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S18.E07: Throwing in the Towel


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4 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Robyn thinks the other wives need to stop making it about her.  Well Kody is making it all about HER, that's why they're making it about HER.  How she refuses to see that is unbelievable at this point!  Maybe because she would have to stop playing herself as the victim, oh but of course, she doesn't play victim, does she? 😏  But I also think she is careful not to put any blame on him too because she knows how that would only jeopardize her relationship with him.  She knows better than that.


I agree with your post overall. As far as what has been said on the show though, I don't even think Janelle and Christine have made it about Robyn herself.

They've been careful (more careful than I would have been able to be) never to blame Robyn personally. Instead, they've blamed Kody for treating Robyn like the obvious favorite (and for favoring her children). And as you said at the very opening of your post, he truly has.

I think Robyn said Janelle and Christine blame her — as though it were fact — because she knows much of the audience blames her (Robyn) and that's the "relationship" Robyn cares about maintaining — the relationship with her reality TV show paycheck, wherein she and Kody together probably get 40% of the take from the show. 

4 hours ago, Yeah No said:

How this bastard can expect a woman to stay in a nowhere relationship with him and not give her the right to leave even though he doesn't want a relationship with her is misogynistic abuse to the first degree.  It's all about how bad she makes HIM look if she leaves him.  Well, if the shoe fits, wear it!  Don't expect the wives to continue to push the fiction that you're this great husband when you're anything BUT! 

And it's upsetting to see the hold this douchebag has had over these women is so strong that they've taken this abuse for so long and are only now able to leave despite being told they're risking their place in heaven or whatever warped religious garbage they are fed them to keep them under the thumb of an abusive asshole that doesn't even care about them!


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36 minutes ago, Orcinus orca said:


Janelle and Christine meet at apparently the only restaurant in Flagstaff that will allow them inside.  Janelle says she and Kootie are separated and it’s a weight off her shoulders.  Kootie still hasn’t made contact weeks after their meeting nor has he gone to counseling (surprise, surprise).  Christine offers support.

Kootie comes on and blathers hateful nonsense, contradictions, and lies.


I cut out some of what I quoted above because I wanted to touch only on Kody’s comments 

He continued to deny any responsibility for the demise of the marriage. In addition, he continued to make up stuff.  It’s very obvious that Janelle had been agonizing over this, while he said that Janelle told him she was too busy enjoying her independence to reconcile with him.  Janelle stated that he hadn’t reached out to her or contacted a counselor. While he stated that he’d  been repeatedly asking her to reconcile. Meanwhile she’d contacted Nancy( the Vegas ‘counselor ‘ ) to discuss her thoughts and feelings. 


Edited by mythoughtis
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8 minutes ago, Orcinus orca said:

Kootie comes on and blathers hateful nonsense, contradictions, and lies.


I have this cousin with whom most of my extended family has gone low-to-no-contact. Generally speaking, we have never been a family where people don't speak to so-and-so, but he's just that toxic. I might be the only openly no-contact person (except for one of his own adult kids), but plenty of us have more antipathy for him than I do, including all of his siblings.

Decades before I went no-contact, I realized what a pathological liar he is, and unconsciously went no-absorption. That is, he'd say something, and my brain would be all, "No, girl. We don't have time for this. We're not even trying to take it in, because it's all bullshit anyhow."

Anyhow what does this have to do with Sister Wives? The exact same thing now happens to me when Kody Brown talks. Like — I cannot take it in, even when I try. I'm not trying to ignore him. My brain just will no longer let me process Kody's nonsense.

I joined the Live Chat thread about 10-15 minutes late last night and figured I'd catch up during the commercials, no problem. I must have rewound Kody's outdoor segment three times, before I realized I was having the same response to him that I have to Cousin Bullshit, and all I was doing was wasting my time and falling further and further behind the rest of the group in the Live Chat.

You've nailed it. All he does is blather hateful nonsense, contradictions, and lies.

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1 hour ago, Orcinus orca said:

For those who haven’t seen it and don’t want to waste an hour of your life, a recap of the most boring episode of the series.

Mari meets with Sobbyn at her house.  Sobbyn can’t take any more heavy stuff.  Meri coyly skirts around the fact that she’s going to skedaddle to the B&B but will still be part time in Flagstaff hoping Kootie will see the light and take her back.  Sobbyn sits staring blankly.  This goes on forever.

Janelle and Christine meet at apparently the only restaurant in Flagstaff that will allow them inside.  Janelle says she and Kootie are separated and it’s a weight off her shoulders.  Kootie still hasn’t made contact weeks after their meeting nor has he gone to counseling (surprise, surprise).  Christine offers support.

There is a brief scene of the only children worthy of notice racing around on their dirt bikes and a short, pointless interview with the tenders.

Sobbyn denies being involved in any of the problems.  She is not to blame!

Kootie comes on and blathers hateful nonsense, contradictions, and lies.

That’s it, folks.

Really appreciate your summary of the episode.

Didn't watch as am reluctant to head off for a good nights sleep with my head buzzing with Robyn's facial contortions and Meri's mealy mouthed announcement.

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8 minutes ago, ezzy4 said:

Meri: i'm gonna move away from Flagstaff.  It doesn't make sense for me to live here anymore.

Sobyn: i completely understand, but you will still live in Flagstaff, right?

Meri: Yep


Kody: i don't want to be married to Meri anymore.  I wish she'd just leave.

Meri: Since Kody is adamant he doesn't doesn't want to be married to me, i guess i'll just leave.

Sobyn:  i completely understand, but you two will remain married living in Flagstaff, right?

Kody & Meri (in unison): Yep


Wth r we watching?






It was ridiculous. It was like the words had no relationship to reality whatsoever. And Robyn just kept nodding along…

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2 hours ago, 65mickey said:

I could barely watch that "warm" family scene with  Kody and Aurora at Coyote Pass riding her Christmas present mini bike knowing how sad Savannah must feel  that she got nothing from Kody at Christmas not even a phone call. 


First, he gifted 3 minibikes to 5 of his children, right?  But 2 aren't even allowed to use them? So we watched 1 using a minibike then the scene changed to that one riding a much nicer, much more expensive 3 wheeler (or was it a 4 wheeler?).

Absolutely nothing about this show makes any sense at all.

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2 hours ago, 65mickey said:

 I could barely watch that "warm" family scene with  Kody and Aurora at Coyote Pass riding her Christmas present mini bike knowing how sad Savannah must feel  that she got nothing from Kody at Christmas not even a phone call. And then have Robyn sit there all smug and act like she has no inkling why 2 of the wives no longer want to be part of the family. Robyn won't even allow her children to have contact with some of their siblings because it is not "safe." Well how safe is it for a child to see how little that her father cares about her while he lavishes love and affection on few of his other children?

We never saw faces, I am suspect it was just stunt riders filming filler. 


But Sol and Ari are cute in their talking heads, they are bright little kids who should have more screen time, real scenes not just talking heads. Make Robchin Brow and Kodouche earn that money!!! Let's see them parent the golden children!! Let's see the monogamous relationship already!! When was the last time we actually saw Robin and Kody even interact on the camera? It's turned into solo talking heads all of a sudden as far as those two and their storyline go they're getting off easy. 

Edited by UnikornRainbowz
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6 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Robyn thinks the other wives need to stop making it about her.  Well Kody is making it all about HER, that's why they're making it about HER.  How she refuses to see that is unbelievable at this point!  Maybe because she would have to stop playing herself as the victim, oh but of course, she doesn't play victim, does she? 😏  But I also think she is careful not to put any blame on him too because she knows how that would only jeopardize her relationship with him.  She knows better than that.

Robyn is upset because the others are leaving her alone with this angry asshole who is not the man she thought she married.  I think the only reason she's upset that Meri might not be around so much is that she knows she's stuck with him now and has no buffer or family support from anyone to keep her from feeling trapped with him.  I wish I could say I feel sorry for her, but I don't because she is part of the reason why this situation exists.  And she's full of shit that she doesn't play victim.  It's all she DOES.  It's the way she gets around taking any responsibility at all for this situation.  She says she tries to tell him to work it out with the others, but does she really sacrifice anything or stick her neck out toward that end?  NO.  So she's full of it!

I also think she realizes that it was HIM that sold her the bill of goods about the "happy family" to get her to want to marry him, but she hasn't admitted that publicly.  When she says she feels "tricked", who is tricking her?  She is quick to blame the other wives for that, but it's really HIM that tricked her.  Either she is in denial about that or unwilling to admit it and shifting the blame to the other wives.  Just like Kody does.

It's also obvious to me that he sold her that bill of goods as part of the same BS he was selling the world through the show about this big happy polygamous family, but it was a sham from the very beginning.  As long as the wives accepted whatever crap he gave them, he could continue to push that sham, but now that he's gotten more selfish they're not taking it anymore.  And now he's angry because they've made it impossible for him to continue to push the fiction of this big happy family.  Of course in his mind that fiction made him look great, and them leaving him makes him look bad, but he didn't deserve to look great, so TOO BAD.

How this bastard can expect a woman to stay in a nowhere relationship with him and not give her the right to leave even though he doesn't want a relationship with her is misogynistic abuse to the first degree.  It's all about how bad she makes HIM look if she leaves him.  Well, if the shoe fits, wear it!  Don't expect the wives to continue to push the fiction that you're this great husband when you're anything BUT! 

And it's upsetting to see the hold this douchebag has had over these women is so strong that they've taken this abuse for so long and are only now able to leave despite being told they're risking their place in heaven or whatever warped religious garbage they are fed them to keep them under the thumb of an abusive asshole that doesn't even care about them!

I mostly agree with you, but here's the thing i think that's missing....

Sobyn truly identifies as a victim.  It seems to be in the core of her personality.   She isn't "playing" a victim.  She truly feels she is one.  (Like people can "play" ignorant to avoid responsibility vs people who truly are ignorant.) 

And victimhood creates anger.  These things just go together.  If you are a victim, then someone is victimizing you, therefore, anger.

Sobyn has been ramping Kody up since the day she met him, that he's being victimized too.  And Kody's rage has build as he's embraces the role of "victim".

Of course, we ALL can see that neither Kody or Sobyn are actually being victimized by anyone.  But they can't see it that way.  Since they ARE victims then someone MUST be victimizing them.  Initially they could place all that blame (and anger) on Christine...but now that Jenelle is checking out they can blame her too.  And certainly ALL the "other" children are victimizing them too.

The original three wives are in agreement that Kody's personality has changed.  They agree his anger has been ramping up.

My whole point is...this is what happens when you bring a person who at the base of their personality identifies as "a victim" into a group.  Sobyn isn't INTENTIONALLY manipulating.  She is just trying to explain her dysfunctional reality.  And she is paired with a weak willed man who is willing to grasp at anything to make himself feel better even at the expense of those around him.  Apparently victimhood/anger make Kody feel better.

It's really a shame.  Sobyn broke the family.

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1 hour ago, Cancun said:

Robyn:  Please, please don’t leave me, Meri! We’re in this together, right?

Meri: Robyn doesn’t really text or call me ever.

Why doesn't Meri come out with it and say this exact thing to Robyn? What the hell is she so afraid of? 

I'm sick of all of them. Meri for not getting out totally because she doesn't want to make Robyn mad. 

Janelle for being so wishy washy  with her I want to stay separate, I don't want to get back together with Kody. Then a minute later: I wish he would change and be comitted to me then I would stay. Girl, stop. 

Robyn for acting clueless and pretending she's horrified at the idea of Kody being with her all the time with no other wives around. Bish, you've been working on this coming to fruition for 10 yrs. 

Meri (I already said above).

Christine- so done with Kody but gets pulled back in to the BS and going along with it for the paycheck. 

Kody for being so damn in love with himself. 

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Not much to add here.  I think all of you have nailed it perfectly.   B-O-R-I-N-G !

Thought the mini-bike and 4 wheeler scene was just filler.  I didn't know there was a 4 wheeler involved in the Christmas stuff for the "special ones"...

I think Sobbyn and CRITICAL THINKING is like water and an air balloon.  Nope.

Meri saying she's still gonna rent a smaller house in Flagstaff is just some more bullshit to try and keep the whole Sister Wives theme going.  It's all about the paycheck.  Otherwise, nobody would watch this shitshow if it was just about Mr. & Mrs. Douchecanoe.

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3 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

Otherwise, nobody would watch this shitshow if it was just about Mr. & Mrs. Douchecanoe.

Robyn knows this which is why she's so terrified of all the wives leaving which is gonna put a big fat hole in her and Kody's income. 

Is Meri giving a portion of her clothing business and her B n B business income to these idiots? If yes, no wonder Robyn is so worried about Meri leaving for good. 

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I'm not really surprised that Janelle is still not committed to leaving Kody. Unlike Christine, Janelle is still relatively new to the whole idea of being separated. But I was glad to hear her say that she feels like a weight was lifted off her shoulders. A Kody-sized weight. We know she WILL be ready to take the step within a few months. And I think the loss of Janelle will be harder on Kody than losing Christine, in spite of the knife to the kidney, because he never expected that his buddy would leave. 

Oh yeah, Meri. My guess is that she will NOT rent a smaller place in Flagstaff even though she said she would. That was to placate Robyn who frankly doesn't need anyone to kowtow to her to keep her happy.

The whole show was pretty boring but I did like flipping back and forth between the two sets of talking heads and not as much Kody being dramatic.

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4 hours ago, Shelbie said:

Robyn endlessly saying she doesn’t understand why the family imploded is getting really boring. She completely understands and is completely pissed off that being the favourite wife means nothing to the originals.

She was desperate to be the queen and have most of the resources of the family. Money must be getting tight without the dollars from Meri, Christine and Janelle. I wonder if she worries that one of them will write a tell-all and expose the truth and keep all the money from it.

I will be on  wait list for that book! I have wished for Janelle to have already  started it. 

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Based on her actions, it was crystal clear that Robyn lacked genuine interest in Kody’s relationship with Meri.  So, seeing her wring her hand about the state of said relationship is laughable.  She knows Kody and Meri have been struggling for over a decade.  She knows Meri is unhappy in a non-functioning marriage, so why doesn’t she want her to move on?  I can’t help but wonder why Robyn didn’t beg Janelle to hold on.  I noticed she didn’t include her in the “rebuilding” conversation.

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1 minute ago, Adeejay said:

I can’t help but wonder why Robyn didn’t beg Janelle to hold on.  I noticed she didn’t include her in the “rebuilding” conversation.

I think Robyn understands that she can manipulate better one-on-one. Outnumbered by other sane people she's at a disadvantage. Meri isn't happy with Robyn now - she was present but not involved. 

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Copied from @ms lulu in the live chat:

Kody saying that he keeps reaching out to Janelle to reconcile and she says no. Dude, If you were trying to reconcile then you would have proactively set up counseling. You would reconcile with your kids.

Janelle should say “Love my kids and I’ll love you” just like he told Christine to love the family! (No, really she should drop him like a hot pocket.)

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1 hour ago, altopower said:

I think Robyn understands that she can manipulate better one-on-one. Outnumbered by other sane people she's at a disadvantage. Meri isn't happy with Robyn now - she was present but not involved. 

I believe Robyn has passive-aggressively set Kody up to fail in his other relationships. For example, after Christine left, Kody flipped out on Janelle and threw a tantrum.  He recognized his lousy behavior and apologized.  Robyn immediately swooped in and assured him that he was justified in doing exactly what he did. Thus, ensuring that his derangement continued.

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1 hour ago, eskimo said:

Speaking of Meri, did anyone catch where she said that there needs to be some hard conversations in this family but no one is willing to have them?  OK there Meri, president of the Wall Builders Local 493, whatever you say. 

I assume she's talking about separating the family income streams/ monies in general, right?  Like when she told Sobyn she was "moving her business" she meant "out of Sobyn's reach"... but hasn't actual said that out loud and it appears Sobyn just doesn't even slightly see what is obviously coming.

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12 minutes ago, ezzy4 said:

I assume she's talking about separating the family income streams/ monies in general, right?  Like when she told Sobyn she was "moving her business" she meant "out of Sobyn's reach"... but hasn't actual said that out loud and it appears Sobyn just doesn't even slightly see what is obviously coming.

Probably if they haven't already, income from the show will no longer enrich Kody Brown Entertainment LLC.

Meri, Janelle and Christine have hopefully made arrangements to be paid for appearances directly rather than lumped into the communal pool.

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4 hours ago, ezzy4 said:

I mostly agree with you, but here's the thing i think that's missing....

Sobyn truly identifies as a victim.  It seems to be in the core of her personality.   She isn't "playing" a victim.  She truly feels she is one.  (Like people can "play" ignorant to avoid responsibility vs people who truly are ignorant.) 

And victimhood creates anger.  These things just go together.  If you are a victim, then someone is victimizing you, therefore, anger.

Sobyn has been ramping Kody up since the day she met him, that he's being victimized too.  And Kody's rage has build as he's embraces the role of "victim".

Of course, we ALL can see that neither Kody or Sobyn are actually being victimized by anyone.  But they can't see it that way.  Since they ARE victims then someone MUST be victimizing them.  Initially they could place all that blame (and anger) on Christine...but now that Jenelle is checking out they can blame her too.  And certainly ALL the "other" children are victimizing them too.

The original three wives are in agreement that Kody's personality has changed.  They agree his anger has been ramping up.

My whole point is...this is what happens when you bring a person who at the base of their personality identifies as "a victim" into a group.  Sobyn isn't INTENTIONALLY manipulating.  She is just trying to explain her dysfunctional reality.  And she is paired with a weak willed man who is willing to grasp at anything to make himself feel better even at the expense of those around him.  Apparently victimhood/anger make Kody feel better.

It's really a shame.  Sobyn broke the family.

I think this is a really poignant theory. I think this is also why Robyn did a few odd things in the beginning of the show. She mentions in the book talking to the producer (Tim?) that she already knew everyone would hate her and she needed a "soft edit". Also, after they all joined Twitter and would tweet while live watching the show, Robyn was actually active on Twitter. There was a time when she announced she would answer questions...and she truly truly thought that she could explain to everyone her point of view and settle the debate that she was actually a loving and sweet person.  It was an absolute disaster. And one more being when she opened a like page on Facebook with the lovely Kendra as admin. Anyone still around from CJ's blog days may remember the catastrophe that was the Facebook/Twitter days that was also ended up tied in with the catfish eventually.


As for my point of view...again I am at an unusual loss for words. My one take away is wondering if the local governing bodies in Flagstaff would approve of a drainage catch pond being used in the off season as a quad runner race track. I live in the country and had a "neighbor" over the mountain a good mile away run dirt bikes and quads through trails on his property. It makes a hell of a noise...even far away with lots of trees... and it makes a mess of the property. I really don't think they should be destroying the banking/grading of the pond.

And if that was Brianna on the mini bike...it looked like her first time.

OH! A thought...Lots of people have noticed on Christine's social media that she seems to be posting snarky jabs at Kody... After her giggly teen girl style lunch with Janelle it is pretty obvious she is really ready to pick and jab at him in general. It just reinforces that Christine is not love and light but can be mean girl right back.

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10 hours ago, Kellyee said:

It may be the only place that allows them to film. You see this in other reality shows as well. Being the official home of Sister Wives may not be a point of pride for Flagstaff and it's residents. 

Meri is leaving because Kody kicked her out. Robyn needs to acknowledge that if she's going to be honest about the situation. But Robyn will never be honest, so whatever.








I personally think Robyn is happy Meri is leaving.  

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6 hours ago, UnikornRainbowz said:

We never saw faces, I am suspect it was just stunt riders filming filler. 


But Sol and Ari are cute in their talking heads, they are bright little kids who should have more screen time, real scenes not just talking heads. Make Robchin Brow and Kodouche earn that money!!! Let's see them parent the golden children!! Let's see the monogamous relationship already!! When was the last time we actually saw Robin and Kody even interact on the camera? It's turned into solo talking heads all of a sudden as far as those two and their storyline go they're getting off easy. 

I’m sorry, I don’t want to see more Sol and Ari.  Being in the family things is good for me.  I’d rather catch up to the older kids.  I wonder if they ever received a penny for past seasons.

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