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S16.E06: Glasgowman's Wrath

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Well that younger sister is basically a goner now isn't she... 


I know they do the ripped from the headlines stuff, but after watching the actual 20/20 story/interview on this case a few weeks back, this episode just made me sad as the real story about the incident/girl who was attacked actually touched me.  I knew this show couldn't do the story justice.

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I thought it was an okay episode. So, I guess both of those older girls are crazy... The ending made me wonder if they actually believed the Glasgowman story or if it was just a front for killing Zoe; making it seem like they were crazy and not all there.


Loved Carisi this episode. Thought he was good with the crazy woods guy (forgot his name) and his realization about the girls at the end.

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Yes, missed Barba, but in NYC the DA does not prosecute kids.  They correctly showed the NYC Corporation Counsel's office in Family Court.  If they wanted to do a story about minors, they couldn't use Barba.


What were we to make of the ending?  Is there going to be a follow up episode?  Carisi saw them link fingers. 

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I hadn't seen this episode, so it was new to me. 


How do two teens fool mental health professionals during an evaluation?  And why didn't the younger girl realize who actually stabbed her?


Are we supposed to feel sorry for Olivia that she can't have a day off with her son due to her horrific job duties or root for her to give the child up, since she's too busy to do a good job at parenting him?

I loved Carisi in this episode. I am so sick of Nick and his attitude towards everyone. I would not mind if I see less of Nick and more of Carisi.

Carisi was great this episode, and I like Nick but he is a jealous possessive jerk at times, and I got a kick out of both Amanda and Olivia picking Carisi over him because it clearly pissed him off since he sees everyone in his life, including the both of them, as belonging to him.

  • Love 3

over the river

and through the woods

to Glasgowmans' house

we go...


Stupid. Poorly done. Predictable. No twist. Boring. Can you tell yet that I hated it.


Of course it was Slenderman. I too saw the very sad and touching 20/20, and assumed they would do their ripped from the headlines, and then surprise twist, and ending. Not! Who the hell didn't know exactly how, why, and where this was going?


Somebody needed too snatch that little nutcase. And then lock her up. Period. Anyone who has watched tv or the movies, or read a book in the last 40yrs knows she's a serial killer. She's only just getting started.


And by the way...had she been "of color", she would have been charged and tried as an adult and would be doing life. End of the story.


Carisi was good. Nick didn't break any laws. And it was nice to see 2 moms, and it "not be dealt with", if you know what I mean.


I tweeted that their was no Finn b/c pimps don't go in the woods. Ice T favorited it. lmao.

  • Love 7
Will Olivia ever put Noah first, or will she always go into work every time her phone rings?


I'm pretty sure that unless you are independently wealthy and don't have to work, you are occasionally going to have to prioritize your job over quality time with your kid.  That's particularly true with a single parent. 


I thought the episode was fairly underwhelming.  The only "surprise" I had was that a 12 or 13 year old would be able to keep up the guise of being crazy for what must have been quite some time, in a way that would fool a shrink, etc.  I would have thought she would have screwed up her act at some point.  Otherwise, it was really not that impressive. 

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The only thing I'm taking away from this episode is that I want all Carisi, all the time. Well, all Carisi and Finn, all the time, but this season appears to be rotating out one male detective per episode, so I'll take what I can get.

That is all I want. There is something about the actor and the character that I really like. I really hope that they don't mess up his character and make him unlikable. 

  • Love 4

For your sake, I hope he can be the exception to the SVU rule of seemingly destroying every character - maybe minus Finn and Munch.

Me too. Elliot became really insufferable towards the end, so Did Olivia. I stopped watching for a few  years because I couldn't stand what they were/are doing with Olivia's character.I felt like every episode was about her, it still is. I would be thrilled to see Carisi's character thrive. I think it would be awesome if he was paired with Finn.

  • Love 4

Well that was kind of a big nothing.


Glad I wasn't the only one who thought so. And next week looks pretty blah too. There's been a few episodes like that so far this season - not bad, not good, just kind of dull. I'm willing to give them some slack since they're showing signs of improvement, but I hope they start building on that soon. Otherwise I just might miss the glorious cracked out monkey in a basketball days where it might have been bad but was never dull.

  • Love 2

There was more to the story than Slenderman.


The writers also borrowed significantly from the documentary, "Cropsey" (see it on Netflix) which is the story of a legendary boogeyman (or not so legendary, as it turns out) who was said to haunt the grounds of an abandoned asylum in Staten Island, New York.   When the asylum closed, the inmates were turned out into the streets.   Not knowing where else to go, many of them gravitated back to the asylum and started building camps and hideouts on the wooded grounds.    The story starts out all "Cropsey," then morphs into Slenderman.


The sloppy writing bugged me.   If you're going to invent a character named "Glasgowman," you owe the audience a reason why.  Did he speak with a brogue?   Did he like to brawl in wharfside bars?   You can't just pick a name arbitrarily and choose not to explain it.


The reasoning behind the story was too murky.   Was the little girl a head case?   Was she an evil seed merely acting deluded?   Was she brainwashed into belief by the nanny? (which to me had strong overtones of Tituba and the Salem witch trials)?   No answers.  No clues.   Just a final fuck-you to the viewers with that cryptic finger-linking nonsense.


Why are Rollins and Amaro on this show?  They are two of the most one-dimensional, disposable characters I've ever seen.   The only time they seem to serve any purpose is when they are screwing up -- Rollins with the gambling and Amaro with his rage disorder.  


Liv's baby woes are already tiresome.


Lousy season so far.

Edited by millennium
  • Love 5

I realize that Olivia's still transitioning to motherhood, but I don't like how they make her look like a disorganized emotional basket case.  When he was taken to the ER, she lost her mind.  She could barely speak, and was already telling them they were on their own the next day.  Her apartment's a mess, and she looked almost shocked that she might need to go in on her day off.  There are single mother nurses all over this country who deal with working on call.  Liv makes plenty of money - you put your babysitter on call during the hours that you are.  She gets a thirty minutes response time, or whatever you choose.  Or the babysitter sleeps at your house while you're on call, etc.  It's not that difficult and I really think Liv would have worked through some of these issues.


I'm not sure if they're taking me down the path of Baby Boom, where a woman living in the fast lane gives it all up to retire to the country with her new child.  And the country almost drives her crazy.

  • Love 3

I'm kind of aggravated with the whole Olivia as a mother story line. It seems almost sexist to me, maybe? Maybe my view is colored because I have a family member who was a single mom of 4, who became the first female Chief of Detectives for a major city police department. So, I've actually seen that it can be done.

Olivia is what? Almost 50? She can't figure out how to take care of one baby? It's just coming off as ridiculous and insulting to working mothers in general.

  • Love 5

So, I guess both of those older girls are crazy... The ending made me wonder if they actually believed the Glasgowman story or if it was just a front for killing Zoe; making it seem like they were crazy and not all there.


I think they were both crazy.  The tip off for me was when both of them used the same word, 'ballistic,' to describe what happened when the alleged attacker knifed Zoe.  That should've raised an eyebrow from the team. I think something like that happened in another episode.  Two people used the same exact description and it sounded rehearsed. 


I like Carisi.  He won me over in the first episode when he told the SVU team of the sympathy he has for women victims. He was talking about homicide cases, but I think he generally has sympathy for women who end up raped or dead.   I'm interested in his character.  Of course I miss Fin, but maybe he'll make a few more appearances.   

I think they were both crazy. The tip off for me was when both of them used the same word, 'ballistic,' to describe what happened when the alleged attacker knifed Zoe. That should've raised an eyebrow from the team. I think something like that happened in another episode. Two people used the same exact description and it sounded rehearsed.

I like Carisi. He won me over in the first episode when he told the SVU team of the sympathy he has for women victims. He was talking about homicide cases, but I think he generally has sympathy for women who end up raped or dead. I'm interested in his character. Of course I miss Fin, but maybe he'll make a few more appearances.

I agree with your last paragraph. His speech about his sympathy for women was really haunting. I liked his analogy about women being murdered by their husbands/boyfriends and women who are raped and murdered by strangers. He is just a really well rounded character who I wouldn't mind knowing more about.

  • Love 2

The sloppy writing bugged me. If you're going to invent a character named "Glasgowman," you owe the audience a reason why. Did he speak with a brogue? Did he like to brawl in wharfside bars? You can't just pick a name arbitrarily and choose not to explain it.

That's one piece that actually did make sense. His name was Glasgowman because of the cuts on Charlie's face - those are called a Glasgow Smile. Similar to the scars that Heath Ledger's Joker had, and actually, the actor Tommy Flanagan (from Sons of Anarchy, and originally from Glasgow) has them on his face from an attack in his early 20s. Edited by Princess Sparkle
  • Love 3

There was more to the story than Slenderman.


The writers also borrowed significantly from the documentary, "Cropsey" (see it on Netflix) which is the story of a legendary boogeyman (or not so legendary, as it turns out) who was said to haunt the grounds of an abandoned asylum in Staten Island, New York.   When the asylum closed, the inmates were turned out into the streets.   Not knowing where else to go, many of them gravitated back to the asylum and started building camps and hideouts on the wooded grounds.    The story starts out all "Cropsey," then morphs into Slenderman.


The sloppy writing bugged me.   If you're going to invent a character named "Glasgowman," you owe the audience a reason why.  Did he speak with a brogue?   Did he like to brawl in wharfside bars?   You can't just pick a name arbitrarily and choose not to explain it.


The reasoning behind the story was too murky.   Was the little girl a head case?   Was she an evil seed merely acting deluded?   Was she brainwashed into belief by the nanny? (which to me had strong overtones of Tituba and the Salem witch trials)?   No answers.  No clues.   Just a final fuck-you to the viewers with that cryptic finger-linking nonsense.


Why are Rollins and Amaro on this show?  They are two of the most one-dimensional, disposable characters I've ever seen.   The only time they seem to serve any purpose is when they are screwing up -- Rollins with the gambling and Amaro with his rage disorder.  


Liv's baby woes are already tiresome.


Lousy season so far.

The show is significantly past its use-by date and needs to wrap things up and say goodbye.  It makes me sad because it was good back when, but it's time, it's just time.  

Honestly, when Perry said that "Glasgowman" kept coming to her and planting thoughts in her head, I thought it was going to be revealed that her mother's boyfriend was gaslighting her to try and drive her crazy enough to kill or at least hurt someone and either get imprisoned or institutionalized.  That way, he's still with her mother and doesn't have to worry about a potential stepchild.  I mean, think about it.  Each time we saw Perry's mother and her boyfriend was with her, he was far too calm to me.  So calm, I immediately started to peg him for the perp until the ending played out.


At the very least, that twist would've been better than what we got, and I didn't even mind this episode as much as others seem to.


On a side note, I have to give kudos to the show for showing us that Mia and Zoe come from a family headed by two lesbian parents, but not making any huge deal over it.  They showed us, and they moved on.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
  • Love 3

I think they were both crazy.  The tip off for me was when both of them used the same word, 'ballistic,' to describe what happened when the alleged attacker knifed Zoe.  That should've raised an eyebrow from the team. I think something like that happened in another episode.  Two people used the same exact description and it sounded rehearsed. 

But sounding rehearsed is the opposite of them being crazy. Rehearsed implies they were faking being crazy / being scared of crazy. And I think the team did raise an eyebrow when they both said ballistic, I noticed that too.

It really wasn't clear at the end if the one girl was actually psychotic or not. I kinda hope we get a followup episode.

Reminded me of Killerz from the mother ship, where the two little girls killed a younger boy. One of them was a sociopath or something, and the other was just really dim and followed along without knowing what to do.

  • Love 2

Honestly, when Perry said that "Glasgowman" kept coming to her and planting thoughts in her head, I thought it was going to be revealed that her mother's boyfriend was gaslighting her to try and drive her crazy enough to kill or at least hurt someone and either get imprisoned or institutionalized.  That way, he's still with her mother and doesn't have to worry about a potential stepchild.  I mean, think about it.  Each time we saw Perry's mother and her boyfriend was with her, he was far too calm to me.  So calm, I immediately started to peg him for the perp until the ending played out.


On a side note, I have to give kudos to the show for showing us that Mia and Zoe come from a family headed by two lesbian parents, but not making any huge deal over it.  They showed us, and they moved on.

Well...at least your way would have been interesting. Glasgowman? Not for me.


I mentioned that as well. That made my night and my week. They didn't even mention it. Network tv more, more, more of this. Takes all kinds of folks and families to rule the world. And it was so nice to see.

  • Love 3

The hand touch at the end as reveal was TOTALLY stolen from a memorable episode of la law back in the day... A mother and father both blamed the other for death of child so there was reasonable doubt. Then in the elevator hand touch showed they'd planned it.

So both girls were psychos then? Shades of sharp objects by Gillian Flynn.

Hadn't read story based on. Did like charlie he dignified gentle crazy giant.

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