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S06.E01: The Line

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Great episode!  Good to see the show still on fire.


But Kalinda using sex to manipulate tough blondes in positions of power is beyond old at this point.  I really wish they'd find something else to do with her.  I liked it a lot better when she was sleeping with Cary, just because it was a nice change of storyline. Plus I like those two actors together.

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Maybe I misunderstood the finale but I spent a lot of this episode thinking the show runners had a conversation over the summer that went something like this 'we probably shouldn't have made it clear that Alicia was going to run for State's Attorney and Diane was going to swoop in and save F/A in the season finale.  We need to drag that out to fill half the season.  Maybe Cary in jail will distract the audience and if not intern with no panties." 


For that reason, I found the whole episode kind of unsettling which I suppose is good because Cary in jail is really unsettling.  I was good with the show overall because of Alicia/Diane/Robin supporting Cary.  The promo monkeys of course ruined it with the 'Taye Diggs' joins the cast promo.  But I have that reaction (you are going to ruin everything! everything!) whenever anyone from Private Practice shows up on a show.  I just need to repeat Tim Daly was awesome on Mindy Project a couple times.

Edited by ParadoxLost

Great episode!  Good to see the show still on fire.


But Kalinda using sex to manipulate tough blondes in positions of power is beyond old at this point.  I really wish they'd find something else to do with her.  I liked it a lot better when she was sleeping with Cary, just because it was a nice change of storyline. Plus I like those two actors together.


I was thoroughly irritated when Cary was late and Kalinda went and hooked up with an ex.  I don't get why Kalinda can't grow at all.  Its beginning to make me actively dislike her.

Well excited to have TGW back, but that was kind of all over the place.

Definately unsettling having to watch Cary in lock-up.

Glad I never liked Fin b/c I actively loathe him now. I truely dislike with a dudley do right gets all high and mighty about using an innocent person to convict a bad guy. Yah it is so noble to use underhanded tactics just like THE BAD GUY. I truely hope Alicia doesn't seriously stay his friend.

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I really liked the Cary in Jail story until the promos. Did the writers do this just to give Taye Fucking Diggs more screentime? I hate Taye Diggs! I've hated him for awhile. I can't take his permanent smirk. He is all to amused by everything. Always. It drives me crazy. How can he deploy the same cheesy grin in every roll and still get work?


Anyway, poor Cary. Another person brought down by a snitch.  I have to admit, that scene where he was going through jail orientation was awesome. Because Matt Czr.... is hot. Who knew he was hiding all of that under those suits. That is how it's done, Good Wife! Thank you.


I really want to like Cary and Kalinda, but they are toxic together. Cary is not the type of person to go for permanently polyamorous relationships. Kalinda seems to be ruled by her hormones. Disappointing that she never changes. Maybe the writers are saying that he doesn't need to change, that she is fine the way she is. That's fair. It's kind of boring to see a fairly static character, but point taken if they are saying she is awesome as is.

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Ack! I can't believe I forgot this was on tonight. Cary gets a good story, stonehaven? Excited!


It remains to be seen if it'll be a good story but it's story and it's air time.  I think he had more air time than the first half of last season.


I was watching in Canada -- I don't think we got a promo here at all?  I got a promo for some dumb other show.

Don't worry, the promo was dumb.  Instead of giving us intriguing hints about what's to come, we're supposed to be excited about Taye Diggs.


Glad I never liked Fin b/c I actively loathe him now. I truely dislike with a dudley do right gets all high and mighty about using an innocent person to convict a bad guy. Yah it is so noble to use underhanded tactics just like THE BAD GUY. I truely hope Alicia doesn't seriously stay his friend.

Yeah, I was hoping she was playing him with her "we're still friends." 

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On a completely shallow note, I found Matt Czuchry extremely hot all episode. Unshaven, with messy hair and casual clothes really works for him. He really sold his desperation and panic all episode. I look forward to seeing him get A-list storylines this season.


Secondly, Finn showed an extremely douchey side tonight which came out of nowhere. Where's the softspoken, polite guy from last season?


I am so beyond sick of all the Mean Girls-like backstabbing politics at Lockhart Gardener. Seeing David Lee and Canning clucking together like hens is beyond annoying at this point.

  • Love 14

Glad I never liked Fin b/c I actively loathe him now. I truely dislike with a dudley do right gets all high and mighty about using an innocent person to convict a bad guy. Yah it is so noble to use underhanded tactics just like THE BAD GUY. I truely hope Alicia doesn't seriously stay his friend.


Now that you mention it, the story with Cary is a huge misstep by the show.  They have basically created a storyline where Cary is being set up for similar abuse as the kid that killed Will and shot Fin.  Fin not having any qualms about that makes him the biggest jackass ever, which I don't think the show intends.  That means the show is screwing up the narrative and that doesn't bode well for the future.

Edited by ParadoxLost

 Does a jail uniform count as casual clothes?


I'm afraid Robin's loyalty to the firm and Cary is going to come back to bite her in the ass given Diane's insistence on bringing Kalinda with her.  I like Robin and the actress playing her, so I'd hate to see her leave.  Maybe Diane's influx of clients would necessitate keeping both her and Kalinda.


But Alicia and Kalinda don't share scenes (note the phone exchange).  I suspect Alicia will run for SA.  Alicia develops a fondness for Robin because of how much she was willing to sacrifice for Cary and take her as an investigator to the SA office.  That makes room for Kalinda at FA.

One thing I did notice is Graham and Mackenzie weren't in the opening credits. I guess that means that Alicia's kids aren't going to be on the show except for guest appearances so most of our prayers were answered. Now the actor playing Eli's daughter, she can stay because she is delightful.

All of the reviewers were correct...this show just keeps getting better and better with age.

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I am so beyond sick of all the Mean Girls-like backstabbing politics at Lockhart Gardener. Seeing David Lee and Canning clucking together like hens is beyond annoying at this point.



I was a little disappointed that David Lee figured out that she was going to Florrick Agos.  I just love seeing him get blindsided. 


Having said that, why was Alicia meeting with Diane's clients like it was a done deal before (I think) there was any vote or discussion of Diane's demands?


But smart move Diane in playing up the "biggest law firm run by women" angle.  Nice move.

On a completely shallow note, I found Matt Czuchry extremely hot all episode. Unshaven, with messy hair and casual clothes really works for him.

Have to agree with this. And I've never seen him that way before. Apparently the scruffy, desperate, wild-eyed look is kind of my thing. I just had to go look up his age because I was feeling a little funny about it. Whoa, he really doesn't look 37.

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Cary was amazing as an actor, even at the six hour mark he was looking beat up.  And wow, HOT.  Still, it's hard to even sit and watch him play at being locked up, it hurt.  But I'm glad they've at least given screen time to someone who's stuck with it all these years for 2 minute - if that- walk ons. 


Alicia aged tons.  Her mouth lines were really showing and her smoky eye shadow was completely on one eye and only on half an eye in one of the scenes.  I saw talk over the summer about her being too thin, maybe this is what's aging her face like crazy.


Agree that David Lee and Canning were ridiculous.


LOVED that sweater dress with the orange in it Diane had on.


State's attorney?  Taking her husband's old job.  She'll always be in his shadow, eh?  Blech.


Cannot stand Taye Diggs, agreed.  The show does best with serious/drama actors.


Adored Eli, and prodigy (vs progeny) lol. Daughter's a cool girl.

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It was nice to see Cary be able to stretch from the Young Guy role. His unsettled jail stay was a nice touch...the confusion, tension and slow reveal was Breaking Bad-esque...although scaled for network TV.

Kalinda, bisexual temptress...they keep trying but I still ain't buying. I don't even buy her ability to get all things deemed important information...but I suspend my belief because I know the storyline has to advance.

This show still hasn't replace Josh's.....presence? Energy? Vibrance? Taye isn't it. I'm even desperate for a flashback. Dream sequence? Sigh.

Eli keeps me coming back...both as a character and Alan the actor. He rules.

  • Love 4

The first ten minutes were intense, like a nightmare.  When they put Cary in that crowded room where the lights were going on and off?  Wow.  Just like with Will's death, one thing TGW has gotten really good at is showing how people's lives can suddenly, totally change in the blink of an eye.  I don't know if there's a show, barring something like Game of Thrones, that's as good as this as TGW.


(On a much more prurient note, it's fine with me if the show has Cary arrested every single week, as long as we get more shirtless scenes of Matt Czuchry.)

  • Love 5

Oh you show, I forget how much I love being riveted to the screen for you! 


But anyone who shows his or her genitals in the middle of an office?  Needs to be packed and on the elevator pronto.  Let alone a public government office. 


Did you seen, in the final scene with the judge, the way Alicia was sending death rays to Mr. State's Attorney, even when the angle switched back to Diane/Fin and the judge?  "I can take you down."  And she does not even know about the polls. 

Edited by jjj
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I didn't like it.


Except for Eli's daughter making a appearance again, I thought the whole thing was too dark and dreary. LG "drama" grates. There are some things I love about this show and some that I hate. Tonight had everything that I hate in it - Fin being a jerk, Peter intern cliché, LG crap, Kalinda crap, Alicia's hectic constant .. phoning. Bleh. 

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I can't clearly recall the meeting in Bishop's kitchen (last season?), but maybe Cary did advise Bishop how to avoid getting caught shipping drugs. Anyone recall?

I can't remember it at all and when blondie cop told Kalinda there was a recording I kind of freaked out for Cary. 


I loved how Alica told him she hadn't called his father yet to spare him too.   What a dick that guy [still] is.  


I was a little disappointed that David Lee figured out that she was going to Florrick Argos.  I just love seeing him get blindsided. 


Having said that, why was Alicia meeting with Diane's clients like it was a done deal before (I think) there was any vote or discussion of Diane's demands?


But smart move Diane in playing up the "biggest law firm run by women" angle.  Nice move.

I think Alicia decided to go ahead and make it a done deal because clearly Cary is incapacitated for at least a while - too long to wait anyway.   She went ahead as acting partner.  I wondered how they (the writers) were going to get Diane past Cary, I just never expected it would be so harsh.  


I guess I'm still missing Will.  When Alicia got knocked off the case, my first thought was, "Call Will!" quickly followed by "oh."  


My shallow comment is about Peter - aka Mr. Big - is looking damn good himself this year.  I'm liking the silver hair. 

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I liked it but I'm getting tired of Kalinda and Cary. Even though she is so good at figuring things out and helping the case, it always seems to end in her favor with someone else getting screwed over. Especially Cary. I've forgiven her just like Cary has over and over but this time...I'm done. I don't believe she wont somehow screw him over again!

OMG this show goes by in a flash! When it had finished, I was all: I want to see the next episode nao! I do want Cary out of jail and kicking some SA ass asap, though. Cary suffering like that for one episode is plenty.


I do tend to agree that Canning and Lee conspiring together like a couple of evil witches irks; it's kind of been done to death. Diane was fabulous as always; can't wait to have her at Florrick Argos.


So happy to have this show back.

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I thought it was a great season opener.  Cary's arrest, the jail scenes and the sleazy efforts of the supposed "good guys" in the DA's office were chilling. Matt C really portrayed the changes he was going through.  He looked tired and pale and frantic and the hopelessness he showed as Kalinda walked right past him without noticing him, was chilling. I don't believe for a minute that Cary is guilty. He's always been a good and smart attorney.  I don't think he crossed any line, but that possibility will drag the story out and I'm glad for the actor for that. It's a good, meaty role.  It was so sad that Cary's crappy parents wouldn't support him. I like how Alicia tried to protect him from that bit of knowledge.  In fact I loved how Alicia and Robin and even Dianne were fighting for him.

  • Love 4
On a completely shallow note, I found Matt Czuchry extremely hot all episode. Unshaven, with messy hair and casual clothes really works for him. He really sold his desperation and panic all episode. I look forward to seeing him get A-list storylines this season.


I'm swimming in the shallow-end, too, then! 


I still like the character of FIn; I hope they can play it out where he and Alicia still manage to maintain a healthy friendship depsite their obvious difference. I think Matthew Goode is a great addition to the cast. (But I really don't want see a "Willicia" storyline redux, cuz that would kinda suck.

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I can't clearly recall the meeting in Bishop's kitchen (last season?), but maybe Cary did advise Bishop how to avoid getting caught shipping drugs. Anyone recall?


I was wondering the same thing-I don't recall any meeting with Cary and Bishop discussing moving drugs. Plus, I thought Lockhart/Gardner and Florrick/Agos only handled his "legit" businesses.

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I was offended on Cary's behalf when Alicia was slow flirting with Finn when 'battling' over bail terms. "Oh, Mr. Finn, let's promise to always be friends, no matter how vigorously you try to keep my partner in jail." "Oh Mr. Finn, your legal maneuvering is so skillful -- I did not see that coming." Perhaps if she were to make it personal, Cary might catch more of a break. Would she be so tolerant of the system if her son was the one in jail? 


For a while there, I almost suspected Diane of setting Cary up to eliminate any opposition to her power play in joining Alicia's firm. You know, the firm founded by a group of people Diane considered traitors a short while back. 


...an internal crisis threatens to destroy the firm....


Well, that's ... not very original... I don't know... another season of seeing the same people basically doing the same things as before and facing the same people in court...? 

Edited by shrewd.buddha
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I really enjoyed it. It's long past time for Cary and Matt Czuchry to get some real front burner action. If Cary's going to be doing time can we PLEASE get some Geneva Pine? I know we're supposed to care about Finn but Geneva and Cary had a real relationship. I'm much more interested in seeing how she would react to her former colleague being abused in jail than watching "Get to Know Finn Polmar."


Two of my absolute favorite recurring characters: Lemond Bishop and Sophia. Sophia's pretty much the only one of Kalinda's dalliances I've ever been able to tolerate but that's probably because I've been a fan of Kelli Giddish's since All My Children. And Bishop, dear Lawd, so sexy and menacing without ever raising his voice and he can wear the hell out of a suit.


It looks like Marissa will be the new Zach. That's fine with me. I like her and it will be nice to have another kid besides Grace.


WTF was up with Pantyfree Intern?! Who acts like that? I know that TGW likes to add these bits of absurdity but that was just a fail.


Is Lockhart Gardner just going to be about comical hijinks with Canning and David Lee? If so, that's a waste.


Alan Cumming was rocking his Cabaret hair color.

Edited by marceline
  • Love 8

One thing I did notice is Graham and Mackenzie weren't in the opening credits. I guess that means that Alicia's kids aren't going to be on the show except for guest appearances so most of our prayers were answered. Now the actor playing Eli's daughter, she can stay because she is delightful.

All of the reviewers were correct...this show just keeps getting better and better with age.


But they never have been in the opening credits, as far as I can remember. The only times I saw their names was when they were in the episode. Unless I've gone brain dead.


And hmmm...it premiered last night? Oh well, I'm sure it's on my dvr. I was too busy enjoying Tom Selleck's fine ass and lean long legs and gorgeous body, watching my queued up episodes of Magnum, P.I..





My shallow comment is about Peter - aka Mr. Big - is looking damn good himself this year.  I'm liking the silver hair. 



Well, hey there, Cosmo! {waving crazily!}


How come I didn't know that you liked and watched this show?


Me no likey his Silver hair, cuz Noth/Peter ain't that old. Bah. But I suppose he must for the "role" or something or other.

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So yeah, trying to remember what, if anything, Cary said during that meeting with Bishop.  I don't think blonde lady never confirmed there was a CI, just that if she gave a up a name, Bishop would kill the person, and that they had a recording of something Cary said.  So possibly not a CI, maybe they somehow planted a bug in Bishop's house?  I'm sure Cary didn't knowingly give advice about moving drugs, but maybe he said something about moving something else and its going to be misconstrued or out of context.  I totally got how scared Cary was, not just of being in prison, but  being taken out by Bishop.


I don't see how Finn and Alicia can remain friends when Finn is not giving Alicia information about Cary's case.  Not even common courtesy among attorneys.


I also thought David Lee assumed Diane wouldn't go to Florig/Aggos because it was 'too small.'


I wondered in Chris Noth had another role he was doing, since he seemed to suddenly go gray.  I thought it made him look older too.


Agreed that the intern without panties was a bit much.

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Me no likey his Silver hair, cuz Noth/Peter ain't that old.


Chris Noth will be 60 this November.  I'm a few years younger and have been catching up with classmates on Facebook for a reunion.  Most of the men have far less hair than Noth, and what they have retained is typically very gray.


Too fast - I really miss the slower pace and the more complex - and, crazy - legal situations/cases.


Me, too.  I've been critical of this show from the beginning, but the first season looks pretty decent in retrospect.

  • Love 1

I agree with all that is said above. Finally a chance for Matt C to take this car out for a spin. (Bias: have loved him since Gilmore.) Lemond Bishop is HOTT. I like his "gentle" menacing. Where's Wallace Shawn? Why can't he help Cary?? Or would that make it worse. What's up Fin's ass? Poor Cary - so heartbreaking when he was telling Alicia and Diane that he "fell" and hit his hand on the bar. :(


I'm over Kalinda manipulating everyone with her magic lady bits. Let her go be the fantastic investigator and leave the sex at home. Robin didn't bug me this ep, probably because she was willing to put herself into poverty for Cary. CarEy is an ungrateful bastard.


Pantieless girl is going to be the death of Eli (who was not only sporting his Cabaret hair color, but leftover eyeliner). Let's spin off the daughter and America Ferrera with Eli cameos and i'd watch it daily.


I'm with JLina - LOVED the dress on Diane. I can only hope I look half as good as Christine Baranski when i'm her age.

  • Love 5

I saw a theory on another board and I like it. The cops have arrested the wrong Cary. Maybe it was CarEy the Weasel who advised Bishop's crew on how to avoid arrest. So far we haven't seen anyone identify Cary, Bishop didn't even remember him as anything more than "the kid" and we haven't heard the recording that Sophia had. Other than the fact that Cary had a meeting with Bishop's people we weren't given anything definitively tying him to this crime. I could easily see C. Zepps coming back after C. Agos left that meeting and trying to ingratiate himself with Bishop by giving bad advice to someone who turned out to be the CI.

  • Love 9

I saw a theory on another board and I like it. The cops have arrested the wrong Cary. Maybe it was CarEy the Weasel who advised Bishop's crew on how to avoid arrest. So far we haven't seen anyone identify Cary, Bishop didn't even remember him as anything more than "the kid" and we haven't heard the recording that Sophia had. Other than the fact that Cary had a meeting with Bishop's people we weren't given anything definitively tying him to this crime. I could easily see C. Zepps coming back after C. Agos left that meeting and trying to ingratiate himself with Bishop by giving bad advice to someone who turned out to be the CI.


Love this theory! Not to mention this episode had the scene of the prisoner trying to tell Kalinda that Cary was in prison and completely misremembering his name/not even mentioning his appearance. Could be a nice bit of foreshadowing.


Also this theory would solve a mystery that's been bugging me: how in the world there are not one but two 20-something guys named Cary in the same law firm.

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Also this theory would solve a mystery that's been bugging me: how in the world there are not one but two 20-something guys named Cary in the same law firm.


Right?! No show purposely gives two characters such similar names unless it's going to figure in to the plot. (I'm looking at you, Orphan Black). 


And I forgot about the part with the prisoner misremembering his name. If this was CarEy, he's got to end up either fired (by the firm) or dead (at the hands of Bishop) and I'm fine with either.

Edited by marceline
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