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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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Wow just wow!  Giada and her husband are going to be divorcing.


Now poor Todd is free to eat as he pleases! Should be run over to console him with a ton of food?




I've been reading about her for 2 years on Blind Gossip. According to several hotel workers that have submitted stories the girl is a HO! 



Edited by Fuzzysox

Who needs One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest when we have One Flew Over the Duggars Nest.

I'm going to have to pint you to commandment 169 in the good book of Jim Bob.

"Though shalt not take mine nameo in vaino"

An appropriate punishment for committing such a felony is 2 weeks in the prayer closet, and maybe some tomato stalking with MEchelle.

Wow just wow!  Giada and her husband are going to be divorcing.


Now poor Todd is free to eat as he pleases! Should be run over to console him with a ton of food?



Ole Todd is probably at McDonald's scarfing down Big Macs as we speak. Hopefully he gets custody of their daughter so that poor kid doesn't grow up with an eating disorder. I was on some random site that has behind the scenes gossip of FN stars, and someone who worked on Giada's show says she literally never eats other than taking a bite of something for filming purposes.

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Wow just wow! Giada and her husband are going to be divorcing.

Now poor Todd is free to eat as he pleases! Should be run over to console him with a ton of food?


I'll have the TTC ready in a minute! Just let me get a chaperone, so I don't sin in the kitchen.

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Ole Todd is probably at McDonald's scarfing down Big Macs as we speak. Hopefully he gets custody of their daughter so that poor kid doesn't grow up with an eating disorder. I was on some random site that has behind the scenes gossip of FN stars, and someone who worked on Giada's show says she literally never eats other than taking a bite of something for filming purposes.


No kidding? Well I have to admit I stopped watching her show very early on. Didn't like all the little boobie shirts and the fact that she needs to show us all her teeth every time she smiles.  Just came across as very false to me.  But this news is just weird.  I mean - a trained, professional cook that doesn't eat?  I don't think so. Like a mechanic that doesn't drive...

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For you Spaghetti O lovers.....Tomasello makes the pasta and you can make your own. My mom makes baked Os for Christmas every year. When the pasta is on sale for .99 cents I usually hoard it because it's sooooo awesome. I've never had Spaghetti Os out of a can but have had these all my life the owner of the company was my aunt's Godfather!



  • Love 1

For you Spaghetti O lovers.....Tomasello makes the pasta and you can make your own. My mom makes baked Os for Christmas every year. When the pasta is on sale for .99 cents I usually hoard it because it's sooooo awesome. I've never had Spaghetti Os out of a can but have had these all my life the owner of the company was my aunt's Godfather!



I buy this pasta from Amazon and do indeed make my own Spaghetti-O's sometimes. I still do have a few cans handy in case of emergency, however ... :)

Edited by Westiepeach

QueBueno, you do need a passport to travel to France from the UK. Where did you get the idea that you don't?


An id card would suffice but the UK doesn't have that, unlike Germany for example where i can travel across Europe with that, rather than also having a passport with me.


Yeah I had to show my passport going from London to Germany this summer. But I did not need to show it when traveling from Germany to The Netherlands, Spain, Czech or France. There was an EU Passport line though on the flight from London --> Frankfurt.

 The Schengen Agreement countries?


I believe so. My friend was bummed because she didn't get passport stamps between the countries. My first time in Europe was back in 2001 I think and we had to show our passport at every border crossing. This summer I learned that foreigners visiting the US have to get finger printed (according to the foreigners we were with, it was why one of the guys didn't want to visit the US, and the others confirmed. No experience with this personally). 

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Back then, basing my comments on my grandmother's age. She married young to get away and because there was nothing else for her to do

My grandmother was quite the career woman. She was a renowned butcher who wore HEELS, then opened a beauty shop in her own home and was the town postmaster. She refused to be called "postmistress" LOL. She did not marry until she was 23 or 24 I believe. She worked before her marriage as well.

She had I think 5 sisters and all of them were successful career women. Secretaries, phone operators, nurse, etc...

Money was tight so a job was a MUST. That's what grandma said.

  • Love 5

There have always been working mothers. My grandmother married and had my mom at age 16 in 1936. Her husband, my grandfather abandoned them when my mother was a toddler. My grandmother, with no high school education, worked in a factory and raised and provided for my mother alone. My mother married when she was 17 and she and my father have been married 61 years and had 6 children and then she went to work as a realtor when I, the youngest, , was 11 in 1980.


You know, I'm not really sure that the costs of raising a family are so much greater now, more that people expect a different lifestyle and standard of living. I mean in 1978 a microwave was a luxury item. We didn't have so much stuff. We dined out and vacationed less.

Edited by Higgins
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I was an American teacher in Borneo when the feminist movement took off.  A visitor from the States told me all about it (burning bras, etc.) and I was puzzled.  In my whole life it never occurred to me that I couldn't do exactly what I wanted to.  My parents were very encouraging.  My dad graduated high school and my mom was a dropout.  They were proud when I was the first one in the family to get a college education.  That was the thing I had going for me...an education, which unfortunately the Duggars do not have.  But if they ever got an education, they could succeed.

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I knew woman worked back then, but for some it wasn't an option. For others it was. My grandmother grew up in the country and her job was to help out on the farm. Eventually she married and had kids young because she said there was nothing else for her to do. Her own words. It wasn't until she moved and had children did she discover there was a whole other world out there

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Kind of like the Duggar girls. It was an option but not an option your grandmother was aware was possible for her or, it wasn't acceptable in her world.

I think it is important to remember that everybody is different and the choice to marry young and become a mother young can be an acceptable choice if it is made with knowledge and freewill. Unfortunately the Duggar girls have been brainwashed to believe that it is the only choice acceptable to the god they believe in.

Edited by Higgins
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I knew woman worked back then, but for some it wasn't an option. For others it was. My grandmother grew up in the country and her job was to help out on the farm. Eventually she married and had kids young because she said there was nothing else for her to do. Her own words. It wasn't until she moved and had children did she discover there was a whole other world out there

That sounds like my grandmother too. Grew up in the country (in a big family) & moved to the city when she married. My mother's father died when she was a teen, forcing my grandmother into the work force. She later remarried & lived to 105 yrs old.

Higgins - good point about the only choice the Duggars girls have is to marry & have children. Too bad one of them can't switch it up by having children & then marry. Don't think that's in the Gothard manual.

I actually think Jessa would be more comfortable with the smaller standard of living than the other kids would be. IF, and only if, if were her own choice.

What makes you think so? Do you mean she would be more comfortable with a smaller standard of living with a significantly smaller family? In that case I could see it.

I definitely see her opting for a simple life, and by simple I mean less chaotic, and by less chaotic I mean less children. :)

I think that Jessa likes having time to herself, appreciates nice things for herself and likes maintaining her good looks by being up-to-date and stylish.

Edited by msblossom
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That sounds like my grandmother too. Grew up in the country (in a big family) & moved to the city when she married. My mother's father died when she was a teen, forcing my grandmother into the work force. She later remarried & lived to 105 yrs old.

Higgins - good point about the only choice the Duggars girls have is to marry & have children. Too bad one of them can't switch it up by having children & then marry. Don't think that's in the Gothard manual.

Bless your grandmother. Mine was almost 92 when she passed and had 22 kids. She actually had a home business related to homemaking. While her husband worked. She discovered a hole heap of things when she left her farm

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What makes you think so? Do you mean she would be more comfortable with a smaller standard of living with a significantly smaller family? In that case I could see it.

I definitely see her opting for a simple life, and by simple I mean less chaotic, and by less chaotic I mean less children. :)

I think that Jessa likes having time to herself, appreciates nice things for herself and likes maintaining her good looks by being up-to-date and stylish.

I see Jessa as having less children for the same reason as she would have more time for herself. But they have said they want a lot (haven't they?) Including adoption. She may have been toting the line, but what's the big deal if they want only 5, preferably spaced out? Benessa has done things a little differently - holding hands in the restaurant in front of J'chelle, a good full frontal hug at the engagement, & having their first kiss private.

Bless your grandmother. Mine was almost 92 when she passed and had 22 kids. She actually had a home business related to homemaking. While her husband worked. She discovered a hole heap of things when she left her farm

Hats off to your grandma. Having 22 kids & a home business -wow!

I think Jessa chose to be stylish because she was looking for some way to distinguish herself within her own family and had limited choices. I think once she is within her own family, and able to make her own choices with Ben, a new Jessa may emerge, and may bear little resemblance to the old Jessa. I don't think we know her very well at all, and I do think she is the strictest, most devout and most "country" of them all, but hasn't let most of herself be seen because anything she cares about could be used against her or taken from her.

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You do not need a passport to fly within the U. S. but you do need official government ID. 


You can't get a boarding pass without it.  You have to prove you are the person whose name is on the ticket.  Remember D. B. Cooper?  In those days all you needed was the price of the ticket (for him, $20 including tax).  If you pay cash today, many people are going to be checking on why.


About thirty years ago a friend of mine received a very large cash payout from a life insurance policy (bad tragedy, not sharing the details).  As part of his dealing with the grief he spent the next two or three years paying for everything with cash, and he always made a point of flashing a very large wad every time.  He kept telling me people were impressed.  I kept telling him people thought he was a drug dealer, or some other criminally off the grid type.  Also someone worth mugging.  To which he would say he could handle himself, to which I would say you have never been mugged, have you?


Anyway, nowadays you definitely need government id, especially if you are paying cash.  People who don't want to leave a money trail are behaving suspiciously, and airlines that unquestioningly board such passengers are risking their other customers, their crews, their planes, their reputations, and their overall ability to do business.


Apologies if I'm drifting, but I've been watching Air Crash Investigation on youtube all day, and this is on my mind.  

Edited by kassygreene
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We do know that nearly everyone we are discussing here has a state issued driver's license and all of the Duggars have passports, so while they live in what they claim is a cash only world (although I'm betting they use credit cards for conveniences and cash back rewards - hey, it's free money if you do it correctly) government issued IDs are no problem.

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I don't have faith but for those who do, I have a question. What good is it to come to faith because that's all you know? In other words, shouldn't faith bea decision after you explore alternatives. Blind faith isn't faith at all. Am I off base?

That is really a pretty serious question. My parents were agnostics, I'm a retired minister. There are challenges to coming to faith after you are an adult if you have no "mother's knee" teaching. Still, there is the middle ground of parents of faith allowing their children to learn broadly while still instilling a love for God in their childhood. 

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Ok, that's a weird concept to me, government issued ID is not an ID card or passport necessarily then....that wouldn't fly here. Germany has a proper ID card which is valid across Europe and a normal passport as well. You would not get on board of anything with a driver's licence or similar. We like our bureaucracy here;-)


Re faith - I was going to say that faith that has never been tried isn't worth much but then I got thinking. Maybe it could be said that your faith is that big that you never doubted....

But then I'm Catholic and we are fairly big on believing that trials and tribulations are part of believing and life, unlike some of the protestant beliefs, who seem to think that favourtism is a sure sign to being God's favourite. That I find very hard to fathom indeed


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Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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