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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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4 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

... the chick needs to be more careful or else she's going to get disbarred.

Serious question: Has any character on the show ever faced (or even been threatened with) disbarment? I can't recall, but the way this show treats the law, I can't imagine it's ever come up.

Less serious observation: I wouldn't be surprised if these writers think "disbarment" is what happens when Roman throws you out of the Brady Pub.

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7 hours ago, norcalgal said:

Say wut?!   This is news to me. Do you know who the original couples were supposed to be? [J&J are my OTP on this show. They were the first I really and truly 'shipped. To some extent, they got superseded by Lawrence/Carly(Katerina) - if you can call them a "couple"]

No they weren't I don't think that there was an original couple in sight where Jack/Jennifer were concerned I think they were just going to have him be more of a dark knight/standalone till Jennifer came along.

Shane they were going to pair him with someone else I think it might've been Liz not sure. However they saw Charles/Patsy flirting between scenes and thought this was the direction to go.

The best couples on soaps are the ones that aren't planned by the writers.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

What is Sarah's end game with Rex?  Is she going to leave him to die of starvation in the apartment?


3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

That's what I was thinking, too. I was like, is she just going to leave him there to die? That's going a bit too far lol.

She could drug him with some Benadryl and when he's nice and knocked out she could untie him and lay him down on the ground. She's already wanted for kidnapping, what's a little drugging charge at this point? That's definitely better than letting Rex die alone. 

And, yes, LG has been really good these last few episodes but the constant nose wiping with her bare hand is distracting and gross.

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So, still going on my theory that Zoey has Mickey, I think Christian told her the truth about the baby switch and she is doing everything in her power to ignore it. Denial, not just a river an Egypt.

Skipped Kristen and Lani, Tweedledee and Tweedledumb don't deserve a moment of my time. Neither are compelling or sympathetic.

Rafe actually was using the Salem brain when he assigned Lani to investigate Gabi because no one could complain that she was biased towards Gabi but Lani screwed it up by being an idiot who helped psycho Kristen escape from jail.

Abby was convincing during her freak out but I already knew KM could play crazy, it's normal she has a problem doing.

Now for the good stuff - damn, Suzanne Rodgers and Lindsay Godfrey are killing this story and the men have been wonderful scene partners. I have no problem regarding how LG is playing Sarah - this is a woman whose entire life has been torn apart and I can sense her fear and anxiety in every move she makes. This is an example of temporary insanity (side-eye to Kristen), a normally sane and rational person losing their ability to think rationally due to a traumatic experience. She is reacting out of love for the child she has raised and fear of losing her. I also understand her mixture of hate and love for her mother, loving the woman who has been there for her for her whole life and hating the woman who caused her daughter to die.

And my heart broke for Maggie as she realized that she was responsible for Mickey's death. She had to push and pull for every single bit of information Xander gave her regarding what happened to Sarah and Mickey and Maggie was relentless about it. PT played it just the way he should. Xander's hesitation, his attempts to try and stop Maggie from finding out and then trying to soften the blow, and then the way he finally just took her in his arms and held her as she collapsed from the news was perfect. Xander is no hero, but he is human and this was a great way to show it. 

Edited by cmahorror
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1 hour ago, cmahorror said:

So, still going on my theory that Zoey has Mickey, I think Christian told her the truth about the baby switch and she is doing everything in her power to ignore it. Denial, not just a river an Egypt.

Skipped Kristen and Lani, Tweedledee and Tweedledumb don't deserve a moment of my time. Neither are compelling or sympathetic.

Rafe actually was using the Salem brain when he assigned Lani to investigate Gabi because no one complain that she was biased towards Gabi but Lani screwed it up by being an idiot who helped psycho Kristen escape from jail.

Abby was convincing during her freak out but I already knew KM could play crazy, it's normal she has a problem doing.

Now for the good stuff - damn, Suzanne Rodgers and Lindsay Godfrey are killing this story and the men have been wonderful scene partners. I have no problem regarding how LG is playing Sarah - this is a woman whose entire life has been torn apart and I can sense her fear and anxiety in every move she makes. This is an example of temporary insanity (side-eye to Kristen), a normally sane and rational person losing their ability to think rationally due to a traumatic experience. She is reacting out of love for the child she has raised and fear of losing her. I also understand her mixture of hate and love for her mother, loving the woman who has been there for her for her whole life and hating the woman who caused her daughter to die.

And my heart broke for Maggie as she realized that she was responsible for Mickey's death. She had to push and pull for every single bit of information Xander gave her regarding what happened to Sarah and Mickey and Maggie was relentless about it. PT's played it just the was he should. Xander's hesitation, his attempts to try and stop Maggie from finding out and then trying to soften the blow, and then the way he finally just took her in his arms and held her as she collapsed from the news was perfect. Xander is no hero, but he is human and this was a great way to show it. 

I wish I could love your post X10, you said it all perfectly!

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, RunningMarket said:

Forgive me, as I only recently started watching again, so I missed the whole Orpheus-gets-immunity portion (and lead up including Jordan's murder). If there is a legit confession on file (immunity be damned) about Jordan's murder, how is someone else on trial for it?

I realize the simple answer is "Salem".

Yeah, you know, after I posted that my brain immediately tapped me on the shoulder and asked that very same question. LOL It just makes no sense. Either Orpheus was the killer and the ISA has closed the case and pardoned him for mysterious magical reasons, or Orpheus gave a false confession and should be in jail and there should be an ongoing investigation into Christian's involvement as a potential suspect. That is, if Law & Order has taught me anything.

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Felt like a filler day.

Lani, you are a police officer and have access to be able to possibly find the GPS of Rex's phone. Calling up Theo for a criminal investigation is wrong. He should be hired by the Salem PD.

Zoey really should try for the DA position. She is rather cutthroat. Yeah, defend your brother so he won't snap on the stand. And concoct a tale of Rafe killing Jordan. That'll work.

Sarah, you and the munchkin should get out of that apartment, hop the Eurostar to wherever and get away from Rex.

I did like Maggie and Xander. Both actors were really good and for all Xander's faults and crimes, there is some good in him and he was like an understanding son to Maggie. They really play nicely off each other.

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5 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

Orpheus only confessed to the kidnapping of David.  He couldn't have confessed to the killing of Jordan because he was in custody when it happened.

Oh Lord, this s*** is getting way too complicated. They spend days and days and days having the actors repeat "my heart is broken!" or "you lied to me!" but then when it comes to the nuts and bolts and details of everyone's messed up legal circumstances, they make one passing remark under their breaths and we're supposed to catch it and commit it to memory? I've been paying reasonable amounts of attention and even I didn't catch that Orpheus confessed to the kidnapping, but not Jordans murder. I thought Christian was arrested for both.

Screw this. Because MAGIC! Is going to be my new explanation for the massive crater-sized plotholes in the show.

How did the prison guard not hear Maggie screaming bloody murder? Because Magic! How did the nosey French neighbour that they already established is watching Sarah like a hawk not overhear her screaming and crying and yelling at Rex? Because Magic! How did Baby Mickey, mere feet away from Sarah in her carriage, not hear her mother having a complete meltdown? Because Magic!

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 5
8 hours ago, norcalgal said:

Say wut?!   This is news to me. Do you know who the original couples were supposed to be? [J&J are my OTP on this show. They were the first I really and truly 'shipped. To some extent, they got superseded by Lawrence/Carly(Katerina) - if you can call them a "couple"]

Jennifer was supposed to get back with Frankie at some point but her going to work at the spectator changed the writers' plans for them due to the sparks that flew between Jennifer and Jack.. The show was flirting with putting Jack and Diana together.  Jack was bad at the time and their mutual hatred was supposed to turn into an attraction that would have impacted the Roman/Diana relationship eventually becoming a triangle. The show was also trying to get Deidre to come back to the show as Marlena.  


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This writing is shit and playing fast and loose with their ethical goal posts but the bright point in all of this is actors who were previously trivial side pieces and annoying have delivered acting wise like BH/Doug, SR/Maggie, LG/Sarah, and PT/Xander. I hope actually the Daytime Emmys (which are a farce) recognize Bill Hayes and Suzanne Rogers since they really kicked ass these past few months. 

Rex and Sarah had me incredibly involved in their scenes past 2 episodes. I completely related to each and I saw their struggles to connect, he was (like always very sensitive and validated her while trying to redirect) he’s actually a really decent kind person. Sarah’s “crazy” but showed she wanted to listen to reasons but she had some good points herself she wasn’t just blurting nonsense or acting out of pure emotion. 

Eli is a damn fool. He knew damn well Lani lied about tons of shit pertaining to Julie, her revenge, Kristen. She should have NEVER been allowed back on the force. 

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Dr. Rolf is neither a muppet nor a nutcase--show Salem's resident mad scientist some respect!

I am enjoying the Gabi/Jake scenes--there is a definite spark between them and I'm interested to learn about his past and how it's connected with Stefan, if it even is.  And now we have two goons showing up and wanting the "stuff" for their mysterious boss.  Color me shocked that Ben was actually beaten down--if Ciara was there, I bet she could have taken the guys on herself--make no mistake that Ciara totally thinks this.

Yeah, Princess Abs is missing!  So was she kidnapped or did she run away and how quickly will Chad blame Gabi?

I'm liking the Steve/Hope friendship scenes and I loved that they messed up their high five--that was rather awesome.


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1 hour ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

Dr. Rolf is neither a muppet nor a nutcase--show Salem's resident mad scientist some respect!

I am enjoying the Gabi/Jake scenes--there is a definite spark between them and I'm interested to learn about his past and how it's connected with Stefan, if it even is.  And now we have two goons showing up and wanting the "stuff" for their mysterious boss.  Color me shocked that Ben was actually beaten down--if Ciara was there, I bet she could have taken the guys on herself--make no mistake that Ciara totally thinks this.

Yeah, Princess Abs is missing!  So was she kidnapped or did she run away and how quickly will Chad blame Gabi?

I'm liking the Steve/Hope friendship scenes and I loved that they messed up their high five--that was rather awesome.


I agree with you about the Gabi/Jake scenes...definitely some sparks flying there, and I enjoy the 2 actors.  And the Friendship was comfortable and real between Patch & Hope, but I don't want it to go farther than that...they should remain friends who can rely on one another.  

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Today's show felt very "kick off summer" summery.  There was just something old school about the vibe, I thought.  In a good way.  Maybe it was the stories or maybe it was the sets?  I don't know.

So clearly Gabi and Jake will eventually have sex since they built Jake a bedroom set.  I am enjoying their chemistry.  It's nice to have a couple with chemistry even though the buildup/writing isn't what it used to be.  I actually think they might have a bit more as Gabi/Jake than they did as Gabi/Stefan, and I liked Stabi, but that could be because they're in the getting to know you/sparring stage of their relationship.  Anyway, I love how Brandon looks at her in both of his character iterations.

I had to laugh at Justin getting all pissy with Kayla asking if he's implying Hope and Steve were having an affair as if her jumping to that conclusion must mean it's on her mind instead of his very suspiciously worded questions.  Why would she have a hard time seeing them together as friends?  I think only them having a relationship would be bothersome to her so of course that's what she's going to think you're implying.

  • Love 10
18 minutes ago, tribeca said:

Show was interrupted what happened to Ben at the garage ?

a couple of goons came to the garage looking for Jake - apparently he has something their boss wants - they didn't believe Ben when he said he wasn't Jake & beat him up (we didn't see the beat down though)

Ah I'm so happy Brandon is back - I really do believe that Jake is Stefan (just little things he's doing makes me think that) - but haven't figured out yet why he's lying about who he is - either way he & Gabi just sparkle together & am just going to enjoy where their story goes.

I am enjoying the Steve/Hope friendship too & really don't want it to go any further than that.   I do wish we'd gotten some flashbacks when Steve was talking about how he came to town & if I remember correctly - I believe Steve terrorized Hope as well (I can't remember exactly what happened - I feel like he tied her to a chair or something?)

while I'm not a fan of Cin - I do enjoy their interactions with others (especially Ben & Jake/Stefan)


  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Princess Consuela said:

Ah I'm so happy Brandon is back - I really do believe that Jake is Stefan (just little things he's doing makes me think that) - but haven't figured out yet why he's lying about who he is - either way he & Gabi just sparkle together & am just going to enjoy where their story goes.

I couldnt stop smiling today watching those two. Brandon and Camila havent missed a beat! It speaks volumes about how much of a great actor is that he's playing this character the way he is. I keep going back and forth between thinking he IS Stefan or that he is playing it off like we are just meant to think he is. Regardless, I hope somehow whether if he is Stefan or not "Jake" is used to fuck with Chad's smug ass.

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Hey, Chad, you might want to talk to your father-in-law about not being alive after your heart was donated.

It took me a while to figure out how Steve is Ciara's uncle.  It's because he was married to Kayla, who is her father's half sister.

I laughed at Jake complaining about Gabi getting blood all over his clean floor.

That's a pretty swanky bedroom Jake has up above the motorcycle repair shop.  The fact that it's a new set means we're probably going to be seeing a lot of it.

Ben wasn't bleeding very badly from having been hit with a crowbar.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Princess Consuela said:

while I'm not a fan of Cin - I do enjoy their interactions with others (especially Ben & Jake/Stefan)

Seriously, when they're away from each other and not talking about each other they are so much easier to handle. Hell, they're borderline enjoyable!

I love Jake/Gabi because, well, I love hostility in my ships lol. I can't decide if I want Jake to be really Jake or really Stefan. I feel like he'll definitely be Stefan though. If he is Stefan, I hope he knows it and is fucking with everyone for some reason as opposed to another amnesia story. Also, I hope he keeps the scruff even after he's revealed as Stefan. 

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15 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I love Jake/Gabi because, well, I love hostility in my ships lol. I can't decide if I want Jake to be really Jake or really Stefan. I feel like he'll definitely be Stefan though. If he is Stefan, I hope he knows it and is fucking with everyone for some reason as opposed to another amnesia story. Also, I hope he keeps the scruff even after he's revealed as Stefan. 

I think there's a long termish story here.  Gabi thinks Jake is Stefan but eventually is convinced he's not.  They fall in love and just as they're going to get married, Stefan returns from the dead.  Then she's in a triangle with Jake and Stefan vying for her heart.  She's pulled towards Jake but Stefan is her OTP, right?  But then we find out that Jake is actually Stefan and "Stefan" is actually fake Stefan.  Maybe Jake realizes this (or maybe he knew it all along) but can't share this news with anyone yet.

Then fake Stefan can win the heart of Ciara and Ben can go bye-bye.  The end.

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If I were Jake, I'd be high tailin' it out of Salem as fast I could. If he has no recollection of possibly being Stefan, he's got to think these people are certifiable. Just look at the high crime rate of the town square! 

I'm not enjoying the Jabi/Stabi scenes quite as much as most because I find Camilla Banus incredibly difficult to watch as an actress. When she goes into hyper-drive dramatics her weaknesses are even more noticeable. YMMV, as they say.

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15 minutes ago, RunningMarket said:

If I were Jake, I'd be high tailin' it out of Salem as fast I could. If he has no recollection of possibly being Stefan, he's got to think these people are certifiable. Just look at the high crime rate of the town square! 

I'm not enjoying the Jabi/Stabi scenes quite as much as most because I find Camilla Banus incredibly difficult to watch as an actress. When she goes into hyper-drive dramatics her weaknesses are even more noticeable. YMMV, as they say.

I like Gabi but she has been too loud and hyper lately JMHO

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On 5/6/2020 at 2:03 PM, Irlandesa said:

Jennifer was just starting with Emilio when the actor left to film something (Fame, I think) but the plan was for him to come back. TPTB decided to have her intern at the Spectator* to fill her story during his absence.  Enter Jack as her boss/mentor.  Actors could be more playful then. Fans liked their vibe and it redirected the direction of the story.

So no, the plan wasn't to put the virgin with the rapist but they're my OTP too so I'm glad they did.

*This was back when stories, good stories, could come out of workplace situations.  An event would impact relationships but you'd also have cops/reporters being brought in through investigating it.


22 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

No they weren't I don't think that there was an original couple in sight where Jack/Jennifer were concerned I think they were just going to have him be more of a dark knight/standalone till Jennifer came along.

Shane they were going to pair him with someone else I think it might've been Liz not sure. However they saw Charles/Patsy flirting between scenes and thought this was the direction to go.

The best couples on soaps are the ones that aren't planned by the writers.


19 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

Jennifer was supposed to get back with Frankie at some point but her going to work at the spectator changed the writers' plans for them due to the sparks that flew between Jennifer and Jack.. The show was flirting with putting Jack and Diana together.  Jack was bad at the time and their mutual hatred was supposed to turn into an attraction that would have impacted the Roman/Diana relationship eventually becoming a triangle. The show was also trying to get Deidre to come back to the show as Marlena.  


Thanks all for your posts. My memory is coming back (vaguely) with some of the folks mentioned. 

Emilio: I don't have a strong recall of him, but didn't he have a curly mullet?  I never believed them to be a real couple. More like teenagers just playing the game of romance for kicks.

Shane/Liz:  Liz?  Was she the one who was married to Neil?  I seriously can't recall even the slightest whiff of romantic tension between Shane & Liz.

Frankie:  I think the Bradys adopted him at some point, but can't recall the how & why. And wasn't it retconned later that he was Katerina(Carly's) brother?!  What the hell was up with THAT!? How? Why? When? What?!

Diana/Roman (or Jack):  Was this when Genie Francis played Diana? I think I only got a friends vibe between Jack & Diana. 

In fact, until Jennifer, I never saw any romantic tension between Jack and any woman.  With Kayla, it was more like possessive, stalkery psycho than actual romance. And now that I think about it even harder, I can't think of any other woman with whom Jack (played by MA or anyone else) had UST. Can anyone here think of Jack paired with someone not Jen that seems like it could be a real thing?

Contrast with Jennifer, where I did see some sparks between her & Peter Blake, and a tiny smidge between her & Eric. [The sooner everyone forgets Dan & Jen the better!]

Have I left out any iterations of J&J's actual or possible romantic pairings?

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1 hour ago, norcalgal said:



Thanks all for your posts. My memory is coming back (vaguely) with some of the folks mentioned. 

Emilio: I don't have a strong recall of him, but didn't he have a curly mullet?  I never believed them to be a real couple. More like teenagers just playing the game of romance for kicks.

Shane/Liz:  Liz?  Was she the one who was married to Neil?  I seriously can't recall even the slightest whiff of romantic tension between Shane & Liz.

Frankie:  I think the Bradys adopted him at some point, but can't recall the how & why. And wasn't it retconned later that he was Katerina(Carly's) brother?!  What the hell was up with THAT!? How? Why? When? What?!

Diana/Roman (or Jack):  Was this when Genie Francis played Diana? I think I only got a friends vibe between Jack & Diana. 

In fact, until Jennifer, I never saw any romantic tension between Jack and any woman.  With Kayla, it was more like possessive, stalkery psycho than actual romance. And now that I think about it even harder, I can't think of any other woman with whom Jack (played by MA or anyone else) had UST. Can anyone here think of Jack paired with someone not Jen that seems like it could be a real thing?

Contrast with Jennifer, where I did see some sparks between her & Peter Blake, and a tiny smidge between her & Eric. [The sooner everyone forgets Dan & Jen the better!]

Have I left out any iterations of J&J's actual or possible romantic pairings?

Jack/Isabella I know they were dear friends at one point I think they pretended to be a couple. Jennifer was jealous. I thought Jack/CR's Eve had chemistry but more of a love/hate chemistry. I can't imagine them falling in love but having great sex that I could buy at least with the smarmy version of Jack that took up with hookers not the one that fell in love with Jennifer.


Jack was engaged to Melissa but I don't recall anyone wanting them together.

Edited by CanaryFan98
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Regardless of who Jake/Stefan is (I guess Jefan?) I think that his scenes with Gabi are pretty amusing. Kind of reminded me of Bo/Hope early on where Hope was this spoiled brat and Bo was the working class guy who was amused by her.

It was nice to watch something on this show that isn't depressing and/or don't entirely dislike. Few and far between.

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Dr. Rolf is a mad scientist quite ahead of his time. He should be the richest man in the world.

I did like Jake doing an internet search on his doppelganger and Gabi. One way to learn about something. His upstairs apartment looked rather nice for hanging over a garage. He really should not have tripped up Gabi. They do have a chemistry and that is nice to see.

Abs has gone missing? Cue the hospital security camera. Maybe she had some tests, maybe she went for a walk, maybe she hallucinated the ice cream truck. Chad has absolutely no evidence that Gabi had anything to do with Abs' hallucinations. As it has been said, there are lots of people at DiMera who had access to it, including Chad.

Hope and Steve were enjoyable as friends. I guess I am one of the rare people who does not wear shoes in my home. Hope's house also looked different, like it was one of Rafe's rooms that was rearranged. Enjoyed him punching out the painting.

Poor Ben got clonked. Ah well, he will recover in no time.

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1 hour ago, Frozendiva said:

Abs has gone missing? Cue the hospital security camera. Maybe she had some tests, maybe she went for a walk, maybe she hallucinated the ice cream truck.

...so I just had a complete laughing fit over the mental image of an ice cream truck driving down the street with the jingle song playing and Abigail, with a poorly tied together hospital gown, running after it like a maniac and flapping her arms like a goose.

The best send-off they could give her.

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1 hour ago, Frozendiva said:

Hope and Steve were enjoyable as friends. I guess I am one of the rare people who does not wear shoes in my home. Hope's house also looked different, like it was one of Rafe's rooms that was rearranged.

Yeah, but that's why I can't enjoy these scenes, because I'm pretty sure that they'll be making out by next week. (Hence the truly bizarre scene of a grinning Justin making huge leaps in logic to insist Kayla still loves Steve and then bolting....even though Steve has now spent approximately two hours out of the hospital with Hope. Or at the very most, one night at Hope's place.)

I'm also supremely bummed that they didn't bother to reconstruct Hope's actual house. That was the Rafe Room redressed, which has now substituted for the blue hospital room with two doors that was used as every single set they couldn't afford to actually build from scratch. The Rafe Room has also been Eric and Nicole's bedroom, the wood panelling hideout motel, Hattie's room over the Pub, John and Marlena's bedroom...just to name a few.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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9 hours ago, Princess Consuela said:

I am enjoying the Steve/Hope friendship too & really don't want it to go any further than that.   I do wish we'd gotten some flashbacks when Steve was talking about how he came to town & if I remember correctly - I believe Steve terrorized Hope as well (I can't remember exactly what happened - I feel like he tied her to a chair or something?)


When Steve was bad he wanted to disfigure Hope with acid to avenge Bo poking his eye out.. He eventually bonded with Hope and was there for her when she miscarried her first baby with Bo.. Steve and Hope were always great friends. Hope clicks well with men as friends.. I hope the show does not have Steve and Hope becoming lovers.. 

Edited by Pearson80
  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, Pearson80 said:

When Steve was bad he wanted to disfigure Hope with acid to avenge Bo poking his eye out.. He eventually bonded with Hope and was there for her when she miscarried her first baby with Bo.

Oh that's one thing about this episode that cracked me up even though I enjoyed it overall.  When Steve started talking about his sins when he first came to town, I said to myself that the writer of the ep must have read his wikipedia page. 

"Steve Johnson originally came to town...."

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5 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

Oh that's one thing about this episode that cracked me up even though I enjoyed it overall.  When Steve started talking about his sins when he first came to town, I said to myself that the writer of the ep must have read his wikipedia page. 

"Steve Johnson originally came to town...."

The dialogue was clunky but Stephen Nichols who is just so good pulled it off.. 

Edited by Pearson80
  • Love 4

I liked Hope’s shirt and hair today. 

I think Jake is Stefan and he’s back with a fake identity for some reason. It’s cruel he let Gabi think he was dead but maybe by the time he was “brought back” or regained his memories she had moved on with Eli. She’ll forgive him if he can get back Gabi Chic and financially ruin or humiliate Chad. 

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I truly hope Eli was paying attention because Lani has zero remorse for breaking the law regarding letting Kristen escape.  Lani has convinced herself she's some kind of righteous heroine fighting for mother's everywhere but what she really is and won't admit to being is a hypocrite.  And what does that say about Brady that his first response is hoping Kristen doesn't hurt Sarah and yet he's comfortable with her being a mother to Rachel?

Still enjoying Jake/Stefan and Gabi.

I was trying to figure out who Jen was talking about when she started describing her smart and kind daughter who everyone loves because that is not Princess Abs.

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Exactly! Everybody's first response is that Kristen will likely attack Sarah now. And why is Eli not firing Lani? How can he possibly keep her on the force??

The Victor and Xander scenes were quite moving. Glad the old man is not furious at him


Ben/Cierra/Gabi/Jake stuff whatever. Isn't interesting but doesn't infuriate me like Lani/Kristen et.al does

  • Love 7

Those scenes between Sarah, Rex, and the apparently blind French woman were some of the dumbest shit I've ever had the misfortune of watching. Given this show, that's saying a LOT.

Lani, just turn in your badge, fly away to find Kristen, and be done with it. You're not fit to make coffee at the station, let alone uphold the law.

The scenes between Victor and Xander were very good.

14 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

That was the Rafe Room redressed, which has now substituted for the blue hospital room with two doors that was used as every single set they couldn't afford to actually build from scratch. The Rafe Room has also been Eric and Nicole's bedroom, the wood panelling hideout motel, Hattie's room over the Pub, John and Marlena's bedroom...just to name a few.

Every single time I see that same set, I want to scream. I scream a lot. The budget for this show is pitiful.

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Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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