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"The View": Week of 11/17/14


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I love this post. Reminds me of when Whoopi would say " we don't know, we weren't there". Well, if this show is only about what the hosts have personally seen, they need to stop having a "hot topics" segment.

If a celebrity is getting away with RAPE because he's famous, it is everyone's business. This isn't only about one man. It's the culture of acceptance of bad acts committed by people who seem to be good people, the pattern of looking the other way when a person who is less powerful says that someone who is more powerful assaulted them.

This is reminding so much of the details recently released about the cover-up of sexual abuse in the Chicago archdiocese of the Catholic church. Benevolent, kindly, respected men committing horrible crimes against children and getting away with it because people said "it's not my business", and discounted what the victims said.

Bill Cosby assaulted multiple women and he got away with it because his colleagues in the entertainment business allowed him to. Rape isn't about sex, it's about power and control. He controlled women by raping them and then making them afraid to report it. And he had help with that part.


Yes but I would eliminate the words benevolent and kindly.  Pigs with white collars would work.  ;>)

  • Love 5

Whoopi's ' We'll just wait and see what happens' is her standard phrase for getting out of the subject and moving on. I'm over this woman and her protection of her actor peers and her same old stupidity. I didn't like her on the old View and ' for pretty much the same reasons, (only now, more animated) I can't stand her now. My mom said it well yesterday, 'I liked her in her movies' .

  • Love 11

Finally watched.

I love RO and her passion. I believe Bill Cosby is guilty as sin. I also get what the other hosts were saying. What else can they say about it. They have no new evidence. They can say another woman came forward with a claim of rape. And of course share their opinion. I just don't think any of them want to do that. That is except RO. And at this point in reality BC can not be prosecuted.

I think social media is very powerful.

These allegations have been around for a very long time and have been talked about before the difference is we all can talk about it and thousands of people can share their opinion with just a few clicks on a phone/PC. That is what is blowing this story up. That is what I believe RP was trying to say.

With out BC confessing, this will never really be resolved.

I feel bad for the victims. Raped by a powerful person and knowing they would probably never be believed is horrible. And they are right. People didn't want to believe them back then. I hope they get some solace now, knowing there are a lot of people out here that do believe them.

They shared their truth and I hope that helps them heal.


This is what RosieP was trying to say with her word salad, that she was concerned that an avalanche of it could to destroy someone, I think.  But she just couldn't spit it out.  There is some validity to that concern, but I don't think that applies to the BC situation.  It's not just social media, it's victim after victim with nothing to gain really except for notoriety and a sullied reputation coming forward with the same story.


Dreamboat I wish I could give your post 100 likes.  Well said. 


Basically this is why I was looking forward to this season: four strong women with different views - able to disagree without screeching or fighting.  I just need Whoopi to listen more and talk less.  Or better yet, leave, move RO to the mod seat and bring in someone under 40 already. 



The way I saw it, Whoopi's (and maybe Rosie P I rarely know what her point is) whole issue is with corporations pulling jobs out from celebrities when controversies occur.  Seems like she's still butthurt over losing jobs after receiving criticism on some crude comment she made about George W a decade ago.    But I wasn't surprised because that is ALWAYS Whoopi's position when a celebrity loses work over something they allegedly said or did  etc.  So to Whoopi - Tiger Woods, Paula Dean, and Bill Cosby are all the same.   RO (and me) heard Whoopi equating rape with having extramarital sex while Whoopi's outrage was for the lost money when nothing was proven.  For some reason she doesn't seem to understand that advertisers might not want to pay for someone with a cloud of crap surrounding them and I think Rosie P. might have been saying the corporations and networks shouldn't bow down to public opinion on social media.  Except of course that same public are their customers. 


Meanwhile, I saw RO's concern and outrage reserved for the alleged victims  She prefaced everything with saying she understands how difficult this topic is because Cosby is a legend/memorable/played a beloved character, etc.  I thought she was great.  When Whoopi used her standard, "I'm gonna wait and see..." about Cosby's guilt RO called her on it.  Wait for what?   There will be no charges thanks to the statue of limitations.  There will be no confessions.  What we know today is all we will ever know and what NBC and Netflix and TVLand know is they don't want to be associated with a performer with this kind of cloud around him. 


Ro is a victim so she knows the territory.  I felt so bad for her yesterday, chewing that gum so hard, trying to stand up for the victims, I just wanted to give her a long snuggly hug.  Last weekend I noticed CNN throwing shade at NBC for not commenting on the growing controversy because of the development deal but by Sunday's shows MSNBC started commenting on the allegations.


Nicolle didn't have the sequence about the AP interview straight, the whole interview was on the record - so Bill's bullying at the end and his threats to the interviewer's integrity and reputation were just more of his bullying and efforts to silence the controversy.  The AP withheld that part of the interview until things just got too hot to keep it quiet anymore.  I found it terribly uncomfortable to see Camille sitting there all supportive.  He's beginning to look like a broken man.  It's a shame that such a transformative in good way person turns out to be human, with a dark side.  And that the people who have surrounded him didn't do anything to stop this shit.


I really don't understand why block one wasn't Mike Nichols, I couldn't even muster an emotion for Whoopi because I'm finding her so distasteful anymore.  I feel terrible for Diane Sawyer though who also just recently lost her mother.

  • Love 11

... and another thing that bothered me was Bill's Stepford Wife sitting there with a Mona Lisa smile plastered on her face.  Gawd!!!

I missed the first 10 minutes but I'm guessing I didn't miss much.

It's okay, unless you care about the Barbie doll, talking about kids sending nude photos of themselves to other kids, blah, blah, blah!!

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There is no right or wrong in their individual opinions or takes on this topic.  The show is about everyone offering a different "view."  Ro stepped all over Rosie's point about social media.  And that is a component here worth talking about, certainly.  She should have been given the opportunity to finish her thought.  


Ro just wanted everyone to get on her bandwagon, she was not listening nor waiting her turn.  Whoopie's wait and see comment is her personal point of view.  


We as viewers, each have our takes on this topic as well, and will agree with the host who expresses that.  :>) 

Edited by wings707
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Last night on Entertainment Tonight, they showed a brief interview with one of the alleged Cosby victims who have come forward, and she called out Whoopi Goldberg by name --calling her comments "stupid".
I tend to agree.  I saw the discussion on Cosby aired a couple of times last night and it seemed to me like there might have been a backstage discussion of the topic and that RO was fully prepared for what was going to be said by Whoopi--and she was ready to respond.  

  • Love 10

Rosie has been responding to the positive messages on her website and I think it's going to be okay. She has even said that "a quartet is beautiful". I'm sure working with Whoopi isn't always easy -- and Whoopi could probably the same of Rosie -- but I think there's too much respect between them to see this as a Hasselbeck-style war of the words.

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I really don't understand why block one wasn't Mike Nichols, I couldn't even muster an emotion for Whoopi because I'm finding her so distasteful anymore.  I feel terrible for Diane Sawyer though who also just recently lost her mother.

I was so over Whoopi by the end of the first segment that I didn't feel much for her either.  My cold dead heart was having flashbacks to Babs managing to make any famous person's death all about herself because that's what I thought Whoopi did yesterday - especially showing the clip where her and Mike Nichols talk all about Whoopi.  I'm not even sure if this ABC show (and part of the ABC News budget)   even mentioned that their own Diane Sawyer just lost her husband of 26 years!   The fact that this segment came on the heels of the Cosby topic where I felt Whoopi was playing her same broken record probably had something to do with my lack of compassion too. 


Everybody!!!  Try to catch the first segment of The Talk.  Well-addressed discussion about Cosby, past & present.  Must watch!!!

Thanks for the heads up MedicineCrow, I just caught it.  I think where The View messed up was they didn't just make the topic a straight up - is he guilty or not? - the way The Talk did just now.  Instead, we started with Rosie P's nervous dissertation.about social media and Nicolle's misunderstanding the difference between "off the record" and asking/warning at the end of the interview to not air a portion of it.   And of course, Whoopi's ridiculous (in my opinion) preoccupation with corporations dropping Cosby. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 10

The producers could come to this board and find at LEAST four women that could replace their current panel that I'm very sure would be much more enlightening, funny and entertaining than their current crop (keeping RO as moderator, of course). What a great group of people here, so glad I found you all!

And enough of the Frozen segments for cripes sake. We get it Disney, your shameless pimping of your own projects is tiresome.

Edited by JunieBug
  • Love 10
And enough of the Frozen segments for cripes sake. We get it Disney, you're shameless pimping of your own projects is tiresome.


Yes.  Not everyone who watches The View has daughters or granddaughters who are obsessed with Frozen.   I'm sure it's a cute movie for the audience it's intended for - but I am not interested.   I hear that it is a major  step forward for Disney in terms of the portrayal of women and girls.  The girls in frozen are not singing about princes coming to rescue them..So i get all that.  Yeay Disney! But the movie has been out for a while let's move on now. 

  • Love 7

I was so over Whoopi by the end of the first segment that I didn't feel much for her either.  My cold dead heart was having flashbacks to Babs managing to make any famous person's death all about herself because that's what I thought Whoopi did yesterday - especially showing the clip where her and Mike Nichols talk all about Whoopi.  I'm not even sure if this ABC show (and part of the ABC News budget)   even mentioned that their own Diane Sawyer just lost her husband of 26 years!   The fact that this segment came on the heels of the Cosby topic where I felt Whoopi was playing her same broken record probably had something to do with my lack of compassion too. 


Thanks for the heads up MedicineCrow, I just caught it.  I think where The View messed up was they didn't just make the topic a straight up - is he guilty or not? - the way The Talk did just now.  Instead, we started with Rosie P's nervous dissertation.about social media and Nicolle's misunderstanding the difference between "off the record" and asking/warning at the end of the interview to not air a portion of it.   And of course, Whoopi's ridiculous (in my opinion) preoccupation with corporations dropping Cosby. 



Yeah, I hear ya.  I only watch the show now if something perks my interest that is posted here.  And that reason is Whoopie.  


Not related to her tiresome attitude but she has lost a lot of hair; it was very obvious today.  

  • Love 2

Rosie Perez has an inspiring backstory, to have overcome her abusive childhood and become an advocate for education and other worthwhile causes.

But man, she's freakin' TERRIFIED of losing her nice, new, we'll-paid job! She repeated the same BS about social media over and over again, in her nervous word-salad fashion. Rosie P, you have a platform -- use it! Spit out your REAL opinion, even if it's unpalatable to the "mob." If you want to play it safe, get off the roller coaster and let a braver host on.

RO exercised tremendous self-control during that entire awkward segment.

  • Love 9

It's clear to me the Cosby discussion started backstage and just continued once they were on air. Rosie O was already extremely pissed even before the segment began. I get what Rosie P was saying with regards to social media - the corporations are listening to the people on social media who have already made up their minds about Cosby and are acting accordingly. There's nothing wrong in what she said, IMO. Yes I do feel Rosie O was cold to her regarding her comment. I don't think Rosie P was belittling the actual issue which is rape. Her comment went along with how Whoopi opened the discussion, in that new developments happened overnight which was several networks cancelling Cosby shows. 

I totally get what Rosie O was saying but she should have articulated her viewpoint way, way better instead of creating tension that was unnecessary. 

This.  There had to have been a disagreement backstage for this to have gone down this way.  RO believes Cosby is guilty and that really is what she should have said, and why, rather than challenging Rosie P on her viewpoint, and then calling Whoopi out for being angry.  I am sure Whoopi was angry and when Ro said that it made her even more angry, you could see that in her face even with the profile shot.


I truly don't get why Ro cannot just state her opinion, instead of "baiting" the others about their opinions.  I feel this way and I actually agree with Rosie.  I thought the social media commentary by Rosie P was not all that relevant.  It's true that this turned in a shitstorm and Cosby is being impacted by it, but he also has declined to comment.  (And he is not suing these women for slander.)  He is in the public eye, it's going to happen and it happens to many many people, including people who are not celebrities.  So her comments about social media just seemed not that important.  And if the public is "big brother", what is actually wrong with that?


I thought the tension was weird, instead of a discussion or conversation it seemed like they all were waiting for something to happen.  On Ask Ro, her answers often imply that she feels she is being held back.  I will say that I think Whoopi is the Queen on this show, and apparently she has a big following, so Ro is put in an awkward position when she butts heads with her.


I think there is another angle to this story that they haven't discussed which is that powerful men, especially during the 60s/70s, could get away with this shit, and probably lots of famous ones did.  Rosie made a good point about the "image" of Cosby as having an impact on the discussion.  If it was someone less iconic or loved, would everyone be on tenterhooks?

  • Love 5

Rosie Perez has an inspiring backstory, to have overcome her abusive childhood and become an advocate for education and other worthwhile causes.

But man, she's freakin' TERRIFIED of losing her nice, new, we'll-paid job! She repeated the same BS about social media over and over again, in her nervous word-salad fashion. Rosie P, you have a platform -- use it! Spit out your REAL opinion, even if it's unpalatable to the "mob." If you want to play it safe, get off the roller coaster and let a braver host on.

RO exercised tremendous self-control during that entire awkward segment.

I didn't think RosieP spoke word salad in any way, shape or form.  She stated very clearly that people on social media are pushing their opinions (guilty or innocent) & that's what corporations are using to make their decisions.  Cosby got bounced because he had a "cloud of doubt" & no corporation wants to enter into a contract with someone like that!!!


Furthermore, I doubt that all-knowing, all-seeing Whoopi didn't "know know" about Cosby, when both Aisha & Sheryl said he was "well known" for his antics on the comedian circuit.


I said yesterday that the producers who decided to put the Cosby segment first should be shot & pissed on!!  I too was left cold to Whoopi's crocodile tears (?) when Mike Nichols' wife, the lovely Diane Sawyer, was a member of the ABC team forever & it was she who everyone should have been focusing on, not that he was Whoopi's mentor, (pulling the old BaWa trick).  I thought it was in poor taste & disrespectful to Diane.  ..... AND the side effect of Whoopi getting all the attention left RosieO waaaaay out in left field -- no wonder she wasn't holding hands & hugging everyone as they rolled the closing credits!!!

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Medicine Crow, I agree with you on the attention-seeking, all-knowing Whoopi making Mike Nichols' death all about her. She's an Oscar-winning actress, so tears should come readily. The sympathy should have been directed at his wife.

Rosie Perez's point about Cosby being impacted by social media was not particularly profound, articulate, or central to the hot topic IMHO. Yes, corporations will bow down to the public and avoid kryptonite like Paula Deen and Cosby. Not a surprise. They should. Then, when she said whether he did or didn't it was not her "business," it pissed me off. Uh yeah, it is, if you're on a show like this and are willing to have opinions about other non-incendiary topics. YMMV etc.

Thanks for the reminder -- "The Talk" ladies were very clear on their position re: the scandal. Sheryl & Aisha even said Cosby had a long-standing bad reputation for being "handsy" and worse in the comedy circuit.

  • Love 8

Medicine Crow, I agree with you on the attention-seeking, all-knowing Whoopi making Mike Nichols' death all about her. She's an Oscar-winning actress, so tears should come readily. The sympathy should have been directed at his wife.

Rosie Perez's point about Cosby being impacted by social media was not particularly profound, articulate, or central to the hot topic IMHO. Yes, corporations will bow down to the public and avoid kryptonite like Paula Deen and Cosby. Not a surprise. They should. Then, when she said whether he did or didn't it was not her "business," it pissed me off. Uh yeah, it is, if you're on a show like this and are willing to have opinions about other non-incendiary topics. YMMV etc.

Thanks for the reminder -- "The Talk" ladies were very clear on their position re: the scandal. Sheryl & Aisha even said Cosby had a long-standing bad reputation for being "handsy" and worse in the comedy circuit.

Yes, you're right!!!  RosieP should have taken a position "as a woman" & not said it wasn't her business.  I'm sure she would consider it her business if someone referred to one of her friends as a N-word!!!

  • Love 5

Rosie Perez has an inspiring backstory, to have overcome her abusive childhood and become an advocate for education and other worthwhile causes.

But man, she's freakin' TERRIFIED of losing her nice, new, we'll-paid job! She repeated the same BS about social media over and over again, in her nervous word-salad fashion. Rosie P, you have a platform -- use it! Spit out your REAL opinion, even if it's unpalatable to the "mob." If you want to play it safe, get off the roller coaster and let a braver host on.

RO exercised tremendous self-control during that entire awkward segment.

Rosie P. does seem terrified to me too and I cannot for the life of me figure out why.   I don't think she's intimidated by any of her co-hosts at all nor should she be worried about a misstep now and again  since it's going to happen to everyone.  She's smart and strong and I think she has her own opinions but more often than not she seems to um, be um, you know, um, nervous about expressing them.  Not really a um, word salad (ala Bitsy),  but,  it often makes me want to um, you know, yell, "Spit it out already!"   or "Edit!"     


That said, even though these little ticks (and sometimes her voice) annoy me I think Rosie P. is a vast improvement over Dumb and Dumber and Dumbest (Jenny, Bitsy, Sherri) of the last couple years.


Edited because misspelling "dumbest"  is embarrassing.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 7


I didn't think RosieP spoke word salad in any way, shape or form.  She stated very clearly that people on social media are pushing their opinions (guilty or innocent) & that's what corporations are using to make their decisions.  Cosby got bounced because he had a "cloud of doubt" & no corporation wants to enter into a contract with someone like that!!!



I agree, Medicine Crow. 





RosieP should have taken a position "as a woman" & not said it wasn't her business.  I'm sure she would consider it her business if someone referred to one of her friends as a N-word!!!



i think her belief on this really is, 'none of my business.'   To her, it does not strike a personal note where defending  friend would be a different matter.  I don't think this is "wrong" for her to feel this way.  I cannot get fired up over this either.  



I think there is another angle to this story that they haven't discussed which is that powerful men, especially during the 60s/70s, could get away with this shit, and probably lots of famous ones did.  Rosie made a good point about the "image" of Cosby as having an impact on the discussion.  If it was someone less iconic or loved, would everyone be on tenterhooks?

  Also the first thoughts that crossed my mind.  


It is entirely possible that Whoopie said "let's wait and see" to dispel the tension and move things along.  She was probably getting a message in her ear to end the discussion.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2

Bill Cosby assaulted multiple women and he got away with it because his colleagues in the entertainment business allowed him to. Rape isn't about sex, it's about power and control. He controlled women by raping them and then making them afraid to report it. And he had help with that part.


I think he got away with it not because his colleagues allowed him to, but because most of them were doing the same thing. The Hollywood "couch" was real. That used to be, and maybe still is to some degree, what young people had to do to get their breaks into the business.


For those posters saying that the young women, teenagers in many cases, should have reported the rapes to police, I think you must not have lived through the 60s and 70s and 80s when women were routinely sexually harassed and assaulted and yes, raped, and if they reported it they often lost their jobs, were routinely dismissed by superiors and the police and were maligned and reviled and victimized for having the gall to come forward. Back in the 70s and 80s, if a rape was reported and then prosecuted, it was the WOMAN and her life who ended up being put on trial. Seriously, if you weren't a virgin, then you must like sex and you must have asked for it.


I truly don't get why Ro cannot just state her opinion, instead of "baiting" the others about their opinions.


I don't believe at all that Rosie O is baiting others about their opinions. Granted I haven't watched a lot of the show lately but the few times I saw her butt in I saw it as her falling back into moderator mode and trying to get the other person, usually Nicolle or Rosie P, to get to the crux of their point or to ask them to further explain what they had just said and why...in other words, doing what a capable moderator would do to keep the discussion moving along and relevant.

  • Love 19

Shok-I agree with you, but I am afraid that things have not changed that much from the sixties and seventies.  Check out this story about three girls who were raped in Oklahoma and the treatment they received from school administrators, fellow students and the community at large. This is still a very big problem. The View does nothing to change attitudes about the treatment of women and ,in my opinion, they help to maintain the status quo: http://jezebel.com/why-were-three-teenage-rape-victims-bullied-out-of-scho-16597213

  • Love 7

Shok-I agree with you, but I am afraid that things have not changed that much from the sixties and seventies.  Check out this story about three girls who were raped in Oklahoma and the treatment they received from school administrators, fellow students and the community at large. This is still a very big problem. The View does nothing to change attitudes about the treatment of women and ,in my opinion, they help to maintain the status quo: http://jezebel.com/why-were-three-teenage-rape-victims-bullied-out-of-scho-16597213

The forum is eating that link and not letting it work properly. I made a link with one of those URL shortners which will hopefully take others to the actual article..



Edited by Jaded
  • Love 1

Shok-I agree with you, but I am afraid that things have not changed that much from the sixties and seventies.  Check out this story about three girls who were raped in Oklahoma and the treatment they received from school administrators, fellow students and the community at large. This is still a very big problem.


You're right of course that the way women (and often gay men) are sometimes treated in this day and age is appalling but conditions have, thank goodness, improved a great deal from the 'olden days'. Thank dog for the feminist movement but we still have a very long ways to go.

  • Love 3
Last night on Entertainment Tonight, they showed a brief interview with one of the alleged Cosby victims who have come forward, and she called out Whoopi Goldberg by name --calling her comments "stupid".


Oh, dear.  Whoopi is not going to like that at all.  I wouldn't be surprised if she comes out Mon with guns blazing, making the whole issue about herself.  Whoopi may be famous for being dismissive of accusations against her friends, but when someone dares say something negative about her, she goes on the attack.

  • Love 9

I too think that whatever happened backstage before the Cosby discussion galvanized WG with Nicolle and RP.  RO was definitely on an iceberg during the Cosby chat and it was visually locked (for me) when WG shed her tears and Nicolle and RP jumped up to comfort the Queen of the show.  I thought RO handled the drama quite professionally. 


Now Cosby got two standing ovations in Florida yesterday according to the news.  At the same time we have the University of Virginia in the news with frat initiation gang bangs.  Can they talk about that sensibly?  RO has three daughters, Nicolle only a son, and it isn't too close to home for WG or "none of my business" RP.  This show should be a platform for these specific women issues. 


RO is at her best as a solo performer and I am sure the audience enjoys her during the breaks, This current foursome is not hitting out of the park in my view.

  • Love 6
RO is at her best as a solo performer and I am sure the audience enjoys her during the breaks, This current foursome is not hitting out of the park in my view.

Per a Q&A from her website, others have the same idea, and Rosie agrees.


Bren writes: November 18, 2014 10:05 pm

I think you should pursue a Charlie Rose type one on one interview show...that's where you excel! Group panels seem to disappoint and hurt your heart! ( & mine) You r not there for ratings although they've used you for that. I am watching view again but only when u r there. Peace!!


that sounds good

now go set it up for me

  • Love 5

Oh, dear.  Whoopi is not going to like that at all.  I wouldn't be surprised if she comes out Mon with guns blazing, making the whole issue about herself.  Whoopi may be famous for being dismissive of accusations against her friends, but when someone dares say something negative about her, she goes on the attack.



Totally, Haleth!  Then immediately following that, she'll rant angrily into the camera for 10 minutes all about how she doesn't care what anyone thinks.  All evidence to the contrary, Whoop, all evidence to the contrary.

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Much has been made on other forums that Cosby received a standing ovation at a recent performance. Two points - his other Appearances were cancelled. This one wasn't. The people applauding Cosby are people who were fans. They paid money to buy tickets, probably before all the recent controversy. A little cognitive dissonance is in play here. People already invested in an entertainer are going to be more inclined to believe he is a good person. It's pretty tough to think of yourself as the kind of person who would support a rapist, so he must be innocent. Plus, he is talented, funny, and likeable. That's why this is so hard for a lot of people.

I think whoopi is avoiding reading the facts, because she can't handle that she misjudged Bill Cosby. Her attitude is wait and see, the truth will come out. No, the truth has been out. And people ignored it for long enough. Whoopi isn't done ignoring it yet.

I am pissed as hell that this was happening at the same time that I, along with everyone else, saw BC as a charming and funny man. It makes me question my views on every celebrity.

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Rosie should seek her own show since she doesn't work well with others. She doesn't appear to be happy and neither do they. Maybe another solo sho would be seen more since apparently all those fans didn't watch her on OWN.



I loved Rosie when she had her own show and was dubbed "the queen of nice."  I like that side of her.  Here she is smug, angry, bored and interjects constantly, an annoying conversation tactic.  It disarms anyone who is talking and hard to ignore.  One feels compelled to respond/defend the interjection and derails your point. .  Interjection is rarely used to agree.  We saw her do this with both Whoppie and Rosie during a heated discussion on Cosby.  A subject I am done with.


I prefer The Talk.  They steer clear of politics which pleases me.  

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