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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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I'm just confused as to why she had the option not to go to the reunion? She said she decided at 5:00 the day before to go, as if she was doing anyone a gigantic favor. Isn't your one job to show up to filming? See now THAT's something I wish the hosts would call the girls out for . Like why can't they just say for once, "um, isn't it your job to show up?"

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8 hours ago, TheRealT said:

And we view any scene of Kail talking to a realtor on an empty lot (didn't realize what an accomplishment that is) within the context of "Kail's Khaos," which includes all of the aforementioned fuckery.

I am making it my goal this month to work the phrase, "aforementioned fuckery" into as many conversations as possible.

Bravo, @TheRealT, bravo. 👏

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20 hours ago, TheRealT said:

And the thing with Kail is that we have seen plenty of scenes of the boys playing sports, goofing around with each other, cutely interacting with others, etc. But, quite often, Kail is a dark cloud in or around those scenes because she's not speaking to someone(s), she's agonizing over Chris, she's sobbing hysterically, she's yelling at someone, etc. It's her. My impression of Isaac and Lincoln is that they're nice, good-looking kids. I know that they play sports and I'm not surprised at all that Isaac does well in school. So what is she complaining about? No one thinks her kids are fucked up; people think she's fucked up. So we don't need (additional) scenes at sporting events (with Kail hulking on the sidelines refusing to acknowledge Lauren/Javi/Jo/Vee/Vivi) or scenes of the kids playing with the crew. And we view any scene of Kail talking to a realtor on an empty lot (didn't realize what an accomplishment that is) within the context of "Kail's Khaos," which includes all of the aforementioned fuckery.

Nail on the fuckin head @TheRealT 👌🏽👏🏼 

You always know how to describe this hosebeast so well! 

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On 5/20/2019 at 11:19 PM, TheRealT said:

I'm confused. 1) MTV did film a segment about her "house building" (really just a scene of her going to talk to some guy on a vacant lot, so, not hard to understand why they didn't find that a riveting storyline). Actually, two scenes because there was another scene of her talking about going to the vacant lot. 2) What, in her mind, was there to film about her talking to people about building a house on an empty lot, then having the deal fall through before a spade of earth is turned?

Kail is so completely full of shit and her attitude about how MTV should be filming all the highlights of her amazing life is laughable. Is she claiming that the scenes of her being a vindictive, immature, dramatic, dickmatized hosebeast are somehow faked? No, she's asserting that, though all of that stuff is real, MTV should film Isaac getting an A on an assignment instead of her making a fool of herself crying and screaming over Baby Daddy #3 or behaving like a 14-year-old over Baby Daddy #2's new Baby Mama. Because, as the holder of a bachelor's degree in communications, she knows that that kind of thing would make a better, more successful and socially relevant show.

It's absolutely hilarious how she seems to really believe that she's some kind of sophisticated, successful... I don't even know what? Intellectual? Socialite? Aspirational figure? Maybe she should write an op-ed for the New York Times about her opinions on accurate, feminist-positive representations of young mothers on reality TV. I mean, she is a best-selling NYT author and all, so it makes sense... Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!

Didn't they do this with one of the real housewives?  She was having a LARGER gaudy mansion build and we got to watch her choose doorknobs and walk through half built construction. That's when I stopped watching. If house hunting/building is not entertaining on RH, then it's definitely not entertaining on TM. I gave up on TM a ling time ago too, after it became less about the struggles and more about their unrealistic lives. 

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If Kail has started a contract on a house, it won't show up that she bought anything until the deal closes and the house is done.  Most likely that lot we saw was part of a development, not just her buying a lot and then finding a builder herself. 

My parents are in the process of building and their lot shows up as 'pending sale' on the realtor sites. Has the estimated purchase price and layout model and everything.  They had to prove that they could afford the full mortgage (ie get pre-approved by the bank) before they could even enter a contract to build.

I don't see Kail as being the type to go out and buy a piece of land and then find a builder.  It takes a lot of extra work to build on land if a developer hasn't already set it up. (see example 1A of "the land" sinking)

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On 5/20/2019 at 3:06 PM, Faul McCartney said:

More likely that she put down a deposit on a lot and isn’t going through with the sale.

I think this is likely.  My personal experience in another state is that you put your deposit down and do a land loan (usually a small amount of $).  Once you finalize your build plans and get approvals you and the bank then convert to a construction loan which is where things get $$$.  I’m guessing she couldn’t qualify for the construction loan.

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On 4/11/2019 at 2:00 PM, Tatum said:

She does have a really pretty smile.

We just never freaking see it! It’s easy to forget she can even smile.

On 4/15/2019 at 3:57 AM, monicageller said:

That is some bottom of the barrel podcast. I'm going to have my dog make a podcast; it'll surely be much better than Chris'.

I listen to every (ok, not every but a lot because I spend a lot of time in my car alone) podcast and I still haven’t tried Chris’ podcast. What’s the name of your dog’s? I’ll definitely try that before Chris’! 😆 

On 4/18/2019 at 4:48 AM, Brooklynista said:

Where is Heather B. when you need her? MTV can only use what you give them Kail and what you give is CONSTANT bitch.

She also had/has a podcast! I bet it’s better than Chris’! She’s a rapper and had actual famous people as guests, including Snoop Dogg. Love her and love her immortal quote! 


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On 5/21/2019 at 12:19 AM, TheRealT said:

I'm confused. 1) MTV did film a segment about her "house building" (really just a scene of her going to talk to some guy on a vacant lot, so, not hard to understand why they didn't find that a riveting storyline). Actually, two scenes because there was another scene of her talking about going to the vacant lot. 2) What, in her mind, was there to film about her talking to people about building a house on an empty lot, then having the deal fall through before a spade of earth is turned?

Kail is so completely full of shit and her attitude about how MTV should be filming all the highlights of her amazing life is laughable. Is she claiming that the scenes of her being a vindictive, immature, dramatic, dickmatized hosebeast are somehow faked? No, she's asserting that, though all of that stuff is real, MTV should film Isaac getting an A on an assignment instead of her making a fool of herself crying and screaming over Baby Daddy #3 or behaving like a 14-year-old over Baby Daddy #2's new Baby Mama. Because, as the holder of a bachelor's degree in communications, she knows that that kind of thing would make a better, more successful and socially relevant show.

It's absolutely hilarious how she seems to really believe that she's some kind of sophisticated, successful... I don't even know what? Intellectual? Socialite? Aspirational figure? Maybe she should write an op-ed for the New York Times about her opinions on accurate, feminist-positive representations of young mothers on reality TV. I mean, she is a best-selling NYT author and all, so it makes sense... Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!

I'm sorry, I'm just now reading this, but I love every single word you wrote. Damn, I f'ing hate Kail! I hope we're around to see her get knocked off that high horse she planted her multi-manipulated ignorant ass on. Cuz I'm gonna laugh and laugh and laugh. 😅

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On 6/4/2019 at 11:52 PM, sonder said:

During the unseen moments commercial, Kail said Javi tried to come to her room at 630am to F her. The unseen moments and reunion were filmed while Javi’s gf was pregnant? Nasty. I see no denial or reaction from Javi or his gf. 

Ya know, I'm thinking maybe our dainty little cupcake Kail misinterpreted exactly what happened here. We know Kail's a delusional motherfucker, so of course Javi came by her room to try to fuck her. I mean, who could possibly resist the wildebeest's sparkling personality? In actuality..... Javi came a-knockin' on her door to tell her, "You need to stop saying hateful and spiteful things about me, you know,  Lincoln's father, on camera, for him to hear you triflin' asshole heifer. Fuck you!" C'mon, Kail, the truth shall set you free.

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2 hours ago, Psycho Suzy said:

Ya know, I'm thinking maybe our dainty little cupcake Kail misinterpreted exactly what happened here. We know Kail's a delusional motherfucker, so of course Javi came by her room to try to fuck her. I mean, who could possibly resist the wildebeest's sparkling personality? In actuality..... Javi came a-knockin' on her door to tell her, "You need to stop saying hateful and spiteful things about me, you know,  Lincoln's father, on camera, for him to hear you triflin' asshole heifer. Fuck you!" C'mon, Kail, the truth shall set you free.

Right! Maybe he was stopping by so early to catch her off guard, so she wouldn’t be at her hulk-y best and he might have a chance to say some shit! Or he wanted to kick her in the clam. Not down with violence but she “head shook” him and who knows what else when they were married, so... 🤷🏻‍♀️ 

I don’t believe it was to fuck her. Maybe they didn’t deny it because it was so obviously bullshit? But then, they did bang when he was with Briana ...which never made any sense to me. These people all suck.

Edited by Rebecca
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I was looking at an old article for another thread and this article was a suggestion at the bottom of that article and I hate myself tonight so I clicked it...how come it looks so much better here than I ever remember it looking? I know she ate fries and a bunch of other crap immediately after surgery and there were a bunch of jokes but...did she really fuck it up so much with her weight gain? Pregnancy couldn’t have helped but still. Seeing these pics you’d think the surgery was a “reasonable”  choice, if she wanted it and since it was free but now it looks horrendous! It’s been 3.5 years.



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On 6/8/2019 at 10:02 PM, Rebecca said:

I was looking at an old article for another thread and this article was a suggestion at the bottom of that article and I hate myself tonight so I clicked it...how come it looks so much better here than I ever remember it looking? I know she ate fries and a bunch of other crap immediately after surgery and there were a bunch of jokes but...did she really fuck it up so much with her weight gain? Pregnancy couldn’t have helped but still. Seeing these pics you’d think the surgery was a “reasonable”  choice, if she wanted it and since it was free but now it looks horrendous! It’s been 3.5 years.



Those tattoos on the back are not the same in the before and after pics. What’s up with that?

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6 hours ago, Lemur said:

They look the same ... just not as spread out as they had been before.  

To me the difference is that in the first photo, she's standing up and gravity is drooping everything towards her butt. In the second photo she's lying on her front and thus all the love handles and things are drooping towards the table.

These are not good before and after photos. Not apples to apples at all.

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3 hours ago, geauxaway said:

Again?   Were they not just on a tropical vacation?   Wow, Leah really has drank the kool (kail?) aid.  That’s 6 kids between the 2 of them, let me remind you.  But hey, let’s go on vacay!

Yep. Also, Leah has been on vacation with her daughters in Florida. She recorded a Snapchat of one of the twinses ear hurting and fever.  Then she posted another video saying she was supposed to fly out to Panama today but ear aching twin cried and begged Leah not to go because she didn’t feel good. So I guess we will see if Leah is going or not. 🤔

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Well, then.  I guess Kail’s “platform” is never ending vacations even if you have 3 kids.  Must be nice.  Maybe I’m a little jealous?  But then again, maybe not.  I’m truly a single mom, there is no dad, which is a blessing and a curse.  But either way, the clock rolls to 4:00 while I’m at work (my job, 9-5, TM’s take note) and I’ll be danged if I’m not missing my lil guy so much!!!  I actually miss him from the time he gets in the bus until I pick him up.  I mean, I work hard at work and all that.  And there are days where he wares me thin, but still.  If only these heffers had an inkling of what it is like to live in the real world.  How is Kail or any of them not bowing down and going out of their way to be involved in charities and the community?  I work 45+ hours a week and still find time to give every minute I have to my kids school etc.  Maybe they just don’t post it but I find that hard to believe.  They post everything else.  None of them have jobs outside their homes.  NONE OF THEM.  But instead of being active at the school they are pod casting and going to Panama for vacations.  

What the fuck did I do wrong in my life?  

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5 hours ago, geauxaway said:

Well, then.  I guess Kail’s “platform” is never ending vacations even if you have 3 kids.  Must be nice.  Maybe I’m a little jealous?  But then again, maybe not.  I’m truly a single mom, there is no dad, which is a blessing and a curse.  But either way, the clock rolls to 4:00 while I’m at work (my job, 9-5, TM’s take note) and I’ll be danged if I’m not missing my lil guy so much!!!  I actually miss him from the time he gets in the bus until I pick him up.  I mean, I work hard at work and all that.  And there are days where he wares me thin, but still.  If only these heffers had an inkling of what it is like to live in the real world.  How is Kail or any of them not bowing down and going out of their way to be involved in charities and the community?  I work 45+ hours a week and still find time to give every minute I have to my kids school etc.  Maybe they just don’t post it but I find that hard to believe.  They post everything else.  None of them have jobs outside their homes.  NONE OF THEM.  But instead of being active at the school they are pod casting and going to Panama for vacations.  

What the fuck did I do wrong in my life?  

I never thought if that but it does not seem like any of them volunteer for the PTA or whatever. the only way they “give back” is through self-aggrandizing charities like Kail’s donation to her college. @@. Leah has all 3 in school now. She could ditch the “motivational speaking” career and learn some real skills or at least make herself useful. She could be involved and better advocate for Ali. Nope - it is easier to just sit back and take videos of you unboxing shit to make money. i have no respect for ANY of these people as I think they make a living in exchange for the privacy of their kids, who have no say. 

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On 6/15/2019 at 8:13 AM, FlowerofCarnage said:

And yet, she is using the topic of Lauren making money of of Teen Mom to make money herself via her podcast.

Exactly. A large portion of Kail's storylines have revolved around drama with her exes, including drama with said exes' new girlfriends. It's a symbiotic relationship, if you ask me. 

20 hours ago, galaxychaser said:

Bet you Kail is trying to get a refund/settlement since Leah didn’t go and she was bored!

I would bet money on this. 

Seriously, how needs this many vacations? Especially WITHOUT the kids. Don't get me wrong. Adult time is great. I went on a trip to Ireland in 2017 with just my mom. But the next year, I took the kids to Florida. Switch it up a bit. 

I'm also a homeschooling mom and with my kids basically 24-7. For these broads, the kids are out of school for just a few months. Maybe...I don't know...spend some quality time with them???

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34 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Exactly. A large portion of Kail's storylines have revolved around drama with her exes, including drama with said exes' new girlfriends. It's a symbiotic relationship, if you ask me. 

I would bet money on this. 

Seriously, how needs this many vacations? Especially WITHOUT the kids. Don't get me wrong. Adult time is great. I went on a trip to Ireland in 2017 with just my mom. But the next year, I took the kids to Florida. Switch it up a bit. 

I'm also a homeschooling mom and with my kids basically 24-7. For these broads, the kids are out of school for just a few months. Maybe...I don't know...spend some quality time with them???

I want my child to see the world with me.  I didn’t have that opportunity as a kid.  I take my daughter on every vacation.  I couldn’t imagine not taking her. 

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Is she going to be able to enroll him in school without vaccines? Every frickin' year I fill out those damned health forms for school.  I just got a letter saying that my son will not be allowed to move in to a college dorm room unless and until he has at least his DPT, MMR and meningococcal vaccines up to date (they are).

I hope this isn't some Munchausen by Proxy thing where she's hoping he'll get sick so she can get attention, play Poor Me, then spin it and become an "Advocate" or try to "Raise Awareness" while she does the talk show circuit and plans her next vacation.

Edited by SweetieDarling
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Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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