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The Bachelorette in the Media

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What couples, pray tell?

Other than Bachelorette Kaitlyn and her fiance Shawn (and the televising of their wedding, well, who knows if that will happen), whose wedding could possibly "outrank" Bachelorette Rachel's?  Some also-ran contestants from BIP, like Raven and Adam? Please. 

Maybe it's just the natural skeptic in me, but something sounds fishy here. I would think ABC would be all over the wedding of its first Bachelorette of color. 

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, adhoc said:

What couples, pray tell?

Other than Bachelorette Kaitlyn and her fiance Shawn (and the televising of their wedding, well, who knows if that will happen), whose wedding could possibly "outrank" Bachelorette Rachel's?  Some also-ran contestants from BIP, like Raven and Adam? Please. 

Maybe it's just the natural skeptic in me, but something sounds fishy here. I would think ABC would be all over the wedding of its first Bachelorette of color. 

There's also JoJo and Jordan, and now Ashely and Jared. I wouldn't put it past ABC to prioritize Ashley and Jared considering how much they've been promoting their engagement. And if ABC is televising multiple weddings, they're probably going to space them out over a year or two, not air one after another. Nothing is stopping Rachel and Bryan from having a private wedding any time they want.

  • Love 7
33 minutes ago, adhoc said:

Maybe it's just the natural skeptic in me, but something sounds fishy here. I would think ABC would be all over the wedding of its first Bachelorette of color. 

Except they haven't done a big wedding for awhile and according to Reality Steve and other gossip, it was because the network didn't think it was worth the cost. It's the reason Des and Chris didn't get a televised wedding either and Des admitted to Reality Steve in an interview a year ago that they were in talks with the network and essentially they were stalled for awhile. She then said that eventually, after two years of stalling on the network's part, she and Chris just decided to go ahead and do it on their own.

And that's the impression I got from Rachel's interview. That talks are still happening with the network so they're stalled on waiting for the final word to know if they're either going to do it on television or go ahead and do it privately. YMMV but I don't judge any of the couples for entertaining the option of the televised wedding. For one thing it greatly reduces the personal stress and costs on the couple. And  I mean if you're willing to go on a dating reality show to meet a partner, is getting married on television that big of a deal?

As for Rachel's being the first Bachelorette of color, that may be, but by the end of her season she was loathed by many viewers for daring to not pick their special snowflake and many did not care for her actual choice. Even to this day where by all accounts, Rachel and Bryan have shown themselves to be a very solid and happy couple, people still throw shade on her page, insult and denigrate him constantly. So I can believe that ABC may not be sure that there's enough of an audience for their wedding. 


27 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

Nothing is stopping Rachel and Bryan from having a private wedding any time they want.

And she said as much. I thought Rachel was quite clear that things are on pause because they're waiting for the final word on ABC. If it's a no go with the televised wedding, then they'll do it privately. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 4

Maybe we can start a Gofundme for these poor Bachelorettes who need a wedding. Rachel and JoJo—come on, we saw where your families live; they no doubt have always planned to pop for any wedding their daughters want. Not to mention does Rachel’s father the federal judge want to even be part of a televised wedding, since he stayed away from her season? But I do want to see JoJo’s mom enjoying her own bottle of champagne during the toast, no glass necessary!

  • Love 11
7 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

she was loathed by many viewers ... 

This happens with every lead.  Everyone loved Arie the kissing bandit, yet look what happened.  

Everyone hated Andi, Kaitlyn, Des, Nick, Ben... 

Being the lead is not an easy gig - your mistakes and flaws  are manipulated for drama and ratings.  If you play along with producers, you look like a dumb patsy.   If you dont, they make you look like a bitch or a whore. Very very few leads come away unscathed.

Fwiw, I think Rachel had it worse because of the live finale.   Her (understandable) raw anger at Peter came across as cruel, who SHE had dumped.  The leads come across better when it is more of a cool “thank you for the journey” and “Im sorry I hurt you moment” because that is just more endearing, but I understand that she didnt know how that would play out. 

Ultimately, the more I hear from her, the less I like - I think I always want the leads to be awesome, but they are just shallow fame whores, and in time that wears very very thin. 

  • Love 7

I thought Ben and Sean were great bachelors.. they were classy and seemed like nice guys . The other bachelors , not so much . I really also haven't cared for many of the bachelorettes .. andi and Rachel being numbers 1 and 2 on the do not like list . And for me , my dislike for Rachel had little to do with how she acted toward Peter at the end , and more because I thought she came off as very fake and had a know-it-all vibe . Andi was just annoying as hell . Des and becca may be boring to watch on tv but they seem like genuine people . I didn't care one way or the other for Jojo but I thought she was a good lead 

  • Love 5

For me JoJo was a terrible lead because I wasn't rooting for her (which is a personal preference thing so that reason is very me specific) but also because I knew by the second ep who she was going to pick so the journey was all kinds of boring on her end. The guys on her season were more entertaining than her. She was just there, making googly eyes at Jordan and leading the rest of them on as she has to until the end. Nothing special there.

  • Love 2

I think a major problem I had with Becca's season is the lack of entertaining contestant hijinks.  I don't mean the scary Chris meltdown type, but the bromances, the shirtless bonding rituals and the fun, yummy looking, dudes-being-dudes shenanigans. 

There was way too much of Becca lamenting her relationship with Arie.  Seriously, I really don't think any other lead has ever wailed, whined, bitched, griped and moaned about the person that dumped them to get them to their title position.  

She left absolutely no filming time for us to enjoy the guys.  And THAT is why I watch the Bachelorette.  Certainly not for the girl.    

I think she was the suckiest sucker that ever sucked.  And I include Nick in that list, and I abhore him & didn't even watch his season.  

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

but I think on a majority of the seasons the leads know fairly quickly who they're gonna pick even though they obviously can't say anything 

Yeah, some are just better hiding it than others. I think Becca is one of those who can't hide what she is thinking, which is why it was painfully obvious who she was really into from the start. I mean, I'm not at all surprised who her final two are. I would have picked these two on day one. I prefer there to be some suspense.


9 minutes ago, leighdear said:

I think a major problem I had with Becca's season is the lack of entertaining contestant hijinks.  I don't mean the scary Chris meltdown type, but the bromances, the shirtless bonding rituals and the fun, yummy looking, dudes-being-dudes shenanigans. 

I do think that it is the contestants who make or break a season, not the lead. And Becca has no control over what they chose to show. That they are dwelling so heavy on Arie is a producer choice. The question is why did they choose it. Is it because it was too obvious who was winning so they needed a storyline or the guys just weren't that hijinky so they needed a storyline. IDK. Whatever their reason I think they made the wrong choice. It really did drag the season down and make Becca look like a fool

  • Love 3

Agreed, she had the hotties.  I've always said Em was the best Bachelorette, with her iron-fist-in-a-velvet-glove treatment of the guys.  She made them chase HER and never for a moment let them forget it.  Her guys were fun, the locations great (Bermuda, London, Croatia, Prague) and activities were fun to watch.  Plus, in Charlotte they were far away from the ugly Cal mansion.

How far they have fallen.  Kalon landed a helicopter on the lawn back then.  Now we have a lame asshats in achicken suit. 

  • Love 13
On 7/23/2018 at 4:36 PM, MakeMeLaugh said:

Maybe we can start a Gofundme for these poor Bachelorettes who need a wedding. Rachel and JoJo—come on, we saw where your families live; they no doubt have always planned to pop for any wedding their daughters want. Not to mention does Rachel’s father the federal judge want to even be part of a televised wedding, since he stayed away from her season? But I do want to see JoJo’s mom enjoying her own bottle of champagne during the toast, no glass necessary!

That's an interesting point. I don't even think it was actually a choice, I don't think he was allowed to be on-camera or involved in any way (could be wrong about that). 

But is her dad going to have to sit out on her wedding if she goes the tv route? That doesn't seem worth it to me. Especially since she comes from money and was an attorney herself, engaged to a chiropractor, and the 2 of them do the customary Instagram shilling. They are certainly equipped to pop for their own wedding. 

But as for a queue of engaged couples? I doubt it. Does anyone even care about Kaitlyn or JoJo anymore, their seasons were awhile back. 

I can't lie though, I'd probably tune in for an Ashley I wedding, I can't even imagine the over the top Disney princess antics that would ensue. And lord knows the show would be salivating at the prospect of "wedding night" quips if she's still (or still claiming to be) a virgin. With all that, plus their...complicated journey to the altar, I could see them being at the head of the line. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

But is her dad going to have to sit out on her wedding if she goes the tv route? That doesn't seem worth it to me. Especially since she comes from money and was an attorney herself, engaged to a chiropractor, and the 2 of them do the customary Instagram shilling. They are certainly equipped to pop for their own wedding. 


I can't lie though, I'd probably tune in for an Ashley I wedding, I can't even imagine the over the top Disney princess antics that would ensue. And lord knows the show would be salivating at the prospect of "wedding night" quips if she's still (or still claiming to be) a virgin. With all that, plus their...complicated journey to the altar, I could see them being at the head of the line. 

She certainly comes across to me as self centered enough to not have thought about the dad part yet.  And I have no doubt they could sell the pictures to In Touch or People for a pretty penny, even if the event wasnt televised.  Isn't that better? You dont have Mike Fleiss f-ing up your wedding (with nonsense like the god awful tastless "honeymoon suite cam" they did on Sean and Catherine?) but still get $$$$? 

I definetly dont want to watch Jojo or Kaitlyn get married. 

  • Love 3

Fwiw, I listen to the “Bachelor Party” podcast and Rachel was a guest cohost last week.  They talked a lot about Rachel’s season (too much for me). On this weeks episode, Juliet Litman said, “Rachel was here, and I could tell the Peter thing still bothers her”.  

YMMV, but if she is going to continue to be in public talking about her season, Im not gonna have any compunction about commenting about it.  If she goes about her business and doesnt talk about her season, I wont.  

  • Love 8
17 minutes ago, fib said:

Fwiw, I listen to the “Bachelor Party” podcast and Rachel was a guest cohost last week.  They talked a lot about Rachel’s season (too much for me). On this weeks episode, Juliet Litman said, “Rachel was here, and I could tell the Peter thing still bothers her”.  

YMMV, but if she is going to continue to be in public talking about her season, Im not gonna have any compunction about commenting about it.  If she goes about her business and doesnt talk about her season, I wont.  

I never listen to Bachelor related podcasts because I have zero interest, so I cannot speak on what was or wasn't said on this podcast. That said, I have read many of Rachel's interviews since her season ended and the only times she mentions Peter is when she is asked, which of course happens if the interview is show related. However, when it isn't, which has been many, as she has been making moves on getting more into sports, she never talks about Peter.  In the times I have seen her mention him, I have found her to be pleasant enough and simply forthcoming of what's asked of her. 

Other than that, I follow Rachel on social media and that woman seems genuinely fulfilled and happy with her life. Yet, and I don't care if some want to deny it but viewers are the ones who seemingly just will not move on. I mean this is an example of the ridiculousness Rachel deals with. The woman was tweeting once about the NBA and commenting about a trade decision she didn't agree with. Someone responds, "oh like your decision to not pick Peter".  I'm sorry but the fact that people take this show that seriously to be so invested still a whole year later is already pathetic enough as far as I'm concerned. 

And for me it's especially ridiculous because one, viewers saw a highly edited version of these relationships. And two, the whole "relationship" with Peter was like eight weeks while dating others. Meanwhile she's been with Bryan at this point for a year. Yet some still want to believe the woman is harboring some deep desire or resentment or whatever. And again, from my vantage point, I maintain that the ones who are harboring or holding onto anything are the viewers who are still hung up on Peter and his gap tooth. And to that I say, you can always go after him yourself since last I heard he's still single. 

And I do love how there's still snark thrown Rachel's way and yet that whole deal of Peter's ex exposing his fuckery was almost entirely ignored. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 7

I just don't see the appeal of having a televised wedding, especially if it makes you a slave to ABC's schedule. ABC also controls the venue, the guest list, and every other detail based on which vendors they're working with. It takes away from the intimacy of the occasion, IMO. Rachel seems to be treating it like a business deal.

  • Love 9
5 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

Rachel seems to be treating it like a business deal.

Probably the lawyer in her. 

For what it's worth, I don't see it happening. They haven't done the big wedding since, correct me if I'm wrong, Ashley and J.P. and we're coming onto two seasons since Rachel's season. Yeah I just don't see ABC going for it. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
On 7/24/2018 at 12:25 PM, leighdear said:

There was way too much of Becca lamenting her relationship with Arie.

Frankly, for me, that was the only thing she had going for her.  The way the franchise managed their breakup made it so that the only thing they COULD do for her was give her another shot, but one that was more controlled.  I still have a serious problem with what they did to her at the end of the last season with the break up.

Becca is at the mercy of the producers too.  Anyone having watched the program on Lifetime where they showed behind the seasons all the manipulation and such.  One is exhausted, hungry, stressed and none of us make good decisions, especially with the influence of the ever-present alcohol.  So if the producers were pressing her to mention Arie a minimum number of times throughout the series, then that is what she does.  There have been way too many times this season where Becca's angst over this drama or that drama was drawn out interminably.  Wasn't the ejection of Jason over half an hour long?

The problem here is that the formula is getting too predictable.  I believe the ratings may be down this season, partially because of Becca not being a draw, but there really is nothing new under the sun.  Long-time watchers can recite exactly when this or that scenario happened seasons ago (like the Thailand Buddhist temple this past week).  

I'd say they need new writers, but they definitely need a new approach to this franchise.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, b2H said:

The problem here is that the formula is getting too predictable.  I believe the ratings may be down this season, partially because of Becca not being a draw, but there really is nothing new under the sun.  Long-time watchers can recite exactly when this or that scenario happened seasons ago (like the Thailand Buddhist temple this past week).  

I'd say they need new writers, but they definitely need a new approach to this franchise.

I'd say the predictability is what is bringing the ratings down more than Becca. I'd say more people watch for the contestants than the lead these days anyway. But yes, we all know exactly what is going to happen. We know the phrases they will say, we know the manipulations that are going on, it is all so stale. Replace Becca with any of the other women from Arie's season and you'd get pretty much the same show. Even Krystal because, while her hijinx were fun as a contestant (to some. I loathed her), even she is smart enough to know that as the lead she has to do as she's told and play along.

I would love something to shake this franchise up, but I'm not optimistic it will happen until the show absolutely tanks in the ratings, and I'm afraid of what they will come up with to shake things up. These producers aren't known for their good decision making. haha

  • Love 6
On 7/24/2018 at 1:44 PM, MakeMeLaugh said:

You know who had the best bachelors to watch, who always seemed to be having fun? Emily. Men in kilts lifting poles. Fanning myself. The bachelorettes have always turned into cliquey drama-driven groups in general but the men used to just be fun.

Trista had some pretty great contestants too! Charley, Jamie, etc some really great guys !!

On ‎7‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 11:53 AM, nutty1 said:

I just listened to Afterbuzz....I love listening to them. Awesome that I have a job where it is a lot of computer work and I can listen while I work.
Christon was on and he is one awesome guy!!


I started to view but I don't want to spend 47 minutes listening to this; from the first 10 minutes, Christon seemed like a great guy! I liked that The Bachelorette was enough for him and he is not interested in being on BIP.


On ‎7‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 3:09 PM, Ohwell said:

I know he won't be the next Bachelor but I think Christon is intelligent, hot, and has really sexy eyes.   I'm fanning myself.

He is very handsome and yes, his eyes are gorgeous!

  • Love 7
On 7/31/2018 at 6:23 PM, nlkm9 said:

so now Rachel and Bryan are on Access? I will say Rachel is very poised, but I thought she had a really great job as attorney ..

Rachel has been pretty upfront that she wants to get into broadcasting, mainly sports broadcasting.  She's done some work for ESPN which is part of the ABC family so we'll see if she can make a career happen.   She did say recently that she is doing contract work for the firm she use to work full time at so I guess you can classify her as a wannabe sports broadcaster/part time attorney.

  • Love 3
21 hours ago, leighdear said:

Not so much in the media, but Reality Steve is hearing that Kaitlyn & Shawn are over.  At least they can sell the ring & split the cash, since they've been engaged over 2 years.   

He's not guaranteeing it's true, just what he's heard.  Grains of salt available upon request.  *LOL*

I wouldn't put it past those 2 to stay together for over 2 years just so they can keep the ring . 

  • Love 6
On 2018-07-31 at 7:23 PM, nlkm9 said:

so now Rachel and Bryan are on Access? I will say Rachel is very poised, but I thought she had a really great job as attorney ..

I've read from several different sources that lawyers have the #1 occupation for dissatisfaction. They tend to be the most intelligent and successful students but are frustrated that most of their time is spent in administrative detail instead of arguing in court. Top occupation for divorces too.

23 hours ago, leighdear said:

Not so much in the media, but Reality Steve is hearing that Kaitlyn & Shawn are over.  At least they can sell the ring & split the cash, since they've been engaged over 2 years.   

He's not guaranteeing it's true, just what he's heard.  Grains of salt available upon request.  *LOL*


21 hours ago, leighdear said:

No way they can scrape 3 years of Kaitlyn cooties off him and remake his not-Ryan Gosling image into anything sexy & appealing.  And aren't the leads supposed to have semi-real jobs?  What IS Shawn, actually?  

That's interesting.  I didn't watch Kaitlyn' season but this morning I was reading about them in People magazine. Shawn was talking about enjoying their long engagement. He was interviewed while promoting his workout/beer drinking event. If true, this goes to show that anyone that likes to talk about how great their relationship is, lies like a rug. And my, he does look like Ryan Gosling.


  • Love 3

I saw the speculation about Kaitlyn and Shawn about a week or two ago. As usual, social media tells the tale. Apparently Kaitlyn started liking and re-posting a lot of emo quotes about love and relationships and apparently she's currently in Canada with her family, without Shawn and someone claimed that she wasn't wearing her engagement ring. Interestingly, they were seen together for the July 4th weekend, where per their social media they seemed to be at a pool party with friends. From Kaitlyn's emo social media posting, the gist some are getting is that she's been ready to get married and that Shawn is the one who is stalling. 

  • Love 4

Surprised it's not been mentioned here, but Leo is fighting with Baby Bekah about her Instagram posts calling him out for sending unsolicited inappropriate photos of his, um, junk to women over the years. He's got a history of making nasty comments to women too.

Way to pick 'em Fleiss. :/


Edited by dbell1
Link added
  • Love 7
10 hours ago, dbell1 said:

Surprised it's not been mentioned here, but Leo is fighting with Baby Bekah about her Instagram posts calling him out for sending unsolicited inappropriate photos of his, um, junk to women over the years. He's got a history of making nasty comments to women too.

Way to pick 'em Fleiss. :/


I liked Leo and thought he seemed like a decent guy before seeing the BiP preview and now this. Ugh.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, betha said:

Hmm, Kaitlyn said on her podcast this week that it's not true and she took off her ring and gave it to Shawn so that Shawn can "re-propose" the real way. I guess time will tell!

Because getting down on 1 knee, telling the woman you love her, and asking her to be your wife isn't the "real" way?  Sure, the cameras, provided dress and ring he could never afford aren't what everybody does, but still.....

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