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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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Holy Moly! I cannot believe this. I don't usually contribute a lot to the Small Talk forum, but I do enjoy reading it and think of those of you that are having a rough go, so this is really shocking. I've had a few small alarm bells (mostly when she (?) kept insisting that she had neither family nor close friends for support) but for the most part I assumed, given the length of time she has been posting, that she (again ?) was being truthful. I really feel bad for all of you kind people who tried to open your hearts to someone we thought was in need. Thank you also to the mods and tipsters for catching on. You rock!

  • Love 11

Holy shit!!! Ablosom was right when she warned us several months ago. Wow...just wow. But like Mr. Rodgers said when something bad happens just look at how many people are willing to help, that's what I'm going to focus on. I'm not gonna lie I reverse image search that photo of "Maise" because it didn't look real. Again...wow!


You know, sadly, when Absolom brought that up, I was ashamed, because I thought she was telling ME to back off and quit whining. It didn't work, of course, I came back. But I really, truly, honest-to-God AM a happyfatchick, and I'm rocking along (although life isn't "normal"). I'm still a little mortified that my name gets tossed in as many discussions as WW and Maisie.


Omg, Happyfatchick if your son didn't loose a finger and your daughter isn't "overseas" I'm going to take the pipe!!!!

. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! I actually burst out laughing when I read that. Wouldn't that just be the kicker????? No, sadly, I'm a real person, my daughter has a koolaid IV and is steadfastly stuck to Jim Jones, living in Nicaragua. (In the city now, they moved from the coffee farm). And my son really did lose his left index finger to a stray dog last Saturday. If I'm lying, I'm dying. . I'm still laughing, THAT was funny, nc!!!!! AND, just for kicks, I'ma tell y'all something. My crazy SIL's initials are really, seriously, JJ. my daughter often refers to him as "JJ". Doesn't that smell awful?

You may have actually noticed I haven't been talking about the Nicaragua situation so much lately. I have mentally stepped away from that. I imagine that either makes me a really bad mother, or a much better one. My insides were beginning to feel like they were all upside down and backwards. I cried all the time (it was not unlike being pregnant!). Sharp tongued and I just felt SIDEWAYS. It's not in my nature to stress like that and it was making me crazy. Somewhere along the way, I had some cross words with my daughter, and she made me cry. Again. Hard. For a long time. And I said: you know what??? This "kid" is THIRTY FOUR. I raised her well, she's a good girl. Graduated at the top of her nursing class with four children. She's not stupid, she's blinded. She's been potty trained a long, long time. If she chooses to follow JJ, I have no real means to stop her, and it was killing me. So. I quit. I still talk to her every day, but only surface items. I don't talk about what they have or don't have. I don't ask where my babies are sleeping or what they're eating. I love her from the floor to the top of her head, but I'm done. She HAS to see, logically, what she's doing - and I'm not fighting it any more. And actually, I feel better!!!

And I'm so SAD there really is no Maisie. I really kinda loved her.

  • Love 19


You know, sadly, when Absolom brought that up, I was ashamed, because I thought she was telling ME to back off and quit whining. It didn't work, of course, I came back. But I really, truly, honest-to-God AM a happyfatchick, and I'm rocking along (although life isn't "normal"). I'm still a little mortified that my name gets tossed in as many discussions as WW and Maisie.

 . HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! I actually burst out laughing when I read that. Wouldn't that just be the kicker????? No, sadly, I'm a real person, my daughter has a koolaid IV and is steadfastly stuck to Jim Jones, living in Nicaragua. (In the city now, they moved from the coffee farm). And my son really did lose his left index finger to a stray dog last Saturday. If I'm lying, I'm dying. . I'm still laughing, THAT was funny, nc!!!!! AND, just for kicks, I'ma tell y'all something. My crazy SIL's initials are really, seriously, JJ. my daughter often refers to him as "JJ". Doesn't that smell awful?

You may have actually noticed I haven't been talking about the Nicaragua situation so much lately. I have mentally stepped away from that. I imagine that either makes me a really bad mother, or a much better one. My insides were beginning to feel like they were all upside down and backwards. I cried all the time (it was not unlike being pregnant!). Sharp tongued and I just felt SIDEWAYS. It's not in my nature to stress like that and it was making me crazy. Somewhere along the way, I had some cross words with my daughter, and she made me cry. Again. Hard. For a long time. And I said: you know what??? This "kid" is THIRTY FOUR. I raised her well, she's a good girl. Graduated at the top of her nursing class with four children. She's not stupid, she's blinded. She's been potty trained a long, long time. If she chooses to follow JJ, I have no real means to stop her, and it was killing me. So. I quit. I still talk to her every day, but only surface items. I don't talk about what they have or don't have. I don't ask where my babies are sleeping or what they're eating. I love her from the floor to the top of her head, but I'm done. She HAS to see, logically, what she's doing - and I'm not fighting it any more. And actually, I feel better!!!

And I'm so SAD there really is no Maisie. I really kinda loved her.

You're fine as long as you don't set-up a way to donate or send you gift cards. Just continue being real and funny. I love your stories with the bit of southern bent.

  • Love 4

Thanks folks for thanking me.  I waffled a lot on saying anything and then realized I had to at least make a hint so that those who paid attention hopefully wouldn't be scammed out of real money.  I wasn't absolutely sure it was the same con artist but sure enough to try to warn people off.  I didn't want to start a major discussion on was it true or not or hurt anyone's feelings.  HFC, I said specifically it wasn't you.  Sorry if you missed that post.  It was an unfortunate timing of a post slipping in while I was typing that made it look like I might have meant you. 

  • Love 20

My heart hurts a little tonight.  This really shocked me.  And I didn't get my money back, but I didn't give big bucks, so, lesson learned.  The photo of "Maisie" looked so much like my niece.


You guys are so awesome.  None of our prayers were wasted, because our hearts were sincere.  We have the best mods here, too.  Love you all!

  • Love 13

Thanks folks for thanking me.  I waffled a lot on saying anything and then realized I had to at least make a hint so that those who paid attention hopefully wouldn't be scammed out of real money.  I wasn't absolutely sure it was the same con artist but sure enough to try to warn people off.  I didn't want to start a major discussion on was it true or not or hurt anyone's feelings.  HFC, I said specifically it wasn't you.  Sorry if you missed that post.  It was an unfortunate timing of a post slipping in while I was typing that made it look like I might have meant you. 

We should be sending YOU gift cards. Thanks for watching out for us!

  • Love 8

I did that with the very first picture, the one she claimed her husband had said she could post and got nothing.

But then I've got pictures of my sister's kids from when they were newborns, that wouldn't flag a reverse search either because they were never online.

It was a fairly long con for under a thousand dollars. Not worth the time she spent on it in the end, if the money was her end goal.

  • Love 3

Absolom and the mods here are awesome! I felt like an idiot for a while, then I got mad at whoever "Wanderwoman" really is, and now I'm just appreciative of the love and goodness of the real people in this forum. Y'all are fantastic and I love that we have this little corner of the interwebs to vent and chat and laugh.


HFC, good for you, lady! You made an incredibly tough decision, but I think it's going to be good for you and your daughter in the long run. She's an adult with her own children and she needs to start acting like one--she can't expect you to fix everything for her every single time.

And btw, I'm still jealous of the fact that one of your embroidered seats has cradled Chris Evans' ass. Yowza.

  • Love 9

Wow, I'm just amazed about all the NICU posts. Someone went to a hell of a lot of trouble copying some parent's blog posts or has a wild imagination. I did wonder about that baby picture, that was no preemie head and just no.

Sorry people have to be such poopyheads on the internet but they have always been with us.

Edited by Chicklet
  • Love 4

I look at Chris Evans and my tongue hangs out...honest.  I usually like my men a little more seasoned but damn he is fine fine fine!


The rule of thumb should be that unless you really really know the person in your real life or at least know it's not a scamaramadingdong then don't donate.  I will occasionally donate to some animal causes and shelters and of course put out clothes and stuff for Amvets but that's about my limit.  I'm trying to cut down on the bills in this house and since I'm sick of paying for my land line phone am deciding to either go Magic Jack or Ooma.  I'd get rid of the stupid thing totally but it's my land line number that my grandma knows. bless her, and I don't want to change that now that she's starting to slip more mentally.    

  • Love 4

I look at Chris Evans and my tongue hangs out...honest.  I usually like my men a little more seasoned but damn he is fine fine fine!


The rule of thumb should be that unless you really really know the person in your real life or at least know it's not a scamaramadingdong then don't donate.  I will occasionally donate to some animal causes and shelters and of course put out clothes and stuff for Amvets but that's about my limit.  I'm trying to cut down on the bills in this house and since I'm sick of paying for my land line phone am deciding to either go Magic Jack or Ooma.  I'd get rid of the stupid thing totally but it's my land line number that my grandma knows. bless her, and I don't want to change that now that she's starting to slip more mentally.    

Oh, thank you, elderly relatives that's exactly why I don't change mine that and not great indoor reception until recently. Sometimes I think I'm a dinosaur for not having cell but I refuse to pay for two different ways to use a phone.

  • Love 1

I didn't donate, but mostly because I was saving the decision for the weekend. Still, I'll say here pretty much what I said to someone in PM last week: I'd rather risk rewarding a scammer with attention than have someone out there who's really in trouble feel alone. In fairness, that was before money came into it, which I think calls for more due diligence, and I'm glad someone did it.


Anyway, as a palate cleanser, just because it's random and awesome, here's a woman who just won a McArthur genius grant for tap dancing.



  • Love 11

You know all of us posters are talking about what we did wrong..."should have trusted my gut" "thought something wasn't right" "I feel stupid" . Screw that!!!! There is only one person who should feel bad and she is gone. We are for the most part a bunch of woman...most of us moms and we all know what an absolutely shitty and thankless job that can be sometimes. This person exploited our willingness to extend a hand to someone who we thought was in need. No matter how you slice it I would rather be us then her.

Now I feel like I should get a sign and March on somewhere.


Here's your sign. Your on your own with the marching.

  • Love 12

Well, damn. I never, ever post here but I did check in from time to time to see if she had updated. I felt sorry for her. I'm a mom of young children with a third on the way so I really, really empathized her plight. However, I am in no position to donate to any causes so I'm grateful for that. I saw how many of you genuinely cared for and about her and "Maisey". As the drama kept amping up in her personal life so did my "something's not adding up here, meter". I really started wondering when she mentioned recently about the picture and Maisie having the cannula out for a moment. My cousin had 30 week twins back in September and they were not allowed home until the Cannula was completely removed/no longer necessary so for her to say it was out because of a bath really made me question. 


So sorry this happened to such a great group of people here. 

  • Love 6

Hi everybody, 

Like someone above me said, I've read here for a long time but never posted, but I was so shocked by finding out about WW that I just decided I had to de-lurk! What a shame it turned out as it did!

Everyone here is so friendly - I hope you will let me join your group.

About me: female, married to a v nice husband, 1 daughter (all grown-up, but still my "baby") & I live in a small town south of Atlanta. Don't know what else to say, so I will stop now, lol.

Hope everyone has a great wk-end - the weather here is gorgeous & I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow so I could go out & enjoy it, lol. (aka "spending money" in nearby towns, lol)

  • Love 12

I think now would be a good time for half of that team to come out publicly and speak on the matter. I'm burlsa, I mainly post and lurk on the General Hospital thread, and many of you have seen my posts since the other day. What drew me to the board however was my partner in crime, the other half of Firinn who happens to be my mom. I'm a troll hunter.


Absolom was a key in this, when she mentioned Razing Ruth, my mom's senses went on high alert. Then things got really crazy in WW's story with the pregnant mistress. That's when I was called in. We were able put enough evidence together that proved her story false. Unfortunately the smoking gun came too late to stop the GoFundMe. When we saw that, we worked hard to make the case. The other half of my team went to the mods with what we had. 


Now this is where the awesome mods come in. I have never witnessed a more professional and caring group of moderators before. My hat is off to them, for not only believing us, but for taking this very seriously. They put a lot of work into this as well and did fantastic. 


Why I want to address you, is because I think everyone needs to hear that there is nothing wrong with believing the story. It shows that you are human. It shows you have a heart and soul. It is amazing to see the love and support on this board, it is not something I have ever seen anywhere else. I am just sorry that the news had to hurt people emotionally and financially. 


As far as the funds donated to GoFundMe. Check your emails and watch for any kind of notice of return of money. Keep any of the documents. For those who used credit cards, you may be able to do a charge back. I am still looking into options of what might be able to be done to get money back. If I can turn up any information I will let everyone know. Hopefully it's only pending, and the funds will be returned to everyone.


I'm sorry we weren't able to stop her before the GoFundMe was created. If you have any questions feel free to PM me, I will try my best to answer them. 


I care about you all. Going through all of the posts on this board, I really feel that I have gotten to know you all. And I hope in time you can all get to know me. I had said privately to a few posters that I feel at peace here, like it's a safe little community. You're all so full of advice and are all so caring. I just want to stress that nobody is silly for believing the story. It WAS believable. It took a lot to piece together the lie. This person knows their stuff. I think they must read a lot about the topics. Also, I think they're skilled enough to know how to hide themselves. So nobody feel silly. Nobody feel bad about "not trusting your gut." It's better to be human beings, than some sick person with sociopathic tendencies. 


Now I might have to go take part in some of that root beer that was mentioned!

Wow, hats off to you and your Mom. Quite a team. Thank you very much for going through all that trouble to help keep this forum safe.


Okay, now it's your Mom's turn, so we can thank her too.

  • Love 14

I don't remember Wandersoman asking for a GoFundMe site.  I guess I missed it, but I didn't think she initiated it.  It is way too long a con for a mere thousand bucks anyway.  But if anything, many people would be embarrassed to have strangers, internet strangers, setting up a site for you unsolicited.  So I don't think it was for the money.  The money aspect eventually got her exposed, so the satisfaction must have been the storytelling.  Not my bag, for sure.

  • Love 3

Wow, I'm just amazed about all the NICU posts. Someone went to a hell of a lot of trouble copying some parent's blog posts or has a wild imagination. I did wonder about that baby picture, that was no preemie head and just no.

Sorry people have to be such poopyheads on the internet but they have always been with us.

I still don't understand how she has all that detail about a NICU experience. Our son's twins were preemies and while they had no real issues other than low birth weight, I swear I recognize a ton of authenticity in WW's posts. I suppose it came off a legit blog somewhere. I will say I missed a ton of posts over the late summer so I don't know how things morphed, but it seemed off that her perfect hubby suddenly went berserk. But I know people can get weird under stress so I still bought it.

Now I am busily reading all the posts I missed to see if anything might have tipped me off. I doubt it.

Thanks for the link upthread to scammmy stuff.

  • Love 6

What is a troll hunter like a internet police.   Thank you for watching out us. FFhugs to You and your Mom.


Lol! One summer I was down in San Antonio, and I found these Texas Ranger (law enforcement, not baseball) badges. I bought one with my mom's name on it and gave it to her as a souvenir.


But what I do is follow one scammer specifically, sometimes I branch out, and I find inconsistencies in their story. I put piece by piece together, with the help of my mom and expose the liar. It doesn't always work out as nicely as it did this time. Usually we run into some backlash or uncooperative mods. 


I'm just glad we were able to expose her. Hugs back to you! :)


Jenniferbug, I am so glad everything turned out okay for your baby! 


Tabbygirl, I do believe that WW put in a lot of research on this topic. And mommy blogs and boards have all kinds of information that she could take from. There is a theory called Munchausen by Internet. It is similar to Munchausen by Proxy. Only it is played over the internet, rather than IRL. For those of you unfamiliar with this, in summary a person feigns illness to gain attention and sympathy. They are driven by having people care for and about them. A lot of these cases on the internet are the same. They want the attention and praise and acknowledgement. Money and gifts are just a very nice bonus. 


ETA: The stinken link! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munchausen_by_Internet

Edited by burlsa
  • Love 11

Here I thought I was the only one who didn't know what was going on when there was suddenly huge chunks of conversation going missing. Apparently we're all finding out at the same time. I'm glad it's out - it speaks to the authenticity of the majority of the rest of us. Maybe we'll never know exactly who all the " socks" were, but it might become obvious, if we read a lot.

  • Love 2

I didn't donate not because I didn't believe her story but because there's about a billion social service programs available for people who find themselves in dire straights. I always found it incredibly odd how so many posters recommended that WW get in touch with a social worker about that sort of thing but she was always evasive about it. I hope the people who made a donation get their money back and I'm grateful the scam was exposed by some very astute Internet detectives.

  • Love 10

Well, I've just about recovered from the drama so I thought I'd lighten the mood with a cute story.  For Christmas this year I decided to get my 2 sisters and brother a DNA profile of our family.  I am using 23 and Me, although Ancestry.com does something similar.  Since we all have the same parents, the results would be similar, if not identical, for all of us. The cost is just over $100 and I thought this would be a unique gift.  We all have all the 'stuff' we need.  So I get the kit and I have to fill a small test tube with saliva.  They said it would take 5-7 minutes of spitting to reach the required line. Well, I live in NY and apparently this service is considered laboratory testing or some such nonsense and 23 and Me is not a registered lab in this state. So I had to sign a statement that I had not spit the sample in NY or mailed it from NY!!!!  

Well, goody two-shoes that I am I waited until I reached my daughter's house in NJ to collect and mail the sample!   I mean, they could tell where it was mailed from, but collecting it?  

I have my results which are quite interesting and am going to ask my brother to do it (after Christmas...don't want to spoil the surprise) to get a complete picture of our family DNA.  There are some things that are only passed down from father to son, or something.  Someone much smarter in biology than I am can probably explain it.  Have a great weekend.

Edited by Ilovemylabs
  • Love 13

Well, I've just about recovered from the drama so I thought I'd lighten the mood with a cute story. For Christmas this year I decided to get my 2 sisters and brother a DNA profile of our family. I am using 23 and Me, although Ancestry.com does something similar. Since we all have the same parents, the results would be similar, if not identical, for all of us. The cost is just over $100 and I thought this would be a unique gift. We all have all the 'stuff' we need. So I get the kit and I have to fill a small test tube with saliva. They said it would take 5-7 minutes of spitting to reach the required line. Well, I live in NY and apparently this service is considered laboratory testing or some such nonsense and 23 and Me is not a registered lab in this state. So I had to sign a statement that I had not spit the sample in NY or mailed it from NY!!!!

Well, goody two-shoes that I am I waited until I reached my daughter's house in NJ to collect and mail the sample! I mean, they could tell where it was mailed from, but collecting it?

I have my results which are quite interesting and am going to ask my brother to do it (after Christmas...don't want to spoil the surprise) to get a complete picture of our family DNA. There are some things that are only passed down from father to son, or something. Someone much smarter in biology than I am can probably explain it. Have a great weekend.

I've always wanted to try 23 and Me. I believe I'm French, English and possibly Native American/First Nations and I'd love to see if I'm correct. I just can't justify spending $100 on a DNA test for myself, at least not at the moment. I know you don't want to spoil the surprise so I'm going to ask without having you give it away : Did you get the expected results or did you find some hidden ancestry? Please keep us posted!

My 94-year-old Uncle Ben got DNA tested, much to the merriment of the family.  (Jokes around the table at Rosh Hashana along the lines of "In the case of 7-year-old Tyler, Ben, you are NOT the father!")  He found out that he is 91% Jewish, 8% random Slavic and 1% Muslim.  Things fell apart when he read us the name of the nearest genetic match, a woman with a distinctly Irish first and last name.  Then, Uncle Ben didn't quite get why my father (his only full sibling) didn't pop up as his nearest relative.  It took my brother and I five minutes to explain that my father had never been tested or entered in that particular database.  But Colleen O'Hara (not real name) was in their bank. 

  • Love 3
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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