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S02.E03: Root Of All Evil

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Crane and Abbie’s discussion about gay marriage was funny, as were his rants about having ID. His interactions with the new guy were funny too.


Snap snap Abbie! Glad she put it out there and pretty much told Crane that she'll never fully trust Katrina. And with good reason.


Loved Abbie’s sarcasm about Katrina eventually sending them a message about what Henry and the Horseman are up to. I guess she’s just as baffled as the rest of us about how Katrina will managed to do this.


So glad they didn't drag out Abbie and Crane finding out that Henry is trying to get his clutches in Irving. Glad Irving knows the truth too. Though I'm worried about him. He doesn't seem totally set on turning away from Irving.


Really enjoyed the Jenny/Abbie scenes. Glad their relationship is getting stronger. The bit about Abbie's mother being haunted in the mental institution sounds really interesting. I can't wait learn more about this.


I kind of like the new guy. I hope he's legitimately good.


The writers don’t seem to know what to do with the new Sheriff. She just seems to show up at random places to taunt or cause trouble or be a plot point. Hope they will give her more direction as the season goes on.


Descent episode. Nowhere near as good as the premiere, but much better than last week. Still could've done without the Katrina scenes. They served no purpose.

Edited by Enero
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Great episode! Holly is sweet! I hope he returns. I liked his interaction with the witnesses. Crane has his ID now so he can become gainfully employed. Love Abby's mom's backstory. Nice setup. All the players are in place...

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I loved the fact that Ichabod Crane name checked Baron Von Steuben and declared that he knew about Steuben being gay and had no problem with it.

This show gets better and better every week. Glad that Reyes isn't a one dimensional mean person. Nice little bit of info about her making sure that Abbie and Jenny's mom didn't go to jail.

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"Your son is a lawyer. You must be so proud." Ha!




All I can say is the more I watch the more I love Abbie. She is made of so much awesome.



I really loved her tonight - especially her massive side-eye toward all things Katrina.

Edited by Gillian Rosh
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I knew that Hawley was going to get a fake ID for Crane somehow, just didn't expect it to be as a passport.  LOL @ Crane's genuine confession to the priest ("My wife is with another man!") and his confusion about indoor hats.


I liked the twist that Jenny wasn't aiming to kill Abbie, but Reyes.  It just proves that even with thirteen years of no real contact, they really care about each other.


Did Katrina look different to anyone else?  Maybe it was the dress.


Poor Irving looked awful.  He's safer there, but it's still a nightmare for him.

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Kind of a "meh" episode tonight.


Nothing really seemed to advance except for Ichabod getting a fake ID and the intro of faux-Sawyer (which is what I'm calling him).


Surprised that Ichabod would be so progressive about gays, considering in his time it was hangable offense, especially in England and the Colonies.


Katrina got a nice new dress this episode.  So would it kill Abbie to go to some reenactor website and order new clothes for Ichabod?


And Reyes continues to be a difficult but ambiguous character.

Edited by bmoore4026
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Sterling Forest is a real place, by the way. It's where I would go to the local Ren Fair. Have never hunted, so not sure about that.


Was so glad that Crane understands that Abbie's doubts about Katrina are not unfounded. Equally as glad to see him not excuse or dismiss Henry and warn Irving. He may try to understand Henry better, but Crane mistrusts Henry, too. It's just wrapped up in guilt.


I'm a little more intrigued with Reyes. I wonder if she is sort of like an Angel. They weren't always harbingers of good times, even if they did help you. You were expected to do the work. What is the saying, God doesn't give you anything you can't handle. Perhaps Reyes as Angel is pushing Abbie and Crane and Jenny to do the hard work that they need to do. As for the prophesied Apocalypse, it's my feeling that Moloch is trying to rush the deadline as it were. The powers of evil are trying thwart God's intentions.


I enjoyed Hawley too. He was a bit shifty, but the reason he rubbed Crane the wrong way is because they're somewhat alike. I appreciated that.

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I'm glad Jenny was trying to kill Reyes and not Abbie. I like the sisterly relationship they are developing, they can fight but still trust each other when it counts. 


I wonder who got Ichabod to watch Glee?


Okay, show, I'll accept Katrina as long as others acknowledge that she's really not that helpful.


I don't know what's up with Reyes, but I hope she's evil or something else because I'm still sick of seeing the first half of season one on repeat. The new guy's intriguing because he is con artist, pawner that knows about the Supernatural. Abbie's right he could be a good ally, not a completely trustful one but someone who is in the know with the things they deal with. But I'm also guessing this is the new love interest that dated Jenny and now will like Abbie. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Really enjoyed this episode, I thought it was terrific.  It shows the hell that Henry is putting them throw.  Speaking of Henry, John Noble was terrific in this episode and seems to be having a lot of fun.  "Your son is a lawyer.  You must be very proud."  Interesting he's living in the place where he was born.


Definitely loved Ichabod's ID rant.  Putting together something like that to fool the cops would be difficult in this day and age.


I liked the new guy too.  He had good interaction with Crane.

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So glad they didn't drag out Abbie and Crane finding out that Henry is trying to get his clutches in Irving. Glad Irving knows the truth too. Though I'm worried about him. He doesn't seem totally set on turning away from Irving.

Which baffles me, because dude, Henry is working for the guy who set you up to be in prison/Tarrytown and went after your family! I like both Irving and Katrina, but right now it feels like the show doesn't know what to do with either of them and is just spinning its wheels until their Big Moment comes in the mid-season finale. And I'm not loving the full-time addition of Henry/John Noble. I had trepidations when it was announced, and I'm still feeling skeptical about it...with that character, less is more.


"Also I watched the last episode of Glee" was hilarious, easily the funniest thing said this season, but--and I rarely feel this way--I think the show went OTT with Ichabod's humor tonight. At a certain point it felt forced, like the script read [insert quippy line here]. Also, I kind of miss the S1 episodes where Ichabod didn't immediately cotton on to everything, and the past was as much a mystery to him as Abbie. For my taste, he's known too much about the case of the week in each of the first three weeks.


Abbie and Jenny's relationship continues to be awesome. Abbie-Crane is unquestionably the heart of the show, but Abbie-Jenny might be my favorite relationship.


I too like the new guy--Ichabod could stand to be brought down a few notches every now and then. New Guy's irreverent humor is just what is needed to undercut Ichabod's occasional over-pompousness!

Edited by stealinghome
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Hello show - you are back. And how I love thee.


This is the Sleepy Hollow that I know and love. Excellent episode. Truly.


Loved the Mills sisters, Jenny getting royally pissed (and rightfully so) over finding out Reyes put their mother into Tarrytown. It didn't end well, but I expected the decision made sense at the time. Their arguments are so realistic, exactly how you would expect them. Lyndie Greenwood is amazing in the role.


Liked the little "standoff" between Ichabod and Henry. You can just see the pure joy Henry gets out of manipulating the masses, and actually, for the first time, I enjoyed it. Once he became "evil", Henry has been a bit cartoonish in his evil moustache twirling glee. Tonight, it was more understated sinister, and was very welcome and very convincing. And may I say, dammit, Mison and Noble play off each other so well, it's ridiculous. Both utterly fantastic actors.


And the confession scene- oh Ichabod, poor baby, you speak the truth...


Oh, and must mention this - Ichabod obviously highly respects Miss Jenny. When she entered the Archives, he ensured he greeted her, when she stormed out after her fight with Abbie, he made sure to acknowledge her. Huge! He still tried to side, or at least comfort Abbie, but he likes and respects Jenny, as he should. Love that....cause you know, important for a future sister-in-law.....


Even the Katrina scenes were tolerable this week. And Abbie obviously has no love for Mrs Crane (don't blame her). She suspects the shadiness, and is so dead on. I love that she is challenging Crane on his wife, and Crane has no response to it. Love this to death. Abbie Mills --> the voice of reason.


Loved the humour in this episode also. So nice to see SH get its fun back. I love the switch from Ichabod being serious, to being irritated to being goofy. Mison really does this so well - he is so good at all aspects of this.


And the new guy - Hawley - okay, I like him. Alot. Crane and Hawley interacting together - pure gold. Those two play off each other so well, it's brilliant. I want more scenes. Now here is a nice contrast between the two. Hawley is about 6 feet 1 inch, blond (shaggy hair), a full beard (I note this, because previous pictures showed scruff only) and appears in light coloured pants and a WHITE shirt. Crane is 6 feet 1 inch , dark shaggy hair, dark beard, and is wearing dark pants and a dark shirt. A complete colour contrast. The light versus the dark. I wonder if the costume designer did this deliberately (I bet she did). I love that both men are the complete opposite of each other, both in attitude and morals and in dress and appearance. It's definately not a fluke.


Glad Crane got ID. I thought for sure it would be Jenny who got it for him, but liked that Hawley did. Awesome. However, Ichabod does NOT look 21 years old. He looks his age. No waitress would deny him a beer because he doesn't look that young. But was funny nonetheless. God, Abbie and Crane need to go drinking together in a bar. Just saying.

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Okay, show, I'll accept Katrina as long as others acknowledge that she's really not that helpful.


Maybe, maybe not.  She is definitely stoking Abraham's suspicions about Henry.  There's a pretty decent possibility that before this is over she'll have Death and War at war - with each other.

Edited by johntfs
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Yay, Matt Barr!  I always love it whenever someone from Harper's Island shows up (well, except Katie Cassidy stinking up the joint on Arrow), so it was great seeing him as Hawley.  Loved all his reactions to Ichabod being Ichabod.  I hope he sticks around.


Vastly preferred this episode compared to last week's.  Katrina was thankfully put on the back-burner, and it was mainly about Ichabod/Abbie teaming up, some much needed movement in the Abbie/Jenny relationship, and Henry being an evil bastard.  No complaints there!  Also, it was funny.  I think almost everyone in this episode made me laugh at one point.  Even Henry.  He may be evil, but he can crack a witty line with the best of them!  I love John Noble.


Ha, yes!  I love that it was a magical coin that caused Benedict Arnold to betray the Colonists.  It was both a way to bring another historical moment in to the craziness, and even find a way to make Arnold sympathetic.  But my favorite historical moment was Ichabod's rant about the "Samuel Adams" beer, and that Samuel would never be anything like who was shown on the label.  I love how for every historical figure Ichabod seems to respect, there are those like Samuel and especially Benjamin Franklin, he seems to get pissy with.  I don't know why, but Catty Ichabod never gets old with me.


I do hope they do something with Frank soon, because right now, it does feel like there just having him tread water.  Still not warming up to the new sheriff.  I was almost rooting for Darkness Jenny to take her out.


Despite my indifference, I did think Katrina planting seeds to Abraham, was probably the one time I saw some kind of spark in Katia Winter's performance, so far.  But, I did laugh when she claimed Henry is staying at that house because they still have a connection, only for it to end with Henry setting the bed she gave birth to him on, on fire.  Yeah, there's a connection there, but it ain't a good one!


I did like that Abbie finally confronted Ichabod about Katrina, and pointed out that she isn't a saint, and could betray them as well.  I get that she his wife and he loves her, but Ichabod does need to realize that Katrina isn't completely a solid bet.

Edited by thuganomics85
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Glad Crane got ID. I thought for sure it would be Jenny who got it for him, but liked that Hawley did. Awesome. However, Ichabod does NOT look 21 years old. He looks his age. No waitress would deny him a beer because he doesn't look that young. But was funny nonetheless. God, Abbie and Crane need to go drinking together in a bar. Just saying.


When I was 28 I went to my local bar that i'd frequented since before I came legal to buy a drink.  Wouldn't give it to me. Even when my regular bartender came over to vouch for me, they had to get the manager to approve it. Apparently in DC you can lose your liquor license for not checking ID. So, I can believe the waitress wouldn't serve him. 

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Did Katrina look different to anyone else?  Maybe it was the dress.

This. I thought it was a makeup issue. Her skin was clashing with her hair, as if someone put the wrong color bronzer on her (and any bronzer would be wrong on KW/Katrina, with her coloring and her character's being locked away from daylight, etc.) Tan, yet sallow? Weird.


And speaking of wrong, I'd like to call in The Wig Cop re: Katrina's "hair" this season. The look last year was far more natural. Press photos showed KW with red hair. I don't think she wore a wig at all for Purgatory scenes, and maybe just some pinned in extensions for flashbacks. These first few episodes, clearly a wig (and I'd have twigged that even if I hadn't seen that KW is currently blonde) -- and a really unnatural, lank-looking one. I just kind of hangs here, doesn't swing around realistically, and I can totally see where it meets her skin! I hate fake hair onscreen, but I can just about accept Ichabod's wig stylings. This one, however, is taking me out of Katrina's scenes even more than usual.


Enjoyed the episode, but it felt like they figured out the coin connection way too fast (even for this show). The new guy is interesting, though. I agree that it's fun to have another tall, knowledgeable--and a little dickish about that knowledge--hunk to piss off Ichabod. Also got a kick out of Mison interacting with "Hi" Guy in the background while Abbie talked to the desk attendant at the institution.

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When did Abbie and Crane get so unstealthy? They were totally discussing Top Secret stuff right in front of the new guy Hawley all night! Near the end of the episode, Crane told Abbie they still didn't know if they could trust Hawley so clearly they knew he was an unknown factor but they kept discussing things in front of him without any attempt at hiding what they were talking about.


One thing I loved was the look on Abbie's face when Crane asked her if maybe he shouldn't have let Katrina stay with the horseman. Her expression clearly said, "Bitch, please - LET?" Even though she doesn't trust Katrina, she was still offended at Crane thinking that it is his place to make decisions for his wife.

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Slightly better than last episode, but still mediocre. Any Katrina is still too much Katrina, either actual scenes with her or just mentions of her. Every time this happens, a kitten dies. Stop killing kittens, show!

Thanks to Katrina's special powers to make every other character in her proximity dull brainless morons, Jeremy and Abraham are letting themselves get manipulated by the most devoid of charm character, worst spy and witch ever. Bored now! I have to give John Noble (and Nicole Beharie) props though for proudly withstanding Katia's blackhole effect, because Tom Mison and Neil Jackson have been visibly struggling and failing miserably.

I did like the new guy, although he'll probably turn out evil. For now though he feels like a much less obnoxious version of Ichy and also much more attractive. Being new and all, he hasn't been tainted by any betrayal to Abbie, so for now he's very enjoyable and even better: actually useful! Just thinking about this little, but important detail makes me emotional.

The Mills sisters were my favorite part, as usual, because they are the heart of the show, but, also as usual, key scenes that should belong exclusively to them are given to Ichy for no good reason. Abbie should have gone directly to Jenny with those documents. I don't know why Ichy can have his cringeworthy intimate scenes with his boring wife, but Abbie can never have her own bonding moments with Jenny. It's annoying.

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Favorite tiny moment: Crane telling Abbie to 'unspool' the security video, and her little smile and head-shake of "Not quite, but God bless you for trying, you giant dork."


I laughed at Crane's delivery on the "Your generation didn't invent homosexuals*" rant, but the whole exchange felt off. Abbie's lecture on gay rights felt too rehearsed (although fridge brilliance kicks in at the thought that maybe she's been bracing for this moment for a while), and even if Crane was personally unconcerned about homosexuality I'd still expect him to be surprised to see it on public display. And I have a hard time believing this is the first time he's come across men wearing hats indoors.


One possibly-odd thing I appreciate is the fact that -- tying her up and attempting to blood-bond with her aside -- Abraham isn't aggressive or violent with Katrina. I keep expecting him to hit her when she doesn't fall into his arms the way he wants her to just because it's so common for the media to act like that's the only way you can prove that a stalker-with-a-crush character is Really Bad, but it wouldn't fit with his particular brand of horrible human being and the show knows it. In fact, showing a wide range of types of evil is something that the show is consistently good at.


*Yes, rigid categorization of sexuality is a relatively new thing, but that's beside this particular point.

Edited by Tabbyclaw
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Abbie and Jenny were the MVPs of this episode. 


Whoever is the person(s) responsible for developing their back story is doing a great job.  As I was watching them argue about their mother it completely clicked that so much of their current personalities can be attributed to that.  For all that she is a globe trotting bad ass, Jenny is the more sensitive and vulnerable sister.  And I love the consistency of the writing there too.  Of course, Jenny wouldn't try to kill Abbie.  She got herself arrested constantly while she was under the influence of a Demon so she wouldn't harm her sister.  No coin is gonna be able to override that.


I think Abbie is just as sensitive as Jenny, but she manifests it by doing the opposite of Jenny.  She runs toward strict rules and laws, rather than away from them.  It is like she needed the order that being a police officer provides after the chaos of her childhood.   I love that last scene of the two of them in the woods, hugging and Abbie reassuring Jenny.


So much awesome with those two.


On to other things... I find myself surprisingly like the new guy.  I was skeptical with all the pre-release news about him, but he is an interesting character who gives Ichabod a pause.  I found Ichabod's reactions interesting.  Around Matt Ichabod let his pompous flag fly even moreso than usual.  It felt almost as if he felt the need to show off.


On the Ab/Ichabod front two things stood out 1) Once again the show showcased how dependent Ichabod is on Abbie.  He has no identity and no money.  She houses and feeds him and probably also gives him walking around money. and 2) once again Abbie is letting Ochabod know she desn't trust him completely.  I loved her breaking it down re:Katrina.  She's right, Ichabod doesn't let Katrina do anything.  If anything Katrina's been the one making decisions for him since before they married.  He just didn't know it.  And, yes, Abbie just walked off with an 'I am too through!" look on her face.  It is almost like the SleepyGods are hearing me.  I need more of this Abbie when it comes to Ichabod.


On the Katrina front... again, she is the worst spy!  Also, Katia Winter is a very  pretty woman but that new dress was doing  her no favors.  It was butt ugly and it made her look wide.


And finally, I know the Glee reference is probably going to be the one that most people remember as a funny Ichabod moment.  But my favorite was when Ab & Ich go to Tarrytown hospital and the woman at the front looks at Abbie and then looks at Ichabod and says 'Admitting a new patient?' to Abbie.  Both their faces were priceless!

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Now THAT'S the show we grew to love in first season.


Revolutionary War name-dropping? Check. Ichabod being Ichabod? Check. Famous event in American History tied into the End of Days? Check. Biblical refernce tied into End of Days? Check.


And Reyes makes more sense with Crane's declaration that the Captain is safer in the hospital than out.


Like the new guy, no matter how he turns out.


Ichabod's and Abbie's discussion about gay marriage -- good unintentional timing, or great unintentional timing?


I would laugh so hard if "Hi." Guy  was tied into the End of Days War.

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Reyes- I don't think your dog just happened to 'not make it home'. I think that was deliberate so he wouldn't have to spend anymore time with you.


Hawley- Hot. Thank you, Sleepy Hollow casting for giving me two tall, hot guys to watch this week.


Katrina- Blerg. I'm actively rooting for Henry to remain evil just so she doesn't get a win.


I wish there was more Irving. I loved the "Hi" guy and Cranes reaction to him. Especially as he was working on the puzzle near the end.

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So after last year's horrible Happy Negroes scene, the writers decided there was nothing wrong with it and came to the conclusion that it was gay people's turn to be used as props, so that Crane can show off how open minded and great he is... amazing. Not everyone needs characterization, lines or focus, I know, but Gary Stu doesn't need to make a commentary on everything and everyone either.


I'm also tired of them using Abbie to sell Katrina's character. They make her say embarrassing things like: "a grown woman, a witch and a redhead" to imply some fiery headstrong personality and even agency. Here's a novel idea, why not show Katrina having a personality, if not through the admittedly poor acting, at least through writing and clear motivations, instead of the vague bland mess she is? I wish they wrote Abbie for Abbie's sake and not to sell their special white snowflakes, but with the people running this show, this is never gonna happen.


How long are they going to keep up Crane's bullshit about trust? If Abbie is not allowed to react like a human being and call him out out on his hypocrisy, the least they could do is stop with that horse manure, because the most important currency he's lacking is precisely trustworthiness.


I'm already over Hawley. He could have been interesting, but the baggage of his past relationship with Jenny means he's going to be a waste of time, and just the mere thought that anything romantic could develop between him and Abbie is repulsive.


And as much as I love Abbie and Jenny, their story seemed half-baked at best. The actresses sold the hell out of their scenes, but I wish the writing for their relationship was stronger. 

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I enjoyed this episode immensely. I was highly entertained and thought we got to see another side of Reyes. I still don't trust her. I liked the guy helping out our heroes tonight as well. As others have said, I am glad that Jenny's target was not Abbie. Since Ichabod has a passport now, I wonder if he will be taking a trip. And yes, I loves his "unspool" and ID/drinking rant. Fist bump, show!

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When I was 28 I went to my local bar that i'd frequented since before I came legal to buy a drink.  Wouldn't give it to me. Even when my regular bartender came over to vouch for me, they had to get the manager to approve it. Apparently in DC you can lose your liquor license for not checking ID. So, I can believe the waitress wouldn't serve him. 


Yeah, that is a good point. And the drinking age in the US is 21, so the bar is set higher (it's 19 where I live). Now that you mention DC, I was in Washington recently and went into a bar that carded everyone. They had a bouncer at the door checking the ID of people who were clearly in their 50's. At the time I thought that the place must have been busted for underage drinking, so decided the best solution was to card everyone.


As for the complaints about Ichabod not having money. Well, of course he doesn't. A) he doesn't have a job because he's too busy fighting off the Apocalypse. I did expect that he would be paid as a consultant through the police department, but that would have to get approval. Also, for all we know, Abbie keeps all of his consulting fees to offset expenses. We don't know because it's never been mentioned. B) Up until this episode, Ichabod did not have a SIN number nor any identification. This is strange, I admit. I figured Abbie should have faked something for him already but whatever. Now he has the passport. BUT to get legitimately paid, one has to be a legitimate citizen with a SIN number. SO, he didn't have one, therefore can't get paid even if he were to work somewhere. His option right now is to do something and get paid under the table. But guess what --> Apocalypse.


You know, I would love to see this - Ichabod and Abbie returns to the house where he grew up and finds some artifacts from his days growing up there. Maybe a pocket watch? Maybe some old colonial furniture. A painting, perhaps or an old vase. They go onto Antiques Roadshow, get it appraised and find out it's worth over $100,000. (Anyone who's watched the show knows what I mean). I've seen vases that sometimes are a quarter of a million, and paintings - well we know what they can be worth. Boom, Crane is rich and Abbie gets a piece of the pie. And maybe then everyone will stop whining about the money. Because truly - it's really not important in the grand scheme of things. Because again --> End of Days, Apocalypse and all of that....


Also, I notice that no one has ever mentioned how Abbie can afford a house/condo/apartment (whatever it is), an SUV and $1000 dollar leather jackets on a cop's salary. i.e. it's a television show and sometimes things don't make sense. Also, Jenny is living with Abbie and also doesn't have a job. Do a quick Google search and you get this:


Our cost of living indices are based on a US average of 100. An amount below 100 means Sleepy Hollow, NY is cheaper than the US average. A cost of living index above 100 means Sleepy Hollow, NY is more expensive.

Overall, Sleepy Hollow, NY cost of living is 195.70.

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I enjoyed this episode overall.  More details on the Mills sisters' relationship and their mother.  Ambiguous Reyes.  Insidious Henry Parrish.  Minimal Katrina.  Continued mutual support between Ichabod and Abby.  Their friendship and partnership remains one of the most appealing things about this show.  They respect each other, but they also challenge each other.  I hope the show doesn't change that.


Not sure about Nick Hawley yet - however,

I saw no chemistry between him and Abby and, if spoilers are to be believed, they're going to become involved.

  I did enjoy seeing Hawley's WTF faces when he was listening to Ichabod talk about past events in the present tense.


I also liked how Abby and Jenny kicked ass, and how Ichabod cleverly figured out a way to talk to Frank.


The only thing I really didn't like is how Ichabod and Abby seemed to be okay with Hawley keeping such a dangerous silver coin.

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Also, Katia Winter is a very  pretty woman but that new dress was doing  her no favors.  It was butt ugly and it made her look wide.

Maybe Henry bought it for her since he clearly hates Mum.  And is there a mall in Purgatory that he went too?



intro of faux-Sawyer (which is what I'm calling him).

Good call!  I liked Sawyer and so far Hawley is interesting.


About carding:  They card everyone in my local grocery stores - even the folks from the senior's apartment right next to the plaza.


The shading of the faces for people carrying the coin was kind of freaky.  Nice effect.

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Good ep, I loved the interaction between Abby and Jenny.  I like Hawley, but not sure where they are going with him.


Although after Ichabod's line of watching the Glee finale, does anyone else think we need a spin-off of Abby and Ichabod watching TV MST3K style?

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I kind of like the new guy. I hope he's legitimately good.


I was so excited to see someone from Harper's Island! Hope the character sticks around for a bit. 

Did Katrina look different to anyone else?  Maybe it was the dress.


I think it was the new dress,that kinda wasn't working for her, but when the guy doing your shopping has no head.....


I enjoyed Hawley too. He was a bit shifty, but the reason he rubbed Crane the wrong way is because they're somewhat alike. I appreciated that.

The two actors have really great chemistry. I look forward to their adventures together. 



Favorite tiny moment: Crane telling Abbie to 'unspool' the security video, and her little smile and head-shake of "Not quite, but God bless you for trying, you giant dork."


That was a good moment. 

Now THAT'S the show we grew to love in first season.


Revolutionary War name-dropping? Check. Ichabod being Ichabod? Check. Famous event in American History tied into the End of Days? Check. Biblical refernce tied into End of Days? Check.


And Reyes makes more sense with Crane's declaration that the Captain is safer in the hospital than out.


Like the new guy, no matter how he turns out.


Ichabod's and Abbie's discussion about gay marriage -- good unintentional timing, or great unintentional timing?


I would laugh so hard if "Hi." Guy  was tied into the End of Days War.

I really liked "Hi" Guy and Ichabod doing the puzzle together. Made me laugh. And then when Captain Irving walked in the room? "Hi" Guy was extra happy! 

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Really enjoyed this episode, I thought it was terrific.  It shows the hell that Henry is putting them throw.  Speaking of Henry, John Noble was terrific in this episode and seems to be having a lot of fun.  "Your son is a lawyer.  You must be very proud."  Interesting he's living in the place where he was born.


I totally agree that John Noble was killing it in this episode. My favorite moment was the way he spat out the line to Ichabod about father/son bonding. It was something like, "Are you going to try to make up for lost time? Are we going to go down to the fishing hole?" Shoot, I can't remember the exact line, but he said it to perfection.

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When I was 28 I went to my local bar that i'd frequented since before I came legal to buy a drink.  Wouldn't give it to me. Even when my regular bartender came over to vouch for me, they had to get the manager to approve it. Apparently in DC you can lose your liquor license for not checking ID. So, I can believe the waitress wouldn't serve him. 


I work in a grocery store and we require ID no matter what the apparent age.  I've turned down 87 year old men because they didn't have ID.

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Although after Ichabod's line of watching the Glee finale, does anyone else think we need a spin-off of Abby and Ichabod watching TV MST3K style?


I would love that!  My favorite part of every episode is Ichabod's comments on modern life.  I did some research this morning and that is Paul Revere on Sam Adams beer. 



If only the show could get Paul Giamatti to do a cameo as John Adams.

Edited by monakane
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I was shocked that the new sheriff shot the bank lady - was it a head shot?


Clearly it was a tense situation but I did not think it was one that required deadly force (well, not yet anyway).  Wonder if Reyes knew that there was supernatural forces in play?

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YES!  With Stannis Baratheon as his good friend, Thomas Jefferson.


OMG, I never put it together that Stannis and Jefferson were played by the same actor.  We would also need Laura Linney as Abigail because Abigail would be down with the liberated modern woman and could certainly handle firearms.

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I liked the new guy more then I expected to.


Maybe it was a good episode because it made Crane interact with people other then Abbie.


I suppose Headless didn't spring for modern day clothing for Katrina to wear. Or shampoo. I agree that the hair/wig looked awfully limp.


Not following along with the hunting stuff, seemed kind of random so they'd have a good setting.

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Just watched it -- very much liked it.  Anytime the focus is on Abbie and Jenny, I'm happy.  Ichabod was particularly amusing, too, and that moment in the hallway when Henry warned him that he hadn't begun to know sadness -- with that little side-eye toward Abbie -- was chilling.  Ichabod totally got the threat, too.  There are some very unsavory plans afoot for the Witnesses, I suspect.


I, too, was dubious about the new character, but I was quite charmed by him.  He can stick around and get into dick-measuring contests with Ichabod on my TV for a while.  Although this quote above confused me:



Hawley. He could have been interesting, but the baggage of his past relationship with Jenny means he's going to be a waste of time


Did I miss something?  I thought he and Jenny just had a business relationship, nothing more.  I'm actually interested to see if he and Abbie become a thing.  They could have some interesting chemistry.

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Great start to the season. I love a wacky show and I especially like it when the show knows its wacky and just dives right in. I also like the new guy. I've always been a sucker for the mercenary who accidentally joins a noble cause. Also he's dreamy.


I'm so ready for Irving to get sprung even though I know the story isn't ready for it yet. Don't think I want Reyes to get fired necessarily but I'd love to see her get caught up in something supernatural causing Abbie and Crane to have to come and rescue her.

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Slightly better than last episode, but still mediocre. Any Katrina is still too much Katrina, either actual scenes with her or just mentions of her. Every time this happens, a kitten dies. Stop killing kittens, show!Thanks to Katrina's special powers to make every other character in her proximity dull brainless morons, Jeremy and Abraham are letting themselves get manipulated by the most devoid of charm character, worst spy and witch ever. Bored now! I have to give John Noble (and Nicole Beharie) props though for proudly withstanding Katia's blackhole effect, because Tom Mison and Neil Jackson have been visibly struggling and failing miserably.I did like the new guy, although he'll probably turn out evil. For now though he feels like a much less obnoxious version of Ichy and also much more attractive. Being new and all, he hasn't been tainted by any betrayal to Abbie, so for now he's very enjoyable and even better: actually useful! Just thinking about this little, but important detail makes me emotional.The Mills sisters were my favorite part, as usual, because they are the heart of the show, but, also as usual, key scenes that should belong exclusively to them are given to Ichy for no good reason. Abbie should have gone directly to Jenny with those documents. I don't know why Ichy can have his cringeworthy intimate scenes with his boring wife, but Abbie can never have her own bonding moments with Jenny. It's annoying.

You've captured all of my thoughts except I don't find the actor who portrays Hawley attractive, but then, I tend not to find blondes attractive.

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