pulls for everyone else--that's the theory, anyway. But what I know about is Texas, and down here... you're on your own.”

It's that ominous final statement that really sets the mood for me, even before the film has really kicked in.

Just shows that visuals can be trumped by some excellent writing.

I don't think the words "I want a divorce" have ever been more satisfying than in Ready or Not, uttered by Grace to her douchey cowardly husband Alex after he betrayed her to his family and tried to sacrifice her to the devil. The fact that he explodes in a bloody mess with his family after she throws the ring at him was icing on the cake.

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On December 11, 2019 at 1:32 PM, DollEyes said:


From Wonder Woman 1984, when Diana bitch slaps a bullet, the Thymiscira scenes &  when Diana lassos lightning. 


How about the part of her leaping out of the truck right as its getting flipped over? It's her dainty zero-fucks posture while doing it that makes it even more epic: "What, like this is hard?"

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On 12/31/2019 at 9:30 PM, anna0852 said:

From Rise of Skywalker:

Red Five is in the air!

Honestly, almost any time an X-Wing appears in a Star Wars movie, it's a Hell Yeah! moment. One notable one for me is in Rogue One, when the Rebels on the ground are being attacked by the AT-ATs, and it looks like they're going to be slaughtered. Then, out of nowhere, one of walkers explodes and you see a couple of X-Wings zoom across the screen.

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Knives Out


After Ransom's evil plot has been discovered and he's apprehended by the police, our heroine Marta stands on the balcony, literally looking down on the greedy, two-faced Thrombey family who figuratively looked down on her (not to mention tried to fleece her out of her inheritance), and drinks out of patriarch Harlan's mug that has MY HOUSE written on the side. The framing of this shot, married with the simple, zero-fucks-given sentiment of the gesture, is quite possibly my favorite cinematic moment of 2019. 


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Coco: Imelda clocking Ernesto de la Cruz in the face with her shoe for murdering Hector will never not be awesome.

I mean, it doesn't quite make up for her own part in Hector almost going through the Final Death and the way she treated him without even bothering to hear his side of the story for all those years...but it's a still a good start!

Edited by Spartan Girl
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On 1/4/2020 at 8:22 PM, Wiendish Fitch said:

Knives Out

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After Ransom's evil plot has been discovered and he's apprehended by the police, our heroine Marta stands on the balcony, literally looking down on the greedy, two-faced Thrombey family who figuratively looked down on her (not to mention tried to fleece her out of her inheritance), and drinks out of patriarch Harlan's mug that has MY HOUSE written on the side. The framing of this shot, married with the simple, zero-fucks-given sentiment of the gesture, is quite possibly my favorite cinematic moment of 2019. 


And before that


Blanc calling the Thrombeys out on the way they treated Marta.  It's clear that he had been wanting to do that the entire movie, and that he held Marta in much much higher regard than he ever did the Thrombeys.  Finally somebody stood up for Marta, and the family could do nothing about it.


Edited by Jediknight
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The moment in Bombshell when Murdoch and his lawyers blew a big fat hole in Roger Ailes' defense by revealing that Gretchen Carlson had been secretly recording him sexually harassing her FOR A YEAR.

After all those hidden cameras and crazy conspiracy theories, guess this time you just weren't paranoid enough, asshole! HA HA!

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