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S05.E00: Ask The Moms of Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 (Special)


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Ever wanted to see Maci give Kailyn advice on how to co-parent with a father you have an explosive relationship with? Maybe you think Leah could give some tips to Caitlynn on going through a second pregnancy. For the first time ever the casts of "Teen Mom" and " Teen Mom 2" will unite for a "Ask the Moms" special.  The panel will include Chelsea, Leah, Jenelle, Kailyn, Catelynn, Amber and Maci. Dr. Drew will be moderating the discussion. Audience members will also be the first to see never before seen clips from both "Teen Mom" and "Teen Mom 2" that even the mothers haven't seen.



Jenelle giving parenting tips? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I think they should have invited Barb instead. Who the hell is gonna ask Jenelle for advice on anything except where's the best non-obvious spot to shoot up? Oh boy.


They should just remove Jenelle and put in Barbara as one of "the moms."  I'm talking changing the "Jenelle" graphic to "Barbara." I mean really.  Jenelle is basically just babysitting when it's convenient for her.  She lives in another state entirely from her child, and she doesn't even pay child support.  I'd actually prefer to see how Barbara is managing day to day with Jace.  If anything, it could be a message to all those moms out there who are in denial about their daughter's having a sex life as a teen, and refuse to provide birth control because they don't want to appear to condone the behavior.

  • Love 7

"What's your guys's names?" Who is this idiot hosting? And who does MTV think they're kidding with this JENELLE IS AWESOME crap?


I am weeping for our future.


ETA: I try not to criticize the girls too much on issues of appearance, but Leah's frock is the ugliest thing I have ever seen.

Edited by bref
  • Love 2

I'm gonna have to watch this later since I have 2 shows DVRing at the same time. It won't allow me to deviate right now. Dammit. I am hoping there's a giant catfight at the end though, between Jenelle, Amber, and Maci. That would be wonderful.


A girl can dream.

Edited by fliptopbox
  • Love 2

Leah's hair is chopped to shit! Did Rhoda cut her hair?

I can't believe they're making them spout this bullshit about Farrah. What she was doing wasn't in tune with what Teen Mom was all about? GTFOH.

Farrah doing open is perfectly legal. No harm, no foul. Amber is a jailbird. She will always have a number in the system. She beats the bag out of her man and she gets to stay?

These chicks having sex is what got them the show, but Farrah getting paid for it is a problem? Gimme a break.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 11

Why won't one of these girls ask Catelynn how long it's going to take for her to realize that Tyler does not want her! Have your baby and move the fuck on! He will never marry you!

I'm sick of this show trying to make Tyler some sort of role model for how a boyfriend should act. Bull and shit. This clown has been stringing this girl along since we met them and her desperate behind is going to let him keep on doing it.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 10

This is going to be nothing but a snarkfest. The show should have a disclaimer: Want advice? Don't watch this show. Go to a therapist.

There needs to be a disclaimer to the disclaimer..."make sure that therapist is NOT Dr. Drew"."

Catelynn should have done a throw back to the Couples Therapy reunion..."Farrah isn't here because she's busy selling HER VAGINA!".

  • Love 5

Interesting to find out that Jenelle and Leah had a little Twitter fall-out due to an interview Amber gave. They both have done some pretty awful things, but I really do feel Amber has truly faced up to her issues and worked through them. Jenelle is still in total denial. There is a glaring difference between the two of them. 


Jenelle is just not introspective all all. She has no self awareness. I loved the audience member who asked her if she'd ever been single, and she goes on about how the TWO months in between one pogo stick and the next was a great time for her to take a break and get perspective. TWO MONTHS. And she said it like she was totally serious. Damn.


You know, I get what the other girls were saying about not letting their kids get away with stuff even once on camera, because they'd constantly try to get away with it....but I appreciated Chelsea's honesty in saying that it's hard for her to be firm when the cameras are there. I get it. Parents are constantly scrutinized these days. Raise your voice to your kids in public and you get a thousand evil stares. Ignore their tantrum and you get a thousand more. I just appreciated her being honest. 


But....um...ew....it's only been a few months since she hooked up with Adumb? Gah, what is her deal? I firmly believe she meant it when she said 100% she'd never get back with him again, but she obviously uses him for sex when she feels the need and it just skeeves me out.I hope Aubree is not aware of it at all. 


Looking forward to the original crew being back - should be lots of snarkworthy material, including how Maci's bf looks/sounds like Corey's cousin. Did Jeff play milkman all over the south in the early 90s?


Leah looks OLD. Amber needs to lay off the false eyelashes. She barely has eyes as it is, she don't need anything weighing them down.

  • Love 4

I saw the sneak preview of the new Teen Mom season.

Sigh, Gary has gotten fatter. Seriously he needs to go on The Biggest Loser or Obesity Clinic or Extreme Weight Loss. Something! It's like I'm watching him suffocate just sitting in his chair. If he's the primary caretaker for Leah, he has got to do better.

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I stopped watching 20 minutes in.  The host just drove me over the edge with "guys" in every single sentence, including the tortured "your guys'" as some sort of possessive.  I figure I can come here and get the lowlights without being driven insane.  Well, except by the content; but at least the delivery here is literate.


[Tyler] seemed SO excited about the baby, but the idea of getting married sends him into a panic.

Because marriage is permanent and nothing you should rush into, I suppose.  ::rolleyes::

  • Love 2

Because marriage is permanent and nothing you should rush into, I suppose. ::rolleyes::

I haven't seen it yet... I was going to judge here if it was worth it, but did Tyler say that!?

True... You shouldn't rush into marriage... But on my list of things not to rush into, you know what's above marriage??? Making BABIES!!

Divorce is really hard, I'm not discounting that but at least divorce is generally between 2 adults... But once you have kids you are adding an innocent person who did not ask to be brought into the situation. (I also know divorce is hard on children, in this scenario I am assuming kids are not yet involved in the divorce to make my point it's an adult decision)

  • Love 3

Sigh, Gary has gotten fatter. Seriously he needs to go on The Biggest Loser or Obesity Clinic or Extreme Weight Loss. Something! It's like I'm watching him suffocate just sitting in his chair. If he's the primary caretaker for Leah, he has got to do better.

He actually tried out for the biggest loser and didn't make it. His audition tape may still be on YouTube.

Haven't watched this yet but expect it will make me even angrier than the football game I watched instead.

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Does Jenelle seriously think that any legitimate Dr's office, clinic, hospital, or anybody else in the medical field will ever hire her?

If she does, she's stupider than I thought.

I don't know if it was the tarantula legs she had glued to her eyelids or what, but Amber could barely keep her eyes open. The previews don't show much of a change in her.

I wish Gary would do something about his weight. Its so sad to see somebody so young let themselves get to that point.

Speaking of Gary, what was up with his hair and eyebrows? It looked like his eyebrows were gone and his hair looked like it was falling out in clumps.

I understand Chelsea. My ex,was a jerk, but I was a single mom and didn't date and he was really, really good at doing the deed so for a couple years after we broke up, he'd come around after my kids went to bed (he wasn't their father, their father had died) and leave before they woke up. I would never in a million years have gotten back with him but a woman has needs too.

I totally understand where Chelsea is coming from.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 3

I'm no Farrah fan, but "her behavior isn't in tune with the message of the ever-so-classy Teen Mom franchise"? Excuse me?!

And what would the message of Teen Mom be, exactly? To get an education and have a stable life/relationship/income before having a child? Well, uh, no. 4/7 of these girls have already spawned again and none of them have degrees or stable ANYTHING (and Maci and Chelsea would have gladly had other children--Maci practically begged Kyle to get her pregnant and Chelsea failed to use protection with Adam long after Aubree was born. So the number could easily be 6/7 of them).

For fuck's sake, Janelle and Amber don't even have CUSTODY of their first kids. Say what you will about Farrah (my main beef with her is that she is completely disconnected from reality and has a god-awful personality), but she provides for her child, hasn't brought another kid into a terrible situation, actually finished a schooling program, and isn't looking for a new "daddy" for her kid every month.

These bitches need to get off their high horses. You are on TEEN MOM, on MTV, with the drug addict didn't even care when she lost custody of her kid, the other drug addict who is physically abusive, the backwoods town whore who has three kids and two husbands under her belt at the age of 20, etc. etc. You're not a part of some documentary that is saving lives. This a trainwreck and we're all just tuning in to gawk at it. Ugh, ugh, ugh.

Edited by this-one-is-mine
  • Love 16

A new low for MTV.  They used to pretend they weren't glamorizing these simple minded hayseeds who are only there because they were too stupid to use readily available birth control as teenagers.  Now they're filming some of them getting together for a lively rooftop chat "before the show" during their all-expense-paid trip to New York.  Then the producers get them all gussied up and have some "hip" host fawn all over them like she's interviewing the last Space Shuttle crew.  She even goes out on the streets of the city to cutesy-interview people who just love-love-love them gals.  It's sure sending an interesting message to the millions of teens out there in TV Land.


Tyler should just say he won't be getting married because he's Gay and doesn't want to be a bigger hypocrite than he already is.  He's sticking around, at least in part, because his livelihood depends on it.  Without Catelynn, he's just another anonymous sperm donor nobody cares about.

  • Love 4

Everything was wrong with this "special," everything.  What did they do with the old host of these crapfests? But more importantly, why did they leave us with this bumbling hairpiece of a dum-dum?! Everyone here has already said it better, but it is a major red flag when Chelsea looks like the classy version of the look you're intending, and every single one of the TMs could one-up you on the GED English portion. She actually said "guyses," right? I swear that is what she directed at an audience member. 


this-one-is-mine, yaaaassss! My guess is Farrah committed the reality TV sin of bitching about the crew and producers publicly, while the rest are at least conscious that their tattoos, drugs and cars won't pay for themselves. It would have been great if MTV had actually captured Farrah's mind-melting crap last year about Sophia "having her own life and doing her own thing." It's really no more stupid than every word that comes out of psychobot Jenelle's mouth.


Pretty much everyone looked like crap except for Catelynn, which was kind of a surprise actually. Maci looked in need of a nutritionist stat. She's clearly naturally thin, but she looked like she's living off of cigarettes, red bull and nuggets; bitch looked rough, and the extensions aren't helping matters. And the new bf being Corey's cousin?! Yes, and perhaps just a slightly-younger, time-warp Corey. Crazy. And Amber... Amber and Gary someone managed to produce a human child, and that is fascinating to me considering that an overstuffed sofa and a semi-vegetative, 60-yr-old tin of nicotine provided the genetic material. I was shocked to see Gary, and something tells me we won't get to see anymore of his infamous(ly terrifying) seat-fully-reclined/viewing-the-road-over-his-chins soccer/fast food runs that used to be in every episode. If he can enter a door, let alone a car, I'll be gobsmacked! I had to love Amber's question about how it is that Gary's gf would allow him in a room with Amber alone and trust nothing would happen: short of a massive supply of whatever Lance Armstrong was taking and a stepladder, I think she knew things were relatively safe. I don't mean to sound cruel, but who is going to take custody of Leah when Gary drops dead of complications before 30? If ABC won't pay his way, maybe MTV could help him out with a program since they care so much about the lives of these kids. Oh... right...


The only redeemable moments of this crapfest were of randos trying to impersonate Barbara, but even that segment had all of the joy and energy of Lindsey Lohan guesting on Billy on the Street. 

Edited by meisje
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I used to like Chelsea. But she absolutely disgusts me now. Aside from the fact that Adam is a walking STD and is totally gross to look at. How in the hell could you fear for your daughter's safety when she's with Adam because he is driving around without a license almost killing people, taking her on a dirt bike without a helmet etc yet have sex with him. HELL NO! I honestly do not believe she is truly worried about Aubrey.  She should barely be able to talk to the POS, not fuck him. in my book she is as gross as he is.

  • Love 8

Yes, this special was awful....they ask stupid questions and just waste everyone's time.  I kind of liked Amber last night though--I thought she had some good things to say, and she seemed self aware.  Gary does look awful....omg.  It makes me so sad to see people that large.  


You are all right, Tyler will not marry Catelynn.  I am not sure how she doesn't see that his delay tactics have gone on for years, and that though he is eager for a child, that does not mean he will marry you.  I think they are both still reacting to losing their child to adoption and now want their own, and for both of them that is their main goal in life at this point.  

I still don't think Chelsea would take Adumb back. I think she'll hook up with him, because (like another poster said) she has needs and it's probably really easy and convenient. Would I do the same? Hell no. And I hope she is triple bagging that thing! But I do not think, under any circumstances, she would entertain the idea of an actual relationship with him. 

You are all right, Tyler will not marry Catelynn.  I am not sure how she doesn't see that his delay tactics have gone on for years, and that though he is eager for a child, that does not mean he will marry you.  I think they are both still reacting to losing their child to adoption and now want their own, and for both of them that is their main goal in life at this point.


I think Tyler feels immense guilt over giving Carly up, and now is his chance to make up for it - keep and raise his baby. It wouldn't matter who it was with, and it wouldn't occur to him that having a baby with Catelynn ties him to her. Why should it? It hasn't for anyone else on this franchise. FTR, I don't think Tyler is gay. But I don't think he's in love with Catelynn. I think he loves her very very much, as a friend. But given that this was his first, and only, real relationship - I don't think he knows the difference. 

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Watching now. I recognize the host as Nessa from Girl Code. She seems more educated on that show, I think she's dumbing herself down for the audience. Sad. On Girl Code she never talks like that.


Wow. Maci looks like shit! I dunno what it is, but she reminds me of Skeletor.


Amber...she looks high and with those stupid fake lashes you can't even see her actual eyes. They're just two dark spots on her face.


I love Maci trying to explain away why Farrah wasn't there. "She's not sending the right message" uh, which is what? Get knocked up and desperately search for a man to take care of you and knock you up a second time? At least Farrah makes her own money. She's a terrible person, but she's not relying on others. That is more than most of them can say.


I can tell when this is over I'm going to be very ragey.

Edited by fliptopbox
  • Love 1

I never watched original Teen Mom, never cared about those girls' stories, and this "reunion" reminded me of why. God, they're insipid. And can someone please get some bug spray or something for those tarantulas glued to Amber's eyelids? Poor girl looked like she could barely see. And really? Farrah's new goings-on don't really fit with the message of the Teen Mom franchise? What, feeding starving children in Africa? Get off your high horse, ladies. You're only famous for getting knocked up in high school and exploiting your babies for entertainment. Own it.


As for the Teen Mom 2 girls, oy. Jenelle cracked my shit up when she talked about being single for a whopping two months. Yes, lots of perspective to be gained from that break. And I think I threw up in my mouth a little when Chelsea confirmed that she was last doing-more-than-talking with Adam only a few months ago. Sigh. I agree with the above posters that Chelsea is completely serious about never getting back together with him but will still use him for a quick bang every now and then, and if the guy in question wasn't a walking STD of loserdom I would be all for girls getting theirs. But, ew. Look, I understand - fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly. She's got an itch, go ahead and scratch it - but good grief, is there NO ONE else in that town that she can scratch it with? I don't care if Adam's convenient. So is any other guy with a penis. Pick someone else.

  • Love 7

Why are they bringing back Teen Mom in the first place? These girls are not teens anymore, they are 22-23 years old. And wasn't this show at first suppose to be for educational purposes like see how hard it is to be a teen mom, be careful, use birth control...etc. yeah, right!

These girls were given money, fame and got star treatment and it didn't do any of them any good as far as I can see.

Maci is still going to school so that's good. But she looks awful, her legs looked like toothpicks. And from the previews is still having problems with Ryan.

Amber doesn't have custody of her daughter and still fighting with Gary. She needs to take off the false eyelashes, you can't even see her eyes. No school? Job? And she's still talking about jail like it was not her fault she put herself there.

Caitlyn I always admired because of her selfless act of giving her baby a better life thru adoption. But now she's pregnant, Tyler won't marry her. Did those two ever go to college like they said they would? Jobs?

It doesn't seem like anything has changed much with three girls over the past 2-3 years. I won't be watching.

  • Love 1

"What's your guys's names?" Who is this idiot hosting? And who does MTV think they're kidding with this JENELLE IS AWESOME crap?


I am weeping for our future.


ETA: I try not to criticize the girls too much on issues of appearance, but Leah's frock is the ugliest thing I have ever seen.

I absolutely died when she said - "What's youse guys's names?"  This was seriously the best person they could find to host the show?  She was horrible.

  • Love 1

I still stand by the idea that these girls do not represent the teen mom population well enough.  Most teen mothers don't have the monetary resources that these girls wind up with.  Subsequent seasons have these girls buying homes, buying cars, carrying expensive bags, etc.  If I had been an audience member I might have asked them about the money situation and how they feel that separates them from other teen mothers.  I don't think theirs is a realistic portrayal of that kind of a teen mom's life.

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The questions are probably scripted. There's no way they would let audience members just get up and ask whatever.


I have been in one of those MTV audiences (a friend's band was on the Dew Circuit Breakout show) and trust me, they tell you a long list of what you can and cannot do or say. You're not even allowed to have chapstick in their studio.


The host was Nessa from Girl Code. I am sure she was given a role as well, cos she's nowhere near that dumb and vapid on Girl Code.

What I noticed about these girls from the fifteen minutes that I could tolerate watching them was that they seem to not like each other. Why fake being so close and supportive if you don't like the person sitting next to you? Neither Amber or Catelynn raised their kids but Jenelle seems more of the odd one out than them. She can't even fake caring about anything other than her latest boyfriend or drugs.

  • Love 1


I absolutely died when she said - "What's youse guys's names?"


"yous guys" is a NYC regionalism like y'all. It does sound dumb but its all over.


I didn't hear the "yous"--I heard "What's your guys's names?" and that's what the captions said.  And she'd done it before.


The problem is that she apparently doesn't know that "you" is a plural pronoun, so she used "you guys" constantly.  "And for you guys seeing that, how did it make you guys feel?"  Chelsea answered, referring to the Teen Mom 1s as "you guys," and then the host asked her next question:  "You guys are down one cast member..."  Commercial break.  Next question:  "What do you guys like about Twitter?"


Shortly after that, Amber and Jenelle achieved their truce, and the host commented, "This is like your guys's time to, you know, talk and make sure everything's cleared up because, you know, we want to see you, like, girls be as one."


So to make "you guys" possessive, it's "your guys's."  It's especially galling because all she really had to use was "your."


Silly me--I thought "Bob and I's relationship" was a high crime of possessive malfeasance.  I'm going to have to demote that one to venial sin in light of the new kid on the block.

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I'm worried about Catelynne suffocating.


I don't know if this is what you're referring to, but whenever I look at her I find it hard to take a deep breath.  She just looks overstuffed.



How in the hell could you fear for your daughter's safety when she's with Adam because he is driving around without a license almost killing people, taking her on a dirt bike without a helmet etc yet have sex with him.


Yeah--you want to talk about dangerous?  Sex with Adam. 


But this helps explain why Adam doesn't take her seriously. 

  • Love 3

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