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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

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46 minutes ago, Barb23 said:

I dream about having to go to the bathroom & like you said there's always something that prevents it from happening (broken toilet, no door, long line, etc.) 

Re: hand surgery.  It was a long time ago but I think they gave me a nerve block from about the elbow down so I couldn't feel anything  incl them pulling & tugging on my hand plus I had the med to make me drowsy.  I do remember them doing the block with a lot of needles going in at different places.  Needles don't upset me & it's similar to dental work where once they get the first needle in to numb you, you don't really feel the rest.  My arm & hand nerves awoke in stages  but the pain came all at once, if that makes sense. I'm not sure why I wanted the nerve block vs general anesthesia. It may have been during my days when my sister & I were fixated on anything medical including operations.  I don't get queasy that easily & I think  with the nerve block I envisioned myself being alert enough to somehow watch the surgery. My husband is like you & said he would have gone with the general anesthesia from the get go. 

OMG, I hate those dreams! If only it was something as simple as a long line or broken door...Whenever I have those dreams, it's invariably a toilet full to overflowing with what looks like months worth of - uhg (*barf*)...Nevermind. I can't even think of trying to describe it....

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14 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

OMG, I hate those dreams! If only it was something as simple as a long line or broken door...Whenever I have those dreams, it's invariably a toilet .....

I hate hate hate those repetitive dreams, too. So happy when I wake up. 

I also don’t like the ones where I am in college, can’t find my class/didn’t do the homework/not wearing underwear. 

I’m a mess.

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25 minutes ago, Love2dance said:

I hate hate hate those repetitive dreams, too. So happy when I wake up. 

I also don’t like the ones where I am in college, can’t find my class/didn’t do the homework/not wearing underwear. 

I’m a mess.

Omg I have this dream SO much. I have a dream frequently where I'm going to my classes and doing very well, and then remember that I had a math class or something that I forgot to go to after the first day. 

Being a former dancer, I also have lots of recital dreams, especially in the spring. Something will go wrong, like I forgot a costume or something. Lately, I'll be backstage and realize I don't know my dances, and wonder how I can fake my way through. Usually I know a couple of my dances, but then realize I forgot to go one day (for most of my dance career, I went two days), and I'll realize I totally forgot to go to the classes on the other day.  Then, it dawns on me that it has been a LONG time since I was in class...like over a decade lol. I always end up trying to learn the dances backstage, vowing to remember to go to class the next year. 

It's so funny how common this type of dream is! My mom always told me I would have them, but I never did until several years out of college. 

I used to have a repetitive dream where I went in my family's attic. The trapdoor was in my closet, but my mom wouldn't let us open it, and I was so curious about it my whole childhood. I'd dream that we went up there, and every time, it was something different. Sometimes it was a normal attic, but I got so many varying things. Sometimes it was several rooms, furnished or not. Sometimes there were a few nice rooms, and a few hidden rooms. Sometimes it was super creepy. Occasionally it was really unstable, and once in awhile had ghosts. Sometimes there were windows that we didn't know how we missed from the outside. Sometimes there were even people living up there! Once in awhile, there was somehow a huge mansion up there. It was never the same thing twice, though. When I was in college, my mom FINALLY let me look up there, and it was just a normal-looking attic, with no floor, and a lot of AC equipment. I never had that dream again after I saw it. 

Hope I'm not boring anyone, but I just thought of one more! I have always had dreams about being in malls. In fact, I had one last night! I was in my hometown mall (which is basically decrepit) in its prime, ordering at Chick-fil-a (one of the two restaurants there) and I ran into all three of my cousins from my town. I think I ended up hanging out with them and watching some kind of video. Hahaha weird! Anyway, sometimes the mall is really creepy, old, and abandoned. A lot of times, it has skateboarders that creep me out, and sections that are really old that nobody shops in. I get really uneasy and wonder if anyone remembers that part of the mall is there, or if I'm allowed to be there, because it looks like it hasn't been touched since the 70's or so. Frequently we have to leave the mall through an exit that they say was a hot dog stand in the 70's, and I always find it creepy (and is not based on anything I've ren IRL). Sometimes, it's a bright, beautiful, bustling, huge mall. Occasionally, I have a hotel room that connects to the mall, or even a house! I have noticed that when I am generally more fulfilled, it's a bustling, fun mall, while if I'm anxious, it's the creepy mall. Last night was a mix of both, because I now remember being in a great mall and getting lost, unable to find my store, and suddenly ending up in the old chick-fil-a. I knew it was old, because I was thinking, "they opened this up for today?!" They were selling breakfast biscuits, and I knew it was either the past or a special occasion, because it's been boarded up for years. I feel like it's kind of like a reflection of my life right now, actually: kind of lost but in a fancy, nice place where I'm happy, but kind of wishing sometimes that I could just go back to childhood and do it all again. Actually makes perfect sense. 

HAHAHAHA sorry for the rambling! This post was basically therapy! Dreams are so fascinating, though. Anyone else have recurring dreams? I'd love to hear about them!

Edited by Christina87
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46 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

OMG, I hate those dreams! If only it was something as simple as a long line or broken door...Whenever I have those dreams, it's invariably a toilet full to overflowing with what looks like months worth of - uhg (*barf*)...Nevermind. I can't even think of trying to describe it....

This is my version of this dream as well. Always with a wet floor. Ugh. 

The other dream I have is leaving my purse somewhere. I don’t want to leave it but I do and then can’t seem to get back to it. 

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Jilly Muffin and her cooking have nothing on me. I managed to set my oven on fire. I will never snark on her cooking again.

Being a Sunday and all, the maintenance guy for my building called me back after I talked to the superintendent. He determined it wasn't urgent and wasn't going to drive 30 minutes when he can deal with it tomorrow morning. I know I've fried it. The worst part is I have a phobia of fire. The landlord here for some reason isn't required to have a fire extinguisher in each unit. The nearest one is locked up at the other end of the hallway. My first thought was just to get it out and get it out NOW. I turned off the oven, grabbed a mixing bowl full of clean water and doused the fire. The maintenance guy was mad I used water. It was the only thing I had quick access to before the phobia kicked in and I pulled a Homer Simpson. It did the trick, thankfully. No causing fireballs or anything.

I don't look forward to tomorrow and dealing with them. This oven has been on its last legs anyway. I've spoke to management several times pointing out the stove hasn't been functioning properly. The maintenance guy always insists it is just fine. I don't need a lecture, thanks. I know baking soda or a fire extinguisher would have worked better but I'm tired and stressed out.

I've spent most of the day since then shaking. I ended up ordering several meals to keep for the next couple of days since I don't think I'll have a new stove for a few days. I ate them all out of nervousness.


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5 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

CherryMalotte, how are you doing? Are you more comfortable about the procedure tomorrow? Are you tired of going to the bathroom?

Well...I'm hungry finally.  Holy smoke, the worst part wasn't the bathroom follies but the damn stuff that I had to drink.  The nurse at the doc office told me try it with Sierra Mist, and that sounded reasonable to me...except that I hardly ever drink pop, I'm not a big carbonated fiend.  And while the stuff smelled great, like grape throat medicine, it was really friggin vile.  I downed as much as I could as quickly as I could, then did the 32 oz of water over the next couple of hours.  I'm not a big water fiend either, though I should be.  I switched to white grape juice for the 8pm round but that was just as nasty.  I'm waterlogged now and that taste is still got me.  This really is the nasty part.  I'm so glad I have a morning appointment because all I can think of now is a big Rax beef sammich!

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For people who find having to drink a large quantity of nasty tasting liquid is difficult, I talked the doctor into letting me switch to magnesium citrate.  It's cheap (.99 a bottle at WalMart) and for me doesn't taste as bad.  It's supposedly harsher on the digestive tract, but for me that wasn't true.  I have a super reactive system and needed less than a bottle.

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Just now, Absolom said:

For people who find having to drink a large quantity of nasty tasting liquid is difficult, I talked the doctor into letting me switch to magnesium citrate.  It's cheap (.99 a bottle at WalMart) and for me doesn't taste as bad.  It's supposedly harsher on the digestive tract, but for me that wasn't true.  I have a super reactive system and needed less than a bottle.

I wish I had known this. I was already hospitalized when I had mine, and had a really difiicult time drinking all the prep. The actual procedure was easy.

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1 hour ago, latetotheparty said:

The other dream I have is leaving my purse somewhere. I don’t want to leave it but I do and then can’t seem to get back to it. 

Must be another common one. I dreamed I lost my purse two nights ago. A very panicky dream!

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1 hour ago, DangerousMinds said:

I wish I had known this. I was already hospitalized when I had mine, and had a really difiicult time drinking all the prep. The actual procedure was easy.

Our healthcare provider says the magnesium citrate and other small volume preps can be too harsh for some people, and can cause kidney damage or failure. So we are required to use the large volume goLightly or similar. Ugh.

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3 hours ago, Christina87 said:

I have a dream frequently where I'm going to my classes and doing very well, and then remember that I had a math class or something that I forgot to go to after the first day. 

I used to have a repetitive dream where I went in my family's attic. The trapdoor was in my closet, but my mom wouldn't let us open it, and I was so curious about it my whole childhood. I'd dream that we went up there, and every time, it was something different. Sometimes it was a normal attic, but I got so many varying things. Sometimes it was several rooms, furnished or not. Sometimes there were a few nice rooms, and a few hidden rooms.

HAHAHAHA sorry for the rambling! This post was basically therapy! Dreams are so fascinating, though. Anyone else have recurring dreams? I'd love to hear about them!

Oh wow, I've had dreams about forgetting to go to a class for a whole semester a bunch of times! Or variations on this theme. 

And I've dreamed about finding hidden rooms in my house quite a few times too! 

Another recurring theme I dream about is difficulty getting onto an airplane/traveling - such as waiting in line, or being late, or other obstacles to getting on.  

Recently I googled to try to find dreams analysis online and was so surprised I couldn't find anything. I'd love to have a book or something that discussed all of these common themes in dreams. I figure a lot of them are anxiety-induced. But the finding hidden rooms seems like something else - I wish I knew what!

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1 hour ago, OpieTaylor said:

And I've dreamed about finding hidden rooms in my house quite a few times too

I always would dream about finding secret rooms whenever we moved to a new house. Every single time. This discussion made me remember that. I thought I'd try to look it up here:


But nothing turned up using the words secret or hidden. I often wondered what those dreams meant.

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7 hours ago, Love2dance said:

Our healthcare provider says the magnesium citrate and other small volume preps can be too harsh for some people, and can cause kidney damage or failure. So we are required to use the large volume goLightly or similar. Ugh.

It is so interesting to me about the preps.  In our old city the dr. there had one prep only.  My cousin in the NYC area switches GI doctors because of insurance and each one has a different prep.  All touted as "latest and greatest".  Now we are in new big city with a University medical system and the GI doctor there has several preps to choose from and Mr. lookeyloo chose the magnesium citrate.  He was cleared by his cardiologist for this prep and procedure.  So, go figure.  Or as my late Grandma used to say "go know".  

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6 hours ago, OpieTaylor said:

Oh wow, I've had dreams about forgetting to go to a class for a whole semester a bunch of times! Or variations on this theme. 

And I've dreamed about finding hidden rooms in my house quite a few times too! 

Another recurring theme I dream about is difficulty getting onto an airplane/traveling - such as waiting in line, or being late, or other obstacles to getting on.  

Recently I googled to try to find dreams analysis online and was so surprised I couldn't find anything. I'd love to have a book or something that discussed all of these common themes in dreams. I figure a lot of them are anxiety-induced. But the finding hidden rooms seems like something else - I wish I knew what!

I’ve had the dream about hidden rooms for many years and have tried in vain to think back to when it started, or if there was some event in my life that caused it. 

It always starts the same. We have bought a house and are going through the final walk through when I come upon extra rooms that I hadn’t seen before. The rooms sometimes change, two bedrooms, or rooms in a finished basement, but one thing that never changes is that all the rooms are painted green, that industrial, hospital color green.

I used to dream this more often, but in recent years, I still have this dream several times a year. Weird. I didn’t realize it was a common dream and would love to know what it means.

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I used to have the dreams about hidden rooms in houses very frequently. I still have them now and again, but not quite as much. Most often it seems to start with my uncle's house in England. It was a very typical semi-detached home, but they had also refinished part of the attic into a guest room which I stayed in a couple of times when visiting. There may or may not have been a little access door in the back of the room leading to the rest of the attic - I think I was still in college last time I was there, and have had many dreams of it in so many different configurations since then that I have no idea what it really looked like anymore. 

Very often, any dreams of mysterious houses with hidden rooms also contain someone/something which is chasing me, and which pops up again the moment I think I have found a safe place to hide. I end up running across fields and country roads (and, of course, generally I can't even run, but am bogged down unable to move my legs) trying to escape whatever it is. That's why I hate that sort of suspense in movies, etc...the moment the bad guy suddenly surfaces all I want to do is go away until that part of the plot line is resolved, which often isn't until the end of the movie LOL. I don't do well with suspense. If I must watch it, I want spoilers so I can breathe.

Oh, and as for the dreams about classes and finals, yeah, I still have those all the time. Generally they involve my having forgotten my locker combination and not having any of the books for the class. That and not having gone to the class altogether because my schedule was also in the locker and I had no idea where and when the class was. If the dream is set in college, it's pretty much the same except for the locker. 

I have dreams of going places naked on occasion, but generally it doesn't really bother me, in the dream, until at some point I realize that people are not thinking I'm being socially acceptable, then I feel as though I'd better figure out how to find some clothes. I don't seem to have a huge Puritanical streak! LOL

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9 hours ago, Love2dance said:

Our healthcare provider says the magnesium citrate and other small volume preps can be too harsh for some people, and can cause kidney damage or failure. So we are required to use the large volume goLightly or similar. Ugh.

You are supposed to drink a large quantity of Gatorade and other liquid along with it.  I've never had to use the large volume prep.  The other time I used a different prep and I had to gag through the plastic taste.  

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I love hearing about these recurring dreams!!! It's cool that so many of us have had the hidden rooms dream. I guess that could mean many things: we're curious people, we're looking for a new experience of some sort, we're outside the box thinkers, we want more space (emotional or physical), etc. 

I thought of another recurring dream, though it's not super exciting. I dream rather frequently that I am back at my grandmother's house, and I think it's because the house was torn down right after she died. I never dream of my other grandmother's house that is still standing. It's always a totally different situation, though, ranging from going there to see her with my family, going there with friends while we know she's dead, to even bad dreams where I go back and it's been flooded and damaged. Sometimes I'm not expecting to see her and it's a great delight, and sometimes I feel that her spirit is there and I'm intruding (but I know she would always welcome me if it were real!). For those of you who believe in people "visiting" you in dreams, I have never felt like she was really there (though I believe I've been "visited" once by somebody else). Does anyone else dream of places that they used to love (and still do love, even though they're not there)?

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8 hours ago, OpieTaylor said:

Oh wow, I've had dreams about forgetting to go to a class for a whole semester a bunch of times! Or variations on this theme. 

And I've dreamed about finding hidden rooms in my house quite a few times too! 

Another recurring theme I dream about is difficulty getting onto an airplane/traveling - such as waiting in line, or being late, or other obstacles to getting on.  

Recently I googled to try to find dreams analysis online and was so surprised I couldn't find anything. I'd love to have a book or something that discussed all of these common themes in dreams. I figure a lot of them are anxiety-induced. But the finding hidden rooms seems like something else - I wish I knew what!

I've also had the college dream of not finding the classroom for a whole semester, then having to take the final.  I finally quit having that dream after decades of it!

I've also had the dream of finding hidden rooms in my house.  Soooo many times!  The newly found room is always filled with dangling cobwebs!

I also have numerous repetitive, cleaning dreams.  All night long, I'll be scrubbing a wall, or toilet or whatever.  I have repetitive dreams of chopping food on whatever I plan to cook the next day.

I always wake up tired after repetitive dreams.

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I have the same repetitive dream about having to pee and the toilet is clogged or it's a public restroom and the door won't close or the toilet is broken. I have those dreams a lot, probably because I drink a lot of water, lol! 

I also have ones where I'm in a plane that is crashing and I wake up right before it hits the ground/water/mountain. Plus ones where I know I need to wake up but I just can't move or force my eyes open. 

I wonder what all of those are saying about me, haha.

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On 2/23/2019 at 1:50 PM, galaxychaser said:

@bigskygirl hp is the worst laptop I ever had. 

Thanks for the tip. I am thinking of getting another Dell. I just want a computer for the internet, watching movies, printing, be able to make documents, and iTunes.

And speaking of bad gifts...One of husband’s sisters sent him cake pans for Christmas while he was still on dialysis.

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7 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

Thanks for the tip. I am thinking of getting another Dell. I just want a computer for the internet, watching movies, printing, be able to make documents, and iTunes.

@bigskygirl, I got an Asus a couple of years ago and it’s been a great computer, no issues at all. I read the reviews at The Wirecutter which I found really helpful because they break it down by what you want to do with the computer, so you don’t buy more or less than you need.

Confession - I am taking a mental health day today. In my defense, I was really nauseated last night and only slept a few hours. Also, I am taking two meetings this afternoon, so I’m working part of the day.

Edited by MargeGunderson
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39 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

Thanks for the tip. I am thinking of getting another Dell. I just want a computer for the internet, watching movies, printing, be able to make documents, and iTunes.

And speaking of bad gifts...One of husband’s sisters sent him cake pans for Christmas while he was still on dialysis.

I had a toshiba for forever I loved it. Now my Lenovo laptop is 4 years old and still working fine. If I was rich I’d buy a Mac book. My dream laptop. I do love my iPad a lot. A lot haha. 

I just looked on bestbuy.com and most laptops don’t have dvd/cd drives anymore!

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1 hour ago, emma675 said:

I have the same repetitive dream about having to pee and the toilet is clogged or it's a public restroom and the door won't close or the toilet is broken. I have those dreams a lot, probably because I drink a lot of water, lol! 

I also have ones where I'm in a plane that is crashing and I wake up right before it hits the ground/water/mountain. Plus ones where I know I need to wake up but I just can't move or force my eyes open. 

I wonder what all of those are saying about me, haha.

Omg yes! I have had the ones where I know I need to wake up, but can't force my eyes open either!

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1 hour ago, louannems said:

also have numerous repetitive, cleaning dreams.  All night long, I'll be scrubbing a wall, or toilet or whatever.  I have repetitive dreams of chopping food on whatever I plan to cook the next day.

I always wake up tired after repetitive dreams.

This is fascinating!!! I wonder what that means. I have also had dreams that someone was forcing me to stay awake all night, and then wake up exhausted. Scrubbing a toilet sounds WAY WORSE than staying awake though! I wonder if it could be having to endure some sort of unpleasant situation while wondering if it will never end? Idk, but it's interesting to think about!

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1 hour ago, emma675 said:

I also have ones where I'm in a plane that is crashing and I wake up right before it hits the ground/water/mountain. Plus ones where I know I need to wake up but I just can't move or force my eyes open. 

I wonder what all of those are saying about me, haha.

I've dreamed a bunch of times about going over a cliff in a car, or slipping off the side of a mountain road, and awaking before it hits the ground. Sometimes there's an awful split-second where I think, "I can't believe this has happened! I'm going to die!" right before I wake up. Always such a relief when I wake!!

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I have a lot of recurring dreams.

One is being chased. It's happened in all settings, both modern and historical. One of the worst recurring settings is this circular death trap thing where you have to jump to get away because there's no exit but I can see levels above and below me. Ugh. I hate that dream.

I did my master's thesis on In Cold Blood and during that sixteen months I frequently dreamed about the crime scene and then I got to where I frequently dreamed I was over hearing the two murderers talking to each other or they were talking to me. They never identified themselves and I never saw them, just heard the voices, and the conversations were usually mundane, but for some reason, I always knew it was them and could distinguish their voices from each other. The only thing I really remember is Perry would frequently screech, "we mustn't prevaricate!" Was happy when I graduated and stopped having those dreams.

Not a recurring dream, per se, but I frequently know I'm dreaming and spend a lot of my dreams in the dream literally wailing to nobody in particular, "This doesn't make any sense! This has to be a dream!"

I'm home sick with a bad case of bronchitis right now and have been battling insomnia, so I'd almost pay good money to have any of those stupid nightmares now because it would at least mean I was sleeping. 

Edited by Zella
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Everything went fine with the little colon peek a boo, they found a polyp and took it out but everything went good.   I did have a minor freak out with the anesthesia guy, and got scared for a few minutes but managed to collect myself and told him to proceed.  He was so nice to me, and after I apologized profusely he said it's way more common than you think for people to be apprehensive or have anxiety.  Then I had a different anesthesia dude in the actual op room who said to me that he had heard I was anxious and I explained my fear of not waking up and he said very nicely to me 'honey, if you don't wake up, I don't get paid!' which made me laugh.  We had some Oscar talk for a couple of minutes, whatever he shot in the IV did it's thing and I was OUT.  Once again, so much better when people apply a little humor to the situation or find other ways to put you at your ease.  I was there at 9:30, had to wait a bit to go back but I was out of the joint by noon.  No pain now, just had a nice big lunch.

Thanks to everybody again for your assurances and colonoscopy stories, they helped.  


42 minutes ago, Zella said:

I'm home sick with a bad case of bronchitis right now and have been battling insomnia,

Have mercy - hope you are feeling better soon! 

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6 hours ago, Absolom said:

You are supposed to drink a large quantity of Gatorade and other liquid along with it.  I've never had to use the large volume prep.  The other time I used a different prep and I had to gag through the plastic taste.  

I’m definitely going to ask about doing that next time!

@Zella, I hope you will feel better soon and get some sleep. Bronchitis is no fun at all. 

@CherryMalotte, so glad your procedure went well and you had comforting anesthesiologists. And I’m happy we could all reassure you ahead of the appointment.

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2 hours ago, CherryMalotte said:

Then I had a different anesthesia dude in the actual op room who said to me that he had heard I was anxious and I explained my fear of not waking up and he said very nicely to me 'honey, if you don't wake up, I don't get paid!' which made me laugh.  

I like this dude!!!

so glad to hear it went well!!!

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6 hours ago, OpieTaylor said:

I've dreamed a bunch of times about going over a cliff in a car, or slipping off the side of a mountain road, and awaking before it hits the ground. Sometimes there's an awful split-second where I think, "I can't believe this has happened! I'm going to die!" right before I wake up. Always such a relief when I wake!!

I don't think I've ever dreamed of actually going off a cliff. but I do frequently dream that I am driving on a winding road and discover that I'm going way too fast to negotiate the curve without leaving a big scrape of the side of the car. Sometimes I am not even sitting in the driver's seat, but somehow driving along while relaxing in the back seat before realizing that the road is getting all curvy! LOL

I do tend to drive a wee bit fast in real life sometimes, but also get quite uncomfortable taking curves at speed, so maybe it's related to my driving habits in some way.

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On 2/22/2019 at 1:49 PM, galaxychaser said:

My neighbor the satan calls his wife mother. Anyone on here husband/significant other calls them mother or mom? 

First time I ever heard that.

My grandparents used to call each other mama and Daddy.

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4 hours ago, CherryMalotte said:

Have mercy - hope you are feeling better soon! 

2 hours ago, Love2dance said:

@Zella, I hope you will feel better soon and get some sleep. Bronchitis is no fun at all. 

Thank you both. Finally got a couple of hours of sleep this afternoon. (Nightmare-free even.) Hoping I can rest some more tonight. 

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14 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

I don't think I've ever dreamed of actually going off a cliff. but I do frequently dream that I am driving on a winding road and discover that I'm going way too fast to negotiate the curve without leaving a big scrape of the side of the car. Sometimes I am not even sitting in the driver's seat, but somehow driving along while relaxing in the back seat before realizing that the road is getting all curvy! LOL

I do tend to drive a wee bit fast in real life sometimes, but also get quite uncomfortable taking curves at speed, so maybe it's related to my driving habits in some way.

Given that it seems to be a dream theme, I think it’s gotta represent something we’re dealing with at the time.

I find it so interesting that in this small group, we dream similar things!

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I left a marriage and a PhD program and moved across the country to Northern California a quarter century ago. Before I moved, I had a recurring dream that I was driving (sometimes from the back seat), the car was out of control, and I couldn't find the brakes or they didn't work. After I moved to San Francisco, I had the dream, and I found the brake, and I stopped the car.

My subconscious is not known for its subtlety.

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14 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Has anyone else had issues accessing this site over the past couple days? I have gotten a lot of error messages.

Three times I got the error message.  One lasted several hours and overnight.  The other two were just a few minutes.

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Is anyone else getting kicked off this site with a "temporary technical problem" message?  I have received this message several times this afternoon, after which the the site closes.  I cannot log in as I usually do, but can get in if I go back to my browser and open the Previously TV site.  However, I do not have to log in again as my login info is still in place and active..  This has happened several times and I have not had this happen before.  Is this just a glitch in the new set-up??

The above was written yesterday, and for some reason did not post.

Today I have not received the "technical problem" message, but all of my topic pages have reset back to page 1 instead of coming up on the last-read post.  Is anyone else having this experience?

(Now to see if this will post today...)

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Thing is, several threads that I had already read came up as having unread content. Not knowing where I had stopped, I have ended up in several threads in which I was already caught up. THEN I marked the forums as read. I was taken back to page one in all the threads on the Top Chef board. 

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20 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

Is anyone else getting kicked off this site with a "temporary technical problem" message?  I have received this message several times this afternoon, after which the the site closes.  I cannot log in as I usually do, but can get in if I go back to my browser and open the Previously TV site.  However, I do not have to log in again as my login info is still in place and active..  This has happened several times and I have not had this happen before.  Is this just a glitch in the new set-up??

The above was written yesterday, and for some reason did not post.

Today I have not received the "technical problem" message, but all of my topic pages have reset back to page 1 instead of coming up on the last-read post.  Is anyone else having this experience?

(Now to see if this will post today...)

Yes, same (as well as other issues) has been happening to me for several days. I also tried to post in the Bugs section and failed.

14 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Many of my pages reset to sometime in 2017. I'm.working through them to set them up as read.

2016 for me. So frustrating!

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No audit this morning due to the cold. Right now it is a balmy 9 below. The audit is now set for 3/12. On the news a reporter said the snow depth is 50  inches in Missoula. I know my yard has some good size snow drifts. And yes, we are suppose to get more snow the next few days. More shoveling!! My sinuses are acting up. I am glad I got my eye mask because it helps my dry eyes and protects against eye infections.

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All this talk of dreams and I think I did a bit of sleepwalking last night! I woke up with Kleenex on my pillow and nightstand and a few things were knocked over in my bathroom near the Kleenex box. My allergies were awful yesterday and apparently during the night, too! I'm single so I have no idea what went on. The dog isn't talking, lol!

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13 hours ago, jcbrown said:

I left a marriage and a PhD program and moved across the country to Northern California a quarter century ago. Before I moved, I had a recurring dream that I was driving (sometimes from the back seat), the car was out of control, and I couldn't find the brakes or they didn't work. After I moved to San Francisco, I had the dream, and I found the brake, and I stopped the car.

My subconscious is not known for its subtlety.

I dream about driving & the brakes not working a lot as well as being in plane that almost crashes.

I had several dreams a few months ago when I was constantly fighting with my sister. No matter what I talked to her about she would turn it into a fight. This is so untrue about us. Like I've mentioned before, she is my best friend & my angel & helps me so much because of my RA. I'm so glad when I wake up from these dreams & know it isn't real.  I've never had the hidden room dream but frequently dream about my mother's house, the house I grew up in. I  dream only about being in her TV room no other room.  We did have a lot of fun times in this room even though it was just a renovated bedroom.  This is the room we did our homework in, watched TV & played with each other & friends.  I spent plenty of time on the sofa  recuperating from my various illnesses while growing up. So the room does conjure up plenty of happy times.

Dreams fascinate me too & I did a report on them in high school.  I gave my son a book about interpreting dreams a few years ago.  I'll have to see what he did with it. 

Years ago my brother-in-law asked me how I dream?   Do I dream like I am now  being disabled because of my RA or do I dream of how I was in the past when I got around fine?  For the most part, I dream like I was in the past, moving around fine. He asked because he had throat cancer a long time ago & his voice box was involved so he talks with a loud whisper.  He said like me he dreams in the past when he had a normal voice.  So if there is anyone else out there with a physical disability or problem,  do you dream how you were in the past or how you are now?

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Wow!  I love all  these posts about dreams.  I thought I was the only one with the "I can't find a decent bathroom" dream.

Years ago I had a book on the meaning of dreams; I have no idea what happened to it.  At the time I was really into dreams and their meaning, and I kept a dream diary for several years.

I had one terrible case of "sleep paralysis" and was convinced there was a murderer standing next to me and strangling me.  It was terrible. 

And I always heard that you wake up before you land in a dream where you are falling.  That is not true.  I fell from a bridge once and died; as I lay dead on the ground I saw my guardian angel and complained bitterly about how he had failed in his duty to protect me.

I do have those school dreams where I am unprepared for some reason or I can't remember my locker combination and get to class on time.   When I was in law school we had one final for each class which was always a long essay analyzing a legal situation.  I would always go home, and dream that I was writing "the book" as we called it.  It was very annoying because my dream essays were perfect and would almost always include a sentence or paragraph that I should have included in my original exam.  

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4 hours ago, Barb23 said:

So if there is anyone else out there with a physical disability or problem,  do you dream how you were in the past or how you are now?

Not really the same but when my mom was dying of Alzheimer's, she was in my dreams sick the way she was in reality. A couple of years after she died she started showing up healthy in my dreams and it was wonderful. Now my dad has Alzheimer's and he is sick in my dreams but my mom is well and helping to care for him.

<just choked myself up writing that>

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My main recurring dream is that I can't find my iPhone.  It lives either in my hand or by my side.  We gave up the house phone when we moved.  

Once many years ago I was visiting my parents, as a grown up, and in the morning came downstairs to tell my mother my bad dream, and, she had had the same bad dream!!!  It was about my youngest brother and something bad happening in his apartment.  He came over later and we told him and he thought we were nuts.  

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