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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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I just can't with this Brady has Daniel's feelings. 


It really is stupid.  Nicole and Brady are already close, so why not have them become closer because he has Dr. Tan's heart and not because of some ridiculous vision?  That would be natural and believable and could be built up over several months.  It's bad enough they have Caroline being able to predict the future become of some miracle drug, so I'm not looking forward to this at all.  My tolerance for supernatural shit outside of sci-fi is very low,

  • Love 7

So what exactly is new about Brady sharing some of Wormfood Jonas' annoying traits?  While Brady has been better lately, it's still very easy for him to slip into his entitled, pompous know-it-all judgemental role as we saw him do - worse, for me, had to hear him say - to Eric today.  Yeah, yeah, Eric killed Tan and he drove drunk and it's awful and he should pay and I don't disagree BUT...BUT! for Brady of all people to pass judgement on him is rich.  

It's always all about Brady, always has been, and he really is too monumentally dumb to know that.  Ditto Daniel.  So Show may want us to think it's the transplant, I think it's just who Brady ultimately always is when you scratch that shiny, hairless surface of his.  


Theresa could always have done better and maybe now she actually will.


Contrast Brady's behavior with Jenn's.  Yep, with JENN'S.  She loved that Coppertone Ad for God's sake and yet she was able to tap into her own generous heart with Eric and not talk to him like a puffer fish who thinks his scales don't stink.   But now that Eric is becoming more vocal I'm afraid we're going to be treated to a super dose of "Conflicted, guilty Eric", feelings that frankly the character can't carry very well, or convincingly.  He always ends up looking constipated and too afraid to talk about anything "down there" cuz it's dirty.  


Nicole was brilliant with Parker, today, just brilliant.  I wish Chloe would fulfill that life long dream of mine that she'd run off and join the circus - in Siberia or points further north - and leave Parker with Nicole.  But I think she and her scary unblinking stare will be sticking around.


I'm feeling that the Hope storyline is either losing its way or was never plotted out very well to begin with.  While I do enjoy the crazy that is Andre, I'm not sure what's coming is going to be enjoyable at all.  How exactly DOES Hope get over./out of this??


I'm all for Theresa getting an electric cattle prod and using it on Victor every time he comes within 50 feet of her.  He would NEVER see her kid if I was her.

  • Love 14

So I didn't mind so much Nicole confronting Eric about the accident. Brady I just wanted him to shut up. Weird. All my residual feelings about why I couldn't stand Brady a few months ago and why I wanted Theresa far away from him. Granted , Theresa is no angel but Brady was not worth all the effort she put into getting him back. Dealing with Victor would be bad enough. They just needed to co-parent and see who else she could work with. Now Brady is having dreams of Nicole? I guess we know where that's going.

Ugh all this eulogizing of Daniel. I'm still pissed that Eric is being ruined for this story. Also I'm bitter that Will was killed for no good reason months ago without all this fanfare that Dr. Tan is getting. I cannot take another day of everyone crying. At the moment watching Days is a downer.

Hope and Rafe are so calm and collected I can't imagine anyone catching on them.

  • Love 8

Brady just need to sit his ass down. Ever since he almost got married to Kristen, he has had something against Eric. He didn't even want to believe Eric was raped by Kristen neither. I get the show wants to play up the sibling rivalry and the Kiriakis vs Brady wars, but damnit, can you writers throw Eric a bone sometime between the two.

  • Love 4

The super conflicted Eyore is disgusting.  He's been a weak and chlidlike man for a long time.  But what put it again in the spotlight was Mar saying, upon his terminal injuries, that she was afraid he would LOSE HIS FAITH.  Yes, that is so important.  And it got a lot of screen time. 


After throwing Will in the ditch  as an afterthought this is tedious at best.  They haven't shown enough of the accident but what?  The car made a u-turn and Eyore smashed in head on causing Jenn to be unable to rear end?  I'm just trying to put together the accident.  There were some great screenshots there but did Eric cross the centerline bopping to a very lame song?


Nicole and Parker were great and I'm glad so much time was devoted.  As much as I love AZ she has a weird whiny quality when she talks to kids or Dan and I saw her dial it back once it started.  Directors!.  I got a chuckle over the fact Nicole took the scene and nailed it since NB can't act.  And they got a new kid who wasn't an infantile spaz who could say a line or two.


I guess Belle can't be bothered to see her brother in the hospital or take her daughter to singing class.  When I was 16 parents didn't leave a Ciara or Claire alone for days on end and shit we didn't even have bike helmets or seat belts.  Very cool about the school set.  It looked different as if it was on film instead of videotape. I'm really glad greedy baby Ciara has been rehabilitated, and she's bearing what's happened as well as possible.

Edited by QuelleC
  • Love 2

In rl wouldn't the venue and people who over serve him be in trouble?

It's kinda a shame what the show has done with it's star Marlena's family this year or so: her daughter was humiliated and assaulted then left, her Grandson was murdered and is forgotten, and her son is guilty of accidental homicide and in disgrace.

I like the direction Jen is going in, hope she stays kind and down to earth. For a while she was very judgemental, sour, and uptight.

  • Love 5

I like to think she's terrible anytime she has to prop Failure.  Visiting Eric and Theresa was lovely.  I'm a bit disappointed in JJ not saying WTF upon hearing Chad was the father because of all the pushing with Ben.  I'll never forget Creepy Clyde walking in on Jenn and practically threatening her.  But, she never told Failure. 

  • Love 5

I didn't see Eric being self-pitying at all -- to me, he was appropriately wracked with guilt and anger at himself. But I liked when Brady said, "feel it, then live your life in honor of Daniel..." I'm a firm believer in the idea that you have to walk down that path and feel your feelings or be caught in that vortex of guilt and anger for the rest of your life. Having said all of that, though, I don't relish the idea of watching Eric do this at all. 


When are Melanie and Brady going to see each other? And does Hope still not know about the accident?! 


I also loved Nicole with Parker yesterday, and it was clear why they needed to recast Parker. The old Parker was cute as a button but I don't think he could have handled the dialogue like the new one does. I hope the new Parker gets some rest soon, though, he looks like he's fighting off a cold or something. 

  • Love 6

And does Hope still not know about the accident?! 


Don't think so.  And she should be there for her cousin Jenn, (not to mention Ciara & Chase) but with all her revenge issues, can't see that happening.


And how many days since the New Year's Eve accident?  Did Hope murder Stefano on New Year's Eve?  New Year's Day?  Or several days later?  The kids were back in school, and wasn't it the end of the day, as Claire was going to her music class. But Hope was just getting home. And Lani could tell Rafe had been up all night. 


And of course, Brady is recovered enough from his heart transplant to be up walking and talking of going home.  Yet the Daniel tears continue, and he still needs to be buried. 


It really feels, to me, that there are separate writers writing each major storyline, and they don't compare notes at all with the other writers, so the timelines just end up being totally wonky.


And, according to another forum, lots of scenes are being cut.  Like Chloe, Philip & Belle from the other week.  And yesterday was supposed to be another Caroline vision. 


Seems like after fixing the previous writer's disastrous mess and having great shows in the fall, things are deteriorating again. 

  • Love 6

I know this show is full of doom and gloom but I did get to LOL at Tuesday's episode. Maggie said that "Daniel touched so many lives."  




Oh really?!?! Touched Lives? Is that what we are calling plowing through 3/4 of Salem's female population?


Grieving looks great on AZ. She looks so pretty and love her hair. I'm not minding the non-stop crying as she hasn't gotten a chance to flex her acting muscles in ages. 


I bet Victor when or if he actually gets to confront Eric won't be half as vile as he has been to Theresa. Mark my words!



And don't even get me started on Stefano...All I can say is that someone with that much power and that many enemies...he didn't have any security cameras in his home?  You would think there would be cameras somewhere revealing something!


You would think 2 cops would do better of disposing a body. If the plan is to make Andre think Stefano just up and left town, why hide the body in such a discoverable spot? I could see if they put him in a construction sight and poured cement so that he was buried in the foundation. However, they just basically left him on the floor, threw some pallets and cloths over him. At least take him to the woods and bury him. Damn?!?!


Chad's an idiot. Knowing how Stefano (who he doesn't know is dead) and Andre feel about 'la familigia' why tell him that Thomas is his son? A better avenue for the writers should have been to have them try to keep it a secret as one of the ways to fight the family or what little there is left of it. 


Abby sure does have Chad's bocce balls in her clutch bag doesn't she? One things for sure - Chad's Brady ornament won't be made of porcelain, glass  or plastic. He literally will bled for it.


It really is stupid.  Nicole and Brady are already close, so why not have them become closer because he has Dr. Tan's heart and not because of some ridiculous vision?  


Because they need even more conflict for Thrady besides Victor.


I think I am on record as not being a Brady fan but I didn't mind his talk with Eric. What I do mind is him moving back into the K manse. I guess paying rent and not having servants ain't as cute as he thought it would be.


I get that Marlena is a mom and doesn't want her son going to jail but I was kinda disgusted at her knowing that her son was drunk and suggesting that the accident could've been someone else's fault. I think I feel this way because (1)  His ass was drunk whether he was wholly at fault or just a teeny bit, he was not competent to drive and he broke the law and (2) I've been watching Making a Murderer and we all know the Salem PD is really the Brady PD so I thought she was a bit high handed and presumptuous. 


I also loved Nicole with Parker yesterday, and it was clear why they needed to recast Parker. The old Parker was cute as a button but I don't think he could have handled the dialogue like the new one does. I hope the new Parker gets some rest soon, though, he looks like he's fighting off a cold or something. 


Yes he does appear a bit sickly and pale. If he wants to live up to the orange cheeto-colored skin legacy of his parents, he will need to start building up a base coat soon. 

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 5
And, according to another forum, lots of scenes are being cut.  Like Chloe, Philip & Belle from the other week.  And yesterday was supposed to be another Caroline vision. 


Seems like after fixing the previous writer's disastrous mess and having great shows in the fall, things are deteriorating again. 


Interesting!  Could you share the name of that forum?  BTS stuff is fascinating.

  • Love 3

The super conflicted Eyore is disgusting.  He's been a weak and chlidlike man for a long time.  But what put it again in the spotlight was Mar saying, upon his terminal injuries, that she was afraid he would LOSE HIS FAITH.  Yes, that is so important.  And it got a lot of screen time. 


After throwing Will in the ditch  as an afterthought this is tedious at best.  They haven't shown enough of the accident but what?  The car made a u-turn and Eyore smashed in head on causing Jenn to be unable to rear end?  I'm just trying to put together the accident.  There were some great screenshots there but did Eric cross the centerline bopping to a very lame song?


Nicole and Parker were great and I'm glad so much time was devoted.  As much as I love AZ she has a weird whiny quality when she talks to kids or Dan and I saw her dial it back once it started.  Directors!.  I got a chuckle over the fact Nicole took the scene and nailed it since NB can't act.  And they got a new kid who wasn't an infantile spaz who could say a line or two.


I guess Belle can't be bothered to see her brother in the hospital or take her daughter to singing class.  When I was 16 parents didn't leave a Ciara or Claire alone for days on end and shit we didn't even have bike helmets or seat belts.  Very cool about the school set.  It looked different as if it was on film instead of videotape. I'm really glad greedy baby Ciara has been rehabilitated, and she's bearing what's happened as well as possible.

Yes, AZ really did nail those scenes. She was the only credible actor there.

  • Love 4

Today's episode was one of the most prime examples I have ever seen as to why Abs is Salem's Sweetheart.  First we were treated to KM at her shrillest when she was presented with the fact that she can't actually do whatever she wants without consequence.  I loved JJ's throwing both EJ DiMera and Ben back in her face because she is so anxious to not be alone and to not have to raise Thomas by herself that she'll marry any man who asks her.  Abby was willing to attach herself to Ben for life but now it's Chad's turn because they HAVE to raise the baby as a married couple. There is no other option--how 1950's of her.


And the second evidence of just how wonderful Abs is?  The annoyed eye roll when her mom told her that Valentine's Day was free for her to get married on not because she is the most magical creature ever and she should get whatever she wants but because that was the day Nicole and Daniel were to be married.  That was such a cold-blooded reaction my jaw dropped.


When Joey was staring at Ava while she talked, I got the distinct impression that he's not very bright nor particularly good-looking.  His parents are awesome but he is such a dud.  Maybe the show will recast?

Edited by kitmerlot1213
  • Love 6

Not a fan of the deification of Daniel, but I don't mind the post-mortem focus in comparison to Will's story for the simple facts that those grieving Daniel the most are 1)currently on the show w/no indications that they're going anywhere and 2)they're played by better actors (okay, maybe not a fact, "better" being subjective and all)
SR and AZ have been fantastic and their characters are actually going to be around to pick up the pieces, and we get to see it.  BD did a good job of conveying Lucas' grief (especially in a really awkward scene w/Hope), but he's not the heavy hitter that those guys are. I don't think he could have sustained that level for long. Sami wasn't even an onscreen character at the time, and her return was very brief; same with Sonny. I suppose we could have watched Marlena and Kate deal with their grief, but that doesn't have the same impact for me. I know, I know...Will was a legacy character! I don't much care about that, given that he was so inconsistent and poorly developed. I suspect that,  should Abigail die some day, that legacy character argument would lose some steam around here, anyway!

Oh, and look. Victor's back in douchebag mode. Nice.

  • Love 3

Ha! JJ just said WTF over Chad.  You  (failure)said the same thing about Ben.  Ha!!!!  Shit if Joe has to be the reason Steve and Kayla catch on.  How fabulous is it that we have Steve and Kayla.  I completely didn't expect it.  What a beautiful house they have.  How great Steve keeps his natural hair colour.

And you're listening to your instincts now?  Go, JJ.

Oh effing god the sideways blinking Failure worked into her so called acting.

Edited by QuelleC
  • Love 3

They do have separate teams of writers working on the various storylines - there are tons of writers on these shows.


I knew a person who worked on As the World Turns years ago and his job was basically just one character in a particular story - not even the entire storyline - that was about 15 years ago, not sure if they can maintain the same size of writing teams anymore due to money issues but that is why it can seem like some of these stories aren't even in the same show or are happening at different times than other things in the show.  

  • Love 3

Interesting!  Could you share the name of that forum?  BTS stuff is fascinating.



I don't post there, I only lurk.  But they have some posters, including the administrators who get BTS info, so I tend to lurk regularly. 


They do have separate teams of writers working on the various storylines - there are tons of writers on these shows.


I knew a person who worked on As the World Turns years ago and his job was basically just one character in a particular story - not even the entire storyline - that was about 15 years ago, not sure if they can maintain the same size of writing teams anymore due to money issues but that is why it can seem like some of these stories aren't even in the same show or are happening at different times than other things in the show.  


Interesting. And really obvious these days.  And I get having a specific writer working on one storyline or even character, in order to understand motives and actions and dialogue, but they should also have someone who maintains a time of day continuity on each episode.


So.... Ava knocking Kayla out was a surprise.  And since Hope has only said she was going to confess to Malcolm's murder a hundred times, I think the Friday cliffhanger would have been better if they'd stopped with Ava and Kayla.  But, hey, what do I know? LOL.

  • Love 2

The lighting sure looks better since that terrible fashion show.

My heart is getting bigger and bigger for JJ by the scene. I love when he calls out Abifail for being an idiot. Someone has too. He said "Did you say the same thing about Ben" The writers have FINALLY tossed a bone to Ben.


Joey needs to get his hormones in order. I like that Kayla is getting Steve together.

  • Love 4

Do doctors normally have to consult the national donor agency whenever an organ transplant is to take place? Is there even such an agency? This is the first time I ever heard of something like this. 


Joey is just...I can't. 


How does Ava plan on keeping Steve from finding out she attacked Kayla? I don't get why it would be such a big deal for Steve to know she was working with Joey. He's stupid where's she's concerned so he would buy her claims of wanting to reunite him and Kayla as a way of making amends. 


So Failure was JUST about to marry Ben and now she wants to marry Chad in February. She looked ANNOYED when Jen told her Nicole and dead Dan were planning on getting married on valentine's day. If getting married on valentine's day is just so important to you take your selfish ass down to the courthouse and get married. What a rancid bitch. She needs to be taken to the vet and be put to sleep.

  • Love 9

Joey you need someone to pull you by your ear and get you out of Ava's room ASAP.

Oh give me a break. Abifail is trying to flip it and said they hurt her feelings. Now shes saying she's going to marry Chad anyways without them. Yeah there she goes, guilt tripping her bro and mother. Both helped watched her demon spawn.

Uh Oh Chad found a blood stain on one of the statues in the house.

  • Love 3

It's kinda a shame what the show has done with it's star Marlena's family this year or so: her daughter was humiliated and assaulted then left, her Grandson was murdered and is forgotten, and her son is guilty of accidental homicide and in disgrace.


Not to mention that her other daughter is going through a divorce and was seen in public with a <shudder> DiMera.


Uh Oh Chad found a blood stain on one of the statues in the house.


Isn't every spot in the DiMera mansion covered in blood?

  • Love 3

Abigail is the worst.  Selfish, entitled, stubborn and stupid.  I despise this character so very much. 


I was so hoping Kayla was going to jab Ava right between her creepy black eyes.  But even so, I love that she's not having any of Ava's bullshit. 


The Hope/Rafe situation is confusing.  Maybe it wouldn't be if I was the least bit interested, but I really don't like what they're doing to these two characters and so am zoning it out for the most part.




I don't post there, I only lurk.  But they have some posters, including the administrators who get BTS info, so I tend to lurk regularly.


Awesome - thank you!!

  • Love 3

Go Kayla! My girl was on fire today and I loved how she went after Ava.. This is the Kayla that was always fearless in the face of adversity and saw the goodness in Steve despite his blustery. I love my girl...They do not makes heroines like Kayla anymore. Kim, Hope, Marlena, Melissa and even Jennifer before she became infected by the orange one were rootable, likable and flawed heroines. Instead we get the likes of Abifail...I loved Steve meeting his Grand nephew and I loved his references to Jack.. I loved him pledging to always be there for him. I also loved his subtle discomfort in finding out that Chad, a Dimera was Thomas Jack's father. I am still pissed that I never got a Sonny scene with both his Uncle Jack and Uncle Steve..The Johnson family was always my favorite family after the Brady family. I still want to see Adrienne with her big brother Steve. Given the fact that he was the main reason that she came to Salem all those years ago.

I loved the conversation between Steve and Kayla about that creature's fictional baby. Both had valid points and Kayla was spot on in discerning that Ava was using Steve's Achilles heel when it comes to hurt and abused children to manipulate him. Steve's strong bond with both Max and Frankie were so endearing and it is why they were adopted by the Brady's. Steve was determined to keep Frankie and Max together as a family. I still remember Steve having the flashback of being in the orphanage and Billy Jack his baby brother being taken away and five year old Steve screaming we have to stay together. It is crazy to me that Tomsell would write him as a deadbeat to Stefanie and Joe. Steve would NEVER abandon his children. Do you guys know how much I loved seeing Steve with Jack's grandson..It brought tears to my eyes..You guys already know about my endless love for Jack Devereaux.

Ava needs to die a slow death. I knew that Steve treating her like a human being would have dire consequences for Kayla like always. I was not expecting her to hit Kayla over the head like that.. She is still Evil and I want her gone.. Higley better not try to redeem her. She tried that before by using her dad as a scapegoat for her wickedness. I don't trust Higley at all. You always have to expect the worst with her..

Joey annoyed me today, but I will give him a pass. He is a young and impressionable and was obviously missing his dad desperately and that turd used it to play him.

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 9

I guess Joey has never had a girlfriend before.


Go JJ!


Damn, Abigail, eye rolling over not getting Valentine's Day for the wedding because it was the day Daniel and Nicole were going to get married?  You selfish bitch.


Did anybody check Thomas's ID to see if he is of legal age to be in the bar?


Steve mentioned Jack!


So Kayla is supposedly going to Washington, Steve won't think she's been conked over the head and being held prisoner.

  • Love 5

Having had no past experiences with Ava, I don't find her THAT annoying, but the actress is very soft-spoken and frankly boring. I was glad they didn't suggest Joey had already sexed her up. I was worried this would be Krady 2.0. (Gee, has no one called them Krady before? So much funnier than Bristen, if I do say so myself!) and it plays much better as a crush/manipulator thing. Poor guy, though. I do find it hard to believe he'd never caught a girl's eye before. He's sullen, sure, but handsome.

That knock on the head scared me. It really came out of nowhere and was so casual. I mean, Kayla probably wasn't going to do anything immediate to Ava, given her trip, but I guess Ava just didn't like her lines about her dying and all. The hit felt very unplanned, however, and left me wondering what exactly Ava's plans were, and whether she just threw them out the window or not. I mean, she isn't even really dying, right? Hence the fake blood patch on her arm a few episodes ago?

Can I add my voice to those who like Kayla's house set? It's nice and big. And then I realized it probably used to be the DiMera living room and then I got real, real sad. :(

I agree Joey seems a bit dim, but the actor actually shed real tears, and that was enough for me to like him.

And it was so great seeing so much of Kayla and Patch together. If only they'd given them some "house time" back when Patch first returned, I wouldn't have been so skeptical about his intentions.

It's so weird not seeing Kate for so many episodes. Hopefully her flirtation with Eddie is nothing more than that.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 4

Go Kayla! My girl was on fire today and I loved how she went after Ava.. This is the Kayla that was always fearless in the face of adversity and saw the goodness in Steve despite his blustery. I love my girl...They do not makes heroines like Kayla anymore. Kim, Hope, Marlena, Melissa and even Jennifer before she became infected by the orange one were rootable, likable and flawed heroines. Instead we get the likes of Abifail...I loved Steve meeting his Grand nephew and I loved his references to Jack.. I loved him pledging to always be there for him. I also loved his subtle discomfort in finding out that Chad, a Dimera was Thomas Jack's father. I am still pissed that I never got a Sonny scene with both his Uncle Jack and Uncle Steve..The Johnson family was always my favorite family after the Brady family. I still want to see Adrienne with her big brother Steve. Given the fact that he was the main reason that she came to Salem all those years ago.

I loved the conversation between Steve and Kayla about that creature's fictional baby. Both had valid points and Kayla was spot on in discerning that Ava was using Steve's Achilles heel when it comes to hurt and abused children to manipulate him. Steve's strong bond with both Max and Frankie were so endearing and it is why they were adopted by the Brady's. Steve was determined to keep Frankie and Max together as a family. I still remember Steve having the flashback of being in the orphanage and Billy Jack his baby brother being taken away and five year old Steve screaming we have to stay together. It is crazy to me that Tomsell would write him as a deadbeat to Stefanie and Joe. Steve would NEVER abandon his children. Do you guys know how much I loved seeing Steve with Jack's grandson..It brought tears to my eyes..You guys already know about my endless love for Jack Devereaux.

Ava needs to die a slow death. I knew that Steve treating her like a human being would have dire consequences for Kayla like always. I was not expecting her to hit Kayla over the head like that.. She is still Evil and I want her gone.. Higley better not try to redeem her. She tried that before by using her dad as a scapegoat for her wickedness. I don't trust Higley at all. You always have to expect the worst with her..

Joey annoyed me today, but I will give him a pass. He is a young and impressionable and was obviously missing his dad desperately and that turd used it to play him.

I agree with all this, especially the mistrust of that hack Higley, except the Joey part. He is quickly entering the too stupid to live spot that Brady used to hold. Based on this storyline, it's clear that junior comes by it naturally because Steve seems deeply stupid as well. As mentioned before, I for one am tired of Steve and his ish gets to F-up Kayla's life and she is just supposed to forgive and deal with the crap that's heaped upon her. I say kick him to the curb and go after Victor's grandson (oops, I meant his never before existed brother). Let Steve earn Kayla cause right now, I'm not feeling him with my girl.

  • Love 2

Steve was traumatized due to his experiences at an orphanage with Jack. Where he was later separated from and his rough childhood led him to a life of crime in his youth. Their mother Joy was trying to protect them from an abusive father. She kept her daughter Adrienne. Steve is projecting his own experiences on the fictional baby...I hope the baby is a lie. I remember that the actress who plays Ava said that her story was changed while she was filming. I am hoping that it was due to Higley's leave of absence..

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 5

I can't make sense of this Hope storyline. I try. It doesn't ring true to Hope's characterization but clearly I missed a lot during my decades-long break from DAYS.

I don't remember Kayla having a son named Joey. I only remember Stephanie and Benji . Is Joey a retcon?

Edited by Darlin
  • Love 1

Joey was always in the picture, maybe about 10 years or so I think. Steve and Kayla raised Benji until it came out Stefano was his father (Benji's birth mother was named Ellen).

I don't hate Abigail the way some do but ugh she pissed me off today with the shit about the wedding. Between her and Ava it was a tossup who I wanted to smack more.

  • Love 4

If the writers are trying to portray Abby as a self-centered egotistical bitch, they did a great job today. On the one hand, they always have people say how sweet and loving she is, but nothing about today gave me that inclination. She was rude and snippy just because her family wasn't giving in to her latest whim. And to them especially it has to look like that. Her mother is physically and emotionally bruised these days, and the last thing she needed was Abby's little display.

And the eye-roll when Jen mentioned that Nicole and Daniel were supposed to get married on Valentine's day at the church, either KM made a really bad acting choice in that moment or Abby was supposed to be flippant. I'm not even sure. But Abby seems to be so caught up in her own little fairy tale existence, that she doesn't see what a mess her mother is right now.

I loved JJ so much for calling her out on Ben and EJ, because that was what was going through my mind. Good enough! I'm liking that boy more and more!

I wish I knew where they Abby stuff is faltering more. Is it the weird writing of her character, or is it KM's portrayal? Perhaps a little of both? I can't quite figure it out, but where I was once indifferent to her, I am starting to really, really dislike this character.

Ugh Joey. What a dumb young man. Crying all alone in his house over this zombie-like, chicken wing of a woman. Ava needs to be gone already. Not a fan of TB really. And what is to happen to poor Kayla now? I loved how she called Ava out on everything, but didn't like what Ava did to her at the end.

Ugh Hope and Rafe. I seriously just want the truth to come out and be resolved however it may be. Enough is enough, they are ruining these characters with this storyline.

Edited by LadyJaney
  • Love 9

I agree about Hope and Rafe. Who's terrible idea was this, where are they going with it, and why? There wasn't a better way for Rafe to prove to Hope that he has her back? There wasn't a better way to have her grieve? The whole thing is odd.

Is it the weird writing of her character, or is it KM's portrayal? Perhaps a little of both?

It's both IMO. In the past I tried to imagine if I would still dislike the character if she was portrayed by someone I liked, and the answer is yes. On paper, completely separated from KM's smug, flat performances, Abigail is a terrible person. She's entitled, violent, and cold, and whenever someone doesn't blow sunshine up her ass and actually calls her out for making horrible, selfish decisions, she acts like a victim.

I've been watching clips of Jennifer and Jack from over twenty years ago and can't believe this is the daughter that came out of that coupling. They were charming and utterly adorable while Abigail is toxic and boring. I really wish TIIC would invest in someone more worthy of being a young heroine.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 9

Why is Steve so convinced that a baby sold on the blackmarket is having a terrible life? Wouldn't someone who wanted a baby so badly they were willing to shell out major $$ for one treat it pretty well?

Also, unless he cheated on Kayla, Ava's "baby" would have to be at least in his early twenties, yet Steve keeps referring to it as a baby. Does he think that whoever got the kid possessed some magical potion to keep the kid a perpetual infant.

It just dawned on me that Jennifer's daughter had her baby in a bar, was there some explanation for that or are we supposed to just accept that as normal behavior.

  • Love 8

I think our little mutant kangaroo girl Abigail didn't mean to look put out about getting her dream wedding date because Daniel got a fender through his ear - at least I hope not. I think she was supposed to register shock that she'd forgotten or some such crap and instead defaulted to her usual self-involved look.

But there's no excuse at all for how she ignored Jenn who is obviously in pain and distress, and her quivering lips and stricken look because Mummy and Little Bro weren't washing her feet with their tongues, but were instead actually engaged in critical thinking about her choices, AND letting her know it. All of the teary eyes and pouty disappointment might mean more if she had EVER at ANY point with ANYONE EVER showed the least little bit of empathy or understanding, instead of just hauling off and slapping them after either chasing them down in the Square or barging into their own homes.

Instead of a wedding, why not bury her alive with Daniel? Baby Plot Point won't notice, since he only sees Abigail when he's stuck in the corner while Mommy is screwing Daddy. Otherwise he's Grandma's boy.

  • Love 17

Ordinarily Jen and JJ would have offered Failure their unconditional support while telling her how amazing she is and why she deserves to get married on Valentine's day, Nicole and dead Dan be dammed. Maybe the tide is turning ever so slightly against the creature? Nah, who am I kidding. I'm sure this cabbage patch kid will be allowed to have a successful and uninterrupted first wedding, unlike most people in Salem.

  • Love 8
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