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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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4 hours ago, QueenSerena said:

I believe the episodes will be available on nbc.com or on the nbc app. They really don't like to do full preemptions anymore because of how far ahead they are in filming.

Oh! And before I forget, check with your local NBC affiliate to see if they may air the show overnight. Some affiliates have Cozi (sp?) as an alternate at the same time the episode airs, but others don't have that option and would elect to air it overnight instead.

Thank you @QueenSerena!  Our local NBC affiliate is terrible at updating their schedule.  I tried staying up last week to see if they'd show it at 1:05 or some other stupid time, but fell asleep waiting.  I may just set the dvr at 1, 2 and 3 am to try and catch them that way.

4 hours ago, boes said:

Congratulations on your new kitten!  You rescued her from a state park??  That's pretty great of you, lucky kitten.I

Thank you @boes!  I haven't taken him to the vet yet but am guessing he's about four months old.  He ran up to me, let me pick him up, and snuggled up right up under my chin and licked my hand.  It was kismet!  This particular park is about an hour from our house and I was worried the ride home would freak him out, as our other cats hate car rides, but nope!  He rode in my lap or on the console between the seats the whole way without making a peep.  He's very laid back and happy to be warm and well fed, and I'm happy to be mom to another furball.

  • Love 8
15 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

I couldn't believe the audacity of her sitting there writing a condescending bitchy message to Stefano Freaking DiMera as Chad begs her to STFU before she screws up their lives. And then just because Daddy walks in, she's smugly spilling the beans to him (almost) and then innocently trying to tell Chad they should make it a headline because the news will leak out eventually anyways.

She is so damn out of pocket. It made me cringe how the last two episodes she didn’t even listen to Chad’s protestations and grabbed laptops out of his hand. And she thinks she’s going to outsmart Stefano or intimidate him. It is to laugh. Chad is her husband and Stefano’s son can you show a little damn consideration of what he wants or feels. 

Marlena has shown a bitchy streak and edge for a while now I commented pages before she was gossipy and snarking about Lani leaving Eli at the alter to Roman and snapping to Xander (which would normally I’d allow but she’s simultaneously caping for the guy who strangled her grandson). She said some other dicey shit the past couple months I don’t recall but noticed at the time. Anyhow she told Hope basically get out that night or by the morning. Which you know it’s her house but cold to say to a “friend.”

This is old but last week John’s loud AF childish guffaw when Hope said she hadn’t been w a man since Rafe bugged me. What grown man brays like a donkey when a woman says this? There’s nothing wrong w that and he knows she hasn’t had a bf since their split. Does he think she should have been swiping on Tinder and having casual sex? He’s been apart from Marlena “Doc” months getting no nookie, have a seat. 

Jack’s acting and dialogue were really over the top yesterday. He reminded me of Chris from Parks & Recreation with the “this is great. Your great. You’re the best we all are the best!” Try the decaf.

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15 hours ago, TenaciousWarrior said:

I like Kayla and Justin. I like that they gave  Kayla another man instead of just having women chase Steve. I like the change of pace. 

I hate how they write for Steve. I remember when they first met. I always hoped they would have a "normal" relationship. Instead, he leaves, comes backs, swears it wont' happen again. Gets held hostage, blah blah, . Something always breaks and keeps them apart. They were my favorite couple .  I don't understand why they always write him as a shit. I'm sad and mad.

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

I also think that the Justin'/Kayla relationship is something I wouldn't have minded seeing in real time. Them bonding and helping each other with their losses. Everyone else seeing it unfold. Some would hate it(Sonny, Jack, maybe JJ) others would be more understanding(Jennifer, Abby) . Victor could make a snarky comment about Kayla swooping in on her sister in law's man yeah it would reference Shayla but it could be funny.  Instead we go from Point A to Point D and miss all the beats in between that would've made this worthwhile.

I guess I am the spoiler  for the love on here for the Kayla/Justin romance but I hate it because we all know that the show has never given Kayla a viable love interest outside of Steve.  I mean Kayla was a celibate for 16 years  in LA when Steve was dead. How insulting to us Kayla fans.. I personally wanted Kayla to have had a full and happy life with Stefanie and another man. Perhaps, her husband is diagnosed with an illness and that brings up painful memories for Kayla about her beloved Steve. Then, Steve comes back complicating things for her.. Also, Kayla could have had another daughter with her husband.  That type of story is too character-driven for the awful writers we have had to endure over the years..

I am also pissed that Adrienne was killed off. I loved Justin and Adrienne because their main obstacle in their relationship was monogamy. Monogamy is not easy for some people and Justin/Adrienne were proof of that. Not to mention, they had to contend with infertility, another obstacle that breaks up couples in real life.  Internal conflicts in a couple is more interesting to me than an interloper. We human beings are often our own worst enemies. Ron is not a gifted writer, so he cannot write for a flawed heroine like Adrienne. I mean  a desperate Adrienne faked a pregnancy to keep Justin and Anjelica exposed her lie, driving Justin into her arms. She was a Johnson, so she was not always a goody two shoes. 

Edited by Pearson80
  • Love 6
17 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

Really enjoyed Kate and Will today!  I wasn't paying much attention otherwise, as there was a lot of drab Abigail.  Plus, and more importantly, I was playing with our new kitten - a beautiful Russian Blue who found me at a state park this weekend.  He's the sweetest little guy and hasn't stopped purring since we brought him home.

Since this week is heavy on hearings, will DOOL episodes be available on NBC.com or are they holding them?

Cat lover here. Congrats! Although I probably don't have to tell you, but please have the vet check for a chip.  He could have been lost. Probably not a pedigree Russian Blue, not usually found in the wild 😊 But who cares, the best kitties are often mixed domestic beauties. Had one myself...best fur baby. 

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, msrachelj said:

So the nbc app/ nbc.com shows are one day behind? darn. oh well. at least it's there. I have to watch on my phone because I live in the boonies and use up all my wifi time with nothing but social media and searches in 10 days or less.  I can't believe my luck, hate where I live and it hates me!

I believe the episodes are supposed to show up at either 7 or 8pm EST on the days they air. It's a little frustrating that, on the days where they could anticipate an all-day or most-of-the-day hearing, that they couldn't upload the episodes a little earlier so that people could watch at the time they normally would. But this just seems to be their protocol, so I guess it is what it is. 🙂

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

I guess I am the spoiler  for the love on here for the Kayla/Justin romance but I hate it because we all know that the show has never given Kayla a viable love interest outside of Steve.  I mean Kayla was a celibate for 16 years  in LA when Steve was dead. How insulting to us Kayla fans.. I personally wanted Kayla to have had a full and happy life with Stefanie and another man. Perhaps, her husband is diagnosed with an illness and that brings up painful memories for Kayla about her beloved Steve. Then, Steve comes back complicating things for her.. Also, Kayla could have had another daughter with her husband.  That type of story is too character-driven for the awful writers we have had to endure over the years..

It is strange that some characters go through endless partners, and then characters like Kayla are alone for so many years. One reason I don’t totally hate it as a fellow Kayla fan is that IRL, people aren’t always jumping from one bed to another the way some of the other characters do. I certainly can’t relate to being hopelessly in love with someone new every year. Also contrary to popular belief, it’s not always the unattractive man or woman who’s celibate. I’ll admit it’s more rare to find a sexy man who’s going years without sex, but I’ve known pretty and sweet women like Kayla who are single for years and years. For so many reasons, it happens. Kayla’s also always kind of been a good girl type. I can see her as the type of lady who either wants romance with someone she truly cares about or nothing at all.

  • Love 4

I uber-hate this Justin and Kayla shit. So...yeah. Maybe it would not be the case if we freaking saw the metamorphosis from in-laws to something else, but since Ron can't write for shit to save his sorry life, we get BAM! They're in wuv! Ain't it kick you in the crotch, spit on your neck fantastic?! (Thank you, Rachel Greene/Jennifer Aniston!)

I still remember the almost character ruination Kayla endured while with Shane. I shudder to think what is going to happen this time.

  • Love 6
19 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

I missed what happened Friday with Hopina. She had her nice sparkling jacket on and today it was off when Doc got home. How nice of Doc to ask her houseguest to leave. 

You still wondering about this?  As Marlena suspected when she walked in on them, Hopina was trying to seduce a drunk John, and when John left the room, Hopina spilled poured wine over her shirt, so she'd have to take it off.

  • Love 3

OK, when they first started doing this stuff, I was kind of enjoying the pacing of the reveals (what had happened this past year).  Now they are back to the same old crap where they are trying to generate suspense but failing miserably.  Just reveal "Stefano" already!  This garbage with the hand is beyond tiresome - at this point I'm only interested if it turns out to be Claire with a memory chip!  

  • LOL 4
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10 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

OK, when they first started doing this stuff, I was kind of enjoying the pacing of the reveals (what had happened this past year).  Now they are back to the same old crap where they are trying to generate suspense but failing miserably.  Just reveal "Stefano" already!  This garbage with the hand is beyond tiresome - at this point I'm only interested if it turns out to be Claire with a memory chip!  

Let's just say, there were rumors posted in the spoiler thread from sometime back of whom it may be...

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

I guess I am the spoiler  for the love on here for the Kayla/Justin romance but I hate it because we all know that the show has never given Kayla a viable love interest outside of Steve.  I mean Kayla was a celibate for 16 years  in LA when Steve was dead. How insulting to us Kayla fans.. I personally wanted Kayla to have had a full and happy life with Stefanie and another man. Perhaps, her husband is diagnosed with an illness and that brings up painful memories for Kayla about her beloved Steve. Then, Steve comes back complicating things for her.. Also, Kayla could have had another daughter with her husband.  That type of story is too character-driven for the awful writers we have had to endure over the years..

I am also pissed that Adrienne was killed off. I loved Justin and Adrienne because their main obstacle in their relationship was monogamy. Monogamy is not easy for some people and Justin/Adrienne were proof of that. Not to mention, they had to contend with infertility, another obstacle that breaks up couples in real life.  Internal conflicts in a couple is more interesting to me than an interloper. We human beings are often our own worst enemies. Ron is not a gifted writer, so he cannot write for a flawed heroine like Adrienne. I mean  a desperate Adrienne faked a pregnancy to keep Justin and Anjelica exposed her lie, driving Justin into her arms. She was a Johnson, so she was not always a goody two shoes. 

Yeah I didn't like how Kayla had to have her life on hold yet Steve had another long lost kid that Kayla had to accept especially one that attempted to kill her? I think it would've been a better story to have Kayla be married to a great guy who loved her and Stephanie as his own and they even had a kid of their own in the process. Your scenario sounds way better than Days in general I would've much preferred that storyline for them. Instead we got Tripp who is a blip in Days history.

Course it all goes back to how soap fans mostly female are way more accepting of the male part of the couple moving on than the female as sexist as that is.

Justin/Kayla are easier to take with me because I like both characters and they aren't being portrayed as this great love just two lonely people finding solace in each other. Already a built in expiration date as opposed to Bristen who are way past expired and yet the show wants to make fetch happen.

Edited by CanaryFan98
  • Love 5
38 minutes ago, tribeca said:

Have we learned yet how Adrienne  died ? 

Sonny did not seem happy about his dad having a new girl friend.  

Not yet re: Adrienne. I think the reveal may be coming this week, but they've only said it was an accident of some sort to this point.

I've kind of caught that same vibe about Sonny, which means my WilSon-loving heart is ready to clock his ass if he decides to step out on Will at some point (very different situation from Justin's, obviously, but I'm a biased fan so I get to look at it this way lmao). 😉😂

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, msrachelj said:

Cat lover here. Congrats! Although I probably don't have to tell you, but please have the vet check for a chip.  He could have been lost. Probably not a pedigree Russian Blue, not usually found in the wild 😊 But who cares, the best kitties are often mixed domestic beauties. Had one myself...best fur baby. 

Totally agree about mixed breeds and checking for a chip.  I have a feeling he was left behind on purpose, though.  😞  So, so glad we were there to find him.

1 hour ago, DaphneCat said:

This garbage with the hand is beyond tiresome - at this point I'm only interested if it turns out to be Claire with a memory chip!  

Not gonna lie, this would be pretty awesome.  ORK would pull it off, too.

  • LOL 1
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Hopina can't manage with her bags and John says she can stay longer - um, she has no insurance coverage for her house that pays for accommodation til it is repaired? Good for Marlena for calling her out to be selfish. No one who knows Hope thinks she is acting and dressing oddly? She leads a double life?

The baby spewing peas on Sarah's top was a yawn-inducing trope. Of course, Xander will bath the baby while Sarah cleans herself up.  The babynapping was well-done with the woman losing her money.

Chad won at chess with his 'father'? Really?

Eve calls Abigail for help? Bonnie Lockhart has apparently written some sort of book and is on a book tour? Seriously?

Did like the Clyde and Ben scenes. James Read does creepy so well.

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Marlena!  Your instincts were right.  Dump Hope/Gina.

Clyde is a good slimy villain but I also only see a sexual predator so it's kind of gross.

Ciara, what the hell with the letter opener?!  You cannot be that physically incompetent and ride a motorcycle.  If she doesn't slice her hand I'll be shocked.

I have to confess, I generally skim when people talk about not liking Abigail but today, when she WOKE UP CHAD because she was irritated about an IM???  Unless there's blood on the highway or she had a horrifying nightmare, there's no crisis that requires you wake up your spouse just to talk.  

Bonnie wrote a book.  I hope she had a good ghostwriter.  I don't care much for Bonnie.  

And HOW DARE SOMEONE STEAL BABY MICKEY.  I am completely and utterly smitten with Xarah.  And it's an adorable baby.  

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, buffynut said:

You still wondering about this?  As Marlena suspected when she walked in on them, Hopina was trying to seduce a drunk John, and when John left the room, Hopina spilled poured wine over her shirt, so she'd have to take it off.

Canadians got the Lani wedding rerun last week and a day was skipped. We didn't get Friday's episode.

Not happy to see child rapist Clyde on screen and that he’s engineered the kid napping or trafficking of a baby girl. Um gross. 

@Kitty Redstone my only cat growing up or in life was a Russian Blue who was truly blue and plush named Zane Grey and they are crazy he’d stomp over our Golden Retriever occasionally like he was a piece of furniture and when my idiot step father would let him out of the house he’d climb actual trees despite being declawed on four paws (he was a unsolicited gift from a relative who did this). Beautiful cats though random AF. 

I don’t think Xander killed Jordan and the fact Ben and Ciara even think this is beyond idiotic. First of all,  Victor asked Xander to harm or kill Ben which would have been justifiable since he was at the time a homicidal POS who skated and Xan refused for love of Sarah. Also the party line excuse Ben and Ciara have Xander would kill Jordan to get in Victor’s good graces doesn’t make sense since at the time in front of Ben’s face Victor dangled that and Titan power like candy and Xander still refused. Third of all Ben straight up begged Victor to get one of his lackeys to kill Jordan and now is acting like that never happened and if so he had no part of it. giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f2982a71fc33658b5fd78

anyhow just spec but think it’s the real Neck Tie Killa and he’s Ben’s identical illegitimate brother. Whatever!

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

Let's just say, there were rumors posted in the spoiler thread from sometime back of whom it may be...

Yes, I've seen spoilers.  But because they are dragging it out so long it's going to be REALLY anti-climactic when the do reveal who is Stefano.  I'm assuming they're expecting us all to be shocked (if we haven't been spoiled) but they are dragging it out so long that by the time it's actually revealed NO ONE will care any longer.  No one will be able to live up to the hype.  It's going to be like, yes, Hope is Gina (again *yawn*) someone has some memory chip (like Hope) where they think they are Stefano (nope, nothing new here) and just like we're expecting Hope will at some point stop being Gina we'll expect whoever it is to at some point go back to being who they were before.  And we won't even get any soapy fun in the meantime - just tedious shots of a hand.

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

Yes, I've seen spoilers.  But because they are dragging it out so long it's going to be REALLY anti-climactic when the do reveal who is Stefano.  I'm assuming they're expecting us all to be shocked (if we haven't been spoiled) but they are dragging it out so long that by the time it's actually revealed NO ONE will care any longer.  No one will be able to live up to the hype.  It's going to be like, yes, Hope is Gina (again *yawn*) someone has some memory chip (like Hope) where they think they are Stefano (nope, nothing new here) and just like we're expecting Hope will at some point stop being Gina we'll expect whoever it is to at some point go back to being who they were before.  And we won't even get any soapy fun in the meantime - just tedious shots of a hand.

And it will suck.

  • Love 5
15 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

I guess I am the spoiler  for the love on here for the Kayla/Justin romance but I hate it because we all know that the show has never given Kayla a viable love interest outside of Steve.  I mean Kayla was a celibate for 16 years  in LA when Steve was dead. How insulting to us Kayla fans.. I personally wanted Kayla to have had a full and happy life with Stefanie and another man. Perhaps, her husband is diagnosed with an illness and that brings up painful memories for Kayla about her beloved Steve. Then, Steve comes back complicating things for her.. Also, Kayla could have had another daughter with her husband.  That type of story is too character-driven for the awful writers we have had to endure over the years..

I am also pissed that Adrienne was killed off. I loved Justin and Adrienne because their main obstacle in their relationship was monogamy. Monogamy is not easy for some people and Justin/Adrienne were proof of that. Not to mention, they had to contend with infertility, another obstacle that breaks up couples in real life.  Internal conflicts in a couple is more interesting to me than an interloper. We human beings are often our own worst enemies. Ron is not a gifted writer, so he cannot write for a flawed heroine like Adrienne. I mean  a desperate Adrienne faked a pregnancy to keep Justin and Anjelica exposed her lie, driving Justin into her arms. She was a Johnson, so she was not always a goody two shoes. 

Yeah but during those years ,Kayla was a fulltime doctor and a single mum raising a daughter. I think its plausible for her not to have a man . But i do recall when Kayla returned to Salem to attend Frankie and Jennifer's wedding ,she did tell Hope that During her 16 years living in LA , she did go on a couple of dates but they never developed into anything serious because of her job and raising Stephanie. 

Regarding Adrienne , Im pissed off thst we never got to see her interact with her other 3 sons , Alexander/Victor II/Joseph. 

Im still pissed off that Paul Telfer was not cast as Victor II and his twin Joseph Kiriakis . 

Just imagine the juicy stories that Adrienne would hsve had if telfer played her son . That whole Theresa falsely accusing Xander of rape would have had a far bigger impact if Telfer played Victor II . We could have had Adrienne and Kimberley , charaters who hardly interacted in the past ,drawn in the same orbit and having nasty fights over their respective offspring and Victor actually taking Adrienne's side and laying into Kim and making nasty comments like " Theresa is just a tramp ,just like her mummy " . 

It would be like history repeating itself . 

BUt nah ,all Adrienne's parenting were just focused on Sonny . You would swear Adrienne did not have other kids the way she was always fawning over sonny. 

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17 hours ago, msrachelj said:

I hate how they write for Steve. I remember when they first met. I always hoped they would have a "normal" relationship. Instead, he leaves, comes backs, swears it wont' happen again. Gets held hostage, blah blah, . Something always breaks and keeps them apart. They were my favorite couple .  I don't understand why they always write him as a shit. I'm sad and mad.

Im also fed up with the way he is written. 

Making him act like a Fratboy wannabe .

  • Love 2

I hate  being out of sync with the episodes - I'm a day behind and feel like comments about Monday's show are out of date. But anyway -- yikes, Justin! I teared up and felt Justin's anguish over Adrienne's death. His portrayal was so realistic -- the No No Nos were heartbreaking. 

BUT -- Kayla and Justin. Argh. Their scenes were very sweet, I have to admit. But this pairing is just wrong to me. Like putting my left shoe on my right foot. I'm a solid Patch/Kayla fan and have always been, so that's where I'm coming from and where I'll stay, apparently. And I thought Kayla's house was lovely - now she's in a generic condo like the Blacks. At least she isn't holed up at the Salem Inn like most of them. But her hair is terrific! 

I also loved Kate with Will -- theirs is a lovely relationship, and I'm glad she's in his corner. Her story hasn't been fleshed out yet -- wonder how she spent the last year. 

All in all, this time jump thing has been interesting and did certainly liven up the show for me. 

Edited by Lastwaltz
because "show" and "shoe" are two different things.
  • Love 8

I am watching this On Demand and can’t fast forward. The second hand embarrassment of watching KA’s Princess Gina is strong. Both from the acting and accent, but the accent is what makes me cringe the most. I miss my DVR. And it looks like today’s ep will be another On Demand day. Like someone else said, NBC should just make it available right away. 

  • Love 6

I saw a lot of posts about Gabi making Lani get on her knees and it being racial. My mind personally never went there, and it definitely has watching Days. I cringed at the way Julie spoke to Gabi and am glad they finally addressed how wrong it was of her to speak to Gabi that way. Much as I can’t stand the character or the way she humiliated Lani, I don’t think the intent was to make Gabi look racist. A vindictive bitch, yes, but not racist. 

I used to be a Gabi fan, but I hate the writing for her and have for some time. What she did to Abigail was disgusting, and she’s become despicable again. I know Lani has caused her heartache, and Julie was never fair to her. But they’ve really made her so cold. At the very least she should have had some heart for Eli. I wonder how Camila feels about the current writing. They seem to want her as the sexy villain, but she can play the sweetheart really well too. I wish they’d show more of that. 

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

Nothing had better happen to that baby or I'm gone. I have so little impetus to watch as it is. Xarah and that baby are about it these days.

On B&B they have the frequent abuser of his 5 year old son, attempted rapist of his ex, and rapist by proxy by roofing a man alone w his ex front burner and completely unpunished. I can’t deal with a child abuser and rapist menacing on this show too.

I think Evan the nanny is Clyde’s friend on the outside in Salem and took Sarah’s baby. We already know he’s good w kids and seems a little fake. 

LG/Sarah’s terror and guilt were well played. I’m liking Xander w her as well. 

Ciara you sicko. You have information that may help w the search for the baby and didn’t spill. 

I’m starting to dislike Chad and actually don’t find him as attractive anymore. He and Jar Jar were not needed for TJ, there was enough story to go around. 

  • Love 8
24 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

I think Evan the nanny is Clyde’s friend on the outside in Salem and took Sarah’s baby. We already know he’s good w kids and seems a little fake. 

LG/Sarah’s terror and guilt were well played. I’m liking Xander w her as well. 

Ciara you sicko. You have information that may help w the search for the baby and didn’t spill. 

I’m starting to dislike Chad and actually don’t find him as attractive anymore. He and Jar Jar were not needed for TJ, there was enough story to go around. 

Good speculation on Evan!  I'm really over babies in danger.

I wish Eve would have slapped the smug off Abigail's snotty mug, it wouldn't have added that much to her sentence.  I can't bear that she's back and as entitled as ever, and it seems to have rubbed off on Chad.  Too bad...  Why was he smiling while talking to Sonny about Adrienne's death?

Clyde and Ben, what a pair...

Edited by boes
  • Love 7

Why was Hattie offended that Eve said she looked so much like Marlena, when back in the day, she actually underwent plastic surgery so she COULD look like Marlena?

Ugh Has Sarah turned into a Stepford wife?

I wasn't watching towards the end of the digital series.  Is Chad still working for DiMera?  He doesn't seem to be doing any work.

I wonder why Eve is identifying herself as Donovan instead of Devereaux.

Are we sure that was a letter opener on Xander's desk and not a real knife?

So John is upset that Marlena wanted to go see Will?

It took Abigail like five minutes to get to the prison.

  • Love 3
20 hours ago, DanaMB said:

I wonder how upset TPTB are at the hearings happening just when they do their time jump. I know I’m getting tired of trying to find the ep to watch when it’s interrupted.  

Have to watch it on my phone the next day. Not very satisfying! 

20 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

Totally agree about mixed breeds and checking for a chip.  I have a feeling he was left behind on purpose, though.  😞  So, so glad we were there to find him.

Not gonna lie, this would be pretty awesome.  ORK would pull it off, too.

People are horrible. Thank you for taking him in!  Good luck😻

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Petunia13 said:

I’m starting to dislike Chad and actually don’t find him as attractive anymore. He and Jar Jar were not needed for TJ, there was enough story to go around. 

Same. I used to be a big BF fan but that kinda wained when he’s stories went off the rails and he seemed disinterested. I wasn’t sure how I felt about Chabby coming back - I don’t dislike them as most do here - but so far I’m finding them rather boring and not adding much story wise. Watching someone play virtual chess is about as interesting as listening to Julie say... anything. 

That aside, I’m generally enjoying most TJ stories. For the first time in forever I’m trying to remain spoiler free, which I suspect is helping. I’m enjoying seeing characters interact with a wider range of the cast - in new sets! So many seemed to have got stuck in bubbles, so JJ/Brady, Xander/Ciara, Ben/Will are Justin/Kayla are refreshing for me even if some of those scenarios are a little forced. It creates a new energy. And man, did WK do a great job with handling the news of Adrienne’s death. 

  • Love 12
17 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Hopina can't manage with her bags and John says she can stay longer - um, she has no insurance coverage for her house that pays for accommodation til it is repaired? Good for Marlena for calling her out to be selfish. No one who knows Hope thinks she is acting and dressing oddly? She leads a double life?

The baby spewing peas on Sarah's top was a yawn-inducing trope. Of course, Xander will bath the baby while Sarah cleans herself up.  The babynapping was well-done with the woman losing her money.

Chad won at chess with his 'father'? Really?

Eve calls Abigail for help? Bonnie Lockhart has apparently written some sort of book and is on a book tour? Seriously?

Did like the Clyde and Ben scenes. James Read does creepy so well.

Hope must be a millionaire. Remember they always talked of her trust fund, plus she modeled and had a good job...She should be holed up in a nice hotel while repairs are being done. Dumb plot device. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, msrachelj said:

Hope must be a millionaire. Remember they always talked of her trust fund, plus she modeled and had a good job...She should be holed up in a nice hotel while repairs are being done. Dumb plot device. 

Hope is a multi-millionaire, she can most certainly afford an apartment. He'll, everyone else lives there she might as well move into the Kiriakis mansion. She is family and as Princess Gina she most certainly would appreciate the accommodations.

I'm real surprised there has been no mention of Greta, Gina's beloved daughter. No way in hell Gina wouldn't be trying to get her back to Salem now that she is there.

Perfect time for Greta to come back with Eric/Nicole, and Jack needing his former best friend. 

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56 minutes ago, JBC344 said:

I'm real surprised there has been no mention of Greta, Gina's beloved daughter. No way in hell Gina wouldn't be trying to get her back to Salem now that she is there.

Actually, that's creepy. Because - fucking brain chip or not - this is Hope. REAL Gina is dead. So this whole thing is just nasty.

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