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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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Yesterday MTV aired Kail's first episode. She said mentioned something she says a lot in her Twitter posts and other social media pages.

It was touched upon here just recently how Kail always posts I don't care. Well, Kail said to her group of friends that no longer exist how it truly bothers her what people think of her. She then said, "I will say I don't care, but I really do."

I found her episode extremely depressing only because the very things she slammed her mother for doing, are the very things she is doing now to Isaac. She is upset when she is with Suzi in the car as they are driving to the baby furniture store. The reason being is due to Suzi dating a guy whom she has "only known for a year."  Apparently Kail felt her mother was not giving her more attention. Suzi was focused on her boyfriend of one year.

Kail is shown with her mother at the Riveras where she has that pouty, long face that she shows from time to time. She complains to her mother how she wants her attention to which Suzi says those infamous words about absence making the heart grow fonder. Kail then cries to the Riveras about Suzi having a boyfriend and how she wants the focus to be on her instead. Janet comforts her. Damn, I sure miss that lady.

I seriously had to stop watching because it is playing out that way for Isaac and surely for Lincoln. It was making my heart hurt for those two boys. It was also infuriating because Kail has definitely turned into her mother. The very person she despises. 

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 15
32 minutes ago, Mkay said:

For her, it's product placement.  She sells scentsy.  She's probably hoping someone sees it, remembers she sells it, and orders from her.  

Yep. Also, most of the roses we buy at the store now don't have much, if any, fragrance. It's been hybridized out of them. Most spray roses are still fragrant. I used white spray roses as part of the flowers for our daughter's wedding called 'Vanilla Ice Cream' and they smelled heavenly! The big ones, not so much.

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

I seriously had to stop watching because it is playing out that way for Isaac and surely for Lincoln. It was making my heart hurt for those two boys. It was also infuriating because Kail has definitely turned into her mother. The very person she despises. 

This is what bothers me, too.  Kailyn is much too emotionally immature to have one child, let alone a second one.  I don't get the feeling that she ever considers her children (or anyone else, for that matter) in what she does.  If she is trying to "find" herself, perhaps she should have done that before she added another child and several failed relationships to the mix.  It just tears me up to watch Kail so selfishly doing whatever, while her boys struggle to make sense of it all.  I think Isaac is a really smart, sensitive child, and she seems totally unaware of or unconcerned with his feelings at all.  

If I were Jo or Javi (neither of which are my favorite people, either), I would file for full custody ASAP and let her be the one to see them every other weekend.  That way, she can find herself with the 'help' of whatever men she wants with less trauma to the boys.  Jo, at least, tries to be in tune with Isaac's feelings.  Lord knows, he is usually the one to open the dialogue to let the kid express his fears and feelings.


As far as her broadcasting career, she speaks too fast and is too devoid of emotion to be good in front of the camera.  The other side of the lens, who knows?

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, salvame said:

If I were Jo or Javi (neither of which are my favorite people, either), I would file for full custody ASAP and let her be the one to see them every other weekend.  

Wouldn't that be great? However, it would take some serious issues on Karl's part for a judge to take primary custody away from her.  They missed their chance when Karl got physically abusive. It would be difficult now to prove she's unfit. Unless they can catch her doing something illegal that puts the kids in actual danger, they have little chance.   Even then, a one time "slip up" on Karl's part may not be enough to change custody. Unfortunately, parading men in and out of the house isn't grounds for change, unless the men are dangerous. 

  • Love 1

I've always gotten the vibe that Kail believes that wherever she goes-- work, visit or whatever-- her mere presence should be revered. Actual work is beneath her. I certainly do not see her working behind in the scenes in probably one of the most team-dependent industries and playing nice with people. 

I am dying laughing here at the cartoon of the pushed in face.

  • Love 7
29 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

I've always gotten the vibe that Kail believes that wherever she goes-- work, visit or whatever-- her mere presence should be revered. Actual work is beneath her. I certainly do not see her working behind in the scenes in probably one of the most team-dependent industries and playing nice with people. 

I am dying laughing here at the cartoon of the pushed in face.

I cannot see Kail doing any sort of work that she would consider demeaning. As it is, she feels she is above others. She thinks she is all that since she began cashing them MTV checks, but that nose-in-the-air attitude has been there for a long time. Not sure how someone who had nothing thinks she is so high and mighty.

If anyone gets a chance, watch her 16 & Pregnant episode where she visits her father. She never knew him. She only saw him from photos and what her mother told her. Suzi told her to not get her hopes up high about her dad. Kail made comments to Janet how she may like Texas and decide to stay there. To me, that was a slap in the face to Janet and her husband who were providing a roof over Kail's head. The girl had it made. Once Kail saw her dad, her face showed how disappointed she was. The man was no George Clooney. He looked just like Kail. She immediately pointed out how short he was. He had long straggly hair, missing teeth, and looked pretty rough. When she was being driven to his home, she was looking around the town as if she was in such a miserable place. It got worse once she arrived at his home. In her voice-over she said how she was miserable and nothing was like she expected. She looked as if she wanted to hurl as she looked around her father's home. Mind you, his home was a pretty decent home for a single man. It wasn't a Pinterest designed home with House Hunters demands. It was a simple home which was clean. Kail then goes outside to call Janet and starts blabbering how she wants to leave NOW. Expecting Janet to foot the bill for a plane ticket to get her ass back home. Janet wasn't having it. She told her to deal with it and to give the man a chance. Kail was mad.

That behavior is also an example of how Kail does things on a whim rather than think things through. She was quick to want to go to Texas and have a relationship with her bio father. She had all these delusions and once they didn't pan out, she was wanting out of there. I bet if she saw her dad had money and was living in a grand home, she would have planted her fat ass there. She has no use for anyone if they can't give her anything.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 17

Right. He had the padlock on the refrigerator because he mentioned having a lot of expensive beef in the freezer and he was making sure no one stole from him. I guess he must have had someone steal from him before.

Kail and her snarky comment about Jo's sweatpants seems like a dig about how someone looks so cheap when they should be dressing to show off how much money they have.

I always had a feeling Kail saw the beautiful home the Riveras owned and she thought to herself she was going to make sure she kept Jo around.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 11
55 minutes ago, saratothej said:

Wouldn't that be great? However, it would take some serious issues on Karl's part for a judge to take primary custody away from her.  They missed their chance when Karl got physically abusive. It would be difficult now to prove she's unfit. Unless they can catch her doing something illegal that puts the kids in actual danger, they have little chance.   Even then, a one time "slip up" on Karl's part may not be enough to change custody. Unfortunately, parading men in and out of the house isn't grounds for change, unless the men are dangerous. 

It is so hard for dads to convince a judge they are the best choice. I am a preschool teacher. In my class there is a little boy whose dad is desperate to get primary custody. Mom has a DUI (with child in car) and several failed drug tests.   Best he can get is 50/50. I can't imagine the fear he lives with. As much as I despise Kail she is not putting her kids in that kind of danger I don't believe. 

3 hours ago, saratothej said:

Wouldn't that be great? However, it would take some serious issues on Karl's part for a judge to take primary custody away from her.  They missed their chance when Karl got physically abusive. It would be difficult now to prove she's unfit. Unless they can catch her doing something illegal that puts the kids in actual danger, they have little chance.   Even then, a one time "slip up" on Karl's part may not be enough to change custody. Unfortunately, parading men in and out of the house isn't grounds for change, unless the men are dangerous. 

She doesn't have to be proven unfit.  It sounds weird, but when you need someone else to care for your children?  You are better off calling some stranger off Craigslist or leaving them with the mailman.  Calling their other parent to pick up your slack is frowned upon.  Do it for 2 weeks and you lose your kids.  Period.  It doesn't make sense, but it's true.  

2 hours ago, HooHooHoo said:

It is so hard for dads to convince a judge they are the best choice. I am a preschool teacher. In my class there is a little boy whose dad is desperate to get primary custody. Mom has a DUI (with child in car) and several failed drug tests.   Best he can get is 50/50. I can't imagine the fear he lives with. As much as I despise Kail she is not putting her kids in that kind of danger I don't believe. 

I don't think Kail is putting her kids in danger, either.  This guy though?  Can go a very long way finding out every single school function and showing up for it.  Every single one.  My case is a closed case, because it's a divorce.  There was nobody else in the courtroom while we there.  The judge didn't even wear a robe.  But in the regular, no divorce but children involved cases?  I've seen judges switch custody and grant adoptions for less.  The key is to show up for the kid.

5 minutes ago, MissMel said:

She doesn't have to be proven unfit.  It sounds weird, but when you need someone else to care for your children?  You are better off calling some stranger off Craigslist or leaving them with the mailman.  Calling their other parent to pick up your slack is frowned upon.  Do it for 2 weeks and you lose your kids.  Period.  It doesn't make sense, but it's true.  

Not sure what example you are going of off, but leaving kids with someone else from time to time as Karl does wouldn't be enough for a judge to switch the custodial parent.  Leaving them for two weeks straight may very well necessitate that, but even Karl isn't crazy enough to do that. 

I work for a divorce attorney and custody for dad's is a bitch. 

2 hours ago, HooHooHoo said:

It is so hard for dads to convince a judge they are the best choice. I am a preschool teacher. In my class there is a little boy whose dad is desperate to get primary custody. Mom has a DUI (with child in car) and several failed drug tests.   Best he can get is 50/50. I can't imagine the fear he lives with. As much as I despise Kail she is not putting her kids in that kind of danger I don't believe. 

Totally true.  I'm the step mom of a 5 year old girl.  When my partner pursued custody of her, his ex was financially insolvent, and mentally and physically unwell, but he just barely got full custody.  This is the one area where I can fully agree with men's rights activists: we shouldn't assume that the female parent is the best parent.

  • Love 12
6 minutes ago, polandspring said:

Totally true.  I'm the step mom of a 5 year old girl.  When my partner pursued custody of her, his ex was financially insolvent, and mentally and physically unwell, but he just barely got full custody.  This is the one area where I can fully agree with men's rights activists: we shouldn't assume that the female parent is the best parent.

I agree. Look at the hell Cory went through to get custody of the girlses when Leah was clearly whacked out on drugs and her lazy ass couldn't even get the girls to school on time. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, MissMel said:

I'm going off experience.  No, leaving the kids with someone else from time to time, is no problem.  Leaving them with the other parent, is though.  It gets into the time/support money issue.  

I think this is what Vee was getting at when she mentioned changing the agreement.  I don't think she expects Jo to get primary custody of Isaac, but it would be reasonable to want an adjustment in support based on the time each parent is actually spending caring for the child.  However, if Jo were to take that issue to court, Karl would stop bringing Isaac to Jo's outside of the scheduled time, therefore eliminating his grounds for change. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, saratothej said:

I think this is what Vee was getting at when she mentioned changing the agreement.  I don't think she expects Jo to get primary custody of Isaac, but it would be reasonable to want an adjustment in support based on the time each parent is actually spending caring for the child.  However, if Jo were to take that issue to court, Karl would stop bringing Isaac to Jo's outside of the scheduled time, therefore eliminating his grounds for change. 

It really sucks because no matter which way you look at the situation, Karl is still the one with complete control. By going for 50-50, it would eliminate the child support hassle, but Jo could ultimately end up losing extra time with Isaac, simply because Isaac's mother is a spiteful, petty bitch. Karl has no problem with a fluid arrangement as long as Jo plays by her rules, but as soon as he asks for a degree of fairness, she'll slam the door shut. Vee seems to handle it like a mature adult but you know she wants to punch Karl in her fat, Botoxed face. 

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 18

Vee seems to handle it like a mature adult but you know she wants to punch Karl in her fat, Botoxed face


I want a crack at that face myself.

Kail may be growing in other ways, but there is absolutely no growth in the maturity department. If you all get a chance just watch the very first episodes and you can see the same Kail. Except for her fat, Botoxed face (tm Bitter Apple) her fake booty, fake lips, and fake tits.

I worked for years with attorneys in family law. We represented more fathers than mothers. A big majority of the mothers were bitches and major assholes. Their attitudes got worse when it came to visitation. Oy.

39 minutes ago, saratothej said:

I think this is what Vee was getting at when she mentioned changing the agreement.  I don't think she expects Jo to get primary custody of Isaac, but it would be reasonable to want an adjustment in support based on the time each parent is actually spending caring for the child.  However, if Jo were to take that issue to court, Karl would stop bringing Isaac to Jo's outside of the scheduled time, therefore eliminating his grounds for change. 

For all her talk about how much her mother didn't spend time with her, even though Suzi was working a full-time job, you'd think Kail would see the hypocrisy of her own behavior by shipping off her kids to their fathers so she can spend time with her boooooooyfriend.

  • Love 12

I wish Jo would let the idea of trying to talk to Hulk go and go see a family law attorney. He'd have a great case for 50/50 custody with no child support. An attorney would guide him to document every minute he has Isaac, get all their ducks in a row and THEN tell Hulk she would be getting served with papers to modify the custody agreement. We all know she's going to explode anyway if it's brought up. Better to have everything in the works legally beforehand.

  • Love 12
1 minute ago, lovesnark said:

I wish Jo would let the idea of trying to talk to Hulk go and go see a family law attorney. He'd have a great case for 50/50 custody with no child support. An attorney would guide him to document every minute he has Isaac, get all their ducks in a row and THEN tell Hulk she would be getting served with papers to modify the custody agreement. We all know she's going to explode anyway if it's brought up. Better to have everything in the works legally beforehand.

I always advise people in similar situations to keep a record of everything. Jot things down, write down when visits happened, cover your ass! I also advise this in any other matter where it is important to keep a record. It is something I learned from working in a law office.

I do think Jo is just not wanting to push things right now because he doesn't want to rock the boat. Hopefully, Vee is keeping a record of all of these visits. I will reiterate what I mentioned before. I think Jo is better off just holding off to see what will happen once Kail graduates. I can bash Kail left and right for a lot of things, but right now she is still in college and she proclaims she will be graduating at the end of this semester. Let her graduate and then bring it to her attention about making a modification to their order. At that point in time, Kail will no longer be dealing with a college schedule. She will be focusing on her boyfriend and she will be wanting to spend time with him without Lincoln and Isaac to cramp her style.

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, Birdee said:

I heart me some Javi's brother. He's not being mean, but he's telling it how it is and letting Javi know to just let it go and move on. Also, Javi, you didn't create an empire.

His brother did seem pretty cool. I sort of wish Javi's brother and family weren't so classy as not to spill the beans, though. Can you imagine the shit they know about Kailzilla? I'll bet she's treated them all like crap at one point or another, including the grandparents that Kail has never acknowledged that moved in with them and provided free childcare. 

In regards to the rumor about Kail being pregnant, Mr Strange made a pretty on point comment about it. He said "So much for Kail being a free-spirited single white female!" Even if she isn't pregnant, it is pretty glaring that Kail seems to have thrown herself whole-heartedly into another relationship after making a big fuss about not wanting more kids and wanting a career. Her new dude seems to be way more then a casual FWB or a fun jump off. Sort of flies in the face of her attitude that she wants total independence and doesn't want to be tied down.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
  • Love 6

We should all know to not believe whatever Karl says. The only reason she said she wanted to focus on her career and not have more kids is because it seemed like a legitimate reason to end things with Javi - a reason that it would be difficult to fault her for. The ol' "people change, plans change" is a much more likable reason than the truth of, "I'm sick of Javi's ass and he is no longer of use to me".  She's a serial monogamous. Her independence is only of importance when she's sick of her current guy and already has something in the works with the next guy.  

  • Love 6

Oh I agree Kail is a user and liar, it is just amazing how bad she is at it and yet how angry she becomes when she is caught. TBH, I'd have slightly more respect for her if she'd have just outright said she was tired of her old dick and wanted a new one. It just amuses me at how stupid she and the other two white trash queens are and yet how self-righteous they are when they are rightfully called out on it. Frankly Kail, Jenelle and Leah are almost at the point that they are too moronic for television imo. They need their cards revoked lol.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Mkay said:

This was rumors started when someone photoshopped a picture she snapped of her holding mascara, and they replaced it with a pregnancy test.  The rumors are still lingering from that one.  

Yep.  And most of the pictures in that first article showing her maybe looking pregnant are old.  She was wearing a flowy shirt, so it's possible...but she didn't look too different to me.  And you should know from Jenelle that if you are preggers and don't want people to know then you wear a skin tight dress.  Duh!

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

Oh I agree Kail is a user and liar, it is just amazing off bad she is at it and yet how angry she becomes when she is caught. TBH, I'd have slightly more respect for her if she'd have just outright said she was tired of her old dick and wanted a new one. It just amuses me at how stupid she and the other two white trash queens are and yet how self-righteous they are when they are rightfully called out on it. Frankly Kail, Jenelle and Leah are almost at the point that they are too moronic for television imo. They need their cards revoked lol.


I would have respected her more if she had told her husband she could no longer keep up the facade of being married to him and it wasn't enough to be married to him for his benefits. The bitch is cold and callous so I really don't expect her to care how anyone feels. Look at how she treats her children. I am of the belief when one is done with any relationship, you owe it to your partner to tell them your feelings have changed. Remove yourself from your current relationship before you even think about starting another especially when children are involved.

  • Love 3
On 2/15/2017 at 0:14 PM, SPLAIN said:

Yesterday MTV aired Kail's first episode. She said mentioned something she says a lot in her Twitter posts and other social media pages.

It was touched upon here just recently how Kail always posts I don't care. Well, Kail said to her group of friends that no longer exist how it truly bothers her what people think of her. She then said, "I will say I don't care, but I really do."

I found her episode extremely depressing only because the very things she slammed her mother for doing, are the very things she is doing now to Isaac. She is upset when she is with Suzi in the car as they are driving to the baby furniture store. The reason being is due to Suzi dating a guy whom she has "only known for a year."  Apparently Kail felt her mother was not giving her more attention. Suzi was focused on her boyfriend of one year.

Kail is shown with her mother at the Riveras where she has that pouty, long face that she shows from time to time. She complains to her mother how she wants her attention to which Suzi says those infamous words about absence making the heart grow fonder. Kail then cries to the Riveras about Suzi having a boyfriend and how she wants the focus to be on her instead. Janet comforts her. Damn, I sure miss that lady.

I seriously had to stop watching because it is playing out that way for Isaac and surely for Lincoln. It was making my heart hurt for those two boys. It was also infuriating because Kail has definitely turned into her mother. The very person she despises. 

Not a Kail fan, but I'm not sure I'd take it that far. As far as we know, Kail's not an alcoholic like her mother. And Kail does seem attentive to her children and, thanks to MTV, is able to provide her children w/a better life. Kail wasn't living w/her mother during her original episode because her mother was living w/some guy in a hotel, right? They had no place to live. So long as the MTV money keeps coming in, Kail will be able to provide her kids w/the basic essentials. 

We won't really know whether or not she's turned into her mother until the MTV gravy train stops and the cameras disappear and there's no one to put on a show for...

  • Love 4

Prediction: at least one of the kids featured on the TM OG and/or TM2 show will end up strongly resenting their parent(s) in 10 or so years, become estranged from them and write a book about their experience growing up around the cameras and what their mother and father (if there is a father) were REALLY like when the cameras stopped rolling. & it wouldn't surprise me if that child is Isaac. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Mkay said:

Blind item with answer:

The drinking of this Teen Mom is out of control. Combine that with some pills she was prescribed and her already notorious temper and she is a walking train wreck. She has also gained about 20 pounds and recently screamed at a fan who wrongfully pointed it out to her. Not Amber. 

Answer: Kailyn Lowry

Javi mentioned drug use, but he did not specify who.

@SheTalksShit Kail is like Suzy in that they both pushed aside their children in favor of male companionship. They both turned a blind eye when their children needed them at a difficult time.

And if that blind item is true, Kail has a problem like her mother.

  • Love 2

I really hope this isn't true because those sweet boys don't need that during a difficult divorce or regardless of the divorce no child needs a mother like that.

So much for her surgery, what a waste. Get put under the knife to look tiny just to gain more weight and look like crap. Implants look good on a person who works on their body but now that she's getting bigger the implant she has (especially the butt) are only going to amplify the weight gain. 

That was spoken from experience. After I had my first two babies I got a boob job to repair the damage done by breastfeeding and the effects of pregnancy on my body. AFTER surgery my husband got baby fever and decided the two weren't enough. I gained a lot of weight with that pregnancy and I looked more HUGE due to the implants...really top heavy. Thank goodness I lost the weight because I always have skinny legs no matter my weight and I looked like a cake pop ????????????????

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 8

She did look a bit heavier on the after show if that 20 pound weight gain is true. That outfit was horrible.

I'm not sure if this has already been mentioned but the last two AFTER shows Nessa has been having Kail do part of the hosting with little social media parts and I'm wondering if Kail had that added into her contract this season that she will only sign up for a new season if she gets to do some hosting as a way of auditioning for her own hosting gig on MTV for when the show is cancelled.

If I'm right about that theme kail screwed up royally becuse she sounded like a robot and kept messing up on her lines. I know you're able to be nervous in the beginning but when you're working with a huge network like MTV they can find "natural" host that can do this hosting job without messing up once.

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 6
On February 17, 2017 at 0:11 PM, GreatKazu said:

"Peak preview" of Javi with his friends. One of his friends mentions how all of them knew what was going to happen, but they just didn't say anything to Javi. He sounds like what we have mentioned here on the boards. I guess they smelled Kail for what she is:


Ok, I'm a sap, I feel a little sorry for Javi when he starts to cry ( except for the stupid "empire " statement).

Really, though, did he not see this coming? Kail's behavior since the beginning of the relationship gave many tells, as some have mentioned here. Did he not see the show before he got involved with her, and how she treats people when they are of no use to her?

  • Love 8

Javi does strike me as one of those people who are in love with love. He was far too swept up in getting laid on the regular and I'm sure Kail was his first. Or at least the first chick that knew more than 2 bedroom tricks. Wide eyed Javi was never going to be any match for Kail who certainly studied her mother's lessons in grifting and hustling men.

  • Love 4
26 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I felt more for Javi's brother than I felt for Javi because as he said, he and the rest of family knew the relationship would implode but had to stand by because like his brother said, it's his life.

Even if they did tell Javi that Hulk was a no-good POS, Javi would have likely taken it more as an insult about himself, that he is too stupid to not see her the way they do. Usually in these situations people, like Javi, will take the side of their partner and push away family. Good thing his family stood back and did not push the matter. 

I'd love to know what Javi's sisters have to say particularly the one we saw several times in various episodes. 

  • Love 8
46 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I felt more for Javi's brother than I felt for Javi because as he said, he and the rest of family knew the relationship would implode but had to stand by because like his brother said, it's his life.

I feel bad for Javi's mom. She watched Isaac every day he wasn't with Jo while Kail was at school. How could you not just love that sweet kid?

  • Love 9

Poor guy, Javi just loved her and tried to have a nice happy family.  Kail is an unloving, unloveable bitch.

Watching Kail's 16&Pregnant episode- I forgot about her disgusting father with his locked up fridge.  Someone stole his meat!  He asked Kail if she goes to the road kill meat sales.  Good lord!

I have to laugh at the "drawings" of Suzi during the bumpers of the 16&P eps- MTV drew her crazy and disheveled.  It's awesome.

  • Love 1

Once again, I was able to like a few posts before getting an error that I was "not allowed to like this user" even though I already had. hmmpft. Likes all around! I think I would have liked every single post on the page if it would have let me. 

Running off to pout and drown my sorrows in moonshine. Not really.

If Kail's newest man is a drinker, Kail will also be a drinker. She's not like Janelle in that she morphs into whatever man she is with, but she uses his interests to forge a connection. She doesn't have the personality that people would automatically be drawn too, because she is so negative and hateful. But, she has a TV show and money and I think she has a general intelligence that would let her carry a conversation. She seems to be changing her body to look like what her newest man likes, including the dreads that she removed when social media tore her apart. 

I don't feel sorry for Javi. Kail made it perfectly clear that she was not marrying him if he didn't join the military. He was having second thoughts because they were filming with MTV and that was his goal, the famewhore that he is, and Kail flat-out told him that he was joining, they needed the benefits, and although not said on television, I'm sure she discussed with him how his being stationed somewhere would stick it to Jo. They never seemed to have a connection or passion to me, and I'm pretty sure Kail was his first sexual partner. They just weren't compatible and it was obvious to everyone but Javi, who seemed to think that she would fall in line and treat him like the man of the house, or I guess, his empire, stay home and keep having babies. Kail was never going to be that wife.

  • Love 3
Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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