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S29.E06: Make Some Magic Happen

Tara Ariano
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This season is dragging. It's pretty boilerplate Survivor right now, nobody's really popping off the screen. I feel like I've seen most of these characters/strategies/struggles before, even with the BvW dynamic. 


I guess I find Keith funny. 

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Seriously, why was only one person doing the puzzle for the orange tribe while two people were working in tandem on the blue tribe? Ugh.

Actually I think it was Jon and Missy - but you're probably correct, functionally speaking.  Jon was pretty much on his own.

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Those kebabs were huge, they could have grilled them and split them over several days, if not a week, pretty easily. 

They don't have any kind of refrigeration to keep the food from going bad, even if it was cooked. There's no way it would have been good a week later, I doubt it would have been OK to eat the next day.

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Whoa whoa whoaaaa Dale... let's pull the hyperbole train over and grab some perspective here, you're still just playing a game. Your team did not "slaughter" your daughter right in front of you.


No shit!   And then when he snivelled something like, "It was the worst thing I ever saw happen to my daughter" -- being voted off Survivor -- all I could think was what a fucking blessed life the two of them must have.   God, that made me angry. 


Good riddance to you, you pampered asshole.   And if you ask me, your obsession with your daughter is just a bit, um, unhealthy.

I kind of rolled my eyes at the Rice Tribal Council. I'm like really, do we have to go through all this drama and questioning over rice? Just bring and tell them what you want to trade for it and leave.


I was hoping someone might say, "You know what, Jeff?   Keep your fucking rice."

Edited by millennium
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They don't have any kind of refrigeration to keep the food from going bad, even if it was cooked. There's no way it would have been good a week later, I doubt it would have been OK to eat the next day.


Totally agree.  Without the means to keep the food refrigerated, or dry, or protected from flies and other insects?  I wouldn't trust it by noon the next day.  Once the sun and humidity get up, that stuff would turn fast.


ETA: typo corrections

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What Jeff said, about the use of rice being irresponsible and about it helping them win challenges, was all on point; and he did acknowledge those there who were not culpable.  But it still bugs that this leaves out the ones who switched to the other tribe and did not get chewed out for their profligacy.

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I've wanted Dale's head ever since he caused Nadiya's boot, so I'm glad his chickens finally came home to roost for that.  Add in that he was gonna be a backer for John Rocker, and I'm more than pleased to see him go.  Though I'm also surprised to see him go so soon since I really thought he was getting a long-lasting edit.


Rooting for Jeremy, Natalie, and Julie to take it far for now, and I don't care what anyone else says.  I'm rooting for Missy and Baylor, too, to go far.

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Jeff's dramatic delivery of the rice didn't bother me.  There was a team of producers behind that decision.  Taking everything was over the top though.  Take the tarp but leave the machete.  They have no way to cut more fronds for the roof.  It is not enjoyable to watch people suffer to that degree. I thought both tribes were issued a machete on day one.   I think the resident doctor will make sure that tribe has some way to protect themselves from getting wet as they sleep.  Fungus is a threat in that climate and who knows what else.  


Casting was limited due to having to choose couples and it shows.  I cannot think of another reason why this season is so lack luster. 


Jeremy not wanting more rice.  I have no words. 

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It is not enjoyable to watch people suffer to that degree.


It's not?  I enjoyed it.  As many posters have pointed out they COULD have reinforced their roof (he didn't take all the machetes, they still had one); many, many, many other tribes have survived without a tarp at all.  Also, the tribe (at least the original tribe members) could have thought, or I don't know, maybe we should RATION the rice?  Then they wouldn't have been in the situation at all... 


But then again, I'm the person who was disappointed way back in Season 1 to find out they were giving them ANY food. 

Edited by Xena
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I wish Jeff had treated the bartering like they do in Big Brother: get the rice, but give up immunity for the next few challenges. I realize that would wreak havoc on their production, but it would've been an interesting strategy. I actually was expecting Jeff to offer that as an option last episode when Reed brought up the bartering. "Sure, you can have more rice...in exchange for that immunity idol."

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They still have a machete?!  Well then, get crackin'!.  


I think that is right?  Somebody correct me if I got it wrong.  I thought he took one, but left them one...


And yeah, they still could have picked sh*t up off the ground, even without one...

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Thanks.  Then there was no excuse for them to get so wet.  Why they didn't immediately get to reinforcing the roof will remain a mystery until the next person who is eliminated, from that tribe, is interviewed.


They merge next week (3 days) so the other camp will be chosen and they will all have rice and shelter.  Do things seem to be moving much faster than usual?  

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I think this is the first time in Survivor history that a tribe has lost rewards that they have previously won. I can't wait to see the merge when the former Coyopa tribe sees that there are no luxury items and no tarp at the new camp. I wonder if Missy will take any responsibility for this, as it seems to have been caused by her profligate rice cooking. 


I have to admit that after a fairly strong start, these last two episodes have been pretty boring. 


I think that the problem with Josh and Reed being so lovey dovey at camp is the same problem with any strong two person alliance that makes itself obvious. They are putting targets on their backs. Nobody wants to be reminded that there are two people who will stick together in any vote. Smart tribes will try to split them up. Whether Honeypoo is smart or not remains to be seen, since we've hardly gotten to know them, though if the rice situation is any indication, they are hardly rocket scientists. 

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I get the angst over losing the tarp, a thatched roof works when it is properly built and maintained but a tarp works when hung up properly. Also, the tarp was huge and it looked like they were using it the form at least one wall and a roof, if not two walls. So the tarp was providing a wind and rain barrier. The hammock and pillows could go in a heart beat. They are nice but not something that provides warmth and protection. The tarp and comforters are more then losing a bit of comfort.


That said, they could have easily repaired their roof and diminished the damage done by losing the tarp. Although they are further into the game so are far more spent and have less energy to muster. I kind of wonder why most tribes don't spend the down time, which there is a ton of, sitting around weaving palm fronds to make walls and reinforce the roof. Heck make a smaller secondary shelter to store wood to keep it dry or personal items to keep them dry. Everyone on Survivor talks about how there is a ton of down time, why not have a huge stake of palm fronds and weave a few times a day? It would improve your shelter, give you something to do, and make you more comfortable when the crappy weather hits.


Jeff took the hatchet and left the machete. Each tribe was given a hatchet to help make their shelters. It is not a normal camp item so I am assuming that the wood is harder to work with there then in the Philippines and they needed something stronger then a machete for initial camp construction. Since the shelter was built, losing the hatchet should not have been an issue and they could have used the machete to reinforce the roof.


Dale did the best he could with what little he had. The fake idol play was pretty smart, right down to the "I'll give you the idol if I stay" bit. Jon at least believed that he had an idol, I don't know if Jacquelyn didn't think he had an idol and convinced Jon of it or if they just decided that the better move was to simply stay true to the alliance. I am guessing that Missy and Baylor have told them that they are tight with Jeremy and Natalie so that they know that it is more then four people.


Dale had no social game but he knew that and said it on day one. His work ethic and efforts in challenges sure didn't seem like a good reason to keep him. He did the best with the little that he had but he had sunk his game a while back.


Baylor and Missy annoy. Their relationship strikes me as strange for a mother and daughter but that is probably because my relationship with my Mother is different. She encouraged independence and self reliance. Then again, she cried like mad when I happily drove away to leave for Graduate school a few thousand miles away. She said that was the hardest day she had raising kids.


Jeremy seems to be playing smart. He has an alliance that he is working with and encouraging. He is going along with the group decisions. He doesn't agree with the decisions and bitches like mad in his talking heads but it does not seem like anyone had picked up on it in the tribe. What benefit is there to challenging the rice trade? The dudes who conserved a ton of rice in their tribe were legitimately hungry and did not want to have nothing. I can understand that. So Jeremy suggests holding out when there is a vocal group wanting more rice. He says the merge is coming, we will probably win a reward with food as an option, we will probably have to give up the tarp and wet and cold sucks ass. What does he say when they whine about being hungry and starving and needing to eat?


I don't think there is an upside to challenging it and bitching in the talking heads lets him vent his frustration and not pick a bad fight.

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When Dale showed Jon his "idol" I kept expecting Jon to say something akin to "it's a fucking stick." But then Jon's probably never seen an episode of Survivor in his life and has no idea what an idol is supposed to look like.

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I wonder if Jon & Jaquie were tipped off that Dale's idol wasn't real.  Since Keith voted with them did he tell them he has the real idol?  I'd be surprised to hear he outed himself, but I can't imagine Jon letting the offer of Dale's idol slip through his fingers.  It's too tempting an offer when he has not only himself but his gf to protect.  Dale or Keith?  Align with one and boot the other.  Does it really matter which?  (I guess Keith could have offered Wes as an ally after the merge.)  I'm thinking either Jon and Jaquie figured out the idol wasn't real or they didn't believe Dale would hand it over to them.

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It's Survivor. When people try to vote out your allies (in this case your daughter) you in turn vote them out. I am not sure what the problem is here.

Not to speak for the OP, but I read that as Missy being all pissy that anyone would dare target her daughter. Missy's the one who needs to be reminded that this is how the game is played, and that no one is going to let you just romp to the end. It seems that there is frequently a player who is shocked - shocked! that other people also want to win, and that they aren't there just to help their entitled ass to the end. 


If Dale had voted Keith and they went to the fire-making duel, I wonder who would have won? 

I thought that was just for Final 4? Aren't they still at the rock pulling stage?

Edited by riley702
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At this stage, I am rooting for Natalie, Reed, and (I surprise myself) Julie.


I know they don't choose their clothes, but that fringey bathing suit top that Missy is wearing.  Ugh.  I know I said it last week, but the Missy-Baylor Show can close up shop anytime now, as far as I'm concerned.  Man how they bug.  The lost kid in the store, the she's-about-to-cry-so-I'm-going-to-weep.  Ugh.  Baylor acts like she's 8 years old.  And Missy acts like she's the world's first and only mother.


I think men in general may not fully appreciate how difficult temperature homeostasis can be physiologically for a woman with zero body fat and very little muscle mass, wearing scanty wet clothes.  In  the rain, outside, at night, for hours.  It makes you wonder if TPTB monitor for hypothermia.

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The thing with idols: Keith's idol was found at Hunahpu, so as far as Coyopa is concerned, just because Keith had one doesn't mean Dale couldn't have found one.  He's been at Coyopa all along and could have found it at any time. (We know that Dale didn't find one, but as far as Coyopa is concerned, the idol at their campsite was still up for grabs. They don't know that Rocker found it and walked off with it.)


The burning issue for me is Baylor's fingernails.  They are perfectly manicured with orange polish that is not chipped or peeled.  Now how did she manage that after being out there for 14 days?  Or does she have fake nails?  Or could she bring fingernail polish with her and do her nails?  Maybe they're all having makeover parties or something?


I was noticing Wes smiling and gesturing to people at Coyopa.  His dad, of course, but I believe Jon, too.  We haven't seen too much of him lately, but I think he and his dad will be in alliance with Jon and Jaquie and possible Missy and Baylor.


ETA: I am rooting for Natalie right now.  I think she's been playing smart the past few weeks after her Rocker outburst. Volunteering to go with Baylor to Exile Island was a game ploy to get on Missy and Baylor's good side.

Edited by Lamb18
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I think Baylor must have a gel manicure.  They apparently are indestructible for weeks.  You have to go back to the salon to have it removed.  Probably by holding your hands submerged in turpentine or something.  :)

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Natalie is in an alliance with Missy and Jeremy so her going to Exile was an attempt to further cement that alliance. Jon was a part of the men's alliance at his original tribe but that was never a real thing since Jeremy was not planning on following through with it. Jon was caught off guard with the Drew vote.


Jon thought he was in an alliance with Reed, Drew, Jeremy, Keith, and Natalie. Drew was very clear that Natalie was in their alliance because she was pretty much a guy.


Jon really only had an alliance with Drew, Reed, and Keith


Jeremy was in an alliance with Natalie, Missy, Julie and someone I am totally blanking on....


So at the merge, Missy pulled in Baylor making that alliance Jeremy, Missy, Baylor, Natalie, Julie and the person I am blanking on.


Jon and Jaquie (sp) remain a wild card because they could end up with Keith and Wes or Missy and Baylor. Keith did get votes from his "alliance" so he might not be as thrilled to work with Jon and Jaquie or Missy and Baylor. I don't know who Wes has an alliance with at this point so I am not certain what Keith and Wes's options are. We did not see Jon tell Keith about Dale's offer to give him the fake idol so I think that Keith is seen as a fifth wheel at this point.

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Baylor's manicure was looking pretty rough on my screen.


She and Missy must be more likable than editing shows.  It seems like Jon, Jacqueline and Natalie all want to ally with them.  

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I'm not as smart or worldly as Alec, so maybe one of you can explain to me how one goes about becoming a "meat collector"?  Does he have multiple refrigerators/freezers at home in which to display his vast collection?  Does he cryo-vac the specimens he collects?  Does he catalog the acquisitions with sub-categories like "Pork - Bacon" and "Pork - Ribs"?  I wonder if he limits his finds to the US or is he an international meat collector?

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Probst's proselytizing was soooo over the top. No, Jeff, they were actually pretty smart because they got to smash all the challenges for 13 days only for you to come bail them out because starving people make bad television. They'll loose some toenails to the rain, make it to merge, and be fine. And have about double the amount of food. Win, win, win.

Yes, I think there's a game theory argument that given two tribes and an eventual tribe swap, eating more rice the first few days is the best strategy. Here goes:


Call one strategy Greedy and the other Thrifty. Preswap, Greedy tends to win more challenges and reduce the chance of being voted out. Thrifty saves rice for post swap, but you might not still be there to enjoy it.


So four possible outcomes:for the swap.

Go from a Greedy tribe to a Thrifty one. Optimal. All the preswap benefits and postswap benefits.

Go from a Greedy tribe to a Greedy one. Post swap sucks, but at least preswap was pretty sweet.

Go from a Thrifty tribe to a Thrifty one. Preswap sucked, but at least you have something to eat postswap.

Go from a Thrifty tribe to a Greedy one. The worst of both pre and post swap.


So the only way to get the best outcome is if your initial tribe is Greedy, and the only way to protect yourself from the worst outcome is also to be in an initial tribe that's Greedy. That's classic Prisoner's Dilemma stuff, and that means Greedy is the way to go, no matter what the other tribe chooses to do.

Edited by Latverian Diplomat
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She and Missy must be more likable than editing shows.  It seems like Jon, Jacqueline and Natalie all want to ally with them.


You want people in an alliance that you can beat in the finale with them getting no votes. I see more people disliking them than liking them.

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I'm not as smart or worldly as Alec, so maybe one of you can explain to me how one goes about becoming a "meat collector"?  Does he have multiple refrigerators/freezers at home in which to display his vast collection?  Does he cryo-vac the specimens he collects?  Does he catalog the acquisitions with sub-categories like "Pork - Bacon" and "Pork - Ribs"?  I wonder if he limits his finds to the US or is he an international meat collector?

Maybe it's not collecting specimens, but more like birding? Like a birder with a life list of bird species they've seen. perhaps Alec has a life list of species he's eaten. I suggest he focus on the insects for a while, there's a lot of species to get through over there.

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Ahh, Rice-Gate 2014.

I was hoping someone might say, "You know what, Jeff?   Keep your fucking rice."

Except that Reed was totally on Josh's side, and Jeremy/Natalie/Julie (but mostly Jeremy,) didn't want to put a target on their backs by disagreeing - remember this is before any of this episodes challenges, and they don't want to cement the tribe with them down 4-3.  That being said, I can't believe they didn't wait until after the reward challenge to bring it up.  I suspect Reed and Josh had already decided to ask/mention the rice situation before they went to last weeks Immunity Challenge.

Jeremy not wanting more rice.  I have no words. 

It's kind of implied above, but I'll be direct:  I think Jeremy was totally correct in wanting to wait until after the reward challenge.  Josh and Reed are both supposed to be fans - this is the point in the show where virtually every reward challenge includes food.


They could have done a head count and known a merge was coming soon. 9 jurors, 3 finalists. Do the math, save your camp and forgo the rice.

But, assuming a final three can get one in trouble; in this case I agree with your conclusion, but I'm hesitant to endorse the reasoning.  It does follow the current Survivor pattern, and this show isn't obsessed with, "the most shocking twist, evah!," and in this case looks to be right - but for long term strategy, be careful.

Jeremy seems to be playing smart. He has an alliance that he is working with and encouraging. He is going along with the group decisions. He doesn't agree with the decisions and bitches like mad in his talking heads but it does not seem like anyone had picked up on it in the tribe. What benefit is there to challenging the rice trade? The dudes who conserved a ton of rice in their tribe were legitimately hungry and did not want to have nothing. I can understand that. So Jeremy suggests holding out when there is a vocal group wanting more rice. He says the merge is coming, we will probably win a reward with food as an option, we will probably have to give up the tarp and wet and cold sucks ass. What does he say when they whine about being hungry and starving and needing to eat?


I don't think there is an upside to challenging it and bitching in the talking heads lets him vent his frustration and not pick a bad fight.

Yep.  Though given how easily the crew was able to capture Jeremy's "bitchface," I've got to think some of his tribemates know he wasn't fully on board.


Or: since I was ninja'd, just refer to Latverian Diplomat's post above.  (The game theory one, not the snark on the meat collector.)

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You want people in an alliance that you can beat in the finale with them getting no votes. I see more people disliking them than liking them.

Yeah, I understand how the game works, but it's early to have so many people grabbing goats, if that's what they are.  At this point I think they're usually more concerned with trust than FTC goats.  


Missy bugs me to no end but if she actually strategically thought out the rice situation, I respect that.  She did wind up on top, in that situation.  

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I have seen no indication that other than Dale that Missy is not well liked by her tribe mates. In fact we have been shown the opposite with her being considered a threat by Jon because off all the friends she had on the old tribe. With Baylor at least you gave a hint at that since she had been targeted pre-merge multiple times.

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Hopefully all the Twinnie Haters will start giving Natalie some slack if they can see she clearly is playing a great game. She showed herself to be strategic tonight and for the entire season has put her athleticism to use in the challenges and has never been a liability.

It may turn out Nadia going home was the best thing for her game.


Meanwhile I so wanted Keith to go home just for the pleasure of seeing Dale fess up to John that he didn't really have an idol. Dale's team is some of the losingest losers ever on the show!

I am a "Twinny Hater"  and I was impressed by Natalie volunteering for exile.  She is much less annoying when she is not screaming back and forth with her sister (or John Rocker). 

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It is not enjoyable to watch people suffer to that degree.
It's not?  I enjoyed it.  As many posters have pointed out they COULD have reinforced their roof (he didn't take all the machetes, they still had one); many, many, many other tribes have survived without a tarp at all.
I greatly enjoyed it as well.  They certainly could have done something, and it seems like they did very little.  It could have been worse, Jeff could have made them dismantle the shelter and had production come in and take away all the cut trees and make them start over.  I would have had great enjoyment seeing if Alec was as great at "single-handedly" building a "levitating" shelter as his asshole brother Drew.


If Dale had voted Keith and they went to the fire-making duel, I wonder who would have won?
That would have never happened.  On the first tie, the tied contestants can't vote.  Everyone else revotes and can only vote for one of those two.  We saw this when Val got evicted.  On a revote between Dale and Keith, all four of Jacqueline/Jon and Missy/Baylor would have voted out Dale.
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Natalie's big mouth arguably got Rocker sent home, which was her intent.  I give her credit for that working out terrifically.  Even though she was gambling on his tribe not knowing his past and they did, he still left that week in controversy.  

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I'm glad some others seem to be on the Jeremy hate train. I have hated him since episode 1. At least Val was voted out early so we weren't subjected to "I must protect my woman," every episode. No, we just get his OTT arrogance and whining every episode instead.


This episode was very boring. I hope the merge spices things up, but it's not looking good. At least I don't actually like anyone so I'm not gonna be sad no matter who goes.

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I agree fishcakes.  The only people I really like are Natalie and Jon.  Jeremy, Reed, Josh, Julie, Missy, Baylor - all supreme whiners and complainers.  Jacqueline seems like a nonentity, Jon seems to be the brains behind them.  Alec is an ass.  Wes and Keith are fairly invisible.  I don't think Wes spoke at all this past episode.


This is the problem with doing a "Blood vs Water" with people we have never seen before.  I don't care enough about 90% of these people to care about how they care about their "loved one" caring for them.

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I understand that Julie had a long cold wet miserable night.


EXCEPT!  Weren't Baylor and Twinner stretched out on a rock pallet over at Exile Island during that same rain storm?  Did they not get any camera time because they weren't cry-whining "I don't think I can take it anymore"?  Or maybe Production scoops up people on the beach so they don't become human lightning rods.  Either way, Julie missed an excellent opportunity to show some Survivor backbone and suffer in silence.  The squeaky wheels never win this thing.

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This is very easily one of the worst casts of all time.  You are all not using rose-coloured glasses, you are correct.  I happily watched all or half of about 19 different seasons this summer.  There were some that were quite bad -- take your pick of the past 9 seasons except Cagayan -- but this has to be one of the worst.  They are all just so vanilla.  I don't know what it is.  I do know that I've hated both Blood versus Water shows.  It's really not for me.  They need brand new casts or all stars, no in between or halfsies.  Cagayan got me so interested in the show, and through watching it, somehow Survivor catapulted to one of my top favourite shows of all time.  This season, it's like I don't know what I was thinking.


I think the BvW thing is cool in 'theory' but I'd like it if there was only like 1 or 2 pairs among the entire cast, maximum.  With this type of format it's like if you think one person is bland and annoying, chances are you're going to feel the same way about the person they love most on Earth.  Now multiply that by 10 and you have this show.


I do like Jeremy, and I do really like and agree with ProfCrash's analysis of him.  At least Jeremy has passion about something.  At least he has personality.  This season is like a whole bunch of the most bland or annoying people of all the other seasons, shipwrecked together.  I also really like Wes, for his performance in the 'basketball-like' challenge last week.  He just completely owned, and with flourish.  But I forget he's there.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Thanks.  Then there was no excuse for them to get so wet.  Why they didn't immediately get to reinforcing the roof will remain a mystery until the next person who is eliminated, from that tribe, is interviewed.

Them getting wet I'm not worried about. I do wonder about that brand spanking new bag of rice, though....

I wonder if Jon & Jaquie were tipped off that Dale's idol wasn't real.  Since Keith voted with them did he tell them he has the real idol? 

Here's the thing:

  • We know Keith has some smarts going, because he's an old firefighter. Stupid firefighters don't get old; they get dead, or become EX-firefighters on medical disability.
  • EI's random urn pick with HII clues makes it immediately obvious to participants that HIIs are hidden in the exact same location at each camp.
So - since Keith knows EXACTLY where Humpy's idol was buried, why haven't we seen Keith looking for Clumpy's idol in the same place? Even if the HII which walked out of the game in Rocker's pocket wasn't replaced, Keith doesn't know that. We should expect to see him searching, as well as some THs talking about either (a) the joy of having two HIIs in the game, or (b) wondering who has the other idol.

Ugh. I know I said it last week, but the Missy-Baylor Show can close up shop anytime now, as far as I'm concerned.  Man how they bug.  The lost kid in the store, the she's-about-to-cry-so-I'm-going-to-weep.  Ugh.  Baylor acts like she's 8 years old.  And Missy acts like she's the world's first and only mother.


Echo echo. I started off really really wanting to root for Baylor because of the local connection (she's a student at Belmont College here in Nashville), but I. Just. Can't.

I also get the impression Baylor is SO used to playing her mother, she doesn't know how to turn it off. It's become an automatic response whenever an opportunity presents itself.

Missy bugs me to no end but if she actually strategically thought out the rice situation, I respect that.

I think you're giving Missy WAY WAY too much credit in that respect.

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Jenna Morasca. Biggest whiner on her tribe. Only came to life after the merge and some men came around to do the work. The only way she won was because Matt turned psycho at final tribal.

Matt turned into a  psycho before the final tribal. Remember Deena wanting to put him on 5150 hold?

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Based on the brilliance already shown by Alec, my guess is "meat collector" simply means he eats a lot of meat.  


I'm sure he's a "beer collector" too.


Interesting idea on the "life list" of critters eaten.  I had some guinea pig in Ecuador.  A local delicacy fried up like a fritter.  Go figure.

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