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S18.E03: Throwing Stones in Glass Houses

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35 minutes ago, SDVegas said:

Meri should have invited the whole family to Christmas Eve, and let everyone decide for themselves whether they would go or not. 

By not doing so, she did indeed pick sides. 

Yes, but I am not surprised by this, some of the kids may be fond of Meri and include her, but she did nothing to facilitate a relationship between her and Janelle/Christine. Meri brought Robyn into the family to have a "buddy" so her choosing Kody and Robyn (although they have treated her terribly) doesn't surprise me. 

One cannot undo the past, so in this situation I think if Meri couldn't/wouldn't be with Leon, having Christmas Eve at her house and inviting everyone in Flagstaff and Christmas Day either going to a friend's or Kody/Robyn's would've been the way forward.

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45 minutes ago, SDVegas said:

Meri should have invited the whole family to Christmas Eve, and let everyone decide for themselves whether they would go or not. 

By not doing so, she did indeed pick sides. 

Maybe the family saw the spread she laid out for her $4000. retreat guests and thought...even if invited, I would decline and stay home and order a pizza 

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12 hours ago, Elodia said:

Mykelti said Kody and Robyn don't believe in vaccinations, neither do she and Tony. 

But we all know Kody used Covid as a welcome excuse to stay with Robyn and not having to visit the rest of the family. 


5 hours ago, Granny58 said:

ANY vaccinations or just the covid one?

Paedon stated in an interview that the first vaccination he ever received was when he joined the military. When they first started filming they had to stop for a chunk of time because the entire household had the measles.


57 minutes ago, SDVegas said:

Meri should have invited the whole family to Christmas Eve, and let everyone decide for themselves whether they would go or not. 

By not doing so, she did indeed pick sides. 

Meri picked sides the day of the "Knife in the Kidney" performance. She sat there with her jaw clenched and her face frozen in RBF.  When Robyn walked off she shot out of her chair and didn't look or speak to either Janelle or Christine but ran to console Robyn.

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Love when Kody comments on Janelle's tiny tree and she says she is taking it to the Christmas rental. It was a great way for her to raise the fact she won't be there for Christmas.

Bringing a quote from Ms.Lulu from the Live chat thread...

I get a feeling that Kody's pettiness with his remarks about the tree stem from his "I deserve..." ego. He is Kody Brown. He has(d) Four Wives. He is a TeeVee Star. He only deserves The Best. His delicate ego is propped up by things that make him special and above others. So Janelle choosing a very small (and from outside sources...dumpy) apartment instead of a proper house worthy of His Greatness isn't her frugality for the sake of the family, but a full on thumbing her nose to his ego.  How dare she choose (for herself) a tiny apartment with no room for his bedside reading lamp and no room for his freezer. He won't feel like a King in that place and the humble (and practical) Christmas Tree was just a knife in his other kidney.

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25 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

I would have liked to see Janelle point out that Kody got Covid from his nanny, not his own sons. The nanny he let in instead of his own kids.

Janelle's revelations about her finances were scary. I guess she's not as smart as we thought.

I am pretty sure it was Brianna who brought home the Covids. Robyn did the self film after Ari's big birthday get together and said the nanny and her husband tested positive.  That puts the timeline in January-ish. Kody had Covid near Gabe and Gwendolyn's birthday, so October.

Kody said how Brianna had symptoms and everyone else was feeling poorly, but Aurora never got sick. He made it seem like Brianna picked it up and brought it home, but he never raged about her being in school and not following any "protuculls" etc. If he would have been able to trace Janelle's boys to Robyn's household getting sick that would have been it's own storyline for a minimum of one or two episodes.

ETA: re: I guess she's not as smart as we thought. I think it shows just how trusting Janelle was to the family unit as a whole. She has worked for this entire time for the good of the family and trusted her role within that unit. As it crumbles away she may be realizing her role was to provide and contribute and she has stayed true while others are making their piles and yelling MINE!

25 minutes ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

100%. She also chimed in to Mari, "This could get ugly." 

Robyn's idea of "ugly" is anything other that all attendees having big fake "Stepford Wives" style smiles glued on their faces being one big happy Christmas fake family.

Edited by Roslyn
another thought
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Meri's been through a lot in the past 10 years.  Most of this was brought on by her own actions, of course, but it was brutal and very public.   TBH, I don't know how she pulled through.

I do wonder when the talking heads were filmed, in 2021 or much more recently.  I believe Meri has matured somewhat over the past couple of years, and she began to realize how deeply these nasty shenanigans of Kootie and Robyn destroyed this family.  The family she helped build.  One can see how much Christmas means to her.

I'm not a fan of Meri's, but she was put in a tough spot re Christmas.  She, like Christine and Janelle, needs to walk away from these two narcissists.  There's only pain and heartache staying.

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When Kody was having his buddy therapy session, I couldn't help but notice that his brother has the same male pattern balding that Kody has.  However, he chose to shave his head and looks like a handsome guy.  I was going to say, too bad Kody doesn't get a clue, but on the other hand, let him keep his ramen noodle balding coif.  It gives us all something to smile about.

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16 minutes ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

Meri's been through a lot in the past 10 years.  Most of this was brought on by her own actions,

One thing though with Meri is that she was only able to have one child. Then she had to sit there and watch her sister wives have six children each. For a woman who wants children, the pain of infertility can be excruciating. To then also be in the Mormon culture which has such an intense focus on family and children, and also live in the same home with women who have child after child after child for years.... I can't imagine what that was like for her emotionally.

Imagine if Christine had been able to only have one child (knowing she wanted more) while Meri and Janelle each had six. What would Christine be like now?  Would she be happy and fulfilled with her life or might she have some emotional struggles from that? What would Meri be like now, if she had been the mother to six children?  Would she have been so busy being a mother and getting emotional fulfillment from that, that she would never attempt an affair?

What about Janelle? What would her path be like if she had one child. Would she be a career woman, bringing in a big salary while Meri and Christine stayed home?

These scenarios are hypothetical of course but I think its interesting to imagine how the dynamics could be quite different if the roles in this family were reversed. 

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32 minutes ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

I do wonder when the talking heads were filmed, in 2021 or much more recently.  I believe Meri has matured somewhat over the past couple of years, and she began to realize how deeply these nasty shenanigans of Kootie and Robyn destroyed this family.  The family she helped build.  One can see how much Christmas means to her.

I'm not a fan of Meri's, but she was put in a tough spot re Christmas.  She, like Christine and Janelle, needs to walk away from these two narcissists.  There's only pain and heartache staying.

Taking my response to the Meri thread.

27 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

Janelle's revelations about her finances were scary. I guess she's not as smart as we thought.

I like Janelle. She appears to be a good person.  However, I don’t agree with her decisions of sacrificing and putting the family’s wants and needs above hers and her kids.  It pained me when one of Robyn’s daughters (I simply don't care enough about them to tell them apart) visited the trailer and embarrassed Savanah by pointing at the dog’s bed and asking her if that is where she sleeps.  Not to mention, using the inheritance from her father and funds from her 401K to buy the house in Lehi, and adding Kody and Meri to the deed.  After the move to Flagstaff, I can still see the startled look on her face when Robyn announced that her assets were to go to her kids. At least Christine had the good sense to make sure she walked away with the proceeds from the sales of her homes in Las Vegas and Flagstaff.  Janelle was always known as the "smart one", but I am starting to wonder. 

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12 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

However, I don’t agree with her decisions of sacrificing and putting the family’s wants and needs above hers and her kids.

I think, of all of them, Janelle was the most devout and a true believer of the AUB teachings.  I also think that if Kootie weren't making such an ass of himself and tried to create Lost Boys out of her kids, she might stay.  As with all cults, from the outside the rules seem insane.  But then, as an agnostic, all religious beliefs seems insane to me.

I have my doubts that Kootie was a true believer.  He embraced polygamy to make himself a Big Sexy Man and that religion put him into the role of King of All He Surveyed.  Narcissist love being told that all knowing and all powerful.  The idea of a harem of subservient, adoring women was a major turn on for him.

Janelle embraced her role only to be kicked to the curb when she started to question things.  She was brainwashed and truly believed that donating her money to the family was the right thing to do.  For that I feel very sorry for her.  She's screwed at this point.

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I’ve never been impressed with janelles financial acumen, she’s made some really stupid decisions over the years.

A 50 year old woman with little to her name buying the biggest RV she could lay her hands on was just dumb, she had this romantic idea of living on the land, dining at her picnic table under the stars, Savannah hated it, it’s not suitable to live in during the late fall, winter, she didn’t have a vehicle that was large enough to haul it around, there’s no way in hell that Janelle could hitch up and travel the country in that behemoth!

Meanwhile she had plans drawn up for a home on Coyote Pass which couldn’t be built because they didn’t own the property and there were no services… but once again Janelle looked at the plans and dreamed.


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4 hours ago, surfgirl said:

To me, the Covid story line is entirely relevant for multiple reasons:

1. It says heaps about they kind of person KoDouche and Sobbyn are. Not that I needed a vaccination to tell me that because let's face it, we've already 'seen' them for the selfish assholes they really are. But this just reinforces it.

2. Covid is the catalyst that enabled Sobbyn to isolate KoDouche with her, and not share him with any of the other wives. This was her golden ticket! I wouldn't be surprised if it was her who planted the 'vaccinations are scary' idea in his little noodle-filled brain, knowing full well that by not being vaxxed, they would be more at risk and thus would have to hunker down alone, minus the other wives and children.

I don't disagree, but I cannot wrap my head around how they trusted a nanny to come and go, but none of their family members (except the 5 tenders).

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10 hours ago, mythoughtis said:


He and Robyn then went to Meri’s and stood outside by the fire pit to talk.  Again with the no filming inside. Even though HE had been filmed inside with his brother and friends  and with Janelle.   The outside discussions all seem to involve Robyn.  So it’s not about the crew and it’s not about Kody being unvaccinated.  

And the Covid stuff isn't about him at all. It is about Robyn.

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2 hours ago, Roslyn said:

ETA: re: I guess she's not as smart as we thought. I think it shows just how trusting Janelle was to the family unit as a whole. She has worked for this entire time for the good of the family and trusted her role within that unit. As it crumbles away she may be realizing her role was to provide and contribute and she has stayed true while others are making their piles and yelling MINE!

It made me think of when Kody and Robyn announced their "legal marriage" to Janelle and Christine. Janelle was visibly shocked, and only managed to make a comment about taxes. Then later she tells Kody she knows it's not "logical" but she has concerns about the "change in the family structure." I think she knew enough not to trust Robyn with the purse strings, but may have forcibly blinded herself to the reality after the move to Flagstaff.

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2 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:

One thing though with Meri is that she was only able to have one child. Then she had to sit there and watch her sister wives have six children each. For a woman who wants children, the pain of infertility can be excruciating. To then also be in the Mormon culture which has such an intense focus on family and children, and also live in the same home with women who have child after child after child for years.... I can't imagine what that was like for her emotionally.

Imagine if Christine had been able to only have one child (knowing she wanted more) while Meri and Janelle each had six. What would Christine be like now?  Would she be happy and fulfilled with her life or might she have some emotional struggles from that? What would Meri be like now, if she had been the mother to six children?  Would she have been so busy being a mother and getting emotional fulfillment from that, that she would never attempt an affair?

What about Janelle? What would her path be like if she had one child. Would she be a career woman, bringing in a big salary while Meri and Christine stayed home?

These scenarios are hypothetical of course but I think its interesting to imagine how the dynamics could be quite different if the roles in this family were reversed. 

I think Christine would have wanted to be the stay at home mom for the others even if she only had one kid herself. She genuinely enjoys young people and would want to be bonus mom even more. Janelle would likely have followed the same path she did with or without a large brood. I don't think either would have become as brittle as Meri.

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Another thought:  Ari still sucking on a mouth plug, at her age?  This was shown in next week's preview.  What lazy parenting, there, Sobbyn!  Or was it "the nanny" who was supposed to wean her off that binky, along with homeschooling "the tenders," cleaning the McMansion, potty training "the tenders?"  OK, I have no proof of "what does (did) the nanny DO?"  But, it wouldn't surprise me if the nanny did everything but wet nurse "the tenders."  

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I love the relationship that Janelle's kids have with Christine.  This ep with making her famous buns with Garrison over Facetime and last season with Gabe saying that he wasn't upset that C & K were getting divorced; rather, he was upset that Christine was moving.  It made me happy to see how happy Christine was just thinking about getting together with Janelle's side of the family at Christmas.  Christine was the main mother to all of the kids for so many years so no one should be surprised that they are close.

All of which made me sad for Meri, as Christmas Eve has always been her thing and she certainly has the space for large family gatherings.  While she brought most of her isolation on herself, I still felt sad for her. 


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Robyn threw in a justification for needing the nanny.  She claimed Kody was gone so much she just had to have child care help.  So was he gone during COVID?  And however did Christine cope with homeschooling way more kids as well as working a night job?  She never had a nanny, so why does Sobbyn need one?

It wasn't just that Kody was physically absent; it's that he "has so much on his plate." I think she would say that even when he is at her house (so you know, pretty much always) he is rilly, rilly busy with man-stuffs and she can't ask him to co-parent his children. 

I don't think Robyn "needs" a nanny at all but, whatever. I wouldn't care that she has one if 1) the family had a ton of money and could really afford it and 2) if they hadn't had such strict protocols in place that it made no sense whatsoever to have someone coming and going from their home during that time. Plus Kody is constantly insisting that he is an active and involved father and then Robyn pops up and says she has to hire someone to help with the kids because Kody is too busy. I mean - lie if you have to but at least be consistent across your lies...

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The only reason that Meri did not opt to invite the entire family is that she was still holding onto hope that by catering to Robyn she would earn her way back into Kody's good graces. It's sad that she missed the opportunity to spend Christmas Eve with Janell, Christine and their children. But she did this to herself just like Janelle put her financial future at risk by giving her money to Robyn and Kody and participating in the dumb move to invest money into Coyote Pass.

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1 minute ago, Lady of nod said:

She doesn’t. She has three grown ass kids at home. What the hell did I do all day?

I get that but on the other hand, I get pissed whenever people have huge families and put the responsibility for the littles on the older kids. So it would piss me off if Robyn's older kids had lots of childcare duties for the tenders too.

Bottom line is there is no reason Robyn can't care for her own two small kids. The older ones are far enough along that they don't need the level of caretaking that the small ones require. 

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1 hour ago, xwordfanatik said:

Another thought:  Ari still sucking on a mouth plug, at her age?  This was shown in next week's preview.  What lazy parenting, there, Sobbyn!  Or was it "the nanny" who was supposed to wean her off that binky, along with homeschooling "the tenders," cleaning the McMansion, potty training "the tenders?"  OK, I have no proof of "what does (did) the nanny DO?"  But, it wouldn't surprise me if the nanny did everything but wet nurse "the tenders."  

When was that footage from?

It was in a scene with the Krispie treat turkey, was that 2021 or 2022?

I'm wondering if she still has the binkie, I think she had it at her birthday party as well, was that before or after the krispie treat turkey?

I'm full of questions today!  😁


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17 hours ago, eskimo said:

When Kody, while acting like a complete maniac, started pointing at the camera and yelling 'TELL THE WORLD.....'

It was quite a display, wasn't it? If we had any doubts about his character, he dispelled them all in one go. He really thought that scene was going to help him score points over Janelle with the audience! Flouncing out of the place like a 12-year-old girl. Well, if the goal is to force Janelle to bail with no regrets, he got the job done.

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Just now, suev3333 said:

All I gotta say is thank the Lord for the ff button.  What a bore.   Did that fight need to last the whole episode?

Especially since they both kept bringing up the same things, over and over.  Kootie came off looking like the raving lunatic that he is but Janelle didn't exactly score any points.  As has been posted above, she would have been better off letting him have his tantrum without responding.  it was ranting that accomplished nothing other than Kootie breaking the fourth wall in his bizarre rage and valdating that he has totally lost his marbles.

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1 hour ago, 65mickey said:

The only reason that Meri did not opt to invite the entire family is that she was still holding onto hope that by catering to Robyn she would earn her way back into Kody's good graces. It's sad that she missed the opportunity to spend Christmas Eve with Janell, Christine and their children. But she did this to herself

Bless Meri's heart. She did exactly what Kody/Robyn told her to do during Covid. And at this point, Christmas 2021, she was still doing what they wanted, trying to stay in the family of origin or whatever you want to call it. She did what Kody continues accuse Janelle of not doing: following his rules, being his "partner," showing the family a united front. And yet, she ends up being alienated from the majority of the family, which is so incredibly sad and must have been a cautionary tale to Janelle. Why do all the right things to only miss your kids and not have a partner anyway???

Also, does Leon come around at all or this Christmas in particular? I know there is a divide between some of the more liberal vs. more conservative kids. So she might not be comfortable being around some (Paedon comes to mind) but during this Christmas debacle, where would she have gone??

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I noticed the baby swing and my first thought was that they were cramming Ari in the swing along with her paci when she visits Meri.

In the preview for next week, the sight of that child who was 2 weeks shy of her 6th birthday at the time running to the Christmas tree with a pacifier in her mouth was bizarre to say the least. The paci should have been taken away years ago. The parents should be ashamed of themselves for being too lazy deal with this. If she shows up at school with this she will be teased unmercifully by the other children. 

Edited by 65mickey
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I don’t see Robyn as obeying Kodys rules or being loyal to Kody out of deep respect or love…. I think she puts up with him and makes him feel special and respected, she’s also trained her kids to do the same because she knows where her bread is buttered.

I think Robyn is just doing whatever it takes to keep her “best customer” happy so she can have the things that are important to her, she’s mentioned more than once how important it is to her to live in a big fancy house so people don’t look down their noses at her like when she was with her ex living in a busted down old trailer, driving rusty old cars, no proper furniture for her kids, charged up bills and in debt up to her eyeballs…. She doesn’t want to work like the other three, she prefers to sleep until noon, have a nanny look after her kids and waltz around like a queen admiring her knick knacks and going to Victoria’s Secret to buy more underwear…. They have the show and Kody adds to that income by selling guns…. Robyn is a lady of leisure in her mansion and doesn’t need to lift a finger.

Kody is a dunce who thinks Robyn and her kids worship the ground he walks on because they love him soooooo much unlike his ex’s and their spawn.

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I just got to watch, so I’m late. There isn’t even much to add. I really think Kody has reached the level of assholery that has left him truly believing his own shit. He also doesn’t understand the term “gaslit,” but if we’re being honest, it’s been thrown around so much in 2023 that everyone uses it when they’re disagreed with. 

The guy is a shit husband and a worse father. That’s what he will be forever remembered as by the people who watch this show and the people who are the result of his sperm. 

Robyn is a puppet master. The minute Meri mentions inviting everyone, Robyn had to shut that shit down. She doesn’t want Kody to make up with his other kids, because that may take a fraction of his attention away from the fruits of her loins. No one outside of her own home matters to Robyn, and she doesn’t want anyone outside of that home to matter to anyone else. She never once said “I hate that Ysabel doesn’t have a relationship with her father.” She bitched about how Christine leaving affected HER kids. Don’t give me the whole “I wanted to watch OUR kids and grandkids.” Robyn gives zero shits about anyone she didn’t push out. And she only cares about them when the Nanny is off work. 

I wish nothing but a lifetime of misery for Kody and Robyn, as they’re both just miserable, selfish humans. If her kids are as much like her as I suspect, I don’t wish much better for them. I guess Aurora and Daytun or whatever his name is are adults, so I have no reservation in saying it about them. Brianna, King Solomon, and that little brat with the paci (who is apparently gonna munch on that thing til she’s 16) are on a fast track to miserable adult lives. 

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22 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

I don’t see Robyn as obeying Kodys rules or being loyal to Kody out of deep respect or love…. I think she puts up with him and makes him feel special and respected, she’s also trained her kids to do the same because she knows where her bread is buttered.

I think Robyn is just doing whatever it takes to keep her “best customer” happy so she can have the things that are important to her, she’s mentioned more than once how important it is to her to live in a big fancy house so people don’t look down their noses at her like when she was with her ex living in a busted down old trailer, driving rusty old cars, no proper furniture for her kids, charged up bills and in debt up to her eyeballs…. She doesn’t want to work like the other three, she prefers to sleep until noon, have a nanny look after her kids and waltz around like a queen admiring her knick knacks and going to Victoria’s Secret to buy more underwear…. They have the show and Kody adds to that income by selling guns…. Robyn is a lady of leisure in her mansion and doesn’t need to lift a finger.

Kody is a dunce who thinks Robyn and her kids worship the ground he walks on because they love him soooooo much unlike his ex’s and their spawn.

I love all of this!  Spot on!  😻

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23 hours ago, whydoievencare said:

Janelle is right - Kody is doing the classic thing where he doesn't want to be the one calling for a break up but has been behaving totally horribly in the hope of forcing his partner to call for one.

Yes but then he’s furious that Christine actually left. A person can’t win, can they?  But good for Christine for not letting Kody’s anger and pettiness get to her. Living well really is the best revenge. 

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2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I get that but on the other hand, I get pissed whenever people have huge families and put the responsibility for the littles on the older kids. So it would piss me off if Robyn's older kids had lots of childcare duties for the tenders too.

Bottom line is there is no reason Robyn can't care for her own two small kids. The older ones are far enough along that they don't need the level of caretaking that the small ones require. 

Also at this time (Nov/Dec 2021) Solomon was 10 years old. 

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3 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I get that but on the other hand, I get pissed whenever people have huge families and put the responsibility for the littles on the older kids. So it would piss me off if Robyn's older kids had lots of childcare duties for the tenders too.

Bottom line is there is no reason Robyn can't care for her own two small kids. The older ones are far enough along that they don't need the level of caretaking that the small ones require. 

Robyn only seems to care about her own kids not babysitting or providing childcare for the tenders…. she had no problem with Mykelti and others doing it.

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3 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I get that but on the other hand, I get pissed whenever people have huge families and put the responsibility for the littles on the older kids. So it would piss me off if Robyn's older kids had lots of childcare duties for the tenders too.

Bottom line is there is no reason Robyn can't care for her own two small kids. The older ones are far enough along that they don't need the level of caretaking that the small ones require. 

Well, I don’t really expect Robyns  kids to give up their lives (if they actually have lives outside of Cody land, ) to take care of the two little ones, but we are talking about during Covid when everybody was stuck at home and I would think that there would be enough people to care for two young children. 

Christine managed to take care of her 6+ Janelles six and I didn’t hear a whole lot of whining about that. Of course, they are two very different people. Robin has figured out that she can sob and whine her way into getting anything she wants out of Cody.

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