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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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8 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

@Christina87 I have NOT been on a Disney Cruise. I’ve actually never been on a cruise, I always thought I didn’t need encouragement to eat and shop. I did promise my Mom that I would cruise with her to Alaska one of these days. 

I’ve done both a Disney cruise (twice!) and an Alaska cruise and I can recommend both highly.  These days, cruises offer a lot more than eating and shopping.

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10 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

@Christina87 I have NOT been on a Disney Cruise. I’ve actually never been on a cruise, I always thought I didn’t need encouragement to eat and shop. I did promise my Mom that I would cruise with her to Alaska one of these days. 

You should really try out a quick 5-day cruise.  I got a little bored st times, but enjoyed it. I booked another as soon as I disembarked. 

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13 hours ago, doodlebug said:

I don't think a remembering has to be locked into a certain date or time.  Even if someone wasn't able to participate yesterday, it's fine to do it whenever it suits you.  Just reading through the posts here brings back some nice memories.   I think it also shows the relationships we form online can enhance our lives in ways we never expected, that most people are kind and decent and generous.  That even though we come here to snark at the Duggars, we've got a closer, better connection than that and it's worth celebrating.


13 hours ago, jcbrown said:

There are only a couple of people in my offline life who know I have this one and they all think it's a bit... quirky, let's say. But they don't really get it, and I'm not sure I really do either, how a shared love of a  particular flavor of snark can turn into something more like real connections. I'm happy to be a small part of it.

(Though I always wish I had realized that my username was going to represent my persona when I signed up. Ah well.).

^^True, all of that. 

On Saturday at noon EST I was in my hair stylist's tiny (2 station) salon undergoing regular maintenance from the guy I call The Wizard of Color and Cut. (He's been doing my hair for 25+ years and I swear he is NOT allowed to retire while I'm still living. Just saying.) As I sat there I quietly thought with great appreciation of Arwen and Micks Picks, and later this weekend came here to read the posts. 

You're nice people, and it's a privilege to hang out here. If it wasn't for this Small Talk thread I'd probably quit visiting PTV altogether, but I just can't quit this. 

Happy Hanukkah to those observing it, to echo @ChiCricket.

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1 hour ago, lookeyloo said:

However, my happiest place on earth is The Container Store!!!

Me too! My love for the Container Store verges on unseemly. I have a small but walk-in bonus closet (it's about 4x5) that I outfitted with Elfa shelves - so easy even I could install them. I bought Bigso boxes for the shelves and label holders, and recently broke out the label maker to properly do the labels. It makes me ridiculously happy to have it all organized. 

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@Scarlett45 you would LOVE it!!! I had never been on a cruise either until last year. I can't walk on a treadmill anymore because the migraines make me motion sick and I get more of them, so I was worried about sailing. Turns out, it didn't affect me at all! As soon as the ship started moving, I knew I'd be more than fine, and was ready to book a second cruise!

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14 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

@Christina87 I have NOT been on a Disney Cruise. I’ve actually never been on a cruise, I always thought I didn’t need encouragement to eat and shop. I did promise my Mom that I would cruise with her to Alaska one of these days. 

Oh, cruises are so much fun! My family went on two a Disney cruise and Carnival Cruise they were both so much fun! More then just eat and shop (although there is plenty of that!). They are so much fun and so much to do.  

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5 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

Me too! My love for the Container Store verges on unseemly. I have a small but walk-in bonus closet (it's about 4x5) that I outfitted with Elfa shelves - so easy even I could install them. I bought Bigso boxes for the shelves and label holders, and recently broke out the label maker to properly do the labels. It makes me ridiculously happy to have it all organized. 

I am just back from a visit to The Container Store.  We have elfa-ed the two walk in closets in this house, as we did in the other house, plus the walk in pantry, plus the walk in guest room that had one side all shelves for my quilting/sewing things.  We waited til the January sale and was well worth it.  I didn't get anything today - I just went to give myself a boost!!  

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On 11/30/2018 at 11:48 PM, galaxychaser said:

I need some good vibes. I’m crying buckets so forgive my grammar mistakes.

i talked to my uncle on thanksgiving he was fine. We made plans to go to eat on my birthday (December). 

Today I call to just say ask him how he is. Find out he just came from the hospital but he is very sick.

next week he is supposedly to have surgery on his back. He might end up in a wheelchair. 

He kept telling me he is going to die soon, but I didn’t believe it. 

He also told me not to tell his son who lives in another state. He doesn’t want him to worry. Apparently that’s why his wife, kid and him didn’t tell me e.

he asked me to light a candle for him and pray.

life sucks.

Update on my uncle. He is doing better. No surgery because he is not well for that. Hopefully I will see him this week.

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11 hours ago, doodlebug said:

I’ve done both a Disney cruise (twice!) and an Alaska cruise and I can recommend both highly.  These days, cruises offer a lot more than eating and shopping.

My mother in law has been on 2 Alaskan cruises & loved them.

I've been on 2 cruises. Both were many years ago & still remember them fondly.

I live near Baltimore & a couple of the cruise lines now cruise out of here which is nice so we don't have to fly to a far away city to get on board. 

One of the hospitals I frequent is on the water & half of the rooms have a waterfront view of the port which is nice.  I've seen many a cruise ship leave on a Thursday & return on Sunday & wishing I was on board rather than being in the hospital.  Even though most of the nurses are used to the cruise ships, some say they still get excited when they see the ships leave & come back. 

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23 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

@Christina87 I have NOT been on a Disney Cruise. I’ve actually never been on a cruise, I always thought I didn’t need encouragement to eat and shop. I did promise my Mom that I would cruise with her to Alaska one of these days. 

My husband and I went on an Alaskan cruise this past August to celebrate our 25th anniversary, and it was amazing. I was skeptical about going to AK because we live in the NW and I wasn’t sure how different it would be (plus I see plenty of ice in winter, I have no desire to see it in the summer time unless it’s in a drink). I was wrong, I’m so glad we went. I’d go back in a heartbeat. The only downside is that a lot of the excursions are spendy, but it’s truly once in a lifetime experiences. 

I’ve been on a few Disney cruises years ago, and would love to go again, but with a family of five I’d have to sell a kidney to afford it.  Plus another organ for airfare!  Just can’t justify $15-$20K for a weeks vacation.  

My oldest son is graduating high school next year, and we’re trying to figure out a special family vacation while we still have him with us.  There’s a 12 year age gap between my oldest and youngest so it’s difficult to figure out something that everyone will enjoy.  Maybe Hawaii?

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@Kbo  LOVE Hawaii.  I've been to Oahu, Kauhi, Maui, and the Big Island.  I started doing air b and b there and saved tons of money.  We get a place with a w/d so I can do laundry and wash out the swimsuits and such, plus a kitchen so we don't have to eat out for all the meals.  That's been a life saver.  If you go I had the weirdest advice before I went the first time, which was to go to Walmart.  I can get gifts for the family there - like macadamia nuts and lots of stuff for 1/2 the price of the "touristy" shops.  


Ok folks - Instant Pots??  I'm considering putting one of my wish list.  I have a slow cooker and an electric pressure cooker, but it looks like the instant pot also is a rice steamer and a yogurt maker - which I like.  I was looking at one of the smaller ones since it's just two of us and then I could sell my pressure cooker possibly.  Love it? Hate it?  How fast is it really? What things do you make with it?

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1 minute ago, DragonFaerie said:

@Kbo  LOVE Hawaii.  I've been to Oahu, Kauhi, Maui, and the Big Island.  I started doing air b and b there and saved tons of money.  We get a place with a w/d so I can do laundry and wash out the swimsuits and such, plus a kitchen so we don't have to eat out for all the meals.  That's been a life saver.  If you go I had the weirdest advice before I went the first time, which was to go to Walmart.  I can get gifts for the family there - like macadamia nuts and lots of stuff for 1/2 the price of the "touristy" shops.  


Ok folks - Instant Pots??  I'm considering putting one of my wish list.  I have a slow cooker and an electric pressure cooker, but it looks like the instant pot also is a rice steamer and a yogurt maker - which I like.  I was looking at one of the smaller ones since it's just two of us and then I could sell my pressure cooker possibly.  Love it? Hate it?  How fast is it really? What things do you make with it?

I love Hawaii as well...we were stationed there (Pearl Harbor) twice for a total of close to 7 years - the first time was back-to-back tours which totaled about four and a half years, then back to Connecticut for two years, and back to Hawaii for another two and a bit. We went to the Big Island four or five times and Kaua'i once. Never did get around to the others. It was a great place to live, and, as it turned out, all three of our kids graduated high school there - my daughter actually got to spend her entire high school years in one school, which was kind of new and different! My only problem living there was the lack of seasons...it's just so hard to get enthusiastic about Christmas when it's barely cooler, and the season just goes whizzing by. Plus I'm a cool weather person at heart anyway. And, yes, the Wal-Mart is full of gifts! The flea market at the stadium (every Tuesday, I think it was?) is also great for cheapo T-Shirts and other stuff. I still have my bamboo back scratcher that I got there when we first went. I guess that was back in 2000/2001. It's starting to fall apart. Maybe I need another trip to Hawaii :)

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10 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

I love Hawaii as well...we were stationed there (Pearl Harbor) twice for a total of close to 7 years - the first time was back-to-back tours which totaled about four and a half years, then back to Connecticut for two years, and back to Hawaii for another two and a bit. We went to the Big Island four or five times and Kaua'i once. Never did get around to the others. It was a great place to live, and, as it turned out, all three of our kids graduated high school there - my daughter actually got to spend her entire high school years in one school, which was kind of new and different! My only problem living there was the lack of seasons...it's just so hard to get enthusiastic about Christmas when it's barely cooler, and the season just goes whizzing by. Plus I'm a cool weather person at heart anyway. And, yes, the Wal-Mart is full of gifts! The flea market at the stadium (every Tuesday, I think it was?) is also great for cheapo T-Shirts and other stuff. I still have my bamboo back scratcher that I got there when we first went. I guess that was back in 2000/2001. It's starting to fall apart. Maybe I need another trip to Hawaii :)

I was 9 when we went to Oahu for a few weeks, stayed at the Air Force base while my dad did a medical/AF thing.  It was amazing.

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My family and I went to Hawaii once and it was awesome. Definitely one of the coolest places I've ever been. We spent a couple days on Oahu. We went to Pearl Harbor which was really cool, swam at Waikiki Beach and went to the flea market at Aloha Stadium.  And the rest on Maui. I love Maui. It was so beautiful. The beaches were awesome and I loved Lahaina.  

Edited by andromeda331
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22 hours ago, DragonFaerie said:

@Kbo  LOVE Hawaii.  I've been to Oahu, Kauhi, Maui, and the Big Island.  I started doing air b and b there and saved tons of money.  We get a place with a w/d so I can do laundry and wash out the swimsuits and such, plus a kitchen so we don't have to eat out for all the meals.  That's been a life saver.  If you go I had the weirdest advice before I went the first time, which was to go to Walmart.  I can get gifts for the family there - like macadamia nuts and lots of stuff for 1/2 the price of the "touristy" shops.  


Ok folks - Instant Pots??  I'm considering putting one of my wish list.  I have a slow cooker and an electric pressure cooker, but it looks like the instant pot also is a rice steamer and a yogurt maker - which I like.  I was looking at one of the smaller ones since it's just two of us and then I could sell my pressure cooker possibly.  Love it? Hate it?  How fast is it really? What things do you make with it?

Thanks to all for the thoughts about Hawaii. I had heard about going to Costco, but didn’t know they had a Walmart, too. We used to always go to the Walmart near Disney World for souvenirs, way cheaper and the kids were happy!  

Regarding Instant Pots, go for it!  I don’t even like to cook and I love the IP. I was intimidated at first, but it really is easy and there’s so many great recipes out there. 

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On 12/3/2018 at 10:59 PM, DragonFaerie said:

@Kbo  LOVE Hawaii.  I've been to Oahu, Kauhi, Maui, and the Big Island.  I started doing air b and b there and saved tons of money.  We get a place with a w/d so I can do laundry and wash out the swimsuits and such, plus a kitchen so we don't have to eat out for all the meals.  That's been a life saver.  If you go I had the weirdest advice before I went the first time, which was to go to Walmart.  I can get gifts for the family there - like macadamia nuts and lots of stuff for 1/2 the price of the "touristy" shops.  


Ok folks - Instant Pots??  I'm considering putting one of my wish list.  I have a slow cooker and an electric pressure cooker, but it looks like the instant pot also is a rice steamer and a yogurt maker - which I like.  I was looking at one of the smaller ones since it's just two of us and then I could sell my pressure cooker possibly.  Love it? Hate it?  How fast is it really? What things do you make with it?

Love love love my three Instant pots. We are just 2 people. Get the 6 quart duo. It has the yogurt button. I have a 3 quart but it is too small for me to use other than yogurt and rice which it does beautifully. I also have a 6 quart LUX which is great but no yogurt button. The Instant Pot sites do not think the slow cooker function works well but I have never used any of my crock pots since I got the Instant pots. Recipes can be adapted. There are a bunch of good sites on the Internet. Much easier to use than stove top pressure cooker. I LOVE my pots. Use them several times a week.  

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I’m a little upset with my Dr. I went in today because I have a loss of appetite and am down to 79 lbs. He drew blood..fine. Then he wants a abdominal ultrasound and upper GI. I explained I have a 9k deductible and asked can’t some of this wait until the new year so I have a hope of making my deductible next year? I’m talking about 5k worth of testing this year that won't come near this years amount, but would go almost half way to meeting the deductible next year. He shrugged and said “Isn’t that the way it always happens?”  Crap on a cracker. I have no stomach symptoms or pain. Do I risk being non compliant by waiting until my money goes further? Spending these amounts would put a financial strain (ha..good thing I wouldn’t have an appetite because I wouldn’t be able to afford food) on me. 

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19 hours ago, Kbo said:

Thanks to all for the thoughts about Hawaii. I had heard about going to Costco, but didn’t know they had a Walmart, too. We used to always go to the Walmart near Disney World for souvenirs, way cheaper and the kids were happy!  

Regarding Instant Pots, go for it!  I don’t even like to cook and I love the IP. I was intimidated at first, but it really is easy and there’s so many great recipes out there. 

I am particularly fond of the Wal-Marts near Disney and Busch Gardens (VA & FL).  What we have learned is to get the souvenirs when you arrive as opposed to leaving. Our departure is always behind schedule and we’ve lost a lot of time looking for souvenirs on the last day.  Also, we found awesome t-shirts at Walgreens in Williamsburg. I think they were 3 for $10 and they held up great.

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

I’m a little upset with my Dr. I went in today because I have a loss of appetite and am down to 79 lbs. He drew blood..fine. Then he wants a abdominal ultrasound and upper GI. I explained I have a 9k deductible and asked can’t some of this wait until the new year so I have a hope of making my deductible next year? I’m talking about 5k worth of testing this year that won't come near this years amount, but would go almost half way to meeting the deductible next year. He shrugged and said “Isn’t that the way it always happens?”  Crap on a cracker. I have no stomach symptoms or pain. Do I risk being non compliant by waiting until my money goes further? Spending these amounts would put a financial strain (ha..good thing I wouldn’t have an appetite because I wouldn’t be able to afford food) on me. 

I'm so sorry to hear that. While I would certainly be concerned about that I don't know that you could wait on that. I'm having a similar issue at 90 lbs but at 79 I would factor in heart concerns. That's risky business in my experience. I wish I had better answers for you! I'm sending love, light and prayers your way my cool friend. I'll be looking for you!

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I just realized I had typed half a post after thanksgiving and never finished it, never hit send.  Oh well.  

@Mindthinkr, and @FairyDusted, you guys at scaring me a little.  SEVENTY NINE POUNDS?  Holy cow, I have 2 dogs who weigh more than you.  Actually, I’m pretty sure either one of my legs weighs more than you!  That is so worrisome!!  

I bought my daughter an instant pot for Christmas.  I still don’t own one myself, I’m gonna wait and see how my daughter feels about hers first.  I’m including a pic from an ad my DIL sent me yesterday (not knowing I’d already bought one).  It’s an 8 qt, seems like a good deal.  But I don’t have one and don’t know all the bells and whistles to look for.  Whoever does know, look it over and give your opinion.  

I have to tell a story that I personally think is humorous, although it’s possibly just morbid.   My father had a daughter before me, born in the Amish community and through a series of seriously whacked out events, she came to be raised by my Amish aunt.  (My fathers sister).  It really is just a tangled web.  Anyway, in my half sisters young adulthood, she was able to connect with my dad, and over the years, they were close.  She died 6 (?) years ago.  Are you with me still?

Her husband, who was CRAZY about her, died yesterday.  He never quite learned how to live without her, just wasn’t interested - although he loved his family.  He was lonely and lost.  He was a truck driver himself, and has 3 sons who are truckers.  Big rigs.  Long distance.  All 3 live in the NW, but travel all over.  

Three weeks ago, my BIL’s daughter (a nurse) came from Arkansas to Georgia and fetched him home with her, so she could care for him.  She drove him in his truck, bc the “idea” was to get him well, and he’d drive his own truck back to Georgia.  No one realized just how sick he was, and he died unexpectedly.  So now, there’s the issue how to get their dad back to Georgia to be buried next to their mom.  

Im talking to my niece on the phone last night and asked about that.  There was a hesitation, and then faltering, and some stuttering.  Soooo... what are you going to do? I prompt.

well... she says... Al (one of the brothers) is offloading his flatbed in Louisiana right now.  [You think I’m making this up, don’t you?  Nope.  Honest!  S’truth!!].  Then he (Al) is driving to Arkansas.  He’s going to put dads truck on the flatbed, and rent a Uhaul trailer to pull behind him with the casket. 

If im lying I’m dying.  I was biting my FIST to keep from laughing.  I can’t help it, I saw grandma in that rocking chair strapped to the top of the car...  I finally managed to say “well.  That’s National Lampoon-worthy, for sure”.  (Don’t think she got the joke).  She says “Al says he’s honored to give Dad his last ride”.  

The only reason I told y’all the BIL’s truck would be on the flatbed was to prevent you from having images of the casket strapped to the flatbed.  I’m assuming they had to get some sort of special clearance to transport the ummm... 

its not funny, I know, but... sort of.... Lord, I apologize, and please be with them starving pygmies in New Guinea....



Edited by Happyfatchick
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34 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

I just realized I had typed half a post after thanksgiving and never finished it, never hit send.  Oh well.  

@Mindthinkr, and @FairyDusted, you guys at scaring me a little.  SEVENTY NINE POUNDS?  Holy cow, I have 2 dogs who weigh more than you.  Actually, I’m pretty sure either one of my legs weighs more than you!  That is so worrisome!!  

I bought my daughter an instant pot for Christmas.  I still don’t own one myself, I’m gonna wait and see how my daughter feels about hers first.  I’m including a pic from an ad my DIL sent me yesterday (not knowing I’d already bought one).  It’s an 8 qt, seems like a good deal.  But I don’t have one and don’t know all the bells and whistles to look for.  Whoever does know, look it over and give your opinion.  

I have to tell a story that I personally think is humorous, although it’s possibly just morbid.   My father had a daughter before me, born in the Amish community and through a series of seriously whacked out events, she came to be raised by my Amish aunt.  (My fathers sister).  It really is just a tangled web.  Anyway, in my half sisters young adulthood, she was able to connect with my dad, and over the years, they were close.  She died 6 (?) years ago.  Are you with me still?

Her husband, who was CRAZY about her, died yesterday.  He never quite learned how to live without her, just wasn’t interested - although he loved his family.  He was lonely and lost.  He was a truck driver himself, and has 3 sons who are truckers.  Big rigs.  Long distance.  All 3 live in the NW, but travel all over.  

Three weeks ago, my BIL’s daughter (a nurse) came from Arkansas to Georgia and fetched him home with her, so she could care for him.  She drove him in his truck, bc the “idea” was to get him well, and he’d drive his own truck back to Georgia.  No one realized just how sick he was, and he died unexpectedly.  So now, there’s the issue how to get their dad back to Georgia to be buried next to their mom.  

Im talking to my niece on the phone last night and asked about that.  There was a hesitation, and then faltering, and some stuttering.  Soooo... what are you going to do? I prompt.

well... she says... Al (one of the brothers) is offloading his flatbed in Louisiana right now.  [You think I’m making this up, don’t you?  Nope.  Honest!  S’truth!!].  Then he (Al) is driving to Arkansas.  He’s going to put dads truck on the flatbed, and rent a uhaul to pull behind him with the casket. 

If im lying I’m dying.  I was biting my FIST to keep from laughing.  I can’t help it, I saw grandma in that rocking chair strapped to the top of the car...  I finally managed to say “well.  That’s National Lampoon-worthy, for sure”.  (Don’t think she got the joke).  She says “Al says he’s honored to give Dad his last ride”.  

The only reason I told y’all the BIL’s truck would be on the flatbed was to prevent you from having images of the casket strapped to the flatbed.  I’m assuming they had to get some sort of special clearance to transport the ummm... 

its not funny, I know, but... sort of.... Lord, I apologize, and please be with them starving pygmies in New Guinea....



@Happyfatchick, that story is hilarious even though I feel a little guilty for thinking so.

I don't own an Instant Pot (yet--I did mention it to Santa) but I trust the Serious Eats website and they reviewed them, if you want to take a look: https://www.seriouseats.com/2016/08/equipment-the-best-pressure-cookers-review.html

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@Happyfatchick Please tell me I'm so high I read that wrong and they are picking up JUST the truck and not the BIL??? !!!! Cuz damn I must have gotten some strange herb.

I have a Thanksgiving story too but I have to wait for the house to get out of my hair so I can spill the tea. 


ETA: OMG I reread that three times and yup! BWAHHHHHH!!!! National Lampoon moment for SURE! Damn! I'm sorry.....

Edited by FairyDusted
had to make sure I saw WTF I saw
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20 minutes ago, DragonFaerie said:

Thank you all for info on the Instant Pots - definitely helped my decision on which one to get!!!!

@HAPPYFATCHICK  I'm laughing on this end - feeling a little guilty but I understand that you just can't make this stuff up.

If you have a space problem the 8 qt is large. I am happy with the 6 qt. We are two people. 

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@Happyfatchick, I can't tell you how much your story cracked me up, then made me feel equally guilty for doing so. Love, love, LOVE your posts!

I may as well make an update here, since I don't think I ever did that after I started with all the doctor's appointments after finally getting the process started after 10 years without a checkup...

Turns out I have diabetes and high blood pressure. And high cholesterol. None of that shocks or  upsets me too much...It's pretty much all controllable, and stuff I've done to myself, so  I guess I have to deal with the consequences. Hope that goes well for me. Had my mammogram, which was clear, so that's good. All the other blood work seemed OK, though he wants me to get my thyroid checked as my calcium levels are slightly elevated. Just had a diabetic eye exam, and it doesn't appear that there is any damage to my eyes. I have a colonoscopy scheduled for later this month, and I AM a bit concerned about that as I have a couple of iffy things going on, but on the other hand, they have been going on for over 10 years, so I suppose even if there is something there it's not too aggressive. 

My shoulder still hurts, and even though that was the thing which originally drove me (finally!) to the doctor, they don't seem to be in too much of a hurry to do anything to help that. Seems I have some spinal degeneration, but the x-ray didn't show anything too much actually out of whack. So I'll be getting some physical therapy, and the doctor feels that the pain can be managed with cortisone shots rather than resorting to surgery. Guess we'll see...

But at least so far it appears I will live through the holidays! As scared as I was going into all this, that's pretty much better than I was prepared for :)

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1 hour ago, Happyfatchick said:

I just realized I had typed half a post after thanksgiving and never finished it, never hit send.  Oh well.  

@Mindthinkr, and @FairyDusted, you guys at scaring me a little.  SEVENTY NINE POUNDS?  Holy cow, I have 2 dogs who weigh more than you.  Actually, I’m pretty sure either one of my legs weighs more than you!  That is so worrisome!!  

I bought my daughter an instant pot for Christmas.  I still don’t own one myself, I’m gonna wait and see how my daughter feels about hers first.  I’m including a pic from an ad my DIL sent me yesterday (not knowing I’d already bought one).  It’s an 8 qt, seems like a good deal.  But I don’t have one and don’t know all the bells and whistles to look for.  Whoever does know, look it over and give your opinion.  

I have to tell a story that I personally think is humorous, although it’s possibly just morbid.   My father had a daughter before me, born in the Amish community and through a series of seriously whacked out events, she came to be raised by my Amish aunt.  (My fathers sister).  It really is just a tangled web.  Anyway, in my half sisters young adulthood, she was able to connect with my dad, and over the years, they were close.  She died 6 (?) years ago.  Are you with me still?

Her husband, who was CRAZY about her, died yesterday.  He never quite learned how to live without her, just wasn’t interested - although he loved his family.  He was lonely and lost.  He was a truck driver himself, and has 3 sons who are truckers.  Big rigs.  Long distance.  All 3 live in the NW, but travel all over.  

Three weeks ago, my BIL’s daughter (a nurse) came from Arkansas to Georgia and fetched him home with her, so she could care for him.  She drove him in his truck, bc the “idea” was to get him well, and he’d drive his own truck back to Georgia.  No one realized just how sick he was, and he died unexpectedly.  So now, there’s the issue how to get their dad back to Georgia to be buried next to their mom.  

Im talking to my niece on the phone last night and asked about that.  There was a hesitation, and then faltering, and some stuttering.  Soooo... what are you going to do? I prompt.

well... she says... Al (one of the brothers) is offloading his flatbed in Louisiana right now.  [You think I’m making this up, don’t you?  Nope.  Honest!  S’truth!!].  Then he (Al) is driving to Arkansas.  He’s going to put dads truck on the flatbed, and rent a uhaul to pull behind him with the casket. 

If im lying I’m dying.  I was biting my FIST to keep from laughing.  I can’t help it, I saw grandma in that rocking chair strapped to the top of the car...  I finally managed to say “well.  That’s National Lampoon-worthy, for sure”.  (Don’t think she got the joke).  She says “Al says he’s honored to give Dad his last ride”.  

The only reason I told y’all the BIL’s truck would be on the flatbed was to prevent you from having images of the casket strapped to the flatbed.  I’m assuming they had to get some sort of special clearance to transport the ummm... 

its not funny, I know, but... sort of.... Lord, I apologize, and please be with them starving pygmies in New Guinea....



I just want you to know I love you so much! 😘

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Glad you are going to get physical therapy @Jynnan tonnix, so sorry for your pain 


@Mindthinkr unless you are a very petite woman (five feet or under) I would be concerned about you at 79lbs. Not trying to body shame you, but if you continue to lose weight, in the next month there might be serious health consequences. Its awful that you have to think about money when considering this, but if our weight loss has slowed down, a few weeks might not hurt. Of course I am NOT a doctor. So sorry you are going through this. With no stomach pain have you tried high calorie drinks (like milkshakes) just to get some calories in you?

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5 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I’m a little upset with my Dr. I went in today because I have a loss of appetite and am down to 79 lbs. He drew blood..fine. Then he wants a abdominal ultrasound and upper GI. I explained I have a 9k deductible and asked can’t some of this wait until the new year so I have a hope of making my deductible next year? I’m talking about 5k worth of testing this year that won't come near this years amount, but would go almost half way to meeting the deductible next year. He shrugged and said “Isn’t that the way it always happens?”  Crap on a cracker. I have no stomach symptoms or pain. Do I risk being non compliant by waiting until my money goes further? Spending these amounts would put a financial strain (ha..good thing I wouldn’t have an appetite because I wouldn’t be able to afford food) on me. 

Good heavens that’s a high deductible. The insurance situation in this country is abominable.

I am on Medicare and pay for a supplement that increases every year. It’s a stretch to pay each month. But, I’ve had some serious problems and don’t dare drop it.

Your weight loss is worrisome. I’m surprised that you don’t have any other symptoms such as fatigue. I think I would go for the tests now, and by the time you got the results, it would be close enough to 2019 to wait.

I hope you find some answers, you really can’t afford to lose any more weight.

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49 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

@Happyfatchick, I can't tell you how much your story cracked me up, then made me feel equally guilty for doing so. Love, love, LOVE your posts!

I may as well make an update here, since I don't think I ever did that after I started with all the doctor's appointments after finally getting the process started after 10 years without a checkup...

Turns out I have diabetes and high blood pressure. And high cholesterol. None of that shocks or  upsets me too much...It's pretty much all controllable, and stuff I've done to myself, so  I guess I have to deal with the consequences. Hope that goes well for me. Had my mammogram, which was clear, so that's good. All the other blood work seemed OK, though he wants me to get my thyroid checked as my calcium levels are slightly elevated. Just had a diabetic eye exam, and it doesn't appear that there is any damage to my eyes. I have a colonoscopy scheduled for later this month, and I AM a bit concerned about that as I have a couple of iffy things going on, but on the other hand, they have been going on for over 10 years, so I suppose even if there is something there it's not too aggressive. 

My shoulder still hurts, and even though that was the thing which originally drove me (finally!) to the doctor, they don't seem to be in too much of a hurry to do anything to help that. Seems I have some spinal degeneration, but the x-ray didn't show anything too much actually out of whack. So I'll be getting some physical therapy, and the doctor feels that the pain can be managed with cortisone shots rather than resorting to surgery. Guess we'll see...

But at least so far it appears I will live through the holidays! As scared as I was going into all this, that's pretty much better than I was prepared for :)

I have hypertension and high cholesterol but both are controlled by medication. I was hyperthyroid, but they radiated it ,now I’m hypo. On meds for that as well. All of these run in my family. 

The one thing I’ve put off is the colonoscopy. I have the “poop in the box” as my Dr. calls the Cologuard. I’m freaking out at having to callFedEx to pick it up, so I haven’t done that yet. 

It’s good that you finally went. All of your ailments need monitoring, so that will make you keep going. After a while, it will become routine. It sounds as if they are taking good care of you.

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Happyfatchick , I love your story, it sounds  like something  my brother  would  do. I believe  it is against  the law to transport  a body across  state lines but if they don't  ask and don't  get caught  no one will  know.  I guess  we all need to pray  they follow  ALL traffic  laws.

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On 12/3/2018 at 9:42 AM, MargeGunderson said:

Me too! My love for the Container Store verges on unseemly. I have a small but walk-in bonus closet (it's about 4x5) that I outfitted with Elfa shelves - so easy even I could install them. I bought Bigso boxes for the shelves and label holders, and recently broke out the label maker to properly do the labels. It makes me ridiculously happy to have it all organized. 

  I have an embarrassing addiction to office and art supplies. I cannot seem to pass them up (especially if they're on sale.)

  The other day I realized that I have enough scissors in my house that I could stave off an entire zombie apocalypse. 🙄

It must be genetic , because all three of my daughters have same inclinations (proclivities and/or brainwashing?) 

 When I go to my two son's houses, they have trouble even finding a pen if I need one. It must be a female gene in our family.

I don't think there's a roll of decorative duct tape that I don't own at least one of. I'll never use it all in my life time. 

Edited by ChiCricket
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14 minutes ago, ChiCricket said:

  I have an embarrassing addiction to office and art supplies. I cannot seem to pass them up (especially if they're on sale.)

  The other day I realized that I have enough scissors in my house that I could stave off an entire zombie apocalypse. 🙄

It must be genetic , because all three of my daughters have same inclinations (proclivities and/or brainwashing?) 

 When I go to my two sons houses, they have trouble even finding a pen if I need one.

I don't think there's a roll of decorative duct tape that I don't own at least one of. I'll never use it all in my life time. 

The allure of new pens is so strong! I totally get it! Art supplies, office supplies, and groceries are all just untapped potential to me.

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32 minutes ago, ChiCricket said:

  I have an embarrassing addiction to office and art supplies. I cannot seem to pass them up (especially if they're on sale.)

  The other day I realized that I have enough scissors in my house that I could stave off an entire zombie apocalypse. 🙄

It must be genetic , because all three of my daughters have same inclinations (proclivities and/or brainwashing?) 

 When I go to my two sons houses, they have trouble even finding a pen if I need one.

I don't think there's a roll of decorative duct tape that I don't own at least one of. I'll never use it all in my life time. 

Give me all the pens.  And spiral notebooks. 

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27 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

Happyfatchick , I love your story, it sounds  like something  my brother  would  do. I believe  it is against  the law to transport  a body across  state lines but if they don't  ask and don't  get caught  no one will  know.  I guess  we all need to pray  they follow  ALL traffic  laws.

I believe it HAS to be against the law to transport a DB across state lines - in fact, I’m pretty sure it’s sort of a “bonus points” charge to transport one that you’ve murdered.  However, in this particular case, when the Arkansas niece found him deceased, she called 911.  So police were involved, the coroner was involved, he was pronounced and taken to an undertaker.  And has been embalmed.  I mean, an undertaker had to be involved when they were sliding the casket into the Uhaul.  I keep replaying THE CONVERSATION in my mind, where the nephew with the flat bed and the Uhaul is talking to the funeral home director in the parking lot..... “I’m here to get ma daddy...”.    I’m sorry, people.  This is so disrespectful, I can’t EVEN!  And yet, every time I talk about it, I crack up.  I can’t help it.   Dear sweet baby Jesus, that’s just funny right there.

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2 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

@Happyfatchick, I can't tell you how much your story cracked me up, then made me feel equally guilty for doing so. Love, love, LOVE your posts!

I may as well make an update here, since I don't think I ever did that after I started with all the doctor's appointments after finally getting the process started after 10 years without a checkup...

Turns out I have diabetes and high blood pressure. And high cholesterol. None of that shocks or  upsets me too much...It's pretty much all controllable, and stuff I've done to myself, so  I guess I have to deal with the consequences. Hope that goes well for me. Had my mammogram, which was clear, so that's good. All the other blood work seemed OK, though he wants me to get my thyroid checked as my calcium levels are slightly elevated. Just had a diabetic eye exam, and it doesn't appear that there is any damage to my eyes. I have a colonoscopy scheduled for later this month, and I AM a bit concerned about that as I have a couple of iffy things going on, but on the other hand, they have been going on for over 10 years, so I suppose even if there is something there it's not too aggressive. 

My shoulder still hurts, and even though that was the thing which originally drove me (finally!) to the doctor, they don't seem to be in too much of a hurry to do anything to help that. Seems I have some spinal degeneration, but the x-ray didn't show anything too much actually out of whack. So I'll be getting some physical therapy, and the doctor feels that the pain can be managed with cortisone shots rather than resorting to surgery. Guess we'll see...

But at least so far it appears I will live through the holidays! As scared as I was going into all this, that's pretty much better than I was prepared for :)

I am so proud of you!!!!

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2 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

My shoulder still hurts, and even though that was the thing which originally drove me (finally!) to the doctor, they don't seem to be in too much of a hurry to do anything to help that. Seems I have some spinal degeneration, but the x-ray didn't show anything too much actually out of whack. So I'll be getting some physical therapy, and the doctor feels that the pain can be managed with cortisone shots rather than resorting to surgery. Guess we'll see...

 I also had a hurting shoulder. Physical therapy was the only thing that finally made it stop hurting all the dang time. Hope it helps  you too.

Edited by ChiCricket
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On 12/3/2018 at 7:59 PM, DragonFaerie said:

  If you go I had the weirdest advice before I went the first time, which was to go to Walmart.  I can get gifts for the family there - like macadamia nuts and lots of stuff for 1/2 the price of the "touristy" shops.  



100% agree! even for the t-shirts and sundresses, that is the place to look.

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One of my bizarre past careers was that I worked for a funeral home.  We transported bodies all the time - auto, train and airplane.  Pretty much if the person was taken care of at a funeral home, you just need the proper papers - not hard to have and then off you go.  As bizarre as it seems it's pretty much like transporting a cat or dog across state lines - these days most vets will tell you to have a health certificate and a copy of their records when you do so.  Also just an FYI on the humor side, caskets are transported on planes with the luggage, but they don't come down the luggage carosel - a vehicle will meet them at the plane after the luggage unload.  

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3 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

@Happyfatchick, I can't tell you how much your story cracked me up, then made me feel equally guilty for doing so. Love, love, LOVE your posts!

I may as well make an update here, since I don't think I ever did that after I started with all the doctor's appointments after finally getting the process started after 10 years without a checkup...

Turns out I have diabetes and high blood pressure. And high cholesterol. None of that shocks or  upsets me too much...It's pretty much all controllable, and stuff I've done to myself, so  I guess I have to deal with the consequences. Hope that goes well for me. Had my mammogram, which was clear, so that's good. All the other blood work seemed OK, though he wants me to get my thyroid checked as my calcium levels are slightly elevated. Just had a diabetic eye exam, and it doesn't appear that there is any damage to my eyes. I have a colonoscopy scheduled for later this month, and I AM a bit concerned about that as I have a couple of iffy things going on, but on the other hand, they have been going on for over 10 years, so I suppose even if there is something there it's not too aggressive. 

My shoulder still hurts, and even though that was the thing which originally drove me (finally!) to the doctor, they don't seem to be in too much of a hurry to do anything to help that. Seems I have some spinal degeneration, but the x-ray didn't show anything too much actually out of whack. So I'll be getting some physical therapy, and the doctor feels that the pain can be managed with cortisone shots rather than resorting to surgery. Guess we'll see...

But at least so far it appears I will live through the holidays! As scared as I was going into all this, that's pretty much better than I was prepared for :)

Good for you for taking action!  Untreated diabetes can do so much damage. Is your shoulder pain “frozen shoulder” by any chance?  My husband is diabetic, and his shoulder kept getting progressively more painful. I finally made him go to an orthopedist, and after some prednisone and a few weeks of physical therapy he’s doing so much better. I hope they can help you with physical therapy. 

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10 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Glad you are going to get physical therapy @Jynnan tonnix, so sorry for your pain 


@Mindthinkr unless you are a very petite woman (five feet or under) I would be concerned about you at 79lbs. Not trying to body shame you, but if you continue to lose weight, in the next month there might be serious health consequences. Its awful that you have to think about money when considering this, but if our weight loss has slowed down, a few weeks might not hurt. Of course I am NOT a doctor. So sorry you are going through this. With no stomach pain have you tried high calorie drinks (like milkshakes) just to get some calories in you?

Yes, I am very petite. 4’9”. I do not look scary skinny. What the MD said that makes it ”so bad” is the fact that I dropped 10% of my overall weight in 6 mths. I said something about all this to my brother and he said that I’m no different than I was as a child. I’ve always struggled with weight issues. 

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10 hours ago, jcbrown said:

The allure of new pens is so strong! I totally get it! Art supplies, office supplies, and groceries are all just untapped potential to me.


10 hours ago, latetotheparty said:

Give me all the pens.  And spiral notebooks. 

I thought I was the only one with a pen addiction.  I hit the gold mine when I started working in a doctor's office & got all the freebie pens & memo pads from the drug reps.  

@Mindthinkr, I'll join the rest of us in thinking you should have the tests done sooner than later.  Maybe you can check out the prices of the tests ahead of time.  Some of them may not be as expensive as you think.  

@Happyfatchick Keep those stories coming.  

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

Yes, I am very petite. 4’9”. I do not look scary skinny. What the MD said that makes it ”so bad” is the fact that I dropped 10% of my overall weight in 6 mths. I said something about all this to my brother and he said that I’m no different than I was as a child. I’ve always struggled with weight issues. 

Oh okay. Seems you are a naturally small person, but that means if something goes wrong with your digestion that you don’t have “extra” to lose before 1. You notice, 2. It can effect your health. If you are not in pain etc then waiting to Jan might not be a bad idea. Trust your gut of course. 

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15 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

@Happyfatchick, I can't tell you how much your story cracked me up, then made me feel equally guilty for doing so. Love, love, LOVE your posts!

I may as well make an update here, since I don't think I ever did that after I started with all the doctor's appointments after finally getting the process started after 10 years without a checkup...

Turns out I have diabetes and high blood pressure. And high cholesterol. None of that shocks or  upsets me too much...It's pretty much all controllable, and stuff I've done to myself, so  I guess I have to deal with the consequences. Hope that goes well for me. Had my mammogram, which was clear, so that's good. All the other blood work seemed OK, though he wants me to get my thyroid checked as my calcium levels are slightly elevated. Just had a diabetic eye exam, and it doesn't appear that there is any damage to my eyes. I have a colonoscopy scheduled for later this month, and I AM a bit concerned about that as I have a couple of iffy things going on, but on the other hand, they have been going on for over 10 years, so I suppose even if there is something there it's not too aggressive. 

My shoulder still hurts, and even though that was the thing which originally drove me (finally!) to the doctor, they don't seem to be in too much of a hurry to do anything to help that. Seems I have some spinal degeneration, but the x-ray didn't show anything too much actually out of whack. So I'll be getting some physical therapy, and the doctor feels that the pain can be managed with cortisone shots rather than resorting to surgery. Guess we'll see...

But at least so far it appears I will live through the holidays! As scared as I was going into all this, that's pretty much better than I was prepared for :)

@jynnan tonnix, it sounds like your doctor wants to check for a problem with your parathyroid glands (because of the elevated calcium levels).  The parathyroid glands have nothing to do with metabolism (like the thyroid gland), but regulate the amount of calcium dumped into your blood.  They are four tiny glands next to ('para') the thyroid, each the size of a grain of rice.  Four years ago, I had to go to the ER for intense abdominal pain.  Passed a large kidney stone and they found I had several other large ones in my bladder.  I needed to have a parathyroidectomy (one of the glands was enlarged, for no known reason) and for me, there is no additional medication I take.  Well, except Tums daily to add calcium back since the condition was leaching calcium from my bones.  The endocrinologist I saw after the kidney stone passed (and I've subsequently passed a handful more, none nearly as painful as the first) said a problem with a parathyroid gland can cause symptoms like fatigue, depression, joint pain, brain fog, kidney problems (like kidney stones), muscle aches and digestive problems, which will improve after the surgery.  Ironically, I found out a friend from church had the same procedure a couple years before me.  We have matching tiny scars on the front of our necks at the base of the 'divot'.

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I lost a parathyroid gland during my thyroid surgery, which was no big deal. My surgeon beat himself up over it but it was buried in a mass of scar tissue from my thyroid and I've had no problems. 

MindThinkr, you might also call the clinic or hospital where he wants the tests done and see if you can get a discount for paying up front. 

Edited by emma675d
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24 minutes ago, emma675 said:

I lost a parathyroid gland during my thyroid surgery, which was no big deal. My surgeon beat himself up over it but it was buried in a mass of scar and from my thyroid and I've had no problems. 

MindThinkr, you might also call the clinic or hospital where he wants the tests done and see if you can get a discount for paying up front. 

Yes, it seems you can do fine with 3 of the 4 parathyroid glands.  It's amazing such a small body part can result in so many problems if left inside after it malfunctions.

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19 hours ago, DragonFaerie said:

Thank you all for info on the Instant Pots - definitely helped my decision on which one to get!!!!

@HAPPYFATCHICK  I'm laughing on this end - feeling a little guilty but I understand that you just can't make this stuff up.

If you have a space problem the 8 qt is large. I am happy with the 6 qt. We are two people. 

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1 hour ago, emma675 said:

I lost a parathyroid gland during my thyroid surgery, which was no big deal. My surgeon beat himself up over it but it was buried in a mass of scar tissue from my thyroid and I've had no problems. 

MindThinkr, you might also call the clinic or hospital where he wants the tests done and see if you can get a discount for paying up front. 

For contract reasons, providers are not allowed to discount deductible amounts. Stupid healthcare. 

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