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S29.E07: Million Dollar Decision

Tara Ariano

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I hate quitters. It was wrong of Julie to hoard food but it was wrong that everyone went thru her bag.

Julie's exit speech was kind of pathetic. She made it sound like she was starving, dehydrated, etc... They just had a huge feast to celebrate the merge, it didn't look like she did anything around camp, she was off by herself laying on the beach working on her tan. Might have been editing but anyhoo...good riddance Julie.

  • Love 15

I kind of loved Julie basically fucking up Missy and company's game a little. Especially as it might have come about because of Missy's over the top fakeness. Props to Julie for seeing through that phony bullshit. 


Meanwhile, I'm sort of looking forward to the Jeremy vs. Josh battle and seeing which one comes out on top. I have to say I was kind of interested in seeing which way the vote was going to go. Jon seemingly changed his mind but that might have been editing misdirect.


That said, I called it from the beginning of the episode that Josh's best bet to change things for himself was through Jon and Jacqueline and seems he realized this and has all but given up on Baylor. Because he must realize nothing's happening there with her. I was a little disappointed in his play to Jon and Jacqueline though. I think what he should have harped on more is that one, the last time they did this, the singles banded together and got rid of pairings; two, I imagine Reed told him what happened at Hunahpu so he must know that Missy along with Kelly and others were gunning for both Drew and Jon at points.


So Josh just needs to remind Jon that contrary to what he thought until the Drew vote, Jeremy was not with him and the other guys and so he and Jacqueline would be at the bottom of that alliance. Of course I don't know why Josh alone seemed to be doing the leg work there. Seriously, is Reed playing this game at all? That should have been where he came in. 


Still I can see why Jon and Jacqueline may stick with Jeremy and company. Jon does seem to genuinely like his original tribemates while Jacqueline, who was always at the bottom on Coyopa has no strong ties with Josh and company. Will be interesting to see what happens next week and I am a bit excited to see that Jon and Jacqueline may disagree even a little because hopefully that means a break from their PDA.


 We know Julie is not going.  The monkeys want us to think that is a possibility.  Ha.



Apparently not so much...

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 7

Very unlikable bunch of people, with Jeremy and Missy heading up that list. I don't have a favorite, but for some reason Wes seems the least objectionable for me. I do like Josh and Reed, but I don't think they'll last long. I just hope that Jeremy and Missy go earlier. 


I don't blame Julie. These people suck. Does she have to be on the jury now, or can she skip all that and go with John and the other pre-merge people?

Edited by Dust Bunny
  • Love 8

Julie knew hiding the trail mix was sketchy, but she didn't realize it was going to absolutely torpedo her.  I think when she got back to camp after sunning, she had that "aw, shit" moment & decided to bail. 


I also love how she screwed Missy, Baylor & Jeremy.  They all deserve it.


I really don't like any of these people either. 


John is an ass and Jacqueline is a doormat.  Both useless.

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 16

The show could stop the quitting by banishing any quitter to Exile Island for the remainder of the 39 days. Problem solved. As is, it ruins episodes...not that this season had a lot of momentum going anyway.


I would love to see more positive moments from the social games being played. I thought the "Happy birthday!" moment was fun. Otherwise, we really only see the conflicts and negativity, and it makes me hate nearly everyone on the show. I still like Baylor, though, despite her mom. I realize that fan club is dwindling almost as fast as her bodyfat is, but I'm hanging in there.


And the trail mix...Alec did really well to make a horribly awkward and uncomfortable moment even more awkward and uncomfortable. There is a reason why no one else spoke up. They didn't want to make a bad situation worse. If you are going to speak up then do it privately, one-on-one, and get over your need to show everyone else how wacky and funny you are.

  • Love 6

Is it really that difficult to kill a crab before roasting it?  They must love watching it writhe on the stick while it slowly cooks.  I hope they all starve.


I think I dislike Jon and Alec the most.  Jon and his "super couple" crap need to die a slow death.  Jaqueline seems like the smarter of the two, but he's calling the shots.


I don't care for Julie, but we really don't know how that situation panned out.  It's possible she was rationing while the other hogs were gorging as usual.  I don't blame her for stashing some - half these people have shown they will eat as much as they want.  It seems like they took all of the trail mix anyway, so enough with the bitching.

  • Love 11

Well pretty uneventful eppy.


IDK about the trail mix because if Julie took some of it after the feast to save for later, really can't fault her for that. Especially how that one tribe just went through the rice and running out of food. So if she was smart enough to save some food for herself, good for her. She would have to since it seems she's with a group of pigs who go through food like water and don't know how to save and ration the damn thing. It was wrong for them to go through her purse and stuff. Quitting is just a no no but since she was aligned with Missy, Baylor, and Jeremy, I'm glad she did quit.


I wish people would stop running to Jon and whatever his gf's name is. I keep forgetting a majority of their names. I'm really hoping Missy, Baylor, and Jeremy are the next in line to go, can't stand any one of them. 


After Keith won the immunity I thought that he was going to give Wes either the idol or the immunity for forgetting his birthday, but he didn't lol.


I guess if I was to root for anyone right now it's Reed and Wes. Followed closely by Keith.

Edited by ShadowSixx
  • Love 15
Does she have to be on the jury now, or can she skip all that and go with John and the other pre-merge people?



I guess she could skip it but it would mean a Final 2 again like last season, which also happened because someone quit, although she did it before the merge. 


I have to say I did laugh at the sequence where Keith totally forgot Wes' birthday and only remembered when Josh told Wes Happy Birthday, with Keith sitting right there. That was funny, especially his giving the crab as a gift. I don't blame Keith too much though. Being out there, cut off from everything, I imagine it's very easy to lose a sense of time and not know what specific day and date it is. 


I also did laugh over Jeremy's whinging about being the first one out of the challenge. That was pretty embarrassing. Of course he had to be that guy and harp on how he gotten beaten by an old guy and a mom. 

  • Love 3

Still can't find somebody to root for.  This is the first season since Season 1 that I am not rooting for anybody by this point in the game.  I might end up rooting for Keith for a week or 2..maybe Wes? 


As soon as trailmixgate started all I could think of Clarence and the cherries and it made me giggle a little as my son who doesn't even watch Survivor will just come out with "Clarence ate the cherries" at random times.


As far as Julie I completely forgot about her and when the trailmixgate started I was like..wait..who's that? 


There's got to be a way to stop people from quitting.


Edited to add that I hate Missy and Jeremy.

Edited by NYGirl
  • Love 6

I think Julie bailed before tribal because she didn't want to be called out about the trail mix. I'm not a fan of food hoarding, but on the other hand, as my hubby pointed out, this is survivor and the everyday rules are off the table. If lying and backstabbing are acceptable, why not hoarding? But of course, if you do something like that, you have to be prepared to take the consequences, and she wasn't. That's what bothers me more than the actual hoarding. If she had owned up to it and said..hey, this is Survivor, suckers, now that we've merged, it's every one for him or herself...she might have actually won some respect. Instead she slunk away like a dog caught eating the Christmas roast.


I hate quitters with a passion. I guess she's not on the jury, since Jeff didn't say she was. Plus, that wouldn't have accomplished what she wanted..to get back to her precious John..instead she would have been stuck at Ponderosa for the duration. I'm sure Jeff would have explained that to her. 


Jeff seems a lot more tolerant of quitters these days than he used to be. I guess he's gotten used to it..there's at least one every season, it seems. 


Not sure who i am rooting for at this point. There's nobody that really appeals to me, or who is despicable enough for me to root against. All of the big personalities were voted off early.

  • Love 3
Otherwise, we really only see the conflicts and negativity, and it makes me hate nearly everyone on the show. I still like Baylor, though, despite her mom. I realize that fan club is dwindling almost as fast as her bodyfat is, but I'm hanging in there.


You're not alone--I still like her too.

How did Julie end up with two merge buffs?  She had one around her torso and one as a headband.  Or am I just that unobservant and they all get two, despite the ceremony of new buffs (this time in a nice little bundle ) always seeming to imply it's one per person?


Jeff seems a lot more tolerant of quitters these days than he used to be. I guess he's gotten used to it..there's at least one every season, it seems.


I think he's tolerant of the ones that are associated with his man-crush John Rocker.


Edited by Jobiska
  • Love 5

Honestly, as with some of the reactions about the extra rice last week, I will share the unpopular opinion that I don't care that much about people quitting and never have. And frankly I'm a little uncomfortable by some of the comments wanting there to be something that makes it so people absolutely cannot quit. I'm sorry but this isn't jail. It's a reality show that these people voluntarily signed up for and by that token they should have just as much right to leave if they so choose.


I don't know, I love the show, I love all the drama and ins and outs and interplay that goes with it but at the end of the day it's still just a reality show and so I'm never going to get up in arms over someone wanting to quit. Didn't care last season when that Lindsay woman or whatever her name was left and don't care about Julie leaving. And as I stated above, if anything, I kind of enjoyed it momentarily putting a chink and Jeremy and Missy's plans. They shouldn't panic too much yet though, they still have the numbers 6 to 5, as long as Jon and Jacqueline stays with them. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 20

Pretty soon there will be enough people to do an all quit season. But there will be no tribes, just the group of quitters on one beach, forced to compete for all their food and shelter. No idols, no being voted off, no quitting. 39 days of misery. And at the end? Nobody wins a million dollars. That gets donated to charity. #wildreamsthatwillneverhappen

A million likes!

  • Love 2
The show could stop the quitting by banishing any quitter to Exile Island for the remainder of the 39 days. Problem solved. As is, it ruins episodes...not that this season had a lot of momentum going anyway


Unfortunately (for the show), they can't really force people to live on Exile Island.  Just like they can't force people to stay in the game.




IDK about the trail mix because if Julie took some of it after the feast to save for later, really can't fault her for that. Especially how that one tribe just went through the rice and running out of food.


I think it depends on how much she took.  If it was just a small amount she grabbed at the end, I don't think it was so horrible to keep.  Morally speaking anyway.  It's not really smart game play.  However, it looked like they were all grabbing as much leftover food that they could, with the expectation that it was for everyone.  Didn't someone actually watch her taking it and say it was a good idea?

Edited by KaveDweller
  • Love 1


And it's very obvious that unlike most Survivor's, she didn't connect with anyone, they kept their distance for whatever reason and she was just a "number."  And they all made it perfectly clear to her, she was just a number and she was just being used by all of them.   Missy was soooo fake to her.   Jeremy probably was just as fake.     It was all about what she could to do advance their game. 


She clearly was getting NOTHING out of the game, monetarily she doesn't need the money, she's not getting any life experience or enjoyment out of it, and no bondings going on, so, yeah, why would she stay?  Especially when surrounded by such users?   And just based on what we've seen the last few episodes, she's had it really, really rough and Missy was THAT fake with her?  That's all they could bring themselves to do?   She's going off alone that much because she's clearly having that hard a go and no one's reaching out to her?  Yeah, she's having a hard time, clearly these people don't care about her.  I can see why she left.  So, I'm team Julie.   I'm glad she screwed over their plans.  Maybe if they'd showed her a little compassion and thought of her as a person and not just a number, this wouldn't have happened.


I think the obvious answer is because of Rocker


Jeremy was the one who outed Rocker to his tribe and Natalie was pretty much the one who hurled the worst stuff at him during the challenges before he got voted out.  That's tough to hear and I guarantee you Neither of them came back to her afterwards and said I'm sorry  that must have been tough to hear but part of it is strategy.  Chances are it affected the way they treated her Natalie especially.  I don't know if Missy was any different, but I doubt they were close.


Money's not an issue for her, she doesn't care about Survivor, she never would have done this without John I don't blame her for quitting, what does she owe these people.


I really do wonder what Reed is is thinking cause yeah Josh does seem to be the only one who's doing any real work.  i think his mistake though was trying to just talk to Baylor alone.  He should have talked to them both and explained to mom how he protected her baby. Promised them a final four and gone from there.


You really want people to stop quitting the game.  Stop recruiting. Focus on people who are really passionate about the show and the game.  Pick people who have applied multiple times in a row.  Won't stop all of them, but couldn't hurt

Edited by MarquisDeCarabas
  • Love 10

The producers shoving Josh down our throats tonight was really obnoxious. This season has already pretty much been THE JOSH SHOW but tonight's Joshfest was beyond the pale. Every three minutes cutting to a Josh confessional.Meanwhile did we even hear Natalie speak? Also I noticed Joshs team are all pretty reprehensible such as vulgar Keith spitting all over the island.. Anyway at least we got that final shot of Julie in her bikini in the closing credits. Prettiest quitter to ever grace SURVIVOR.

Edited by North of Eden

 Wasn't there something similar in Australia?  Some guy had something--a candy bar?--hidden in his, or maybe it was allegedly in his bag, and he got voted off for it?  


 I can't blame someone for keeping a bit of extra food if they have the opportunity; this is a game, not Lucy and Ethel in the Swiss Alps.  But if you going to do that, find somewhere else to hide it where you can sneak off and eat it on your own.

  • Love 3

These people are a bunch of jackals... it's okay to go through someone's bag if you have a good reason and to then eat anything that might be in said bag. It's sickening. I guess I mightt feel like "she had it coming" if there was a single person I was willing to give benefit of a doubt to; but I don't like anyone on this cast. They're all either boring or obnoxious. Ugh.


Speaking of boring that also goes down as one of the most boring episodes especially as we were set up for fireworks and instead it got rained out.


So this is the new way of being eliminated; "Mean girled out" huh? Like the girl with the dreadlocks who couldn't bring herself to go back to camp. Whatever.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 11

I'm typically more of a lurker than a poster, but I just had to comment on all of this Julie stuff. To be honest I'm probably a bit biased towards her because of a few reasons. I admit I haven't watched any interviews, so correct me if I'm wrong, but she didn't really seem like she was that enthusiastic about going out on Survivor, and I'm almost wondering if she just did it for her boyfriend. As for this whole food fiasco...I'm honestly on her side. The way most of the folks on both tribes are eating whenever they receive a reward seems very gluttonous and it didn't particularly look like she was one of those people, I understand you can't really save most of the food so you have to eat it before it goes bad, but trail mix is something that can last for a little while. My guest is that she's someone who can't eat a lot in one sitting, even when she's very hungry, which I can definitely relate to. If that's the case I don't really think it's wrong for her to take some trail mix and make sure she has her fair share of food from the 'feast'. I kind of feel like this lust for food among the tribe was shown when they suggested strip searching everyone for the trail mix, and then instead of saying "okay we can each have a bit now, but let's save some" (which they should have done to avoid being caught, but even if it were out in the open they should do that to make it last longer) they were going back into her bag and pulling out handful upon handful. I also found it humorous that they complained of her selfishness, but then when she quit were exhibiting their own selfishness by whining about how they lost a vote. I feel like if the tribe's atmosphere as displayed tonight had been happening for a bit, it could possibly explain why she described it as Mean Girls in the woods (don't remember the exact quote). I know Survivor is all about the numbers, but if you make it clear to someone either directly, through what your words imply, or through your nonverbal behaviors that they are just a number to you, I don't personally feel like that's a great social game.

As for the rest of the episode...

Jeremy still grates on my nerves, and I'm sincerely hoping for him to be voted out at the next Tribal, but with my luck he'll probably win the game. I'm kind of confused as to his hatred of Josh, though. It seemed like he had a really good alliance with Reed, so does he just dislike Josh because he thinks Josh stole Reed from the alliance? Did Jeremy even try to bring Josh with the alliance instead of just assuming the worst?

I thought that the John and Jackelyn(?) comment about the fact they could still date each other because they both made it to the merge was humorous, I like it when contestants make jokes about past seasons

Baylor and Missy are both very annoying, and I invite them to leave my TV screen any time.

I chuckled at the fact that Keith forgot his son's birthday. Typically I'd feel really bad for Wes, but I forget the date enough in the modern world, let alone without a calendar or electronic to check the time/day.

  • Love 5


Wasn't there something similar in Australia?  Some guy had something--a candy bar?--hidden in his, or maybe it was allegedly in his bag, and he got voted off for it?

It was Kel he was accused of having Beef Jerky, Tina went through his bag and Jerri accused him of it. Years later, Probst said in an interview he believed Kel had beef jerky and was caught with something in customs.

Back in the hazy reaches of my mind beside Kel and the beef jerky they claimed to see him eating, there was another hubbub about an energy bar with a woman on an all female tribe. That was back when the "Survivors" weren't gorging themselves every ten minutes and food actually meant something. I think when nobody fessed to it being theirs they decided to throw it into the fire.

The producers shoving Josh down our throats tonight was really obnoxious. This season has already pretty much been THE JOSH SHOW but tonight's Joshfest was beyond the pale. Every three minutes cutting to a Josh confessional.Meanwhile did we even hear Natalie speak? Also I noticed Joshs team are all pretty reprehensible such as vulgar Keith spitting all over the island.. Anyway at least we got that final shot of Julie in her bikini in the closing credits. Prettiest quitter to ever grace SURVIVOR.


Why is Josh being pointed out here when they also showed Jeremy and Jon in their TH just as much as Josh tonight. The people that mostly play the game are the ones that are being shown the most. Everyone else isn't scrambling like Josh or Jeremy at this point in the game. I'm sure if Reed, Jacqueline (remembered her name now lol), Natalie, Wes, Alec, Missy, Baylor, & Keith were mainly targeted for elimination and had to ensure their safety in the game, they would be shown more in TH. 


Just like they showed Drew a lot during his TH when he was gonna go bye bye. 

  • Love 3
Wasn't there something similar in Australia?  Some guy had something--a candy bar?--hidden in his, or maybe it was allegedly in his bag, and he got voted off for it? 


Yes, and I think he always swore he didn't do it, even after the show ended.  I think he was an army guy and insisted the proved he wouldn't lie about it.


I know there is a rule about not being able to steal an immunity idol from someone's possession, but I guess you can steal food.

  • Love 2

Good riddance, Julie. And while she may have doomed Jeremy and Alec, she's also torpedoed Natalie, who isn't that objectionable. Who am I supposed to root for now?


And I'm still amused that Probst can be summoned like a crossroads demon. What, did Julie bury a John Rocker card to make Probst appear?


I'm over the trail mix, mostly because I'm allergic to the stuff. Didn't see how taking it was that big a deal, especially since most of the other stuff was more "big ticket." Going through Julie's bag? That was awful.


I'm a bit tickled by the Keith/Wes finale at the challenge. Also, I see they wear boots to interviews. That's funny to me.

  • Love 9

Ugh, I'd forgotten the uglier part of Blood vs. Water -- those who confuse it with Amazing Race, and go on it to "fix their relationship." Missy, if your relationship with your daughter is broken for whatever reason, going on a reality show is not going to fix it. Stop confusing "We are working together in the context of the game" with "Look at how well we work together! Our relationship is healed!"


That "I feel like she's getting in the backseat and letting me drive" analogy was just bizarre.

  • Love 9
The producers shoving Josh down our throats tonight was really obnoxious. This season has already pretty much been THE JOSH SHOW but tonight's Joshfest was beyond the pale. Every three minutes cutting to a Josh confessional.



I thought there was a heavy emphasis on Josh and Jeremy as it was clear that if either didn't win Immunity, they were the two people on the chopping block and it would come down to who stayed true to which alliance. There was also focus on Jon and Jacqueline, as has been the case the last two episodes because once again they seemed to be the swing votes. Or what ShadowSixx said:


Why is Josh being pointed out here when they also showed Jeremy and Jon in their TH just as much as Josh tonight. The people that mostly play the game are the ones that are being shown the most. Everyone else isn't scrambling like Josh or Jeremy at this point in the game.



Yeah basically this.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 2

I always got the feeling that they recruited John Rocker + 1 to Survivor.  That Julie had no particular interest in playing the game doesn't surprise me.  She was whining and making noises about leaving last week.  I think trail mix just hastened the inevitable.

That is exactly what happened. When I met them, they told me upfront they'd never watched the show, he was recruited and she went along. End of story.

  • Love 10

I just feel so bad for Julie. She's struggled all of her life because she's beautiful and takes care of herself. I'm not sure how I can watch the show without hearing her say boyfriend continually.

I wish Jeff would stop building a story for the quitters. I want one scene that goes: "You done? Suck it quitter, boat's that way." Maybe it shouldn't even be with Jeff but whichever summoner they tell first. If you say quit, you're out.

  • Love 13

And I feel like I missed an episode in which Josh performed a Heimlich maneuver or dove into a raging sea or whatever he did that has him and Baylor both believing he saved her life.

I just couldn't believe Josh thought Baylor owed him anything.  She doesn't because he never saved her (game) life at all.  And he never protected her, either.  He was more than okay with voting her out in week three before he realized John was too untrustworthy and switched the vote to him.  Baylor may have been saved by that, but that wasn't the point of that vote.  It was just getting John out.  And he was more than okay letting her get voted out in an idol bounceback in week two if Val had produced either of her alleged, but nonexistent, idols.  And let's not forget him throwing away a vote onto her in week one after she decided to stick with him.


Why Baylor would think he protected her is beyond me.  What happened to her thinking she couldn't trust him?  I'm not particularly big on Missy, either (though I still like her more than anyone on Josh's "side"), but she was basically right that Baylor owes him nothing.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
  • Love 7

Why is Josh being pointed out here when they also showed Jeremy and Jon in their TH just as much as Josh tonight. The people that mostly play the game are the ones that are being shown the most. Everyone else isn't scrambling like Josh or Jeremy at this point in the game. I'm sure if Reed, Jacqueline (remembered her name now lol), Natalie, Wes, Alec, Missy, Baylor, & Keith were mainly targeted for elimination and had to ensure their safety in the game, they would be shown more in TH. 


Just like they showed Drew a lot during his TH when he was gonna go bye bye.

A poster here a few weeks ago did an analysis of Josh talking heads during an episode and he EXCEEDED EVERYBODY. If someone counted him tonight guaranteed he would surpass everyone again. For reasons known only to TBTB they have chosen Josh to narrate the season and it shows.
  • Love 6

But once again, the last two episodes, we heard almost nothing from Josh. Last week when Jeremy was bitching about the rice trade and talking about how much Reed and Josh bugged him, we got no TH's from Josh. The point is that Josh was clearly on the chopping block per Jeremy, just as Josh wanted to get Jeremy out. So who else were they going to focus on? And if anything I thought this episode focused on a lot different plotlines if you will - there was a gradual build up to Julie's exit so she got a decent amount of screentime, Jon and Jacqueline once again were swing votes so we got commentary from them, him more so than her and then the two people most in trouble, had a number of TH's. I really don't see how this episode was the Josh show. Sure he was a heavy focus but that was because he very likely may have been on his way to being the first jury member.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 4

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