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S11.E03: Got To Be Real

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No, Maggie, it wasn’t a nightmare for Richard that you showed up. It was a nightmare for us at home.

HA! Seriously...

Maggie was a jerk to Richard. If I'm supposed to still be feeling for Maggie and being pissed at Meredith and side-eyeing Richard, those writers are doing it wrong. If Maggie "solved the puzzle" days ago (because remember, it's only been a week since the season 10 finale), then why didn't Ms. "I already have a family I don't need another one" pipe up instead? Couldn't she stop and think for just a second how Richard might be feeling with all of this, whether or not she believed he was aware of her existence? 


And what the hell, Derek! Meredith didn't make him do anything, he made that choice all on his own. And his behavior is exactly why Meredith wasn't thrilled about his decision, because she knows her man and she knew his behavior would come to this. 


I'm okay with Alex not getting the board seat, because with Arizona being wrapped up in her fellowship that's going to allow him to step back into Peds and take over a lot of her workload. Alex is a man of action, he doesn't need to be weighed down by those meetings that none of the current board members even seem to want to go to. 

Edited by funnygirl
  • Love 4

Pretty miserable episode. The Maggie storyline isn't interesting and everyone involved is playing it melodramatically. I am bored with the predictable Shepherd sibling drama, I am disgusted by the way Owen justified his mistreatment of Callie, and I am irked by the inorganic writing of the Callie/Arizona storyline. However, I was pleased that the episode eschewed the hokum of choosing Alex to be on the board, but I do think that because he has the shares, the whole storyline is nonsensical and a waste of time. 

Edited by upperco
  • Love 2

On what planet would Bailey who JUST almost got a lawsuit for giving a kid HIV would get a board seat when Cristina legally gave her shares to someone else to vote? She also did the same thing the season before, she doesn't take responsibility for her actions, is full of herself acting like she's a queen and can do no wrong. She doesn't deserve a board seat.


Maggie's a horrible character. 

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 8

On what planet would Bailey who JUST almost got a lawsuit for giving a kid HIV would get a board seat when Cristina legally gave her shares to someone else to vote? She also did the same thing the season before, she doesn't take responsibility for her actions, is full of herself acting like she's a queen and can do no wrong. She doesn't deserve a board seat.


All sorts of things happen on this show that wouldn't happen on most planets.


It makes sense that the Harper Avery Foundation doesn't just allow resigning board members to give away their board seats. The Foundation owns 2/3 of the hospital.


Losing the board seat a few days after losing the job with Dr. Butthole doesn't make Alex's life awful. He still has shares of the hospital. He has Jo. He has Meredith. At least initially, Arizona thought he should be on the board. He's a well-regarded surgeon. He'll find another job. Arguably, Alex's life is the best it's been.

When would she have had the time?

In the flashback episode where J. August Richards played Richard, Ellis implied that Ellis and Richard were both minorities in their program. They spent most of their time at the hospital. With each other. Even if Richard hadn't been Ellis' true love, it doesn't seem likely that Ellis was banging some other black dude at the time she got pregnant.

If Maggie thought that Webber was her father, she should have just asked him. If Maggie thought even a little about the way Richard spoke to and looked at her, she should have figured out that her being there wasn't a nightmare. Jackson noticed! Even if he got the wrong impression. Plus, she walked into these people's jobs. Most people wouldn't know how to handle a long lost relative presenting themselves at their workplace.

When would she have the time? It doesn't take very long to have sex.

A one night stand, whatever. I don't see any evidence that she's Richard's daughter.

Of course, smug Bailey gets it. Ugh. Wasn't it just last season she was at risk for getting fired and was all bat shit crazy?

Please kill Maggie immediately. Hate her. Do not want her on my screen.

I know it'd never ever happen but I am way more interested in seeing what Alex and Meredith would be like as a couple than Alex/Jo or Meredith/Derek.

Edited by Brooke0707
  • Love 3

Maggie is 30/31 years old and chief of cardio? Aren't most cardio surgeons just finishing up their residency at that age? Is she a Doogie Howser type - is that what the combination of Grey and Webber genes does? And I thought Meredith was already in her 30s at the start of the show - how much time has passed since S1?

When Yang was interviewing potential candidates, Maggie told her she had skipped a few grades.

Shonda said that seasons 1 through 8 was 5 years, beyond that don't give yourself a headache figuring it out. Not worth it.

On an episode related note, I am so sick of Callie's obliviousness. For such a self appointed rock star surgeon, she sure is an idiot. Apparently, she can take onyet another project, and it's still Arizona's career that is stopping them from having a baby. And viewers still eat it up that Arizona is the bad guy in the situation. Gross.

Which is another issue I have with Callie. This isn't S6, you already have a kid! Jesus.

Edited by CED9
  • Love 2

When Yang was interviewing potential candidates, Maggie told her she had skipped a few grades.

Shonda said that seasons 1 through 8 was 5 years, beyond that don't give yourself a headache figuring it out. Not worth it.

On an episode related note, I am so sick of Callie's obliviousness. For such a self appointed rock star surgeon, she sure is an idiot. Apparently, she can take onyet another project, and it's still Arizona's career that is stopping them from having a baby. And viewers still eat it up that Arizona is the bad guy in the situation. Gross.

Which is another issue I have with Callie. This isn't S6, you already have a kid! Jesus.


In last week's episode it was said that Jo is a 3rd year resident so that gives an idea of the timeline from then beginning of Season 9 to now. 


Totally agree about Callie and Arizona and their projects. While Callie might feel that they would be able to do everything with their careers and have a baby, I think the surrogacy agency would have taken a different view. Arizona was being realistic about the situation, can't see how she's the bad guy in the situation. 


When Derek decided that he didn't want to be apart from his kids he should have just taken them to DC with him. I can't stand him or Meredith though and I find both of them to be behaving ridiculously.


All of the couples on the show seem to suffer form the same problem, one  person make a unilateral decision and then they argue about it afterwards. Why can no-one just talk to their spouse and come to a resolution together?! 


I like Maggie but I do think she was harsh on Richard.



That was painful to watch. Every single person is completely miserable and there weren't even some really funny parts ( like Christina doing or saying absolutely anything) to balance it out.


Poor Alex. Honestly, now is when he needs Christina to go on a rampage with him. Even Bailey seemed to feel bad for him, but props for Alex remembering to say congratulations before leaving. He has grown so much and he is the only one I adore without any reservations. Too bad he is dating a useless child.


I know Sandra is gone, but oh would I kill to see Alex hop a plane to Switzerland and pour his heart out to Christina and let her help him form a game plan for his life. They were such cute buddies and she wanted this for him! It's going to be weird if the show doesn't have her weigh in on this somehow. 


I am happy to see Callie working with Owen, because they both need something to do on the show and her marriage to Arizona is dead in the water. They are never happy and both women are far more interesting as individuals. Plus, I am a sucker for any project involving helping the wounded heroes- even in fake medicine land. 

I don't want Callie and Arizona to break up or anything, I just think we need to see more of each in other areas, and less fighting with each other for the third season in a row. Seeing them with other friends is nice.


I know Owen can be rough around the edges, but I give him passes like I do for Alex. They need to be put in their place, yes, but they have survived so much hell and they are just so damaged. But they also admit when they are wrong and are very loyal. And Callie's character gets shat on so much, I am for ANYone who will give that girl a hug. I am so over her marriage and their wishy-washy problems. To baby or not to baby....Who cares. Getting the one kid into the family was a miracle, just be happy already. As soon as they clear an obstacle, they heap more burdens on themselves. Without Mark in the picture, how are the two of them even managing to care for Sofia and still work full time? I know there is a daycare, but it's one little room! All these people need nannies. 


I think Derek is so much meaner than Owen and Alex put together. They all yell and go off the rails, but Derek hits below the belt with his words. Repeatedly over the years, he has said things in anger or spite that will leave a mark forever- and always to the people he claims to love the most.  Where Christina and Alex have said mean things because they are caustic and inconsiderate, Derek moves in to intentionally wound. He lashes out and goes for blood and it's disgusting. Plus, he throws his loved ones under the bus whenever he wants to, where Alex and Owen, Christina, Meredith and Callie have shown some pretty incredible loyalty to one another. And for a man raised by five women, to still be such a dick to women is a mystery to me. he is now doing to Meredith exactly what he did in his marriage to Addison- putting his career ahead of his family. I hope he leaves. I KNEW his "family first" priority wouldn't stick, and that he was going to make everyone around him pay for his decision to stay. Just like his promise to let Meredith step forward and he would spend more time with the kids last season. That lasted about a week before his own crap took over again. Nothing gives him a pass- not even his dumb hair. Meredith is truly dead inside that she lets his words roll off her back without even an apology most of the time. Listening to him talk to his sister, and then to Meredith, made me cringe. I miss the days when Bailey and Webber would cut him down to size regularly. 


I was actually surprised to see Meredith's reaction to Webber about the Puzzle Whisperer being his kid. I was afraid she would get territorial over him as her sort of dad figure, but she didn't. She even encouraged him to reach out! I did find it kind of funny that it took her two years to accept Lexi as a real sister but it took less than a day to accept Maggie as one. Webber whining about Ellis taking his kid away from him pissed me off. Ellis was more than willing to give him her entire life, but he didn't want her. He just wanted to fool around, so what was she going to do. If she had had that baby at Seattle Grace, everyone would have known about her and it would have destroyed her reputation. I highly doubt he would have wanted to to know the kid back then anyway. Not when he still thought his wife didn't know he was a cheating scum and he had his own career to think of.


The timeline is messed up, isn't it? Ellis only attempted suicide to get attention. Meredith figured out years ago that her mom could have killed herself if she really wanted to, but she was only trying to get Richard's attention and not really die.... And now it's come out that she did all that in Boston? Where Richard would have no way of knowing?? And the flashbacks show her on the merry go round and having her baby in Seattle before she packed a bag and left that house with Meredith. Which means everyone should already know the esteemed Dr. Grey had an illegitimate child and attempted suicide, because if it was in Seattle, people in hospitals talk. Not to mention Ellis wrote journals. She detailed every area of her life in the hospital and with Richard, and Christina and Mer read every last one of them. She seriously didn't write once about being pregnant, or giving a baby up when she went on and on about wanting to marry Richard? I mean, come on, this is ducking fumb. Whatever. It doesn't all add up right. 


Another episode with Kepner basically being an extra. I miss her!


Geena Davis' plastic surgery is painful to look at. She was so beautiful, and now she looks  like Joan Rivers. But I am enjoying watching Arizona scramble to keep up with a new fellowship. I am guessing she will becaving pretty quickly under the pressure. She isn't 25 anymore and that pace is not good for juggling the family she sometimes cares about.


Meh. Not feeling this season. I am used to the show having really sad moments mixed in with everything else... But this isn't sad, it's dismal. Everyone is just depressing me because I can't root for anyone. Of course, I have felt that way since the plane crash. Continuity didn't use to be SUCH a factor on the show until that crash. Now everything seems riddled with plot holes and enormous suspensions of belief and some really wretched behavior from almost everyone left on the show. The ret con is just insane! I was hoping this season would somehow start righting the wrongs but it just gets more ridiculous. It used to just be ridiculous from a medical standpoint. Now it's across the board. And they made me hate Bailey. I didn't know they could do that, until they did. And I really do.


On a positive note.. Alex's house is looking good! i hope he doesn't hit some downward spiral now and trash it up. i am still kind of waiting for more crazy to come out of Jo, where she goes after Alex and he finally sees the dark side. Except they seem to have ditched her issues entirely this season. 

  • Love 3

The timeline is messed up, isn't it? Ellis only attempted suicide to get attention. Meredith figured out years ago that her mom could have killed herself if she really wanted to, but she was only trying to get Richard's attention and not really die.... And now it's come out that she did all that in Boston? Where Richard would have no way of knowing?? And the flashbacks show her on the merry go round and having her baby in Seattle before she packed a bag and left that house with Meredith. Which means everyone should already know the esteemed Dr. Grey had an illegitimate child and attempted suicide, because if it was in Seattle, people in hospitals talk. Not to mention Ellis wrote journals. She detailed every area of her life in the hospital and with Richard, and Christina and Mer read every last one of them. She seriously didn't write once about being pregnant, or giving a baby up when she went on and on about wanting to marry Richard? I mean, come on, this is ducking fumb. Whatever. It doesn't all add up right. 


Ellis slit her wrists in Seattle, that's how Meredith and Alex were able to look it up on the GSMH admissions records thing. 

She didn't know she was pregnant at the time but was told while she was in hospital after her "suicide" attempt. 

She then took Meredith and moved to Boston, gave birth to Maggie there and put her up for adoption. 

The flashback in Episode 1 was a bit ambiguous but based on what was found out this episode it must have been showing the aftermath of the suicide attempt, not Maggie's birth. 

I previously questioned why the pregnancy was never mentioned in her journals but the journals cover her time in Seattle and she moved to Boston when she found out she was pregnant so I guess that explains why. 

  • Love 5

I have to say upon further reflection, I don't think either Callie or Arizona are the bad guy. Should they be having a baby right now? No. But I thought it was interesting to hear what Callie said to Owen.

Her "I need something to be good too" shed an interesting light on what she thinks of her marriage right now. It's not good and she thought bringing another child into it would make it good. Clearly not the way to go, but Callie doesn't always make the right choices.

I think Callie jumped to where she did at the adoption agency because she has been waiting for the other shoe to drop with Arizona and she wasn't the only one who jumped to a conclusion. Arizona did too and it was the wrong one. Which got the ball rolling downhill in the office.

These two need therapy in a huge way in order to start understanding where they are each coming from.

  • Love 4

Are you kidding me, Shonda? No really. Are you kidding?  


Alex loses his nice, well-paying, more relaxed job due to Lexie 2.0s big mouth last episode. Then this one he loses his board seat to that whiny, overly emotional shadow of the Bailey we knew and loved Seasons 1-2?


No.  Grey's has gone from appointment tv to "watch if I'm bored" to won't watch at all.  I'll stick to the first few seasons on Netflix and remember when the show was incredible.

Maggie is 30/31 years old and chief of cardio? Aren't most cardio surgeons just finishing up their residency at that age? Is she a Doogie Howser type - is that what the combination of Grey and Webber genes does? And I thought Meredith was already in her 30s at the start of the show - how much time has passed since S1?

About 7-8 years has past since season 1. Season 1-3 was there intern year so just one year. And every season since than took place within a year aka real time

About 7-8 years has past since season 1. Season 1-3 was there intern year so just one year. And every season since than took place within a year aka real time


Seasons 4 and 5 together were only one year too. 

I only just rewatched them and the interns who started in Season 4 were still interns, cutting each-other open, in Season 5. 

As someone else already said, Shonda has said that Seasons 1-8 covered 5 years, so that would put them into their 8th year now.

Edited by PrincessTT
  • Love 1

Seasons 4 and 5 together were only one year too. 

I only just rewatched them and the interns who started in Season 4 were still interns, cutting each-other open, in Season 5. 

As someone else already said, Shonda has said that Seasons 1-8 covered 5 years, so that would put them into their 8th year now.


This Maggie s/l is making her younger than Jackson/April and Meredith 36 and I feel like Mer should be older than 36. Is Maggie supposed to be younger than Lexie too?


This Maggie s/l is making her younger than Jackson/April and Meredith 36 and I feel like Mer should be older than 36. Is Maggie supposed to be younger than Lexie too?


Lexie was 24 when she was an intern so she would be 31 now, roughly the same age as Maggie I think. 

That makes no sense really though since Ellis had only just left Thatcher when the carousel / slit wrists / finding out about pregnancy thing happened. 

So that would mean that Thatcher must have met Susan straight after and she must have gotten pregnant pretty much straight away. 


The ages and timeline on this show are just all over the place though.

  • Love 1

Sigh. Now I get to watch Bailey strut around the hospital all smug because she's on the board. Ugh. I guess having mental breakdowns and giving people staph infections is good criteria for the board? Bailey will now be even more insufferable. IF that's even possible. I remember when I used to like her....


I hope something good happens to Alex too, along with Owen and Callie. I don't want them together as a couple (mainly because I just don't see the hotness in Owen), but I like them as friends. Besides Alex and Meredith scenes, my favorite was the OR with Callie, Owen and Jackson.


Maggie was a total bitch to Richard, and that tis unforgivable. I didn't like her before, and now I hate with the heat of a thousand suns..


Hey Derek, your sister is right, you did this. Shut up, or do something about it. But continue to heat up my TV screen :-) 

  • Love 5



I was actually surprised to see Meredith's reaction to Webber about the Puzzle Whisperer being his kid. I was afraid she would get territorial over him as her sort of dad figure, but she didn't. She even encouraged him to reach out! I did find it kind of funny that it took her two years to accept Lexi as a real sister but it took less than a day to accept Maggie as one.




I don't think Mere has accepted Maggie as her sister. She has accepted the fact that her mother had another child.  She won't be so quick to accept Maggie once she learns how she blew up at Richard.  

  • Love 2

This has gone from Must See to Who Really Cares.  I loved Bailey the first couple of season, but this new Bailey is pathetic.  No way should she be on the board.  Whether, the board likes it or not, Alex is part owner and he can make them all miserable.  I am sure that Christina made damn sure that what she wanted to do was legal and binding.

Maggie-just go away!  2 episodes and I already hate, hate, hate her.  For that matter, I am not fond at all of most of the characters on this show anymore.  

Done with this show.


edit: grammar

Edited by iluvobx
  • Love 1

The timeline is messed up, isn't it? Ellis only attempted suicide to get attention. Meredith figured out years ago that her mom could have killed herself if she really wanted to, but she was only trying to get Richard's attention and not really die.... And now it's come out that she did all that in Boston?


No, Ellis tried to kill herself in Seattle, and found out she was pregnant then.  Alex and Mere saw her medical records when she was admitted to Seattle Grace at the time of the suicide attempt, and the notes clearly said she wasn't aware of the pregnancy until then.  Ellis took off to Boston with Mere after being released from the hospital after the suicide attempt, and had Maggie in Boston.

  • Love 2

What I got from Callie's spiel is that she resents Arizona for not wanting to carry. (Because theyre paralleling Meredith and Derek this season) Apparently she forgot the miscarriage and her own reaction to it where she demanded Arizona tell her she'd try again and when Arizona was unsure, walked out on her. Arizona has just as much reason to be gun shy, but Callie can never see past her own nose when it comes to Arizona.

  • Love 1

As much as I once loved it, the Callie/Arizona relationship needs to be put out of its misery. But please, for the love of all that is holy, do not put Callie in a relationship with Owen. I love Callie. She's been my favorite since her first episode and I relate to her on levels I don't really care to explore sometimes (because Callie Torres is not the most emotionally stable or rational character to have ever graced network television) and I really don't think I could stomach watching her with Owen, the black hole of suck. 


Maggie is annoying and just makes me miss Lexie. Bailey has become insufferable. Derek is a patronizing douche but that's nothing new. Geena Davis' face is scary. Everything else is just... there. I watch this show purely out of habit now. That makes me kinda sad. 

  • Love 2

When would she have the time? It doesn't take very long to have sex.

A one night stand, whatever. I don't see any evidence that she's Richard's daughter.

Richard and Ellis were having an affair, this is an established fact. There is no evidence that Ellis was having random hookups with other men. It is not conclusive that Maggie is Richard's daughter but it is the simplest answer and the one supported by the most evidence (in that there is actual evidence).

  • Love 2

But what does owning shares in the hospital mean if he can't vote policy or make decisions? Christina handed Alex shares that were initially worth $15M. Is the hospital for profit or non-profit? Will he get income from his shares? Can he sell them? I don't think this has been properly explained.

I think it's nonprofit because the catch that allowed them to buy the hospital in the first place was aligning themselves with a nonprofit organization.

  • Love 2

Now that Alex is out of work (for the time being), perhaps he can start collecting a paycheck from Meredith for being Her Person. Because that is clearly going to be a full-time job. Make sure to ask for hazard pay, Karev!


My hate for Maggie continues to grow. At first I found her annoying and unnecessary; now she's kind of bitchy. Her reaction when she interrupted Richard was so bizarre I thought she was, inexplicably, misunderstanding where he was going. But no, she's just being obnoxiously incredulous that he didn't immediately tell her that he was her father the moment she mentioned Ellis Grey, and clearly the only reason he would have withheld that information is if he knew about her all along and didn't want to know her, then or now. Because it couldn't possibly be because he did NOT know and he was blindsided by this holy-crap-life-changing piece of news and didn't know what to say or even if he should say anything at all. Shut up, biatch.


Meredith was kind of obnoxious, too, when she first confronted Richard. What is with these Daughters of Ellis (I am officially making that a thing) and thinking everyone needs to tell them everything? Meredith, too, assumed that Richard knew about Maggie all along but she wins points over Maggie for hearing and accepting Richard's assertion that he knew no such thing. And this is shocking and painful for him, too, Mer. It's not just you who had a sister you never knew about. Richard, who had no other children and very much would have liked to, just learned that he had a daughter for 30 years and never knew a thing. Shush, Meredith. It's not all about you and your stuff.


I don't know what to make of Meredith and Derek's marriage "problems" and why she's now upset that he DIDN'T take the job because he declined it on his own and not because she "won" or whatever. I have no idea what either of them are nattering on about.


Callie and Arizona's band-aid continues to bug. Can those two please see a marraige counselor and hash out their real issues and stop pretending that a baby is going to fix everything when it's clear that neither of them, not just Arizona, is completely thrilled about having a second child right now.


Callie works well with Owen, although, please don't go there, show. Just don't. I really hope we don't spend a good chunk of the season on Owen kicking himself over Cristina, because the angst does not work on him. And I totally concur with the previous posters who felt that he was going on so long with his Cristina speech that when the camera panned over again Callie wasn't even going to be standing there anymore. I literally say aloud, "Is Callie even still in the room?" Heh.


Bailey can suck it.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 2

Arizona will probably hand the reigns over to Alex temporarily. Arizona gets the least PEDS cases onscreen anyway, so that won't be much different.

I have a feeling that now that Bailey has the seat, she'll bitch about what she has to do with it.

I think Callie wants Arizona to say it out loud so she won't have to. She's the one who never shuts up about babies after all. The old Arizona would've already said it, she's been complacent to a fault since S7.

Derek is a douche. Meredith is being a douche. It's a vortex of douchedom.

Ultimately, I find Clack to be the worst GA writer, so I usually take her episodes with a grain of salt.

  • Love 1

On what planet would Bailey who JUST almost got a lawsuit for giving a kid HIV would get a board seat when Cristina legally gave her shares to someone else to vote? She also did the same thing the season before, she doesn't take responsibility for her actions, is full of herself acting like she's a queen and can do no wrong. She doesn't deserve a board seat.

On what planet is this *not* the worst hospital in the history of hospitals? Seriously, almost every week I wonder how this place still operates *and* is considered a prime teaching facility.

  • Love 4

Is this show still on? I haven't watched in years, but decided to read the recap. All I get (combining this with knowledge of the show from a few years ago) is that Meredith seems to have a sister in every port (all of who seem to have even more problems than her). That McDouchey is still McDouchey. That Callie and Arizona still seem boring. That Christina is gone somewhere. And that Geena Davis showed up, and is really old. Does that cover the past few years adequately?

  • Love 2
Didn't we already see almost this exact scenario in "Into You Like A Train," arguably the greatest episode this show has ever produced? I guess it wasn't enough to repeat the Meredith-has-a-sister-who's-also-a-doctor storyline; we now have to repeat all the storylines?

I KNOW?! First thing that I thought when I saw the victim. First, we recycle the long-lost-half-sister-doctor plot, and now the impaled-by-a-stake-like-object plot. Is Shonda even trying anymore with this show? Or is Olivia Pope and whatever Viola Davis' character's name is, more important, now? OP even got Grey's freaking TIME SLOT.

Bailey fucking wins again. I can't even.....insufferable is all I can say at this point.




Her reaction when she interrupted Richard was so bizarre I thought she was, inexplicably, misunderstanding where he was going. But no, she's just being obnoxiously incredulous that he didn't immediately tell her that he was her father the moment she mentioned Ellis Grey,


YES! THANK YOU! I thought that I was the only one confused by Maggie Sue Perfect's reaction when she interrupted Richard. It was a very strange acting choice, or direction. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
  • Love 2

Maggie is 30/31 years old and chief of cardio? Aren't most cardio surgeons just finishing up their residency at that age? Is she a Doogie Howser type - is that what the combination of Grey and Webber genes does? And I thought Meredith was already in her 30s at the start of the show - how much time has passed since S1?


Indeed, and they are selling us that Mer is 35, we know Ellen is 45, I guess she started way late on Medical School and maybe Maggie was like 16 when she did.

  • Love 2


Didn't we already see almost this exact scenario in "Into You Like A Train," arguably the greatest episode this show has ever produced? I guess it wasn't enough to repeat the Meredith-has-a-sister-who's-also-a-doctor storyline; we now have to repeat all the storylines?

They also did a kid impaled by a tree in Season 3 (Bailey was the surgeon). Maybe they'll make it an annual thing, like a Christmas episode.

  • Love 9


Although Bailey got the board seat, Alex still has those share. Bailey is just a board members, she's not an owner of the hospital


Frankly I'm worried the writers do not understand that distinction and the shares Cristina left to Alex will never be mentioned again.  Because you're absolutely right - Alex is now an owner of the hospital and as a shareholder, the board has to answer to him. It's not the other way around. But I don't know if the writers really understand what "shares" are or what they mean. Cristina owned a percentage of the hospital - her shares of the investment - and she left those shares to Alex. Whether or not he becomes a member of the board, he retains those shares, they are legally his. I'm afraid the writers are conflating ownership of those shares with board membership, as if the board voting to elect Bailey to the board automatically entitles her to Cristina's shares.


This show really is becoming more and more absurd with the manufactured an unnecessary drama. How am I supposed to sympathize with Callie crying over wanting another baby when we haven't seen her interact with Sophia in ages? Hey Callie, you do know you already have a kid, right? And with both you and Arizona piling onto your already packed schedules, how do you think this is going to affect the time you are able to spend with that kid? They don't even seem to be taking that into consideration, it's all about some new baby which is being used as a symbol of their commitment together. Callie is upset because she doesn't trust Arizona's commitment to a family that Callie herself is dangerously close to neglecting as it is. Before there's even another baby.


I admit I did chuckle when Bailey took a selfie with the guy who was impaled by a tree, but then again, Unprofessional! And then, they give her a board seat. {Headsmack}

  • Love 2

Frankly I'm worried the writers do not understand that distinction and the shares Cristina left to Alex will never be mentioned again.  Because you're absolutely right - Alex is now an owner of the hospital and as a shareholder, the board has to answer to him. It's not the other way around. But I don't know if the writers really understand what "shares" are or what they mean. Cristina owned a percentage of the hospital - her shares of the investment - and she left those shares to Alex. Whether or not he becomes a member of the board, he retains those shares, they are legally his. I'm afraid the writers are conflating ownership of those shares with board membership, as if the board voting to elect Bailey to the board automatically entitles her to Cristina's shares.


This show really is becoming more and more absurd with the manufactured an unnecessary drama. How am I supposed to sympathize with Callie crying over wanting another baby when we haven't seen her interact with Sophia in ages? Hey Callie, you do know you already have a kid, right? And with both you and Arizona piling onto your already packed schedules, how do you think this is going to affect the time you are able to spend with that kid? They don't even seem to be taking that into consideration, it's all about some new baby which is being used as a symbol of their commitment together. Callie is upset because she doesn't trust Arizona's commitment to a family that Callie herself is dangerously close to neglecting as it is. Before there's even another baby.


I admit I did chuckle when Bailey took a selfie with the guy who was impaled by a tree, but then again, Unprofessional! And then, they give her a board seat. {Headsmack}

I don't think they will in terms of the share. Jackson said to the rest of the board in episode 1 that he spoke to legal and they told him that the share are legally his but in terms of the board seat that they would have to vote on it 

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Much like unicorns, reverse racism does not exist. Just because a black woman gets something a white man wants, it does not dismantle the structural racism in this world. I know that the default position is that straight white men are entitled to anything they want and that anyone who gets it is automatically profiting from a vast and malicious sinister campaign to hold them down, but that's a fairytale. I guess the research showing that white people actually think that they are the most oppressed group in America is true. Take heart! You guys will always have first dibs on everything because it is a feature, not a bug, of our white supremacist society. It is hideously racist, especially in light of that filthy New York Times article about her being an angry black woman, to depict Shonda as just giving Bailey the board seat because she's "trying to write roles for strong black women." Bailey has actually been denied career advancement over and over. Her students have managed to eclipse her. Despite her being there longer, being chief resident, doing research that happened to intersect with explaining a congenital illness in those kids with heart problems, and Richard telling her he was grooming her to take over for him as chief of surgery, nothing has materialized for her by way of advancement. Bailey has been insufferable, but Alex has voluntarily terminated his employment at that hospital twice now. He's only desperate for that position because he was fired for being duplicitous and not telling his employer. It is hard to take someone seriously when he leaves every time the grass is greener. I don't begrudge Alex the right to take a fellowship at another facility or to take a job in a private practice, but that undermines anything he says about being dedicated or committed to the hospital. Bailey never up and left like he has. Bailey has been there longer than he has. He can't just invoke his orphan program when he wants to go back to the hospital when he had no compunction about abandoning it twice.

Please tell me you teach gender and race classes because holy shit, your post is a master class. I applauded you. Literally.

Maggie made way too many assumptions in her speech and had absolutely no interest in anything but her own opinions. That makes her the asshole in that scene so I'm guessing she will be apologizing to Richard by November sweeps.

I fully expect the Callie/Owen relationship and I'm good with it. The actors seem to be good friends in real life and their characters have similar life goals. To be clear, Callie is not a lesbian; she's bisexual. So if her and Arizona call it quits, I don't care which gender she chooses for her next relationship. The show has ruined Calzona so it's time for both characters to move on. I still can't believe it took the show 5 seasons to give up on Crowen and I think the only reason that relationship ended was because Sandra Oh left the show.

Edited by Fallacy
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They also did a kid impaled by a tree in Season 3 (Bailey was the surgeon). Maybe they'll make it an annual thing, like a Christmas episode.


I am 100% sure that I am giving the writers way too much credit, but the other tree impalement episode featured a fight between Alex and Bailey with Bailey telling Alex that he needs to be more professional around patients (of course, later he sexes up a cancer patient in the bathroom but that is neither here or there).  Again, this is probably wishful thinking but it could have been a call-back to that episode in order to highlight the way that one doctor has grown and one has regressed.  Other than that, I have no idea why they would have Bailey walking around all smug as a bug in a rug and STILL prevail.  Any other character who walked around like that would have an epic smackdown coming.  But I will be shocked if Bailey gets one.


Its not even that I think that Alex would be great on the board.  Bailey is much better at administration and bossing people around, and I think that Alex would hate it.  The board has been a joke from the first, and considering that 3 or 4 of the board (Calzona, Derek possibly Owen) were consumed by personal problems and one was drunk, well things haven't changed much.  Avery has been doing a great job, even if he did inherit his spot from Mommy, but it galls me that the rest of them have the power to affect things so much.  Bailey and Alex would be better in that spot than most of them.  But Alex didn't get it and I don't want him to have it by default if someone else decides to vacate.  I just hope that he will end up being Bailey's boss since he has the shares and will continue to call out everyone on their hypocrisy.



Totally agree about Callie and Arizona and their projects. While Callie might feel that they would be able to do everything with their careers and have a baby, I think the surrogacy agency would have taken a different view. Arizona was being realistic about the situation, can't see how she's the bad guy in the situation.


Because she is always the bad guy and Callie is always Just the Girl Who Wants to Be Loved, yadda yadda yadda.  Ugh, once again Callie was everywhere venting all her problems to anyone who would listen so we know where she stands (as we always do).  She leans on Owen, she leans on Jackson, she leans on Mer, she leans on Cristina, and then bullies and talks over Arizona at every single turn.  She becomes a Medical Titan with her TED talks and her bionic limbs, etc. and AZ runs around like an intern with absolutely no support at all.  But, as always, she cheated so she is Evil Incarnate who wronged Calliope, end of discussion with no grey area or complexity at all.  My god how is Callie always the plucky underdog heroine?  


i am still kind of waiting for more crazy to come out of Jo, where she goes after Alex and he finally sees the dark side. Except they seem to have ditched her issues entirely this season.


That's what happens when most of your scenes end up on the cutting room floor, like they did last season and so far this season, considering we had no idea she was on Arizona's service (but since its just AZ and Jo, I guess it doesn't matter.)  They took a character who needed work but was funny and snarky and turned her into a generic girlfriend.  I always thought that I only cared about Alex having someone who let him take center stage and was supportive, but boy am I ready for her to have something to do on her own and soon!


But, Alex in the shower is always a great thing, and I loved how he actually helped Mer (albeit illegally) instead of just drinking and dancing. 

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Ellis slit her wrists in Seattle, that's how Meredith and Alex were able to look it up on the GSMH admissions records thing. 

She didn't know she was pregnant at the time but was told while she was in hospital after her "suicide" attempt. 

She then took Meredith and moved to Boston, gave birth to Maggie there and put her up for adoption. 

The flashback in Episode 1 was a bit ambiguous but based on what was found out this episode it must have been showing the aftermath of the suicide attempt, not Maggie's birth. 

I previously questioned why the pregnancy was never mentioned in her journals but the journals cover her time in Seattle and she moved to Boston when she found out she was pregnant so I guess that explains why. 

Except Richard was reading her journals, too, and they were clearly from the more recent years, when she was working on her diabetes research. Ellis was seeing signs of her own illness and taking meticulous notes to preserve what she was working on, and the fact that she never mentioned a pregnancy is ludicrous. Squishing this baby plot in there after an entire season of three doctors reading some dozens of journals written over decades from this woman is terrible writing.




Her "I need something to be good too" shed an interesting light on what she thinks of her marriage right now. It's not good and she thought bringing another child into it would make it good. Clearly not the way to go, but Callie doesn't always make the right choices.



Callie did the exact same thing with George when she felt him pulling away. She is, at least, consistent in her coping skills, lol. She is a catholic girl who wanted five kids and then fell for a chick who didn't want kids. She needs to be grateful she got ONE out of this deal.



I don't think Mere has accepted Maggie as her sister. She has accepted the fact that her mother had another child.  She won't be so quick to accept Maggie once she learns how she blew up at Richard.


What I meant was, for two years if someone confronted Meredith to reach out to Lexi, she would say "we have the same father, but she is NOT my sister!" So I was amused when this time around, as soon as Alex found the medical proof, she just gave in and said, "Ok, yeah. I have another sister." It's like even Meredith knows this is unbelievable and ridiculous, so she just surrendered and went with it.


I hate what they have done to Bailey. I get that the board has to vote on the seat, and may the best man win, but I hate what has happened to her character. She has changed so much and become an erratic mess. The Bailey of seasons 1 and 2? Hell yeah, move over Alex, you can lay golden golden eggs and I'd still vote for Bailey to keep these nitwits organized on that board. Hell, Avery seems so young but he is the most stable one there. Definitely an "Avery." (He is the Gunther"!)


But now, even though I don't think Alex is qualified emotionally to run a hospital, Bailey SHOULD be, but the character is too much of a wreck for me to get on board with it. Christina screwed the hospital by picking a head cardio guy who is too young for the job- probably seeing herself in her and figuring SHE would have taken it at that age, and then she gave the shares and seat to Alex, because she loves him, and knows NONE of them deserved these seats- the rest just happened to be on a plane one day. Frankly, if Arizona had kept her temper in check and not pushed Alex off the plane to take his place, none of this stupid board thing would be an issue and it would not be so painful to swallow the plots going on now. I always hated how the writing brought it down to just one person being responsible for the domino effect. Too many residents on a plane, hospital goes bankrupt. Dumb, dumb, dumb.


The entire hospital should crumble around their ears with the way they do things. Only Avery can run that place. And of course, Richard.


Maggie made way too many assumptions in her speech and had absolutely no interest in anything but her own opinions. That makes her the asshole in that scene so I'm guessing she will be apologizing to Richard by November sweeps.

I was surprised that they got as far as they did in revealing Maggie/Richard's relationship in ths episode; I expected them to drag it out longer. So of course they had to have Maggie (who was refreshingly low-key and level-headed last week) all of a sudden freak out about it.


But I can see it now... Meddling Saint Meredith is going to be the one to finally make peace between the long-lost father and daughter. BECAUSE SHE. IS. THE. SUN.

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