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S02.E06: Jake And Sophia

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I love Holt's relationship with the rest of the squad.


I thought Holt's guess about the bank was going to turn out to be because he'd seen her there, but that it was actually a guess was extra-awesome. He was so proud! And he actually is mentoring her, which she asked him to do and he said he would do, but it's been handled so quietly that it almost seems like it was a dropped plot point-- but it isn't. Also: she knew she was 70 seconds late. Not "a minute"-- 70 seconds! And she managed to satisfy the sandwich motive in her speech, while still making a serious and honest plea for the position. I love Santiago. She and Holt are two of the best characters ever.,


And that brings me to the fact that I actually love this show and almost all its characters so much, it's just crazy. I even forgive Boyle for saying "poke buddies." How does he manage to make that not sound sleazy and vile?


Terry's larger challenge is to keep his buttons on! Again-- it's genius that he can say that and not come off like a sleazy player.


I also like that, even though Jake is kind of a goof, he really is a cop all the way through, to the extent that he didn't even think of talking about anything else on a date.


And Gina's/Boyle's parents? So, so good.The show even makes stupid set-ups have terrific pay-offs.


ETA: Rosa's friend was even more closed off than she is!

Edited by possibilities
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I was pleasantly surprised with this one, as I am with all episodes. I love that Gina and Boyle didn't end up together again after both having to work, noooo, instead their parents are thrown into the mix and everything is delightful. I liked the added Scully (or is it Hitchcock? Still don't know) storyline, and his interest being strictly limited to the party sub. Lastly, I liked that Jake lost the case. More realistic that way. They tried to save the day, but it just wasn't there. There weren't any last minute shenanigans, and Sophia wasn't made out to be some evil or corrupt enemy, she was just a person on the other side.

And, as usual, everything with Holt was comedic genius. Out of a cast of brilliant characters, he stands apart. And that's saying a lot, because I love each and every character on this show.  

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I loved that Boyle was giving as good as he got with Gina in the battle for the room. Plus, I thought the two would end up there together and that it would be a "they just can't stay a part" kind of thing. The fact that they didn't, but their parents did is marvelous.

And Amy babbling about how it wasn't a big deal that she was late, but knowing it was 70 seconds was perfect. I love that character so much. I also loved that they didn't seem to go the "Amy is jealous because Jake slept with someone" route. Her reaction was the same as the rest of the squad's and her storyline was completely separate. I'm rooting for those crazy kids, but I really like how they're handling their friendship right now.

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I thought this ep was perfect. Everything worked and was hilarious.


Yes to the excellence of Holt jumping and exclaiming, "Hot damn!" I also loved his "you've made me turn my chair" line. I'll add one more I loved: "I will not have this office transformed into a house of snipes and jabs."


The cold open was outstanding as everyone was trying to guess why Amy was late. 


Loved the fact that Amy would be a great union rep but she didn't want to ruin her ambition to be chief. That wasn't a stupid reason. Oh, and I loved the flashback where Holt tangled with his superior in his usual subdued way.


Gina and Boyle's story was fun, too. The reveal of the actors playing their parents was fantastic. I thought what was going to happen was that Holt and Kevin would somehow end up getting the room, but what really happened was much much better. Can't wait to see them again.


Jake and Eva Longoria -- can't remember the character name… Sophia? -- were good together. Loved how they had so much in common, like a love of the Die Hard movies. "I'm not the Gruber! YOU'RE the Gruber!" So funny that Terry and his wife bonded over their love of Meatloaf, the singer not the food, and then Jake and Sophia shared their love of wings, the food not the band.


"Last night Miss Perez and I got inebriated and we had colitis."


Loved Carl sometimes backing Jake up, sometimes not.


So much goodness. A+.

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...I also loved that they didn't seem to go the "Amy is jealous because Jake slept with someone" route. Her reaction was the same as the rest of the squad's and her storyline was completely separate. I'm rooting for those crazy kids, but I really like how they're handling their friendship right now.


I was happy with this too. I feel like the writers make a list of all the ways a situation could be played out in typical sitcommy ways, then they throw the list out and do it the other way. Like the very fact that Jake saw who the lawyer was and immediately just fessed up the whole situation to the judge. On any other show the "humor" would have been in him trying to hide that fact, having the judge figure it out, getting the case tossed out, etc. The B99 writers just consistently amaze me.

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First, I loved that Sophia was a very competent lawyer who explained why she's not a bad guy, it really is her job to make sure the police do theirs.  


Second, liked how Boyle was able to keep up with Gina and how they really did know each other (i.e. it turned out not to just be a quick fling).  Typically Boyle is kind of pathetic so it was nice to see that he was able to keep up with Gina in keeping the other from the room.


Third, Holt as always was amazing.  Loved how he really go into the "Why Amy is late" game. Turning in his chair and insistence on not getting involved was great too.  


Really great episode.  

  • Love 3

Is Eva Longoria sticking around for more episodes? I haven't seen her in much and was surprised how well she handled the comedy. She had me at "drink the ranch!" I wouldn't mind seeing that judge or ADA show up again too.


Holt killed it in the cold open, but I think Amy was the standout this episode. Loved her reaction to the button machine: "Captain, you have GOT to see this!"

Edited by LiveFromKevin
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Well, we can add "Hot damn!" to list of simple phrases that Andre Braugher can make sound like the most hilarious thing ever.  His reaction to getting it right was great.  It was probably one of my favorite cold openings, which is saying something.  I liked everyone participating in the game (reminded me of Boyle's Bingo), and how all their predictions fit with the characters (Terry had a normal one, Gina a far-out one, Jake's was deliberately goofy, etc.)  And, then Amy's reactions to being "70 seconds late."  Oh, Amy.


As someone who isn't a huge fan of Eva Longoria, I thought she was fine as Sophia.  I'll wait and see on how good her chemistry will be with Andy Samberg, but I did enjoy some of their bantering.  I especially liked the Die Hard stuff, and how they debated over who was Hans Gruber in the relationship. I also like that seems to be a good lawyer, and not shady or anything.  Her points in the case made sense to me, and the cops didn't have enough evidence to disprove he reasonable doubt.  The court scenes were fun; not just because of them, but even the judge and prosecutor had some good moments.  And, Terry.  Terry makes everything better.


Favorite was easily the stuff with Amy being the Union rep.  Assuming that this isn't a fake-out and Scully somehow gets reelected (which, I can't see happening), I think this could be a good future story for her.  As for this episode, I loved seeing a bit more of Rosa/Amy, and how, in her own way, Rosa really does respect Amy on some levels, even if she finds her annoying.  And, then, of course, Holt/Amy.  That relationship will never get old for me.


Boyle and Gina was kind of throwaway, until the payoff at the end.  Sandra Bernhardt and Stephen Root are going to be perfect as Gina's mom and Boyle's dad! 


Favorite throwaway gag was Scully randomly saying he considered Amy is best friend, and both Hitchcock and Amy's reactions to that line.

  • Love 4

I'm not sure how many things I've seen (or heard) Stephen Root in. In addition to Newsradio and Office Space, he was recently in Fargo (the TV show) and Boardwalk Empire. He was the voice of Bill (and others) on King of the Hill. He was on several eps of my beloved Pushing Daisies. Oh, and also Justified. And I just remembered he was in O Brother Where Art Thou. He does comedies and dramas. He's been everywhere. GussieK, I bet you've seen him a few times somewhere.

Edited by peeayebee
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So I think I may be in love with Amy Santiago. She's the most adorable dork I've ever seen, and everything she does is perfect.


"I'm already fighting with the brass! Look at what you've done!" This is how the show manages to never make her the stick-in-the-mud killjoy. She's just as goofy as the rest of them, but in a much more restrained way.


That little scene with Amy, Scully and Hitchcock was fantastic. Hitchcock's weird snake impersonation, Scully's righteous anger, and Amy just completely baffled by the whole thing. And then Rosa tries to coax her into running because she'll get to make signs and buttons. But her decision to become the union rep was well thought out, by her and by the show, and it's good that it didn't cost her the true friendship she shares with Scully.


I love the way Santiago drops into that weird little half curtsey thing when Holt dismisses her after a dressing down. Brilliant little character bit by Melissa Fumero. She just looks so much like the school swot, being told off for the first time. And her joy at being in a "pow-wow" with the Captain was so endearing.


Eva Longoria really does not do anything for me, so I found her character rather dull. I did appreciate that she was the perfect match for Jake, but they already played that card with Vivian's friend from last season. I also found the whole 'cops hate lawyers and vice versa' storyline a bit tired. They laid on the 'fighting 'cause they like each other thing' way, way too much. A rare misstep for the show, I feel.


I did like Jake insisting that everyone likes being the little spoon, and getting the prosecutor to agree with him. Similar to the bits they do that have the criminals getting involved in the precinct hijinks. I liked the judge as well, and wouldn't mind him turning up again. "People don't own sayings". Heh.


Gina was fucking annoying again, after being a minor inconvenience recently. Still cannot stand her, and it's even worse when she's being a dick to anyone. I really wish she'd disappear forever. Why must this nigh-on perfect show be sullied with her presence? Boyle is 

  • Love 1


I also loved that they didn't seem to go the "Amy is jealous because Jake slept with someone" route. Her reaction was the same as the rest of the squad's and her storyline was completely separate. I'm rooting for those crazy kids, but I really like how they're handling their friendship right now.


I'm not rooting for them to eventually be a couple. I think that's a real show killer, almost always. It's fine that we know they have some feelings for each other, deep down, but it's better if they remain friends and date other people instead. Making Jake and Jess a couple nearly ruined New Girl, and now Mindy is kind of ruined by making Mindy and Danny a couple. It just changes the whole vibe of the show. We have this great ensemble going on here, and if Jake and Amy became a couple, the show would morph into something different. They would be the main focus and everyone else would become detached and irrelevant.

  • Love 2


Jake and Eva Longoria -- can't remember the character name… Sophia? -- were good together. Loved how they had so much in common, like a love of the Die Hard movies. "I'm not the Gruber! YOU'RE the Gruber!" So funny that Terry and his wife bonded over their love of Meatloaf, the singer not the food, and then Jake and Sophia shared their love of wings, the food not the band.

Technically, it is wings the food, not the band or tv show.  ;)


I loved the cold opening.  Holt reacting so violently to having the winning guess (and being so super into guessing why she was late) was so great I laughed out loud through the whole opening credits.

  • Love 2

I'm not sure how many things I've seen (or heard) Stephen Root in. In addition to Newsradio and Office Space, he was recently in Fargo (the TV show) and Boardwalk Empire. He was the voice of Bill (and others) on King of the Hill. He was on several eps of my beloved Pushing Daisies. Oh, and also Justified. And I just remembered he was in O Brother Where Art Thou. He does comedies and dramas. He's been everywhere. GussieK, I bet you've seen him a few times somewhere.

Thanks. I had looked him up in . IMDB last night, and I realized I'd seen all those things, but he still doesn't really ring a bell. Sandra B I've really known forever, even before King of Comedy.

So I think I may be in love with Amy Santiago. She's the most adorable dork I've ever seen, and everything she does is perfect.

She is isn't she. I think I might have a little girl crush. When the show first started it didn't feel like she fit in but now she seems like the perfect fit, dorkiness and all.

Eva Longoria really does not do anything for me, so I found her character rather dull. I did appreciate that she was the perfect match for Jake, but they already played that card with Vivian's friend from last season. I also found the whole 'cops hate lawyers and vice versa' storyline a bit tired. They laid on the 'fighting 'cause they like each other thing' way, way too much. A rare misstep for the show, I feel.

 i didn't get much chemistry between her and Jake. I like her better in the commercials with her cat.

Sandra Bernhardt....ugh ugh ugh. Please make her go away. I like her even less than the actress that plays Gina and that's saying something.

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This episode didn't do much for me. The cold open was good but that's about it.

I reluctantly have to agree.  There's way too much relationship drama this season.  At least they didn't have Jake/Amy drama, although if he sticks with Sophia I'm sure that will come.  Amy debating whether she wanted the role and Holt trying to mentor without crossing any lines - that's good stuff.  But it was intercut with Boyle/Gina and I'm just five kinds of sick of that already.


Sandra Bernhardt....ugh ugh ugh. Please make her go away. I like her even less than the actress that plays Gina and that's saying something.

That is what made it good casting though. I had to give them points for that.

  • Love 1

So one of the reviews pointed out that Holt's flashback boss, Len Ross, was actually called Lengarry Len Ross in the credits. Why do I love that silly little reference so much?


Also, this is an great review that highlights all the wonderful things about Amy Santiago. And also mentions the show's cosmopolitan, colour blind (not crazy about that term, but I guess it applies) approach to casting, with Eva Longoria now added to the list of roles that really could be any ethnicity without having to be changed one bit.


And I think I want a "Pick Amy, dummies" t-shirt, as well as a scene of Terry singing any Meatloaf song.

Edited by Danny Franks
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So one of the reviews pointed out that Holt's flashback boss, Len Ross, was actually called Lengarry Len Ross in the credits. Why do I love that silly little reference so much?

I came here just now to post the same thing. How awesome.


When this series started, I didn't like Amy very much, but she's fantastic. I don't know if she changed at all, if the actress became more adept in the role, or if my perception changed. In any case, it's all good.

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I don't know if she changed at all, if the actress became more adept in the role, or if my perception changed.



Speaking for myself, I know my perception changed.  I rewatched the first season this summer and was so surprised by the difference in how I saw Amy.  The first scene in the pilot where Amy is reacting to Jake's goofiness in the electronics store, initially I felt like Amy was being condescending and impatient with Jake; on second viewing I could see humor and indulgence in her eyes as Jake was quoting Donnie Brasco.  It was wonderful.

Another fantastic episode!  I already had to rewatch it.  It was just as funny as the first time, and seemed even smarter.  The storytelling is so sharp, it's impossible to catch and appreciate everything the first time around.  My favorite moment in what I think was a great episode: Boyle battling it out with Gina, pointing at the ceiling and saying in his Meryl Streep Mama Mia falsetto, "I can take it higher!" Oh, Boyle, how can you be getting a backbone and be so ridiculous at the same time? Comedic perfection.


A random note from my rewatch: Jake's jacket that he wore to court has a big stain on the back of it.  So subtle and so Jake.  I disagree with some posters that the sexual chemistry hostility between Jake and Sophia was overdone.  Jake is so immature that he would pull pigtails if Sophia or Amy wore them, plus he is actively in conflict professionally with a woman he has the hots for.  I can't see Jake reacting any way but with some jabs, albeit hilarious and awkward ones.  What I did find impressive was Jake's ability to again be direct about his interest with a woman he's into (and that he then swept off a stranger's desk).  If Jake were totally immature he'd be unlikeable and unfunny, and it's episodes like this one that show his character growth.  If Eva Longoria sticks around, I suspect that Jake's immaturity will be a factor in their relationship's downfall.  But I prefer to watch him tank a relationship with her than with Amy.  I'd like to see Jake and Amy as the final, final end game (they're just too sweet together), but I think Jake has a lot of growing up to do before he and Amy could risk their friendship and professional relationship for sexy times. 



And, Terry.  Terry makes everything better.

Yes, he does!  His character is so endearing, and Terry Crews plays it to perfection.  I just loved his face in the cold opening when Holt was insisting that Amy tell them where she'd been.  It was totally Sgt. Scary Terry.

Edited by M1977G
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The cold open was great. Everything with Holt and Terry was fantastic (as usual for me!).


The rest? Hit and miss, I found. 


I was surprised to find myself going back and forth on Samberg in this episode. There were some instances where I felt I was watching him act, rather than watching Jake Peralta. It felt really off to me. Normally I find him very natural in his scenes.


And Gina? Oh boy. For a very brief moment earlier this season, I wasn't hating on her as much. But in this ep? Ugh. There was something about the actress' facial expressions and line delivery that just did not work for me at all. Again, I felt like I was watching someone play a character rather than BE that character.


I feel I'm not explaining this well. :(

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If Jake were totally immature he'd be unlikeable and unfunny, and it's episodes like this one that show his character growth.


Plus, it has been made clear from the start that he's a good cop. That's important. In fact all of the detectives are good cops except for Scully and Hitchcock, but those two are strictly background weirdos who hang out at the precinct.


This goes back a generation-plus, but I remember reading a review when B99 debuted that compared the Peralta-Holt relationship to that of Hawkeye Pierce and Colonel Potter on MASH, both involving an old school, by-the-book commander putting up with and ultimately respecting an unconventional, rules-defying goofball who nonetheless did his job very well. The parallel only goes so far, but it still makes sense to me. Jake's character works in large part because we (and Holt) know that he's as dedicated as anyone to catching the bad guys.

  • Love 3

Is Eva Longoria sticking around for more episodes? I haven't seen her in much and was surprised how well she handled the comedy.


Wow, I hadn't realized that was Eva Longoria, having seen her mainly as an awards show presenter.  IMDb lists her in the credits for the Nov. 30 episode, The Road Trip -- as well as the actor who plays Teddy. 

As usual, I liked the episode. One tiny little thing that bothered me was about the court scene.When Sophia made the argument that the glass cutter tool could be used for other purposes, Jake should have emphasized the point of the tools being found HIDDEN in the dumbwaiter. You don't hide something if you are using it for legal purposes. I'm fine with them having Jake lose this one, but that little reason for the loss bothered me.

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