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Season 2 Discussion


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Yeah those cuts to the live Long Island Medium were awful.  Ain't nobody got time for that!   We are here to watch train wrecks of the foreign variety, not of the long island kind.  Her nails were killing me.   


The sight of Cassia in between Jason and his dad was sort of heartbreaking.  He is so clueless.   Life must be really hard in Brazil. 

Edited by roseslg
  • Love 7

Did anyone else notice how Danielle was all whiney and crying then had a completely normal voice while "off camera" then was all smiles when she told the girls they were getting married? I mean if my husband had such doubts about getting married on our wedding day but only acquiesced to shut me up, I don't think I'd be smiling about that!

  • Love 11

Did anyone else notice how Danielle was all whiney and crying then had a completely normal voice while "off camera" then was all smiles when she told the girls they were getting married? I mean if my husband had such doubts about getting married on our wedding day but only acquiesced to shut me up, I don't think I'd be smiling about that!

I think both of them forgot they were mic'd.  Danielle dropped her crying little girl act once the door closed.  Her voice was even and strong. Not a hint of tears.  Who is playing who?

Danny's dad started out being the bigoted ass that he is, however, he did seem to come around.  It is nice to see Amy use her sweetness and charm to break down his walls a bit.  (alcohol probably helped too)

Danny's brother brokered the peace at the dinner table more than Danny did.  He's the one who redirected the father.  Amy's mom reinforced it.  Danny as usual, did squat.

  • Love 10

Someone should chloroform Danny's dad and cut out his vocal chords with a dull knife. Everything this world-class A-hole spouts out is profoundly offensive and makes everyone cringe and want to disappear. Can't he see the deep shame his own wife is drowning in every time he makes the colossal mistake of opening his mouth and exposing his ignorance, hate and bitterness to the world? Make the world a better place and never say another word your whole life, douchebag.

I'm watching the episode now and I'm surprised the dirt bag hasn't said something like "at least she's light colored" or some crap like that.

That "man" raises my blood pressure and anger more than anybody on TV has for a long time and I'm just an old white lady, I can't begin to imagine how offensive he must be to others.

He makes me want to apologize.

Do we really need to see that clown the Long Island Fraud during every commercial?

  • Love 9

I am coming away from this episode confused and angry.

Teresa Caputo was an added annoyance.

- Cassia - hahahahahaha.

- Amy - girl, the night before the wedding is still enough time to get cold feet.

- Evelin - what have you done!? The man wanted an intimate affair and you've managed to invite his entire family.

- Chelsea - you selfish twat.

- Daya - you liked the apartment because it's been professionally staged/decorated. Once you get Brett's tween girl furniture in there, it won't look nearly as cool.

- Mo - damn. Danielle has taken me from passive disinterest to active dislike. I can not stand to see her blubbering and carrying on.

I know they're kids and didn't ask to be on the show, etc - but her daughters annoy me too. Especially the one with the short/purple hair.

Poor Mo. I can not wait for the kiss or wedding night. Heh.

  • Love 3

I think both of them forgot they were mic'd.  Danielle dropped her crying little girl act once the door closed.  Her voice was even and strong. Not a hint of tears.  Who is playing who?

Danny's brother brokered the peace at the dinner table more than Danny did.  He's the one who redirected the father.  Amy's mom reinforced it.  Danny as usual, did squat.


I just remember Amy speaking up in that whole conversation and making some funny jokes that Danny's dad seemed to relax and laugh at.. which seemed to be a big improvement from even refusing to shake her hand.

  • Love 2

I thought he was auditioning for Phil Hartman's old SNL role as Caveman Lawyer

As soon as I saw him I yelled "Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer". Great minds.

I think the only reason Danny's dad "came around" at the end was because of alcohol. I would love to think that he could no longer resist Amy's sweetness but I'm not buying it.

Not enough Danielle and Mo to suit me tonight.

Have I missed something about Justin's mom? She just seems like a regular mom to me but some comments refer to her as manipulative and different things so I'm thinking I must have missed something.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 2

First of all, damn TLC for trying to make Long Island Medium happen during my show. I don't watch that eagle taloned charalatan who looks like she is 25 years too late for a White Snake concert and this little stunt did not act as any sort of enticement. Also, super pissed because my DVR cut off a few minutes before the actual show end, probably due to all the extra long commercials and segments featuring that fraudster. Back to our regularly scheduled program


Dani and Mo - I hollered when Mo said to his friend on the phone in Arabic that every choice he makes, he loses. Checkmate beznessman! Checkfuckingmate!! Before that meeting with Sasquatch the Immigration Attorney, Mo thought the worst thing that could happen is that he would suffer through Dani's touch and neediness and throw a little of that Halal sausage her way every now and again but it turns out that Dani's crash and burn method of fiscal responsibility drags him down into the pits with her. At the heart of it, Mo is here for financial betterment for himself and most likely for the family he left behind. That main reason is wiped out if he starts out thousands and thousands behind the 8 ball due to Dani. Dani has got his ass well and truly hemmed up and she knows it. Ain't it funny how fast Dani's tears cleared up after Mo agreed to marry her. It is all she really seems to care about. The wedding. Not the marriage. It is like she doesn't care that he doesn't love her or really want to be with her. Just that her daughters are super worried that it won't happen and that friends made arrangements to be there. Never mind that you are taking vows to love, honor, etc, until death do you part. Never mind that he is super pissed at you for your fiscal irresponsibility.


Mo was talking tough on the phone and in talking heads but really what choice did he have? I had to guffaw at Mo's weak request that Dani change her spending habits. That should be interesting given that she doesn't have a job. Oh and also can't sponsor you with no income. 


I only have 2 words for Danny's squirrel haired father - Fuck off. The moment that resonates with me the most is the TH with him and the mom. The mom says "she is gonna be a part of our ...." the dad clears his throat and she changes and say "my daughter in law." That just said something about the family dynamic. Then he goes on to spew his racist shit which basically seems to amount to Amy and the son not being in the family but on the fringes. Fuck off. That was awful. Doubly so because Amy is such a lovely, lovely person. The only great thing about this is that the kids and their spouses don't seem to adopt his nasty. Sometimes and apple can fall from a tree and roll far away.


Amy's family must be very well off if they can come in such great numbers to her wedding.


Cassia, Jason is a loser. Worst yet, he is a loser who thinks he is a winner. The type with little by way of personality, looks, body, or wealth and yet think they deserve what they view as a 10 in the looks department. Being stuck on the hump between Jason and his dad in that un-airconditioned El Camino on the way pick through some dead person's shit for 5 hours is your life now. 


Justin's family situation bores me. 


What does it say that it almost appears that Liver lips seems to be the greater catch out of this bunch.

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 16

First of all, damn TLC for trying to make Long Island Medium happen during my show. I don't watch that eagle taloned charalatan who looks like she is 25 years too late for a White Snake concert and this little stunt did not act as any sort of enticement. Also, super pissed because my DVR cut off a few minutes before the actual show end, probably due to all the extra long commercials and segments featuring that fraudster. Back to our regularly scheduled program



Ugh that happened to me too!   I'm too addicted to this show because I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  Husband thinks I'm nuts now lol.

I don't understand why if Evelin is so close to her family, she isn't pushing Justin to fly her in mother. If I were marrying someone who seems to have a decent amount of money and I was as close to my family as Evelin supposedly is, I would be pushing for at least my mother if not my brothers to come. I don't understand why Evelin is so accepting her family won't come, but it's a huge red flag to me. The more I think it about it, the weirder it seems. I know lots of people as family obsessed as Evelin and all of them would put more effort into getting their own mothers into the wedding. 

Justin folded like a card table, (he is so weak).  


Jason "We're making some sacrifices, both you and I." 


Oh Jason, let me explain what "spending time together" is. It's doing things that are interesting to both of you, it's having a conversation about things that interest BOTH of you. Spending time together is not going to an auction fr 5 hours rummaging through and buying old crap, while your fiancee sits in a chair. Its not having your dad do a ride along. Ugh, he is so freaking clueless. And what kind of crap are people buying. Oy! Once Cassia gets her working papers and a job, she will start going out and having fun not with Jason. My Christmas wish is that they show the trainwreck Vegas wedding start to finish.

Ok correct if I'm wrong but as far as I understand Jason and Cassia, (which isn't much I usually don't pay attention) isn't his "job" to sell crap on ebay. So my understanding is he buys stuff at the auction, then sells it for a "profit".  If that's his job, then he has to "work" sometime? He should get Cassia in on the family business.  

That being said Jason should do more about Cassia's loneliness. I also feel like the wedding isn't really designed to cater at all to Cassia. She deserves a say in her wedding. 


 I'm glad that Amy's family is able to travel from further away.  I'm glad they are coming and in such numbers, Danny still has more family, but Amy's family seems loving and supportive. I also have not been Danny's biggest fan, but if he knew what his dad was like, and still saw Amy as a catch, then he deserves credit.  As much as I think Amy can do better, I kind of want them to get married. I don't want to see that old ignorant man win. I kind of want love to win. "We're creating unity between two cultures, two peoples."   I think Danny came off stronger tonight. It may be easier for his brother to deflect the conversation since there is less at stake for the brother.


I wonder if Danielle's girls are upset Mo may be  leaving since currently he's kind of the buffer between them and their mom. Without him, they are her main comfort when she's upset. I like the one daughter's purple hair. 


My tv's  schedule was totally off, but I blame TLC for creating confusion. 

  • Love 4

Man, Amy's family must do all right for so many of them to have come to the US. Take that, Danny's dad! I was also so shocked at the the "she'll be our...*throat clear* ... my daughter-in-law" moment that I had to rewind several times to make sure that clearing wasn't just bad timing. Nope, his wife looked at him and got the message right away. Horrible, just horrible. Followed by "Nope, I won't think of her as a daughter."


I think both of them forgot they were mic'd.  Danielle dropped her crying little girl act once the door closed.  Her voice was even and strong. Not a hint of tears.  Who is playing who?


Did anyone else notice how Danielle was all whiney and crying then had a completely normal voice while "off camera" then was all smiles when she told the girls they were getting married? I mean if my husband had such doubts about getting married on our wedding day but only acquiesced to shut me up, I don't think I'd be smiling about that!


Was coming here specifically to see whether anyone else noticed that! Damn, she was one whiny annoying thing when the cameras were on, crying and carrying on about her girls and fairness - and as soon as the door was shut, that voice got straight and cold, with nary a waver and the entire subtext was: "You in or out, man? Quit dicking around, 'cause I know you aren't here because you love me and if you aren't going through with this deal, just say so."  Damn! I wonder if Mo really wanted to get her on tape as her real self because he was sick of her crying, begging for sympathy self. If so, kudos, Mo.

  • Love 9

"MOHAMED, YES OR NO?!" ::shudder:: I'm scared. The flying monkeys are coming.

Dear Danny's father: Come closer so I can smack that gum out of your obnoxious and offensive head. Won't cure your stupidity, but I'd feel so much better.

Dear TLC: Lean in for your smack for annoying me with Long Island Medium knock-and-shock, which is knock-and-schlock. I'd rather watch infomercials for something interesting like PooPourri toilet spray.

  • Love 15

I know it's not right speaking about someone's looks, I'm not the most beautiful person either, but Dani's face creeps me out. She has this disturbing distant stare, especially when she is not wearing glasses, it skeeves me out. I really don't know how to explain it.

It's that creepy, inappropriate smile that gets to me!

Edited by EyeofHorus
  • Love 4

I don't think Dani has any mental problems, I think she's just a desperate, manipulative, stupid ass. Her using her kids like that made me sick. She told Mo that her kids were worried he wouldn't stay. They're only worried that if he leaves, they'll be alone to deal with her.

I used to think she was more prone to meltdowns but after tonight I tend to think she goes into more of a rage than a meltdown when things don't go her way. I think she would have a weepy break down on camera but off camera, I bet she would rage. Her kids just seem shell shocked.

I was so hoping Mo would leave.

I agree that her vacant, cock eyed stare is creepy.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 10

Favorite scene: watching Jason unlock his car door with a key! I can't even remember the last time I witnessed this simple act, but it's been years and years. And his bald spot was shimmering in all it's glory during this scene, too. Poor Cassia. She's really just a kid and too stupid to realize that she's being set up as a poor man's trophy wife.


Whoa, off-camera Danielle is a whole different person than on-camera Danielle. I was having Misery flashbacks every time she was on tonight. I think that the realization that he got reverse-scammed is really hitting Mo hard. I have to give him some props for being worried about Danielle's daughters; most men would have hit the ground running coming out of that furry beast of a lawyer's office. Despite this mess, I'm really very excited about their wedding!

  • Love 5

I know it's not right speaking about someone's looks, I'm not the most beautiful person either, but Dani's face creeps me out. She has this disturbing distant stare, especially when she is not wearing glasses, it skeeves me out. I  really don't know how to explain it.


Perhaps because she has the same look in her eyes as Kathy Bates did before she hobbled James Caan in Misery?  

  • Love 7

I missed the last few minutes. My DVR cut off right when Yamir and Chelsea made the 1 year deal. What happened after that? Did Amy & Danny get married? It seems from the thread that Mo didn't leave Danielle? 



I really liked what I saw of Evelin and Justin. I just think Justin is a quiet guy who doesn't come off well on camera. I think they are a lovely couple. And, unlike some other couples (cough*Brett&Daya*cough), I feel like they truly mean it when they tell each other that they love one another. 

Bwing married to someone who would drive that El Camino (and who has had worse ones), I feel like I need to defend it a little. It's really solid (being a FL car would make it a lot more valuable up here in Indiana, since it hasn't be exposed to the snow and salt), and if he's fixing it up it could turn out pretty nice. I wouldn't want to roll in it, and I don't blame Cassia if she hates it, but it could be a lot worse.

Danny's dad can do DIAF.

I wish we knew more of Justin's story with his mom...

Hopefully the new apartment complex will help Brett make friends who are under the age of 60.

Poor Dani's daughters! They were so not concerned about Mo staying or leaving, but about how their mom was going to be if he left! Noticed the one had a backup plan of escaping to a friend's house if need be.

  • Love 5
Chelsea is one selfish lady!  I feel for Yamir.



For some reason, I don't see Chelsea as being selfish, I believe, she's the only one of the Americans who actually speaks the language of the person they're going to marry, there are many scenes where Chelsea and Yamir are speaking to each other in Spanish.  I think Chelsea's problem (and many of the others as well) is that she's bought into a fantasy of what marriage is.  What she has to realize is that the man she wants to marry is a musician and music is very important to him.  If she doesn't let him have his music career, or at least try, he'll silently resent her and that resentment could last a lifetime.


I find Danny's family interesting.  His father said that when he and his wife got married, there was just the judge and when he showed his father the license, his father was like, "I don't think that's enough."  I wonder why their families weren't at that wedding.


Jason and Cassia:  One of my friends and her husband have an E bay business.  They do pretty well, but they're both older people.  Cassia is too young to be interested in that, but I also think that Cassia bought into the fantasy of marrying a "rich, older American" and the reality is hitting her.   

  • Love 7

I find Danny's family interesting. His father said that when he and his wife got married, there was just the judge and when he showed his father the license, his father was like, "I don't think that's enough." I wonder why their families weren't at that wedding.

If I had to guess, it's because they immediately saw Danny's father for the racist asshole he was then, and is now, and wanted nothing to do with him. I really feel sorry for his long-suffering wife. She's been there to have children, raise them, and listen to him in silence.

  • Love 1

I honestly think Cassia cares about Jason. She was genuinely frustrated in the parking lot when it became clear Jason did not understand why she was so unhappy. Cassia came to the US to be with this man and he think quality time includes sitting in a dusty auction house. No, dude. She's 23! Take her out to a nice bar or a club. Hell, take her to the nearest mall. That scene of Cassia sitting sadly between Jason and his dad in the car pretty much said it all.


I don't get why the Americans (Jason, Justin, Danny, Danielle, Chelsea) are so damn selfish. Your significant others gave up everything (career, family, and friends), and you can't modify your lives one bit for them? And if you do, it's with gritted teeth? WTF?


Amy is still as lovely as ever and her family is awesome. Danny's dad is still racist. Sigh.


I got the impression that Chelsea's mom wanted her to go Chicago. I think she would be more than happy not to support a 25 year old and 28 year old. The thing with the music industry is that waiting or postponing any moves can backfire. I hope Yamir is able to figure something out after the 1 year is up. I got the impression that he has very little money to his name which makes it all the more confusing as to why both of them opted to move to the US.



Did anyone else notice how Danielle was all whiney and crying then had a completely normal voice while "off camera" then was all smiles when she told the girls they were getting married? I mean if my husband had such doubts about getting married on our wedding day but only acquiesced to shut me up, I don't think I'd be smiling about that!

I noticed. She didn't even squeeze out any tears when she was having that fake breakdown on the bed so I knew she just being manipulative. The 'Mohammed, yes or no?' with such a strong voice told me that if anyone is truly getting played, it's Mohammed. Not Danielle. I think she knows exactly what she's doing and she's not as dumb as she appears.


As an aside, I hate Long Island Medium. I was pissed at the 'knock and shook' clips.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 5

I am trying to figure out Chelsea's appeal but I am stumped. She's not pretty. She doesn't have an especially nice figure. She seems bottom heavy and flabby. Her hair is stringy and dirty looking. Her grooming seems questionable. She's selfish. She's unemployed. She offers nothing.


She looks normal to me.  Average.  She's pretty but not beautiful -- not up to Hollywood standards, for sure, but then how many among us are?


She is, however, twice as selfish as everyone has said she is.


Oh, and thanks one whole helluva lot for that whole vocal fry discussion -- now I can hardly focus on anything else when she's on screen!  How do you un-hear that?!?

  • Love 6

I must make a trip to Norwalk soon to see for myself these characters like the barfly and that attorney which reminded me of Chris Farley for some odd reason.


Dani's dusty doll collection piled up on the dresser was creepy to me.


Out of curiosity is there a portion of the sponsor fee saved for return airfare if the arrangement does not work out?

  • Love 4

Mo is going to break one night and kill all of them in their sleep. Those intense, furious looks in the lawyer's office were chilling.

I didn't find his look chilling. He just looked extremely pissed and confused. He seemed particularly shocked about the point that Danielle's debts will become his if they marry. Danielle telling him that she promises to tell him about money after they married is just a disaster waiting to happen. I hope she doesn't have any large debts, like 12K in medical bills or past due student loans.

  • Love 5

I just remember Amy speaking up in that whole conversation and making some funny jokes that Danny's dad seemed to relax and laugh at.. which seemed to be a big improvement from even refusing to shake her hand.


and hatefilled old bigot FIL will hasten to assure all his racist friends that Amy is "not like those others".


I think I am the only person here who doesn't hate Chelsea-my read on them is that this was the plan all along--move to Chelsea's hometown, Yamir work on his English, get jobs, work and save up, then move to a bigger city so Yamir could pursue his music. Then they found out about this show, tried out, got on, and now have to manufacture "conflict" to make things interesting. I could see it in every "conversation" they all had. Producer: OK, honey, now if you two could just sit casually at the kitchen table and talk about the pros and cons of moving to Chicago. Yeah, that's great. Now, Chelsea, talk about why you want to stay here. Mom, give her some good reasons to move. Awesome!" Same with Yamir and Chelsea's chat. Eh. I don't hate her at all. I think they're a young couple, they're in love, they have plans, and now they'll have some TLC money to start out with. I wish them all the luck in the world.


Dani, on the other hand.......she is a piece of work. And really? "My girls are counting on you"? Da fuck? Honey, your girls are practically grown. They don't need Mo to take them to dance recital or read them stories. Sheesh.


  • Love 7

I'm guessing the show paid for it.

As for Evelin's family, didn't her mother come to help her pick out her dress, or was that Amy again?

I don't think so. And if they did? Maybe mom, dad & siblings ... Not cousins and grandma.

Plus, why wouldn't they do it for the others? I'm sure Evelin would have signed up for THAT perk.

  • Love 1
I think I am the only person here who doesn't hate Chelsea-my read on them is that this was the plan all along--move to Chelsea's hometown, Yamir work on his English, get jobs, work and save up, then move to a bigger city so Yamir could pursue his music.



I don't hate Chelsea either, simply because she can speak to Yamir in his language.  How many of the others can do that?  I noticed that when he spoke in Spanish, she answered, in Spanish.  I thought that was pretty cool.  


I don't think this show pays for anything.  


Amy's mother helped Amy pick out her dress, with Danny's sister I believe.  


I have a feeling that Danny's family is estranged from his dad. 


Danielle and Mo just creep me out.  I can't stand either of them.  He's a con artist and she's just pathetic.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 3

I'm guessing the show paid for it.


As for Evelin's family, didn't her mother come to help her pick out her dress, or was that Amy again? 

I don't believe the show would pay for that many family members to come from South Africa. The round-trip  airfare is not cheap at all. I think that Amy's family is financially comfortable and that's how they were all able to come.


Justin's mother went with Evelin to find a dress. Amy's mother went dress-shopping with her.

  • Love 3

I'm not seeing anything nefarious about Justin's mom. If anything, I see a passive aggressive youngest child (Justin) trying to get attention from his family by springing a surprise fiance on them and then pouting and deciding on a not-so-secret elopement. Maybe the family dynamic is that his older brother has been treated as the Golden Child and this is Justin's opportunity to get some of that attention. (I am not saying that his family doesn't have it's issues or that Darth Jennifer is not horrible.)


Dani is cross eyed and that is what makes me want to smack her in every scene. (I know! I am a mean, horrible person.)

  • Love 8

Chelsea and Yamir are doing the whole "oh let's not move yet" thing just for the show.    Willing to bet after the last episode airs we find out they are already in Chicago.   They are doing this to get publicity for his music.   


As for Daniell's debts becoming Mo's, I would really like to know what Ohio's laws are on that.   Not all states are community property states.   Where Iive, if the debt is in your name and your name only, the other person is not responsible for it.   Furthermore, the creditors cannot legally come after Mo, I don't think.   HE didn't sign the contract agreeing to pay the debt.   Just marrying someone does not make you automatically a signatory to a debt acquired prior to the marriage.   I think I smell producer set up here.

  • Love 2

Justin and Evelin are really boring.  I don’t think they belonged on the show.  Their storyline seems contrived.  Especially since he said that the only reason he didn’t tell his family about her was because he didn’t think they’d approve.  Well duh!  I have two sons and if either one of them were to show up out of the blue with a 90 days fiancé, I don’t know what I would do.  I want to say hit the roof, but I know my reaction would be much stronger. 


That Amy could afford to travel to Australia and have her large family attend her wedding, tells me they are well off.  I think she could have done so much better than Danny.


I believe the main reason Danielle’s daughters wanted Mo to stay and marry their mom was because they were afraid of what might happen if he were to dump her.  Like others have said, Dani isn't as innocent as she would have others believe.  I think Mo might have bitten off more than he can chew. 

  • Love 3

Biggest LOL funny moment to me? Mo in the attorney's office struggling to find the right word/turn of phrase to describe something. That word phrase he was grasping for and wasn't quite sure about? Green Card! Come now Mo. You got to do better than that. 


Of course Dani, a woman in her mid 40s, would have a bunch of creepy dolls on her dresser and teddy bears at the foot of her bed.Of Course!!  Jeez lady!  Dani is no dummy. As has been mentioned her, she stopped her blubbering and wounded sparrow routine, she had bass in her voice as soon as that door close. It is like she transformed into a pimp named Alabaster. Deal or no Deal Mo? 


Chelsea and Yamir. Funny that it took her mom breaking it down for her to make Chelsea realize that Yamir had given up everything to be with her in the USA. Girl, it hasn't even been 2 months yet. Had you forgotten? Granted, financial reasons are valid ones but it was as if Chelsea wouldn't even entertain the idea until mom slapped her with reality. Glad that Yamir came up with a compromise they both can live with but I did take note that it was Yamir's idea, not Chelsea's. 


I find Chelsea odd. So weird that she can travel so extensively, live abroad, far away from a family for an extended period of time in the past but now she needs to live up under her family. No doubt she needs their financial support since she is about to have a dependent husband who can't work until he gets a green card and she is seemingly without a job nor prospects for one so she needs them but damn I wish I could see her make attempts to be independent. She just does not exhibit the personality of a go-getter to me and that is what she is gonna need to be to help Yamir get to where he wants to go. 


Cassia really does seem into that fool Jason. In fact, she seems more into him than he is into her. What is this world coming to??!?!


With Justin and Evelin it is hard to become overly involved or invested in their story since I don't know what the source of Justin's issue with his family is? It could be from anything to his mom not letting him eat candy when he wanted to her letting Uncle bad touch molest him. I just can't and won't read anything too malevolent into that dynamic without some kind of proof or the very least hearing it from the horse's mouth. 

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 6

Chelsea and Yamir are doing the whole "oh let's not move yet" thing just for the show.    Willing to bet after the last episode airs we find out they are already in Chicago.   They are doing this to get publicity for his music.   


As for Daniell's debts becoming Mo's, I would really like to know what Ohio's laws are on that.   Not all states are community property states.   Where Iive, if the debt is in your name and your name only, the other person is not responsible for it.   Furthermore, the creditors cannot legally come after Mo, I don't think.   HE didn't sign the contract agreeing to pay the debt.   Just marrying someone does not make you automatically a signatory to a debt acquired prior to the marriage.   I think I smell producer set up here.

I think it has to do with the fact that she's shown a pattern of irresponsible behavior when it comes to money and Mo seems ... Not quite as dimwitted, so he sees the financial writing on the wall.

Someone who sucks at handling money doesn't become Warren Buffett overnight.

  • Love 3

Danielle telling him that she promises to tell him about money after they married is just a disaster waiting to happen.

What did she say exactly?  I recall it meant that "starting tomorrow after we get married I won't lie anymore" - and Mo said he was giving her a second chance.


Marriage.  A second chance.  Her second chance is marriage.


  • Love 2

Sometimes I think Cassia is into Jason, and at other times, not so much. But the bottom line is that the choice thst she has made if she wants to stay in the US with Jason have essentially trapped her. So let's say she gets her green card in a few months and can start working. Unless she has a skill set or an educational background that she has been hiding, she will probably end up as a waitress or a cashier at the local Food Town. On top of which she will be reliant on Jason and Dad to get her to her job, and I'm guessing they aren't the type to encourage her to work outside of Shady Oaks. So she will be working, probably making minimum wage or just above it. I also think that jason will want her to contribute her paycheck to the household, so the idea of her saving for a car or to eventually be on her own is next to nothing. As for her dream of being a model, it just ain't happening. 

  • Love 1

Mohamed's meeting with the attorney solidified my certainty that he's either a rookie con man, or he's just terrible at it. Otherwise, he would have done his homework before he got on the plane. He should already know how long it takes to get a green card, and how marital finances work in the US. I don't think Mo is a hardened criminal, and in fact, he's pretty naive if he thinks Danielle is going to be open and honest about the finances from now on. After all, when the phones were shut off, she didn't apologize, didn't show remorse, didn't say she'd never do it again. Didn't mention any of the other bills she hasn't paid, and you know there have to be more. She didn't want him to leave, and so in her mind, that justified the deceit. She will find other justifications for her deceit in the future. Danielle has successfully drawn him into her vortex of emotional extortion. If he actually marries her, this is all going to get a lot more complicated for him, and it will be much more difficult to extricate himself than he knows. I was really hoping he'd smarten up and leave. But there's still time.


And count me in with those who were creeped out when that door clicked shut and weepy victim Danielle turned off like a light switch. The cold, hard edge in her voice was downright chilling. Is it the ponytail that makes the evil Danielle come out?


 Have I missed something about Justin's mom? She just seems like a regular mom to me but some comments refer to her as manipulative and different things so I'm thinking I must have missed something.

I don't think she is evil, but she was clearly cultivating a relationship with Evelin as a way to manipulate Justin back into the fold. And I knew if she was invited, she would invite the rest of the family. I called it last week. Sure enough, the invitation was barely out of Justin's mouth when his mother started into on inviting everyone else. I think . Seeing Evelin and Martha crow over how they'd "won" was a little off-putting. Justin, this is your future. Every birthday, holiday, and major event. Get used to it.


And ditto to whoever said upthread that it's weird that nobody from Evelin's family is coming to the wedding. Not one person?When it's sooooo important to her? Interesting, that.


    Cassia, Jason is a loser. Worst yet, he is a loser who thinks he is a winner.

Then they're well matched. As far as I can tell, she has very high self esteem, but doesn't seem to have much going for her in terms of her own personal success, educational, financial, professional, or otherwise.


    If that's his job, then he has to "work" sometime? He should get Cassia in on the family business.

I think that's what he was trying to do. She's clearly not interested in the family business. Cassia didn't come here just for a green card. She also came to find an attentive, financially successful man who would support her, cater to her every whim, and make her the center of his world. That's not Jason. I get the impression she thought all she'd have to do is show up and be young and hot, and he's be wrapped around her little finger. It has finally dawned on her that that's not the case.  I can't tell if he really does "work" a lot, or if she is upset by any amount of time he spends focused on something besides her. The man can't be ebaying 24/7, and he doesn't appear to have anything else going on. How busy can he be?


    I think Danny came off stronger tonight.


I thought he sounded like a 14 year old when he was giving his little speech. I was waiting for his voice to crack. Still, I think we got a little more insight into family dynamics at play. I get the sense that none of the kids are close to the father. They tolerate him and respect him as a parent, but they don't particularly like him and they work together as a team to manage him. I also get the feeling that most of the communication between parents and children is through the mother. I doubt the father speaks to his kids very often.


I have to say, if you're going to be racist, be up front about it like Danny's father. But I'm not particularly upset about him. He's an ignorant, self-important loudmouth who is 100% sure his way is the right way, even though everyone else knows his world view is bass ackwards and 60 years behind the times. And he's never going to change. His opinions matter not at all. It's hard for me to put energy into being offended by someone who is such a joke.


As for Chelsea and Yamir...those two are just naive about their future as they were in Nicaragua. Still no game plan. Still no jobs. Still no clue that they have effectively ended Yamir's run as a successful performing artist who sells records and performs in venues where people pay money to see him. I mean hell, even if he had the talent, I bet he couldn't even get a job as a studio musician in Galesburg. His illustrious "music career" will be limited to laying down tunes in the basement and maybe doing the odd wedding or kids party. Sorry Yamir. That ship has sailed. But it'll be fun to tell the grandkids about how gramps used to be a big star.

Edited by sleepyjean
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What did she say exactly?  I recall it meant that "starting tomorrow after we get married I won't lie anymore" - and Mo said he was giving her a second chance.


Marriage.  A second chance.  Her second chance is marriage.

I don't remember the exact quote, but I thought the gist was that after the day after the wedding, she'd be honest with him about money. I assumed that meant she'd disclose all of her financial issues then which is absolutely ridiculous because if she confides she has outstanding bills, Mohammed has just walked himself into a situation where he cannot win. Their whole situation is just so bizarre.

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The whole focus on Amy and Danny being virgins thing freaks me out. I have zero issue with waiting until marriage, but the way they focus on it is just bizarre. It is almost like I can picture their guests waiting outside the door to listen in on when the virginity loss happens because they harp on it so much. I don't know. And they discuss it all on camera. Ugh.

I am starting to think more and more that the issue behind Justin's family feud was TLC needing a story line and it being played up. I did feel kind of bad for him when it was suggested the brothers come though.

Lawyer Paul made me laugh. Mo really got more than he bargained for with all of this.

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