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S01.E07: Penguin's Umbrella


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As violence between Maroni (guest star David Zayas) and Falcone continues to escalate, Penguin reveals a new component of his manipulative strategy, forcing Gordon to deal with the consequences of his decision to spare Penguin's life in the all-new "Penguin's Umbrella" episode



  • Love 1

Gordon walking up with a shotgun in the air and being all guns a blazin'......twas hot!  I also can't get over how much I absolutely love the pained look on his face every time Harvey says or does something totally vile.  The look when Harvey was heading upstairs for a game of Marco Polo with his lady friend was the best moment of the whole damn episode.  


Given that Gordon seems to be all about bringing down corruption in Gotham, why again does Cobblepot have such a bromance with him???  


Barbara is a dumb, dumb lady.  Of course she won't stay away....and runs herself right into danger and ruining things for Jim.  And she wonders why he doesn't want to tell her things.  Boo.  Stop making the womens so dumb show!  

  • Love 11


The look when Harvey was heading upstairs for a game of Marco Polo with his lady friend was the best moment of the whole damn episode.


I couldn't stop giggling at his face trying to hide his disgust. 


So Penguin is double crossing Maroni by seemingly double crossing Falcone?  Well he's genius, I'll give him that.  But I think they should have held off on this for a few more weeks.  


Glad to see how 'loyal' the GCPD is.  Zsasz yells out "PLEASE?!" they all leave.  I almost felt sorry for Gordon. 

  • Love 3
Guest Accused Dingo

"Alive is a very broad category."

I enjoyed this episode very much. I loved Jim Gorden's righteous anger and insane plan to arrest the mayor and mob boss.

Like always loved rhe Penguin and loved the reveal that this was all his master plan.

The scene between Montoya and Gordon was well done and the scenes where Gordon told Bruce he could trust her and her partner was well done.

Gotham PD walked out of there pretty quick when Zasz told them too. I half expected Gordon to win the fight and shame the rest of the police but that would have been too easy.

I usually find Barbara useless but I saw a glimmer of what Gordon must see in her. A glimmer of hidden strength. The show needs to use her more. Figure out who and what she is.

This was probably my favorite episode of the season.

Edited by Accused Dingo
  • Love 6

Oswald has groveling and manipulation down to a science.  I have to complement Robin Lord Taylor for working in so many different degrees of inflection to distinguish between pandering, humility, and not so subtle gloating.  He presents such different faces to everyone.  I do think his behavior in front of the men he bought was legend-building, but he probably enjoyed giving the kiss of death to an enemy.  I like the idea that he has been Falcone's man all along.  Part of me thinks that he could be sincerely grateful to Jim for saving his life, and having the opportunity to return the favor.  Most of me thinks he is keeping Jim around so that he will have someone who cannot be easily intimidated to arrest his adversaries.


The secret weapon is doing her job well, and she is someone that Oswald doesn't know.


Oh Barbara.  I wanted so much for you to be a better character than you have appeared to be, but then you go and walk right up to Carmine Falcone.  Not even in a public place, at his home.  Can you imagine how many bodies have been carted away from there?


At least Montoya and and Allen did something useful, and Montoya apologized.  Allies!  Hopefully.  I laughed at Allen being frog-marched down to the car by Alfred.


Harvey may be an unapologetic slob, but this is the second episode in a row where he has made an effort, and it makes him likeable.  He was even enjoying the 'blaze of glory' part of the operation.


Edited for spelling

Edited by MisterGlass
  • Love 6

The last few minutes were totally worth everything!


We even got Badass Alfred and appropriately-concerned Bruce hugging with Gordon. (Jim, the kid who has just lost his folks may lose you to people who killed his folks; stop looking unsure about hugging him in reassurance!) Montoya and Allen buy a vowel ("O") and are hopefully  on the same page. I liked the doctor tending to Jim in the dissection lab! *g*  Maybe the three cops and/or Harvey can actually find The Real Killer(s). I don't mind if they don't; the city is so corrupt finding the actual perpetrator of one criminal act that is protected by the "right" people is going to be Sisyphean as it is.


Oswald? At least folks know your nature. I am upset you killed Eddie. I enjoyed his reactions to you and your ass-kissing. Just don't forget the nugget of wisdom you gave him.


A mix of emotions about the chickens. Glad there were no fowl necks broken, even as I was waiting for it to happen. Liza? I'm expecting to poison him.


Essen? That's why she is followed; she stands by her men, regardless of her personal feelings. She wants things to change, but she is very aware of her vulnerable  points.


Harvey? Continue to love him. I was thinking that Jim was...uncomfortable with the knowledge of what was to happen him the bedroom he and Barbara share. Not an image you want to have of your co-worker. (see also: Det. Joe West, The Flash)  Speaking of, that gent is getting around as a Bad Man! The Mist on Flash and Szasz here! Kudos, sir!


Again, that ending was great and I enjoyed the flashback. Carmine didn't get to where he is by being dumb. He's got a clock ticking on Oswald; it whether anyone else's clock on Falcone is about to go off.


eta: I enjoyed having Sal and Carmine face-to-face. It is reasonable, considering the circumstances, plus the actors are great to watch. Fish glaring at Oswald was great too, as was her sit-down with Moroni. Butch using the nuns, though? I hope word got back to Falcone and he has something in mind for Butch about that jackassery. Nuns!!

Edited by Actionmage
  • Love 2

That was fun. Oswald is truly everybody's best friend, isn't he? He's almost adorable . . . especially when he has to explain stuff like "honk honk." Then he has to go and kill a guy, and the luster fades.


Also nice to see that Gordon isn't going to get his way right away. Going after the (ragingly impotent) Mayor and Falcone was suicidal at best. And he would've gotten away with it if Barbara wasn't an idiot. She's useless. She's not worthless like Laurel Lance over on Arrow, but she's a little too close to there. At least Montoya and Allen aren't enemies with Gordon anymore.


You think Harvey and the "Duchess" are a "thing"? I can totally see it. Or maybe she is Harvey's type.


Anybody else miss Selina? I'm not missing Eddie . . . the villain quirk was delivered by Victor Zsasz. Especially with the "Funkytown" ringtone and asking the GCPD to vacant the premises.


ETA: "wasn't an idea"? Stupid keyboard dyslexia.

  • Love 5

I really enjoyed this episode. Ben McKenzie was insanely hot as Gordon strutted around with that shotgun.


I am giving Barbara a break because Falcone could not go down.


I liked Montoya apologizing to Jim. It was very classy. I don't think that she and her partner can solve anything much less the Waynes'  murders. I cracked up when Alfred jacked up Montoya's partner.


Oswald kissing the guy after he killed him was freaky as hell, but I had to laugh. 


James' reaction to Harvey and his woman playing Marco Polo was hysterical.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 3

Yawn. I almost feel like checking out, to be completely honest. This episode was just so boring...lots of blind action sequences, all of which I've seen done better before, and the pacing having all the urgency of a retiree on a Sunday morning stroll. I used to love this show for the layers and the complexity of the characters...I don't think we really saw any of that, just 40+ minutes of seeing just how much of an action star Ben McKenzie is...or isn't.


I did enjoy John Doman in this episode...he conveys a very assured, trusting Carmine Falcone, and it's good that the writing is playing up to that. I knew, soon enough, he'd figure out that Fish was on to him and it seemed like tonight he knew where Lizzie really came from. It does help that Oswald Cobblepot gave him a nice tip several weeks ago...I thought the reveal of Cobblepot being the real mastermind was done pretty well, since it was subtle. I'm also thinking Cobblepot takes over for Maroni at some point, if only because David Zayas is only an occasional guest star and Doman and Robin Lord Taylor are part of the main cast.


Really didn't like how Barbara was just simply weak in this episode, and had to be positioned in such a way that she had to be saved. *groan* Why can't Barbara Kean do anything except be a victim? I see no point in having the character if all she'll be is a pawn.


I also thought they really did neuter Sarah Essen here...she wants to stand by James Gordon and help him take down Victor Zsasz and when Gordon barks at her to leave, she just meekly accepts? Seriously?


Didn't like how the cop Zsasz shot was a woman...given how poorly this show treats its women, it was in poor taste.


Did buy the entire department leaving on Zsasz's command...dude's creepy, and I didn't think the force liked "The Boy Scout" anyway. Zsasz himself was pretty cool, although the writing didn't allow him to really be as tough as he could be.


Liked how Major Crimes did an about face and started to protect Jim, although I think it was haphazardly done. It also seemed rather quick of Jimmy to trust them so soon after they tried to take him down but I guess he doesn't have too much of a choice in his predicament. I also liked how Harvey Bullock came full circle and decided to ultimately support Gordon, though I hated how much of a cipher Bullock was here...for such an important plot point, they sure glossed over it.


I do have hope that next week things will turn around and we'll get past the obvious "wham" that was supposed to be the Cobblepot reveal. Unfortunately, the show just had to have the weakest episode of the season to do it.

  • Love 1

This shows needs to write all these women better; Barbara is dumb, Montoya was marginally better than the obsessed nutcase she was in the previous episode, Fish's saving grace is that Jada plays her so over the top that it works, and even Selina - when she finally comes back - needs more layers.


I absolutely love John Doman/Carmine and Robin Lord Taylor knocks it out of the park every  every time.


Harvey got some, and the whole thing was hilarious.


Jim was insanely hot tonight. UNF.

  • Love 3

I find Barbara to be so annoying and useless. She decides to go to the very man who wants Gordon dead and apparently never considers that she might be used as leverage... and she does this after Gordon begs her to leave so that he does not have to worry about her being hurt or captured.  She willingly walks right into the lion's den. Unbelievable. Why do shows always have to make women so damn stupid? Why????


I don't blame Gordon one bit for not telling her anything. She cannot be trusted and is a liability to boot.


The lady cop apologizing to Gordon was very classy. Glad those two had Gordon's back. 


The reveal about Penguin at the end was very exciting... well played show.

Edited by Bandolero
  • Love 6

Really good episode.  Loved Jim's insane plan even if it didn't work, thanks to Barbara's enraging stupidity.  But I love Erin Richards so I can't hate her character.


Nice introduction to Victor Zsasz though I found the GPD ridiculously corrupt that the whole police force stood down.  Zsasz's "Please!" was pretty damn funny though and the whole sequence was awesome.  Harvey continues to be a riot.  Tremendous work by Robin Lord Taylor who continues to show different sides of his character.

Edited by benteen

Oswald has groveling and manipulation down to a science.  I have to complement Robin Lord Taylor for working in so many different degrees of inflection to distinguish between pandering, humility, and not so subtle gloating.  He presents such different faces to everyone.  I do think his behavior in front of the men he bought was legend-building, but he probably enjoyed giving the kiss of death to an enemy.  I like the idea that he has been Falcone's man all along.  Part of me thinks that he could be sincerely grateful to Jim for saving his life, and having the opportunity to return the favor.  Most of me thinks he is keeping Jim around so that he will have someone who cannot be easily intimidated to arrest his adversaries....

Robin Lord Taylor so completely inhabits the character of Penguin that it makes me seriously worry that he wil go the route of Heath Ledger playing The Joker. ):>(
  • Love 1

Robin Lord Taylor so completely inhabits the character of Penguin that it makes me seriously worry that he wil go the route of Heath Ledger playing The Joker. ):>(

I've watched some interviews and he just seems so thrilled and grateful. I hope he is really as nice in RL as he comes across. He has an unusual look, I wonder if he was ever bullied as a kid and draws on that for the role.

  • Love 3

Christ, I'm almost hoping Barbara actually is in league with Falcone, and this was all a set-up.  She can be that idiotic, can she?  Not merely trying to reason with a freaking mob boss like Falcone, but apparently doing so in a way, that they were able to easily capture her?  Please tell me that isn't true.  Crap, I was actually warming up to her, but I can root for someone that dim.


Besides that, I really enjoyed the episode.  While I'm a little bit bummed we didn't get to see the immediate aftermath, I loved how Oswald's reveal threw almost everyone in chaos.  Fish freaking out.  Bullock attacking Gordon.  Falcone breaking out Victor Zsasz (and, yes, I totally recognized that he was the same actor who played The Mist on The Flash.  I guess casting directors like him for this type of role).  Gordon worrying about Barbara.  A decent game changer.


Glad though, that Bullock came around at the end.  I really like the Gordon/Bullock pairing, now that Bullock does seem to have some kind of affection for Gordon, and Gordon is more amusement by him at times, and doesn't always just get annoyed with him.  I think they have a good rhythm now, and Ben McKenzie and Donal Logue continue to shine both together and apart.


Also glad Allen/Montoya used this reveal to actually acknowledge they were wrong, and help Gordon out.  Maybe they'll finally get more interesting, and not just be annoying pests.


For a second, I feared that Gordon was actually going to hide at the Wayne Manor.  Bruce and Gordon as roomies would have been too much, even for this show.  Glad that didn't happen.  Did like seeing Alfred kick some ass.


Really like Falcone vs. Maroni, and how John Doman and David Zayas, play the characters.  In some ways, I find them more compelling then Fish.


Still, I continue to be Team Oswald all the way.  They way he is playing almost everyone is beautiful to watch.  And he really wants Gordon to see the light!  Yeah, the guy totally wants Gordon to be his BFF!  Robin Lord Taylor is just owning this role, left and right. Really one of the breakout stars of this season.


Still, show: maybe try and do something with you female characters, please.  Essen at least showed loyalty, but bailed, after Gordon told her too.  Selina was absent again.  Montoya still has ways to go, Fish is Fish, and I've given up on Barbara.   You really need to step it up in this department, Gotham.

Edited by thuganomics85
  • Love 3

Oh, wow.  Hmm, no one's mentioning Jim with his long legs in his undies??? I will!!  Looked like a long tall glass of water in that shot.


Yahoo TV is saying the show is messing up by becomming the Penguin show but I don't see that and everyone here seems focused on Gordon, and not just cuz he's got nice legs. :)


The stupid female cliche is driving me crazy, and I'm not entirely sure Major Crimes has Jim's back.  They were side eying each other at the Wayne Mansion.  But I hope so.


Falcone is good, really good in the role and as an actor.  Harvey was fun but ewwwwww....maybe Jim had a guest room? We can hope.

  • Love 2

...I'm almost hoping Barbara actually is in league with Falcone, and this was all a set-up.  She can be that idiotic, can she?...

show: maybe try and do something with you[r] female characters, please....

What was most unbelievable to me was that Jim didn't act even a little annoyed at her.

Sheesh. Next week we'll see her tied to a train track by the landlord, right?

  • Love 4

Who would have thought that Abernathy Darwin Dunlap would make a great Penguin?  Every single week he continues to show everyone why this is his show.


Love that Falcone and Oswald are working together.  There's just one problem for Falcone, he thinks he and Oswald are playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers, but he doesn't realize that Oswald is about 20 steps ahead of him.  Oswald is manipulating everything and it's awesome.


And to be shallow, Barbara is still stunning.

Edited by Jediknight
  • Love 1

Oh Barbara, Barbara, Barbara. Her only redeeming feature is that she knows she was an idiot. Meanwhile Cobblepot and Falcone are playing chess while the cops (and other crooks) are playing checkers.


Let's be real. The cops and other crooks are playing tic-tac-toe. Checkers is too complex for them.


Given that Gordon seems to be all about bringing down corruption in Gotham, why again does Cobblepot have such a bromance with him???  


Barbara is a dumb, dumb lady.  Of course she won't stay away....and runs herself right into danger and ruining things for Jim.  And she wonders why he doesn't want to tell her things.  Boo.  Stop making the womens so dumb show!  


Cobblepot (presumably) wants to eventually take over from Falcone and the rest. He may see Gordon as a tool to help him do that. Or it may be,as he explained, if you know what someone loves, you can destroy them. So he doesn't see Gordon as a threat.


Or it could be that Cobblepot is impressed that Gordon didn't give into the pressure and just kill him like 99.9 percent of GCPD probably would have in that spot. I saw Ossie sparing Gordon's life as returning the favor.


The real question is why Falcone -- who clearly thought he and Bullock should die -- followed Ossie's advice and let them live.


Oswald? At least folks know your nature. I am upset you killed Eddie. I enjoyed his reactions to you and your ass-kissing. Just don't forget the nugget of wisdom you gave him.


A mix of emotions about the chickens. Glad there were no fowl necks broken, even as I was waiting for it to happen. Liza? I'm expecting to poison him.


I definitely expect that Penguin will eventually shore up his only weakness by killing his mom by the end of the season. But then, I also expect Chekhov's chicken necks to be wrung as well.

  • Love 1

Nice; I recognized a couple of locations in the episode. I think the bus station where Barbara left is a Metro-North station in Yonkers.

Well, it took 7 episodes, but things are finally coming together! Plot-wise this might be the best episode yet.


Wow. The GCPD really suck as human beings as well as cops.


It makes no sense for Falcone to keep Fish around. I like her, but if he knows she's planning to overthrow him, it doesn't make sense. I hope she has a Plan C.


Way to be extra creepy with that kiss, Penguin!


Seriously, Barbara, why would you come back??? Gah. Well, now we've got her first kidnapping done with.


How would Oswald know anything about Gordon? Enough to know he wouldn't kill him? Obviously he was taking a chance, but still.


Even though this episode was pretty dark, there was some humor, please keep that up, Show.

Edited by Trini
  • Love 1

So Montoya is SO concerned about Barbara's safety and then just conveniently takes her time showing up when HER actions ACTUALLY put Barbara in jeopardy? Sure she apologized, but where was she for the day or so in the middle?  Also, is the mob in Gotham so inner focused they can't track a bus ticket and follow someone?  I mean even if Barbara wasn't the stupidest person ever and came back on her own, how did they already not know where she was?


The women on this show sure get treated like shit, characterwise.  One stubborn, then who acts too late, and the other as dumb as a post.


Also Jada Smith?  So tired of her and her overacting.

  • Love 2

I thought this was a riveting episode.  It moved the action forward at a brisk pace and wasn't weighed down by pointless comic book cameos.


I want to call what Barbara did stupid but if she didn't do that then Gordon would've been dead. There's no way in hell that Falcone's going to do a perp walk without any pay back. It also didn't help that he pretty much gave her the "I'm going to die," speech. Maybe it was irrational, but it made sense for her to try to save him by going to the biggest and baddest crime boss.

The Penguin's machinations are risky but brilliant. I almost think that he purposely got caught snitching just so he could talk to the big boss.  It is interesting that Penguin and Falcone are so far ahead of everybody and that Mooney for all intents and purposes has been effectively neutered ( I know it should be spayed but neutered sounds better).  However, there's one play that Fish has left and that's her weapon. That girl has surely seen the meeting between Falcone and Oswald and I  imagine that Mooney will learn about this secret meeting soon enough.


Finally I think one of Montoya and Allen is dirty as hell. That car's arrival in the middle of the gunfight was a bit too convenient, I assume Montoya so we can continue this silly love triangle but Allen's looking pretty suspicious as well.


I like the way the Gordon bullock relationship continues to develop. He might be lazy, sleazy, and slimy but Bullock's heart is in the right place.


Lastly, it's going to be interesting to see how everybody in the precinct acts next week after they were just made to look like wimps.

  • Love 4

interesting that Penguin and Falcone are so far ahead of everybody and that Mooney for all intents and purposes has been effectively neutered ( I know it should be spayed but neutered sounds better).  However, there's one play that Fish has left and that's her weapon. That girl has surely seen the meeting between Falcone and Oswald and I  imagine that Mooney will learn about this secret meeting soon enough.

I read those final scenes with the girl, Falcone and the Penguin totally differently.  There's a knowing look in Falcone's eyes when he looked at her, and as visible as you'd THINK Penguin and his umbrella would be, the layout of the house and the coop made it look to me like she (deliberately) had no view of the area. While I might wonder if the girl might come out of the house to check on Falcone if she suspected he was having a meet, she's got appearances to keep up with him and I doubt she'd risk him seeing her do that for something that looked like established routine from him.


So I dunno.  I'm on the fence here on whether Fish has a card left to play, or just another trap laid for her.  One wonders why Falcone hasn't just taken her out, but there's SOME reason we're not being told yet, I guess.

Finally I think one of Montoya and Allen is dirty as hell. That car's arrival in the middle of the gunfight was a bit too convenient, I assume Montoya so we can continue this silly love triangle but Allen's looking pretty suspicious as well.

The person who's motivations we know least about is always the most suspicious.  We know Montoya's motivations, but Allen's are about as clear as mud.

  • Love 1

Best episode yet. The twist at the end with Penguin and Falcone was nicely played. The fact that Oswald is desperate for Gordon to see the light kind of speaks volumes too, doesn't it?

I don't want to hate Barbara but bloody hell, she's at seriously risk of becoming the Lana Lang/Laurel Lance of this show if she doesn't wise up.

Of course she had to get herself kidnapped by Falcone and Victor and be used in order to get Gordon to back down.

Falcone is interesting though, I'll give him that and I do like that he's fully aware of Fish's scheming and the meet up scene with him and Maroni was nicely played between the two as well.

Bullock had some interesting moments in this episode and even Essen showed a bit more character as well.

Having both Renee and Crispus as allies to Gordon is a lot better than what we had gotten in the previous episode. Good scenes with Bruce and Alfred as well.

Much as I love them, the episode worked by not having Edward and Selina in the mix, 9/10

  • Love 4

This was a really good episode.  I admit I haven't read the comics on Batman or Gotham so I don't know who the characters are supposed to be or turn out to be but I really thought something was up with Montoya and Allen. I thought they were going to take Gordon to one of the crime bosses.  I still don't believe one of them isn't dirty.  My money is on Allen(?) the guy.


Loved Alfred in this and glad Harvey came around, even though I was worried when he first knocked on the door.  This show has got me paranoid, I trust no one but Gordon.


I didn't miss Selina in this one, but I'm not a huge fan.  I just want to slap the stupid out of Barbara, smh.

  • Love 2

Love a show where the bad guys are the most fun to watch. Every new one they bring on I enjoy. I'm more into the show every week and did NOT think it was the weakest episode at all. Though I did hate how they used the Barbara character. You knew from the moment she was put on the bus that she'd come back and ruin things. Not a character but a dumb and overused plot device. Would have been better if one of the baddies had TRACKED her down and dragged her back so she wouldn't appear to be such an idiot.


Who thinks that Fish's spy girl (forgot her name) is going to poison Falcone by muffin before this is through?

  • Love 2

I read those final scenes with the girl, Falcone and the Penguin totally differently.  There's a knowing look in Falcone's eyes when he looked at her, and as visible as you'd THINK Penguin and his umbrella would be, the layout of the house and the coop made it look to me like she (deliberately) had no view of the area. While I might wonder if the girl might come out of the house to check on Falcone if she suspected he was having a meet, she's got appearances to keep up with him and I doubt she'd risk him seeing her do that for something that looked like established routine from him.


So I dunno.  I'm on the fence here on whether Fish has a card left to play, or just another trap laid for her.  One wonders why Falcone hasn't just taken her out, but there's SOME reason we're not being told yet, I guess.

The person who's motivations we know least about is always the most suspicious.  We know Montoya's motivations, but Allen's are about as clear as mud.

I got a little concerned when Gordon told Bruce that in the event that anything happened to him that montoya and allen could be "trusted completely"  that sort of bold statement often seems to turn against the person who made it.  


I think Falcone knows about the bait, I'm not sure if he likes her enough to try to turn her, but I think he knows about her.  I mean, maybe if he didn't know about Fish, it might be plausible that some young, beautiful creature shows up in your life listening to the same opera your mother loved, and she wants to really spend time cooking and cleaning for you, but knowing about Fish, I hope would put him in a frame of mind to suspect everyone and everything.


I wonder how Penguin is going to take out Falcone and Maroni.  Maybe the war is coming because Penguin is going to start it, but then what becomes of Fish?  So many questions!

  • Love 1

...Finally I think one of Montoya and Allen is dirty as hell. That car's arrival in the middle of the gunfight was a bit too convenient, I assume Montoya so we can continue this silly love triangle but Allen's looking pretty suspicious as well....

Probably--unless it was just comic book style action--which the show certainly is about.
  • Love 1

Love a show where the bad guys are the most fun to watch. Every new one they bring on I enjoy. I'm more into the show every week and did NOT think it was the weakest episode at all. Though I did hate how they used the Barbara character. You knew from the moment she was put on the bus that she'd come back and ruin things. Not a character but a dumb and overused plot device. Would have been better if one of the baddies had TRACKED her down and dragged her back so she wouldn't appear to be such an idiot.


Yep, thats exactly what I thought.  I knew she was gonna come back and try to be a savior.  The minute I saw her face on the window of that bus, I just knew it.  I didn't think she would be stupid enough to go to Falcone's house, but I knew it was going to be something, I knew she was going to become a liability.  I'm annoyed by it, but will work to simply accept that she is going to be the consummate damsel in distress.

  • Love 1
Guest Accused Dingo

I haven't had much use for Barbara because they haven't done much with her but what is really the difference between Jim and Bullock going to Falcone's place and Barbara? Jim and Bulluck were expecting it to die went anyway guns ablazibg and we call it heroic Barbara went to beg for their life and we call it stupid? Mostly i think because it was done off screen and Barbara hasn't done much. The show needs to figure out what they want to do with Barbara.

Edited by Accused Dingo
  • Love 4

This was a great episode.  All the actors were very good - with the possible exception of the woman who plays Barbara Gordon.  I still have trouble buying the love between her and Gordon.  What is her attraction other than her looks?  She's easily swayed, gullible and naive.  Although it worked out in the end, Barbara acted like an idiot and ended up being the damsel in distress. 


When all of the cops in the precinct deserted Gordon during his confrontation with Victor and goons, I kept thinking "where is that self-righteous duo, Montoya and Allen?"  So I was glad that they finally showed up and helped Gordon escape.  I really like the friendship between Gordon and young Bruce.  It nicely shows why the grown-up Bruce trusted Gordon to do the right thing.  I also love that Bullock decided to back up Gordon.  Gordon knew his plan was suicidal but he knew he was doomed anyway, so why not go out in such a way that would spotlight the Pepper frame and make a point?  (Barbara's interference spoiled this plan.  They only survived because of Oswald's favor.)  However, Gordon's mobility with two bullet holes in him was a bit unrealistic.


The surprise reveal at the end was quite satisfying.  At first I thought Falcone's decision to spare Gordon's life was unrealistic and just a plot device to keep Gordon alive on a show about Gordon.  But then the plot twist with the Penguin was great.  Oswald/Penguin is really devious but he apparently does have a soft spot for Gordon.  RLT continues to impress.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 3

I haven't had much use for Barbara because they haven't done much with her but what is really the difference between Jim and Bullock going to Falcone's place and Barbara? Jim and Bulluck were expecting it to die went anyway guns ablazibg and we call it heroic Barbara went to beg for their life and we call it stupid? Mostly i think because it was done off screen and Barbara hasn't done much. The show needs to figure out what they want to do with Barbara.

Did Barbara take a gun and a hope of either being able to arrest (or at least kill) Falcone? If she didn't, it's not really the same.

  • Love 1

Excellent episode! Might be the best one yet. It was good to see them develop the character story lines without the "villain of the week" theme. I am a little perturbed that the bad guys have such momentum on their side, and that Gordon is always seemingly playing catch-up or trying to survive. I want to see him kick some serious you-know-what. The scene with Victor and the two female minions going after Gordon was rather weak because it made the bad guys look too strong. We already have these untouchable mob bosses, so it would be nice to see the good guys being the badasses for a change when at least up against the henchmen.


I'm actually liking Barbara and Gordon together now. Good episode for their relationship development. 


No Selina Kyle in this one, though, and only that one scene in the last episode where she sneaks into Wayne Manor. What's up?


Good to see Harvey come around. I was getting tired of his act.


Despite my criticisms I do think this was an instrumental episode and will re-watch this one.

Edited by APSimpson

Few quick points to add:


1. Pre-signed warrants are a pretty scary and unconstitutional thing. I don't know if the show wants to think us that in what he thinks are his last moments he is willing to take a trip to the dark side, or if it is just supposed to be handwaved that GCPD literally has a stack of blank checks to arrest whoever they want as something that's necessary for plot purposes. Judge Bam-Bam probably should watch his back, because even temporarily inconveniencing the Mayor and Falcone can't be good for his health.


2. Barbara, now that you've gotten your first hostage situation out of the way, you'll find the rest is like riding a bike. I do hope that they bolster her up some more now that she has a first-hand view of what the stakes are.


3. I wish we got some more insight into how Penguin's appearance at the end of last episode played out.


4. Is it possible Zzasz killed the Waynes? I don't think I still have the pilot on my dvr.

I was pleased that people actually got shot during the shooting scenes. About damned time someone has decent aim.


AND that during the shootout Gordon actually got hit not once, but twice.  I am SO used to the "hero" getting shot at by 8 different gunmen and no one making contact (I'm looking at YOU Jack Bauer.)  It was nice to see the villains have just as good aim for once.  

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Guest Accused Dingo

AND that during the shootout Gordon actually got hit not once, but twice. I am SO used to the "hero" getting shot at by 8 different gunmen and no one making contact (I'm looking at YOU Jack Bauer.) It was nice to see the villains have just as good aim for once.

The difference is Bauer HAD to win every fight he was in. Gordon has to lose...especially at first. He has to face such odds that even though he keeps getting knocked down by monsters he keeps getting up.

Edited by Accused Dingo
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