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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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I nearly choked when Ciara, by Victors bedside uttered "who would do this to you"? Is Ciara really that dumb? Wait dont answer that..

Can Chabby drive off a bridge or something. I loathe those two and their pompous, smug asses.

That ending though 😂 Welcome back, Brandon Barash! Yowsa was he looking fine. I admit RSW nailed his hilarious expression upon seeing him.

  • Love 13
2 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

Was anybody else caught off guard by Abigail's weird hallucination? I knew Stefan was coming back (if that's him or a new person though I don't know), but I had no clue she was going to start seeing Ben again...

Yea, I thought that was odd, and we had just seen Gabi hallucinate that she had seen Stefan.

Sarah really wanted to believe Xander...he was being persuasive(I thought Paul Telfer did a good job in those scenes), he almost got thru to her.  Sarah might be acting 'crazy" with grief by running away but better than Kristen stabbing an old man. 

  • Love 14

Why doesn't Ciara go back to Titan?

I really hate it when people on shows are on the phone and the person on the other end, whom we aren't seeing, is supposedly telling them something and they react too soon to have heard the whole thing.  Looking at you, Freddie.

Chad and Abby being all smug is not a good look.

Are they really surprised that anybody would want to stab Vic?

Oh, good, Abigail's going crazy again.


  • Love 5
2 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

Yes, but at least today Gabi not only called them on it, but wiped the smug off Chad's face by threatening to sue.  He blathers on about how he can run DiMeara competently, but he went running to Li Shim fast enough, didn't he?

The writers always have Gabi doing some pretty terrible things, but manage to make it so that I, for one, can't seem to dislike her.  If they're capable of doing this for one character, why can't they do it for more of them?

I thought Chad was supposed to be in charge but he seems to want a baby sitter.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Sidney said:

I'm so over Gabi and her over dramatic flaring nostrils. Maybe Ciara could be more interesting if they mixed her up with the new mechanic. Have them cheat behind Benny Boys back. LOL

If this can lead us to the return of psycho Ben I support this.

I think Gabi should've been on the backburner after Stefan died then bring her back for Jake the Eli/Lani/Julie story didn't add anything(granted none of the stories on this show add anything these days but it could've easily not existed)

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, DanaMB said:

Holy fuck I can’t stand the smug coming off of Chabby. They are so unpleasant. Go back to Paris, both of you. 

Paris is the most beautiful city in the world in my opinion and it does not need Chabby. Salem can have them since it is full of smug assholes, a sanctimonious serial killer and a vile degenerate psychopath who gave birth to a baby at over 50.  

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43 minutes ago, CanaryFan98 said:

If this can lead us to the return of psycho Ben I support this.

I think Gabi should've been on the backburner after Stefan died then bring her back for Jake the Eli/Lani/Julie story didn't add anything(granted none of the stories on this show add anything these days but it could've easily not existed)

Yeah, I think I'm just over all her over the top yelling and screaming. It comes across so childish. Reminds me of why Sami use to get on my nerves. lol

I'm so ready to see crazy Ben. This vanilla version is not working for me.

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

Yes, but at least today Gabi not only called them on it, but wiped the smug off Chad's face by threatening to sue.  He blathers on about how he can run DiMeara competently, but he went running to Li Shim fast enough, didn't he?

The writers always have Gabi doing some pretty terrible things, but manage to make it so that I, for one, can't seem to dislike her.  If they're capable of doing this for one character, why can't they do it for more of them?

Chad never thought about Gabi could sue and it was a shock to him.   He thought he destroyed her.

  • Love 5
14 minutes ago, Sidney said:

Yeah, I think I'm just over all her over the top yelling and screaming. It comes across so childish. Reminds me of why Sami use to get on my nerves. lol

I'm so ready to see crazy Ben. This vanilla version is not working for me.

Yes I also hated Sami largely for this reason and they act like victims when a lot of their problems were their own damn fault but I know that's rather unpopular.

I don't get this show's compulsion to neuter bad characters/villains. When a large part of their popularity was because they were terrible people in the first place.

Edited by CanaryFan98
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Nothing wrong with being a mechanic, Ben Weston. Canadian ones get paid well. If you are good, honest, have excellent people skills, and charge a fair price, you will have lots of customers. If someone finds a good mechanic, they stay with them, and recommend them to their friends. You could probably be managing your own shop in a few years. It is a good opportunity for you. I did like the hilarious expression when the Stefan O ringer came from under the car. Brandon Barash, you are looking good.

No idea what Abs' hallucination is about. Gabi had one too. Both were in proximity to Chad.

Chad, you are smug. You probably also do not have an MBA or anything. Gabi should have been offered a generous incentive package. And she can sue.

Only Ciara goes to Grandpa Vic? Yeah, Brady was busy. Who wouldn't want to stab Victor?

Xander was very convincing talking to Sarah. He is awful but there is a bit of a goodness in him. And he does love Mickey.

The Parisian lady calling up Abigail was weird. Maybe Abs is renting out the apartment as an Airbnb and it is not the neighbor's business who is there. Although, if one puts one and one together, one might get 1.5 or two.

  • Love 12

So I am supposed to feel sympathy for a woman who lashes out in violence all the time? I should want this woman to raise her child? And what happens when Rachel or Brady angers her and she hurts one of them - will it be that she was just upset and shouldn't be held responsible?

I really really really really do not understand these writers. If the goal is to reform Kristen and allegedly have her cchhhaaaannnggge - then having her stab Victor seems quite counter productive.

She murdered Haley and I guess got off because ... reasons and the nunnery?!? Now she tried to kill Victor. And I'm supposed to feel sorry for her not having Rachel? I mean seriously? I don't think Ron or his merry band of writers actually know how human emotions work.

I like Gabi and I don't care what she does. I wish they would get her out of the DiMera universe though. Many (many) years ago I watched Guiding Light and my favorite bad-girl was Olivia Spencer but the character was kind of in rinse and repeat mode being a spoiler between Reva and Josh. Finally the writers got her out of there and spun her over into the Spaulding storylines and it really gave the character new life. I'd like that for Gabi but Ron could never manage it.

Sob. I like Xander and Sara. I wish Sara could keep the baby. The baby would be far better off.

  • Love 12

Posted Friday at 07:52 PM

"Also her going "what will this family do without you?" What family? The Kirakises? Bo and Shawn D never conceived themselves as being "Kiriakis" so it's so weird to me that she does"


I agree with what this poster said . Its possible that Ciara goes gaga for Victor because he is thee grandpa who is loaded with money unlike Grandpa Shawn.

Edited by Rafael
2 hours ago, Rafael said:

I agree with what this poster said . Its possible that Ciara goes gaga for Victor because he is thee grandpa who is loaded with money unlike Grandpa Shawn.

He is also the grandfather that she grew up with and for some time lived with. Shawn died when she was very, very young. There's Doug but he is connected at the hip to Julie, so I could see why Victor looks more favorable in comparison.

  • Love 8

Everyone believes Rachel is better off with Sara, but what about Brady? Doesn't he have the right to raise his own daughter?

Well sure he does but the problem with him raising her is Kristen will also be raising her because Brady is an moron who believes Kristen has changed. So you can see my dilemma! Sure Xander isn't a good guy per se but he hasn't murdered a nurse recently or attempted to murder an old man or raped a priest, right? So again, you can see my dilemma.

Also because it simply cannot be said enough, Brady is a moron. Rachel might have a better chance with Sara and Xander who are at least not moron's.

  • Love 9
12 hours ago, MsTree said:

Everyone believes Rachel is better off with Sara, but what about Brady? Doesn't he have the right to raise his own daughter?

And talk about who is the better parent...I'd take Brady over Xander any day. At least Brady doesn't have a criminal record, AFAIK.

Well... Brady DID bury Vivian alive.  He blackmailed Nicole to leave town.  He originally "prostituted" himself to sleep with Eve. He has major anger issues.  While he may not have been charged, he's no saint.  And I agree with @hypnotoad - he's a moron.  That alone makes pretty much anyone who isn't a psychopath a better parent.  Of course, given the parenting standards in Salem, he's considered a great one.

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On 4/23/2020 at 10:20 PM, Frozendiva said:

The French Jennifer lookalike sure was pushy to get in to Chad/Abs' old apartment. And thinking Sarah was Abigail. I would have escorted her out and that I was not available for a visit.

I enjoyed Xander and Kristen's face off. Both having questionable past deeds going at it. No one was really winning.

Too bad Gabi lost her job and company. Shin was fast in changing the GabiChic lock. Was that Stefan in the window? Abs and Chad were just too smug. Chad does not deserve the job. Surely the stupid DiMera Board can actually post a position for a qualified person to run the company and not some sad sack famiglia one. What happened to Abs' job as a reporter?

Julie, shut up. First you need to blab to Maggie in jail and tell your big see-cruds, Will saves the day, and then you trot to Horton Square to run in to your least favourite person in Gabi and go at her again. You need a different hobby or to go back to your restaurant. Gabi is cranked up to 11 but so is Julie. And it's not fun or entertaining any more. It's like the Roadrunner and Wile E Coyote.

Don't feel sorry for Kristen. She did not need to stab Victor. The baby would be better off with Sarah and Xander raising her.

Abigail has the same boss Mommy that she had when she worked in the hospital so she works just to ruin lives.  As for helping Eve it was to protect Jennifer and not for Eve.

Edited by bobcat1946
  • Love 3
14 hours ago, MsTree said:

Everyone believes Rachel is better off with Sara, but what about Brady? Doesn't he have the right to raise his own daughter?

And talk about who is the better parent...I'd take Brady over Xander any day. At least Brady doesn't have a criminal record, AFAIK.

If Brady does not have a criminal record he should.  

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20 hours ago, bobcat1946 said:

If Brady does not have a criminal record he should.  

He does now.   He confessed to stabbing his grandpa today.  Where are John and Marlena?   They really should be in this story.  It effects their sons and they have a history with Kristin.  
   Abigails visions were scary?  Ciaras reaction was odd at best.  She did not seem concerned about her cousin.  Wanted to make sure everyone knew Ben changed. 

  • Love 4

I liked the Will and Gabi scenes, especially his telling her that as long as he's around,  she'll never be alone--there is such a believable bond between Gabi, Will and Sonny--I love it:)

Don't care about Princess Abs and her weird hallucinations about Ben.  I did find it amusing that she keeps repeating that she can't go through it again, like she can control her mental illness and I don't see what she's stressing about.  She can just go on another two week vacation with Grandma Laura and that it'll fix her right up--worked the last time right? 🙂

I know I'm exhausted by Kristen's extremely over the top line delivery--it doesn't matter if she's declaring her love for her baby, praising Brady or denouncing Xander or Victor, her every line is delivered in this angry hysterical tone of voice..  But she's changed right?

I did like seeing Stefan again and he looks epically good in his new role of Jake the car mechanic but he seems to think Ben is cool so that already makes me suspect his intellect.  And if Ciara's so awesome that she can maintain her bike, why isn't she then?  It's not like she has a job or going to school to occupy her time.

  • Love 14
47 minutes ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

I liked the Will and Gabi scenes, especially his telling her that as long as he's around,  she'll never be alone--there is such a believable bond between Gabi, Will and Sonny--I love it:)

Don't care about Princess Abs and her weird hallucinations about Ben.  I did find it amusing that she keeps repeating that she can't go through it again, like she can control her mental illness and I don't see what she's stressing about.  She can just go on another two week vacation with Grandma Laura and that it'll fix her right up--worked the last time right? 🙂

I know I'm exhausted by Kristen's extremely over the top line delivery--it doesn't matter if she's declaring her love for her baby, praising Brady or denouncing Xander or Victor, her every line is delivered in this angry hysterical tone of voice..  But she's changed right?

I did like seeing Stefan again and he looks epically good in his new role of Jake the car mechanic but he seems to think Ben is cool so that already makes me suspect his intellect.  And if Ciara's so awesome that she can maintain her bike, why isn't she then?  It's not like she has a job or going to school to occupy her time.

Polishing Ben's knob must be exhausting work.

3 minutes ago, howmanywords said:

I know Ron is into recycling but holy hell watching Brandon Barash play Jake, I feel like I'm watching GH's Johnny Z all over again. BB must have been feeling de ja vu. And of COURSE Jake immediately gives Ben a job 🙄 

I'm waiting for him to give Ben a hit to take out.  Then we'll know Johnny Z. lives again!

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23 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

Well... Brady DID bury Vivian alive.  He blackmailed Nicole to leave town.  He originally "prostituted" himself to sleep with Eve. He has major anger issues.  While he may not have been charged, he's no saint.  And I agree with @hypnotoad - he's a moron.  That alone makes pretty much anyone who isn't a psychopath a better parent.  Of course, given the parenting standards in Salem, he's considered a great one.

you forgot to mention the fact that he is a bedhopping slut!!!

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7 minutes ago, howmanywords said:

I know Ron is into recycling but holy hell watching Brandon Barash play Jake, I feel like I'm watching GH's Johnny Z all over again. BB must have been feeling de ja vu. And of COURSE Jake immediately gives Ben a job 🙄 

Didn't Brandon Barash play Shawn D.  (Bo & Hope's son)?  If yes, JFC - another actor playing a different character from who he used to play when he was on the show before?!?!  It never worked for me when Josh went from playing Chris to Roman (Wayne Northrup is the only Roman I acknowledge). Doubtful it'll work this time around either.

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, norcalgal said:

Didn't Brandon Barash play Shawn D.  (Bo & Hope's son)?  If yes, JFC - another actor playing a different character from who he used to play when he was on the show before?!?!  It never worked for me when Josh went from playing Chris to Roman (Wayne Northrup is the only Roman I acknowledge). Doubtful it'll work this time around either.

No, not Brandon Barash.  He's only played Stefan on Days.  I bet you're thinking of Jason Cook, who played the role as an adult before Brandon Beemer took over the role.  He also made a brief appearance in 2015 before Brandon Beemer took over the role again.

  • Love 4

To my knowledge, BB never played Shawn D.

I want to enjoy seeing Abs go loco again, but the suddenness of it, and the constant propping of Ben has me fearful this will only end up making him look "better" or somehow less responsible for his murders.

Was I mishearing or did Abs call Chad "Chad!" instead of Ben back at the mansion, while she was hallucinating?

Will sounded so lame doubting Gabi. "Yeah, people keep surviving death...but it's impossible this time!" 🙄 Of course Gabi is wearing me out with her manic monologues. Chill please.

Brady is a total moron...John had better pop up tomorrow to talk some sense into him. Hoping your daughter gets found by your murdering baby mama while you rot in jail for her attempted murder of your frail grandfather?  WOW. There's a brilliant plan. Today was the day to realize Kristen is CRAZY. If you can't see that, Brady, YOU ARE CRAZY TOO.

Jake and his weird faux-macho accent bugs me. Are all grease monkeys from Chicago?

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5 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

Jake and his weird faux-macho accent bugs me. Are all grease monkeys from Chicago?

It's the same accent he used as Johnny Z on GH.

Eli and Lani are asking Sonny questions without having visited the crime scene?  SPD is such a ridiculous "organization".

Where are the cops who were supposedly standing in front of the door?



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1 hour ago, DisneyBoy said:

Jake and his weird faux-macho accent bugs me. Are all grease monkeys from Chicago?

It was so bad. I didn't think he sounded like Johnny but then I haven't seen Johnny in a million years so I probably just don't remember it. In any case, he looks hot but I'm already over him lol. His tough guy act is stupid and he already wants to be besties with Ben so I have no real use for him. Hopefully he sparks with Gabi again.

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6 hours ago, tribeca said:

He does now.   He confessed to stabbing his grandpa today.  Where are John and Marlena?   They really should be in this story.  It effects their sons and they have a history with Kristin.  
   Abigails visions were scary?  Ciaras reaction was odd at best.  She did not seem concerned about her cousin.  Wanted to make sure everyone knew Ben changed. 

The show missed an opportunity(big surprise) in having Brady have stockholm syndrome with his relationship with Kristen with John/Marlena trying to get him out of it. It would make Brady less of an idiot here, Kristen wouldn't be neutered and Jarlena would have a storyline that wouldn't drive home how old they really are.  

Ciara's reaction wasn't odd it was typical of her. Unless its about how it affects Ben she doesn't care. I could accept her lack of regard for others if the show wasn't trying to paint her as some sort of selfless heroine. As self absorbed as Abigail is I believe she at least loves her family. I don't get that from Ciara at all. 

I also doubt Ciara would be so understanding if Claire showed up one day along with her new boyfriend Chase and told her how much Chase has changed.

Which brings me to another missed opportunity of this show in Abby's hallucinations actually becoming reality and Ben hasn't really changed but was playing the long game the whole time. Alas I'm not so lucky.

Edited by CanaryFan98
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42 minutes ago, CanaryFan98 said:

The show missed an opportunity(big surprise) in having Brady have stockholm syndrome with his relationship with Kristen with John/Marlena trying to get him out of it. It would make Brady less of an idiot here, Kristen wouldn't be neutered and Jarlena would have a storyline that wouldn't drive home how old they really are.  


The show has been one missed opportunity after another for the past 20 years now..  

Brady is a moron and he deserves every bit of pain that harridan Kristen will inflict upon him. The bitch is crazy and evil and Brady is her biggest enabler.. Rachel is doomed because she has Kristen and Brady as her parents..

Edited by Pearson80
  • Love 13
1 hour ago, Pearson80 said:

The show has been one missed opportunity after another for the past 20 years now..  

Brady is a moron and he deserves every bit of pain that harridan Kristen will inflict upon him. The bitch is crazy and evil and Brady is her biggest enabler.. Rachel is doomed because she has Kristen and Brady as her parents..

Like I said, I would love for Rachel to be another stolen embryo and not related to them. And if she can't be Sarah's, Sarah is the only Mommy she knows. So let Sarah get her bio-kid AND this poor child and raise both.

NO ONE deserves Kristen. (I still have hope that Brady can wise up. I know. But he is the child of a couple I loved, so I have a misguided soft spot.)

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Show was just packed full of ....... something today, but can I start with Kristen's dress?  It looks to me like she ripped apart somebody's summer lawn chair and and made it into a dress.


Kristen, you are no Carol Burnett.

So Dumbass Brady is caught cleaning the silver by those two topnotch detectives, Scooby Do and Deputy Dawg and denies stabbing Gramps.  Then they get to the station where Kristen wails and screams that Brady WOULDN'T DO IT!  Because he's a beacon of light and goodness, with a chocolate nuguat center but doesn't bother to throw in that little factoid that it was actually she who stabbed Victor.  Yeah, Brady, you sure hitched your wagon to quite the star.

With all her constant over-acting and spit take emoting I'm surprised nobody has had Kristen tested for rabies.  You can hear her shouting MY BABY over on the other networks.  Pipe the fuck down, you're giving me a headache.

So now Ciara is all concerned and worried and scared about Victor, isn't that touching?  I don't see why she's so upset.  Whoever did it probably has a really good reason and all they have to do is have Marlena hypnotize them and say they've changed and POOF, all gone.  Itr worked for Ben, didn't it?

Apparently, it didn't work so well for Abigail.  Though, considering what a putz Chad is these days, maybe she's imagining Ben because practically anyone is better than the asshole Chad has become.

I loved Billy Flynn - until this last return.  He doesn't seem to be into his role at all.  You can almost see him yawning whenever he delivers his lines.  If he's gotten too good for Show, maybe he should go look for something better?

By the way, Chad, yelling at hospital staff who were justifiably looking at Abigail as she lost it does not give you the right to yell at them.  They work there, you two are only there as either visitors or patients.  I wish there'd been a guard to escort His Highness right out the door.

I like Jake but I fully admit it's mostly because I like Brandon Barash.  I don't care if he's really Stefan, or a twin, or some visitor from Outer Space.  It's pretty hard to get huffy about who appears in Salem anymore, not when you look around at its current residents.

I'd be fine, too, if Jake turns out to be Wendy the Midwife's brother whose come to Salem to exact revenge and lets a car drop on Ben when he's working on it.  I'm sure it would just bounce off his abs anyway, but I can hope.

I loved the Will/Gabi scenes, we don't see enough of their friendship.  And at least Will realizes that in Salem, there really aren't any people in town who could throw the first stone.

But if any first stones DO get thrown, can they toss them at Lani?  

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@boes, maybe the first stone will knock the bad wig from Lani's head.

I did like Ben's reaction to Jake - and informed him that he looked exactly like his former employer. Jake does need some of Ben's info like Social Security Number and such. And yes, Jake, you do need to know that Ben Weston was the Necktie Killer. I like the actor playing Jake, so we shall see where this goes.

Is someone drugging Abs? Have her alters decided that Chad is too boring so it's time to come back? You'd think she'd hallucinate Andre DiMera, who she killed. The actor playing Chad should be grateful to have a job these days.

Brady, your brain cells have vanished. Why are you taking the blame for Kristen? Stockholm Syndrome? She is unstable - she has killed people and now stabbed your grandfather.

I did like Will still being supportive of Gabi and listening to her going on about everyone's happy ending life except her. No matter what crap she has pulled, she still has some people in her life who will support her.

Who hired Eli and Lani back? Maybe they can have their own detective agency instead because the cop life isn't for them. Useless and uselesser.

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Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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