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S04.E04: Wear Your Heart On Your Sleeve

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I disagree with almost everything the judges said.  Except for Kate's slap-down.  That I agreed with.  And Nina's opinion of Dmitry's dress. Preach it, sister!


Helen sucks.  I swear, every episode Helen of Cry looks more rumpled, disheveled and drab.  Nun-like comes to mind.  But a grubby nun, not the clean kind. And I don't buy her story to she dumped her boyfriend. I'm thinking he just forgot she existed.  Her boring red dress looked just like all her other boring dresses.  She can apply for the new Lifetime show "The Sisterhood: Becoming a Nun". She could sew them all boring dresses.  


Dmitry's first S&M dress. It was totally a Ferrari, and it was fabulous. I think he deserved the win.


I liked Gunner this episode.  He seemed less of a snarky poser and more human. I'm always glad to see that. But I didn't care for his dress. I'm glad he stayed.


I liked Benjamin's gold dress.  I thought it was lovely.


Sonjia's dress screamed "Golden Girls" with those sleeves.  Michelle's dress screamed "Golden Girls" with that design.  Fabio's dress screamed "Golden Girls Couch"
with that striped upholstery fabric.


Justin made me cry...again.  He's such a sweet man.  And I adored his look. He does the hand-painted fabric beautifully.  He's one of the few contestants that's always incorporated his real, believable stories into his looks.  His model should have had on black undies though.  I'm sad they didn't get to hear his story.


I keep forgetting Jay is there.  And there's some other girl there that I can't remember. 


Alyssa looked good in that silver dress, for the judging.  Good choice.

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I hated Helen's dress.  When I saw the back of her model on the runway as I happened to look up..I knew it was her.  Those sleeves would annoy the crap out of me.


I'm sorry but I hated Sanja's dress.  I think the colors clashed and the top lace looked like a lace doily.  (look it up younguns)


I liked Dimitrys  (he was robbed)  and I really liked Ben's handkerchief dress..so sue me Nina.  I love Justin and I loved his dress.


Goodbye Kate..and take your neutral color dress with you.

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Alyssa's lava lamp dress was unique. Dmitry's dress turned out better than I thought it would, but I didn't like the flounce that much. Helen's dress was beautiful and she deserved her win. I don't like Helen but I did like her dress. Benjamin's dress looked like the paper you put in a gift bag, the pretty metallic and the extra white tissue. Kate's dress was a mess as well as Gunnar's. Now Gunnar's dress might have been interesting for the Wicked challenge. But I thought Samantha's was the worst. It was just nothing. While Sonja's was nice, I liked Fabio's a lot better. The pink geometric print and the design were much more interesting.

Thinking about Michelle for a minute, maybe what we're seeing now is a happy Michelle and what we saw before was a Michelle competing with the burden of a failing marriage on her shoulders. That could make anyone grumpy. But her hair still looks weird.

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Nina continues to have terrible taste in clothes.  I cancelled my subscription to Marie Claire after the Wretchen win, and I will continue to not renew it.  Helen and Sonia's dresses were awful.  I'm not saying they were the worst, but neither one should've been top two. 


Helen's dress' neckline did nothing for that model.

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Helen's outfit won?? Yikes. When her model came down the runway, I was reminded of something some fashion designer once said "When you wear one color from head to toe, you look like whatever vegetable or fruit comes in that color." All I could think was "tomato." And I really wanted someone to ask her model to raise her arms - I can just imagine what that would have done to the "new shape" they were all agog over. But why would one have to raise one's arms at a party, after all - it's not like you need to, oh, hug the hostess, or raise a glass to your lips.

I did get a laugh out of Michele smugly saying her dress was hands down the best made on the runway, even as the camera panned the gaping back of her dress on the model.

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Totally agree with sending Kate home, but I'm amazed that Sam wasn't on the bottom--that dress didn't say party or romance, and it had serious fit problems.

I liked Helen's dress better than other garments she's made this season (mainly because it wasn't taupe), but I'd have given the win to Dimitry, even though neoprene and vinyl is a weird choice for a party dress. Sonjia should have beaten out Helen, at least. I thought the blue underneath the lace made the dress more interesting and less Golden Girls.

Best thing about this episode, though? Fewer Michelle comments than usual.

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I loved Sonjies dress and hated Helen's. To me, the beautiful red lace and the pop of bright blue was gorgeous. Helen's dress was very plain, and I didn't find either the neckline or the sleeves to be new or fresh. I also thought Gunnar's dress was worse than Kate's, but her hemline was awful. Dimitry's dress was beautifully tailored, but like all his dresses, it screamed ice skater/dancer to me with the flouncy skirt.


Nice prize with the 10,000 and the 15, 000 diamond. Wow!

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Helen sucks.  I swear, every episode Helen of Cry looks more rumpled, disheveled and drab.  Nun-like comes to mind.  But a grubby nun, not the clean kind. And I don't buy her story to she dumped her boyfriend. I'm thinking he just forgot she existed.  Her boring red dress looked just like all her other boring dresses.  She can apply for the new Lifetime show "The Sisterhood: Becoming a Nun". She could sew them all boring dresses.


Agree.  I can't stand Helen.  I can't stand to look at her.  Why does she wear tank tops that show off her repulsive, hideous tattoos?  I hated her droopy armed dress.  Nina Garcia has horrible taste.  I agree with you that I don't believe her story that she dumped her boyfriend.  Husband watching the show with me said "Everyone's psycho ex-girlfriend."


  Bite me Nina but I loved Benjamin's dress and Sonija's.  She totally should have won.  The colors just popped.  The judges did get the auf right though.  What a sad, sad poorly made boring look from Kate.  May we never see her again.

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Peanut: STILL NOT RENEWING the subscription to Marie Claire since 2009, on principle!!! That made me laugh so hard I snorted a noodle up my nose. Fortunately, it was soft so it was easily removed.


My stupid job conflicts with my PRAS watching so I haven't seen the epi yet. Kate went home?????


I'll post more after I watch, but Peanut, I heart you.


(Also, I figure Kate's not done with Project Runway et. al. yet... if they bring back that horrid-ble Under the Gunn, I'm sure Tim will invite her to be a mentor.)

Edited by PepperMonkey
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Those were supposed to be party dresses?  Wow, what kind of parties are these people going to?  


Dmitry's dress looked like a normal day dress from about 20 years ago -- Ferrari Nina?  Really?  I saw zero innovation there unlike Ferrari.  OK he can sew a mean seam, but so not wowed.  Helen's dress had that same constricting arm thing going on as her capes and dresses (what is with that fixation??), and yeah, those sleeves would  have annoyed the hell out of me.  I did like the darting/embroidery detail on the top though.  I can't buy any of her stories though -- I think she lives in her own head ("legend in her own mind")


Kate failed miserably just on color alone:  what about no black or white didn't she understand?  The minute she said baby doll I groaned and what she turned out was a <not> baby doll very bad wedding dress again.  And omg the hem.....   I think her clothing has gone seriously down hill.  Bye Kate.  No more Kate ever, please.


I loved Jhustin's outfit -- it was flirty and heaven forbid it had a PATTERN on it (and wasn't too short for a change)!!   What's with not using printed fabrics people?  It's a PARTY DRESS!!  And prints help hide all those spilled drink/food stains.....


I loved Nina and IM getting into it -- would have liked to see more of that as it would have been more entertaining than the runway outfits.

Edited by DHDancer
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I really liked most of the dresses this episode, but I disagreed with some of the judging.  Sonja's dress didn't do much for the model's figure, but I did like the lace.  I kept expecting the dress to fall off Helen's model and I, too, liked Benjamin's dress.  Dimitry's I really liked.


The one thing I didn't like was the reason behind the challenge.  If there is one thing that annoys me is symbolism challenges.  Most stories come off as fake or pretentious.  "This red band symbolizes the hopes and dreams of my life" and so on.  Ugh!  I wasn't moved by any of their romantic history and, truthfully, could care less about any of it.  As I listened all I could think of was high school literature class and trying to bull my way through essay questions.  The whole thing was obnoxious. 


Ketzel, I just read your post and you said just what I was thinking but in a much funnier way.  I would have loved to hear one of the contestants say something like that.

Edited by caci
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I think it was a few episodes ago, but I really appreciated Mizrahi pointing out the part near a woman's underarm that we can be sensitive to (I call it extra boob, I think he referred to it as "boob fat"), but then they all fell all over themselves for Helen's creation that would be a nightmare for any woman to wear that had tits bigger than an ant.  I couldn't stop looking at the underarm, I was so distracted with it.


I loved Kate's speculation on Dmitry's love life based on his design.


I actually liked Michelle's dress.  What is wrong with me???

Edited by larapu2000
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I hated Helen's dress. It was just a shift with some bands around the arms. The neckline looked awkward to me and the whole thing looked cheap, like something I could have made in the 8th grade. I thought Gunnar's dress was worse than Kate's. I at least liked the top of Kate's, whereas Gunnar's was bad all over, although Kate deserves to go just for all those ragged edges alone. I thought Jay's dress was cuter than Helen's or Sonjia's. No one is really impressing me this season. I watch for the clothes. I don't want to hear about their personal lives. It doesn't matter. It often seems like they're trying to drum up pity votes when the judging should be based solely on the garments they present.

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Can't say I'm disappointed Kate went home, since I'm glad to see her go. Her dress was boring and plain and just old looking... not to mention the unfinished and oddly shaped hem. So I do think the judges got that right, even if Gunnar's dress was a mess, too.


I'm less sold on their top looks. Dimitri's dress was well constructed with those fabrics and overall I liked it, but I liked Justin's red dress a lot more. The nice floaty skirt was great, even if the model flashed everybody a bit... at least she had underwear on..  and that's not a construction issue, just something to be aware of with that style of skirt.


I liked the gold dress a lot as well. I don't mind the handkerchief hem once and awhile and I think it  worked in this case.


Hated Helen's dress... it just looked like a big ol' frowny face to me. Sad droopy crying shoulder frowny face...


Michelle's dress just looked old to me... and while Sonjia's was interesting with the blue underneath, the lace just seemed too shapeless...


As for the rest... Fabio's was just okay for me.. definitely middle of the pack... and that yellow/mustard dress was so much fug!

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The thought of Helen winning a diamond necklace and massive jewelry store gift card really cracked me up. I can't imagine her wearing diamonds, I'm sure she's too cool for them. Has there ever been a more mismatched prize and winner?

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I was so pleased to hear "It's a party! No black or white!" But in the end I thought the prettiest thing on the runway tonight was the outfit Gunnar was wearing.  Other than that, there were a lot of dresses vying for the bottom. I thought Sonija should have been there rather than the top. I wouldn't have been surprised to see Samantha, Michelle, or even my favorite Justin in the bottom.


And in the grocery store today  I was surprised to find something designed by Isaac Mizrahi: Kleenex boxes. (I could try to say something snarky here but seriously, what could I add?)

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And I really wanted someone to ask her model to raise her arms - I can just imagine what that would have done to the "new shape" they were all agog over.

Seriously! She made it to the finals of regular Project Runway with sleeves like that and it drove me crazy. You can't lift your arms in a shape like that. Not a good design. But if she was trying to convey her constant state of droopy sadness, I guess it worked to tell that story. *sigh*


Kate and another baby doll dress. I couldn't stop myself from eyerolling. I don't see her expanding beyond this very limited repetoire, she doesn't even seem to see that she's repeating herself over and over and over again. Then again, maybe she did this time, and that's why she tried to switch gears halfway through and "be edgy" which was foolish because it's like Strawberry Shortcake trying to go punk. It's just not her and the whole outfit fell apart. It was very bland.


I liked Dmitry's overall dress, but I agreed with Isaac about the part that curved under the model's butt. It accentuated it in a bad way.


My favorite for story was Fabio's because I like the idea of there being all sorts of layers to a person and in a relationship they peel back the layers to reveal more of themselves, bit by bit. That was clever and kind of poetic.


My favorite for actual design was Justin's. His model may have flashed everyone but the skirt was so fun and flouncy. It made me want to get up and twirl. Very fun. A good party dress. (Poor Justin in his voiceover, doubting his design in comparison to everyone else's, though: "Did I go to the wrong party?" Aww.)

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Rarely do I absolutely abhor the winning design.  Sometimes I disagree, but outright hatred is rare.  


Tonight? Rare, indeed.


My teen-aged sons came in from the other room to see this dress that was making their mom shout at the TV, "But it's hideous!"  They agreed. Hideous.

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Rarely do I absolutely abhor the winning design.  Sometimes I disagree, but outright hatred is rare.


All it needs is one of Helen's little capelets and a nun's habit, and she's the flying nun goin' to a party. Frightening.


Say what you will, I think Alyssa dresses great for a fifty year old woman.


I have to ask: is that a joke about her outfit? Because there's no way Alyssa's 50.

Edited by sinkwriter
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How the hell did fucking Helen win?? That dress was nothing special. I don't get these judges. Pisses me off even more that she won 25,000 dollars for that ugly dress!!!!!

Edited by blaase
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Pisses me off even more that she won 25,000 dollars!!!!!



Well...$15K of it is some pendant that Zale's "values" at $15K...and certainly doesn't look it.  The $10K is a gift card TO Zale's...so a lot of help that is to a struggling designer.

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I've been comparing this show to The Fashion Fund. This show is not coming out ahead.


As for the clothes:


Dmitry-I thought it was very flirty, & I liked the way the back was just a little longer to give coverage.
Jay-Almost looked like this dress & Dmitry’s came from the same collection


Benjamin-Nothing special, just kind of average.
Fabio-I probably would have liked it better without the top overhang part.
Kate-The dress was OK, but it still made me think of weddings, I don’t have a problem with her going.
Justin-The dress itself was cute, but the “I Love You” handprints looked like blobs, they needed to be more obvious.


Didn’t Like
Sonjia-Didn’t like the overdress, it looked unattractively boxy, didn’t like the colors together-once again I have no clue what the judges are looking at
Michelle-Looked like an 80s high school dress
Gunnar-Didn't like the cut & the shiny fabric looked cheap
Samantha-Looked cheap
Helen-The sleeves made it look droopy on top, & the embellishments looked cheap, do the judges have some kind of special contact lenses that make crap like this look good?

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They should look ridiculous, but Jay's tight little homage to gym teachers of the seventies on the runway.  Mmmm.  Mmmm. Mmmm.  now if they would just make him do some jumping jacks in them. 


I was never all that much into Dmitri, but he can just stop with the whole "winner" versus "loser" arrogance.  You are on this show.  The only other "winner" on the show with you is Michelle.  So yeah, stop claiming to be the champ when you are up to your chin in the shit that is this show like everyone else.  Show it in your work.  not your dancing monkey for Jonathan Murray talking heads. 


Alyssa Studio 54 called and wants their ceiling ball back.


Can Samantha sew?  Design?  Talk about wickity whack.


What a moving and incredibly raw show just dripping with emotion and the complete vulnerability of each designer telling such a personal story.  Thank you.  Oh thank you.  Oh dear god thank you so much for all that incredible sharing you all did via your designs.  Yeah right.  If that was such a show of personal reveals, the display in a Gap window I'm guessing is the design team's homage to the Rape of the Sabine Women.  Talk about a crap.


And such bullshit they were feeding into Helen.  Talk about all kinds of smudgy production fingerprints.  Either they already all aware of Helen's dry withered sucking sponge of need or production once again made sure to tip the sewing room hand.  Yeah tim Gunn can make all the claims he wants. 


Sonjia's looked like those scratchy fancy pillows my grandmother use to have in her sitting room.  That I know she paid a silly amount for. That or something draped across Barbara Bush's bosom.  Which is also incredibly scratchy I've heard.


Also Sonjia's dress moved like she was either stealing something or was jacketed by the FBI to go from "party" to witness protection.


Overall not a single one of the designs this week looked good.  Let alone close to being a wow dress.


And I'm just going to say it.  Justin has been able to achieve in a way that if I had his same challenges I would probably would have failed at.  But damn, he annoys.  He seems to almost match Helen in being needy.  But in different way.  Where every single thing has to be a special moment.  I get it in some ways.  i do.  But the minute Zanna approaches him in the sew room I immediately expect Matthew McConnaughey and Anne Hathaway to zoom out of his mouth in their space suits.



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Well, I had that one completely wrong. I had Fabio and Michelle on top and Samantha out. I'd like to know how Samantha squeaked by with that mess. Also hated Benjamin's. I can't believe a designer would offer up a handkerchief hemline in a design competition in 2014.

I'm not a big Kate fan and that dress was kind of meh for me but I still thought it was better than the offerings from Gunnar, Benjamin and Samantha.

Dimitry is interesting because his designs are usually so well-executed that it really comes down to being a matter of taste. For me, the bright red neoprene and the flounce hem as well as the sequins and midriff-baring garments he has shown in the past just get a big, resounding "nope", but he gets so much love on this forum (and he won his season) that I have to begrudgingly admit that I don't know everything :)

Edited by AudreyHorne
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Well, I had that one completely wrong. I had Fabio and Michelle on top and Samantha out. I'd like to know how Samantha squeaked by with that mess. Also hated Benjamin's. I can't believe a designer would offer up a handkerchief hemline in a design competition in 2014.

I'm not a big Kate fan and that dress was kind of meh for me but I still thought it was better than the offerings from Gunnar, Benjamin and Samantha.

Dimitry is interesting because his designs are usually so well-executed that it really comes down to being a matter of taste. For me, the bright red neoprene and the flounce hem as well as the sequins and midriff-baring garments he has shown in the past are just get a big, resounding "nope", but he gets so much love on this forum (and he won his season) that I have to begrudgingly admit that I don't know everything :)


I had Michelle ( much to my chagrin) and Fabio at the top too. I thought they were robbed.

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Well...$15K of it is some pendant that Zale's "values" at $15K...and certainly doesn't look it.  The $10K is a gift card TO Zale's...so a lot of help that is to a struggling designer.

And since she will probably have to pay taxes on the value of her "prize", it's really almost more of a booby prize. Cause there was NO cash invoived, but a lot of "value". When they were announcing the prize, all I could think was "The winner is going straight to a pawn shop with that bling".

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I loved Fabio's.

It would have been great for Justin to get to describe his print to the judge.

Couldn't see how Helen's model was keeping the dress over her breasts. At a party it would have been a disaster!

On her season Korrs always called her out for the crippling sleeves.

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I didn't get Sonjia's dress at all.  It looked like Golden Girls meets Wilma Flintstone with that boxy shape and cheap looking zig-zagged sleeve and hemline.  Helen's was all right, but nothing we haven't seen from her before.  I would have liked to have seen Fabio's discussed, because it at least had an interesting point of view.  


Apparently Benjamin has never seen an episode of Project Runway before because he didn't know that Nina *hates* handkerchief hemlines.  I did enjoy Nina and IM's knock down drag out argument over whose mediocre dress was the most fashion forward.  

Edited by RealityCreator
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I said it back at TWOP. and sadly, I need to say it again here: Helen's aesthetic is cougar at a funeral, and the fact that Nina loves her stuff says volumes about how much Nina really knows or cares about what pre-menopausal women want to wear.

On the bright side, it's downright hilarious that our little guttersnipe darling symbolized the state of her love life by redoing the straitjacket dress from her decoy collection, this time without the pattern of her (ex) boyfriend's eyeball. Actually, Kate's effort was better-fitting version of the dress that got her auffed last time too.

Edited by Julia
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Alyssa slays me with these dresses...can't take it anymore.

This challenge was dumb... I do,not want to hear their personal stories, sorry.

Did not love Dmitri's dress. Not so sure about him anymore. Wow Nina loved it...what do I know. Real Housewives, lol, and ouch.

Did not love Jay's.

Fabio's looked like Easter. He is losing me.

Kate's too bride-ish. And a mess on the bottom. Sick, in a bad way, color.

Michelle's was awful as is she...I hated it.

Gunnar's is weird. Looks poorly made. He does not have great taste.

Justin's blech.

Benjamin's looks cheap-ish. Sorry Nina. His stuff is forgettable.

Helen's dress ok...but not sure. I like it better as you look at it.

Sonja(?) turned out pretty after all.

I thought the winner was kind of obvious from the judges discussion. Shocked Kate went home, but won't miss her.

Edited by Bebecat
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I can't believe Helen's sloppy uni-boob, saggy sleeved, skin tight, ugly red dress won. I thought it'd be on the bottom, for sure. Either I have bad taste (my friends have me pick outfits from their wardrobes, from clothes they already have. They tell me I have a great eye for putting together clothes they never thought would go together, as an outfit), or these 'judges' (on this show, and lately the regular PR) are smoking some really good dope (beer/dope eyes), or they are talking out their asses.

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OMG...what the hell did I just watch??


1. FUG Runway - this runway was a total disappointment to me.  I thought almost everything was ugly.  I thought Helen's was the most ugly.  Its like I'm in some parallel universe where frumpy designs meant to make your boobs look saggy are somehow rewarded.  WTF?  Sonji's was also boxy and ugly to me.  I did like Dimitri's.  I thought Jay, Samantha and Dimitri should have been in the top.  Maybe even Fabio though I though I wasn't a fan of the fabric.  Poor Seth Aaron just looked like he was struggling to say nice things and play nice so he can be asked back.


2. WTF Kate? - I'm totally confused by the random hanging piece of fabric.  Even if you were making it all at the last minute, why not just take some scissors and cut that?  I think both her before and after designs were a mess.


3. Ben - I don't think he deserved to be in the bottom, yes, it was very, very simple, but the back was very nice


4. One day challenges - I think again, it brings down the entire quality of the garments on the runway.  With a big spender like Zales as a sponsor you should be able to squeeze out enough money to do a two day challenge.


5. Speaking of Zales - if I were them I would demand my money back, the challenge had nothing to do with their jewelry, and they were giving out all sorts of money.  I wonder why they didn't have the designers pair their outfit with the jewelry or be inspired by it.

I disagree with almost everything the judges said.  Except for Kate's slap-down.  That I agreed with.  And Nina's opinion of Dmitry's dress. Preach it, sister!


Helen sucks.  I swear, every episode Helen of Cry looks more rumpled, disheveled and drab.  Nun-like comes to mind.  But a grubby nun, not the clean kind. And I don't buy her story to she dumped her boyfriend. I'm thinking he just forgot she existed.  Her boring red dress looked just like all her other boring dresses.  She can apply for the new Lifetime show "The Sisterhood: Becoming a Nun". She could sew them all boring dresses.  



Every time Helen talked I was like "man, I could totally see why a guy would dump her."  She was upset because he wouldn't watch Project Runway with her, why would he want to subject himself to that?  So she could continually either burst into tears or talk about how much better she is than everyone in the entire world of design?  Ugh, no thanks.  She seems like the most self congratulatory, special snowflake that ever hit the scene, I can't blame someone for getting out of that relationship quick.


But Gunnar and Justin's stories made me sad.  Poor Justin didn't want to be a burden on anyone so he never thought he could be in love, and Gunnar with his sad breakup.

All the angst about how personally revealing the challenge was, plus Zanna's exhortation to be more vulnerable - "it's safe!" - made me roll my eyes. Guys, it's Project Runway. Make the best dress you can in the time you have and think up the story afterwards. As Isaac accurately pointed out, they judge the dress, not the story. (Besides, the judges seem perfectly capable of dreaming up their own stories. I was amused when Isaac mentioned the "irony" that the top of Gunnar's dress was a crumpled heart, as Gunnar stared confusedly at what was probably just a screwed up attempt at a classic sweetheart bodice.) Besides, made-up stories are more interesting, anyway. "So, the shredded red top represents my past relationship, where my boyfriend claimed I ripped his heart out and tore it to pieces. The wide belt around the middle represents how constrained I feel in my current marriage, and the cracked buckle detail is for how much I want to get the hell out of it. (Oh, sorry, honey if you happen to be watching this.) The mini skirt bottom with the sequins is all about how glowing the future looks for me, and how free I'll be once I cut my way out! Represented by the side slit!"


and my unfinished hem represents the rawness that still lives in my heart!

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Dimitry is interesting because his designs are usually so well-executed that it really comes down to being a matter of taste. For me, the bright red neoprene and the flounce hem as well as the sequins and midriff-baring garments he has shown in the past just get a big, resounding "nope", but he gets so much love on this forum (and he won his season) that I have to begrudgingly admit that I don't know everything :)


You know what you like and what you don't like.  Fashion is so subjective.  I think every opinion is valid and so, in short, never admit you don't know everything!  :)


And in the grocery store today  I was surprised to find something designed by Isaac Mizrahi: Kleenex boxes. (I could try to say something snarky here but seriously, what could I add?)


I'm waiting until he licenses his designs for use on toilet paper.  Than its really time to let loose.  I know he is making money, but do you think when he went to design school IM one day dreamed that his name would be associated with blowing snot into a tissue?



The thought of Helen winning a diamond necklace and massive jewelry store gift card really cracked me up. I can't imagine her wearing diamonds, I'm sure she's too cool for them. Has there ever been a more mismatched prize and winner?


I'm sure she will try to trade them in so she can get another annoyingly pretentious hipster tattoo.

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Every time Helen talked I was like "man, I could totally see why a guy would dump her."  She was upset because he wouldn't watch Project Runway with her, why would he want to subject himself to that?  So she could continually either burst into tears or talk about how much better she is than everyone in the entire world of design?  Ugh, no thanks.  She seems like the most self congratulatory, special snowflake that ever hit the scene, I can't blame someone for getting out of that relationship quick.



Plus you know even before her season aired he had to go through her sucking all the air out of the room when she was making the decision to audition for the show.  Then she sucked all the air out of the room when she wrung her hands and wept at the fear of being on the show but someone, anyone, everyone failing to recognize or understand her genius.  Then weeks of weeping as she said "goodbye" and how hard it would be for her to be on the show and how much it was a sacrifice for her to pursue her dream.  Particularly knowing that she was too brilliant for the judges to probably completely understand.  He gets a breath when she is gone.  But then she comes back.  Without winning.  My GOD she came back without WINNING!  Can you even imagine?  Especially when she has to keep quiet about the show.  So I'm guessing she just wandered around weeping and destroying things with a knife. 


So yeah.  By the time the show was ready to air, he most likely refused to watch because he figured that was the strongest means to keep from killing her.  Let alone staying with her.  Everything she said was basically "me me me".  Whether it was about the ex or was wondering as she gazed out over the horizon from the vantage of that cross she rebuilt for the show, if the judges could truly understand let alone appreciate what she put into her design.  How personal it was.  How deep she had to draw on what was so profound and so meaningful to her. 


Just to punk her ass I think it would be a howl if she was told she had a day to design a dress around her most memorable bowel movement and then just sit back for the talking head self-absorbed idiocy to, er. flow.


I'm still trying to wrap my head around the table concept conversation that somehow led to a design that reflects the journey of their relationships...but its for a party. 


I wish we not only had Chris March for the challenge, but bitter nasty Chris.  That way the dress could come down, front is a woman's genitalia, rear is a giant sphincter.  His "story"?  "well good or bad every relationship I've been in has led to me being fucked one way or the other"

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Totally agree with sending Kate home, but I'm amazed that Sam wasn't on the bottom--that dress didn't say party or romance, and it had serious fit problems.

I was surprised about that too. When her dress came out I thought, aww, she's about to go home. That's a shame. Of course, I forgot for a moment that the judges smoke crack.

Disagreed with Nina's comments and was firmly on Isaac's side. In five years Sonjia's dress will still be fun and Helen's will (still) be dull. And Dmitry's dress did nothing for me. I don't even remember the rest. This was a poor runway all around.

Edited by joelene
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Plus you know even before her season aired he had to go through her sucking all the air out of the room when she was making the decision to audition for the show.  Then she sucked all the air out of the room when she wrung her hands and wept at the fear of being on the show but someone, anyone, everyone failing to recognize or understand her genius.  Then weeks of weeping as she said "goodbye" and how hard it would be for her to be on the show and how much it was a sacrifice for her to pursue her dream.  Particularly knowing that she was too brilliant for the judges to probably completely understand.  He gets a breath when she is gone.  But then she comes back.  Without winning.  My GOD she came back without WINNING!  Can you even imagine?  Especially when she has to keep quiet about the show.  So I'm guessing she just wandered around weeping and destroying things with a knife. 


So yeah.  By the time the show was ready to air, he most likely refused to watch because he figured that was the strongest means to keep from killing her.  Let alone staying with her.  Everything she said was basically "me me me".  Whether it was about the ex or was wondering as she gazed out over the horizon from the vantage of that cross she rebuilt for the show, if the judges could truly understand let alone appreciate what she put into her design.  How personal it was.  How deep she had to draw on what was so profound and so meaningful to her. 


Just to punk her ass I think it would be a howl if she was told she had a day to design a dress around her most memorable bowel movement and then just sit back for the talking head self-absorbed idiocy to, er. flow.


I'm still trying to wrap my head around the table concept conversation that somehow led to a design that reflects the journey of their relationships...but its for a party. 


I wish we not only had Chris March for the challenge, but bitter nasty Chris.  That way the dress could come down, front is a woman's genitalia, rear is a giant sphincter.  His "story"?  "well good or bad every relationship I've been in has led to me being fucked one way or the other"


LMAO.  I can totally imagine.  Ugh....Helen.


And ultimately, this is Helen we're talking about.  For her, every single one of her bowel movements is a pure masterpiece that would only have its pure genius denied by lesser beings who aren't even fit to look at whatever she leaves in the bowl.  I mean, which one would she even choose from, every single one is special and amazing in its own way.  She would probably burst into tears because she would be faced with the burden of having to choose between all those masterpieces.  She probably bursts into tears when she has to flush, because its just so unfair.


What was so strange about this challenge is that it is obviously one where the smart designer comes up with a good dress and then creates a story.  So why didn't they incorporate the sponsor into it?  They need to encourage sponsors that at least have some money, I mean, they built a challenge around frickin' Yoplait, how could they not build one around Zales and their jewelry?  I think a "design a dress that highlights your piece of Zales jewelry inspired by your experience with love."  And by the way, why was everyone so focused on a SO? You can love your parents, your dog, your siblings, your couch, or in Michelle's case you can simply really be in love with yourself.

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You're forgetting Hamletting about her collection, stressing the home visit, falling apart over the loss, agonizing over fashion week and flailing around social media like a pottymouthed Norma Desmond for a week after the reunion special.

I don't think we can know why he left. Even toxic people can be in relationships with someone who's bad for them, and I have to think whoever it was had to know what he was getting into. Certainly nobody in her family seemed to think there was anything unusual about her jittering like a toy dog on meth at the home visit.

Interesting, though, that Nina gave her the win for a dress she singled out as not working in its first appearance in her own season.

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Tonight's show made me really uncomfortable.  I don't know if it's because I'm a private person or what, but I thought it was creepy and unfair to make the designers dating lives the source of inspiration for the challenge.  I feel like past challenges that have asked for personal inspiration have been more vague and open-ended, like "something meaningful from your past," that gave people a range of options about how much they wanted to expose and from what era or part their lives.  This was way too specific for me:  designers, tell us about your love lives.  Ick.  One of the things I historically liked about this show is that it was about people's talents and not about the personalities, so I did not enjoy seeing a challenge that seemed to require that the designers put their personal business on camera for all the world to see and then to critique them on the results.


I was uncomfortable enough that I ffed through literally everything except the runway show and the elimination.  I didn't love anyone's dress.  I have no interest in Kate, but as between her and Gunnar I was hoping Gunnar would get the boot for sheer annoyance factor.

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First, the grammar nazi in me was going crazy during this episode: "him and I" (Jay), "more sexy" (Kate), "it's between you and I" (Gunnar), "I wish I'd saw this" (guest judge), and "vunnerable" (Zanna).


HATED the droopy sleeves on Helen's dress. It looked like the entire dress was falling off her model. I also hated the flower appliques. But man, did I feel for her when she said her boyfriend wouldn't even watch PR when she was on it. You're better off without a jerk like that, girl. I mean, I know she is a pill but wouldn't all of her boyfriends have noticed that when they started dating her? If you choose to date a whiny cryer like Helen then either be supportive and watch her show or break up with her.


Sanji's dress was awful. The red fabric was interesting but the way she used it looked so old lady. I did like the blue fabric she decided to put underneath it, but that wasn't enough to salvage the look for me.


Gunnar said he wanted chaotic fabric but all I saw was a poorly sewn dress. I usually dismiss most of what Isaac says but I liked what he said about how people default to asymmetry to make a dress fit by sewing it down and that's not the point of asymmetry. This dress didn't seem to bad from a distance but the closer the model got to the camera, the worse it looked. The darts in the back made this skinny model look lumpy. ZI hated his flowered camp shirt and shorts outfit on the runway too.


Benjamin's dress was boring. The spiderweb straps in the back looked like half the yoga tank tops you see. I totally agreed with Nina about the blue fabric he had peeking out. It was so pale that it looked like a mistake (lining or the back of the gold fabric showing). Heh, I totally agreed with Alyssa that when the model walked down the runway, there was some good movement but standing still it started to look like a dance recital costume.


I am not a fan of babydoll dresses so I knew I wouldn't like Kate's as soon as she said that's what she was doing. I didn't like the first version so I did appreciate that she noticed her model didn't feel sexy in it and that's what prompted her to change it. But I didn't think the second version was much better. Notice that Alyssa said this challenge was for party dresses and she specifically said no black or white. The pale gray color that Kate chose was barely a change from her usual white. How does that reflect Florida?


I wasn't sure I would like Dmitry's dress based on his description and his sketch, but it turned out better than I thought it would. I think that it could have been more flattering on the butt if he had lowered where the ruffle began.


Michelle's dress looked really old lady from a distance. Even when it was seen closer up, it didn't look youthful or fun.


Fabio's fabric looked like he ripped up a sofa to get it. He made such a big deal about the different colored lining on the top being very important but then he didn't have the model show it on the runway.


Samantha's dress was ugly, poorly constructed, and cheap looking.


Based on this week's dresses, I would have been fine with several of them going home.

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First, the grammar nazi in me was going crazy during this episode: "him and I" (Jay), "more sexy" (Kate), "it's between you and I" (Gunnar), "I wish I'd saw this" (guest judge), and "vunnerable" (Zanna).


HATED the droopy sleeves on Helen's dress. It looked like the entire dress was falling off her model. I also hated the flower appliques. But man, did I feel for her when she said her boyfriend wouldn't even watch PR when she was on it. You're better off without a jerk like that, girl. I mean, I know she is a pill but wouldn't all of her boyfriends have noticed that when they started dating her? If you choose to date a whiny cryer like Helen then either be supportive and watch her show or break up with her.

I thought she had said "last season" not her season.  Sorry, but I agree even more with his decision to not watch it with her.  I agree that with any other normal, even somewhat annoying person you should go ahead and watch with them, but she is such an emotional vampire.  Between the tears, the anger, the rage, the non stop whines, more tears, the demand that whoever is watching with her recognize how much better she is than the rest of the world, the potential for getting stabbed with one of her nails or getting struck by something she decides to throw, I can't blame the guy.  And you know she would would punish him with endless tears, whines and rages if he didn't give her the right response at the right time.  And for her, the right response is some variation of "you're the best designer Helen, the very best, and I don't even know why they let anyone else compete" and the right time is every single second.  


I think expecting him to watch the show with her has to somehow violate the Ninth Amendment.


If I were him, I might have suggested that we each watch from our respective apartments, but Skype while we are watching it so escape is just a mouse click away.


ETA: I'm a dummy, I just thought about it, the current season was PR 13, and so her season was last season.  

Edited by RealityGal
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I disagree with almost everything the judges said.  Except for Kate's slap-down.  That I agreed with.  And Nina's opinion of Dmitry's dress. Preach it, sister!


Helen sucks.  I swear, every episode Helen of Cry looks more rumpled, disheveled and drab.  Nun-like comes to mind.  But a grubby nun, not the clean kind. And I don't buy her story to she dumped her boyfriend. I'm thinking he just forgot she existed.  Her boring red dress looked just like all her other boring dresses.  She can apply for the new Lifetime show "The Sisterhood: Becoming a Nun". She could sew them all boring dresses.  


Dmitry's first S&M dress. It was totally a Ferrari, and it was fabulous. I think he deserved the win.



I actually liked Sonjia's dress.  It was a fresh and funky take on that see-thru trend.  I'd have been happy with either Sonjia or Demitry winning.   I didn't get the love for Helen's dress.  The bodice and sleeves were droopy and sad looking and the rest of the dress was just, well, a dress.  It also looked like it could fall down off the model at any moment.  Not the worst thing on the runway, but it really should have been in the safe group not the winner.


Kate was long, long overdue for a trip home.  The top of her dress was something an aging socialite would wear to a gallery event.  The bottom of her dress was unfinished and raggedy, even without that craptastic piece of fabric hanging down.  Buh-bye, Kate.  Won't miss you.


Gunnar's dress was terrible, too.  It looked poorly made and poorly thought out.

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 It's funny, I  didn't think ANY of the dresses were really party dresses. Dmitry -- sure it was a  really well constructed dress.  But beyond that, I didn't think ANY of the dresses, including his,  felt modern. Just once I would loike a judge, rather than gushing to say, "eh.. I didn't really love anything up there, but we have to pick a winner I guess?"  Why ooh and agh over  such shoddy work? 


Kate in particular felt as if she  has fashion myopia,  She has been doing bridal for so long that it  affects everything she does, She can't design without making it  about wedding apparel.


But every designer in this challenge is turing out old looking clothes. I feel like Runway Threads is  actually  more fashion forward.



Given,   a 100 budget and a day  to make anything is  a challenge --   big stupid on the producers part.  But these folks should know the  drill, and   figure out the best way  to present  what  would work.   Jagged scissor hems,   badly sewn darts etc -- it's just not good stuff. Not even presentable. 


And I hate the personal story challenges when  in the  end the judges say to ignore the story.  Why not  weight it out or  not have a story challenge at all?  20%  of your grade for who well you incorporated  your story, 10% sewing skill,  50% raw design, 20% overall look?


Been watching Fashion Fund on Ovation, and its such a delight to see the STORY behind who a  collection gets made.  How the creative process works. What the nuts and bolts behind the business of   making a brand are.   This makes PR feel   so ... pedestrian...  when really, with  so little  at stake, (these clothes aren't going into production or  sold), they  could  be wildly innovative, imaginative clothes if  PR gave them time. 


I long for earlier seasons


Rant over. 

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I'm actually ok with them having a "story" to illustrate their design and fabric choices, but I think it's stupid when they still have so many people competing.  When they get down to 5 or so people, and speak to all of them on the runway, it's the time for that challenge. 


If Dmitry had lengthened the dress so that his ruffle started past the slope of the butt, at the top of the thighs, or raised it up higher on the model's hips, I think it would have been better received by the other judges.  He's usually dead-on about the fit of his garments, so I was surprised.  He probably should have Skyped Elena, Queen of Neoprene, for some tips on working with it. 


I hate Kate referencing Florida for that monstrosity she put up.  I'm from Florida.  I live here. Nobody wears anything like that. And we do NOT claim her. 

Edited by leighdear
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I'm actually ok with them having a "story" to illustrate their design and fabric choices, but I think it's stupid when they still have so many people competing.  When they get down to 5 or so people, and speak to all of them on the runway, it's the time for that challenge. 


If Dmitry had lengthened the dress so that his ruffle started past the slope of the butt, at the top of the thighs, or raised it up higher on the model's hips, I think it would have been better received by the other judges.  He's usually dead-on about the fit of his garments, so I was surprised.  He probably should have Skyped Elena, Queen of Neoprene, for some tips on working with it. 


I hate Kate referencing Florida for that monstrosity she put up.  I'm from Florida.  I live here. Nobody wears anything like that. And we do NOT claim her. 

Well, Golden Girls lived in Florida, and I was getting some Rose Nylund realness from Kate's first dress.  In fact, I think Rose wore something in that exact shade when she had her first date with Issac Newton (Dorothy and Blanche had put Rose on a personals site without her knowledge, and pretended to be a guy writing her back named Issac Newton, I don't want to ruin the ending, but rest assured.... hilarity ensued.)

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Well, Golden Girls lived in Florida, and I was getting some Rose Nylund realness from Kate's first dress.  In fact, I think Rose wore something in that exact shade when she had her first date with Issac Newton (Dorothy and Blanche had put Rose on a personals site without her knowledge, and pretended to be a guy writing her back named Issac Newton, I don't want to ruin the ending, but rest assured.... hilarity ensued.)

Well, maybe. But it was pretty rich that the person who called it out was Michelle of the Dorothy Zbornak tunic pantsuits in bridle path shades from beige to dun.

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There was some serious ugly in the workroom and on that runway tonight.


Kate's gone!! Her dress was so bad and I had to rewind and watch her model again because I could not believe how bad everything looked. She couldn't use white so she picked the closest thing: dirty white and called it the air in Florida? Whaaaa? Bye, Kate. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.


I H A T E D Helen's. It was just more of the same of her final runway collection that kept her out of the finale in her season. But, of course, Nina HAS to have her way. So we have Nina (who can go away ANY TIME) to thank for Gretchen and now that ridiculous dress for which Helen won last night. Helen: I'm sorry but she looks like she belongs in rehab. And she needs a bath. At least her hair didn't look as greasy as usual. Here's hoping the prize tonight is her consolation prize for not winning this season. I hope to Valentino NIna does NOT come back to judge the finale of this because if Helen is in it, she will win.


I don't hate Benjamin like some do. I thought his dress was totally classic 70s disco, which is not necessarily a good thing, but it wasn't horrible. There's something about him that seems damaged and sometimes when I'm watching him work I feel bad for him. I think he was unfairly judged a prick in his season.


I'm not a pilgrim or puritan or anything, but my love for Fabio diminished when he was talking about his open relationship. Okay, maybe I am a puritan and I just now realized it.


Dmitry: yeah, he shouldn't have come back. I thought that dress was bondage cheerleader and while it wasn't awful, I didn't like it at all. I wish he had stayed away so my love for him would not be eroding every episode.

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