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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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20 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

I very much agree. I think he has a lot of charm and that pops off the screen. I think the end of Kayla and Justin is a foregone conclusion because Steve is back in town. As soon as Stefano is removed, well then the inevitable begins. It is what it is I guess. It's weird but why do the female side of these Days super couples rarely get a romance outside of the pairing but the guys do?


The soap audience mostly female is way more accepting of a guy being with someone else than a female. Sami and Marlena were exceptions though.

However Jennifer had plenty of non Jack romances and Jack rarely got anything. 

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23 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

For me, Gina is creepy as the REAL Gina is worm food. And she's a fucking circus clown, not a real human being. 

How do you know what makes a real human being?  


Princess Gina served up some major snark today.  Loved it!  She's the closest thing the show has to comedy relief when Hattie isn't drooling over Roman.  And while I know this show prefers plot over substance, I was disappointed that they had Dr Rolf cave to Chad's demand to restore Hope to her former blandness so quickly.  Gina is a tangible example of all of his hard work and he barely put up a fight for her.  

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Poor princess' days are numbered. Like sands through her pearls. Laughed at her screaming her head off at the hospital. Poor Dr. Rolf caved so quickly. Perhaps he is tired of being the Princess' pea.

Ari, you have grown! Soon you will be a teenager. Does Gabi spend any time with her daughter?

Ciara washed her hair!

Has anyone cleaned the gatehouse? First Ciara and Ben and then Stevano and Doc - it could use a scrubbing.

I kinda like Evan too. He does normal so well.

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17 hours ago, msrachelj said:

KA is terrible. I'm surprised she has so much longevity on this show. Maybe a better actress could pull all this off but not her. I really don't see how she has an acting career!

She is very cold as well. Almost ice-queen like . I'm referring to her demeanor. The only time she was ever warm is when she was doing love scenes with Bo ,John and perhaps Aiden. 


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I dont know where to post this but I'll write my post right here . 


I had another discussion with my cousin regarding Ben westen and the lengths Carlivati will go to secure Ben's legacy in the show .


she now reckons Ben will turn out to be John Black Jr ,Son of John and Kristen -the baby Kristen miscarried during the mid 1990s..

I can honestly picture that hack Carlivati doing this. 


Lord help us



Edited by Rafael
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18 hours ago, superdeluxe said:

Will being BFFs with the man who killed him is wrong.  Just wrong.  He once again left Sonny to go be with the serial killer.  

I turned it off after Will started praising Ciara for her bravery and smarts in getting Whatever (why not just streamline it and call him that?) to confess with a gun to his head. The very last thing this show should be doing is using Will to prop BOllie's awesomeness and his relationship with Ciara.

Has Carlivati ever met any actual, you know … people?

I'd say the gatehouse could use a good burning down by now.


Edited by Sandman
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4 minutes ago, lb60 said:

If all that crap today was designed to make me feel bad for Kristen, it was a colossal failure. 

It still looked like hell!

Thank you lb60!  Gads, Kristen and all her wailing & crying, ugh.  Stacey was doing her best in those scenes, but I felt NO sympathy for Kristen at all...I was just rolling my eyes.  

I like Xander when he is cute & being a "nice guy" with Sarah.  But, OHHH...he was a scary bad guy today when he was threatening that doctor...she had better leave town!

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10 hours ago, Rafael said:

I dont know where to post this but I'll write my post right here . 


I had another discussion with my cousin regarding Ben westen and the lengths Carlivati will go to secure Ben's legacy in the show .


she now reckons Ben will turn out to be John Black Jr ,Son of John and Kristen -the baby Kristen miscarried during the mid 1990s..

I can honestly picture that hack Carlivati doing this. 


Lord help us



Even though I prefer Ben actually being an outsider rather than another retconned Dimera this is preferable than the theory of Ben being DJ.


I mean after Swamp Thing got resurrected from stillborn status this is nothing in comparison.

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I liked Nicole's dress.

Sarah either got hair extensions or her hair grew really fast.

Having gone through labour and given birth, no, I probably would not have noticed a small birthmark until I got some sleep and actually spent an hour or so with my new baby.

The death certificate must mean something.

Xander, you do be careful with that doctor. And do keep in mind that some elevators do have cameras.

Evan is a slippery one. Yeah, the DNA does prove that he was at the gatehouse, but no real proof that he killed Jordan. There would have to have been some of his DNA on her clothing or something.

Victor, you are lucky that you are old and Will didn't do anything to you.

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Evan kidnapped a baby that was under the legal care of someone else, father or not, so i don't understand how he is out on bail. He is also being investigated as a potential suspect in the murder of this child's mother and should be held until he makes whoever has the child bring him back. The confession being thrown out makes perfect sense because there was literally a gun pointed at his head and people should stop praising Ciara for that.

If Evan already had a partner, I don't get why it took him this long to take David. Rafe better put a tracker on him or have someone tail him. This story feels like each time the writers turned the page, they forgot what was on the previous page.

I really wish the show had made Dr. Raynor evil, someone who thinks the Dimeras are dangerous based on past experience, or at least greedy. She has been gone for about six months so she should not have had any patients to come back to and could have started working in another state. It doesn't make sense why she would come back. Between her job and the bribe money, she has enough to research and know that she should not mess with the Kiriakis or Dimera families. There should be an article somewhere about Xander being on the run for trying to bake Ericole in a pie, lol.

Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. Eric has a lot of reasons to dislike Xander long before he lied about the baby.

Ben is not innocent and i am tired of the show using that word for him.

I used to be a big fan of Kate but she has outlived her usefulness and the show does not know what to do with her so I am OK with Chad killing her.

Sonny and Will need to move out of Victors house. I don't care how much Sonny still love's him he has shown time and time again that he does not really care about his loved ones. Move in with Gabi if you have to much MOVE. Didn't he know about Kristen fetusnapping Tate?

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17 hours ago, Rafael said:

I dont know where to post this but I'll write my post right here . 


I had another discussion with my cousin regarding Ben westen and the lengths Carlivati will go to secure Ben's legacy in the show .


she now reckons Ben will turn out to be John Black Jr ,Son of John and Kristen -the baby Kristen miscarried during the mid 1990s..

I can honestly picture that hack Carlivati doing this. 


Lord help us



Delete this post immediately and do not ever post such filthy words again. *Rage*


 ...I don't see that happening or working, given the writing for Ben...but damn. Way to test my blood pressure!!

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26 minutes ago, JBC344 said:

Not that I would put it past Ron to make Ben a resurrected DJ, but it seems like his age would be the biggest deterrent. Bigger things have made less sense but Ben would have to be in his late 40's if they were going to pull off him being DJ. 

Well, yeah, with SORASing Sami and Eric, DJ would have to easily be late 40s had he lived. Had the twins been their normal ages of 35 now, DJ's real age would be 41, as I think he was born around 1979, give or take a year.

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3 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

So the show is still trying to sell Kristen as the poor put-upon suffering heroine, hmm? Pass. I'll keep not watching.

Same crap they have been doing with Nicole - a serial bedhopper, golddigger (married Lucas AND Victor for cash ) ,a wannabe murderer (hired Jan Spears and Larry Welch to kill Victor) and a face decorator (who deliberately sabotaged Chloe's facial scar reconstructive surgery which caused a flesh eating bacteria to eat half her face ). 


Today we are expected to buy her as a herroine who fought various obstacles on her quest for true love. 


its now rinse and repeat with Kristen and Gabi .


Edited by Rafael
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9 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

I probably would not have noticed a small birthmark until I got some sleep and actually spent an hour or so with my new baby.

Yeah, I feel kind of sorry I dissed Sarah so badly the other day (somewhere upthread, or maybe in Spoilers). I thought she was only just noticing it now, not that she didn't notice it on the side of the road in the dark immediately after giving birth in extreme distress : )

Man, this show is taxing these days. Hoping when some of these things get tied up that we'll have a better story to follow but...yeah. 

Edited by Lastwaltz
edited a word
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Judging by this genre (or even just this show), one could think that baby-switching was as common in hospitals as changing bedpans or lightbulbs.

I honestly don't know why I'm watching this crappy show anymore -- it's not like it's spontaneously going to get better. (Especially not if you-know-who is being treated as a long-suffering victim in the current storyline.)  

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7 hours ago, Rafael said:

Today we are expected to buy her as a herroine who fought various obstacles on her quest for true love. 

its now rinse and repeat with Kristen and Gabi .


I know I could accept Gabi's redemption because we know that her revenge plots against Abs and Lani were born of her personal pain and not because she enjoys causing mayhem and misery.  I can't say the same about Kristen.


1 hour ago, Sandman said:

Judging by this genre (or even just this show), one could think that baby-switching was as common in hospitals as changing bedpans or lightbulbs.

I honestly don't know why I'm watching this crappy show anymore -- it's not like it's spontaneously going to get better. (Especially not if you-know-who is being treated as a long-suffering victim in the current storyline.)  

Show's trying to sell us the belief that Kristen is a long suffering heroine is a joke and trying to whitewash her crimes is even more insulting.  On today's episode, we had her trying to be all sweet and melty to Eric, asking tremulously if she could hold his baby--who until recently was massively ill because apparently only Kristen's pain matters.  This whole sweet routine is going to go out the window the minute she learns about the baby switch but the question is will Brady still believe "she's changed?"

I did like seeing Will and Sonny being somewhat happy together--I know it won't last bit I miss seeing them smile.

I'm enjoying Evan now that he's revealed his darker personality--he seems more real now.

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LastWaltz, believe me I know how you feel. It was a bridge too far for me too.

So...if they're going to rip the Gina out of Hope, what was the point of transforming her in the first place?

Tossing Jennifer over the balcony was spontaneous, although fun, so that couldn't have been her main reason for being. Steve wasn't in town when Gina was brought back, so it's not like Rolf had to get Gina's help to transform Steve. Steve was probably already in Rolf's clutches off-screen! So aside from wearing big necklaces and hiding out in that warehouse, what did Gina actually contribute to the plot?

I'll admit it was fun for about the first two minutes, knowing that Hope wasn't going to be on canvas for a while and watching KA mysteriously walk around with that portrait, but if the story is wrapping up now, and it seems like it is, I have no clue why Rolf even bothered. Did Gina forgive certain people's crimes while she was Commissioner? I really can't remember...

I love seeing 33 consecutive seconds of Will and Sonny and Ariana together, like a happy family. I guess we'll have to wait 6 months for another scene of that, right Ron?

Why does Stevano want Chad to kill Kate? Kate kept his secret for months. I'm so lost.

I'm getting a kick out of pretending that Stevano and Marlena, while trying to mount each other, pulled their back muscles so badly that they're both lying immobile on the floor of some hotel room simpering in agony.

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So...if they're going to rip the Gina out of Hope, what was the point of transforming her in the first place?

It's pointless plot like most things Ron 'writes.'


On today's episode, we had her trying to be all sweet and melty to Eric, asking tremulously if she could hold his baby

Sweet and melty to the man she raped? Oh indeed, I really want to see that. I hate hate hate this story.


I did like seeing Will and Sonny being somewhat happy together--I know it won't last bit I miss seeing them smile

Fine. Now I'll have to watch at least this scene!

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Look at you, Rafe. Using the Salem brain today. I still can't stand you, but good thinking. Too bad your team sucks!

Will is perfectly fine thinking his killer is the salt of the earth, but Evan is the evilest evil to ever evil. Okay, show.

Kristen needs to take herself and that annoying whisper voice and shove them where the sun don't shine.

For the love of Mickey's compromised immune system, could all you nimrods around her maybe put on a gown, gloves, and a mask. Also, fastest bone marrow transplant/recovery ever!

For the past several weeks, I've mostly thought this show has been laughable crap. Today, was a very good cliffhanger. Love me some Orpheus.

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Both Rafe and Nicole each got some Salem brain cells today.

Rafe's plan worked. Sort of. Evan/Christian dropped a toy in front of Lani and Eli. Surprised they got back together so quickly. I guess 'til death or I find about an evil thing you did' do us part didn't last long for Eli. Did he ever really love Gabi or was she just a replacement? Gabi deserves someone better.

When my aunt was in the hospital before she passed away, all visitors had to wear a gown and mask and gloves - she had some sort of infection. Mickey's parents should be wearing gowns and gloves and mask. Ridiculous.

Nicole is getting part of the 2 plus 2 equation - the heart shaped birthmark. Hospitals can make mistakes with babies but I would think that these days, a patient tag is placed on them as soon as possible, so mistakes aren't made.

One day of Kristen's heart growing three sizes is not going to make up for her misdeeds. She is still a mean, mean one.

Nice to see the menacing Orpheus again.

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On 3/13/2020 at 11:59 PM, Frozendiva said:

Nice to see the menacing Orpheus again.

Am I the only one who isn't all that impressed with Orpheus? First of all, it's not that scary a name, as far mythological allusions go. (It's no Terror Kiriakis.) I don't remember the original run of the character, but the last time he appeared, making trouble for Jawn and Marlena, the plot kind of fizzled.  

Making Orpheus Whatever's accomplice? Doesn't have me on the edge of my seat. The more the show raids its back catalogue for characters and plotlines, the less compelling, to say nothing of creative, it becomes.


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19 minutes ago, Sandman said:

Am I the only one who isn't all that impressed with Orpheus? First of all, it's not that scary a name, as far mythological allusions go. (It's no Terror Kiriakis.) I don't remember the original run of the character, but the last time he appeared, making trouble for Jawn and Marlena, the plot kind of fizzled.  

Making Orpheus Whatever's accomplice? Doesn't have me on the edge of my seat. The more the show raids its back catalogue for characters and plotlines, the less compelling, to say nothing of creative, it becomes.


He was way better in his OG run (as were most villains) but for me why he stood out was that he wasn't always bad or one note evil he was way more complex than that. He only became evil after his wife was killed by accident from Roman. 


Course back then soaps knew how to write for villains as well as heroes without making them one note.

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45 minutes ago, Sandman said:

the last time he appeared, making trouble for Jawn and Marlena, the plot kind of fizzled.  

ALL the plots on this show end up fizzling. At least Orpheus actually locked Marlena and Kayla into coffins, on camera (key words here), and set them on fire. He also inadvertently took out Drake Hogestyn, by having him hurt himself busting through a door. He was off the show for more than 6 months! That's got to count for something!

...I kid. I love Drake. He's been giving really good vibes since the 50th, really.

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Message added by scarynikki12

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