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S28.E01: Week 1


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So the beginning is, I think, trying to tell us that Joey shows up to the final rose, ready to propose and the woman doesn't show up?

But we know how they like to mislead us so we can assume that's not what happens, right?

The chemistry intro was stupid. Pour this into that and see what happens is not an experiment. Then the giant bra, the screaming girl, the "tennis grunt", the tennis balls, made the chemistry experiment seem smart by comparison. 

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10 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

So the beginning is, I think, trying to tell us that Joey shows up to the final rose, ready to propose and the woman doesn't show up?

But we know how they like to mislead us so we can assume that's not what happens, right?

Maybe Joey will pull a Jason mesnick and have a meltdown after saying goodbye to his F2 and then realize he made a mistake and end up marrying her. Actually Arie did that too.

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12 hours ago, Quickbeam said:

Good ethnic mix. So much long hair. Lots of taller women too. 

I am not sure they're taller--I think Joey is just short.  And that makes him look even more like an old school movie star to me--his tininess.

The "tennis grunt" sounded xrated to me, like she had been up to something in the limo!

Edited by Alexander Pope
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Clayton, Colton, Zach, most of the bachelors I can remember did nothing for me. But Joey is really good looking and charming and his eye contact is incredible. He gives me the vibe that this is exhausting for him, too which I like. Some of the bachelors look like it's fun for them to date 30 women but but Joey seems like he'd rather be sleeping. 

So many of these girls look so much alike and it's a sea of long brunette, wanded hair and a lot of the girls are tan. I cannot tell any of them apart. The sisters aren't gonna go anywhere with Joey. They are just plants to create drama. They will be on paradise though.

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The Bachelor ‘Franchise’ is experiencing scope creep. This is a dreaded condition familiar to corporate types and consultants in which a good – or at least an established – idea begins to expand, take on new and usually unintended characteristics and generally spill over into areas in which it is not needed nor wanted.

We’ve had Bachelors In Paradise for some time, then Bachelorettes then a Golden Bachelor. If you’re a wedding planner, cake maker, band or DJ you may relish the thought of all the potential weddings, showers, receptions etc. courtesy of the Franchise but if you’re a viewer trying to keep track of the chancers who merely want to get in front of cameras for social media traction in their specious ‘influencer’ endeavors then it all gets exhausting…and incestuous as we’ve finally rotated back to the flagship program albeit with a Bachelor derived from one of the spinoffs.

‘Joey’ and ‘safe’ both have four letters and that probably isn’t coincidence. It’s no surprise that the nonthreatening runner-up who plays and teaches a nonthreatening sport in a nonthreatening vacation spot with his nonthreatening floppy hair, nonthreatening family especially his nonthreatening dad, nonthreatening light stubble and nonthreatening (read: gormless) default expression was chosen as the Bachelor via an audience who have repeatedly expressed a preference for a nonthreatening type and, more importantly, by producers who want it all to be nonthreatening ie free of controversy. A realist would point out to the pearl-clutching audiences, especially the type of person who would attend a taping and sit for 8 hrs edited down to 2, have made some very hasty, uninformed and/or foolish mistakes in picking their favorites, since Joey’s nonthreatening forebears have routinely been disappointments as The Bachelor. Indecisive, weak, hypersensitive, emotionally incontinent and a bit too eager to please therefore easily manipulated. A nice guy can’t finish last when he’s the only guy on a dating show but he can certainly bollix it up anyway.

Joey declares he has relocated from Hawaii back to the Philadelphia area to be ‘closer to family’ (read: available for filming the series). It sure as hell wasn’t about finding better weather. One also wonders what the prospective market for a tennis teaching pro might be in King of Prussia versus Maui but perhaps there are some Main Line biddies who will pay the going rate. What does Joey care? He’s naffing off for the better part of the year to have a long queue of young single women landing in his service court without having to move one jot from the baseline.

Congrats to Jesse Palmer on the birth of his first child and congrats to Jesse for his ability to still be 44 years old in the Bachelor Time Zone (ie when filming occurred) while he turned 45 in October last year. Jesse can still occasionally be spotted inserting tongue in cheek when reading the script from the prompter but he has mostly given over to the false-enthusiasm MOST DRAMATIC EVER spirit of proceedings.

And those proceedings have descended to…gimmicks and stunts. And anything else that might be termed branding because tonight’s rose ceremony reject is tomorrow’s Boat Girl or Go Kart Girl. Something dumb, brief, ridiculous and memorable in case it’s needed in the intro video for Bachelor In Paradise or merely for the Instagram likes. Kooky is spontaneous and fun. Contrived is not and is more than a bit desperate.

The advice remains the same: a woman who wanted to drive The Bachelor wild with interest would simply keep him guessing. Step out of the limo, meet his gaze and walk past him silently into the house. Instead, it’s desperation, insecurity and horrid puns all round with more props than a Carrot Top comedy routine involved. Leaves, chemistry sets, etc etc. When everybody has a sales pitch then they all run together just like the interminable ad breaks on this program.

While much of the public discourse is focused on the southern border, there is apparently a different sort of influx from the north as the US and The Bachelor in particular is flooded with Canadian women. But even if there were only one of them can anyone explain the blurring of the little Canadian flag in Joey’s pocket? An overzealous video editor? One who dislikes hockey perhaps?

Autumn has obviously worked her lines in front of the mirror for the past 6 months. Take a breath there, our little Account Executive. Kelsey is wearing some clunky white heels from the Marcia Brady Collection[TM]. She doesn’t sound like she’s from New Orleans – more like Indianapolis. Perhaps a real Louisiana practitioner could have told her that a voodoo doll is made and used to inflict pain and misery on its subject. It’s not the bayou version of a teddy bear.

Spiritual pain aside, there is the pain ie cringe factor of one of the sisters offering a can of cheap beer to shotgun. We’re talking Philly girls who are well practiced at the tailgating arts at Eagles games but is this the sort of talent you want to take home to Mom – even if Mom is a Philly girl herself? But the beer is dutifully chugged and Lauren’s breast threatens to pop out. She catches it but not before Joey & Lauren are exposed as metaphorical boobs belching their way through this schlock.

Kyra is screaming for reasons known only to her. Zoe is presenting bananas in a suggestive manner. If Joey had a single hair on his backside he would smash one of them into Zoe’s billboard-sized forehead. Wait! Smash…fore…an unintentional tennis pun.

Daisy is a plucky (sorry, when the puns start they are hard to stop) blonde who has overcome hearing loss with a cochlear implant. Buck up, Daisy – Tasha from Love Island UK was born deaf and has had her implant since age 5!

It must be said that this year’s cast seems to lack a front-runner…a no-doubt Final 2 type that causes the producers and editors to chuck in one red herring after another. Instead, this is a rather mediocre lot. You might even call them safe. Like Joey. One exception might be Lexi who seems to have enough confidence and bearing – and looks – to stand out.

Boat Girl Jess is Ben Gunn-level crazy and based on the previews she will be playing the role of loose cannon this season. jenN? iS? aN? inveterATE? upTALKER? whO? getS? a? kisS? Samantha doesn’t know that we know that NFL cheerleaders get a pittance despite the fierce competition for places and long hours of rehearsal, so ‘professional dancer/cheerleader’ is stretching the truth. But self-promotion and face time and networking are the real payoffs. Sam is fighting fit and Miami-based so perhaps her more lucrative gigs might include, ahem, a silver vertical barre…also known as a stripper pole.

At this stage Safe Joey is sticking to a very brief list of safe reactions.

-No way!

-I appreciate that/it/you!



-I love that!


-This is/it’s a lot

If the Sister Act was a dubious idea, revealing the secret before the first night concludes seems self-defeating. Lea should be doing cartwheels with her steal card power but is giving it the Hamlette routine for benefit of the cameras & Joey. D’you reckon she would have burnt it without weighty hints dropped from Joey? The early rose confirms she played it like aces wired.

Ontarian Maria is apparently the designated cynic and sharp tongue who is critiquing people and proceedings. We can identify. Maria has a smile that is pasted on and dropped instantaneously. Maria tells Joey she loves a whore. What’s that? Oh sorry – she’s talking about horror movies.

Daylight is streaming through the windows and there’s no attempt to pass this off as night. Even Joey remarks on the grueling length of the filming session – one probably accompanied by the grueling length of the wait to use the bathroom.

Two theories on the sisters: either they are truly Sugar (Alison) and Spice (Lauren) or they are both Philly Girls – coarse, vulgar but Alison is managing to disguise it whereas Lauren can’t be fussed. Sibling rivalry can be amusing but effing and blinding during the ceremony less so.

At the risk of concluding with a bit of the scope creep derided earlier, it would be interesting to see one or two handpicked bombshells (to borrow a Love Island term) enter the contest on the second or third day. These would be Joey’s Type On Paper (another Love Island term) in a literal sense, meaning they fit his description of an ideal woman. If the producers want fireworks they needn’t wait until the last few weeks when the women have formed cliques and familiarity has bred contempt. Send in some bombshells and the conflagration will begin straight away.

Edited by Rainsong
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Joey looks so nervous, he is still as sincere and cute as he was in The Bachelorette but he also looks like a deer in headlights, it feels like he's so nervous a few times that he was trying to read cue cards off screen. There were so many women its hard for any of them to stand out, I just know that the older sister and Jess are going to be duking it out as to who is going to be the season biggest villain. Jess even had a classic "I'm not here to make friends" talking head, a sentence that very few winners on this show ever say. If you want to get ahead, try phrases like "family means everything to me" or "I can see myself falling in love with him". 

Autumn looks a lot like Malin Ackerman and she really stands out in this sea of brunettes. A few stood out, I liked the girl who loves dancing, Daisy, and Lea really earned that first impression rose. She made the right call, there is no way she could pull that card and come out looking good. 

I laughed when that little "watch Remember the Titans on Disney Plus" came up when Joey talked about watching it a bunch as a kid. 

Also really enjoyed the long awkward silence from the girls when the sisters told everyone they were sisters, like they were just taking in how much of a shit show this is going to be.

Edited by tennisgurl
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Jess "I don't want to be that girl" was funny when she was exactly being that girl.

I don't believe they have to blur Canadian flags. Doesn't SouthPark use it every episode. 

I liked Lexi, kelsey an I liked that Maria said there was a great room of women to Joey.  Don't usually get that support of them women to The Bachelor it's usually the opposite. So Maria seemed different. 

The opening made it seem over dramatic like he ends up with nobody. I'm wondering if instead the runner up leaves him? 

Edited by Artsda
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Interesting that Daniel was able to wear the Canadian flag on his speedo on  BIP.  There was no blurring that.  

Joey was on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Monday night.  Jimmy was giving him a hard time about whether tennis pros sleep with their female students.  Jimmy asked him about the woman that brought the bananas.  Joey said he kept thinking his mother was watching.  He agreed with Jimmy that was one of the reasons she did not get a rose.  

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The producers really don't seem to understand what makes something 'historic.'  They think having 32 contestants make this an 'historic' event/season.  No, it just means that it will take me even longer to learn names or to care about any of the contestants.  Every season (probably more like every episode) they are desperate to make it dramatic, 'historic', or even interesting.  Stop trying to make fetch happen.

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10 hours ago, kikicat said:

Daisy seemed like a front-runner. But I didn't notice her in the season previews (might not have watched close enough).  Either the editors are misdirecting us, or she's an early out.

I think she's in for awhile.  She got sort of a sweetheart edit and her own music during her intro.

I also think Kelsey will stick around -- she not only got a similar package, but her theme music was a variation of New Orleans staple "When the Saints Come Marching In".  

Both of them seem nice, so I'm good with it. I could see either of them as both a winner or the next Bachelorette.

Despite my personal love for Maria, I don't think she'll win or be the next Bachelorette.  We can only hope she decides to leave Ontario for Vermont and buys the house around the corner from me.  (Randy Quaid already bought the one across the street -- Maria would make this neighborhood awesome.)

1 hour ago, LakeGal said:

Interesting that Daniel was able to wear the Canadian flag on his speedo on  BIP.  There was no blurring that.  

I'm not an expert at any kind of law, including weirdo Canadian copyright law, but I'm assuming Joey's got blurred because it was an actual flag, albeit a tiny one. I expect that's legally different from a red maple leaf on a speedo, or an animated one on South Park.  But I'm guessing.

I wish they hadn't blurred Joey's flag -- watching Canada sue Disney for a copyright violation would be entertaining.

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On 1/22/2024 at 10:09 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

There are a lot more brunettes than usual. Wonder if that was Joey’s request!? I hope so!

edited to add: Jess is giving me Victoria Larsen vibes. I think producers will keep her on, though I think Joey regrets kissing her. At least I hope so!

A lot of very dark hair. Looks like it was less about looks and bodies and hopefully more about personalities.    A lot of cheap dresses and barely styled hair.  

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1 hour ago, Katie111 said:

Are there any laws about moving to Canada from the US or vice versa?  If so it just seems like it would make choosing a Canadian that much more difficult logistically.   I think maybe Serena (Grocery Joe)  is from Canada and that seems to be working out fine so maybe it's a non-issue? 

I had a coworker move from Georgia to Alberta once, to be with her boyfriend.  She told me then (roughly 2006) the law was you could either marry a Canadian -- which she was not yet ready to do, and good thing because they broke up six months later -- or find an employer willing to sponsor.  Which sounds similar to the laws for immigrating the U.S.

I don't know who Serena's employer is, but they got married anyway so she should be GTG.

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Canadian looks like Heidi Fleiss. Joey, if Allison has three sisters, why are you asking if she is the middle child? There are four of them, there is no middle my friend. Kelsey: "I'm a little nervous." Joey: "How we feelin'?" Kelsey: "I'm feeling good; I'm actually feeling a little calm right now." Ooookkkay. Those are two opposite feelings. Cochlear Implant has some severe vocal fry...it is more like a local burn. 

Edited by Aim123
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I’m from Philadelphia (go Birds) and it’s fun seeing my city highlighted albeit briefly. Joey surprised me this first night. I thought he seemed sweet but dull on Charity’s season. I was concerned he didn’t have enough depth to carry a season but so far so good. Philly area guys can either be super hyper/energetic (Tyler Norris) or infused with a sort of low energy ennui - Joey being the latter. But I think that calm energy may serve him well and help put the ladies at ease. I hope he has a fun season. 

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So I keep thinking this is Zach, but somehow I have already watched that man’s season and have blocked it out of my memory, so we’ll see how this season goes with…(checks show description)…Joey.

whelp, Joey is pulling a Mesnick over his F2, so that’s always a good sign that he’ll dump his F1 at the ATFR for a switcheroo. Ooh. They’re making it seem like there’s a chance his F1 dumped him at proposal pointe. Either way, Wrong Reasons watchers, it’s looking good for us!

Maria from Canada is giving looney vibes; I predict she’ll be the loose cannon in the house. Conversely, I’m getting good vibes from Kelsey the New Orleans beauty queen.

Oh, no, here come two illegitimate Kardashian sisters. It got worse with shotgunning beers. The little sister seems fine, but she better hide they’re sisters because the older one will ruin your reputation by association.

The old baking soda in vinegar trick. Not much of an experiment. But something tells me a guy who teaches people how to play tennis for a living was probably not a high-achieving student.

There are a lot of sequined dresses! I guess sequins are in now? 

Daisy grew up on a Christmas tree farm?! Change her name to Holly, and you got yourself a Hallmark movie. Joey comes into town ready to purchase the Christmas tree farm to put in a new tennis/pickleball court development, but he finds the true meaning of Christmas and love along the way.

okay, I like Autumn, Daisy…

Did not see the kiss with Jess coming! She ran right in and announced it to everyone?!? Where’s Kathy with her, “Zip it!” (Golden Bachelor). The kiss with Jenn, on the other hand, made more sense. I like her, too, so far. Okay, same with Daisy… Bit what happened to telling your sisters you weren’t going to kiss everyone?! We’re like 15 minutes into the cocktail party, here.

Smoochy Jess is back?! Joey, you can say no. The lead never has enough time to talk to everyone, so he shouldn’t waste a second conversation with Jess. Not to mention I think she’s going to ruin her chances because I don’t get why he kissed her in the first place. And now ALL of the women will be out to get her—a kiss, bragging, and then a double steal?! This is a Bachelor villain origin story. And here comes the stealee to confront her, in our first producer-orchestrated fight.

Another kiss! At least he kissed the better sister. And consolation prize to the older one, the producers will make him keep her around.

Joey did not kiss Kelsey, but she got a special shout out in the talking head, so that might even be better.

Lea is like the anti-Jess here. She’s going to get bonus points from Joey and the girls by not using that card.

Another kiss with Lexie. That makes…let me scroll up…5! (And counting?!) Lexie also gets an “I love how special she makes me feel”—after one quick conversation?!? What?!?!

Remember the Titans now streaming Disney+.  I am dying over this fly-in plug! Yep, I still think Canadian Maria is kind of wacky, but he kissed her regardless—number 6! Boo! I think Joey has some questionable taste. But I guess this isn’t my wife we’re looking for here.

Okay, at least he’s giving the rose to Lea. Burning the letter was the right move. Evelin, what are you blubbering about? You could have stolen him away to talk. Lea gets a kiss—lucky number 7, unless he already kissed her and I lost track.

Evelin! All of that crying for nothing! Jeesh! The producers really made him keep Lauren, the annoying sister with all of the Botox and fillers. Gee, I wonder why you were last and your sister was first?

okay, I don’t know any of these people who are going home, but my cuts would have been Maria, Lauren, and Jess.

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8 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Maria from Canada is giving looney vibes; I predict she’ll be the loose cannon in the house.

Maria's my girl :)  She seems a little intimidated by being in the middle of all those other women, and I don't think she'll win, but Joey seems to respond to her sense of humor.

But I think he's already mooning over Kelsey and her voodoo doll and Daisy.

Jess can go any time.

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12 minutes ago, phlebas said:

Maria's my girl :)  She seems a little intimidated by being in the middle of all those other women, and I don't think she'll win, but Joey seems to respond to her sense of humor.

But I think he's already mooning over Kelsey and her voodoo doll and Daisy.

Jess can go any time.

I feel like we’re observing two different people. Maria doesn’t seem intimidated to me. She had her legs strewn over Joey in the first minute of talking to him. IMO, she seems to have an outsized sense of self-worth. (Yeah, I’ll say it. I think she’s kind of odd and unfortunate looking, but she acts like she thinks she’s super hot.) And I don’t think it’s a “sense of humor”—this is just how she acts. But she seems to be around a while from the previews, so I’ll concede that there must be something about her you and Joey see that I don’t. 

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9 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

I feel like we’re observing two different people. Maria doesn’t seem intimidated to me. She had her legs strewn over Joey in the first minute of talking to him. IMO, she seems to have an outsized sense of self-worth. (Yeah, I’ll say it. I think she’s kind of odd and unfortunate looking, but she acts like she thinks she’s super hot.) And I don’t think it’s a “sense of humor”—this is just how she acts. But she seems to be around a while from the previews, so I’ll concede that there must be something about her you and Joey see that I don’t. 

Oh, truly.  But that's how I roll I guess :) Maria reminds me of some truly awesome ladies I've known. She doesn't look like the standard contestant to me either, but I'm helpless against strong eyebrows and quirky smiles.

But how boring would it be if we all agreed on these contestants? :) I'm still baffled by the Hannah Brown love....

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8 minutes ago, phlebas said:

Oh, truly.  But that's how I roll I guess :) Maria reminds me of some truly awesome ladies I've known. She doesn't look like the standard contestant to me either, but I'm helpless against strong eyebrows and quirky smiles.

But how boring would it be if we all agreed on these contestants? :) I'm still baffled by the Hannah Brown love....

Well, we agree on Hannah! I think she was classically pretty—but her personality was not my cup of tea.

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On 1/22/2024 at 8:08 PM, ECM1231 said:

Taylor, the blonde with the hair pulled back, conversing with Jess, reminds me of Kristen Bell.

I was surprised she is 23. She looks at least 30 to me. 

On 1/23/2024 at 10:08 AM, Alexander Pope said:

I am not sure they're taller--I think Joey is just short.  And that makes him look even more like an old school movie star to me--his tininess.

Yes he's short. I get a sense of their height when I see whoever the Bachelor is next to Jesse Palmer, because he is tall (6'2). Jesse towered over Joey. It was harder with Chris Harrison because he wasn't very tall. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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On 1/24/2024 at 12:50 AM, Hip-to-be-Square said:

No, Lea 😄-you keep the "steal a 1 on 1 card" until your worst enemy is applying the final touch of lip gloss for her 1 on 1 and then you swoop in for the kill 💃💌! She might regret getting rid of the card.

Exactly! She didn't have to tell everyone what the card said, she could have been vague, and then used it when needed.

On the other hand, we know that as soon as another girl rubbed her the wrong way that girl would get a one on one date, right? The powers that be gave her an advantage in order to stir up drama.

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4 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Exactly! She didn't have to tell everyone what the card said, she could have been vague, and then used it when needed.

On the other hand, we know that as soon as another girl rubbed her the wrong way that girl would get a one on one date, right? The powers that be gave her an advantage in order to stir up drama.

Yeah 😄💯!  Lea should've turned to the gaggle of girls in the mansion and said, "It's for me to know and you to find out!"  If Golden Bachelor Kathy were there, she would've told Lea to zip it 🤐😉.  And you're so right- if a girl got on Lea's bad side, the producers would've encouraged Joey to give her a 1 on 1.  I think Lea is a sweet girl, but ultimately this is a competition- no one is on the show to make friends and she shouldn't have thrown the card 💌 into the fire---unless, what if that was a decoy card? 😅

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