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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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8 minutes ago, poopchute said:



oh my god Kail is the WOOOOOORST!!!!! Fuck!! First of all, ragging on how tight Javi's shirt is?!? How about her pants look like they are about to burst off her Diaper Ass.  Her tone of voice and facial expressions and mannerisms are all so unpleasant.  Can't she have a civil conversation about holidays? Nope! So she wants Lincoln every Christmas because she has two kids.  What if one day Javi has another child?  Does Jo and Vee's baby count?  What if Jo wants Isaac and his sister to be together on Christmas? What about this third baby?  Kail just gets them all because that's what she wants?  She is the worst person alive.

She is absolutely the worst.

Did anyone see this deleted scene from last week? http://www.mtv.com/video-clips/38ha77/teen-mom-2-deleted-scene-kailyn-s-best-trip-ever

Is that JC appearing at the start of the clip?  He got some sunburn in Hawaii.

  • Love 3

Holy crap. This is supposed to be a mature mother, who just left mediation??? And the first thing she does is comment on Javi's shirt. It's the truck thing all over again. She has to make sure and be nasty, so there are no ideas in his head about her liking him. She is just the worst. 

And, yes, her freaking pants were practically PAINTED on. She asks him to reach his arms across his chest? I'd be asking that bitch to do some squats. 

And she can save her sermons about kids coming first and the holidays. Yes, it would be NICE if the boys were together every Christmas, but if you wanted that to 100% happen, you should have had your kids with the same father. When you have divorces and multiple baby daddies, it's almost impossible to make it work for everyone. So what? SHE gets the boys on Christmas automatically because they live with her? And Javi and Jo lose out? Isaac has a sister as well. Shouldn't THEY be together every Christmas. This isn't about the kids. It's about Kail maintaining control. 

I like how Javi was all, "yea, but what happens when you get a new boyfriend?" And Kail acts like that's not going to happen. Bahahaha! You have his baby cooking in your oven right now!

  • Love 14
22 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

She is absolutely the worst.

Did anyone see this deleted scene from last week? http://www.mtv.com/video-clips/38ha77/teen-mom-2-deleted-scene-kailyn-s-best-trip-ever

Is that JC appearing at the start of the clip?  He got some sunburn in Hawaii.

She didn't take the crew to Hawaii. 


Javi is also still active in the Air Force. 


  • Love 1
54 minutes ago, poopchute said:



oh my god Kail is the WOOOOOORST!!!!! Fuck!! First of all, ragging on how tight Javi's shirt is?!? How about her pants look like they are about to burst off her Diaper Ass.  Her tone of voice and facial expressions and mannerisms are all so unpleasant.  Can't she have a civil conversation about holidays? Nope! So she wants Lincoln every Christmas because she has two kids.  What if one day Javi has another child?  Does Jo and Vee's baby count?  What if Jo wants Isaac and his sister to be together on Christmas? What about this third baby?  Kail just gets them all because that's what she wants?  She is the worst person alive.

Kail didn't even want to give Javi Christmas eve? She's so selfish. Her kids come first? How about if the kids express wanting to see their fathers and other family on Christmas? She assumes that because she's the mother that she should get them every Christmas-- that makes it about HER,  not the kids.

  • Love 6

Javi should have replied that he also thinks it is important for Lincoln to be able to spend Christmas with his brother so he and Jo have decided to spend the day together with both boys AND Issac's sister. No need for Kail to worry her ginormous head over it or be involved at all. 


And if she is looking for a great "snap back," Kail should ditch the BS waist trainer and Flat Tummy tea and just ask Vee for some tips. 

  • Love 23
12 minutes ago, TeeMo said:

Javi should have replied that he also thinks it is important for Lincoln to be able to spend Christmas with his brother so he and Jo have decided to spend the day together with both boys AND Issac's sister. No need for Kail to worry her ginormous head over it or be involved at all. 


And if she is looking for a great "snap back," Kail should ditch the BS waist trainer and Flat Tummy tea and just ask Vee for some tips. 

I'm sure it kills her that Vee looks so amazing and put together while Karl looks like the stay pufft marshmallow man wearing a diaper.

  • Love 14


Well, you all called it.  I'm going to chalk Kailyn up to another young person who should never have been given an opportunity to be a fame whore, a place she shares with the likes of Kate Gosselin and the Duggars.  

  • Love 3

So Javi wears a nice dress shirt and pants to the mediation and Kail wears jeans.  Um.... ok. Seems like he should be taken down a notch for dressing like an adult.  SMH.  His expression when she goes off on 'her kids' is hysterical. You can practically here his inner dialogue 'listen up box of Botox - Lincoln is just as much my child as yours.  Hate to break up your already staged Pinterest Instagram Christmas morning pictures ( #blessedwithtwo #oopsimeanthree #santasthedaddy) but nope.  When your calculating egg met my benefits sperm, we both had a child".  

She enrages me.  

  • Love 17
24 minutes ago, salvame said:


Well, you all called it.  I'm going to chalk Kailyn up to another young person who should never have been given an opportunity to be a fame whore, a place she shares with the likes of Kate Gosselin and the Duggars.  

“I'll pick up the pieces for you. Love, your daddy.”

Oh gawd.

  • Love 1

I read about this at work but couldn't post.

This beast ....  I will judge away. I don't think the nuclear family is passe. Plus there is a world of difference between a married mother and father and 3 kids by 3 dads in 7 years (or two by 2 dads in 2 years).

Sorry but she is firmly in white trash territory. I don't give a shit about her pinterest house or her fancy cars.  She's gonna have her hands full trying to control and manipulate 3 different dads.

Her boys deserve better.

And I call total bullshit on the whole infertility thing. Did she get pointers from Maci on how an irresponsible pregnancy can be more palatable to the rest of the world? A huge percentage of women have miscarriages. For most, they only have 1. (I happened to have two myself but also have 3 kids - the last 2 each after a miscarriage AND I legit had infertility issues.)

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, poopchute said:



oh my god Kail is the WOOOOOORST!!!!! Fuck!! First of all, ragging on how tight Javi's shirt is?!? How about her pants look like they are about to burst off her Diaper Ass.  Her tone of voice and facial expressions and mannerisms are all so unpleasant.  Can't she have a civil conversation about holidays? Nope! So she wants Lincoln every Christmas because she has two kids.  What if one day Javi has another child?  Does Jo and Vee's baby count?  What if Jo wants Isaac and his sister to be together on Christmas? What about this third baby?  Kail just gets them all because that's what she wants?  She is the worst person alive.

She really is the worst. I just hate her. I thought Javi was totally reasonable.

  • Love 2

I admit I have a hard time feeling a lot of sympathy for the cast due to the fact that despite the money they get and all the help from family they get the still dont realize just how good they have it compared to most teen moms. Granted Chelsea seems to have wised up some thankfully.

When it comes to Kail, she has always rubbed me the wrong way. I tried to cut her some slack in the beginning ( though not much) due to her upbringing, but over time she has proven that despite her efforts to appear different from her mom, shes more like her than she realizes. From her attitude that can be seen from the earths atmosphere to the middle school level pettiness, I cant root for someone who would much rather think off all the ways she can make her baby fathers look bad on tv instead of working with them to try and create some stability for her boys.  And now another child will be added to the mix.  I feel for those kids. 

Much like Janelle, Kail seems determined to prove everyone wrong, even to the detriment of her relationships. While she was given a bad hand growing up, I know of others who had it far worse than her and those people didnt grow up to be inherently cruel or petty towards others.  The drive to be better than where you started can be quite useful and I have seen others overcome some pretty bad beginnings while still remaining good people at heart. Kail may make sure her boys are taken care of ie roof over their heads, food on the table, but I worry about how she behaves will effect her kids. Only time will tell. 

  • Love 11
9 hours ago, CofCinci said:

She could be SAG and purchase insurance though them. I hear it's pretty good coverage. 

If the cast members were SAG members, that means MTV would be setting aside 15% of the kids' pay and putting it into a trust. Since we know from at least two of the cast members that putting money in a trust is an option it doesn't seem they are considered SAG members. SAG is also unionized. The cast members are independent contractors.

When Vee had the conversation with Jo about changing the custody and visitation arrangement, I wonder if at that point in time they both knew about the pregnancy?

I can't imagine what the real story is with this child. There is definitely no shame in having children without the benefit of marriage. Kail was already divorced. Children should not be shamed for the choices of their parents no matter how stupid those choices are. However, what I find so incredulous is Kail bringing another child into her world and the manner in which she claims she did it. Three children by three different fathers! It isn't as if she was in abusive relationships or horrible marriages where she had to leave these guys. Her spouse didn't die. She just married him for benefits not love and she wonders why the relationship failed??? I will judge her harshly. 

Kail having this third kid almost screams FUCK YOU.  Her claim that she may not be able to conceive or carry a pregnancy is bullshit. Even if that was the truth, what is wrong with loving the two children YOU ALREADY HAVE? Kail is not a girl who has been struggling with conceiving. She has not been infertile. That is a slap in the face not only to people who truly are struggling with conceiving, but it is a major slap in the face of her two boys. It literally screams "You are not enough. I need to have a third baby in order to feel complete." Kail first tried to fulfill her life with guys in order to have that happy family. It wasn't enough. Now, she is bringing more children to fill that void. How cruel! What a sick, sick bitch.



This might sound dumb but if Kail's reason for this baby was she wanted them close in age and she thought the clock was running out on her fertility, why not have a baby with Javi? I know maybe that sounds ridiculous since they were divorcing but she is already tied to him for life, she's not with the father of this baby, so it's not like she is pursuing a relationship with that guy, why not just have another with Javi? If the relationship part isn't a thing and it was just about having a baby RIGHT NOW it kind of makes more sense to just have one with someone who is already a father to one of your children. It's just so weird to plan a baby with some random man.

I thought the same thing @poopchute. She already has a kid with Javi. What's one more if the goal was to have a third kid so the boys are close in age? At least Lincoln and Baby Tres would share the same father and it wouldn't make things so much harder.

Oh well. If Kail has a boy, she could name him Abraham this way he and Lincoln could share a bond since they don't share a father.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 23

why can't it be like every other custody agreement? Javi gets Christmas every other year, it's called compromise. Lincoln should be with both families On Christmas. Just like Javi said, he was being reasonable and she's all acting like she's the only mother to have two kids. Kail it doesn't matter, quit thinking of yourself and put YOUR KIDS first.  What a giant asshole. And could her ass look any more ridiculous? She's treating Javi just like she did Jo. Kail the kids deserve to see their dads and the dad's families on Christmas.

  • Love 15
6 minutes ago, toodywoody said:

why can't it be like every other custody agreement? Javi gets Christmas every other year, it's called compromise. Lincoln should be with both families On Christmas. Just like Javi said, he was being reasonable and she's all acting like she's the only mother to have two kids. Kail it doesn't matter, quit thinking of yourself and put YOUR KIDS first.  What a giant asshole. And could her ass look any more ridiculous? She's treating Javi just like she did Jo. Kail the kids deserve to see their dads and the dad's families on Christmas.

And I'm remembering all of the smack Javi talked wrt Jo and getting Isaac. Karma's a bitch. Wait, no.  Your ex is a bitch. You should have seen that coming, Javi.

  • Love 18

If anyone can clean up the names in case I'm not allowed to post this, I don't know how except to crop it. He is in a few pics with Kail that were snapped, then gone forever. Her pic is in his Instagram pictures. His name sounds very similar to cashout Kail. Oh and look, that wall color looks very similar to a pregnant teen mom..... 



  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

I can't imagine what the real story is with this child. There is definitely no shame in having children without the benefit of marriage. 


From the comments I'm reading across various sites, the criticism isn't so much that Kail's having a baby out of wedlock, it's that she's doing so in a completely irresponsible manner. She was cheating on her husband while he was deployed, had another man laying up in the house while Javi's belongings were still there and was knocked up two months before her divorce was even final. And the worst thing about it is she saw how badly Isaac was struggling with the separation and losing Javi yet she goes ahead and PLANS a fucking pregnancy in the midst of all this upheaval. She is just an awful, awful person. 

  • Love 22
19 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

There is definitely no shame in having children without the benefit of marriage. Kail was already divorced. Children should not be shamed for the choices of their parents no matter how stupid those choices are.


Nobody's said anything about children being shamed for being born out of wedlock.  However, I'll gladly wear the "old-fashioned" label of thinking it is better for children to grow up in a stable home with at least their parents in their lives being in a loving, committed relationship. Kail's choices have hurt her kids. That doesn't mean she had to marry Jo at the ripe old age of 17 in order to do it "right."  But she's sure done it wrong, imo.

  • Love 11

Some baby names Kail should think about:

#Hashtag - yes, use the hashtag as part of the baby's name




13 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

From the comments I'm reading across various sites, the criticism isn't so much that Kail's having a baby out of wedlock, it's that she's doing so in a completely irresponsible manner. She was cheating on her husband while he was deployed, had another man laying up in the house while Javi's belongings were still there and was knocked up two months before her divorce was even final. And the worst thing about it is she saw how badly Isaac was struggling with the separation and losing Javi yet she goes ahead and PLANS a fucking pregnancy in the midst of all this upheaval. She is just an awful, awful person. 

 and @lilmarysunshine  I put that out there in case any of my previous comments may have come off as if I was shaming Kail for having a baby without a partner. I certainly did not point at anyone or imply comments here were going in that direction.


I know in this day and age many parents are having children without any partners and there is nothing wrong with that in my eyes as long as no one is getting hurt, the situation is a healthy environment, and the child will be cared for. This is not the case with Kail. I believe she pulled a Maci thinking her man was going to stick around, but he ended up leaving her. She is now acting as if it was the plan all along - to have a child without the benefit of having a partner.

The instagram of that guy Mkay posted does show Karl in some of his photos. Also, if you scroll down, you will see his name - JonPaul Brown. https://www.instagram.com/jpgetthemon3y/

More about him - http://jonpaulbrown.weebly.com/about.html

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 5
On 2/25/2017 at 0:21 AM, BitterApple said:

Lmfao, that look on Javi's face when Kail said "my kids come first." Since when?

"Bitch, what???" was written all over his face.

Fail cut that conversation short so quickly she almost broke her neck getting good and out of there. She's terrified Javi will spill the beans on camera about whatever truly went down between his deployment and return home. 

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 15
6 hours ago, Mkay said:

If anyone can clean up the names in case I'm not allowed to post this, I don't know how except to crop it. He is in a few pics with Kail that were snapped, then gone forever. Her pic is in his Instagram pictures. His name sounds very similar to cashout Kail. Oh and look, that wall color looks very similar to a pregnant teen mom..... 



Bachelor #3. 

Maury is going to need an entire hour to sort out this paternity mess. 

Teen Mom 2's version of 'Mama Mia'. 

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 4
8 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

I can't imagine what the real story is with this child. There is definitely no shame in having children without the benefit of marriage. Kail was already divorced.

I thought the divorce was finalized in Dec. That would have meant she got pregnant prior, no?


7 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Fail cut that conversation short so quickly she almost broke her neck getting good out of there. She's terrified Javi will spill the beans on camera about whatever truly went down between his deployment and return home. 

She used to do the same shit with Jo. They'd meet, ostensibly to talk about something important, but as soon as he said anything she didn't like, she'd bolt. Kail can't handle the truth!!!

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, BitterApple said:

From the comments I'm reading across various sites, the criticism isn't so much that Kail's having a baby out of wedlock, it's that she's doing so in a completely irresponsible manner. She was cheating on her husband while he was deployed, had another man laying up in the house while Javi's belongings were still there and was knocked up two months before her divorce was even final. And the worst thing about it is she saw how badly Isaac was struggling with the separation and losing Javi yet she goes ahead and PLANS a fucking pregnancy in the midst of all this upheaval. She is just an awful, awful person. 

Yes, yes, yes to the bolded above. This is the part that makes me furious. Isaac has been breaking my heart all season.

His life has been turned upside down (and not for the first time) and her response is to pretend it is no big deal that the man she pushed on him as another dad is no longer in that role despite the fact that Isaac clearly thinks it is a big fucking deal. This asshole could not even be bothered to sit down and have a serious and honest conversation with Isaac about what was happening. She left that unpleasant task to Jo who has nothing to do with any of this BS but loves his son enough to realize that someone needed to be honest with the kid and reassure him that he is not losing the people that he loves. Kail says "my kids come first." Bullshit. Jo is the only one putting Isaac first and that has been the case since he followed her ass to Delaware to be closer to Issac. 

Then as if ignoring Isaac's broken heart over losing Javi was not enough Kail gets her phony ass pregnant with some random dude's baby? Girl, please. Sit down with your BS about your kids coming first. Kail comes first, second and third to Kail with her man of the week coming in 4th. 

I don't even particularly like Jo but he has been a rock for Isaac through all of this while "my kids come first" Kail has basically said to hell with the poor kid's feelings. 

Edited by TeeMo
  • Love 18

How can the Producer sit there and record Javi crying about the loss of his family while he cheats on his own wife with Kail? Looks like Kail may have found her soulmate. 



Vee and Jo are planning for a wedding. Let's see how Kail ruins this for them. 

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 8
11 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Some baby names Kail should think about:

#Hashtag - yes, use the hashtag as part of the baby's name




 and @lilmarysunshine  I put that out there in case any of my previous comments may have come off as if I was shaming Kail for having a baby without a partner. I certainly did not point at anyone or imply comments here were going in that direction.


I know in this day and age many parents are having children without any partners and there is nothing wrong with that in my eyes as long as no one is getting hurt, the situation is a healthy environment, and the child will be cared for. This is not the case with Kail. I believe she pulled a Maci thinking her man was going to stick around, but he ended up leaving her. She is now acting as if it was the plan all along - to have a child without the benefit of having a partner.

The instagram of that guy Mkay posted does show Karl in some of his photos. Also, if you scroll down, you will see his name - JonPaul Brown. https://www.instagram.com/jpgetthemon3y/

More about him - http://jonpaulbrown.weebly.com/about.html

Interesting thing I noticed on that last link you posted, his dreads are shorter!!


New pic from Snapchat this morning  


Edited by Mkay
  • Love 3

I think Kail made up a poor excuse as the reason for her "planned" pregnancy.  Her "worry" about her eggs being dried up at age 25 is ridiculous, and having unprotected sex with random dudes to see if she could get pregnant before her eggs shrivel up makes no sense whatsoever.  She has had two healthy children and got pregnant again, which ended in a miscarriage, and we aren't even sure if that baby was Javi's or not because she was already cheating on him.  That unsuccessful pregnancy could already have been her "plan," but it's to say FU to Javi and not about bad eggs.  I think Kail is just that devious and revengeful to stick it to Javi (and I'm no fan of his either).  With what Kail knows about using birth control, there is no excuse for an accident.  Sleep with whomever you want, but be responsible.  She only thinks about her selfish, manipulative self with no concern of how her stupid actions have lifelong consequences for her children.

  • Love 10
On 2/24/2017 at 11:16 AM, poopchute said:

This might sound dumb but if Kail's reason for this baby was she wanted them close in age and she thought the clock was running out on her fertility, why not have a baby with Javi? I know maybe that sounds ridiculous since they were divorcing but she is already tied to him for life, she's not with the father of this baby, so it's not like she is pursuing a relationship with that guy, why not just have another with Javi? If the relationship part isn't a thing and it was just about having a baby RIGHT NOW it kind of makes more sense to just have one with someone who is already a father to one of your children. It's just so weird to plan a baby with some random man.

I know a couple who did this.  They knew the marriage wasn't going to work but they each wanted two kids and they wanted them to be full siblings. So they had some cocktails on one of the nights she was ovulating and had a second baby togethe. Then he had a vasectomy and she had her tubes tied. The kids are 9 and 12 now and they're great co parents so it worked out great for them. 

  • Love 6
19 hours ago, LBS said:

So Javi wears a nice dress shirt and pants to the mediation and Kail wears jeans.  Um.... ok. Seems like he should be taken down a notch for dressing like an adult.  

I thought Javi looked really handsome in that scene. You'd think Kail was a GiGi Hadid lookalike with the way she tears people down. All that silicone they pumped into her ass has gone straight to her head.

  • Love 15
2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Whoa, wait a minute. Karl assaulted the guy with the dreads?! How did I miss this little nugget of information?! Is he still in the running for the list of guys who'll need DNA testing on Maury?

So she's put hands on Dreadlocks, Jo and Javi? Sounds like she's a chronic domestic abuser.


His comment below seems to be saying his mom warned him about Karl the Hulk:


January 1, 2017 - when he claims Kail assaulted him. Thanks Mkay.

Now, I am confused still about who these guys are. I need @Mkay clear this up for me. She is the one who found this and posted it initially. Who is Chris? JonPaul is a different guy, correct?

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 3


13 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:


His comment below seems to be saying his mom warned him about Karl the Hulk:



Now, I am confused still about who these guys are. I need @Mkay clear this up for me. She is the one who found this and posted it initially. Who is Chris? JonPaul is a different guy, correct?

Chris is the one who cut his dreads. Those pics came from his twitter account.  Now we have this confirmation.  Chris IS baby daddy.  The other guys were friends I was pulling from her Instagram and snaps as contenders.  :)



Edited by Mkay
  • Love 3
7 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I thought the divorce was finalized in Dec. That would have meant she got pregnant prior, no?


She used to do the same shit with Jo. They'd meet, ostensibly to talk about something important, but as soon as he said anything she didn't like, she'd bolt. Kail can't handle the truth!!!

Yep, you are so right. I meant December 2015 when Kail filed for divorce. She became pregnant in October 2016. She was already legally separated from Javi. She was free to live her life as a single person as was Javi. That doesn't mean getting pregnant! Her priorities have always been screwy. I am deeply saddened and pissed at the same time that this girl chose dick over her boys, particularly Isaac who is experiencing extreme heartache at the break-up of his family. Thank goodness for Jo, Javi, and Vee. Especially Jo for putting his own feelings to the side about Javi and doing what is right when it comes to his little boy. When Jo talks, I can hear Janet. Jo was extremely immature and didn't want to hear much of what his mother and father had to say in the first season. You can tell all of their love and advice has really made a difference in how Jo has approached life with Kail, Javi, and Jo.

Going by what Javi said on the dad special, Kail was pulling him in saying she wanted to get back with him and then weeks later she'd changed her mind. She was going back and forth on that  matter.

What do you all think she was doing in regards to pulling that shit with Javi? Was it her way to have a guy on the back-burner?

  • Love 8
Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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