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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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"East" Salem.  Naturally...


Thank you, Iska.



I hate the Ciara rape storyline already and now having the teen scene drag the perpetrator off to a warehouse where they have him tied up has just made it worse. I can't. I can take Hope killing Stefano, but now we've got Joey killing Ava and the Scoobies ready to go all Saw V.

This keeps up and I'm going to be tuning out.


It just keeps getting worse!  I'm just not down with torture, nor with the idea that sweet little Claire would be the one to come up with this horrible plan.  Hopefully Theo won't take part and at least one of these teens can be salvaged.  I just don't understand these kids.  When I was in 15 all I thought about was art class, getting high, and hanging out with friends at the mall.  In that order.  Not rape, murder, kidnapping, assault, torture, etc.

  • Love 3

Isn't Claire Ciara's niece because Shawn D. and Ciara are brother and sister and Shawn D. is Claire's dad?

Yep. ☺ Funny since Claire is suppose to be like a year older than Ciara. Yet nothing new Phillip is Brady and Shawn-D's uncle. Hope has a nephew like 8-10yrs older than her too.

It just keeps getting worse! I'm just not down with torture, nor with the idea that sweet little Claire would be the one to come up with this horrible plan.

Claire is sweet? LOL. She's been giving me Sami Brady vibes for a few months because of the Phelle/Shelle junk. All I need is for her to start switching DNA tests and trying to sell babies into the black market and the transformation will be a complete! Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 4

Hi! Been away on a nice vacation and then a sad funeral -- such is life, right? Catching up on the show is nearly impossible, so I'll stick with the current days : )


That last scene yesterday with Chad's capture and potential torture - what, show? Nothing I've seen about Claire indicated that she'd do something so awful and stupid. Joey, I can see -- and yes, Joe, it might be a good idea for you not to commit anymore crimes until your murder victim is at least buried. And these random other teens in the park were there because? Ack. I hope Ciara shows some sense and dignity in today's show and lets Chase go. Go where, I have no idea. Such a shame that Chase was ruined for this stupid plot. 


Steve and Kayla -- they are so great at this acting thing that I can't complain about their storyline, at least so long as Ava stays dead. They speak volumes with their eyes and gestures -- a joy to watch. Plus, I loved Kayla's dress and want it for myself : )


And that's about it for observations -- other than BELLE. What a selfish dope. So much worse than Abigail ever was -- blech. 

  • Love 3

I like that Ciara got to have her Lifetime Movie moment of screaming at Chase and threatening him harm and then she wisely called up her mom and had him handed over to the police.  But then we got to see Hope being wonderfully motherly to Ciara and just as quickly turning enraged onto Chase with a "How could YOU??!!"  I thought the mother/daughter moments were well done and I liked how Claire and Joey worked together to stop Theo from blurting anything out--I got a good Three Musketeers vibe from them.


And Deimos rescued Phillip from a much needed beat down--DAMN!!  If anyone needs their ass handed to them, it's Phillip.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
  • Love 6

The problem is that Joey's feelings of rage and hatred are justifiable, but he's showing he reacts to that and any disappointment or adversity with violence and that is where he becomes not relatable or cool. The other problem is when women like Hope or Ciara have problems guys are stepping in to mansplain or 'fix' it and when other tough heroines are being defanged like Sami, Kate, Theresa, and Nicole have becomes a canvas wide issue.

I would be comfortable with the level of darkness the show has had as a bi-product of Bo's death and the serial killer saga if maybe they didn't also include Ava's reign of terror and murder caused by a supposedly likable kid & didn't have Ciara senselessly raped by her adoptive bro/friend - it's just too much especially when Eric's accident and the fall out of that is factored in. I like nihilism, I think a lot of times the world is fucked up and unfair. I'm probably Bret Easton Ellis' #1 fan and loved Nip/Tuck for how it embraced the ugliness and absurdity of life. But when it's depicted with honesty or intergrity there's some humor or lesson and here all i see is plot points and writers block.

Edited by Petunia13
  • Love 3

Pretending that Chase and Ciara have this long history together is not working for me.  Couldn't they have SORASed them and kept the same chronology?

They have grown up around each other...and Allie Horton, too. When the kids were allowed on screen, they were together..or we were being told the reason they weren't in a scene was b/c they were all at sleep overs, the park, play dates, etc... Johnny Dimera and Joey always had sleep overs...so when/if they SORAS the Dimera twins and Sydney Dimera, that should be a part of the history.

  • Love 4

They have grown up around each other...and Allie Horton, too. When the kids were allowed on screen, they were together..or we were being told the reason they weren't in a scene was b/c they were all at sleep overs, the park, play dates, etc... Johnny Dimera and Joey always had sleep overs...so when/if they SORAS the Dimera twins and Sydney Dimera, that should be a part of the history.


I can't get my head around it with Ciara and Chase, because it affects Hope's storyline as well. If Ciara and Chase have been "brother and sister" since they were little then it means that Hope would have either been with Aiden or married to Aiden for years before Bo returned and that would have changed the entire dynamic of the brief reunion with Bo.  It would mean Aiden was waiting years to try to kill Hope or this happened suddenly after their being together for a long time?  Ciara and Chase don't have the chemistry of characters that have lived as a family for years which should add another layer to the rape storyline but they play their scenes like they barely know each other regardless of what words they say.  

  • Love 3

I can't get my head around it with Ciara and Chase, because it affects Hope's storyline as well. If Ciara and Chase have been "brother and sister" since they were little then it means that Hope would have either been with Aiden or married to Aiden for years before Bo returned and that would have changed the entire dynamic of the brief reunion with Bo. It would mean Aiden was waiting years to try to kill Hope or this happened suddenly after their being together for a long time? Ciara and Chase don't have the chemistry of characters that have lived as a family for years which should add another layer to the rape storyline but they play their scenes like they barely know each other regardless of what words they say.

That's the point of SOASRing it wants you to suspend your displease. Belle and Shawm didn't have history until Tom Langan wrote it as they did back in the day. Belle was born in 1993 and Shawn was born in '87. So the show back then adjusted their ages and history, so they could have both supercouple kids to have young love romance. It's no different here with Ciara and Chase. They are step-brother and sister because their parents married. I agree they don't have much chemistry but they shouldn't because they are siblings, hence why, Ciara keeps saying in the dialogue they are related and he should had never caught feelings nor raped her the way he did.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 3


Claire apparently abandoned her in New York and she never found her way back.

I also miss Eve. The JJ storyline(s) were gross but I thought it was weird how there was no "forgiveness" scene between them/Jennifer before Eve went off canvas. Also, a Justin-Eve-Adrienne-Lucas storyline would've rocked. Missed opportunities.


Current storylines? I can't stomach the Chase/Ciara stuff so I'll have to take people's word for it that the show is good.

  • Love 3

I couldn't get past John's "Blue Steel" look on his face as he checked out the warehouse. I guess it's better than the who farted look he usually has.

And fuck this show for ruining the character of Chase and making him a rapist. They should of just shipped him off screen after Aiden died if this is what they were going to do to the character.

  • Love 5


Yep. ☺ Funny since Claire is suppose to be like a year older than Ciara. Yet nothing new Phillip is Brady and Shawn-D's uncle. Hope has a nephew like 8-10yrs older than her too.



And Hope's half-sister is Julie, who is more like a mother to her.


"They have manpower who could bury the Salem PD."  Yeah, that would be SO hard to do.


I like that the dead girl's father was the one who jumped Phillip.


The Ciara and Chase scenes were really good. And finally, Ciara tells her mother.


I wish they would actually put things into their cups instead of just having empty cups and pretending to drink out of them.


The thermos and two cups looked more like something sexual.

  • Love 3

That's the point of SOASRing it wants you to suspend your displease. Belle and Shawm didn't have history until Tom Langan wrote it as they did back in the day. Belle was born in 1993 and Shawn was born in '87. So the show back then adjusted their ages and history, so they could have both supercouple kids to have young love romance. It's no different here with Ciara and Chase. They are step-brother and sister because their parents married. I agree they don't have much chemistry but they shouldn't because they are siblings, hence why, Ciara keeps saying in the dialogue they are related and he should had never caught feelings nor raped her the way he did.


I didn't mean sexual chemistry, just that they don't have the vibe of people who are supposed to have known each other, let alone lived as a family, for a long time. 


I get that SORASing requires a suspension of disbelief but this seems particularly egregious, maybe because the characters were active in the storyline at one age not that long before they were SORASed. For some reason this particular SORASing just seems ridiculously false.  I'd be fine if they all went off to college, like, tomorrow. 

  • Love 1

I'm also enjoying John and Eduardo. 


So is Chase done now?  I hate this whole story.  For one, it ruined what could have been an interesting character.  And two, it further punishes Hope for moving on after Bo left, even though she waited longer than most people would.  She was almost murdered, Aiden was killed, Bo died, she became a murderer herself, and now Ciara's been raped by her virgin step-brother.  It's all so stupid.


Claire is sweet? LOL. She's been giving me Sami Brady vibes for a few months because of the Phelle/Shelle junk. All I need is for her to start switching DNA tests and trying to sell babies into the black market and the transformation will be a complete!

As for the rest of your post you forget Days during the Reilly years those teens with Sami/Lucas/Carrie/Austin were a little dark too (ie Sami shooting Alan's nuts off and Sami raping Austin) but at least their was dramedy storytelling with them. These teens aren't even being written like them nor the Last Blast crew. They are just dark with awful actresses and actors playing them.


Yes, I think Claire has been shown to be the sweet, sensitive type.  At least so far. 


I wasn't watching Days during the Reilly years.  If I had been, I'd have the same complaints. 

  • Love 2

As much as I loathed what the show has done to Joey, by making him a murderer. He was right to take drastic measures against Ava. She was never going to stop until Kayla was dead. That creepy shrine that Steve and Kayla found was irrefutable proof of her evil intentions. She would have killed Kayla, just like she killed her father. What Joey did to Ava is not so different to what Isabella did to her sister Marina Toscano, Steve's retcon first wife.


On the night that Isabella went to confront Marina about her misdeeds, Marina had had an intense confrontation with Kayla shortly before her arrival. Marina was unhinged and told Isabella that she wanted Steve back and that she intended to kill Kayla and Isabella panicked and took a lamp and hit her over the head killing her. Isabella knew that Marina was dangerous and that she would have killed Kayla without batting an eyelash. Marina was scary and it is not surprising that she came to town plotting with Victor to abscond with the Toscano money.. Isabella suffered for years from her abusive older sister and knew that she was an immediate danger to Kayla. She had killed her in defense of Kayla.. Marina had put her in an insane asylum, just so that she can get her hands on the Toscano fortune.  Jack was the one that saved Isabella and got her out of the loony bin. I loved the Jack/Isabella friendship. I loved that the show had hinted that Brady and Abigail were supposed to get together some day, just like Theo and Ciara.. The show should have had Joey be the one to find that  shrine and not his parents, it would have mitigated his heinous act....

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 6
Anyway, I find myself liking A. Martinez and Drake together for some reason.



I can't deal with the two of them mouth-breathing and huffing and puffing like Macho Men...and then walking into a warehouse for a showdown with kidnappers as though they were shopping at Costco and browsing. The two TRAINED assassins didn't spot the men in the rafters with the guns? Okay.


I just about bust a gut during their Cup Of Soup moment of truth. I really wanted Jawn to get one last good Hero Moment after the embarrassment of Theresa knocking him out and Kristen toying with him. This...isn't playing out that way. Jawn man, you are not some crazy awesome secret agent. At least the way this show is portraying you.


The Ciara/Hope/Chase/Ugh stuff was awful. The dialogue was awful. I was calling out lines before they were being uttered. And how does Hope get away with having Chase arrested for a crime she's not bearing witness to and has no evidence for when he's the one tied to a chair and Ciara looks A-Okay?


I wish they would actually put things into their cups instead of just having empty cups and pretending to drink out of them.

The thermos and two cups looked more like something sexual.



Yes and LOL!

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 3

Well, that certainly was a lot of effort just to get Jawn and Eduardo to take the Activia Challenge.  Now that they have, I expect they'll both be feeling like a million bucks by tomorrow.


The Agency certainly can't want them back on the job as assassins.  I mean, who would want assassins who need to pee every 2 hours, as men of a certain age tend to do?  Unless they're needed to take out Doug.....go for the ukele first!   


I can't get into Jawn's origin story again, it's starting to resemble Rex's on OLTL.  It was bad enough when they tried to tell us Rexx was of Native American origin, now Jawn is going to be.....?  


Speaking of Rex aka Philip aka John Paul Lumpaleer, he mugged more the camera in one day than most actors do in a lifetime today.  He grimaced, he squinted, he tossed his heavenly locks, he pursed his lips, he Betty Booped them, he swayed, he shook, he did the shim-shim-shimmy and oh how he tried to smoulder.  One thing he never did try was actual acting.  

What a great hire.


I pretty much skipped through the Chase/Ciara/Scooby scenes because I can't with all this.  What could have been a good storyline with Chase trying to come to terms with his background was turned instead into a played for cheap thrills completely unnecessary rape storyline.  A RAPE storyline, with a  teenage Ciara as the victim.  It feels like a cynical, easy, dispicable use of a character instead of actually writing something layered, tossing this young actress into the cesspool and essentially ruining Chase as a character an throwing away a young actor who I think has some talent.  If Show IN ANY WAY now attempts to redeem Chase and somehow try to make some sort of relationship with Ciara an ongoing concern I wil be done with the show.  Better to cut their losses, write him off and forget he ever existed.  Right now we've go Ciara who has been raped, Chase who raped her, Joey who killed a woman in cold blood (yeah, Ava deserved it, but Joey shouldn't have been the one to do it, especially the way he did), and I shudder to think what Show has in store for Claire.  


There are some lazy and sick minds at work in the writers room these days.


Vincent Irizarry was the only bright light for me in today's show.  And as much as I love him and the character he's playing, it's not enough.


But I'm sure tomorrow will be MUCH better, right?  Oh.....yeah.....Abigail will be back on......now where DID I put the laudanum and absinthe anyway??

Edited by boes
  • Love 7

Ugh I hate that they've turned Chase into a rapist & have ruined a character that had a lot of potential  - I can't even stomach to watch any of the scenes with the kids kidnapping Chase - it's a revolting story all the way around.


I am enjoying Steve & Kayla (even if their storyline sucks they are still magical together)


I'm loving Deimos & am also kind of loving him with Kate.   I'm intrigued to see where his storyline goes & enjoy watching him going toe to toe with Victor.


Sill not feeling Philip & am really not enjoying Belle & Phillip (really wish they would cut his hair) - I did enjoy the scenes with Shawn & Belle though.


I also am loving JJ & Gabi - they are just all kinds of adorable.

  • Love 4

I can't get my head around it with Ciara and Chase, because it affects Hope's storyline as well. If Ciara and Chase have been "brother and sister" since they were little then it means that Hope would have either been with Aiden or married to Aiden for years before Bo returned and that would have changed the entire dynamic of the brief reunion with Bo.  It would mean Aiden was waiting years to try to kill Hope or this happened suddenly after their being together for a long time?  Ciara and Chase don't have the chemistry of characters that have lived as a family for years which should add another layer to the rape storyline but they play their scenes like they barely know each other regardless of what words they say.  

I agree about the rushing and confusion between Ciara and Chase. It's mind bending. 

I was just talking about the other kids SORASsed into teendom. They do all have history. 


I'm sad they ruined Chase like that. THere could have been a million ways to cultivate his character b/c of his Dad's good/bad history, his relationship as a sib to Ciara and a stepson to Hope. Sad, really.

  • Love 4

Yes, enchantingmonkey, I thought that was odd behavior of Hope's, too. Her grandaughter, for goodness' sake. 


I appreciated Ciara's emotions yesterday and thought the actress did a pretty good job. She's growing into it -- and she's been thrown into some heavy plotlines from the get-go. Chase's story is just so sad and awful and he drew some sympathy out of me yesterday -- which I resented because he raped Ciara. He just doesn't seem very threatening, I guess. I wonder if he'll be shipped off to prison and never seen again. 


I also liked the John/Eduardo combo. A Martinez is growing on me, too -- I was predisposed to like him just because of his soap chops and history, but he fell flat for me until this week. Give him more to do, show. 


Looking forward to the Chabby nuptials today :  )

  • Love 6

But I'm sure tomorrow will be MUCH better, right?  Oh.....yeah.....Abigail will be back on......now where DID I put the laudanum and absinthe anyway??


I am right there with you--dear sweet Abs was on today wearing this strange white suit with her hair pulled back unattractively in a bun and as Doug kept saying, "Where's that cute bride?"  Seriously, where is she?  Guess it's not Abs :)


I can't believe Abby's actually having Doug walk her down the aisle.  What's wrong with just having Jenn do it or her brother or even one of her uncles?  It never appeared to me that Abby and Doug had this close bond.


Man oh man, as much as I love JJ/Gabi, Chad and Gabi look gorgeous together and they're both talented actors.  Perhaps a future pairing?


I absolutely adored the over the top gun fight today--Rafe and JJ looked particularly tough and musclely firing their guns--WOO HOO!!  :)

  • Love 6

Man oh man, as much as I love JJ/Gabi, Chad and Gabi look gorgeous together and they're both talented actors.  Perhaps a future pairing?



Oh god, please NO. Absolutely not. I don't think I could survive even reading about Gabby wanting Chad for the 3rd time. Rounds 1 and 2 were bad. Albeit, I'm not a fan of Casey Diedrick's acting and that was a big part of it for me...and maybe they could spin it (for once) that Chad is interested in her. Billy is a great actor so maybe.

Still...No, thank you. 


I'd rather a Chad/Theresa pairing. 

Edited by swtrgrl
  • Love 2

My fiance came into the room while I was watching the show yesterday and he looked at the tv and asked me when this show had turned into a watered down version of 24.  I honestly had no comeback for that since the show has gotten so damn dark lately.  I am glad Ciara called her mother and went to the doctor for testing and didn't torture Chase although I am glad he got to feel helpless for a bit, by all rights she could've gone all Jack Bauer on him. A Martinez was pretty adorbs in that backwards baseball hat, and I like him and John working together.  

  • Love 4

Late observations. Had to find a video because Nancy Reagan's funeral.

Crabs are kissing in the opening scenes. Jenn, Adrienne and Julie show to the house. Maggie won't be coming because Vic is sick. Julie brings up Ben and Abifail is putting up a brave front. Oh look Days found enough coin to build a baby room for TJ. Abifail is having a flashback of the BBQ (Sighs of only this BBQ was a reality). Abifail is assuring Chad the wedding will happen.

Gabi is still at the station. Poor girl is still crying her eyes out.

John asks if Doc is ok. Gunmen are shooting everytime they make a move.

Ciara/Theo are going to the wedding together. Ciara is upset she won't get payback (Oh lord.)

Jennifer and Abifail are picking roses. Drugster's back is off. Adrianne is worried.

Jawn tells Mar and Ari to leave the warehouse.

Justin and Hope are talking about the s/he said of Chase's confession. (I swear this show is always toying with the idea of Justin/Hope lowkey. I actually liked them back in 2010, until Higley ruined with NT Hope, of course ).

Abifail is getting her something old, new and borrowed. (Melissa Reeves and Sharon Case always looked alike to me).

Gabi is still at the station and Chad shows up.

Yesss shootout!

Justin is trying to get Hope to get a signed confession from Chase to keep from going to court.

Now Lani, JJ and Rafe are shooting. Jawn shoots someone, someone goes down. Eduardo gets shot trying to protect Rafe. Jawn shoots the gunman him dead. (Don't die Eduardo).

Julie tells everyone don't bring up Ben (geez, they need a bitch character like me on here, I'd bring up Ben all the time

  • Love 1

You know- I am really liking the show for the first time in a very long time- the pace is even good.  It is actually taking me more than 10 minutes to watch a whole episode :)

Love the scooby gang coming together for Ciara.  Loved how bonded they were and am really liking the actress playing Claire- she came up with a plan, recruited allies, and executed it- pretty ballsy.  Too bad her grandmother doesn't seem to recognize her- why does Hope treat her like she is just one of Ciara's friends??

Joey is much better with the teens then he is in scenes with his parents- and actually reminded me a little but of Steve with his attitude.  Theo was great- they each come across as having their own personalities rather than all being the same- basically all "good"soap characters are very similar- and they are trying to be individuals which I love.

Sure the whole thing was very Lifetime movie but I still liked it.  And I am flabbergasted the truth came out so quickly- this could have been months if not a year.

Loved the Shawn and Belle convo- Belle comes off horribly but it was well acted and at least gave some motivations.

Really thought the warehouse stuff was fun.  And I had forgotten how much I like Chad and the actor when he is away from Abifail.  In his 2 second scene with Theo today he was really cute, and very good with Gabi.

  • Love 2

Yay, we got the show today instead of the Reagan funeral.


I wonder why we haven't gotten any scenes of Marlena and Ari being kidnapped, or of them in captivity.


Thank you, Show, for giving us a warehouse with lighting.


Have people really been saying that Thomas looks like Jack? That baby sure does a lot heavy breathing.


Theo's a manipulator, isn't her?  That was funny.


That's stupid that Chad had Thomas's name confirmed as Devereux.


I liked that ending.

  • Love 1

Today's gunfire was fun, but I couldn't get my head around why the warehouse was so brightly-lit. It looked like such a Happy place, compared to all the other dimly-lit locations. Aren't these showdowns usually in creepier-looking places?


I really liked the reveal of Jawn's father, with him emerging from the door in the background. Nicely staged. I have no idea, though, how he will tie into this massively convoluted "We want John back as an assassin!" storyline. I'm super confused. Wasn't the ISA stalking him after firing him? Or was Jawn only being stalked by the Assassin Corporation? I seem to recall ambiguous stalking since November, but I never understood what was attributed to the ISA and what wasn't...


Why was Abifail's dress different from the one she previously tried on with Theresa? I hate it when shows use different wedding dresses like that unless it's story-justified. Did Abby explain that she could no longer use the other one because Chad had seen her in it...?


I can't get over Abifail and Jennifer's passive-aggressive rudeness. Abby snarks over the phone to Gabi about being late to the wedding without a shred of concern for her, and Jennifer orders Adrienne and Julie out to give Abby some dumb gifts, even though Julie and Adrienne are literally the only people who showed up early to coo over the Bride and try to make the day special for her? WTH!? Be grateful anyone even bothered showing up to this wedding, considering the location.


Gabi's Mom unexpectedly being en route to Salem was random, especially without an actual scene to set it up. It's just like how Sami happened to be flying back to Salem when Will was murdered. Lazy writing, much?


I don't care if this was Eddie's last day because he really didn't look like an assassin in the least. Drake at least has had a few decades of faking Jawn's "training". Eddie was fumbling to get the gun out of the holster, forget his extra round, and seemed too stiff to run.


At least there was lots of variety today.


The paltry showing at the wedding should have been a sign to Oblivious Abby that she isn't well-liked.


Is anyone else tired of Theo being presented as the Good Guy Who Wants to Get With Ciara? I hate that this rape storyline is propping him. He was appealing without it!


Also: is Andre still on this show? He was arrested and then...poof! I hope we get more from him, a trial, something. TP is too interesting to just be pushed off-canvas like Cassie's Eve...

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 1


I really liked the reveal of Jawn's father, with him emerging from the door in the background. Nicely staged. I have no idea, though, how he will tie into this massively convoluted "We want John back as an assassin!" storyline. I'm super confused. Wasn't the ISA stalking him after firing him? Or was Jawn only being stalked by the Assassin Corporation? I seem to recall ambiguous stalking since November, but I never understood what was attributed to the ISA and what wasn't...


If you're really interested, I wrote spoilers about John's father in the Spoilers thread.


Ugh I hate that they've turned Chase into a rapist & have ruined a character that had a lot of potential  - I can't even stomach to watch any of the scenes with the kids kidnapping Chase - it's a revolting story all the way around.



Chase's story is just so sad and awful and he drew some sympathy out of me yesterday -- which I resented because he raped Ciara.

...And this.


I FF'd through the teens capture of Chase yesterday because the whole thing just feels so foul to me.  It is such a waste of a character with potential played by a decent and affable young actor, and it just came so far out of left field that i have a hard time buying this whole storyline.  I get that Chase has a crappy life and a messed up past, I even get his odd cyber-bully plot with Theo and his crush on Ciara...but the rape?  It just seems so out of place, it doesn't fit in this.,  They took the time to age the character, get a decent actor who you want to see rise above it.  But no...  


They gave him a fraking Horton ornament, for heaven's sake!

Hope wanted to raise him as her child and included him as such

Ciara seemed to worry about him when he took off

Ciara seemed to find him intriguiging in a dangerous (?) way on the Valentine episode, like they were considering a love triangle

Claire liked him and they had chemistry

There aren't many teens who aren't related in the Horton/Brady/Johnson triangle




Chase was a character I was hoping would get it together after maybe some small scrapes with trouble along the way.  I wanted him and Ciara to become friends and be like siblings, I wanted him and Claire to explore a romance.  But this plot-point disaster happened and I don't see how he can ever come back from this one.  Is Jonathan McClendon even long for the show now?  


I hated the way it wrapped up.  I don't see Chase as a cocky kid who wanted to get away with this.  He came off more as tortured and guilty as soon as it happened.  The Teen "scooby" crew seemed pretty awful in their attack of someone who is already gutted and hates his life.  Claire seemed more vengeful and I took it as anger from her once romantic interest in him more than her wanting to seek justice.  They all seemed cruel.  I felt more pain fro Chase and still sort of do, and I don't like that I feel this because of what he actually did.  He raped Ciara and that is horrible.  Yet the storyline just feels so off that it isn't translating right and it makes me hate the whole thing and all the teen characters because of this.  I want Chase to just go off to jail and that be the end of it.  I don't want to see or hear any more about this.  I don't  want to see him tortured more, I don't want to see Ciara feel tortured anymore.  I just want it all to go away. "la la la la.."


Abby seems like such a spoiled princess whenever she is on, that everyone has to carefully word things to keep her happy so she won't go off and be all upset or bitchy.  That was one weak-assed looking wedding at the mansion today.  Clearly Abby has no friends if she couldn't even find a replacement maid-of-honor beyond Gabi.  Her dress and veil were pretty, but the whole thing was strange and felt so ruched.  Is it because KM is leaving soon?  Ben looked super creepy at the end, I loved that part.


I can't with the stuff at the end with John Black.  I just can't even...

  • Love 7
If you're really interested, I wrote spoilers about John's father in the Spoilers thread.



Thanks! I just read and commented.


I can't with the stuff at the end with John Black.  I just can't even...


I have the exact same reaction to Ben. WHY does anyone care about him or his storyline? He is a terrible actor. Jawn at least is a Legacy character. He's earned the right to front-burner storylines.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 1

Holy Bright Light, Batman! Was that gunfight on the same Days I've been watching the last several weeks? It was bright, and had action! The gunfight went on longer than I expected. And only AFTER Eddie gets shot does John and Co get pissed enough to get aggressive on the shooters. And no other cops than Lani and Rookie JJ for an active shooter situation?

Anyway...I missed Lani's backstory. Can someone please fill me in? Thanks!

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