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S14.E07: You Wreath What You Sow

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I have to laugh at so many comments on Sai's fugly and ill fitting denim dress. Every time I see it I chuckle as in 1971 at the age of 14 I bought a pair of jeans that were that colour of denim with similar white stitching. It didn't take me long to realize that they were actually pretty ugly, and stop wearing them. But then I wasn't an "influencer", so what did/do I know? 

Speaking of Sai, at Jenna's lash event she referred to Jenna as admirable, but pronounced it admire-able. Odd. 

My, Brynn's story of how her ex proposed was so touching. It meant so much to her that she doesn't even know the correct name of the song that was played. Nor the correct line in the song which is not "If I could walk 500 miles" but "I would walk 500 miles". It does however fit Brynn's shallowness as a person that she doesn't know the song. 

I think Erin was choked that Abe didn't shut Brynn down at the party. But at the wreath party, I think the last straw was Sai (I think it was) telling her that her party was boring. I think people like Erin live to be admired and envied, and the fact that the party did not accomplish either was a crushing blow. 

This season is really a disappointment. These women are beyond shallow (though I can still stand Jenna) and they aren't even bringing the house or clothing porn. I loved how most of the OG howives dressed, and even Sonja Morgan and her hanging price tags dressed better that what I have seen from most of these women. 


Edited by UsernameFatigue
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27 minutes ago, EtheltoTillie said:

Brynn is really some kind of grifter, I think.  Wow. 

Or combo grifter/escort maybe?   She is an influencer wannabe, if you look at her IG.


But now she has a RHONY salary, so there's that.

Given what we have seen from her on the show I am beyond confident that if the show is her primary source of income she will invest it wisely and start saving for a rainy day......

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6 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Fell asleep last night and catching up with it on peacock this morning 


10 minutes in and two things I love Jenna and


Ok even Erin’s husband while retelling how Bryan “hit” on him is laughing and saying it was funny… like if he knew she wasn’t serious then why bring it up so your wife can have a problem with it? 

Abe should not encourage Brynn ‘s unnecessary stupid banter.  His wife comes first.  He should tell Brynn to Zip it.

2 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

Abe should not encourage Brynn ‘s unnecessary stupid banter.  His wife comes first.  He should tell Brynn to Zip it.  It’s not funny .. in fact it’s cruel.


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43 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

Abe should not encourage Brynn ‘s unnecessary stupid banter.  His wife comes first.  He should tell Brynn to Zip it.


Counter point


He wasn’t putting his wife 2nd tho .. should he run to get her every time someone makes a joke to make sure she’s ok with it? Especially a friend with a LOOOONG history that this is normal banter with? Erin is fine with her calling him Abe the babe and joking about plan B .. she is clutching pearls to get back at her 109% 


now going forward if this continues I can be on her side and say oh she said don’t do this .. but in this instance NO she has no leg to stand on 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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I say this with much love and I'm saying it to myself too:  We will never ever get a HW show as good as those early season NYs.  We will never get a "even Louis Vuitton makes mistakes" ever again.  we will never get a "i'm up here and you're down here"  ever again.  They're gone and we must carry on without them. 

WtF was the wreath making craft fair in the storefront cheaply decorated diner/pop up/bar?  Our former NYC gals would have walked out of that hot mess of an "event"   Correct me if I"m wrong but didn't at one point Ramona straight out tell LEah "I don't go downtown".  Ahhhhh I long for the days of yore.


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1 hour ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I say this with much love and I'm saying it to myself too:  We will never ever get a HW show as good as those early season NYs.  We will never get a "even Louis Vuitton makes mistakes" ever again.  we will never get a "i'm up here and you're down here"  ever again.  They're gone and we must carry on without them. 

WtF was the wreath making craft fair in the storefront cheaply decorated diner/pop up/bar?  Our former NYC gals would have walked out of that hot mess of an "event"   Correct me if I"m wrong but didn't at one point Ramona straight out tell LEah "I don't go downtown".  Ahhhhh I long for the days of yore.


I doubt we will ever scrape past 2 or 3 pages of comments per episode here too 🙁.

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10 hours ago, EtheltoTillie said:

Geez, please explain just what that scene at the car dealership was.  Set up to explain Brynn's past engagement?  She didn't get married because she suddenly realized if she did she'd have to be someone's wife? 

They had to give her something to do.  They have exhausted her flirting with a married man and modeling a different fur coat wherever she went.

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3 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Counter point


He wasn’t putting his wife 2nd tho .. should he run to get her every time someone makes a joke to make sure she’s ok with it? Especially a friend with a LOOOONG history that this is normal banter with? Erin is fine with her calling him Abe the babe and joking about plan B .. she is clutching pearls to get back at her 109% 


now going forward if this continues I can be on her side and say oh she said don’t do this .. but in this instance NO she has no leg to stand on 

Once, twice is enough.  If it were reverse, I doubt Abe wouldn’t like it one bit.


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2 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I say this with much love and I'm saying it to myself too:  We will never ever get a HW show as good as those early season NYs.  We will never get a "even Louis Vuitton makes mistakes" ever again.  we will never get a "i'm up here and you're down here"  ever again.  They're gone and we must carry on without them. 

WtF was the wreath making craft fair in the storefront cheaply decorated diner/pop up/bar?  Our former NYC gals would have walked out of that hot mess of an "event"   Correct me if I"m wrong but didn't at one point Ramona straight out tell LEah "I don't go downtown".  Ahhhhh I long for the days of yore.


OMG .. that was the worst I’ve ever seen.  It was Kelly telling Bethenny in the restaurant, right?  I never could stand Kelly after that one.  When the first ny housewives said something, it was different.  This bunch just cannot pull it off.    Oh, I’m sorry .. the absolute worst I’ve seen was Dorinda belittling Tinsley.  Brutal.

Edited by kristen111
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This is the first time I’m coming to post with the new class. Boy, these women are insufferable and humorless! I see there are a lot of comments about Erin basically being a wet blanket, but I really don’t blame her for being over these bitches who are impossible to please. Out of all of them, she’s been the one to go most out of her way to “make it nice” by hosting them for an entire weekend in her home and having them at an elaborate party (albeit with a dozen sponsors). But all they do is complain that there’s not enough food, etc. Sure, she went into that wreath party guns-a-blazin, but she repeated to Brynn what she said, Brynn denied every phrase, and then the producers showed several clips of Brynn saying exactly that! Brynn was basically gaslighting her. At the very least, Brynn should have said, “I’m sorry, I was trying to be funny, but I can see why it can be construed as being in poor taste at your party.” I don’t think it was just that but the culmination of talking through speeches—and getting into it with her sister. And Sai leaving early after once again basically saying she’s a bad hostess and has no food. It’s crazy the way Sai keeps harping on food and the other one with the twins keeps harping on bad gifts.

I know earlier there was a rundown on their jobs, but i think it’s moreso their typecast “issues” that is in every episode:

Sai will Insult your food before even seeing what you’re serving and then continue to bring it up every time she sees you. oatmeal?! Really! The audacity!
Gordon Ramsay Fox GIF by Masterchef

Ubah seems to get a kick out of jumping on the lack of food jokes—and just jumping into everyone else’s issues, and then when she gets called out on it, suddenly doesn’t understand English.

English Mai Neva A Ciutat GIF by IB3
Jessel is very busy getting ready to be busy, and will not only look a gift horse in the mouth, but will continue to beat the dead horse.
beating a dead horse wtf GIF

Brynn is the consummate manic pixie dream girl, or whatever that phrase is—she’s cute and quirky and impossible to lock into a commitment—just ask her.
independent 500 days of summer GIF

Erin is the hostess with the leastess, according to the others, and is starting to show the signs of being gaslit, questioning the reality that the others seem to be living in. We’re slowly watching her unraveling.

Gaslight 1944 Thriller GIF

Jenna just always seems awkward and confused about how she even got there.

Confused High Quality GIF
She has a constant air of being too good to be around these people—and maybe she is! Yet she’s the only one to have the good graces to mostly keep that opinion to herself—unlike everyone else who cannot wait to point out someone else’s sub-par behavior.

Edited by JenE4
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3 minutes ago, Thumper said:

This is so minor, but since I live in a cold state (MN), I couldn’t figure out why Erin was walking around NYC wearing  her coat over her shoulders IN THE WINTER.  Wasn’t she cold?  I’m all about bundling up!  😁

NYC actually had a very mild winter (don't think they had a measurable snowfall all winter). They probably didn't really need those heavy winter coats. 

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Erin reminds me of an exhausting friend who was in my life way back in the mists of time that was my youth. Hypersensitive to everyone's behaviour, incredibly easily offended, took every joke personally, made an art form of huffing exits & plotted revenge for every imagined slight. I endured her for 10 yrs. Then didn't see her for 20. Turns out she was majorly  addicted to pills of all kinds but mainly opiates. She was married to a very wealthy man and kept up appearances in all respects except in the personality dept . She did 5 stints in rehab, divorced and  endured some horrible tragedies. And is a completely different person who now has a sense of humour, lets things slide, shines with kindness & has been my best friend for the last 10 years.

So perhaps Erin is dealing w some un-obvious psychological or chemical  burdens that make her behave like my friends earlier iteration. Benefit of the doubt & all.

Or she could just be humourless, petty, stunted, overly self important,  &   inherently unpleasant. 😁

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The scene with Ubah in her home where she says she needs something to eat and goes into the kitchen … were they actually filming her? Unmasked, with Covid?? I really hope she was somehow filming herself or it was a reshoot, because otherwise I feel terrible for whomever in production got that job. 

Erin is holding on to that apple HARD. Yikes. And it seems like her sister is grasping for an apple herself! Brynn can be annoying but she (and the other women) seemed genuinely confused as to how this suddenly became a Big Thing when Erin has laughed at similar jokes in the past. 

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I had hoped to like this show but my interest is dwindling each week.
Jessel doesn’t seem to like her twins all that much, why does she need a girl? For social media photos I’m guessing. She should check with her help before embarking on another IVF journey since they are the ones who will have to care for the kid.  I also don’t believe that her mom didn’t know about the IVF. She made this her story since simply being an asshole is not enough for a storyline these days.
Brynns becoming gross with her act. No wonder she has no family in her life. I doubt they were that awful it’s HER thats awful. She’s also looking kind of fug. Her faces don’t look natural. Gideon is a lucky man not to be saddled with that. 
Sai dresses like crap considering she is some big shot influencer. She looks like shit half the time. That blunt hairdo and the big forehead is not flattering together. 
Jenna’s the most interesting but she’s not enough to carry the show. How nice of her to bring gifts to those unappreciative assholes. 
Erin, the ladies didn’t ruin your party. Your party ruined your party as it sucked and nobody cares about a stupid vow ceremony and long dull speeches.

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I'd be pissed it someone joked with my husband about divorcing me AND getting with that person.  Yeah, yeah, she flirts with everyone, doesn't make it cool.  Erin did overreact though and was looking for a reason to be mad.  I wonder how close this was to Lizzy's exit?  Lizzy and Erin are real life friends.  It seemed like she was pissed in general and wanted a fight.  Sai looked ridiculously "influencer in the wild" walking into the wreath event.  Her looks don't look organic.  Jenna probably spends as much time as Sai curating her outfits, but the outcome is so different.  Jenna looks unique, comfortable and like she did try too hard.  Sai is the exact opposite.  And, why, does no one in this group know how to accept a gift?  It is so gross.  If Jessel just said thank you to the hideous green nightie she wouldn't have to watch a clip of her in it every show.

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11 hours ago, Aim123 said:

Right? I guess this is who they could come up with, out of the people dumb enough to say yes to it. There are far better....who wouldn't come toward Bravo with a ten foot pole😄

Yes.  They all are there to promote themselves.  So obvious.  Jenna is very nervous around the camera.  Brynn is promoting herself, and I cannot see her being a wife or mother.

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I've really been trying with Sai but I just can't with her. She's obnoxious and rude. The food thing is getting outrageous. She said herself she's pescatarian and doesn't eat meat. So she's already limited to what she can eat. So why doesn't she prepare for that? Like eating beforehand or checking ahead and asking "hey, will there be a veggie or fish option for me?" No, she'd rather show up and complain. It looked like there was a nice little spread at the wreath party. I'm pretty sure I saw salmon on one of the plates. Not good enough, she asks for oatmeal and then only eats fruit. Also, when she was retelling the story of Jenna's nickname, it sounded malicious to me. And then of course mocking Jenna about the gifts. The only thing that's likable about her is her husband.

Brynn with the constant flirting and making everything about sex🙄 she can't even work out like a normal person. 

Jessel is so tired from picking out Pavit's clothes! The exhaustion. 

Gideon, call me


Edited by MaggieG
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There was no other food at that party because production would have shown the spread every single time someone mentioned there was no food.  Those pigs in that blanket looked more like bugs in a sheet. And they had the torch to make it look gourmet. And Jessel especially would have called out the lie. There was no food and for an evening party that's more than 5 minutes long it's a no of the highest caliber. Erin provided 0 proof there was "plenty of food" Sai is annoying but I'm with her on this one.

Also I took an etiquette class a long time ago and of course its subjective but the first 2 party rules

1. Never bring a gift the host has to take care of such as flowers or plants

2. Just leave when you are ready to go. Do not disturb the host with your goodbye. A thank you I had a wonderful time text or phone call the next day is more appropriate. 

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Regarding the lack of food Stephanie from Real housewives of Dallas was interviewed recently and said that Bravo starves them and over serves them  alcohol for better drama. I’m guessing that at Erin’s party and Brynns wreath making, Bravo was in charge of the food.  I’m also guessing when they film at their homes, they may have more control of the food served there. It makes Erin and Sai arguing over food, pointless.  

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On 8/28/2023 at 10:11 AM, bosawks said:

Except with Ramona since she was part feral and therefore had a natural immunity.

Ramona remains my favorite of all time. I could watch hours of her runway walk and dancing clips on a loop.

I know she is horrible, but if she were to cook up one of Jessel's kids, I would ask if she wants hot sauce, have a glass of ice, a bowl of sliced lemons and limes, a glass of water, a glass of Pinot Grigio at the ready by her plate of fried toddler thigh.

On a side note. Gideon works for Mauricio at The Agency. He sells international real estate. His father was a high court judge in the UK. I think Brynn is friends with Pandora, Lisa Vanderpump's daughter.

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I have mixed feelings about the Brynn flirting, Abe, Erin situation.

Is Brynn trying to be the Sonya of the group? I think Brynn just flirts and says outrageous things - it's who she is. I don't think for one minute that she was serious in what she was saying to Abe.

Abe - he didn't look uncomfortable. He didn't stop her, he was laughing. He's also a little bitch, pot stirrer.

Erin - she seems to like to overreact and does appear to go at Brynn any chance she gets.

I don't mind the boring drama: Cheese-Gate, Caviar-On-A-Pringle-Gate, No-Food-Gate, How-Come-There's-No-Oatmeal-Gate. Next week - Sucky-Charcuterie-Board Gate.

I would have liked to see this interaction between, Erin, Abe, % Brynn


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17 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

NYC actually had a very mild winter (don't think they had a measurable snowfall all winter). They probably didn't really need those heavy winter coats. 

OMG, I love your avatar Salacious Kitty - used it in a post recently


You're right about the NYC snowfall - when we did get snow - it was gone within 3 days. At the wreath making event - I liked Brynn's coat - and she did look like the Grinch


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1 hour ago, Chatty Cake said:

Regarding the lack of food Stephanie from Real housewives of Dallas was interviewed recently and said that Bravo starves them and over serves them  alcohol for better drama. I’m guessing that at Erin’s party and Brynns wreath making, Bravo was in charge of the food.  I’m also guessing when they film at their homes, they may have more control of the food served there. It makes Erin and Sai arguing over food, pointless.  

I don't know if I necessarily believe this, entirely.  Maybe on RHOD they starved them, but if you watch RHONJ and RHOA, especially, they are almost always eating - whether it be at an event space, restaurant or at someone's home.  I can't vouch for recent seasons of RHOA, because I no longer watch, but RHONJ always has tons of food, unfortunately, most of which often goes uneaten.  I watched RHOD, but I don't remember too much about it, except all of the negative press, and the craziness that was Leeann Locken.

I do totally agree that the producers try to liquor up the women on all franchises, so they will be more animated, more aggressive, etc.  I think that is a big part of what is wrong with the Real Housewives now.  

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13 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

We have two non-drinkers on this cast. In the past, there might have been one (Luann stands out), but this cast seems pretty tame as far as booze is concerned. 

We also have Margaret on NJ, who doesn't like liquor because it gives her migraines. I think I've only seen her drink once.

Lala from Vanderpump Rules got really drunk her first 2 seasons. After seeing herself, she decided to stop drinking and has been sober on the show for the last 5 years. Now that cast drinks all the time, in every scene, and no one has ever forced her to drink.

As for food, Scheana Shay also from Vanderpump Rules, said that there is always food but they tend not to eat it and eat before or after filming. The reason is not because anyone is trying to lose weight or production won't allow them to eat, but because they learned that when they chew the mics pick up every tiny noise and you sound like Mr Ed going at his feed bucket.

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I read an article today that after the success of the New York reboot, there are rumors that Atlanta is next. 
Is this reboot a success? I thinks it’s okay at best.

I didn’t think Brynns flirting was that big a deal. I don’t find her amusing or cute but I also don’t think she’ was that serious about it. She did lie to Erin  though. She could have just said she was joking. 

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2 hours ago, snarts said:


Every time Sai complained about brown avocado the cameraman panned to it to show it was indeed green. She's bitching just to bitch.


Seems like both were true; it was a little brownish, but such is life with avocados. And she was bitching just to bitch. Also, what’s her point with the Jenna-sponsored gifts? I assumed that, as an influencer, she’d be better at being appreciative of free stuff. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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On 8/28/2023 at 10:44 AM, tranquilidade said:

I agree.  I think Brynn has put herself out there as looking for marriage but what she really is looking for is big money.  Most likely she decided Gideon didn't have enough and that's why she broke it off...if this is all true.   It looks like Erin and Abe both come from considerable wealth, the kind Brynn wants. I wouldn't trust her.    I also bet that Erin worries about divorce because this whole thing seems to have hit a nerve.  I get a strange vibe from Abe.

The house in Sag Harbor like a lot of homes there is in the woods not on the water.  I think they will flip this house for a profit and buy something else.  Brynn sounded like a mean-girl mentioning that it wasn't on the water.  I bet Erin planned that weekend to promote the house for when it goes on the market. 

I think the conflict with Brynn is rooted in the incident with Lily Savetsky.  Erin probably really wanted Lily on the show.   

Erin posted photos and video(s) of the Hamptons house on her IG at the time those episodes aired. I think she also wanted to promote her interior decoration business, not only her house which looked nice. 

And I agree that Brynn might want what Erin and Abe have, as in a relationship, and background (Abe's father is a doctor, and he is an attorney).

Edited by ZettaK
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20 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

OMG, I love your avatar Salacious Kitty - used it in a post recently


You're right about the NYC snowfall - when we did get snow - it was gone within 3 days. At the wreath making event - I liked Brynn's coat - and she did look like the Grinch


Here is the source of the cat with the nail file - it was an advert shown on TV here in the UK a few years ago, one of the best TV ads ever.



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