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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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The Kimberly Renee who was mentioned in the article about Javi sending a racy photo to her, is apparently Kail's friend. Googling brought up a photo of this chick with Kail dated 2013. The photo appeared in a Reality Tea article dated Feb. 2013. The article is about Javi returning home after being away at training for three months.

Kinda stupid of Kail to wear a corset on her body after it took a plastic surgeon to suck all her fat from her waist area. That is like one pushing a face cream after having injections of Botox.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 5

I was talking to my husband about Javi's alleged adultery and that someone had mentioned how the Military frowns upon such behaviour, and he said, "what if it's an open marriage?" Good question. Certainly in this case, I'm going to say it is not, based on the lark with Kailyn's phone (which actually appears like more than paranoia now but still, I have no lock on my phone and my husband would die of boredom if he went through it, which he wouldn't, because he knows I'm not a serial cheater and he has no lock on his and I have absolutely no desire to touch it except to make sure the dozy sod charges it up on the regular) and talking to members of the opposite sex outside your house with a camera crew watching being a sure sign of intercourse going on. 
These two are as bad as each other and I only care about the kids. I hope Javi and Kail get some serious karma and soon. Bloody can't stand either of the selfish twats! They're both control freaks. I'm surprised they don't share a Facebook account. 

  • Love 1
So all those years of early feminist working like mad to get women out of corsets because they were literally dying for fashion has been wasted on these idiots. Would they also like to experiment with a little light foot binding? Morons.


Preach!  But look at the Kardashians, they've shown young women the world over that you can slut it up and make a fortune. Turn yourself into a caricature of womanhood and the world will love it.  I cannot tell you how disgusting I find this state of affairs.

  • Love 4

Katt, Having an open marriage is not going to fly in the Air Force (lame pun intended).


"Military swingers beware: A spouse's consent to sleep with other men or women will not save you from a conviction on the charge of adultery in violation of Article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice."



Edited by Bella Roche
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*note: I'm so damn tired of Auto Correct changing Kail to Mail that I'm just going with it.


ha ha ha!  Mail!  Literally LOL...in my quiet office...oh dear...


also I've heard that those "waist trainers" basically work while you have them on, and you're sort of too uncomfortable to eat (or breathe or sit down, for that matter) but it's not a permanent fix.  (I think I got this info from "Straight Up with Stassi" so make of that what you will...)

  • Love 2

If Kail getting knocked up by someone else is true.. it makes me laugh because they claim these shows have reduced teen pregnancy and that they are supposed to show how these girls "learned a lesson" about using birth control etc. Except its totally NOT true.  None of these girls (or guys) have learned any lesson about using birth control to prevent pregnancy. I mean seriously, I'm not a cheater but if I was cheating on my husband I'd be damn sure to use birth control so he didn't find out. And use protection as not to get any diseases. And Kail obviously wasn't doing either. You have to be a special kind of stupid to be that reckless.

  • Love 9

Kimberly Renee (woman he sent photos to) is supposedly a lesbian, or bi, maybe? Her Instagram tells me she has a serious girlfriend.

Kail has had bisexual relationships. I wonder if she and Kimberly had more than a friendship at one time? Aside from dick hopping, could Kail be seeking out female companionship as well?

Can you imagine the things Javi would spill in a tell-all book?

  • Love 2

Wow, what a shitty comment Kail posted beside that photo:  "They Told Me Switch The Style Up,& If They Hate Then Let Them Hate...& Watch The Money Pile Up"


It's not as if she actually EARNED the money by, you know, working.  I really really really hope this damn show is canceled.  She needs a reality check.

  • Love 4

Wow, what a shitty comment Kail posted beside that photo:  "They Told Me Switch The Style Up,& If They Hate Then Let Them Hate...& Watch The Money Pile Up"


It's not as if she actually EARNED the money by, you know, working.  I really really really hope this damn show is canceled.  She needs a reality check.

I think that is a Kanye West song she is quoting. Still, I agree with your sentiment because Kail has been quoted many times mentioning money, how much money she has, the photos showing off her countless purchases such as four pair of Kanye West shoes, designer duds for the boys, expensive athletic wear for Javi and herself, her obsession with having the perfect HGTV house and her gas-guzzling SUV along with her other things that seem to show what a materialistic person she is overall. And those are just the few things I am aware of simply because posters here posted links to her social media pages. That does not include those countless vacations. Kail responding to " haterz" how she has more money than they do, as if that makes her a better person, just shows how she is so clueless and classless.

I cannot forget how she wanted to invite her mom to her wedding because she wanted to rub it in her face how she was better than her and is more successful than her. I guess being a racially insensitive, materialistic, and unfaithful twat is some sort of achievement to be proud of for her.

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I know the title belongs to another couple, but I think Karl and Javi are definitely The Smuggars.


The moment when they were on the couch together and Javi was whining about how Jo needs to take care of his baby, get up at night, have one person sleep during the day, blah, blah, blah.....     all the while his mother, sister, whoever lives with them to take care of Lincoln.

And then Karl telling Isaac that he shouldn't say things to her like his daddy did, and I'm thinking, did you ever tell him not to pummel his daddy like mommy did?

  • Love 14

I'm irrationally pissed that she told that girl from her class to "get that nappy hair done," and made it clear her son was WHITE and shouldn't have an "ethnic" hairstyle ... and this bitch goes out and gets herself locs and a big ass. Like, you want all the trappings AND the privileges. I guess the only thing stopping her from getting her lips done is that she already has 'em. For a white girl, anyway. Also not buying the "class project that turned into a hair session." Someone there just conveniently knew how to do them, and just HAPPENED to have all the hair necessary to cover Kail's long hair, and had NOWHERE to go for the next 8 hours ... mmhmm. Peddle that bullshit to somebody who doesn't know what it takes to get them. #notbasic


She's also the only reality 'ho I've ever seen hawking those waist trainers who actually looks FAT in one, and that's including a pregnant Maci.

  • Love 11

I'm irrationally pissed that she told that girl from her class to "get that nappy hair done," and made it clear her son was WHITE and shouldn't have an "ethnic" hairstyle ... and this bitch goes out and gets herself locs and a big ass. Like, you want all the trappings AND the privileges. I guess the only thing stopping her from getting her lips done is that she already has 'em. For a white girl, anyway. Also not buying the "class project that turned into a hair session." Someone there just conveniently knew how to do them, and just HAPPENED to have all the hair necessary to cover Kail's long hair, and had NOWHERE to go for the next 8 hours ... mmhmm. Peddle that bullshit to somebody who doesn't know what it takes to get them. #notbasic


She's also the only reality 'ho I've ever seen hawking those waist trainers who actually looks FAT in one, and that's including a pregnant Maci.



I think comedian Paul Mooney said it best when he spouted " Everybody wanna be a Ni##a, but don't nobody wanna be a Ni##a".  It's cool to pretend to be down with

"urban" culture, but isn't it nice for Kail to know she can turn it off when she needs to.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 8

I think putting minorities down is Kail's way of denying her white trash DNA. No matter how many McMansions and Benzes she buys, she can't escape the fact that she's the daughter of druggie parents who got knocked up in high school. Not exactly Junior League material.

Don't worry though, her smart mouth will get her into trouble with the wrong person one day...

  • Love 6

I think putting minorities down is Kail's way of denying her white trash DNA. No matter how many McMansions and Benzes she buys, she can't escape the fact that she's the daughter of druggie parents who got knocked up in high school. Not exactly Junior League material.


And we have a winner! That's why there's a small part of me (and I mean very small) that at times feels sorry for Kail because underneath it all, she's still that insecure white trash girl from Wrongsideofthetracksville, Pennsylvania. It's obvious Kail equates money with status, and she's wrong because lots of people have money, but they don't have status. In her deluded mind, she believes this show has elevated her into some type of high society, when in reality, she's a trashy reality star.


I think Kail will fall the hardest when this show ends. Yeah she has a degree (right?) but it won't sustain the lifestyle she has now

  • Love 8

I'm irrationally pissed that she told that girl from her class to "get that nappy hair done," and made it clear her son was WHITE and shouldn't have an "ethnic" hairstyle ... and this bitch goes out and gets herself locs and a big ass. Like, you want all the trappings AND the privileges. I guess the only thing stopping her from getting her lips done is that she already has 'em. For a white girl, anyway. Also not buying the "class project that turned into a hair session." Someone there just conveniently knew how to do them, and just HAPPENED to have all the hair necessary to cover Kail's long hair, and had NOWHERE to go for the next 8 hours ... mmhmm. Peddle that bullshit to somebody who doesn't know what it takes to get them. #notbasic

She's also the only reality 'ho I've ever seen hawking those waist trainers who actually looks FAT in one, and that's including a pregnant Maci.

Oh I don't think there's anything irrational about your hatred. Kail is a walking, talking example of how teaching color blindness is blowing up in our faces. Because she is white, Kail can pick and choose when she wants to acknowledge race, be racist herself, or indulge in some post racial one world nonsense. And I doubt she is aware of any of it.

  • Love 4

And we have a winner! That's why there's a small part of me (and I mean very small) that at times feels sorry for Kail because underneath it all, she's still that insecure white trash girl from Wrongsideofthetracksville, Pennsylvania. It's obvious Kail equates money with status, and she's wrong because lots of people have money, but they don't have status. In her deluded mind, she believes this show has elevated her into some type of high society, when in reality, she's a trashy reality star.

I think Kail will fall the hardest when this show ends. Yeah she has a degree (right?) but it won't sustain the lifestyle she has now

Kail completed a dental assistant certificate program. She has not completed a college degree yet. She's (allegedly) currently pursuing a degree in communications at Delaware State.

Props to her for finishing the dental assistant program (especially since so many of these girls never finish anything). And I hope she finishes her bachelor's degree. But working as a dental assistant certainly won't allow her to maintain the lifestyle she's used to. And she better hope TM opens some doors for her with that communications degree (if she finishes it). I know plenty of underemployed people with communications degrees. A degree in anything is better than no degree in our economy, but a degree in something like communications doesn't necessarily mean a nice, middle class paycheck.

Good luck keeping up with a mortgage on a nice, big house; the notes on luxury cars; gas for that gas guzzler; private schools; etc on an enlisted man & dental assistant's salary. I hope maybe they paid cash for their home(s) and cars or at least have good savings/investments.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Now Javi will get to see first hand how it feels when Kailyn uses your kid against you.


If they do split up, she loses her dependa status, doesn't she?  Lincoln can keep it because he's the bio kid, but what about Kail and Isaac? They haven't been married for long enough for her to get permanent dependent benefits, right?


And I've said this before and I'll reiterate to agree - most of the things she does, she does because there is a voice in her head that says "This is what rich people do." Plastic surgery? yep. Designer clothes for kids? yep. Private school, giant car, bigger house, all because she grew up in deprivation envying the kids who might have teased her for not having awesome clothes.

  • Love 9

Jo never said he could not afford to pay child support. He said his thoughts were the courts would order an amount that would be beyond his means. Kail never gave him a figure as to how much she wanted. Jo kept asking, but she would not tell him.

Oh, by the way, jewelry can be charged, put on credit. :)

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 5

But that's what court is for...to figure those things out. It's not Kailyn's job. The court wouldn't order him to pay something he couldn't with his income. He also used the excuse that "he was having another baby," which also isn't Kail's business/problem. Again, get a job if you're so worried about money...and if TM is a job, don't complain about more child support. Don't buy such an expensive car, or rent more cheaply.

If he's buying such an extravagant ring with credit (no one needs such a huge ring), he's even more irresponsible than I thought. No excuse for not at least going to school and preparing to work while he has TM checks coming in. Just pure laziness.

I can't stand Kailyn, but I also can't stand laziness. What on earth does he do all day?

Edited by Lm2162
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Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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