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S16.E36: Nominations #12

Tara Ariano

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Best episode ever!!! Well, in weeks anyway.

Favorite moments:

Hayden: "Hey Cody! Watch this!" [Kisses Nicole.]

Donny: "Who knows, this $5000 could make up for that play that Frankie made us put on."

Donny: "Okay, I was gonna get something to eat".

Caleb's insane yelling, esp. "And she's a reverend???"

Everything Zach. (Sorry, can't help myself!)


Also, Caleb called Frankie his queen. 

Edited by TexasChic
  • Love 15

Most entertaining episode in a long time. The juror segment was the absolute best, followed by Caleb's yelling/stupidity. It's sad that this guy is the last entertaining person in the house. 


I never appreciated Jocasta's DRs until this episode came on. I also didn't appreciate Hayden/Nicole until this episode. At least we got minimal Christine and plenty of everyone else (except for Donny. Could have used more Donny).


In not so recent news, Frankie's annoying, Derrick's boring and Victoria's DRs are getting worse every day. Also, bitter much Vic? Hayden just won you $5000 and you're complaining about people messing with your stuff? I know some stuff went on behind the scenes, but still, bitter. Also laughed at them calling the jury bitter when they're the ones freaking out about a dirty house. Well, I hate dirty messes too but seeing as you just cleaned for the first time last week, I have little sympathy for all of you.


Caleb's nomination speech was...weird.

  • Love 2

I really enjoyed seeing the jurors again.  I never really found Zach all that entertaining until tonight.  I found his figurative trashing of the other houseguests tiresome.  But tonight he was kind of funny.  I actually could have lived w/o the tearing apart the house, but overall it was nice to see a group of people having fun in the house again.  The morose five that are left are just deadly.  

Edited by Thalia
  • Love 1

More examples of Derrick always playing the game....Caleb asking Derrick if he ever heard him say "heard dat?"  He said...yep, everyday.  It's his way of pulling Caleb closer to him and farther away from Frankie.  I know people think Derrick is boring, but I really enjoy watching the long con that Derrick is playing in this game.  He's playing everyone and by the time they realize it, they are already sitting in the jury and isn't that just perfect for Derrick.  Well played son, well played.  

  • Love 14

To Victoria's credit, getting $5000 for doing nothing is a pretty good deal.


Hell, she might get $50,000 for doing almost nothing.  She has been a useful pawn the whole game and her performance spat with Derrick was done better than Frankie in his "play"


They should make this juror raid a regular thing.  It was fun.


Donny never fails to entertain.

  • Love 3

That was the best episode this season! Everything was so personal from all of them.

- Cody wanting to win to spend time with Nicole (If Christine could hear that! lol)

- Hayden telling Cody to watch him make out with Nicole.

- Hayden about to give up the 5K for Nicole.

- Jocasta targeting Christine first (lol)

- Plus none of the remaining houseguests drafting her on their team, Caleb rather take Jocasta than Christine.

- The houseguests reaction to Christine being knocked out first and not a strong guy player like Zach.

- Cody and Caleb's reaction to the everything.


Derrick was still boring as ever. I actually ended up feeling for Caleb, he's doing Derrick and Cody's bidding to evict someone who isn't going after him. Caleb sending Frankie who isn't after him home, is silly. It makes sense for Derrick and Cody too do it, but not Caleb. 

  • Love 5

So Christine was the one who scratched Victoria's name out in the WC!  Damn that Victoria for taking her spot as the last woman standing!


Finally a fun episode!  Cody was so funny yelling at the TV during the luxury comp, and Caleb's outbursts were classic.  Also enjoyed watching Nicole tear through the house and kick ass in the comp.


Looks like the guys aren't going to have to worry about giving Frankie a heads up.  Production isn't telling any of them that the eviction is tomorrow.  What fun!

  • Love 2
Seeing that Derrick and Cody played Caleb like a fiddle


Derrick plays many people like fiddles so often, he rivals Yo Yo Ma, but in this case, he was actually correct: a Derrick/Cody nomination alongside Victoria with Frankie winning the veto actually would have ensured Derrick/Cody going home. Not that they were actually thinking of Caleb's best interest, but I wouldn't call that playing Caleb. It was an accurate analysis of the situation, which just happened to benefit Derrick more than Caleb. Not that Caleb saw that, but still.


I don't like jury house Donny as much as BB house Donny. His tics seemed dialed up to 11, complete with the smile and thumbs up. Maybe that's the scripted DRs more than Donny himself, but he seemed a lot more natural and less like a caricature before he was evicted.

  • Love 1

Derrick plays many people like fiddles so often, he rivals Yo Yo Ma, but in this case, he was actually correct: a Derrick/Cody nomination alongside Victoria with Frankie winning the veto actually would have ensured Derrick/Cody going home. Not that they were actually thinking of Caleb's best interest, but I wouldn't call that playing Caleb. It was an accurate analysis of the situation, which just happened to benefit Derrick more than Caleb. Not that Caleb saw that, but still.



I still think it is playing Caleb, especially since they still want Caleb to believe that Derrick and Cody will remain loyal to him and the truth is that they won't.  If Caleb was smart enough to figure that out, he would partner up seriously with Frankie and be out to take out both Derrick and Cody, but he isn't.  If Frankie is sent packing this week then the Hit Men will look to once again keep Victoria and send Caleb packing.  That's playing him like a fiddle and getting him to do their dirty work.  It's genius mainly because of Caleb's stupidity.  

  • Love 2

Ugh, I'd almost forgotten about the Hitmen (not that there was a Derrick/Cody alliance, but that it had a name). Sounds more like an off-Broadway revue than the name of a serious alliance. Frankie J. Grande stars in...The Hitmen! I realize after 16 seasons, a lot of the good names have already been used, but was that seriously the best they could come up with?


I wish they'd start naming alliances with made-up words, like the merged tribe on Survivor.


If Caleb was smart enough to figure that out, he would partner up seriously with Frankie and be out to take out both Derrick and Cody, but he isn't.


But he can only take one of them out. I think this was a rare instance where Derrick was actually telling the truth. Say Caleb decides to put up Derrick or Cody against Victoria, and the Frankie winning veto to save Victoria scenario happens. One of them goes out and the other one is gunning for Caleb, with a still-here Victoria also gunning for him as the appendage of Derrick.


He puts Frankie up (as far as Caleb knows), with the plan to take out Victoria -- then he's made no enemies going into final 4 (as far as Caleb knows) because Frankie would understand he was just a pawn. So, two people gunning for him vs. nobody really gunning for him specifically. Two is more than zero.


I realize Derrick and Cody had no intention of being loyal to Caleb, but it's also the least risky move for Caleb, and I don't think Derrick should get credit for something that, as he said, was simply math.

Edited by Eolivet
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Yeah, as much as I love Donny, he wasn't as sweet tonight (or in the jury house scenes we saw) as he was before eviction.  I hope it is caused by residual bitterness at being kicked out and not by an ego trip caused by his discovery that he's so popular.  I have a feeling you can get over bitterness faster.  

Edited by Thalia
  • Love 3

That episode was super fun. Caleb was funny, Cody was funny and the juror segment was great. Even Jocasta was amusing! Nice complete brushing under the rug of Christine though.

It's amazing how much my overall positive feelings about this show increase with all the jury exposure lately. Also, Frankie losing. That brings me great joy!

Caleb's speech was strategic, concise and downright eloquent for him! I was impressed.

  • Love 2

Loved every single thing about the luxury competition. Pure perfection.

Here is Caleb's thought process. Caleb is 100% invested in his self-made name "Beast mode cowboy". He truly believes that he will win so many competitions, that the jury will fall over themselves voting for him in the end because he is such a comp beast. Who stands in the way of that? Frankie. Which is why he wanted Frankie out his last HOH, IMO. Caleb is absolutely sure in his mind that he'll smoke Cody or Derrick in the end. That's why he's loyal to them.

The thing with Caleb, though, is that he's kind of chicken when it comes to actual confrontations. Remember when he couldn't even look Frankie in the eyes during the BoB throwing? I mean he sat his ass down in the end, but the way he SAID he was going to do it, and the way he actually did it were two different things. He wants Frankie gone without being the one who has any hand in doing it, because he likes Frankie and doesn't want to be the bad guy. But the fact is, two people telling him to do something carried more weight with him than one person telling him to do something. It was simple math, IMO. Also, the really great argument made about Frankie being responsible in booting one of his "boys". The perfect argument to make at that time.

  • Love 3

Cody:  I noticed I didn't really have any balls left.  -- We know, Cody.  We know.


Best parts of the luxury competition:

-Christine not getting picked by anybody AND getting eliminated first

-Caleb's "And she's a REVEREND???"

-Announcer: Donny-you have been knocked out.  Donny: Okay, I was just going to get something to eat.

-Cody screaming at the TV like he's watching the Super Bowl.


Thank goodness for Caleb.  I know he's said horrible pre-show things, but he has some of the most unintentionally funny moments.

  • Love 7

We got a little glimpse of angry Frankie during the house raid and it wasn't pretty. No mile-wide smiles, no winking, no exaggerated face, just snarling squint-eyed Frankie. It was awesome! Makes me really hope he realizes he's going home and we get more "ugly Frankie" this week! It just shows how put-on everything he does and says is.

  • Love 2

"Just cleaned this place last week and now it's completely trashed!"  All across America women are saying, "Story of my dag-gum life." 


That was fun to watch, particularly Caleb who was heart broken over things like his mouse trap (for the imaginary mouse) being set off.  I've tried to hate Caleb for Amber's sake, but I just love him these days.  I may stalk him.

  • Love 9

I may be super immature, but I was tempted so many times during the HOH comp to make a "spilled his seed" joke. 


I loved seeing the jury members trash the house, and it was especially nice getting a few minutes of Zach. That dude cracks me up! Donny was hysterical - "I was just going to get something to eat". And I find it hysterical that the only win Victoria has had all summer was courtesy of someone else. Go, Hayden! 


I'm glad Caleb listened to Derrick and Cody and put Frankie up. Usually backdooring someone is a better plan, if they're good at comps. But with how few people remain in the house, that could have really backfired. Let's just hope he doesn't win, for once, this week. 

  • Love 1
More examples of Derrick always playing the game....Caleb asking Derrick if he ever heard him say "heard dat?"  He said...yep, everyday.  It's his way of pulling Caleb closer to him and farther away from Frankie.  I know people think Derrick is boring, but I really enjoy watching the long con that Derrick is playing in this game.  He's playing everyone and by the time they realize it, they are already sitting in the jury and isn't that just perfect for Derrick.  Well played son, well played.


He doesn't bore me at all. I am always amazed by how quick on his feet he is. People throw questions at him, and he lobs the "right" answer back every single time. Without a moment's hesitation. He is good. 

  • Love 10

I don't get what the big deal was with Hayden saying, "Hey Cody! Watch this!" and then kissing Nicole. Am I missing something? Does Cody have a thing for Nicole? 


Very happy Frankie's been put on the block. Derrick/Cody/Caleb/Vic...Study the wall of hamsters, win the morph veto comp and get him out already! 



Yes, there was a little flirting going on.  I thought that was odd though. Was Christine getting heat about Cody in the jury house so mentioned this to them?  I doubt Nicole would have said anything; it was not that big of a deal.   Or maybe it was.  Cody has mentioned her several times since she left.  

Edited by wings707

Between the dark roots growing in, and Frankie's pre-show botox wearing off, the house has not been kind to FJG. Shocking how different present-day Frankie is against the memory wall version.

I figure Donnie was half-scripted and half enjoying being around people who don't actively shun him. It's gotta work wonders on a person's outlook.

Edited by BeatrixK
  • Love 2

First of all, I'm so sick of this show trying to sell Nicole and Hayden as the next big thing, like they're this season's answer to Jeff and Jordan. Stop it. They are not all that. Hayden is kind of dirty looking and Nicole has an annoying voice. Both are a couple of dim bulbs, and yet I'm certain I'll be seeing them next year in the all-stars edition, right alongside Donnie. I honestly don't even think there's some huge fan base out there for Hayden and Nicole, I think the show is just desperate to push some showmance down our throat and this was the closest they got this season.


Second of all, it has become increasingly noticeable how hard the show is being framed around Derrick. Have you noticed that we never, ever hear from Frankie, Caleb, Cody or Victoria what exactly their strategy is for getting to the end? It's all Derrick, all the time, wheeling and dealing and explaining his moves in the diary room, but to date I still have no inkling who Frankie thinks he's going to the Final 2 with. I suppose maybe he and Caleb just figure once they hit the final four they'll all battle it out in competitions, but we don't even hear them discussing that in their DR sessions. Surely they have some kind of ideal Final 2 in mind, and we never hear it, because the show is all about Derrick and the web he is spinning.


Granted, Derrick is doing a marvelous job making everyone around him do whatever he wants, but the narrative would suggest nobody else has any kind of plan and are just mindlessly playing pawns in Derrick's game. Even if Caleb does make it to final three and ends up being the one who wins the final HoH, who is he going to take with him to the Final 2? Surely he has some idea, and they never show us him expressing it. That's just not part of their script this season, and it's kind of pissing me off.

  • Love 4

My DVR did the exact opposite, it was scheduled to start at 8:31 for some reason, so when it started on time, I only got the last 29 minutes, it started just as the jurors came running into the house.  Is the 1st half hour worth looking for?  I kinda wanted to see the end of the HOH contest, but is there anything else worth watching?

Edited by QTBlueMoon
My DVR did the exact opposite, it was scheduled to start at 8:31 for some reason, so when it started on time, I only got the last 29 minutes, it started just as the jurors came running into the house.  Is the 1st half hour worth looking for?  I kinda wanted to see the end of the HOH contest, but is there anything else worth watching?


Not really.  The rain during the HoH comp was more intense and there were more seeds, but those were the only noticable changes.

Victoria was useless as normal, Cody and Caleb were neck and neck until Cody knocked one seed off his shovel and had to restart, so it was down to Caleb and Frankie.

First of all, I'm so sick of this show trying to sell Nicole and Hayden as the next big thing, like they're this season's answer to Jeff and Jordan. Stop it. They are not all that. Hayden is kind of dirty looking and Nicole has an annoying voice. Both are a couple of dim bulbs, and yet I'm certain I'll be seeing them next year in the all-stars edition, right alongside Donnie. I honestly don't even think there's some huge fan base out there for Hayden and Nicole, I think the show is just desperate to push some showmance down our throat and this was the closest they got this season.


Second of all, it has become increasingly noticeable how hard the show is being framed around Derrick. Have you noticed that we never, ever hear from Frankie, Caleb, Cody or Victoria what exactly their strategy is for getting to the end? It's all Derrick, all the time, wheeling and dealing and explaining his moves in the diary room, but to date I still have no inkling who Frankie thinks he's going to the Final 2 with. I suppose maybe he and Caleb just figure once they hit the final four they'll all battle it out in competitions, but we don't even hear them discussing that in their DR sessions. Surely they have some kind of ideal Final 2 in mind, and we never hear it, because the show is all about Derrick and the web he is spinning.


Granted, Derrick is doing a marvelous job making everyone around him do whatever he wants, but the narrative would suggest nobody else has any kind of plan and are just mindlessly playing pawns in Derrick's game. Even if Caleb does make it to final three and ends up being the one who wins the final HoH, who is he going to take with him to the Final 2? Surely he has some idea, and they never show us him expressing it. That's just not part of their script this season, and it's kind of pissing me off.


I'm honestly not sure any of them, save Frankie, actually HAVE an end game:  Caleb is so self-convinced he's invincible/aka 'Beast Mode', I don't think it enters his mind that the only person a danger to his game in F2 is Frankie, due to comps - the concept of social game escapes Caleb entirely.  I honestly get that Caleb assumes he makes it to F2, he wins.


Victoria:  Talking about an end game would require she know more about playing the game than being camera ready  - and she spends far more time primping than she does any actual strategy.  I honestly don't think she HAS an end game.


Cody:  He seems utterly clueless that he needs an endgame - his entire house life has been spent doing what Derrick wants.  Cody has spent so little time actually working his own game and far too much time playing Derrick's game, that Cody's 'end game' is whatever Derrick wants.  Cody has been perfectly fine letting Derrick map out the road to the final two that he's somehow managed to forget what it's going to take him to actually win it (And Cody's social game has been lackluster at best - unless your name is Christine or Nicole.  And Christine's association has tainted him so much, I think he's far more worried about his 'outside the house' life than he is remotely concerned about how to win the game.)


Derrick is honestly the only one who has probably actually thought about how to win the game and acted on it.

Interesting part of the filler last night was Caleb talking about his tattoos and how he'd get one for "all of y'all" I think he said but he only mentioned a soccer ball for Cody and a pink flamingo for Frankie. He didn't mention Derrick. I still haven't decided where that weighs in on the scales from 'touching' to 'creepy' though. I think a lot depends on size and placement, but I'm not sure how I'd feel if someone told me they were going to basically get a 'memorial' tattoo for me before I was dead or in a tragic accident.

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