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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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But, anyway, my parents are of "old country" Polish background, and one of my mom's special luncheon or special holiday dishes was always a pig's foot based aspic. She'd make it a day or two beforehand, as cooking those pig trotters down enough to make a gelatine took hours which would stink up the house. The she would salvage what meat she could and suspend it in an attractive pattern with other ingredients like onions, carrot slices, maybe some bits of boiled eggs and whatnot. It was served with vinegar (which is another thing I really don't care for...I'll happily eat almost anything else you throw at me unless it is jellied or pickled).

This is going to sound like a troll, because I admit it's kind of gross, but one of the few things I miss from when I still ate pork is souse, which is jellied pig head meat stewed in vinegar. You used to be able to buy it from one of the PA dutch vendors at the Union Square farmer's market. Next to that, scrapple was a big favorite, but you pretty can't get it without pork.

  • Love 2

Dear friends o' mine:

At the risk of a) "oversharing personal info" b) being tracked down and treated for Munchausens and c) CLEARLY needing a break/medication/a drink/a redo on the vacay..... GUESS WHAT??? my MOM is back in the hospital. IT NEVER ENDS!!! I'm typing this from her bedside in Piedmont hospital in Atlanta. She had a doc appt today, as a follow up from her last stay. The doc is sitting to the side, tap tapping on the computer (this is her regular cardio guy, we love him). She turns pale as a ghost and is swaying. I go to her and say, "Mom! Mama!! What's going on?" She says (and I happily repeat):

"These men keep coming through here, and they've taken all my underclothes, and now they're walking all over them in the strawberries".

K, she has Alzheimer's, but that's OUT THERE, even for her. And then. She passed out cold. So they've admitted her (again). But oddly, even though we're downtown Atlanta and we prefer her to be admitted in the hospital near us, I'm in a good mood. I think they actually KNOW what's going on this time, and this makes me very, very happy. There is just NOTHING more tortuous for me, personally, than sitting here for days and days, test after test, poke after poke without determining a problem. So "technically", we could go home tomorrow. This never, ever happens, so I'm not hopeful. But I am grateful they have already determined the issue and just have to tweak some meds, and observe. Yay!

I have a huge baby shower this weekend (that I'm helping with "behind the scenes" for the sake of etiquette). Huge. Pink EVERYWHERE. I also have a friend coming in from IN tomorrow, and we're supposed to have a 60th birthday party for her on Friday. (I'm pretty sure "party" just turned into dinner at our favorite Mexican place). I'll bring a balloon. And a cupcake. Also, my pg DIL's bestie is flying in on Saturday night for a surprise at the shower. SHE flies out Sunday night, my Indiana pal flies out on Monday, and my very best pal in the world has a bday Tuesday. Then, of course, we get ready for Halloween.

Other than that, it's a pretty slow week. Ha!

  • Love 10

This is going to sound like a troll, because I admit it's kind of gross, but one of the few things I miss from when I still ate pork is souse, which is jellied pig head meat stewed in vinegar. You used to be able to buy it from one of the PA dutch vendors at the Union Square farmer's market. Next to that, scrapple was a big favorite, but you pretty can't get it without pork.



No. no, no, no, no, no, no,no, no.  No!  Look, I was tempted to report a post earlier that had a photo of an aspic jello mold for being too graphic!  Deep breath, I think some of my issues may have recently been awakened from watching Grey's Anatomy and and they were dissecting human brains and talking about the jelly in the core (and then cut from thin-sliced brain to thin-sliced cold cuts) and now here, there's talk of jello molds and jellied pig heads and I get wobbly.

Edited by pennben
  • Love 5

Dear friends o' mine:

At the risk of a) "oversharing personal info" b) being tracked down and treated for Munchausens and c) CLEARLY needing a break/medication/a drink/a redo on the vacay..... GUESS WHAT??? my MOM is back in the hospital. IT NEVER ENDS!!!

"These men keep coming through here, and they've taken all my underclothes, and now they're walking all over them in the strawberries".

K, she has Alzheimer's, but that's OUT THERE, even for her. And then. She passed out cold. So they've admitted her (again). I think they actually KNOW what's going on this time, and this makes me very, very happy. "technically", we could go home tomorrow. This never, ever happens, so I'm not hopeful. But I am grateful they have already determined the issue and just have to tweak some meds, and observe. Yay!

Other than that, it's a pretty slow week. Ha!

Oh my, HAPPYFATCHICK, this fall has been much too much for you. I hope you can take Mom home tomorrow or soon.

Have a beautiful baby shower.

And a quick comment on one of your previous posts ( and to GEEGOLLY and JOE JITSU)....I live in Southern Calif. and would SO love some true fall weather. We have had 80s to 90s, or above, all of Sept. and now October. We should be in the low to mid 70s Sooo tired of the heat. Wanna trade?

Edited by Love2dance
  • Love 4

Another childhood staple. Fried baloney sandwiches. You don't use the good baloney from the deli, but the prepackaged store brand. Fry it up in butter and serve on Wonder Bread with yellow mustard. Delish!


There was a restaurant around here that served that for awhile. Long story but I was inadvertently ignored while I was there for lunch (by myself, in case it wasn't awkward enough already). The owner/chef himself personally gave me a sampler of his friend baloney appetizer after I'd been there for a couple of hours. Super yummy.

  • Love 2


Speaking of aspic....first of all, I have never een able to eat jello of any kind. Something about the texture sets off my gag reflex, though if it's whipped with something to where it's more of a mousse consistency I cn handle it. But, anyway, my parents are of "old country" Polish background, and one of my mom's special luncheon or special holiday dishes was always a pig's foot based aspic. She'd make it a day or two beforehand, as cooking those pig trotters down enough to make a gelatine took hours which would stink up the house. The she would salvage what meat she could and suspend it in an attractive pattern with other ingredients like onions, carrot slices, maybe some bits of boiled eggs and whatnot. It was served with vinegar (which is another thing I really don't care for...I'll happily eat almost anything else you throw at me unless it is jellied or pickled). Hell on a plate.


ZOMG!  P'tcheh!!!!!  No, I am not hocking up phlegm, that's the Jewish name for the dish, which is made without the pig's foot, obviously.  (My grandmother probably used chicken feet)  This was the usual Saturday lunch for my grandfather after synagogue, along with more schnapps than he needed, judging by his mood change mid-afternoon.  Being a spoiled kid, I got a Swanson's TV dinner, often the Franks and Beans one, but sometimes the Fried Chicken which always had a few stray peas baked into the Apple Cake Cobbler. 


Happyfatchick, I'm willing to bet your mom has a UTI.  I hope she's feeling better soon.


As for me, I went for the results of my home sleep study and found out that I probably have apnea, but I will need another sleep study to prove it.  This time I get to sleep in the hospital.  Yay me!  Note to anyone wanting to give me a spa/pampering experience: This isn't it.  I'll be turfed out of the Sleep Lab before the caf opens.  Me without coffee:  Not pretty, especially because I take insulin and everything has to be timed accordingly.  Oh, who am I kidding - it's more my bitchiness without caffeine.

  • Love 7

You guys are good!!! She DOES have a UTI, and she's always more spacey when this is true, yes. She had one when she was in 2 weeks ago, and still does. She's allergic to most antibiotics, so that's always dicey to treat. But the passing out epi's have been because we've been overdosing her BP meds. She's always had high BP, and suddenly...it's not. So every time she sits up or stands, her BP drops and out we go. They removed ALL BP meds, and now it's a little spiked this morning. So I guess she gets a "little" something.

And what IS it with age and the the UTI's???

She said this morning, with obvious heartfelt sincerity and my face in her hands, "I love you so much".

I love you more (I answer, because that's what Daddy always said to her).

She says, with obvious heartfelt sincerity, "who are you again?"

ETA: IOU, "sleep study" and "hospital setting" don't even belong in the same conversation.

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 9

This is going to sound like a troll, because I admit it's kind of gross, but one of the few things I miss from when I still ate pork is souse, which is jellied pig head meat stewed in vinegar. You used to be able to buy it from one of the PA dutch vendors at the Union Square farmer's market. Next to that, scrapple was a big favorite, but you pretty can't get it without pork.

You can still buy souse here in the regular grocery store. Mrbutterfly is a big ol' German and has me get it for him. 

  • Love 1

And what IS it with age and the the UTI's???


It's a sign of system failures, sort of.  The brain isn't firing on all cylinders to keep the organs functioning properly which then causes the brain to fail a little more and it becomes a sort of loop back cycle.  Anyways that's the way it was explained to me in lay terms.


So, I typed up this long thing, but didn't post - my mom went into the hospital last night as well.  Long story short, she is a 10 year lung cancer survivor with COPD, on oxygen with severe diabetes.  She had a raging nosebleed so my cousin that lives with her and takes care of her took her in.  My sister called me around 7 to inform me, the hospital is a 45 minute drive so I decide to wait it out a bit.  At 10 I receive a series of texts from sister that she has severe pneumonia and may need to be ventilated.  I text back essentially"how the fuck could she be so sick and nobody notices?" and get radio silence.  Finally at midnight a few more texts that were essentially excuses along with "my phone died", but if you want to know the truth I think my mom and my cousin were drinking too much to notice.  Don't even get me started about this texting nonsense instead of picking up one of those old fashioned telephone thingys.... So I called the ICU nurse at 4 and mom is doing well with a mask, O2 sats back up to 98 and tolerating all the antibiotics well.  And people wonder why I can be a curmudgeonly misanthrope.  Ha!


Heading off to the doctor with son for his appt, and then off to the hospital.

  • Love 7

You guys are good!!! She DOES have a UTI, and she's always more spacey when this is true, yes. She had one when she was in 2 weeks ago, and still does. She's allergic to most antibiotics, so that's always dicey to treat. But the passing out epi's have been because we've been overdosing her BP meds. She's always had high BP, and suddenly...it's not. So every time she sits up or stands, her BP drops and out we go. They removed ALL BP meds, and now it's a little spiked this morning. So I guess she gets a "little" something.

And what IS it with age and the the UTI's???

She said this morning, with obvious heartfelt sincerity and my face in her hands, "I love you so much".

I love you more (I answer, because that's what Daddy always said to her).

She says, with obvious heartfelt sincerity, "who are you again?"

ETA: IOU, "sleep study" and "hospital setting" don't even belong in the same conversation.

Ouch that hurt i can not beleive what you are enduring.  You are a wonderful daughter and even better mother. 

It's a sign of system failures, sort of.  The brain isn't firing on all cylinders to keep the organs functioning properly which then causes the brain to fail a little more and it becomes a sort of loop back cycle.  Anyways that's the way it was explained to me in lay terms.


So, I typed up this long thing, but didn't post - my mom went into the hospital last night as well.  Long story short, she is a 10 year lung cancer survivor with COPD, on oxygen with severe diabetes.  She had a raging nosebleed so my cousin that lives with her and takes care of her took her in.  My sister called me around 7 to inform me, the hospital is a 45 minute drive so I decide to wait it out a bit.  At 10 I receive a series of texts from sister that she has severe pneumonia and may need to be ventilated.  I text back essentially"how the fuck could she be so sick and nobody notices?" and get radio silence.  Finally at midnight a few more texts that were essentially excuses along with "my phone died", but if you want to know the truth I think my mom and my cousin were drinking too much to notice.  Don't even get me started about this texting nonsense instead of picking up one of those old fashioned telephone thingys.... So I called the ICU nurse at 4 and mom is doing well with a mask, O2 sats back up to 98 and tolerating all the antibiotics well.  And people wonder why I can be a curmudgeonly misanthrope.  Ha!


Heading off to the doctor with son for his appt, and then off to the hospital.


  • Love 4

You can still buy souse here in the regular grocery store. Mrbutterfly is a big ol' German and has me get it for him. 


Now, if you could also get not-pork scrapple, I would be where you are with bells on. I can't tell you how excited I was when I discovered that Schallert and Weber made a veal pate that makes a passable substitute for braunschweiger (or how totally annoyed I was when I found out that their beef cervelat, unlike many of their pork sausages, uses hog casings...)

  • Love 1

I never heard of the redhead thing, but now somethings make sense! While not carrot tops, my family has had a strong resistance to pain meds and anesthesia. My sister had a local after she had cut the tendons on her little finger and while they thought they had given her enough, she could feel them stretching the tendons to sew back. They were uncertain to give her too much, so they kept her mind off it by telling dirty jokes.  My dad had to be fully sedated for any dentistry as Novocain did not work with him. Really embarrassing as he had a top clearance job and if he needed dental work he would have had someone with him. Needless to say, Dad's teeth could have been better.  The dentist has to keep shooting me up with Novocain, and it usually doesn't kick fully in until after I've left the office.


Loved Jello 1 2 3. I wonder why they took it off the shelves.  Jello was one dessert my sister would let my nephews have while growing up.  Unfortunately the first time my eldest nephew had it, he was allowed to take it into the living room and watch cartoons. When he started walking and it started jiggling, he screamed and dropped it. When my youngest nephew first got it, he was in a high chair, so all he did was keep poking it, and watching it like it was going to attack.

  • Love 2

IOU Payne:

P'tcheh! I had no idea that's how it's spelled. 35 years ago I went to my friends' house for her birthday dinner. Her mother was a fabulous Kosher cook and that was what the birthday girl requested. I politely declined. As the daughter of a Convert, I wasn't raised with too much traditional Jewish food. But anything "jellied" makes me gag. p'tcheh, souse, head cheese. Blurg! But I have discovered goetta, which is a local treat here in the Midwest.

  • Love 3

I would totally try this! And have eaten many jello dishes that were great, even aspics. Apologies if I already told this story, but my mother used to make THE most delicious orange jello salad with carrots and celery suspended in it. Famous in our family - even my cousins would ask me at picnics "Did your Mom bring her jello salad?" So good on a hot Summer night. If it's flavorful enough, that's all that matters. I think a lot of the yucky aspics that have been described here recently were probably prepared with little or no seasoning, but with the right blends of salt, pepper, basil, dill etc I bet most Nasty Aspics could be saved.

I think this orange Jello salad was the first thing we "cooked" in home ec class. (Mid 70's)

  • Love 2



And what IS it with age and the the UTI's???

It's a sign of system failures, sort of.  The brain isn't firing on all cylinders to keep the organs functioning properly which then causes the brain to fail a little more and it becomes a sort of loop back cycle.  Anyways that's the way it was explained to me in lay terms.

  Hey, thanks!! I have an unmarried uncle in a nursing home and my cousin is his advocate and caretaker; she calls frequently to keep me updated.  He has an occasional UTI and his mild dementia suddenly turns into a much worse case.  I never understood it, but I do now.  It is really freaky to me how much he can change.


Back to the jello----don't make it often, but prefer lime jello with pineapple in it.  


I have a small bottle of horseradish I will take to the luncheon; I will try it on the aspic and see if it helps. Probably can't make it worse.

Oh, and thanks for the hints about adding an anti-nausea drug to the sedative. I feel ill just thinking about needing any type of sedative.  

  • Love 1

This is going to sound like a troll, because I admit it's kind of gross, but one of the few things I miss from when I still ate pork is souse, which is jellied pig head meat stewed in vinegar. You used to be able to buy it from one of the PA dutch vendors at the Union Square farmer's market. Next to that, scrapple was a big favorite, but you pretty can't get it without pork.

My German mother-in-law made something similar, but I didn't mind it so much.  My hubby calls it 'silsa' or something.  She also would by a whole pig's head and boil it down to make knip, a sausage type product without the casing.  Hubby likes that too but there is SO MUCH fat in it, I won't make it anymore.  He just got back from 2 weeks in Germany and ate all that stuff to his heart's content (and damage, no doubt!)

  • Love 2

My mom, who was physically frail but mentally intact, would get loopy whenever she had a UTI.  When you've been through this with a loved one, it gets very familiar very fast.  (((Hugs to everyone going through this)))


To get off the Jello topic for a minute, whose house had Breakfast Rules?  We did, and they were as follows:  Saturday was the only day we were allowed to eat sugary cereals like Lucky Charms, because it was our Shabbos treat (We managed to scarf down many boxes of the stuff as TV snacks!).  Sundays were the only days in which it was allowed to have bagels and cream cheese.  The remainder of the week was regular boring cereal or toast, with hot cereal in the winter occasionally.  Even then, there was a pecking order for hot cereal:  Cream of Wheat (gag!) was for warmer days, oatmeal for seasonally average days and when it was freakin' cold or extremely snowy, it was Red River cereal day.  Being Jewish, delicious porky breakfast meats were a big no-no, unless we were on vaycay, and even then, there was a good deal of furtive looking around to make sure we weren't spotted inhaling contraband bacon with our eggs. 

  • Love 6

I just want to thank everyone for the good thoughts! It meant a lot and was very comforting.

The test came back normal, which is bitter sweet. On the one hand, I'm glad I don't have vasculitis. On the other hand, there are no answers to what's causing my issues. That was too much for me to handle yesterday. I felt like I went through all that trauma for nothing.

I am feeling a bit better today, and so I'm just trying to focus on that. :)

  • Love 23

I think BLURG may be my new favorite word for the century! Never heard it before, but it is certainly one of the most descriptive words ever! If it's not in the dictionary, it certainly ought to be!

ETA: Burlsa, that IS discouraging. If you know what it IS, you can fight it. I hate not knowing.

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 3

My mom, who was physically frail but mentally intact, would get loopy whenever she had a UTI.  When you've been through this with a loved one, it gets very familiar very fast.  (((Hugs to everyone going through this)))


To get off the Jello topic for a minute, whose house had Breakfast Rules?  We did, and they were as follows:  Saturday was the only day we were allowed to eat sugary cereals like Lucky Charms, because it was our Shabbos treat (We managed to scarf down many boxes of the stuff as TV snacks!).  Sundays were the only days in which it was allowed to have bagels and cream cheese.  The remainder of the week was regular boring cereal or toast, with hot cereal in the winter occasionally.  Even then, there was a pecking order for hot cereal:  Cream of Wheat (gag!) was for warmer days, oatmeal for seasonally average days and when it was freakin' cold or extremely snowy, it was Red River cereal day.  Being Jewish, delicious porky breakfast meats were a big no-no, unless we were on vaycay, and even then, there was a good deal of furtive looking around to make sure we weren't spotted inhaling contraband bacon with our eggs.

We had something similar but not because we were allowed. It's because no grown up put out the effort to go to the bakery to get bagels except on Sunday. And being the oldest if I didn't cook anything for me and my brothers it was cold cereal or toast. Cheerios were a favorite for some odd reason. I also packed school lunches when we didn't like the school menu. I loved my mother but we figure she had some clinical depression going on before the days of Prozac and such. Many a week she laid in the bed. Crying on and off. But somehow I survived!! Oh and my father made a big deal of forbidden pork and shellfish but when we saw pictures of him with his lodge brothers with a lobster bib on he had no .good explanation except do as I say not as I do. Ah the memories.

  • Love 7

I just want to thank everyone for the good thoughts! It meant a lot and was very comforting.

The test came back normal, which is bitter sweet. On the one hand, I'm glad I don't have vasculitis. On the other hand, there are no answers to what's causing my issues. That was too much for me to handle yesterday. I felt like I went through all that trauma for nothing.

I am feeling a bit better today, and so I'm just trying to focus on that. :)

I am glad you are feeling a bit better and came to say hello.

  • Love 4

And a quick comment on one of your previous posts ( and to GEEGOLLY and JOE JITSU)....I live in Southern Calif. and would SO love some true fall weather. We have had 80s to 90s, or above, all of Sept. and now October. We should be in the low to mid 70s Sooo tired of the heat. Wanna trade?

i am in SoCal myself and couldn't agree more!!!!  one problem, though. i have gained a crap-ton of weight this past 6 months and not a single pair of my pants fit me. so shorts weather is good for now, but i want winter!!!

  • Love 4

I'm in SoCal too! My perfect fall/winter would be temps between 70 and 75 degrees.  For me, that's sweater weather. Anything under 65 is tundra! Last winter was awful though, I don't think it went below 80 where I live. A few hours ago it was perfect, low 70s and warm winds, felt like fall! Now I think it will hit 80.


The el nino year should be interesting - great for outdoor water savings. I'm worried about mudslides in some of the fire areas. There were wildfires a little east of me last year that stripped the hillsides of vegetation. We need the rain, but hope it isn't too much. 

  • Love 4

I'm in SoCal too! My perfect fall/winter would be temps between 70 and 75 degrees.  For me, that's sweater weather. Anything under 65 is tundra! Last winter was awful though, I don't think it went below 80 where I live. A few hours ago it was perfect, low 70s and warm winds, felt like fall! Now I think it will hit 80.


The el nino year should be interesting - great for outdoor water savings. I'm worried about mudslides in some of the fire areas. There were wildfires a little east of me last year that stripped the hillsides of vegetation. We need the rain, but hope it isn't too much. 

I wouldn't complain!!! Today in Chicago it's in the mid 70's. Last week the weather dropped and we almost got out our winter coats.


Try living in sub-zero freezing your a$$ off weather and 80's sounds amazing and tropical.

  • Love 5

I just want to thank everyone for the good thoughts! It meant a lot and was very comforting.

The test came back normal, which is bitter sweet. On the one hand, I'm glad I don't have vasculitis. On the other hand, there are no answers to what's causing my issues. That was too much for me to handle yesterday. I felt like I went through all that trauma for nothing.

I am feeling a bit better today, and so I'm just trying to focus on that. :)

I understand completely. Doctors have been trying to figure out what is going on with me since June/July. I have been diagnosed with Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (probably caused by tissue/muscle damage from being hyper and now hypothyroid with a non-functioning thyroid,) and I now use a CPAP machine. An abnormal EKG in July and a few tests and an appointment on the 29th with a cardiologist. They are hoping to finally figure out what is going on after two and a half years of being sick and miserable.


{{{HUGS}}} and remember you are not alone in this. We can cry, laugh, and rant together.

I understand completely. Doctors have been trying to figure out what is going on with me since June/July. I have been diagnosed with Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (probably caused by tissue/muscle damage from being hyper and now hypothyroid with a non-functioning thyroid,) and I now use a CPAP machine. An abnormal EKG in July and a few tests and an appointment on the 29th with a cardiologist. They are hoping to finally figure out what is going on after two and a half years of being sick and miserable.


{{{HUGS}}} and remember you are not alone in this. We can cry, laugh, and rant together.

I love that.

  • Love 2

Oh, I agree! I grew up here, so have been spoiled.  I went out-of-state for college and was cold to the bone every winter (and it never was below 20, I'm just a winter novice). The downside to the 80's and above last year was there was no rain.  We desperately needed it because of the drought and it never really landed.  This year should be different, though too much rain can then cause flooding in certain areas.  I do wish we could switch weather sometimes. Well, not the sub-zero - but some snow. I'm sending warm thoughts!     

  • Love 5

Help ! My brain has fallen and it can't get up...


There's a food we used to buy when we'd go back to where my dad's family was from, Amish country in Lancaster, PA, and I can't remember the name. It was always near the scrapple we were buying in the store, was packaged in a big, sausage-like tube, and was bright, bright yellow. 


Did I imagine this food or does it exist ? I remember liking it as a kid, but the name has just gone <<poof>> in my head...

  • Love 1

Help ! My brain has fallen and it can't get up...


There's a food we used to buy when we'd go back to where my dad's family was from, Amish country in Lancaster, PA, and I can't remember the name. It was always near the scrapple we were buying in the store, was packaged in a big, sausage-like tube, and was bright, bright yellow. 


Did I imagine this food or does it exist ? I remember liking it as a kid, but the name has just gone <<poof>> in my head...


Liverwurst?  Dh always picks up a tube along with ring bologna when we visit Lancaster.  


Meatloaf is on our dinner menu today.  The younger boy had a dentist appointment this morning.  He was supposed to have a filling done, but they did a crown.  He was not in a good mood afterwards and I ended up letting him stay home from school.  He requested meatloaf for dinner tonight; we will eat it with broccoli and applesauce.  I make a pretty boring meatloaf.  1 lb meatloaf, 1 egg, 1/2-3/4 cups of breadcrumbs, a minced onion, and a chopped red or green pepper.  I always top my meatloaf with a can of tomato soup instead of ketchup.  That's the way my mom has always made it, so I never acquired the taste of meatloaf with ketchup on top.  Bake for an hour at 350 degrees.  


Anyone else into the whole Back to the Future Day hype?  These have always been a few of my favorite movies.  I'm kind of disappointed that the day is finally here.  After today, they probably won't show the movies as often as they have the past few months.  When they show them, at least I know that there is a good movie on tv.

  • Love 4

Help ! My brain has fallen and it can't get up...


There's a food we used to buy when we'd go back to where my dad's family was from, Amish country in Lancaster, PA, and I can't remember the name. It was always near the scrapple we were buying in the store, was packaged in a big, sausage-like tube, and was bright, bright yellow. 


Did I imagine this food or does it exist ? I remember liking it as a kid, but the name has just gone <<poof>> in my head...


Like Stacey I'm guessing Liverwurst. Haven't had it in forever, but last time I did Oscar Meyer brand was in the bright yellow tube.

ETA: IOU, "sleep study" and "hospital setting" don't even belong in the same conversation.


Ain't that the truth?!  My Mom was in for about a week last month and said she didn't sleep pretty much the entire time. I hope your Mom's doing better HFC. Glad they figured out what was wrong.

  • Love 2

Help ! My brain has fallen and it can't get up...


There's a food we used to buy when we'd go back to where my dad's family was from, Amish country in Lancaster, PA, and I can't remember the name. It was always near the scrapple we were buying in the store, was packaged in a big, sausage-like tube, and was bright, bright yellow. 


Did I imagine this food or does it exist ? I remember liking it as a kid, but the name has just gone <<poof>> in my head...


This, maybe?

  • Love 1

Stacy and Nicsac - Than you both very much, but it finally came to me ! It's like a cornmeal mold, and it's called "Mush"...


Maybe that's why I forgot - because it's called mush. But it was delicious !


My dad would fry it and we'd top it with butter and syrup during big Sunday breakfasts, which was basically the only day I ate breakfast as a child because that was the only day he wouldn't be working. I'm going to the store later and I think I'm going to pick some up - my whole childhood just came flooding back to me  ;)


ETA: http://www.jaxonmush.com

Edited by SomePity1066
  • Love 5

Stacy and Nicsac - Than you both very much, but it finally came to me ! It's like a cornmeal mold, and it's called "Mush"...


Maybe that's why I forgot - because it's called mush. But it was delicious !


My dad would fry it and we'd top it with butter and syrup during big Sunday breakfasts, which was basically the only day I ate breakfast as a child because that was the only day he wouldn't be working. I'm going to the store later and I think I'm going to pick some up - my whole childhood just came flooding back to me  ;)


ETA: http://www.jaxonmush.com


Oh I loved mush growing up too!  I might have to pick some up as well. I didn't remember the yellow packaging, so thanks - that'll make it easier to find. Yum.

  • Love 1

I'm not a doctor or even a lay midwife, but my mom's fairly mild dementia always spikes when she has a UTI.

Very common and my mom too. That and/or blocked bowel. Its tough when swallowing because of dementia starts to become an issue all the tricks only help a bit.

ETA: Happyfatchick said "And what IS it with age and the the UTI's???"

Fluids, mainly water but getting someone to drink enough is a tough one.

ETA again: So Cal here too and have always loved and appreciated our weather until this year. With the water rationing all the plants are dyeing and everything is brown. Even worse I suspect a lot of the old growth trees will fall over due to drought stress during this rainy season. I'm tired of this long and humid odd summer. Humidity is a new thing and I hate it. Draught and humidity are an uncomfortable mix.

Edited by Almost 3000
  • Love 4
Oh, I agree! I grew up here, so have been spoiled.  I went out-of-state for college and was cold to the bone every winter (and it never was below 20, I'm just a winter novice). The downside to the 80's and above last year was there was no rain.  We desperately needed it because of the drought and it never really landed.  This year should be different, though too much rain can then cause flooding in certain areas.  I do wish we could switch weather sometimes. Well, not the sub-zero - but some snow. I'm sending warm thoughts!


We move around frequently as a military (now retired) family. For a number of years in a row we were seesawing back and forth between Hawai'i and Connecticut. When our younger son went off to college, he went from Hawai'i to North Dakota (where he ended up staying for almost 6 years. He's temporarily living back with us until he heads off to Officer Candidate school for the Marines (assuming he is accepted, which we anticipate he will as all his interviews and tests have gone exceptionally well...but I digress). He barely blinked during those few chilly days we had. Anything above 20 is pretty much balmy in his mind.


I like it cool as well; long sleeve weather doesn't kick in until the 40's, sweaters in the 30's, and I don't bother with a coat if I'm outside for anything under 10 minutes or so until it gets into the teens. Maybe not even then as long as it is sunny and not too windy. I wilt in anything over 70.

  • Love 7

I'm in FL, and though I love the beach, I can't stand it being so warm for soooo looong. It's too much of the same. I grew up in distinct seasons and miss them. It doesn't feel like Halloween is coming up at all; I can't get into it, because it feels like what early September "should" for me. I was a sweaty mess at Thanksgiving last year; cooked just for 2, but it was almost too warm for that kind of heavy meal. Lastly, on Christmas Eve, it was in the 80s sand I was in shorts & melting. It was bizzare to see Christmas decorations when my body was thinking "summer." I miss my fall/winter clothes, I'll get to use some for about 2 months, if I'm lucky. Many folks think it would be great to live in a warmer climate (and in January when there's snow up to your butt, I get it!) but do you REALLY want it to be July for 9 months? Sorry to seem whiny and complainy, but I missing fall a lot right now!

  • Love 7

The test came back normal, which is bitter sweet. On the one hand, I'm glad I don't have vasculitis. On the other hand, there are no answers to what's causing my issues.

This is so true. You don't want a negative report, but then you're thinking what in the world *is* causing the symptoms?

Then, if you're anything like me, you start to worry that it's all in your head. But dagnabbit......we know when something "just ain't right" with our bodies. Trying to convince the doctors you're not a hypochondriac is a whole 'nother can of worms.

Edited by ChiCricket
  • Love 5

I wilt in anything over 70.

. Just the opposite, I shrivel up and my leaves fall off at 70 going downward. Not.A.Fan. of cold or even cool weather. I think the stork missed the mark with me. The standing joke in our family is that "she starts whining when it gets to 70 and doesn't quit until it hits 70 going the other way. This is true: it is in my JOB description to make everybody else pissy when I'm cold.

Jynnan Tonnix: I didn't know you had a Marine!!! YAY YOU, and GOOD FOR HIM!!! Please let us know when he gets accepted to OTS - and tell him thank you for being willing to serve. (And you feed him anything he wants until he leaves!!!)

Almost 3000: yes!!! Fluids IS THE KEY, and you can't MAKE them. My mom never has been big on intake, so we trick her with watermelon, mushed up fudge bars, frozen fruit juices... But it's not enough to sustain. Their brains quit telling them "I'm thirsty", so they don't want liquid. (Don't like a bath so much either, but that's a whole nuther story). I was with her all day Sunday, and if she drank 2 oz all DAY, I would be very surprised. She just doesn't want it, and acts like you've poisoned her if you make her drink water.

SomePity: mush...just BLURG!!!!! I've stared at enough mush on my plate in my lifetime (with my dad giving me the stink eye and my mom kicking me under the table...). My mom is from South Georgia, she was NOT cooking mush. Or hominy. Not happening. But we'd visit the OO Amish relatives, and here comes the mush. They can make a meal any time from mush. Butter and syrup, you get breakfast. Throw a piece of fried bologna on there with cheese and mustard, it's lunch. Serve it with meatloaf and a little gravy, it's dinner. It's disgusting. Versatile - but BLURG. You can have mine.

And this is my virtual happy dance pounding all over computers everywhere: WE'RE GOING HOME!!!!!!!!! I was there all night, and meant to stay until the doc made rounds. Sitter was supposed to relieve me, she rolls in at 1:30. Drove 45 minutes (I can SMELL my house, and my shower, and my nap...) when the sitter calls and says they're releasing her. (And I have the car. Ugh!). Luckily, we have family working halfway between us and he's making the run back downtown to get them. So YAY!!!!! Did you all hear that from all over the country when the heavens opened up and the Angels sang "LAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!"?

  • Love 11

Severe pneumonia, mild congestive heart failure and a mild heart attack, and this is a time my sister thinks it's appropriate to text.  Sigh.  She's too much of a mess to read the riot act to, we got to see both the cardiologist and the pulmonary specialist while we were there and everyone is confident of a good recovery, just might take awhile.  I'm zapped.

  • Love 8

Severe pneumonia, mild congestive heart failure and a mild heart attack, and this is a time my sister thinks it's appropriate to text.  Sigh.  She's too much of a mess to read the riot act to, we got to see both the cardiologist and the pulmonary specialist while we were there and everyone is confident of a good recovery, just might take awhile.  I'm zapped.

I am so sorry . Sending healing thoughts for your mothers recovery.

  • Love 3

I'm in FL, and though I love the beach, I can't stand it being so warm for soooo looong. It's too much of the same. I grew up in distinct seasons and miss them. It doesn't feel like Halloween is coming up at all; I can't get into it, because it feels like what early September "should" for me. I was a sweaty mess at Thanksgiving last year; cooked just for 2, but it was almost too warm for that kind of heavy meal. Lastly, on Christmas Eve, it was in the 80s sand I was in shorts & melting. It was bizzare to see Christmas decorations when my body was thinking "summer." I miss my fall/winter clothes, I'll get to use some for about 2 months, if I'm lucky. Many folks think it would be great to live in a warmer climate (and in January when there's snow up to your butt, I get it!) but do you REALLY want it to be July for 9 months? Sorry to seem whiny and complainy, but I missing fall a lot right now!


Totally agree. For people who grew up amid the 4 seasons, I think it would be difficult to live in nearly year-round warmth. I am without a doubt THE loudest moaner in my family about snow, ice and cold. We've lived in upstate New York State for close to 60 years. Until I had to drive in it, I liked Winter. Wanted a cold, snowy Christmas. Loved sledding, skating, hot chocolate. I even liked getting up in the dark to go to school, and needing lights on at suppertime. Twas cozy. But then I was 18 and had to maneuver around in it myself. Cleaning snow and ice off a car many days from November through March - often multiple times a day. Dressing in layers. Salt marks on boots and pants. Boots that don't keep feet warm. Worst of all, coping with many other drivers who don't know how to drive on good roads, let alone snow and ice-covered ones. Yet I would never want to live too far south - because I think it would be really dull weather-wise, after being so accustomed to the changes we have here. I think I'd go no further south than the Carolinas, because the coasts are so beautiful. And because if I'm not mistaken, their Winters are chilly and rainy, but rarely if ever snowy. I could totally deal with that.

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 6
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