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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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I was kind of laughing at watching two totally insane women have a "normal" conversation and try to become friends. I wouldn't want to cross either of them, so I can't imagine it will be one where you can "truly trust each other with your your darkest secrets." And, I am convinced that Jordan was going to tell David that she DID try to kill Ciara. By the way, shouldn't BABY David be at least sitting in a stroller and not a baby carriage? She had him when she was off-screen and he has been here with Rafe for months!

  • Love 6
15 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

What is the point in her having a child? What is she going to do with it besides leverage it over Brady and anyone she can? Not like she is mother material.

I don't know that "point" is.  But she has wanted a child since she was first on the show and at the very least thinks she wants to be a mother.

  • Love 2
On 10/7/2019 at 2:50 AM, WendyCR72 said:

I will agree here. But I also agree that Ron gave Julie lines that even Julie of yesteryear would likely not have said. She has hated people, but I don't recall her being such a blatant, obvious bigot with the racial epithets. But then Ron never writers nuance, so if he needs a black hat/white hat, he makes the roles more than obvious.

And I do get why so many hate Julie as she is now, but I'll admit it, and I may be alone but I'm brave (LOL!). Sometimes, I think Gabi was made a sympathetic character on Julie's back. In context, I get rooting for Gabi in such a case. But even with her checkered history, Julie has been with the show since day one, if not SSH, so a small part of me resents that a newer character needs to have the older one become a harridan just to make "Queen Gabi" look good. (And I wasn't even born 'til the early '70s, myself!)

So - @boes, cover your ears and eyes! - sometimes, as long as the race issue is not part of it, I don't mind Julie being a bitch to Gabi. 🙂

Julie's character was blatantly racist when David was involved with Valerie, hence her never knowing about Eli's existence. That's part of the reason why her despicable comments towards and about Gabi are right in line for her character. 

I acknowledge that I have been in and out of viewership for a while now, but during my consistent viewing and my views upon my return, the character has never really apologized or  made amends for her actions. Sadly, even if she did apologize to Valerie and Eli, given the circumstances David is now dead, she barely has a relationship with her other grandson, I'd question the veracity of her contrition. 

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

That's kind of why I'm a little irked with the way they're writing Kayla and even the Hortons.  Once Gabi said she wanted a second opinion, Kayla shouldn't have come closer telling Gabi that she needs to listen to her.  It has been less than a day and the DiMeras have plenty of money to keep him in the state he's in while Gabi gets a second opinion and considers the next steps. Leaving when asked is what the compassionate character I usually think Kayla is would have done.

yeah, that's really ridiculous.  Pulling the plug is an irrevocable permanent decision of death.  I would want a second opinion. Especially when the doctor telling me he's brain dead has a bias for wanting him dead. I am, of course, not accusing Kayla of lying about the brain death. I'm just saying that why would anybody not want to be absolutely 100% sure that a mistake wasn't made in something of this magnitude?  And, there is no law that organs have to be donated.  Should people donate?  Sure. But there are reasons why someone might choose not to.  And, if there's any doubt in someone's mind of recovery, donation is not a reason to hasten the death, IMO.  Stefan has as much right to live (hate all Dimeras though I might) as any potential donees, Julie included. 

  • Love 7

I would really enjoy being able to watch a few episodes from yesteryear where Julie was openly against David and Valerie as a couple. It's not pleasant that one of the show's longest-running characters is somewhat racist, but it is interesting and I would enjoy having a more clear idea of exactly how that manifested itself back in the day. If anybody knows of any links online to where some of those old episodes might be, please message me.

  • Love 2

Absolutely, @Katy M and others -- and as Gabi pointed out to Rafe, Kate was brought back from the brink of death just the other day, so it's not unheard of, lol. She should not be rushed in any way, and I think a case could be made that even Lucas was nudged about Kate's heart. That's what tore him up so much with the decision - that it had to be made quickly or Julie would die anyway. Argh, these entitled people. And I'm a fan of most of those damn Hortons. 

  • Love 5

I am 1000% #TeamGabi in this entire fiasco and I don't even buy this supposed great love between her and Stefan (they have chemistry and with time, they could have been a compelling couple -- I also thought that Gabi and Ei worked as a couple, but Days Daysed it up, as I knew they would). 

From Julie's awful treatment of Gabi, to Lani and the Gang's vitriol towards Gabi, to Kayla's behavior, to Lani making Gabi's moment of trauma all about Lani and what will make Lani feel better, to Hope/Eli/et al practically salivating over the prospect of getting Stefan's heart, with no regard to Gabi's emotional state, I too would let Julie pass on because neither Julie, nor her loved ones have shown that they are deserving of the happiness they feel so entitled to (that Horton arrogance infected Eli real quick didn't it). Everyone has been positively despicable.  If Stefan's heart is to go to another, it should be another with a reasonable life expectancy, which given her age and her health, Julie is not.

  • Love 13
29 minutes ago, Happytobehere said:

I am 1000% #TeamGabi in this entire fiasco and I don't even buy this supposed great love between her and Stefan (they have chemistry and with time, they could have been a compelling couple -- I also thought that Gabi and Ei worked as a couple, but Days Daysed it up, as I knew they would). 

From Julie's awful treatment of Gabi, to Lani and the Gang's vitriol towards Gabi, to Kayla's behavior, to Lani making Gabi's moment of trauma all about Lani and what will make Lani feel better, to Hope/Eli/et al practically salivating over the prospect of getting Stefan's heart, with no regard to Gabi's emotional state, I too would let Julie pass on because neither Julie, nor her loved ones have shown that they are deserving of the happiness they feel so entitled to (that Horton arrogance infected Eli real quick didn't it). Everyone has been positively despicable.  If Stefan's heart is to go to another, it should be another with a reasonable life expectancy, which given her age and her health, Julie is not.

This says exactly how I feel, only better.  Even if they hated Stefan with every shred of their beings, as humans, the Hortons should at least have sympathy for Gabi's pain.  It doesn't matter whether or not THEY thought her marriage was legitimate or if THEY thought she didn't have a right to grieve him.  It doesn't even matter what they think of Gabi.  It's like they are telling her to her face they don't think she deserves the simple kindness any human should show another.

  • Love 11

I cracked the hell up at Kristen calling her fetus “little Andy or Jenny.” In Rosemary’s Baby, Rosemary refers to her fetus as “little Andy or Jenny" at every chance. Not only that, Rosemary said, “Don’t you worry, little Andy or Jenny, I’ll kill them before I let them touch you” while Kristen said, “Don’t you worry, little Andy or Jenny, I won’t let anyone hurt you.” 

  • Useful 3
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4 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

This says exactly how I feel, only better.  Even if they hated Stefan with every shred of their beings, as humans, the Hortons should at least have sympathy for Gabi's pain.  It doesn't matter whether or not THEY thought her marriage was legitimate or if THEY thought she didn't have a right to grieve him.  It doesn't even matter what they think of Gabi.  It's like they are telling her to her face they don't think she deserves the simple kindness any human should show another.

I caught that too!  So do you think Dr. Roof is going to give her a tannis root amulet to wear?

  • LOL 4

The Hortons are not entitled to Gabi's husband's heart. Eli, you were doing well until you mentioned the heart to save Julie. You know Gabi's history with her and the Hortons. And maybe you need to give Gabi the chance to get a second opinion, or third, if she wants. She is under zero obligation to provide the heart.

Ciara, maybe set your phone to record if you are trapped somewhere with Jordan. Jordan all of a sudden wants her old job back? Was she on leave? Is the hospital hiring? Does she expect a position to be created for her?

At least Rafe is open to the possibility that Jordan may have some involvement with Ciara.

I did like Ben telling Victor that he is conflicted about his sister and that she raised him and got him away from Clyde.

How large is the Kiriakis mansion? Room for Kristen at the K-Inn? Brady can't call up a realtor and arrange for a condo or house for him and Kristen? He's old enough to be on his own and can afford a nice home. Maybe he can even afford a servant!

Geez, Hope, don't be with Dr. Rolf alone.

  • Love 9

Yeah what the FUCK was that Rolf stabbing Hope with the syringe? 😖 

I’m starting to think this show is getting to be too dark and depressing for my liking. Still not as big of a piece of shit as Y&R though since there are actually characters here I care about and actors trying. On that note...

CM/Gabi is just nailing her work. I felt so bad for her and completely enthralled with her anger, confusion, and despair. It’s so sad and super realistic. 

Being trapped in an enclosed space with someone who you don’t like or trust is very unnerving. (This spring a former supervisor who didn’t like me followed me into a large storage closet then locked the door and stood in front of the exit to tell me why she blocking letting me transfer and basically talked shit while I had to go along to get out.) That being said Jordan made some valid points that Ben is being forgived and accepted for doing far worse than she has and it’s hypothetical. 

Ben is not really better or remorseful if he’s okay playing vigilante or justifying murder. giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f29adbbae1e6c989b80d0

He’s such a douche even. They won’t even explore if they have evidence or think of Ciara learning self defense and traveling in groups. It’s just like welp she tried to harm Horton Princess once and and probably some dumb fuck peeled out of Horton Pub drunk or distracted with their iPhone possibly,  but hey lets kill Jordan now. I guess it’s a good thing Claire is away or Ben would be asking Vic to get his hands dirty killing his grandchild as well. Wouldn’t want Ben to break a nail 🙄 using this sociopath logic btw means Eve, Abby, or Will would be perfectly justified to off Ben. 

I’ll continue being a party of one that SH/Kristen has never looked more beautiful with that hairstyle and soft fluffy pastel clothes. 

  • Love 8

Okay, so I just rewatched Eli and Gabi's scenes. And I realized that Eli was a bigger idiot/emotional dipshit than I initially though thought.

 Eli said he knew Gabi wouldn't want Julie to suffer and said all the right things about believing she thought Julie was faking. But when Gabi called him out for what Lani and he had accused her of, all he could say was emotions were running high and there was confusion. But nowhere in his speech was "I'm sorry. I never believed it and I never should have said it." Even if you hate Gabi and/or think Eli and Lani were justified in their accusations, he couldn't muster up an apology while begging the woman to hand over a vital organ from her husband's body?

Lamon Archey is a great actor and he sold it as well as anyone could have. In fact, he sold it well enough that I sorta bought it the first time and mostly thought Eli's timing was just bad and he should have maybe not gotten side tracked with the Lani shit.

But on second pass, I realized that Eli was kind of a manipulative a-hole. First he claims that donating the heart to Julie would be good for Gabi because the heart would live on (for the possible couple of years she might survive if everything goes perfect). Nevermind that the argument is double if she donated to a registry.

Then when that didn't work, he played to her sympathy and couldn't even sputter out an apology when Gabi pointed out that days before he'd accused here a depraved indifference and banned her from his family. For fuck sake, man... stop trying to justify it and just say it was wrong.

Eli kinda sucks, guys. And he's real dumb.

Edited by RachelKM
  • Love 15
7 hours ago, RachelKM said:

But when Gabi called him out for what Lani and he had accused her of, all he could say was emotions were running high and there was confusion. But nowhere in his speech was "I'm sorry. I never believed it and I never should have said it." Even if you hate Gabi and/or think Eli and Lani were justified in their accusations, he couldn't muster up an apology while begging the woman to hand over a vital organ from her husband's body?

I'm not a big fan of fake apologies, so I'll give him that one.  If he wasn't  sorry, he shouldn't say he's sorry.

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, RachelKM said:

Eli kinda sucks, guys. And he's real dumb.

I've kinda always thought that. He's fine as hell though so sometimes I let it slide lol.

57 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I'm not a big fan of fake apologies, so I'll give him that one.  If he wasn't  sorry, he shouldn't say he's sorry.

I agree, but if he is not even sorry about it then maybe he shouldn't be trying to guilt Gabi into giving Julie Stefan's heart. Like really now!

  • LOL 2
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On 10/7/2019 at 6:29 AM, plurie said:

Julie has always been a bigot. She broke up Valerie and David because she didn't want her son dating a black woman.

In the early 1970s  I'm not saying it was right, but Valerie's parents were against it too because interracial relationships were a much bigger deal then than now.  She didn't dislike Valerie personally, she didn't want them to have a difficult time.  I watched this storyline originally.  I don't think it's fair to judge someone today based on actions of over 40 years ago unless they are acting the same way today.  Julie loves Eli.  When she made comments that were insensitive, he told her, she took the criticism and apologized.  I was rooting for David and Valerie in the original storyline but Julie reacted exactly as my parents would have then.

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Good point and perspective to add, @oceanblue, thanks. In 1978, my very liberal but Catholic mother had a hard time with my sister's conversion to Judaism - and she was a very loving woman who already loved like a son the man my sister married shortly after. But she needed her priest to tell her it was all right to go to their wedding! Times were different. 

  • Useful 1
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4 hours ago, Katy M said:

I'm not a big fan of fake apologies, so I'll give him that one.  If he wasn't  sorry, he shouldn't say he's sorry.

That's fine.  But then why did he bother to say things that indicated he believed Gabi had thought Julie was faking?  Either he believes her and knows he accused her of something she didn't do or he doesn't.  Why go as far as to pretend regret but only to make excuses likely to undermine your admission?

I'm not a huge fan of lying.  But if you are going to lie, lie better.  I'm a fan of competence. 

Edited by RachelKM
  • Love 8

Rolf probably turned Hope back into Gina. 

I’m starting to dislike Lani as much as her wig. 

Brady and Kristen will be in bed or married very soon. 

Victor’s mansion reminds me of the castle in Mario Nintendo64 it was average size outside but had endless rooms. Maybe Princess Peach is hiding in one too. 

Isn’t it nifty how Sarah, Brady, and Kristen’s rooms are all identical size and with the bed and night stands and wall paper the same and places and facing the same direction? 

They could have given Julie a bovine transplant, no? My grandma had one and I’ll may have one someday. It’s weird how they assumed Stefan would be a match? 

I studied German and used to very fluent and I don’t think the actor playing Rolf is actually German or Dutch. He rolls his vowels or consonants in ways Bavarians and Dutch don’t and doesn’t have that cadence. I could be wrong. 

  • Love 3
On 10/8/2019 at 9:49 PM, Irlandesa said:

But what characters are left?  Soaps are kind of obsessed these days with "good" characters breaking bad that there are very few "good" characters who haven't acted almost as bad as the "villains" or "troublemakers." Gabi's not a saint but I do buy her humanity.

I get your point in a way. I think Days and GH are pretty gross in this respect. I don't watch Y&R and B&B so I don't know if they have reformed serial killers as "heroes." But for me, I don't agree that there are no good characters. Good characters definitely cross certain lines more than they used to but I guess it depends on what your definition of "horrible" is and what you're willing to let slide in a character. I know a lot of people judge Hope for "killing" Stefano, but given everything he did, I thought she should have been thrown a parade. I remember when Lani lied to JJ about her baby people here acted like she should be stoned and she committed the greatest sin ever. I understood why she did it. For me, I do find things like drugging pregnant woman, being a serial killer, being an unrepentant rapist, things that I find too gross and pretty unforgivable.

On 10/9/2019 at 1:46 AM, DaphneCat said:

 Especially since pretty much every one of them (including Julie - who KNEW it was lie) has accused Gabi of being such a terrible person she would leave someone to die.  

Isn't that exactly what Gabi did when she tussled with an old lady at the top of the stairs and when Julie fell, she didn't call the ambulance? Or am I remembering the details of that situation wrong? And, I know he was horrible person who pretty much had it coming, but didn't Gabi leave Nick to die? I read that here recently. 

21 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

This says exactly how I feel, only better.  Even if they hated Stefan with every shred of their beings, as humans, the Hortons should at least have sympathy for Gabi's pain.  It doesn't matter whether or not THEY thought her marriage was legitimate or if THEY thought she didn't have a right to grieve him.  It doesn't even matter what they think of Gabi.  It's like they are telling her to her face they don't think she deserves the simple kindness any human should show another.

I don't get the outrage against the Hortons. In fact, I was watching the show today and remarked about how I felt everyone was treating Gabi a lot more respectfully than the last time I watched a storyline like this which was years ago on AMC. People are acting like everyone walked into the room and said "Fuck you, fuck Stefan, give Julie his heart." Despite their completely justified hate of both Gabi and Stefan, everyone has expressed condolences over her loss of Stefan. But given time is of the essence they have asked her to authorize the transfer. I'm sure if they had more time, they would wait but they can't. No, technically, Gabi doesn't have to do it but I understand why they would ask, despite Julie and Gabi's history. And does anyone seriously think that if "Queen" Gabi were in a similar predicament she wouldn't be asking the same thing? And given her personality, I think she'd be a lot more pushy.


when Gabi pointed out that days before he'd accused here a depraved indifference and banned her from his family.

What I remember is that Eli actually didn't believe Gabi left her on purpose. He remembered that Julie had faked it once before and tried to understand why Gabi didn't believe her. The reason he and Hope "banned her from his family" is because they caught Gabi screaming at Julie in her hospital bed. Gabi was not some blameless victim.

Edited by FilmTVGeek80
  • Love 6
2 hours ago, oceanblue said:

In the early 1970s  I'm not saying it was right, but Valerie's parents were against it too because interracial relationships were a much bigger deal then than now.  She didn't dislike Valerie personally, she didn't want them to have a difficult time.  I watched this storyline originally.  I don't think it's fair to judge someone today based on actions of over 40 years ago unless they are acting the same way today.  Julie loves Eli.  When she made comments that were insensitive, he told her, she took the criticism and apologized.  I was rooting for David and Valerie in the original storyline but Julie reacted exactly as my parents would have then.

I think you make a good point. Ironically with what we know of Julie it would of made just as much sense for her to be an advocate/ally for Valerie and David.

I could totally imagine someone like Julie to say to them, "to hell with what everyone else thinks, you two live your life and if anyone has a problem with it send them to me". Unfortunately that didn't happen.

So I think Julie's past especially gets re-examined when we see her confrontations with Gabi and the language she choses to use.

Anyone else think Jordan will be Kristen's new nurse? 

So Days, we are still pretending that 40 something Brady still can't/won't get his own place even now with a baby momma and child on the way?  McKay

Reserving judgement on the Rolf/Hope thing. I'm assuming he wants to turn her back into Princess Gina? Like Stefano famously said, "It was the last time you were interesting". So could be good. 

  • Love 3
14 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

Isn't that exactly what Gabi did when she tussled with an old lady at the top of the stairs and when Julie fell, she didn't call the ambulance? Or am I remembering the details of that situation wrong? And, I know he was horrible person who pretty much had it coming, but didn't Gabi leave Nick to die? I read that here recently. 

When Julie fell down the stairs, Gabi stared in shock, but Sonny and Chad came into the hall immediately.  There was no question of calling an ambulance.  I think Chad called.  At any rate, Gabi being the one to dial is immaterial.  Granted, she did consider smothering Julie. But she didn't.  And really, who hasn't considered smothering Julie.

As for Nick "having to die", I think that is a stretch.  But he was blackmailing her with her having dumped him in the river and Rafe having covered the Melanie mess. (She was willing to admit what she'd done, but feared exposing Rafe and to a lesser extent her daughter's grandmother and great-grandmother.) He was trying to force her into being with him and even moving away.  I compare her situation more to a battered woman syndrome since he was psychologically abusive and, at least on one occasion physically, and she just wanted to escape him.  So she shot him.  But she was desperate for her and her daughter's safety.  So, okay.  I don't think it was right.  But it was at least as justified as Hope shooting Stefano in my opinion.

14 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

I don't get the outrage against the Hortons. In fact, I was watching the show today and remarked about how I felt everyone was treating Gabi a lot more respectfully than the last time I watched a storyline like this which was years ago on AMC. People are acting like everyone walked into the room and said "Fuck you, fuck Stefan, give Julie his heart."

My issue with the Hortons has been the way they've viewed the heart as Julie's salvation from the moment they learned of Stefan's condition.  They made it their own and seem now to view Gabi as an obstacle or maybe a necessary path to Julie's rightful due.  Never mind that there are hundreds people more suited and on a registry and that one of them will not get a heart for the sake Julie. 

As I said in an earlier post, I'm not that mad at them.  Desperate emotional people are not logical.  But objectively, they are a little entitled and gross in the immediate descent on a grieving widow. 

Edited by RachelKM
  • Love 6
15 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

I don't get the outrage against the Hortons. In fact, I was watching the show today and remarked about how I felt everyone was treating Gabi a lot more respectfully than the last time I watched a storyline like this which was years ago on AMC. People are acting like everyone walked into the room and said "Fuck you, fuck Stefan, give Julie his heart." Despite their completely justified hate of both Gabi and Stefan, everyone has expressed condolences over her loss of Stefan. But given time is of the essence they have asked her to authorize the transfer. I'm sure if they had more time, they would wait but they can't. No, technically, Gabi doesn't have to do it but I understand why they would ask, despite Julie and Gabi's history. And does anyone seriously think that if "Queen" Gabi were in a similar predicament she wouldn't be asking the same thing? And given her personality, I think she'd be a lot more pushy

I'm not outraged with the Hortons over asking for the heart at all.  Because you're right.  They're trying to save Julie's life and they don't have time to be supersensitive about it.  My problem here is with Kayla.  As Stefan's doctor she should be impartial and she shouldn't be pushing Gabi.  If she can't be impartial, she should step away from the case and let another doctor handle it.

4 minutes ago, JBC344 said:

So Days, we are still pretending that 40 something Brady still can't/won't get his own place even now with a baby momma and child on the way?  McKay

Are you kidding?  I'm absolutely sure the Kiriakis mansion has maid service.  Why would he leave?

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, RachelKM said:

When Julie fell down the stairs, Gabi stared in shock, but Sonny and Chad came into the hall immediately.  There was no question of calling an ambulance.  I think Chad called.  At any rate, Gabi being the one to dial is immaterial.  Granted, she did consider smothering Julie. But she didn't.  And really, who hasn't considered smothering Julie.

As for Nick "having to die", I think that is a stretch.  But he was blackmailing her with her having dumped him in the river and Rafe having covered the Melanie mess. (She was willing to admit what she'd done, but feared exposing Rafe and to a lesser extent her daughter's grandmother and great-grandmother.) He was trying to force her into being with him and even moving away.  I compare her situation more to a battered woman syndrome since he was psychologically abusive and, at least on one occasion physically, and she just wanted to escape him.  So she shot him.  But she was desperate for her and her daughter's safety.  So, okay.  I don't think it was right.  But it was at least as justified as Hope shooting Stefano in my opinion.

My issue with the Hortons has been the way they've viewed the heart as Julie's salvation from the moment they learned of Stefan's condition.  They made it their own and seem now to view Gabi as an obstacle or maybe a necessary path to Julie's rightful due.  Never mind that there are hundreds people more suited and on a registry and thaqt one of them will not get a heart for the sake Julie. 

As I said in an earlier post, I'm not that mad at them.  Desperate emotional people are not logical.  But objectively, they are a little entitled and gross in the immediate descent on a grieving widow. 

Look I find Julie aggravating a lot, but no not everyone has considered smothering her. Whether she did or didn't, her actually considering doing it is as gross as leaving someone to die. I wasn't referring to the other stuff you were talking about in regards to Nick. It was about dumping him in the river. What I read was that she and Sami and Kate knew he was alive when they dumped him in the river. So, I don't agree with your original point that it was so outrageous for anyone to think that Gabi would leave someone to die.

The heart is Julie's salvation - that's not an exaggeration on their part at least not given what Kayla's told them. They're not treating Gabi as an obstacle. No one has gone in and demanded it. No one has said to her face that she'd be a terrible person if she didn't give it to them. And, no they're not thinking of the other people who could get the heart. In their shoes, I wouldn't be either. So, I don't find them entitled or gross.

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

It was about dumping him in the river. What I read was that she and Sami and Kate knew he was alive when they dumped him in the river.

They didn't know when they dumped him in. They thought he was dead after Gabi struck him with a rock while he was attempting to rape her. He woke up immediately after the rolled him into the rushing water.  He grabbed at them and nearly pull one of them (I think it was Sami) into the river with them. Out of fear, they pushed him away and he was sucked in. None of them intentionally tossed his live body into the river. 

Sorry I identified the wrong homicide.  There are so many and I never heard anyone suggested that Sami, Kate, or Gabi knew Nick was alive before he awoke in already in the river. 

As for the rest, opinions differ.  I'm good. 

Edited by RachelKM
  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, RachelKM said:

He grabbed at them and nearly pull on of them (I think it was Sami) into the river with them. Out of fear, they pushed him away and he was sucked in. None of them intentionally tossed his live body into the river. 

But, they were laughing about it later (Kate and Sami, anyway).  And, Kate was giving Gabi advice on her first murder. It really was awful.  And, you're not supposed to dump people, dead or not, in the river (especially if you can' t be bothered to check thoroughly for a pulse).  What Gabi did up to that point was self-defense and the cover up was not needed.

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, Katy M said:

But, they were laughing about it later (Kate and Sami, anyway).  And, Kate was giving Gabi advice on her first murder. It really was awful.  And, you're not supposed to dump people, dead or not, in the river (especially if you can' t be bothered to check thoroughly for a pulse).  What Gabi did up to that point was self-defense and the cover up was not needed.

I agree that the post incident attitude was not great. But then, Sami and Kate are Sami and Kate.  Neither is a homicidal maniac, but they can both be pretty practical about it.  And they hated Nick for what he did and tried to do to Will.   Gabi actually was the only one really shaken up about.

And while I agree the cover up was not necessary or appropriate, it's a soap staple.  In fact, it's one we just witnessed with Sonny and Will over Leo's body... and guess what?  He was alive to blackmail them too! Wheeeee!

I just cannot get that worked up about it. 

  • Love 5
17 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

Brady’s a CEO of a multinational company. He could afford a housekeeper if he wanted. Plus wouldn’t had to listen to the verbally abusive man permanently sitting in the living room. 

Exactly!!!!!  We know it's because of sets, but they can spring and get Brady an apartment set or give him his own townhouse set back.

It is starting to defy logic why Brady who is rich and can afford a lot of the amenities he can get at the Kiriakis mansion on his own to still be living there. 

Hell, it probably makes more sense for him and Kristen to move into the Dimera mansion. Gabi hates Kristen but has a friendship with Brady, who I'm sure could convince Gabi. 

  • Love 3
46 minutes ago, RachelKM said:

My issue with the Hortons has been the way they've viewed the heart as Julie's salvation from the moment they learned of Stefan's condition.  They made it their own and seem now to view Gabi as an obstacle or maybe a necessary path to Julie's rightful due.  Never mind that there are hundreds people more suited and on a registry and that one of them will not get a heart for the sake Julie. 

As I said in an earlier post, I'm not that mad at them.  Desperate emotional people are not logical.  But objectively, they are a little entitled and gross in the immediate descent on a grieving widow. 

You said this far better than I could.  They are deliberately asking Gabi to give the heart to Julie (who let's be realistic, doesn't have all that many years left) rather than give it to someone who could live a longer life.  

36 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

They're not treating Gabi as an obstacle. No one has gone in and demanded it. No one has said to her face that she'd be a terrible person if she didn't give it to them.

They have not said those exact words but they ARE trying to make her feel like it will be ALL her fault if Julie dies - and letting her know they will NEVER forgive her.  That really is the next best thing to demanding the heart and letting her know she is indeed a terrible person if she doesn't give it to them.  

On a lighter note, I literally laughed out loud when Rolf was referring to Hope as his favorite pet and said "Who's a good girl?" like he was talking to a dog.  Since we ALL know Hope won't really suffer in the long run, (this feels a lot like when the villains would tie up Batman and Robin on the old TV show) l think it's fun to see the evil henchman actually enjoying his work.

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

I studied German and used to [be] very fluent and I don’t think the actor playing Rolf is actually German or Dutch. He rolls his vowels or consonants in ways Bavarians and Dutch don’t and doesn’t have that cadence. I could be wrong. 

I've never studied German, and know only a few words (more out of politeness and general fascination with learning new languages than anything else) but it honestly never occurred to me to think that the actor playing Rolf is a native speaker of German or Dutch. (For whatever that's worth, I suppose.) 

He does, however, appear to have been born and raised on a steady diet of scenery.

Edited by Sandman
Credit where credit is due.
  • LOL 10
3 hours ago, RachelKM said:

I'm a fan of competence. 

Aren't we all, which makes us watching this show something of a mystery lol.

1 hour ago, DaphneCat said:

On a lighter note, I literally laughed out loud when Rolf was referring to Hope as his favorite pet and said "Who's a good girl?" like he was talking to a dog.  Since we ALL know Hope won't really suffer in the long run, (this feels a lot like when the villains would tie up Batman and Robin on the old TV show) l think it's fun to see the evil henchman actually enjoying his work.

I loled, too. Rolf reminds me of a Scooby Doo villain. He's a lot of fun. Now, if they tried to make him a regular occurrence and/or tried to 'rehabilitate' him like they've done/are trying to do (badly) with Ben, Kristen, Xander, etc. then I'd probably start hating him but I enjoy the hell outta him for what he is.

3 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

I know a lot of people judge Hope for "killing" Stefano, but given everything he did, I thought she should have been thrown a parade.

I agree and think Gabi killing Nick is actually quite a similar situation actually. Nick abused Gabi, Stefano terrorized Hope/her family. Should you kill someone, obviously not, but their actions make sense and are understandable imo.

Will was pretty gross today with trying to get Gabi to give Julie Stefan's heart. 

CB once again killed it today. I do continue to wish she could be killing it in a different outfit though.

It's like, I get it, Brady likes living rent free in a huge mansion. I've never had a problem with it before. But at this point, sweetie, you need to move! 

I love Hope's sweater and I want it.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:
5 hours ago, RachelKM said:

I'm a fan of competence. 

Aren't we all, which makes us watching this show something of a mystery lol.


1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I agree and think Gabi killing Nick is actually quite a similar situation actually. Nick abused Gabi, Stefano terrorized Hope/her family. Should you kill someone, obviously not, but their actions make sense and are understandable imo.

This is sort of my position.  I don't think the situations were identical.  Hope and her family suffered for decades at the hands of Stefano.  Whereas, Gabi dealt with Nick for about two years and only the last year and a half was truly abusive.  So, from a retributive perspective, Stefano could be considered to have the higher claim to guilt and Hope the high claim to long-term injury.

That said, the need to end the reign of terror actually tilts toward Gabi.  Stefano was old and no longer actively engaged in any particular threat to Hope.  He was taunting her about what he'd already done.

Nick, on the other hand, was actively blackmailing Gabi to try to coerce her in to an on-going romantic and sexual relationship (which is a form of sexual slavery and, thus, rape) with the threat of exposing, not only her own crimes, but Rafe's cover-up of her involvement with Melanie's kidnapping and Sami and Kate's involvement in the river incident.  Gabi was faced with either submitting and taking her daughter away from her fathers to live with her abuser or taking down half hers and her daughter's  family.

People sometimes try to point to the fact that Nick was, in the moment he was shot, seeking help.  But Gabi didn't know that.  She didn't hear the conversation he had with Julie or that he was calling Marlena.  And even if she did, Nick had promised to change before and then tried to rape her.  So, I'm no more inclined to be harsh to Gabi than to Hope. 

Edited by RachelKM
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6 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

 I remember when Lani lied to JJ about her baby people here acted like she should be stoned and she committed the greatest sin ever.

Yeah I don't recall that but maybe I wasn't posting here at the time. I personally didn't care I was hoping he'd go back to being the angry jaded edgy person he used to be after he found that out but no they turned him into the emasculated loser he is now..... 

Besides that baby was a lame plot point in a quad nobody really cared about. They should've just had Eli/Lani have a full on affair but trying to make it work with their respective S/Os but couldn't resist the pull etc.  

I was bothered that Jennifer wasn't angrier with Lani over the whole thing above all else.

Edited by CanaryFan98
  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

I studied German and used to very fluent and I don’t think the actor playing Rolf is actually German or Dutch. He rolls his vowels or consonants in ways Bavarians and Dutch don’t and doesn’t have that cadence. I could be wrong. 

He's played by William Utay who, according to IMDB, was born in Dallas.  So, good ear.

Also, I would have never realized this, but he's the same guy that played Dan's lackey, Phil, on Night Court.

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2 hours ago, TenaciousWarrior said:

I’m glad Brady stood his ground to Victor and was willing to get fired over moving Kristen in. I know I shouldn’t be, but I am rooting for Brady/Kristen. I hope the baby softens her some.

Me too!



Maybe Dr. Rolf could make some sentient Silly Putty out of her.

Edited by boes
  • LOL 7
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2 hours ago, TenaciousWarrior said:

I’m glad Brady stood his ground to Victor and was willing to get fired over moving Kristen in. I know I shouldn’t be, but I am rooting for Brady/Kristen. I hope the baby softens her some.

I'm actually (sort of) rooting for Brady and Kristen to get together too; but I'm disappointed that Victor caved.  If Brady feels that Kristen needs to live with him for the duration of her pregnancy; he can move out of his grandfather's house into his own place and then move Kristen in.

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Doug was amazing, today.  BILL HAYES was amazing.  He's 94 and that man can still do more with his talent than a good half of the rest of the cast.  I thought his conversation with Gabi was powerful and very well done.  Sometimes all Show does with him anymore can be pretty silly but today, he had something worth saying and he did it so very, very well.

I thought Will and Sonny's attempted intervention on Julie's behalf was pretty lame.  No reason for the two of them to have anything (much) against Julie at this point, though she never seemed to care much about them, nor did she care about what Nick put them through.  But they're adult enough to have put that aside, unlike her.  But if there are any two people who should know that badgering Gabi was exactly the wrong tactic, it should be them.  The whole thing was a little too much plaster saint of them for my taste and in this instance, I think Gabi's response was pretty restrained.

Oh yeah, wasn't that so special of Lani to tell Will and Sonny that they needed to be with Ari.  I'm sure the two dads were so grateful to get Lani's approval.   I only wish they'd expressed their gratitude by snatching the wig off her head and stuffing it in her mouth.  Lani needs to take several seats, preferably about three states away.

Kristen is just getting creepier and creepier and her constant need to climb Mt. Brady just smacks of unstable obsession.  That kid of hers is going to need some pre-natal psychotherapy, and soon.  With her and Brady as parents, he or she is going to be born with a deficit in the I.Q. department.

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Victor: I'm as serious as Julie Williams' heart attack.

HA!  Oh Victor, you horrible old coot, never change.

Speaking of, I was thinking a bit today about this Julie/Gabi storyline.  And I was reminded of another similar situation under Ron's pen, with Clint and Rex on OLTL.  But the differences in execution are interesting. 

Gabi here is, maybe not the villain, but certainly an antagonist in this storyline refusing to give up her beloved's heart. 

Rex, meanwhile, got a good guy edit throughout, even though he a) forged paperwork that gave him the legal right to decide what to do with Gigi's organs so he essentially stole organs, b) turned down the tearful pleas of his sister Natalie - the family member he'd know his whole life and always loved and protected him - to save her father, and then c) basically sold the heart to Clint for his ENTIRE net worth, to finance his revenge against VicTodd.  

And sure, it might be colored by my positions on these characters (love Gabs, loathe Rex) and the situations (Julie is a beloved matriarch, Clint did some crappy-ish things to Rex), but it's kinda stark how differently their actions are interpreted by the show's vision, that Gabi is an evil bitch, but her actions thus far are so less heinous, IMO, than Rex's.

Am I making sense?  @peachmangosteen lol?

  • Love 6

So Doug was able to talk to Gabi in a kind, calm, reasonable manner. At least he showed her respect, which is what none of the other folks have been doing. He admitted that Julie was nasty to her and she had every reason to not donate the heart. Well done, Bill Hayes.

Lani, why are you there? Who is running the police department in Salem? Surely there are crimes happening. Go back to work.

Dr. Rolf, what are you up to? You had some scalpel of some sort. Did you put something in to Hope after knocking her out?

No one needs to do laundry in the spare rooms at the Kiriakis Inn? I tend to not wash my guest room bedding all the time. Usually only when an actual guest is coming! The rooms all look kinda bland - no real personality to them.

Maybe Kristen will be softened a bit by the baby. No need to move her in to the mansion unless it is just temporary until Brady - who runs a company - can get an apartment or house or whatever for the both of them. More groceries to buy! How long til Victor puts his foot down and refuses to pay for the expenses of all these folks?

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