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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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Oh wanderwoman, you poor kid. It's been one thing after another for you - for months now. If I could, I'd beam myself to your house and take over all the "heavy-lifting" for the next couple of months. Or until you get tired of me, whichever comes first - LOL. I'll handle all the chores and any Maisie-tending that's difficult with the broken wing. I'm not a Momma or Grandmomma, but I am a fully-certified aunt. You concentrate on relaxing, de-stressing, SLEEPING and knitting those bones back together. Feet up, baby in your lap, computer and remote nearby. You and Lil Bit can play, talk, walk or hike, get to know each other even better. PS - my specialty is Mediterranean, so start making a list of the Wander family's Italian and Greek favorites.

I love this 

Quick update: my arm turned out to be more serious. Misuse has her surgery for the implant scheduled. Trying to keep positive and do everything one handed.

I'm sorry for your loss Calico.

I love wellfleet post she expressed how we all feel, I wish i could make everything better but instead i can only send ffhugs

  • Love 7

The truth is, I was diagnosed with an osteosarcoma and am completely lost. I don't quite believe it myself. My arm broke because the growth had weakened the bonem


Oh God, you poor kid. You poor sweet kid. This is unbelievable news. I don't know what to say. Gobsmacked, as the Brits say. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers until this completely-unacceptable situation is successfully resolved. Consider yourself cyber-hugged and squeezed. Please do not hesitate to let us know if there is anything we can do to help from this end, no matter how minor it may seem to you. Anything. God bless and keep you, sweetie. 

  • Love 6

Wanderwoman, I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis.  I've been there and I'm still here.  I'm sure you are in shock right now.  It is so hard to process this kind of information.  Take all the big, full hugs you can get, then prepare for an onslaught of tests, information and decisions.    If you ever need to talk to someone who has been through this process, IM me.  

  • Love 2

Apple must be exploiting the Educational sector intentionally. Government and Business procure via tenders, and Apple always lose due to their prices. School Boards have volunteers who evaluate on different criteria. No offense intended.


I think they've been doing this since I was in school, and that was back in the day when they still had typing classes - like on actual typewriters. I remember it was always Apple computers for school and PCs for anything else. My Mom always thought it was a brilliant marketing plan to get the kids hooked on Apple early on so it'd stay with them. Seems like the Apple obsession kind of stuck with the the schools, though. (ETA: at least when it comes to computers - they definitely nailed the phones, iPods, etc.!)

Edited by NikSac
  • Love 1

The truth is, I was diagnosed with an osteosarcoma and am completely lost. I don't quite believe it myself. My arm broke because the growth had weakened the bonem


Oh Wanderwoman I am so sorry!! Makes me hurt just to think about it. I hope you can find the support and answers you need - and of course, hope you heal fast in the meantime.

  • Love 1

Oh Wanderwoman - another heavy thing to deal with.  I had a "situation" and someone capable volunteered to do the internet research for me which was huge.  I recommend that if possible.  It keeps you from going in directions you don't need to while getting enough information to make good decisions.  FFcyberhugs to you.  Wishing Miss Maisie as uneventful a procedure as possible when she gets her device.  

The truth is, I was diagnosed with an osteosarcoma and am completely lost. I don't quite believe it myself. My arm broke because the growth had weakened the bone

Ditto with what everyone else has said, I'm so so sorry Wanderwoman.  I don't really know what else to say but that we are all thinking of you.  I don't know how much we can do besides offer a sympathetic ear and hugs if you need to vent.  But if there is anything else, please don't hesitate to ask.  

I hope that Maisie's procedure goes well and that you receive the best possible medical care.  {{{{HUGS}}}}

  • Love 1

Oh my goodness, WOW, Wanderwoman. It is not even close to fair how much you have had to deal with in these last few months. As you plod through all your & Maisie's medical procedures keep up with your mental health care as well. Warm & fuzzy thoughts coming your way.


On a lighter note, maybe you should consider changing your screen name to Strongerwoman.

  • Love 1

I need some workplace advice. I work within a team of 6, including our Supervisor. One of the team members is out quite often, which leaves us picking up the slack. She is very negative and quite judgmental. The problem is that even though she frustrates our Supervisor as well, she seems to have some type of hold him. When she is actually at work, she purposely incites him to focus negatively on individual team members, and no one is immune. The Supervisor always ends up privately apologizing for his behavior to who ever was on the receiving end, but never realizes (or acknowledges) the connection between his behavior and the negative, oft-absent employee. It really makes the workplace atmosphere unpleasant. Any suggestions?

I need some workplace advice. I work within a team of 6, including our Supervisor. One of the team members is out quite often, which leaves us picking up the slack. She is very negative and quite judgmental. The problem is that even though she frustrates our Supervisor as well, she seems to have some type of hold him. When she is actually at work, she purposely incites him to focus negatively on individual team members, and no one is immune. The Supervisor always ends up privately apologizing for his behavior to who ever was on the receiving end, but never realizes (or acknowledges) the connection between his behavior and the negative, oft-absent employee. It really makes the workplace atmosphere unpleasant. Any suggestions?

Just playing pop psychology here, but the Supervisor is getting something from this relationship. Is it possible he's kind of wimpy (or fears he's wimpy). Then he really wants to make these critical remarks, but he doesn't want to take responsibility for them. He gets to say the words yet make her the bad guy. Just one thought. 

  • Love 2

Wanderwoman, I am so sorry to hear your news.  You are in my prayers.


Thanks to everyone for the thoughts about the loss of my big boy cat Elliot.  Yesterday I took a trip to the shelter and brought home a very small white and black kitty.  I thought that she was just about a year old.  Then I found out that she was actually brought to Animal Control with HER litter of kittens.  She looks so young and small that I was surprised that she already had had kittens of her own.  She is very friendly, and I hope she and my calico (whose name is Maisie!) will work things out.  Today is the first day they have met each other, and there is some hissing and a little "talking" going on, but so far just what I expected.  My Maisie is extremely friendly, so I hope they are a good match.  Thanks to everyone again for your good thoughts.  

  • Love 12

Calico, I take then that Elliot was helping you with the selection.  It is such an honor to him to take on another kitty.  I hope you all are getting along well very soon.  My Mikey would love for me to get another dog for him to play with, but I may move to a place that only allows one pet, so that's a problem.  I try to see he has plenty of interaction almost every day.  Best wishes.

  • Love 1

GeeGolly, It sounds as if for whatever reason, absent coworker brings out a side of supervisor which feels vulnerable about the way he's doing his job, and being harsh is his way of demonstrating that he's in control.


What's been successful for me in the past with insecure overlings (and I've been fending off the toxic coworker from hell for over a decade now) is to kill them with kindness. Explain how you're going to address your tasks or problem solving and ask for his feedback. Touch base a lot. Figured out a better way to handle [task]? Tell him, in the guise of asking for his input. Ask him questions you already know the answer to (obviously if you know what his answer is and you're willing to live with it), and do it over coffee. Treat him like you would a coworker who's as good at their job as you are. And document _everything. Now it's not she said, you said; it's  she said, the rest of you have it in writing.


Advantage you, because you get to show off how awesome you are at your job to your supervisor, because they now think of you as a problem solver, because they get the confidence boost of someone as on the ball as you are respecting them and the job they're doing, and because they're invested in your performance now.


Almost as a side advantage, as that relationship develops, eventually toxic coworker is going to go after something supervisor feels ownership in, and that'll be a fun tipping point to watch. And they won't even have to compile the documentation...

Edited by Julia
  • Love 3

Wanderwoman, I am so sorry to hear your news.  You are in my prayers.


Thanks to everyone for the thoughts about the loss of my big boy cat Elliot.  Yesterday I took a trip to the shelter and brought home a very small white and black kitty.  I thought that she was just about a year old.  Then I found out that she was actually brought to Animal Control with HER litter of kittens.  She looks so young and small that I was surprised that she already had had kittens of her own.  She is very friendly, and I hope she and my calico (whose name is Maisie!) will work things out.  Today is the first day they have met each other, and there is some hissing and a little "talking" going on, but so far just what I expected.  My Maisie is extremely friendly, so I hope they are a good match.  Thanks to everyone again for your good thoughts.  

I am so happy that you added another furry baby to the  family. She will fit in jut fine with Maisie.  May I ask her name?

Oh Wanderwoman - another heavy thing to deal with.  I had a "situation" and someone capable volunteered to do the internet research for me which was huge.  I recommend that if possible.  It keeps you from going in directions you don't need to while getting enough information to make good decisions.  FFcyberhugs to you.  Wishing Miss Maisie as uneventful a procedure as possible when she gets her device.  


Simply brilliant idea - excellent!

  • Love 2

Julia & Mbutterfly. thanks for your feedback. Of the 5 on the team (minus Supervisor), 1 other teammate and I are the "awesome" employees. I have not, however, fed my Supervisor's ego, which I think is a great suggestion. Even though I have been working for more decades than I care to share, office politics is a huge weakness for me. I'm am going to use your suggestions Julia and hope for improvements. Thank-you again ladies, my mom was my go-to for issues like this, but passed away 5 years ago, so your feedback means a lot.

  • Love 6

Oh Wanderwoman, I hope you can feel the virtual support that we are all sending your family. You have been so strong and this challenge is going to tap your reserves I am sure. You are now a veteran of extreme human challenges.

Know that Maisie is strong too, and when you are occupied with your own treatment she will continue to thrive with those you have selected to be part of Team Maisie. (The actual Team Maisie... Her virtual one is here for you too!)

We haven't met Maisie or you but we are in awe of the strength you both have. We are praying for you, and all those who are helping you right now.

Please feel the love of all of us who are virtually delivering delicious dinners from our corners of the world.

I am convinced there is actual healing properties in the outpouring of physical support in times like this that goes far beyond the benefits of a warm meal or someone running an errand for you. We can't do the "real" help but we can send you the warmest virtual support you can imagine.

Virtual hugs, listening ears, and just a place to relax are all here whenever you need it.

  • Love 16

Oh Wanderwoman, I hope you can feel the virtual support that we are all sending your family. You have been so strong and this challenge is going to tap your reserves I am sure. You are now a veteran of extreme human challenges.

Know that Maisie is strong too, and when you are occupied with your own treatment she will continue to thrive with those you have selected to be part of Team Maisie. (The actual Team Maisie... Her virtual one is here for you too!)

We haven't met Maisie or you but we are in awe of the strength you both have. We are praying for you, and all those who are helping you right now.

Please feel the love of all of us who are virtually delivering delicious dinners from our corners of the world.

I am convinced there is actual healing properties in the outpouring of physical support in times like this that goes far beyond the benefits of a warm meal or someone running an errand for you. We can't do the "real" help but we can send you the warmest virtual support you can imagine.

Virtual hugs, listening ears, and just a place to relax are all here whenever you need it.

Bravo. giving you to standing Ovation.

  • Love 4

Oh Wanderwoman, I hope you can feel the virtual support that we are all sending your family. You have been so strong and this challenge is going to tap your reserves I am sure. You are now a veteran of extreme human challenges.

Know that Maisie is strong too, and when you are occupied with your own treatment she will continue to thrive with those you have selected to be part of Team Maisie. (The actual Team Maisie... Her virtual one is here for you too!)

We haven't met Maisie or you but we are in awe of the strength you both have. We are praying for you, and all those who are helping you right now.

Please feel the love of all of us who are virtually delivering delicious dinners from our corners of the world.

I am convinced there is actual healing properties in the outpouring of physical support in times like this that goes far beyond the benefits of a warm meal or someone running an errand for you. We can't do the "real" help but we can send you the warmest virtual support you can imagine.

Virtual hugs, listening ears, and just a place to relax are all here whenever you need it.

Yes, this thank you. Prayers for strength and happy thoughts for pleasant times during this unbelievable time Wanderwoman! Gentle kisses for baby Maisie.
  • Love 4

My first time on the thread, and was going to introduce myself, but that can wait. I want to add my support to you, Wanderwoman. Life has a way of yanking us right out of our everyday lives in big, unexpected ways. I'm very sorry you're going through this, and hoping for you a lot of loving, in-person support, great insight from any and all medical staff, and thorough healing ASAP. Big hugs from out here cyberspace--hope you can feel that they're the real thing.

  • Love 8

Talked to the social worker today and she said because this is a kinship and not foster care they can not help. So it looks like I will be starting a go fund me page. :( I called the schools and I am responsible for all school supplies.

Well that just sucks.  Seashell can you write or call the computer company for help or maybe a refurbished computer. 

Edited by amitville

Having fought and battled with my local school, I would continue to press about it. Quite frankly, I would point out that they can say that, but you cannot afford it and will not be buying it and he will not be attending school with it. Public schools are required to provide education for all students. They won't kick him out and they will have to work around it. 

  • Love 7
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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