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S18.E16: One on One: Part 2

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8 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

Meri’s “oh my voice will be heard” is all about the book she’s writing.  That’s why she was so mad to hear Christine revealed the melting ring story - Christine beat her to it!  
I can’t stand that this family films a reality show to supposedly lift the veil of polygamy (and greatly benefits from it), and yet they have hidden SO much from viewers. No one more so than Meri.  Asshole Kidney melted his wedding ring 7 or 8 years ago, which of course devastated her, but they all decide to hide it?!!

Christine and Meri said he melted it when he was courting Robyn. Meri added that it was seven years prior to the catfish, not seven years ago. 

It's an old, painful story from Meri's humiliating marriage. Why would they have told it? (It probably pre-dates the series.)

I get why Christine brought it up here (she shouldn't have, but I get it), but not telling every story that ever happened isn't "hiding" it, and * telling someone else's humiliating story from their marriage doesn't make Christine some brave truth teller.

Edited by General Days
* removed extraneous word (a "not" before "telling someone else's humiliating story...") which changed the intended meaning
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I know I don't understand the significance of the ring story.  Meri was very hurt with Christine sharing it and Christine seems to know she she was overstepping her bounds.  I don't think I quite get all of it.

That said, Christine seems naive but she really is, no?  She has never really had to account for herself in a professional manner and it shows.  My request to her is that she show some maturity.  I get why she is happy (and she should be) but a little grace would look really good for her right now.

We don't care about Kody, but be nice to Meri and we don't go after you for all of the Medicaid fraud you've committed, deal?



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1 hour ago, TexasTiffany said:

Well, Meri. Apparently, you've had years and years and years to tell that story about the ring. It's not like it's a new happening. Don't expect me to be against Christine because she mentioned it.  

Kody melted down your marriage years ago. I wish you hadn't wasted all these years when you could have made a good life and happy memories with someone else.


Misdirected anger on Meri’s part for sure because that happened years ago and obviouly still upsets her a ton.  I guess she wanted to tell that story herself in her book.

Edited by endure
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1 hour ago, LotusFlower said:

Meri’s “oh my voice will be heard” is all about the book she’s writing.  That’s why she was so mad to hear Christine revealed the melting ring story - Christine beat her to it!  
I can’t stand that this family films a reality show to supposedly lift the veil of polygamy (and greatly benefits from it), and yet they have hidden SO much from viewers. No one more so than Meri.  Asshole Kidney melted his wedding ring 7 or 8 years ago, which of course devastated her, but they all decide to hide it?!!

Absolutely agree and I just said the same thing, sort of.  I also noticed tonight on the replay of the picnic table scene that Crybrows has the same stallion ring as Kidney only in all gold!

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38 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I found the whole ring story fascinating. I am surprised that after Kody brought other wives into the family, he would still wear a wedding ring given to him by Meri. I guess that was to assert that Meri was the only legal wife? 

I remember the big deal they made about the ring that the wives gave Kody, and they all had matching rings as well IIRC? 

What boggles my mind is that when Kody brought Robyn into the family, Kody divorced Meri to marry Robyn so, supposedly, he could adopt her kids. As I recall, this whole storyline was sold to the audience as it being Meri's idea.  But now knowing that Kody told Meri even before he and Robyn married that he wanted to be free of her, Meri had to know he wanted to marry Robyn in part because he wanted a legal divorce from Meri. I have to give Meri credit for putting up a good front all those years. Mind you, she would have been too embarrassed to do otherwise. 

Robyn is wearing a very pretty ring on her ring finger. Is that new, or has she worn it since she married Kody? I only remember all the wives having the matching rings which, understandably, no one wears any longer. I just don't remember seeing Robyn's ring before.

And Robyn, everyone understands Kody speak. Even us, the viewers. He isn't complicated, and he isn't deep.  No interpreter needed. 

Lol i just commented on some same points, i should have read all the comments first.  Honestly for the life of me I do not understand or respect Meri, even when I try to put it into her supposed religious commitment, nothing adds up.  And I can see why so many in the family have issues with her, she is off the wall in so many aspects, she would be a difficult person to connect with.

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Christine is my favorite. She tells it like it is and she doesn't pretend for the sake of anything. If you really watch the show you can see she is all about the kids in the family. Mary is a ticking time bomb and has been since the beginning. I feel for her in that she was punished and abandoned for the catfish scandal by Kidney. I do not see how he can not see how he shoved her into someone else's arms and the parallels of how he wrote her off for speaking to someone else when she watched him on the daily with someone he loved and did NOTHING to hide his over the top love for Crybrows. Janelle leaving after Christine did is almost laughable bc it feels like she has never had an original thought in her life. I wish she would be candid for once! I like her and I want to see her blossom away from the toxic relationships she was in. i feel bad for Crybrows kids bc it did look like they got dumped by the family and that has to suck. I wonder if their marriage will survive to one another? My heart goes out to the children the absolute most. If Kidney could lose a tenth of that sickeningly gross ego he has the family would've at least stood a chance of making it. Just as a side note: No alpha male in the history of alpha males has EVER called himself an alpha male. If those words slip out of your stupid mouth then by default you are 100% beta...or in his cause Zeta.

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3 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

I'm only 10 minutes in and I'm already posting, LOL.  First of all, what did I say about Janelle, LOL?  She doesn't talk about "such things" but yeah, she was hot for Kody.

And he is FOS about not being in love with Meri.  The asshole doesn't realize or want to realize that young love is different from older love.  You can't equate the two.  Was he infatuated with Meri?  For sure, but he was also "in love" with her.  The look on his face in those early photos gives him away.  The bastard is rewriting history the same way he edited that family photo of Robyn's kids to put his face in it.   It's all a fiction just to serve his massive ego and justify what he's done and not done.  He's not man enough to admit that he was in love with Meri but then fell out of love with her.  In his demented mind he thinks that if he did admit that it would put more of the blame on him for breaking his commitment to their relationship.  He would feel like if he admitted he was ever in love with her he owed her and his relationship with her more than he gave it.  He thinks saying he was never in love with her is a way of getting around that responsibility.  Too bad nobody is buying it, asshole.

Kody has typical behaviour of a narcissist and both Kody and Robyn are desperate to keep the show going…… as are others.  It’s getting tiresome  but like a trainwreck.

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26 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

The asshole doesn't realize or want to realize that young love is different from older love. 

and that's exactly why for religious types there is a sacred covenant.  What good is a covenant if you can break it just because you're no longer "in love?"  Do you love (or even like) the person?  are you friends?  Then stick it out.  

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22 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

to ordinary monogamists it's a sign.  However, if you're sharing your husband you could talk yourself into believing it's more about sharing him rather than you having a "claim" on him.  But this was enlightening.  I've always been on Meri's side about the catfishing because it was so obvious she was emotionally neglected FOR YEARS.  Add the knife to the kidney of the ring melting.  AND trying to shove your feelings of jealousy and abandonment down because of The Principle.  It's frankly shocking that she didn't do anything more drastic.  

I've always been on Meri's side re: the catfishing and her divorce from Kody.  I knew that her behavior had to come out of a real and total rejection from him and years of suffering and feeling trapped in a situation she couldn't find a way out of.  I am just boggling over the fact that the ring melting happened 7 years before THAT, supposedly.  I'm not sure I can really believe that, because if that's not a clear sign that it's OVER I don't know what is, and I don't care what kind of religious doublespeak gobbeldygook logic she was being fed.  But if so, it makes what she did even more understandable and deserving of compassion.  My only question is why she stuck around in that kind of soul-crushing situation.  I don't think I could ever do that to myself.  I'd be running away from that so fast and so far and wouldn't care about the consequences.  I still have to wonder how much money was in it for her to stay in that situation.  I don't believe it was all because Robyn couldn't let her go and kept reeling her back in.  Was it misplaced guilt Meri had over what happened in her relationship with Kody that kept her determined to honor a one-sided commitment with no hope?  Or was she being held back because she was afraid of losing money, from either the show or other family entanglements?   Or was it a bit of both?  

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30 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

My only question is why she stuck around in that kind of soul-crushing situation.

The show.  I think the draw and the perks of tv stardom - the attention, the fame, the money, can’t be underestimated.  

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33 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:

The show.  I think the draw and the perks of tv stardom - the attention, the fame, the money, can’t be underestimated.  

Not to mention she banks on her "fame" as her means of making a living selling leggings.  A quick glance at her IG comments shows that she has a pretty loyal fanbase.

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So. Yes this was a boring af episode. 

New revelations (sandwiched in between recaps, teasers, and effin FLASHBACKS!!)

•Kody melted the ring. Christine spilled, Meri's mad. 

• Neither  Christine nor Janelle allowed Robyn to Kodytranslate or be the gatekeeper of Kody for their kids. 

I can't remember anything else? Did I miss anything?


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Melting down a wedding ring is extreme. That sounds like it would be the means of formalizing a divorce in a non-literate culture. The idea of destroying a ring is literally part of our culture's mythology. It's the marital equivalent of burning a nation's flag. The fact that Meri stuck around after that suggests there was something pressing her besides her attachment to Kody. Maybe she was invested in Leo being in the same household with their siblings, or in the show and its paycheck, or in the sacred covenant, or some combination. But boy, is it unhealthy to stay in that kind of "marriage."

I did notice that throughout this episode, Kody and Meri both reflect on their relationship without ever acknowledging that they ever had a child together. Did Leo request not even to have their existence acknowledged?

Re "speaking Kody": this means that Robyn takes Kody's tone-deaf, cruel, or narcissistic statements and explains that the meaning of the words is not what the words mean.

But this crew sure sold us a bill of goods in the early years of this show! I bought that Meri and Kody were the most connected pair of the original 3 in the Utah period.

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18 minutes ago, IvySpice said:

But this crew sure sold us a bill of goods in the early years of this show! I bought that Meri and Kody were the most connected pair of the original 3 in the Utah period.

I bought that Christine was the happy, carefree one!

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6 hours ago, MsMalin said:

I think part of the reason Meri was upset is because of Christine's attitude when telling the story. She was giddy and laughing about it. I really don't like this side of Christine.

This sure has a been a lesson about being brainwashed in a cult to believe you must stay in a miserable.marriage throughout eternity.

Christine looked like a petty mean girl with her demeanor with the ring story.   I am tired of Christine saying "Oh was that mean?"  "I shouldn't have said that".  "Was that snarky".   She knows exactly what she is doing.  Own it like an adult.   

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14 hours ago, TexasTiffany said:

Well, Meri. Apparently, you've had years and years and years to tell that story about the ring. It's not like it's a new happening. Don't expect me to be against Christine because she mentioned it.

Maybe Meri didn't want to tell the story; maybe she really is planning to write a book and wanted to tell that story in the book. It was not Christine's story to tell.

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This interviewer is just terrible. Just because Janelle has six kids, that is not evidence that the sex was good. The sex very well may have been good but having six kids is not evidence of that. Especially, when her role in his life was to be a breeder.

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2 hours ago, MsMalin said:

Good God, take the ring off but why melt it? How much $ would that even fetch? 

Currently 14k gold sells for about $37/gram and a typical wedding band is 4-5 grams. So about $150???

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Does anyone besides me remember the story arc some years back where Meri supposedly wanted another baby, and she and Kody were exploring all kinds of fertility etc. treatments?  Even at the time, it seemed so off to me, because Meri just seemed too old to be starting over with another baby, and Kody seemed to mainly be going through the motions just to make her happy.  But, I get that she's always felt inferior to the other wives because she hadn't produced as many precious offspring to make Kody look super virile and manly.  To sire that many kids, you must be a  real stud, right?  Just look at Jim-Bob Duggar!

(BTW...did any of you know that Kody has an ahhMAYzing body complete with sculpted pecs and a chiseled six-pack?  I believe he may have mentioned that once or twice or, oh yeah, that's right,  a shitload of times, all while pretending to be mortified at being thought of as "a piece of meat."  Hmmm.....overcompensating for a few "short"comings, maybe??)

I admit that I don't remember the exact timeline on the baby-hungry storyline (I'm sure one of the many experts on here will!), but if Kody was already way over Meri, lovewise, wouldn't it have been handy for him to mention that before contemplating bringing yet one more kid into the mix?

Oh... wait....I was thinking for a moment that he would be involved with the kid once it was born.  Silly me!

As for him supposedly never really loving any of his wives, pre-Robyn, maybe he did and maybe he didn't, but to throw it out there defiantly on national TV is just plain unnecessary and cruel.  He is such a small, petty man.

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14 hours ago, albarino said:

We don't care about Kody, but be nice to Meri and we don't go after you for all of the Medicaid fraud you've committed, deal?



I could be wrong, but isn't this one of the reasons polygamy was outlawed - that the children of the legally unmarried women could be the State's responsibility?

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This is just anecdotal, but I have noticed in all of the divorces I have been around, women tend to say "It was good once, but he changed" and men say, "It was never good. We were never actually in love." It's just so common. So it's interesting to be that it's really no different in polygamy. Kody is trying to convince himself and everyone else that he was never actually in love with any of his first three wives, and its was never a love marriage.

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3 hours ago, Granny58 said:

and that's exactly why for religious types there is a sacred covenant.  What good is a covenant if you can break it just because you're no longer "in love?"  Do you love (or even like) the person?  are you friends?  Then stick it out.  


I have to be honest, though, I couldn't care less that Christine revealed Meri's secret.  After all, it was due to Meri that for all those years Christine's kids went without, so that her imaginary kids could have.  Christine owes Meri nothing.

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