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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

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I too liked the haunting song over Doug and Julie's flashback scenes.  They didn't mean much to me because I wasn't watching then but I do think things like that are always fun.

Dr. Rolf and DorVivian are bringing the camp this week and I'm kind of enjoying it.  I don't even know who Dorian was yesterday as her whole getup didn't scream Dorian or Vivian but rather like someone from passions but I was amused nevertheless. 

And Dr. Rolf's delivery?  It reminds me of Bill Hader's Vincent Price impersonation and I'm living for it.

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I ff'd through the Doug and Julie montage. NIce to see some old clothes and fashion but I am not really engaged or interested in this story. Nice of Hope to tell her dad that there is a chance that his wife could die - heart transplants for someone her age are rare. Nurse Haley is now some sort of licensed practical nurse? Doesn't she need some work experience and certifications to be able to provide that type or care?

Enjoyed Dr. Rolfe's bottomless appetite. The Brady Pub's menu certainly has changed a bit. I expected more pub food like the soup, the burgers, some sandwiches and basic menu items. Along with various craft beers - to bring them up to modern times. JJ's hair looked good.

Loved the idea of Kate rising from the grave and wandering around town like a zombie.

Vivian foraging? For what? Scraps of Carly Manning's clothing from back in the day?

Stefan and Gabi were cute. Had no idea that Viv was upstairs. They really should have put her up in the wine cellar.

I too was getting some Princess Gina vibes when Rolfe looked at Hope and said it's been a long time.

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1 hour ago, Irlandesa said:

I don't even know who Dorian was yesterday as her whole getup didn't scream Dorian or Vivian but rather like someone from Passions but I was amused nevertheless. 

Good one.  I too don't get Vivian from her.  I just think of her as a whole new fun character to watch.  

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2 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Maybe she'll get him back?

Sorry, my bad on Julie/Susan's age...I thought she was the same age as Doug.

Yes, Peggy! Duh. Sorry there too.

I bet they'll go for a Lani/Eli/Gabi triangle with a role reversal this time. I mean these Lani/Gabi scenes aren't for nothing.... as contrived as they are. 

At least JJ isn't involved this time around which is to my benefit....

Edited by CanaryFan98
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4 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Given how depressing all the stories are right now, I would have done a subplot with Doug and Julie struggling to keep up with the dirty dishes and the shift schedules at their club now that Chloe isn't around to handle things anymore. I feel like they're much better suited to that kind of slapstick than this maudlin stuff.

This is a good idea.  I'd love it if Julie wasn't aware that the dishwasher quit and she doesn't realize it until after they've opened for the night.  Julie trying to pass off serving a steak in a frying pan or salad in a mixing bowl as "avant garde"  or trying to juggle several different groups would be pretty funny.  

What is the whole point of this plot line?  We know they aren't going to kill off Julie and I, for one, do NOT want to see another heart transplant where the patient is running around pulling people out of the ocean literally months later (a la Brady.)  Are they going to have Julie get a transplant and take up MMA fighting?  

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That would be preferable have them be comic relief I mean Julie getting stoned off of JJ's pot donuts was so much fun same with Kayla, etc if only their S/O's saw them stoned.... but yeah everything is just depressing. Soaps used to have balance.

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Julie trying to pass off serving a steak in a frying pan or salad in a mixing bowl as "avant garde"  or trying to juggle several different groups would be pretty funny.

Ha! I could totally see her doing that! Nice one.

Loved the idea of Kate rising from the grave and wandering around town like a zombie.

Dang...now I wish we'd seen that...

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28 minutes ago, CanaryFan98 said:

That would be preferable have them be comic relief I mean Julie getting stoned off of JJ's pot donuts was so much fun same with Kayla,

That was one of the best episodes ever.  Julie admitting she hated cruises and Kayla having the munchies and being obsessed with tacos.

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I’m not digging Dr Rolf.  I’ve had my fill of smug assholes this week (IRL).  Maybe when I’m in a better mood.

Gabi/Stefan adorably arguing about his murdering mother.  Yep, it’s a soap..

Did anyone else notice how RED JJ’s ear’s were.  That’s was weird.

But Kate... KATE was the MVP today with her “I’m not deaf, I’ve been shot.” And crawling out of the grave like a badass.  She’s made of win these days.

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7 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

This is a good idea.  I'd love it if Julie wasn't aware that the dishwasher quit and she doesn't realize it until after they've opened for the night.  Julie trying to pass off serving a steak in a frying pan or salad in a mixing bowl as "avant garde"  or trying to juggle several different groups would be pretty funny.  

What is the whole point of this plot line?  We know they aren't going to kill off Julie and I, for one, do NOT want to see another heart transplant where the patient is running around pulling people out of the ocean literally months later (a la Brady.)  Are they going to have Julie get a transplant and take up MMA fighting?  

Not liking the transplant storyline either. This couple, especially Doug is elderly though Julie is a young 70-ish vibrant woman, so why not let them have some fun for their last years? No need to bring it all down with friggin health issues. We have enough of this in the real world. Why not redeem Julie the interfering, bitchy crow a little. 

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Gabi should have been more upset about Kate being murdered . Maybe she knew Kate would not go that easily.  Her non reaction just seemed out of character.  I really don’t remember Vivian and Gabi history.  

Stefan sure gets turned on by weird stuff. 

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This whole "Vivian burries Kate Alive" storyline should have taken place during Vivian's second stint 2009-2011 . That was when Vivian inexplicably disrespected Isabella's remains by removing them fromvher grave and using that grave to bury Maggie alive . She dumped those remains at the pet cemetery . This never made sense to me at all because Vivian surely knew what Isabella meant to Victor , John and Brady .  Vivian constantly said she loves Victor and John and yet she risks getting them to hate her for mistreating Isabella's remains . That never made sense to me. It was completely out of character. She could have easily dug up a nee grave or desecrated a random person's grave to carry out her "Bury Maggie Alive " plot.

This feud was so one-sided and so dull since Maggie is unlikely to be nasty and get her hands dirty. Instead of pairing Maggie and Victor ,They simply should have reunited Kate and Victor that time and have Vivian vs Kate round 2 with Vivian burying her loathed rival alive. Atleast Vivian's actions would have made sense since both characters have such a nasty history together. 

Oh well ,Better late than never 

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Apologies in advance to Gabi fans, but I can't tell the difference between her being in love with Stefan and hating him. She's perfected the badass smoking hot woman who doesn't take anyone's shit, but she's having a hard time transitioning to a woman in love, I think. The actress is always enjoyable whenever she's on screen, but I'm seeing a few hollow notes. 

Hope's stalling with Doug bothered me a LOT. I've had to have that conversation in real life, and while it's very hard, you get it done. The information isn't hers to keep from Doug and Julie. And again, I understand how hard it is, but she's supposed to be able to keep a stiff upper lip long enough to comfort her aged father, for god's sake. 

Nice to catch a glimpse of Jack, Jenn, and JJ, however brief. Get back to that story, show! 

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Sure Sarah, use your pregnancy to hold onto a man. Because that worked so well for Kristen in the 90s...

Good episode today, except for the randomness of Sarah confiding in Vivian and Gabi's continued non-reaction to Kate's predicament.

I really enjoy seeing all of the Black family interacting. I don't remember Marlena and Brady having a simple conversation for a while. And I love the townhouse set with all of its white and gold everywhere. I just wish they would show us more than one room of the townhouse at a time. I know John and Marlena have a bedroom set that they sometimes put together. It would have been nice to see Marlena playing with Holly up there.

Especially nice to see fiery Nicole back. But I also really appreciated the mature conversation she, Brady and Eric had today. That was really refreshing. We've had enough of their three-way dance of resentment for the last few years. I hope they don't automatically start having lunches together and laughing their heads off like old buddies, but I appreciate them just wanting to reset things. It felt like the kind of response real people would have.

And even though I know it's unprofessional for Eli to toss around so much attitude without any evidence or a warrant, I like seeing how fed up he's becoming now that he has his promotion. There are so many wackos in Salem, I'm not surprised he's looking a little tired.

How did Kristen just walk? I know Jack is at the hospital presumably getting the serum made, but what about DA Trask?

It's weird seeing Sonny reference his almost marriage to Paul right in front of Will, when Will was the last person to have a relationship with Paul. Bad writing choice.

I used to really like the Kristen Brady romance, but after Eileen left the role it's been totally dead for me. I really hope Ron is smart enough to pick up on the fact that this Brady and Kristen don't have that chemistry...

(He totally won't.)

Edited by DisneyBoy
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Ben  Weston saved Julie. He’s painted as the hero of the week, saving people everywhere from Chicago to Salem! 

It is  ludicrous that Vivian would give Ben the time of day let alone praise him on making things “fun” in Salem by murdering people

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This new incarnation of Vivian is ludicrous. She doesn't even speak like the old Vivian would. I can't imagine Louise saying this dialogue. It just doesn't read as her at all.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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42 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

It's weird seeing Sonny reference his almost marriage to Paul right in front of Will, when Will was the last person to have a relationship with Paul. Bad writing choice.

I used to really like the Kristen Brady romance, but after Eileen left the role it's been totally dead for me. I really hope Ron is smart enough to pick up on the fact that this Brady and Kristen don't have that chemistry...

(He totally won't.)

I kinda get it, though. That was another back-from-the-dead scenario where someone had to decide what was really in their heart. But I get your point, show going where it did after Sonny made his choice was the last thing we saw (and was pure 🙄 for me lol).

If you think Ron and this group of EPs are going to make a logical and reasonable decision, have I got a bridge to sell you! 😉

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1 hour ago, Rafael said:

Victor knew that Cin had been together for months, what suddenly prompted him to take action against this horrid couple?

His metamucil finally kicked in


And he's feeling fine!

Wouldn't you?

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1 hour ago, QueenSerena said:

I kinda get it, though. That was another back-from-the-dead scenario where someone had to decide what was really in their heart. 

I do appreciate the show's humor in regards to Dr. Rolf and his lemon lime soda elixir.  From Will's "You're supposed to be dead" upon seeing Vivian alive and Sarah's reaction to finding out Viv's buried other people, I laughed out loud at several scenes today.

I also enjoyed Gabi and Stefan's scenes with Eli, especially Gabi's standing firmly on Stefan's side.  Gabi may love Kate but she isn't going to put Stefan in any jeopardy because of his crazy-ass mother.  I did appreciate Eli's asking her though--he at least isn't simply writing her off as an evil DiMera.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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14 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

What is the whole point of this plot line?  We know they aren't going to kill off Julie and I, for one, do NOT want to see another heart transplant where the patient is running around pulling people out of the ocean literally months later (a la Brady.)  Are they going to have Julie get a transplant and take up MMA fighting?  

I agree.  No clue what the point is, other than cheap emotion over the death of a character that's not going to happen, but which is sorta creepy when you consider the age of the actor portraying the part.  While I don't like Julie, I DO very much appreciate Susan Seaforth Hayes and her longevity in the role, so maybe instead of this nonsense, give her something to do besides being an annoying ass?

I fully expect, now that Rolf is on site, for Julie to get a heart transplant from a deceased chipmunk and start calling herself "Alvin".  

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17 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

That was one of the best episodes ever.  Julie admitting she hated cruises and Kayla having the munchies and being obsessed with tacos.

Yes back when the show had light hearted moments I know many didn't like Tomlin but that episode was a keeper and JJ was such a better character back then with a ton of potential little did I know...

9 hours ago, tribeca said:

Gabi should have been more upset about Kate being murdered . Maybe she knew Kate would not go that easily.  Her non reaction just seemed out of character.  I really don’t remember Vivian and Gabi history.  

Stefan sure gets turned on by weird stuff. 

There is no history between Vivian/Gabi its contrived/retcon.

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5 hours ago, Lastwaltz said:

Apologies in advance to Gabi fans, but I can't tell the difference between her being in love with Stefan and hating him. She's perfected the badass smoking hot woman who doesn't take anyone's shit, but she's having a hard time transitioning to a woman in love, I think. The actress is always enjoyable whenever she's on screen, but I'm seeing a few hollow notes. 

Hope's stalling with Doug bothered me a LOT. I've had to have that conversation in real life, and while it's very hard, you get it done. The information isn't hers to keep from Doug and Julie. And again, I understand how hard it is, but she's supposed to be able to keep a stiff upper lip long enough to comfort her aged father, for god's sake. 

Nice to catch a glimpse of Jack, Jenn, and JJ, however brief. Get back to that story, show! 

Yeah its another reason I don't buy Stabi in love because there isn't even a subtle difference between the two at least on her end. I think BB at least is more convincing despite the bad writing.

I do agree about Doug/Hope but they should've had Kayla do it if Hope can't. Even JJ or Jennifer would've worked.

I'm torn about JJ and his parents getting airtime. Sure I like to see them OTOH I find myself regretting seeing characters I like get airtime on this show...

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18 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Loved the idea of Kate rising from the grave and wandering around town like a zombie.

Dang...now I wish we'd seen that...

I want to know how she managed to walk into that hospital and get on the elevator without anyone seeing her. I live in a small country town with a little tiny hospital and still each entrance has a security guard and an information desk. The main entrance also has valet. How could she possibly have gone through all of that and gotten upstairs to wherever it is Kayla was without anyone else seeing her?

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7 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

Dorian as Vivian doesn't work for me anymore than Blair as Eve does.

If we see Vivian and Eve in a scene for me it will be like seeing Dorian and Blair together all over again. They sure arent Eve and Vivian. I *still* don't get Kassie as Eve.

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I am a broken record on this point, but it irritated me again today...


*rips out hair, knits it into a sweater Sonny can wear instead*

Edited by TeeVee329
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Marlena has a living room!

Why would Nicole and Eric take Holly there and not to the Kiriakis mansion to stay with Maggie for a bit? Or with Abe?

Viv's wig looked decent today.

Did like Nicole ripping in to Kristen. Also liked the mature chat between her, Eric and Brady. Not a usual thing for this show.

Viv, you don't need to fill Sarah Horton's head with all these wonderful stories of all is fair in love and war. She is an adult woman and she can make her own choices - from a place without insecurity. If Sarah chooses to keep her baby and it is Eric's, both can find a way to coparent as adults. Maybe he will stay with Nicole, maybe they will split again after a bit.

I don't see much of any great love with Gabi and Stefan, but they do argue well.

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Thing I wanted from this episode:  A three-person hug between Eric, Nicole and Brady.  It would have beat that awkward handshake. 

Thing that amused me about the episode: When Nicole was yelling at Kristen and she said that Jack might rip up the deal since his whole campaign was based on law & order.  Are we supposed to believe that, while Nicole was trying to save her life and Holly's life, she was paying close attention to the Salem mayoral race?

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2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I am a broken record on this point, but it irritated me again today...


*rips out hair, knits it into a sweater Sonny can wear instead*

Maybe he takes after his uncle Victor who does the same thing at home sitting in a chair all day.  

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10 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Especially nice to see fiery Nicole back. But I also really appreciated the mature conversation she, Brady and Eric had today. That was really refreshing. 

This was my favorite part of the episode.  I watched that twice.  Brady's sincere apology made me tear up.  I wish they would have finished up by hugging it out.  Putting the romantic times aside, they have been friends for a long time.      

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7 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

Yes back when the show had light hearted moments I know many didn't like Tomlin but that episode was a keeper and JJ was such a better character back then with a ton of potential little did I know...

There is no history between Vivian/Gabi its contrived/retcon.

It was Vivian's plan for Andre to steal Gabi chic, so they (Viv, Stefan, and Andre) can take control of Dimera. 

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John’s “smell the fart” face at Kristen today was so intense even my nose hairs singed. 

Let me get this straight. Eric can’t know he’s the father of Sarah’s baby because he loves Nicole and is going to build a family with Holly? Holly, who is not his biological child being raised by him would be disrupted by him knowing he has another one? And Holly being part of his life matters more than knowing he has a kid? Also, Sarah assumes this would disturb Nicole, who many times dated/married men with children by other ladies or simply stolen their children to keep a man, that she’d leave Eric? Or that Eric, who has obsessed over Nicole and praised her constantly would be automatically guilted into dumping her now or something? Also cute she screeched so much about Rex’s lying and trashy Mimi’s bullshit and yet here’s Sarah again doing fuckery. She’s a hypocrite. NOT as bad but still a hypocrite. 

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10 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Did like Nicole ripping in to Kristen. Also liked the mature chat between her, Eric and Brady. Not a usual thing for this show.

Honestly, why do people even bother engaging with that woman anymore? I would have LOVED it if Jawn, when she said "I was going to say jealous," in that stupid, insinuating voice of hers, had outright laughed in her face. Just stop taking her seriously, People of Salem! It's guaranteed to drive her up the wall. 

10 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

Thing I wanted from this episode:  A three-person hug between Eric, Nicole and Brady.  It would have beat that awkward handshake. 

That handshake was super-awkward. I think Eric Martsolf actually does a pretty good job with Brady's contrition scenes -- and there are so many! I kind of buy it, or at least I wanted to this time, that Brady really does regret being such an obnoxious tool. His family and friends really shouldn't fall for it anymore, since we all know it won't last. But Martsolf sells this kind of thing just about as well as anyone could, I think, and better than some other kinds of scenes he has to play. But a handshake with Eric? That was a bit anti-climactic. But maybe Still Whispery Former Father Uncle Eric is learning to be skeptical?

Edited to add: Also, writers, mayors don't make decisions about criminal prosecutions and immunity.

Edited by Sandman
Shut up, Jack.
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1 hour ago, Sandman said:

Also, writers, mayors don't make decisions about criminal prosecutions and immunity.

I'm sorry to disagree, but I have proof, visual and audio proof that indeed, some Mayors DO have powers extraordinare!  Not to mention the Coroners....

Salem's legal system is based upon precedent.  

Now why can't someone just drop a house on Kristen and be done with it?

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2 hours ago, Sandman said:

Edited to add: Also, writers, mayors don't make decisions about criminal prosecutions and immunity.

In the real world, it would be the Governor (if the crime was entirely within the state that Salem is in) or the President (if they crossed state lines or committed a Federal offense) who would have the final say, not the Mayor.

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Ouch.  Brady tells Kristen that she's all his because nobody else wants her.  That's a sting.

Rolf is a research scientist, Jennifer, not a surgeon.

I don't think Parker or Arianna are still living at the Kiriakis mansion, so why does Maggie have juice boxes?

"Hey, Sarah, thanks for being a placeholder for me with my boyfriend."

Is Kristen still wearing the same dress she was wearing when she was arrested?

No, Nicole was not reunited with her family.  She has no family in Salem.  Her family is her evil father, her brother, her mother, and her sister, none of whom lives in town.

I don't like Xander as a woobie.

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